#this is just a funny little observation i have after having involuntarily consumed a lot of tntduo content
helpicant-stop · 2 years
theres a certain genre of romantic c!tntduo thats just written like. they get into a relationship and suddenly they are no longer more unstable than the shelves handy manny fixes every week they are hallmark movie characters and it is very,
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taeguboi · 4 years
BTS Crush On You: Truth or Dare [Suga version]
Crush On You: RM // Jin // J-Hope // Jimin // V // Jungkook
Care Package To You: RM // Jin // J-Hope // Jimin // V //  Jungkook
New Fiction Masterlist here
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This boy be making me feel things lately damn... aaaaaanyone want some yoongi x reader smut?
The initial scenario
Tonight had been planned for ages. You, all your girl friends and the boys. Everyone had been so busy lately with their heavy schedules of work, studying, the lot and everyone agreed that on the next night they were all available, you’d have a sleepover at one of your friend’s shared student houses (which was to be free with it being the holidays,) just like old times and to take time out from your young adult lives.
For some reason, you were never too old to be playing the classic game of truth or dare. In the spacious living room, already in your pyjamas, the group of you sat in a wide circle, some on the floor, some on the sofa, and sleeping bags were scattered everywhere. Many drinks had been consumed and now a space in the middle had been cleared for one of your empty bottles.
One of your friends spins the bottle and you all watch to see who it chooses….
a/n: okay I began the others by doing ‘y/f/n’ to indicate a friend but then since it’s a mixed sleepover, I wanted to mention more girls but it seemed a massive faff about to do y/1/f/n, y/2/f/n and so on... so you can imagine it as your own real friends if you wish but for the purpose of this, I’m doing given names to the girls in the group (tried my best to do mixed / ambiguous names in terms of origin, nationality, etc) Hyejin, (who I guess is the student host?) Jennie, Hannah and Sally 
“Go on then, give me a dare” Yoongi tells you all, pretty laid back as he takes a sip from his beer bottle and leans his head against the arm of the sofa he sits in front of.
Everyone has a little think about what they want to get your friend to do... Yoongi was always so laid back and it was always fun to get him to do something a bit daft or outside of his usual personality.
Namjoon has already been scrolling down his phone for ideas to keep the game rolling just in case anyone struggles for ideas and after about 5 whole seconds of silence, he reads out -
“Name 5 body parts at random...”
“What? How is this a dare?” enquires Yoongi even though he doesn’t bother to wait for an answer; a dare is a dare after all. “Eh nevermind... uh, 5 you say?”
Namjoon nods “Yes”
“Alright uh... stomach - because I’m hungry - uh... knee,” he continues literally just naming the first thing he saw when he gazed down, “forehead,” he decides as he places his palm on his head to lean on his elbow, “mouth, and.... ears?”
“Right!” says Hyejin taking the phone off Namjoon after looking over his shoulder all this time.
“Hey!” protests Namjoon, a bit annoyed his phone has been snatched out of his hand, but Hyejin ignores him.
“It also says...” she continues, scrolling the page on Namjoon’s phone “...the person to your right has to kiss those parts but I think we can make it a lot more tense with the bottle again” she smirks.
“Oh yeah, really intense, full of adrenaline that” you sarcastically chime in.
“Oh shush, you know what I meant y/n” your friend snaps back then spinning the bottle around on the floor.
The bottle comes to a halt and points in your direction.
“Well thank fuck he didn’t say the feet” you laugh, causing the rest of the group to chuckle as you stand up from the opposite side of the circle and head towards Yoongi.
Yoongi does his best to hide his smile at the choice the bottle made. If he had to choose who he’d prefer to do this, it would be you. Well, maybe he’d trust Joon but he always thinks maybe Joon would be too uncomfortable with it and it would be more cringey than funny... or hot.
But Yoongi tries not to indulge in any romantic or even inappropriate thoughts about you as he watches his crush... he means... his friend walk over.
“So it was: stomach, ears, forehead...” you begin to list only to be interrupted.
“Lips!” booms Hyejin excitedly.
“It was mouth actually” Yoongi corrects.
“In this situation, same thing” she argues with a shrug.
“What was the other one?” you ask everybody.
“Wasn’t it like the knee?” chuckles Jimin.
“I guess I’ll do that one first” you laugh, trying to plan out what order you shall kiss these parts of Yoongi. Probably best to get the awkward ones out of the way first you figure.
You bring yourself to your knees to face Yoongi and be on his level and you each give an amused smile at one another as you head bobs down to give him a peck on his knee.
“‘Might as well just work my way up” you say and out loud for no apparent reason.
Yoongi rests his knees down and stretches them out around you to allow you to lift his pyjama shirt and kiss his stomach. It tickles him a bit but he is successful in not giggling at the sensation. He reckons he could get used to this he tells himself in his mind as he observes how gentle and soft your lips are against his skin.
