#this is mostly about the -니
relto · 1 year
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actually what IS up with this tone. the only other people he addresses like this are the kids.
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haedalkoo · 11 days
Hi Ela 💕,
I have a question for you regarding AYS episode 7 .
I'm a bit confused about Jimin telling Jungkook he did snowboard with his friends (without him).
But he said " my friends" or "your friends" ?
I can't hear it properly tbh (I'm not currently studying Korean and my listening comprehension skills are zero) and the subs said "your friends" ,so I'm curious about your opinion.
Judging Jungkook's reaction,either way it's pretty funny XD lol .
Hi!! I had to go back a couple of times on that scene because I was really surprised by him saying "your friends" but I clearly heard Jimin say "니". 니 is an informal possesive pronoun that's a conjuction of 너 (you) and the possesive particle 의. (Possesive pronouns in spoken korean are mostly used as combined forms of "me/you + 의" in their formal and informal forms (제, 내, etc.), you'll rarely hear 너의 in a conversation)
So, yep. "I went with your friend(s)" I can't tell you 100% if he meant friends as in, any friend of jk, or specifically one of the 97 liners (to me this would make more sense as in why he said 'your friends'? i feel like if it were a random friend he would've said their name.) Whatever he meant tho, JK's reaction is hilarious and it expresses everyone's confusion so well LOL
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froggrean · 2 years
i have a theory between the two songs 'siren' by Taeyeon (2022) and Sunmi (2018).
Siren (by Taeyeon) is the prequel to Siren (by Sunmi).
same title
alarm sound (mostly) at the end of Siren and at the beginning and during Siren: continuity
mentions of the danger of the Siren (in both songs/both are dangerous) but Siren is warning about it, while it's too late already in Siren
while Siren is saying she won't (can't) let go while they're 'both' hurting, Siren is warning to let go because she will only get 'him' ('Boy') hurt
'잔인한 fantasy 널 구원할 듯 해치는' (A cruel fantasy that harms you as if it will save you) in Siren and '니 환상에 아름다운 나는 없어' (There is no beautiful me in your fantasy) in Siren
more stuff the lyrics but not precisely actually, but as a whole and i already wrote a lot so i'm not gonna post the whole lyrics of both songs, or at least not here and rn but if you want check and compare
in Siren 's mv, we can see that the siren is the danger. she's like a coping mechanism so she won't get hurt when love is here again, like before: in Siren(?) (which doesn't have a mv so i can't compare it-)
at the beginning of Siren, both the adlibs and the choreo conveys a sense of calling / 'I can hear the siren' in Siren: the call of the one she will (be forced to) become in the future, because of the pain (Siren's calling/a siren)
PS: this theory was approved by a (non-kpop fan) irl friend
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sgnlara · 5 years
          why me? it’s a question she’s been asking on and off her entire freshman year. but she doesn’t think it’s applied as significantly as it does now that she has the attention of the bok seungah. what does one even do to get her attention? to be offered an opportunity to be taken in as a follower, a lackey   —   most of all, she doesn’t know why she’s interested in it. but who wouldn’t want to bloom, to fly, with the guidance of the school’s queen bee? who wouldn’t want this? and it’s that question that has lara stuck, that lara is asking herself each time she catches herself thinking this isn’t her because she has no idea who she is. 
          even her own sister calls her by the name of a fictional character. even her own sister, a whole seven years younger, tells her there’s no way she shouldn’t be excited to spend time with bok seungah. her sister, who’s too young to be saying certain things to lara, thinks seungah is right    —   “ your instagram game is sad, lara. i’m twelve and i have more followers than you. ” she can only glare because she swears jihye is saying it to ( 1 ) annoy her but ( 2 ) make yet another parallel to the movie she’s tired of hearing about no matter how much she loves it too. 
          truthfully, she wants to be grateful to seungah because . . . who else is willing to take her in, to offer to guide her, and she feels sad for wishing her mother was around to do it instead. so, for now, she waits for seungah to arrive, gaze falling on the coffee she’s brought along and hoping it stays in pristine condition to gain seungah’s approval, looking at her instagram feed with a curl of her lips. is it really that sad if she mostly posts food and birthday posts? 
