#this is definitely part a porsche defence as well
Talking about Porchay because nobody else is
Look, I love Kinnporsche with all my heart but.
I absolutely will not believe the fact that Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat, the younger brother of Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, who was almost made the national Martial Arts champion, both of who had to suffer through god knows how many loan sharks due to their piece of shit uncle, does not know how to defend himself in a fight.
I will never believe that Porsche would let his precious brother walk around in broad daylight when he doesn’t even know basic self defence. It just does not make sense. Sure, he does not need to be a master in it or anything, but he at least should know how to get away when cornered or in trouble. 
And honestly I was so disappointed that we never saw him getting the full spotlight he deserved. We saw Kim in action, but how could Porchay not realise anything that was going on behind him? when he had to live cautiously his whole life?
Maybe I’m just being a bit delusional, but I refuse to let anyone walk over Porchay like that. He’s a smart kid. Trusting, maybe but definitely not naive or innocent, not when he has seen his brother come home at odd hours with bruises and bloodied knuckles. 
So yeah, I’m a bit frustrated with the series and a part of the fandom for treating Porchay like some fragile piece of glass that might break any minute. For fuck’s sake, he already had his teenage rebellion phase as well. And I’m pretty sure he also saw all those dead bodies in Yok’s bar.
That’s the one thing I both love and hate Kim for. Porsche seems hellbent on not letting Porchay get the full picture of the mafia, shielding him from almost anything and keeping him in the dark, which, to be frank, will only get him killed. He needs to see the full extent of what his brother is in and how he will now also be a part of it. And how if he joins, there is no going back. 
What Porchay needs now is not coddling not half-assed truths but the entire picture. And some self defence training and also how to use a gun. Otherwise, he won’t survive long, even Kim can only do so much. Porchay would never break apart his Hia from Kinn, no matter how much he may wish to. But being kept in the mansion like a statue will drive him towards resentment at both Porsche, for keeping him here and at Kinn, for keeping Porsche here. 
Also a therapist, if possible. 
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kissporsche · 2 years
Let's try and unravel this
Why fake his death? To force the minor family into acting. Korn knows there will be losses but doesn't care. If he pushes Kan into attacking then he has the perfect excuse to reveal that Namphueng is still alive in front of everyone and most importantly control the narrative. Then he can kill Kan, the traitor, before he is contradicted. Keep everyone in a state of emotional imbalance so they believe what you're saying. Kill anyone that might dispute it.
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This THIS is the mystery for season 2. What was Kan about to reveal that Korn couldn't allow Kinn and Porsche to know? I have lots of speculations.
Then Korn has dealt with the traitor and shows mercy to his son as proof that all of this has been for the sake of his family: his foster sister, his sons, his nephews.
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There's no doubting that removing Vegas and making Porsche the head of the minor family was Korn setting up his chessboard how he wanted from the beginning. It was risky after Kan told his version of events but Porsche's memories are so scrambled, like Thee said it's easy to convince him he saw something different to what he did. We see throughout the episode different versions of the memory/flashback, but history is written by the victor.
("It's your fault for knowing too much" is implied to be the real memory, which only appears in the version where Korn is the shooter. Because that version was Kan telling the story it's unclear how much Porsche can really put this together.)
Korn now holds all the cards against Porsche. He has his mother, he no doubt knows where Chay is, he has Kinn's loyalty and he's the only one alive apart from Namphueng who can give him answers. Porsche has no choice but to accept. And while I don't want to speculate too much (lol)
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Porsche still does not define himself as a mafia leader or as loyal to either family. I think Porsche knows he's being manipulated. He broke away from the main family once to find answers, but he can't risk doing it again when Korn holds so much against him. Korn has what he wants: a united family ALL under his control but I think he's underestimated Porsche. He won't stop looking for answers.
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Whatever Korn's secrets, Namphueng also knows. She is the lynchpin in all this that could send Korn tumbling.
Oh and as a bonus:
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What did Korn and Kim talk about last episode.
I think Korn told him he was going to fake his death, and that's what this look between him and Chan means. Our Kimothy is notoriously hard to read, but I think he feels exceptionally guilty about putting his brothers through this grief. Why tell Kim his plan? Again, control the narrative. Kim was getting too close to something and whatever Korn said to him in this conversation either convinced him or threatened him back on side.
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