However, he involuntarily lets out a small sound of surprise as you go straight for the ear as your breath hits his ear a little and Jungkook, Jimin and Jennie chuckle gently as the few sat nearby and able to hear it.
You apologise for making Yoongi jump and you move on to what he assumed was going to be the forehead. From keeping his outwardly cool appearance despite feeling quite happy that you were kissing him, Yoongi was barely prepared for the sensation of you lips pressing against his, the only indication being your hand cupping his face.
“Mmh!” Yoongi exclaims in a mumbled way as he takes a moment to properly react to what is going on here.
“Careful y/n!” laughs Hoseok. “You don’t want to suffocate our Yoongi now, huh?”
Neither you nor Yoongi answer that as Yoongi relaxes himself into the kiss, his hands hovering over your waist. It was always fun having these silly and yes quite juvenile dares since you had all acquired these new busier adult lives because there was hardly time to get involved with anyone romantically or do a few random things and mess around.
Neither of you realise how long this kiss seems to be going on from an outsider point of view until Hyejin speaks up.
“Come on guys! Don’t milk it!” she booms with an amused laugh, causing the two of you to pull it apart.
“Yeah guys! Anyone would think you’re really into each other...” challenges Seokjin.
‘If only you knew...’ thinks Yoongi to himself as you stand up again leaving him wanting more...
“Ahem” coughs Yoongi, clearing his throat as he remembers there was one thing you forgot.
“Oh yeah” you hum, crouching down in front of him to place a kiss on his forehead and for a small moment, you see this relaxed smile on his face.
“Let’s see who’s next!” you exclaim, spinning the bottle in the middle of the room...
It’s now the early hours of the morning and the dim light of a nearby lamppost on the street and a small lamp on a shelf are all that light the living room.
A small handful of your friends conked out early. Of course Hoseok called Namjoon a lightweight as the latter let out a yawn and asked Hyejin if there was possibly a room free to crash in so that the rest of you didn’t have to worry about volume. Jennie was the unfortunate one who had to be at work for 9 so she had an early night too and took one of the other unlocked rooms.
You had decided to stick to the sleeping bag in the living room and simply ‘upgraded’ to one of the couches when Hoseok, Seokjin, Hannah and Sally cleared it to also sleep elsewhere... well you took the couch that didn’t still have Jimin, Taehyung and Hyejin passed out for the night... ‘Man they drank too much,’ you thought to yourself as you glanced over at them before dozing off.
This left only two of the boys awake in the room; Yoongi and Jungkook, both restless but for different reasons. Jungkook was just always like this at most times of the day or night, but Yoongi? He was still sat in his same spot finishing his last beer of the night thinking about you in the back of his mind as he and Jungkook were in conversation.
He kind of wished you could be the only other one awake instead of Jungkook - no offence of course, he would have thought this about anyone... but then again, he’s Yoongi Min, right? Cool, laid back Yoongi wouldn’t be allowing himself to be openly soppy with a girl so even if you were awake, he’d probably never mention the events from earlier on his mind.
“Hyung?” asks Jungkook noticing Yoongi’s eyes are a bit heavier and sleepier than a few minutes ago. “Are you tired? I’ll stop talking and let you sleep...”
“No, no, no - nahh” replies Yoongi, sitting up more from the slouched position he had sunken into causing the sofa you were sleeping on make a small movement, stirring you - but no one noticed.
Yoongi finished the last sip of beer and placed it alongside all the other empty cans and bottles and glasses on the coffee table which had been shoved out of the way and in front of the tv.
“Why didn’t you pick any truth’s tonight hyung?” asks Kook.
Yoongi gives Jungkook a confused expression. “What sort of question is that?”
“I dunno, I just... noticed. Well, I just realised” shrugs the younger.
‘What goes on in that brain...?’ wonders Yoongi.
“Uh, I dunno why not. Guess I just felt like... making a twat of myself tonight, I dunno” the elder shrugs back.
“Another round?” asks Jungkook.
“Oh god, no thanks, I’m done with drinking for tonight” Yoongi politely declines as he watches Jungkook pick up a bottle.
“No hyung, this one’s empty” Jungkook explains. “I meant since it’s too late to be waking up anyone with dares, we could continue the game but just truths”
“What’s the point in the bottle Kook?” questions Yoongi. “‘Might as well just take it in turns, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, true... maybe I am a tad tired” sighs Jungkook sitting back down in front of his friend.
This round of truths just turns into a sort of deep conversation really as the two talk about life, their worries, their families... and then it lead to how fun tonight was in comparison to how life had been for everyone lately, and Jungkook for not really any reason was kind of curious about one of Yoongi’s dares earlier.