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milkcocoahkorean · 6 years
hi, how can we know whether we should conjugate the verb into its plain form or into formal/informal form?
Hi, that’s a tough question. I think you’re talking about switching between speech levels, and it’s really complicated subject. But, I’m going to give a rather simple “easy” guide for navigating these forms in general. And, later, I plan on breaking it down much more in a separate post!
Well, Korean has two main divisions of speech which are 존댓말 (formal polite ㅂ/습니다 —> 합니다 or formal 아/어요 —> 해요) and 반말 (informal 아/어 —> 해 or plain form in speech ㄴ/는다 —> 한다).
1. Now, right away I can tell you that you’ll use the “formal polite” ㅂ/습니다 the least. So, don’t worry too much. You’ll see it in set phrases like “잘 먹겠습니다” or “감사합니다.” And you’ll often use this level while giving presentations or speeches in classes or at events.
2. Now, “formal” 어/아요 will be used the most. It should be your default language for whenever you meet someone for the first time, and you might continue to use it forever with them. Now, many people hear that you can use 반말 with people who are younger or the same age, but still people tend to use 어/아요 when they first meet because it’s just polite to do so. 
3. Now, once you get to know someone, and you’re the same age or a similar age, that person might say “let’s speak casually (in 반말)” or “you can speak casually (in 반말) to me.” But this is tricky, as all relationships are unique. Now, the cultural rules about switching to 반말 can be complicated, and if you do it inappropriately, you can look quite rude. Some people will forgive you and say “it’s okay because you’re a foreigner,” but that’s not good in my opinion. 
So how do you know? You ask. Or wait for the other person to ask you. The question is normally asked by the older person. If you’re the same age (born in the same year) either one of you can probably ask. 
Even if you’re the same age or they are older, not everyone wants to use 반말.  It’s a really complicated social construct, so it’s not as simple as “informal” speech or “you use 반말 with those younger than you.” It’s just not that simple. I suggest waiting for the other person to ask, and then you can never go wrong.
Here are some common phrases that people use to transition into 반말.
    편하게 말해셔도 돼요. You may speak comfortably with me.
    말을 놓으셔도 돼요. You may “lower” your speech (level).
    편하게 말할까요? Shall we speak comfortably? 
    말을 놓을까요? Should we “lower” our speech (level)?
    오오 우리가 친구네? 편하게 말하자! Ohh look’s like we’re friends! Let’s talk      comfortably!
The last one might be used by really extroverted people who aren’t really tied up in hierarchy, but it’s not that common. I have met one person who was like that though. These phrases might sound really awkward in English, but they’re common in Korean, and they’re really important when switching to 반말.
4. Plain form is used in writing. It’s used in diary entries, news articles, essays, reports, and on some blogs. You’ll use plain speech mostly for writing. 
And, you might be saying “but I’ve heard it in dramas?” And yes, it has a second usage. So if you want to use plain speech, you most definitely need to be in a relationship where you speak 반말. It is used quite often, but it’s not like you use it all day. People tend to sprinkle it in their speech sometimes. But a majority of the conversation is normally in “informal” speech.
    나 간다~ I’m going.
    못하겠다~ I just can’t do it.
    맛있는 걸 먹었다~ I ate something good~
But it’s really common to use the plain 자 to say “let’s do something.” This “자” is actually used all day.
    가자. Let’s go.
    하자.  Let’s do it.
    치킨 먹자. Let’s eat chicken. 
니 is a bit trickier. 니 is typically used to someone “below you” socially, and if you say it to the wrong person, even if you’re close, they might not like it. So, I suggest avoiding it. You never need to use 니  to ask a question.
    먹었니? Did you eat?
    없니? You don’t have (something)?
But once again these 3 plain forms should be used in a close relationship where you already use 반말.
This is a simple guide that will help most people navigate switching between the forms. But all relationships are unique, and there are exceptions to these rules.
Don’t worry though, you’ll get used to it after a while! I’ll be back sometime with a more in-depth explanation of how to navigate these forms and why.
I hope this helps!
