#necromancer!Ambrosius au
earako · 1 year
Eh, why not, nother short blurb of the necromancer!ambrosius au
Ballister remembered collapsing on the couch and stifiling his agonized cries in the dusty cushions.
He remembered desperately trying to stop thw bleeding from the stump where his arm used to be.
And although he was certain it was a hallucination brought on by blood loss he remembered Ambrosius coming back for him. Ambrosius cradling Ballister as if he were precious, as if he were still loved.
He rememberes rattlong breaths that barely filled his lungs as his consciousness drifted...drifted...drifted....
White, blinding hot agony ripped through Ballister. He opened his mouth to scream but no sound came out. He felt like his limbs should have twitched and flailed, but they remained still.
"More...it needs more!"
"You'll fucking fry him-"
"Do you want to be my assistant or not?!"
"Don't you fucking take that tone with me blondie-"
"Either you kill me so I can join him or you help me bring him back."
Voices. There were voices yelling-Ambrosius?
"Look I-this is a really stressful time, okay? His body can take it, please just....just a little more."
His Rosious was talking-again the searing torture stole all of Ballister's mental functions and call he could think of was hurthurthurthurthurthurthurthurt-
The scream remained trapped in Ballister's throat, why wasn't Ambrosius helping him? Was he angry? Was Ambrosius punishing Ballister-did he choose the institute over their love-
"Look! His eyes are opening!" Ballister didn't recognize that voice.
Who, what, where-
Ballister's vision swam as it finally focused in on Ambrosius haggard face.
Ballister wanted to apologize and punch his idiotic (ex?) lover and pull him into a kiss and demand he leave.
A blurb of pink hovered over Ambrosius shoulder-was that a child? What was a child doing here?
"....A recently deceased man, found himself wound in the land of living, again." Music. There was music coming from...from....from Ballister?
"...Bal?" Ballister, with great difficulty, finally moved his head to Ambrosius.
The blonde knight had bags that looked like bruises under his eyes, his hair was a mess and his hoodie looked like it hadn't been washed in days.
It was the complete opposite of the pure joy and adoration that lit up Ambrosius' face.
"...It worked...hah...hahhhaah! It woked! Good Gloreth it fucking worked!" While Ambrosius danced around and celebrated...Bal waking up apparently? The pink haired child could only stand in horror.
Specifcally at Ballister's...chest?
Ballister looked down.
He screamed.
But all that came out from the speaker in his chest was,
"Bound in a body, of gears and wheels but oddly, he has no voice and his steel joints, barely, can bend."
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earako · 1 year
Eh screw it, dolls is back in my head again
Get ready for a quick angst snippet
He found him.
He was in the forests near the outskirts of the city holed up in an old tower that was overgrown with vegetation. Vines scaled the walls, bushes peeked through cracks in the stone, and tall grass nearly hid the door that lead to the inside.
Where he was.
Where his love was.
His love lay, armour off, curled up on the couch as a scarlet trail steadily dripped from the stump where his arm used to be-where his arm should have been.
Where it would still be if Ambrosius...if he hadn't...
"Oh...Bal...." The Golden night fell to his knees, his armour scraping loudly against the floor.
He expected Ballister to jump up in surprise, to bolt off the couch and stare at Ambrosius, to yell, scream, something.
There was so much blood on the couch...
Ballisters eyes opened, a shallow breath escsaped his chest.
"Bal...Bal I-"
"Don't....hate...me..." Ballister sagged backwards, body tilting, eyes glazed over.
Ambrosius could only watch. He was frozen, ice in his skin, lead in his throat. His mind screamed at him to leap forward, to put his damned training to use and at least get a torniquet on Ballister-
Ballister was falling off of the couch.
Ambrosius' mind and body decided to finally sync up. He leapt forward and cradled Ballister to his chest, wincing as he hit his head on the table.
"Bal? Ballister?" His breathing was slow.
Too slow. Ambrosius desperstely ripped off his gauntlets and pressed his fingers against Ballister's neck searching for a pulse.
"Please....please please please-"
It was faint. Barely there.
Ballister....Ambrosius mind filled with static, eyes watering, his own lungs failing to draw in a breath-
Ballister. Ballister, Ballister, Ballister, Ballister.
Ballister smiling at him, Ballister singing to him, Ballister remembering to ask for nachos without olives because Ambrosius always forgot to-
The pulse fluttered for a few moments, then stopped. Fluttered then stopped.
Ambrosius pressed Ballister against his chest, eyes frantically scanning the tower for something anything-
He couldn't live in a world without Ballister. He refused to live in a world without Ballister.
On a quiet evening on the outskirts of town something inside of Ambrosius Goldenloin snapped. His thoughts were nothing but BallisterBallisterBallisterBallister-
He screamed. He screamed, cried, raged, begged and pleaded.
And then?
And then he vowed he would rip the very heavens apart if it meant having Ballister by his side again, Queen killing be damned.
Ambrosius laid Ballister gently back on the couch, butterfly pulse still beating weakly against the fingers lovingy placed on a cold neck.
Ambrosius would fix this. He took another glance around the tower.
There looked like what seemed to be an old lab
First, find a way to stabalize Ballister.
Bring him back.
Through any means possible
Gone was the institutes golden boy.
In his place?
A budding, but perhaps not entirely stable, necromancer.
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earako · 1 year
This'll be incredibly niche but brain wants to combine Nimona with The Dolls of New Albion
- In this au Ballister ends up bleeding out [or maybe just comes very close to dying, idk yet]
- Ambrosius comes across him and instant panic
- Something in Ambrosius just...breaks. He just scoops up Ballister and starts running
- Ends up at the abandoned tower, sets Ballister down, grieving him when something snaps
- Ambrosius had heard stories of necromancy...He couldn't live in a world without Ballister
- Maybe Nimona tries to help him but later on goes 'hang on this seemed funny at first but this is reaching unhinged levels not even I wanna touch'
- So now theres weird sorta necromancer Ambrosius with somewhat reluctant sidekick Nimona
- Wait ooo, if Ambrosius is a necromancer he could try to revive the queen
And I have no idea where it goes from there-
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earako · 1 year
*looking at Nimona stuff*
*deep sigh*
Am I really planning Ambrosius angst??? Really???
Brain wasn't the necromancer!Ambrosius au enough???
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