“I wish someone had given me a dare that involved a kiss” pouts Jungkook half joking, referring to you kissing Yoongi.
“See, I said I’d take a dare, but technically it was y/n who did a dare on my turn” hums Yoongi, trying to swerve the younger away from asking any awkward questions
“I hadn’t really thought of it like that, huh” replies Jungkook in thought but soon snapping out of it “But, hey! Quit stalling hyung!” he exclaims a bit too loudly, making Yoongi hush him.
“Jungkook! You’ll wake up y/n!” he mutters through gritted teeth.
“Only y/n?” questions Jungkook. “What about the others too? I could have woken them...”
“Y/n didn’t drink an entire brewery” Yoongi explains.
“True...” agrees Jungkook, now feeling keen to ask this: “What was it like hyung? Is y/n a good kisser? I can’t help but feel curious!” he beams.
“Eh, it was alright” lies the elder casually.
“Just alright? Who’ve you been kissing recently then hyung for that to only be ‘alright’?!”
“Okay, fine then. It was... nice”
“Just ‘nice’?” pushes Jungkook. “Seriously hyung, I can never get a proper answer from you. I think you’re lying.”
“Why would I lie? It wasn’t bad, that’s what I said isn’t it?”
With an exasperated sigh, Jungkook brings himself to his feet. “I’m off to bed then; see you in the morning, hyung”
And with that, Jungkook disappears upstairs assumingly to find an empty unlocked room to crash in.
Yoongi sighs as he is left alone to be awake and with his thoughts.
“It was fucking amazing” he whispers in another breath to himself, tucking himself into his sleeping bag and hoping he might fall asleep now.
What he didn’t know was... he wasn’t the only one awake in that room.
Crush On You: RM // Jin // J-Hope // Jimin // V // Jungkook
Care Package To You: RM // Jin // J-Hope // Jimin // V //  Jungkook
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chalabrun · 6 years
hell hunted, ch. 1
Word Count: 1,446 Pairing: Nyxnoct Rating: M Warnings: Violence, character death Summary: In a world where the monsters of Hollywood really were based on true stories, it's up to Nyx Ulric, an army veteran, and Noctis Lucis Caelum, a hellish prince with supernatural powers, to make sure those stories stay fiction.
12 years ago, New England
It was difficult to describe the summer heat. At night, after the rain, the thick congestion of earthy scents and metallic rain stuffed the senses and blinded them as much as a night sky blank of stars but profuse with light pollution from the nearby city did. Spindly trees and the thick tapestry of leaves created a feeling that could only be described as claustrophobic, even the unusually bright moon unable to penetrate through. The wind was thick with humidity, perspiration sticking to his skin like the rain that had fallen just that morning. It wasn’t a night to be out alone.
“Selena? Hey, this isn’t funny! Where the hell are you?”
Nyx paused when he felt something glare down his back. Even after his years spent at West Point, it couldn’t prepare him for this.
From behind a tree did a crooked, ostentatiously tall silhouette emerge. Squinting, Nyx could barely make out a featureless, white face, elongated limbs, and the black suit the specter was purported to wear. Hunting with his father in the past hadn’t primed him for this, even as Nyx’s breath slowed involuntarily.
It was like something was constricting his throat, stealing his breath and transforming it into mist.
He was completely motionless as it leaned over a human-shaped shadow nearby, Nyx’s attentions transfixed into staring at it whilst the phantom curled spindly digits around the shape and it unfolded into a feminine, dead weight. Skulking towards Nyx, soundlessly did it move through the underbrush smooth as water while the body swayed in tandem.
The looming specter took pause, a heavy dread mounting as he found it more difficult to breathe. Nyx’s blood curdled in his veins and he felt frozen in place, unable to get his legs to cooperate when fear burned white-hot in his veins, white noise consuming his thoughts the moment this being locked its fathomless blank gaze with his. It were as though he were being dragged into a vortex, unable to even breathe as his heartbeat slowed to some distant, blurry murmur in his chest.
The world was melting away as a sublime fear dragged him into the abyss.
A streak of cobalt and crimson and acrid smoke interrupted his dire rapture, snapping out of it as the Slenderman unleashed an unholy caterwaul that caused Nyx to clutch his ears and stagger to the ground from its piercing pitch rending his mind. Barely able to work an eye open, he watched, dumbfounded, as something darker than black with raging scarlet eyes tore a blade into the cryptid, lengthening digits countering another blow before its brackish blood could strafe the ground again.
The new contender warped a distance away, only to return and arc its blade to cleave at its legs and stagger the beast.
Nyx stared on, until he realized the new appearance’s presence had warped towards him. Unable to conceive of what was happening, he was hefted over the other’s shoulder and they disappeared in a streak of blue and red and acrid smoke, slipping into unconsciousness from the sheer overwhelm of what had just transpired.