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seungcheolrk · 6 years
january 12th, 2019: convex performing ‘mansae’ at samsung’s new year special. 
he’s done this what feels like a thousand times before, but his fingers still shake as they stand by the side of the stage. they’ve already been out there once for their ‘mr. chu’ special stage and its success should fill him with confidence for this performance, too, but as expected, very little can and very little does, but he does feel some sense of excitement. even if he’s still a little cautious about outdoor stages and still a little nervous about perfecting his handful of lines, he’s still going to be performing and that feeling won’t ever be replaced or overridden. 
he can already hear 'mansae’s opening beats in his head before they even begin getting into formation. at this point, the song is part of his soul, firmly printed in his muscle memory and still ringing in his ears after he lies down to sleep. it’s in his steps as he walks out, finds his place in the starting circle and flattens down his shirt out of view. it’ll only get ruffled in a few seconds when the high energy choreography starts but he’d rather at least start looking presentable. he’d seen some of the pictures from their promotion month and the way his shirt had hung around his waistline and jackets hanging off his shoulders had embarrassed him a little. he knows it’s inevitable, but he’d like to look as put together as possible. maybe then people would think he’s cool. falsely, of course, but it’d be nice to fool people for a little while. 
after so many hours of practices and performances, the dance rolls off his body like a calm wave. he doesn’t feel as much worry nowadays as he used to, but he still makes sure to watch the feet of others at points in formation changes that he often used to stand on toes. he believes he’s gotten good at hiding it, but maybe individual fancams will reveal all his dance secrets, though he doesn’t think for a second there’ll even be an individual fancam for him, and that should an official one be taken, it won’t be watched by many. maybe his confidence is what he needs to tackle first in this new year. 
by the time his part rolls around, he’s more than comfortable on stage. the first ten to fifteen seconds, though entirely the intro, are always his shakiest with their debut track. perhaps it’s because he’s adjusting to the fact that he’s here doing this; performing his debut song. he’s sure it’s something that will fade with experience. as they go through more and more comebacks, more and more stages, he imagines that one day he won’t even worry about falling over or a voice crack because there will already be plenty of evidence that that isn’t all he can do. perhaps he’s just scared of letting the team down, letting himself and his family down. 
or maybe he’s just choi seungcheol and even his own shadow scares him witless. 
( it’s probably that. ) 
알쏭달쏭 눈빛에 쩔쩔매 말 한마디 건네기가 왜 힘이 듭니까 아버지도 어머님께 이랬습니까 woo
he truly loves ( and feels like they fit him perfectly; the sphere producers obviously know what they’re doing, but it’s a little spooky when it’s yourself and not just idols you follow but don’t know ) both his parts, but the bridge slightly triumphs. he grins as he raps, allows himself to let loose a little in an attempt to ‘charm’ those watching even if he knows he still pales in comparison to members like hyun who embody charisma. he knows he’ll get there, but the small things help, and the bridge is a comfortable place to show a little more of his personality and the love he feels for music. lyric-wise, he prefers the former, but the beat of these lines has him feeling more energetic than usual, though he’s soon moving out of the centre position to make way for the climax of the track. 
콩깍지 씐 김에 니 부드런 손에 깍지도 살며시 껴볼래 girl
playfully, he lip syncs to the high notes as he dances, mostly lost in his own world. for a while, he forgets where he is. he’s just on stage, being one of convex’s main rappers. he isn’t in jeju, in the same airspace as highly respected seniors. he isn’t one small fraction of the samsung group and the image they fiercely maintain. he’s just choi seungcheol living in the moment. that’s probably the motivation he needs to make it to the end, his chest heaving far more than it had at the end of their shorter ‘mr. chu’ stage, but his grin just as bright. he exits the stage amongst the other non-vocal unit members, downs a mouthful of water to wet his tongue. bouncing on the spot, he has three minutes to psyche himself up for his third and final performance of this whirlwind day. 
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kiwismoon · 6 years
제 이름 은 Jasmine 임 니 다.
I'm trying to learn right now but I don't know how good I am?
Im just trying to say "My name is Jasmine."
I don't know how much stuff is right about it, but it's probably mostly wrong? All that matters is that I'm trying.
