#this is for accountability but also for my fellox flexin lesbians of tumblr dot com
liesmyth · 11 months
Jockposting :) Lifting progress under the cut 💪
the tldr is that i a couple of months I put 20kg on my deadlift, 15kg on my squat, and I am SO close to benching 35kg for reps I can taste it. If I was in a frame of mind to optimise for recovery and nutrition I'd be unstoppable but as it is I'm just really feelin' myself
I'm on week 9 of GZCLP, a reddit-bro sorta program that's IME extremely effective. Once again, I maintain that reddit is phenomenal for solid fitness knowledge
It's a linear progression program, meaning that you increase the weight on the bar week by week, and it's ideal for novices who're still in the "beginner's gain" stage of weightlifting. It's also great if you're returning to structured programming lifting after a break (me!) but I probably won't keep at it after the first 12-week cycle is over, there's only so much linear increase I can aspire to.
Programming: GZCLP is 4x week, built around big compound lifts in the "strength" range (low reps, higher weights). They're complemented by a medium-rage amount of reps of a different compound lift than the one you're practising that day. So basically, you do big lifts twice a week, but at a different weight/range (called Tier 1 and Tier 2 to tell them apart). Every session also includes isolation exercises in the hypertrophy range, starting at 3x15+.
Jargon: that + symbol means that the last set is meant to be "as many reps as possible" or AMRAP. So if I'm doing 3x5+ squats, I'd do 5 reps for my first and second set, then try to aim for 6 or 7 in my last set.
Progression: You add weight every week to each compound lift; if you fail, the rep scheme changes keeping the volume the same.
T1 (main lifts) go from 3x5+ >>> 4x4+ >>> 5x3+
T2 (medium range reps for compound lifts) start at 3x10 >>> 3x8 >>> 3x6
T3 (back work and accessories) are 3x15+, only progressing when the AMRAP set gets to 25.
The T2 lifts especially are brutal. Because they go up every week but the amount of volume is A Lot. Doing sets of 10 reps with heavy-ish squats or deadlifts is extremely demanding.
Sessions! Basically, each week looks like this
Day 1: Squats (T1) + Bench press (T2) + Back work and leg accessories (T3)
Day 2: Overhead barbell press (T1) + Deadlift (T2) + Back work and upper body accessories (T3)
Day 3: Bench press (T1) + Squats (T2) + Back Work and upper body and core accessories (T3)
Day 4: Deadlift (T1) + Overhead bar press (T2) + Hip thrusts (T2) + Back work and core accessories (T3)
I start every session with dynamic stretching AND core engagement exercises (deadbug, planks, renegade row, suitcase carries) and usually end with an abs + kettlebell swing circuit. KB swings are SUPER FUN, btw. I do them every minute on the minute with a timer, starting with 5 swings then working my way up to 12-15 reps on the minute before I go up in weight. Currently I'm using a20kg (44 lbs) kettlebell.
💪 Weight on the bar! ✨
The whole point of this post was to blather about my lifting numbers so here we go. I started 9 weeks ago a bit conservatively, which imo is better than starting too heavy and going up too fast. I've failed every lift except squats, and that's only because I'm not consistently breaking parallel like I want to — a goal for my next training cycle is to work on lower body flexibility, go lighter on squats and with better form. This cycle is mainly to get more weight on that bar.
T1: 37.5kg >>> 52.5kg (116 lbs) for 3 sets of 5 reps
T2: 32.5kg to 43.5kg (96lbs) for sets of 10 reps
Overhead press
I failed multiple times here! Why is it so hard to build stronk shoulders, I ask you
T1: 17kg to 22.5kg (50 lbs) for 4 sets of 4 reps
T2: 12kg to 18kg (40 lbs) for sets of 6 reps
Bench Press
Veeeery proud of how this one is going
T1: 25kg to 33.5kg (74 lbs) for 5 sets of 3 reps
T2: 20 kg to 30kg (66 lbs) for 3 sets of 8 reps. Veeery proud of my progress on this one.
Bit frustrated because DLs used to be my strongest lift and I feel like I should be further ahead but that posterior chain needs nurturing
T1: 43kg to 62.5 (134 lbs) for 5 sets of 3 reps
T2: 33kg to 53.5 (118) for 3 sets of 10 reps
What's next?
3 more weeks of GZCLP then we shall see! I'm thinking an intermediate bench program + less volume on lower-body lifts, especially since I'm going to get more serious about half marathon training next month.
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