12 years later, present, NYC
“Wake up, princess. It’s go time.”
A petulant groan sounded beneath the thin sheets of Nyx’s bed, he having just emerged from the shower clad in a towel and moisture still clinging to his skin. A toothbrush stuck from his lips, quirking a brow as the one beneath pulled them tighter over his head. The other just smiled wryly at this, taking a corner of the sheets and yanking them back in a flourish. The occupant beneath reflexively curled into a tighter fetal position, growling something unintelligible.
“C’mon, Noct. Just because it’s Saturday doesn’t mean you get a day off,” Nyx reminded him merrily, returning to the bathroom to finish up with his teeth.
It was funny how things played out. As Nyx used his electric trimmer to tame the unevenness in his undercut, avoiding the cascade of it that ran the nape of his neck, he let himself be busied by this.
Normally, after encountering another supernatural being that saved your hide from something more horrific, you didn’t hit it off with what revealed to be an insanely good-looking guy. Especially with red eyes that just barely looked a ruddy brown when his powers weren’t invoked. And you didn’t date them on-and-off for the better part of a decade in between tours of duty in the Air Force, either. Especially considering their youthful immortality.
What could he say? He liked Noctis. A savory little morsel from hell itself.
“Hey, spawn of Satan; what do you want for breakfast?” Nyx called over the vibrato of his trimmer, scrutinizing his appearance closely that he wouldn’t mess up. He had to be careful, after all.
The younger-looking man of the hour leaned against the threshold of their shared, small bathroom. Living in a teensy studio apartment in the Bronx wasn’t always what it cracked up to be, considering New York’s repute for glitz and glamour. But, sometimes it was the best an army vet could get.
Noctis looked pretty cute in the morning, in a dopey way. The shorter man blinked owlishly and reached for his comb, dousing it under the sink and running it through his spiky black hair. “Dunno,” he answered unhelpfully after a long beat, grooming himself slowly.
Nyx smiled as he cupped Noctis’ jaw and tilted him by his chin for a kiss, moving to the nape of his neck and pulling him closer until their bodies were flush together. Noctis shivered when the kiss deepened, halting his grooming as he was entranced by the dexterity of the other’s tongue. “What about breakfast?” Noctis queried in a voice still husky with sleep, shivering pleasantly as it was interrupted by a kiss that descended his neck. He arched into Nyx, stifling a moan.
“Don’t have to worry about it right away,” Nyx said as he laughed breathlessly, elated by Noctis’ response. His fingers dug into Noctis’ hair and pulled his head back, exposing his throat.
“Um, you’re getting hard—” came Noctis’ flustered observation, Nyx snorting. It was easy to forget that it took a lot more to get someone as old as his boyfriend riled up. Right now, he was too absorbed by Noctis’ creamy neck, laving his tongue, wanting to mark it up with a profusion of hickeys—
“Nyx, hey,” Noctis placated as he pushed Nyx away enough that he could duck away, coughing into his hand. “I’ll make pancakes. It’s been awhile, right?”
Nyx sighed in disappointment. Could Noctis really blame him? It’d been almost a year since they’d seen each other last, and he’d missed the guy. Maybe something was bugging him. “Hey, Noct—you alright?”
Just as Noctis was heading towards the little kitchenette, he paused. The younger’s head drooped a little, glancing partially over his shoulder. “Nyx, it’s back,” he said enigmatically, but he knew exactly what Noctis meant.
Exiting the bathroom, Nyx’s brows furrowed, troubled. “…Why now? It’s been twelve years. Why is it back?”
Noctis leaned against the stove, folding his arms. “I don’t know. All I know is that it’s back, and it’s in the city. Probably Central Park, what with how many kids go there.” He looked troubled, as grim as Nyx felt.
Having just gotten back from his tour of duty a few months ago, the way his heart hammered in his throat felt like he was about to be deployed all over again. Yet, the thought of returning to the frontlines seemed so much less daunting than this. When the enemy was another person, you already knew them. You knew they were a person with everything in common but your culture and upbringing. But, you were both people. You were the other guy. It wasn’t like that with the supernatural. They weren’t the other guy. They were the Other.
“It’s not gonna be like last time, is it?”
Noctis shook his head, sighing. “No, it’s not. Last time…I was saving you, Nyx. I distracted it, yeah, but it’s not the same as actually defeating it. It’s not like anything I’ve faced before. …I wonder if I’m even ready.”
Nyx nodded solemnly. “Ready or not, if we don’t do anything, a lot of kids are going to get hurt. Probably more than last time.”
Noctis turned towards the stove, bracing his hands on its corners. “This won’t just be a battle, Nyx. We do this, we’re gonna have to go to war.”
Behind him, Nyx began pulling on his boxer shorts and jeans, staring ahead numbly. “Ready or not, here we come.”
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