Oh, also, if anyone knows how to write my name (Jasmine) in Korean, please let me know! Thanks :]
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lindzaylove · 6 years
늦게 대답하는 것이 유감입니다. 어제 밤에 더 심해졌습니다. 그래서 나는 더 이상 내 전화를 확인하지 않았다. 너무 아프다고 느껴서 자지 못했습니다. 내 형제들은 하루 종일 나를 쉬게하기를 원했습니다. 그들은 내가 침대에 머물길 원했다... 그러나 나는 여전히 연습을했다. 나는 그들에게 귀 기울이지 않았다는 것을 후회한다. 지금도 나는 아직도 아프다. 하지만 모두가 나를 돌보고 있습니다. 그리고 나는 지금 두 시간 동안 잤다. 곧 더 좋아질 것입니다. 나는 확신한다. 나에 대해 걱정하지 마십시오. 나는 괜찮아, 내 사랑. ~~~ 그래, 나는 뉴욕을 매우 즐겼다! 그것은 그처럼 아름다운 도시였습니다! 음식, 사람, 건물, 모든 것이 훌륭했습니다. 내가 돌아갈 수 있으면 좋겠어. ~~~ 이제 네 꿈에 대해 말해봐. 괜찮 니??? 악몽이 너를 해 쳤니??? 나는 너를 악몽에서 보호 할 수 있었으면 좋겠다... 나는 너를 보호하고 싶다... ㅜㅜ
Don’t worry about answering so late, it’s fine. But I wish you would have listened to them. They only want what’s best for you, which is for you to no longer be sick. You shouldn’t have practiced. You should have stayed in bed and slept and rested and worked on getting better. And stop telling me not to worry. My baby is sick, how am I supposed to not worry?
I would like to go to New York one day. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I know there are a lot of tourist attractions and places to see, so it would be fun to spend some days there looking around. I’m glad you had a good time~~
My dream….It was pretty bad. I haven’t eaten breakfast because of it. I’m not scared as much as I am disgusted(?). [TRIGGER WARNING] The worst part of it was the fact that I watched someone kill themselves. And it was my fault. The nightmare was just a whole lot of various emotions rather than an actual dream. There were some “dream-like” parts, but it was mostly emotions. I don’t know if that makes any sense. I just really need a hug and I wish you were here :(
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rkmomo · 8 years
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ATTENTION ! it’s a collaboration !
NOW PLAYING: BRAND NEW by SHINHWA                                     ↪ performed by: HIRAI MOMO and JEGAL SEOYOUNG
somewhere in hongdae - december, 2016...
they worked hard ever since the idea came up. the brainstorming session brought in suggestions which were either discarded or implemented. she had to go ask around for a suit that’d fit her, borrowing each piece from a different person. she even helped seoyoung with her rapping whenever she asked for it. though she also seriously wished the dancing had been one of the discarded ideas - but instead it worked the other way around.
she already knew the entire choreography by heart, honestly - just like for every other shinhwa hit song or a personal favorite side track. the problem was that she really wasn’t good at it. her mind knew the movements, but her limbs didn’t make it seem like so. every step looked either sloppy or completely stupid. though momo didn’t complain about it to her partner in crime. she did try suggesting ignoring the dance suggestion, but after such thing had failed she was stuck on doing it.
all of her free time ( and also the not so free ) was spent practicing. she did it when she was all alone at home; moved her arms along to the music while walking down the street; danced at work while no one was looking; stayed in the bathroom stall for a little bit longer for some extra private practicing. it honestly felt like it hadn’t made much of a difference, but if at least one movement ended up looking a little bit more decent then it was already a win.
to better her side of the story seoyoung had signed a contract and became a trainee in the meantime. it was like the universe was trying to see just how bad they could make momo look. in a group with seven members a bad dancer wouldn’t stand out, but in their situation the people walking by would either look at seoyoung or momo. needless to say, it didn’t boost her confidence.
once the day arrived her hands carefully tucked the white shirt inside her pants. it was rather cold, but the adrenaline didn’t make it seem like so. even when wearing a suit momo didn’t look like a very serious person. hopefully her image would change - even if only a little bit - after the performance actually started.
momo prepared the audio to play once they were ready, singing the lyrics in her head to make sure she’d remember them. and of course she would - she knew them for years now. so she hurried towards seoyoung, sharing the news that everything was prepared. and of course that nervousness hit her right then and there, but the taller opened up a smile instead. only one nervous person would be enough for the performance.
and so the song started the best way possible for her situation: dancing with instrumental. there were no distractions from her lack of dancing skills and what she had to offer would be what the people were going to get. that was probably the part she had practiced the most, making sure at least the first impression wouldn’t be her worst one. as for the entire rest of the song hopefully their other skills would be able to mask it all.
One two three four back to the one two! one two three back to yeah! One two three four back to the one two! one two three back to yeah!
the lyrics began with both of them singing together, though in no time it was already seoyoung’s part. when the lyrics were distributed momo knew the other would get more for being the most talented, and after time went by the girl became extra thankful for not getting most of the spotlight. while she sang away the taller danced a few feet behind. she managed to focus completely on the dance moves, and her great knowledge of the song didn’t let her miss her cue.
내 눈짓에 빠져 들겠어 누가 된다 해도 나를 밀어내진 못하는 걸
her part was also one of her favorites from the song along with the first set of raps. plus it certainly got stuck in your head even if you didn’t want it to, making her more than glad she was going to perform them. of course that seoyoung sang the rest of it right after, but momo still wanted to give herself some sort of credit. she got to brag about being first, right?
One two three four back to the one two! one two three back to yeah! One two three four back to the one two! one two three back to yeah!
as the first part repeated itself more dancing came along - but it came on a level that even three feet momo was able to perform. it served as a good calming point so she could prepare for her next part that’d come right after. the overall choreography wasn’t even that hard. the complete fault was on her bad dancer nature. the girl kept repeating it inside her head that she was doing just fine on hiding her lack of skill, though if the mantra was actually working was debatable.
If I take you out to shop you go wow if I take you places that u wanna go hit me from the back, don’t stop now let’s go, hit it, hit it, bust it one more
한잔의 wine과 steak, 너와 first date, gentleman I won’t make mistake 실수라는 것은 chance I won’t take 니 맘을 뺏는 것은 내게는 piece of a cake
during the rap momo only made minimal movements, allowing her to completely focus on the lyrics instead of trying to get the steps right. it was originally performed by two different people, but she was doing it all by herself. there wasn’t too hard of a transition in between ( meaning she nailed it ), and she already knew all the lyrics - but any excuse that’d get her out of dancing the girl was going take.
내 눈짓에 빠져 들겠어 누가 된다 해도 나를 밀어내진 못하는 걸
and so the same part came over again. momo felt a little more confident about it since she had already done it once before - and the resting bit she did during her rap had certainly helped calm down some of her nerves. maybe it was a little but too late into the song, already past the halfway mark, but it was better than never. and the dance was fun. that was the key to dancing, wasn’t it? or at least that was what people told her. they could have said that to not make her feel bad about her skills, but momo preferred thinking otherwise.
끌려 오겠지, 발걸음은 내게로 지금부터 셋까지 셀게 one two three! one more time!
a dance break came along. her one big problem with them was that she’d focus more on thinking about doing the movements right than actually doing them right. yet she gave it her best - and she knew she was doing it because she was mostly thinking, after all. seoyoung’s rap time came right after as part of the deal: if momo was going to dance then the other would need to rap as well. she had done well, a proud smile suddenly shining on her lips. though momo was quick to cover it, trying to fit back into the song’s concept. it was hard keeping it like that after seoyoung managed to hit a high note, but she kept herself strong, starting to sing her own part.
내 손짓에 다가오겠어 누구에게라도 빼앗기지 않게 나를 봐줘
while she sang her vocals were hidden by the ad libs, though in no bad way - that was how the song went. and after her turn was done momo even got to add her own, soft ‘yeah’ on top of it. she felt the freedom to stop dancing, wrinkle her nose, and turn a hand into a fist like it was the most powerful note she had ever sung. it really wasn’t, but she still did it anyway for the sake of the performance.
순간이겠지, 너의 맘이 내게로 지금부터 셋까지 셀게 one two three! two more times!
네가 문 밖을 나설 때쯤 내게로 come back girl! come back girl! It’s alright!
as the song got closer to its end momo kept her energy up, doing each movement the same way as before ( even if before they didn’t look too nice either ). seoyoung continued her notes high while she sang the base of the song. though the final high note was given to momo. at the time of choosing so she hadn’t quite realized the honor of it. she did it without noticing, and only a few seconds later the song was done.
the people who had stopped to watch gave them a round of applause. it wasn’t quite an audience, but it was still enough for momo to be happy about it. it was more than she had expected, that was for sure. the girl was the kind to stop and watch street performances when going out - but there were also times she simply couldn’t. she didn’t blame people for just walking past.
so she thanked the few that stayed with countless and quick bows, running to the sound equipment right after to make sure it wouldn’t start playing the song again for some reason. and it wasn’t going to - but it was still good that she had checked. seoyoung wasn’t too far, everything happening under a minute, so momo rushed back towards her. she threw an arm over her shoulder and put a smile on her own face.
“we did well.” and it actually sounded like a question because it really was. momo was completely unsure, relying on the other to tell her she didn’t suck as much as she thought she did. though seeing it on her positive way: if she was really bad at dancing she could only get better, right?
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ambeann · 5 years
CODE KUNST - JOKE! (Feat. C JAMM & Simon Dominic) Lyrics
CODE KUNST - JOKE! (Feat. C JAMM & Simon Dominic) Lyrics
[Hangul + Romanization] CODE KUNST - JOKE! (Feat. C JAMM & Simon Dominic) [Single] JOKE! Artist: 코드 쿤스트 (CODE KUNST) Genre: Rap/Hip Hop Release Date: 2020.03.12 ℗© AOMG Lyricist: C JAMM, 사이먼 도미닉 Composer: 코드 쿤스트 (CODE KUNST), C JAMM Arranger: 코드 쿤스트 (CODE KUNST)
Romanization nareul bulleo nae ireumeul bulleo nareul bulleo nae ireumeul bulleo nareul bulleo nae ireumeul bulleo jagi mameul pureo uri bamsaedorok gulleo jjotgyeonaja i keulleop uri ije dareun chumeul chwo dekilla saek itneun jyaen nae yeojan maebeon nae mameul areo nuga nae yaegireul haetnado arawa ibeonen byeolgeon eopseo saekkideul yeoja apeseoneun yeye mwo jiga lil s** hyeong maeil ppeonhan jit jillil ttaega dwaedo nan jakkuman bandaero neukkyeo wowo jagi gal ttaega dwaesseo dasi nal bulleojwo ye ye yesu ireumeuro gido naenae meositda byeolse ye jugeul saenggageun eopseo yaen mwo dareun geoe chwihaeitne o jaema eojjeoryeogo nae mari dasi rillei oh yeah nae wie ta itji budeureowo Brazilian Waxing jaemi neomu hepeuji Oh yeah Stephanieneun nae Tiffany Oh yeah nan gwaessim oh jjabari nan gieok sangsil jamgeumjangchi yeyeyeyeye neon nal mot beoryeo jaemineun jjeoreo jeonhwareul georeo wowo jagi oseul beoseo nuga neol ppaeseo gyaen geunyang beoryeo wowo urin neomu deoreowo gidoreul hae nae gidoreul deureojusoseo doneun gyang beoreo neoga nal saranghageona miwohae jumyeon <![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ]]> geoui da ppeongijana soljikhi gajja flex gajja s** gasa sseugo nae apeseon mot ppeogiji seoreun se saren kasanobaui salmeul saratne jigeumeun dahaenghido gukhip property mome baen yangachiui tu, naneun naega beoneun geotgwa sanggwaneopsi so thuggish beonaut geukbok hue bappajyeoseo sseul sigan eopseojin nae mulgeoneun minteugeup keondisyeon nan yejeone nareul doechatgi wihae gakkeum naga bameun naui mudae geuttaeui naega geuripdae nae jagideureun ije iyu eopsi nareul pparajune nado nareul saranghaejuneun geunyeodeurui jeonggi suck it geugeo meokgo keotji aejeong gyeolpip geoji saekki yeogi jeogi na ㅈdoege haryeoneun ge nune hwonhae ni insaengi deo wiheomhaejinikka na geuman manjyeo honey naega keulleobe tteumyeon araseo kkojajuji aiseubakseuen green bottles (soju yeah) narang oneureun jogeum deoreopge norajugi yeopen tal eomneun clean models (oh yeah) chwihamyeon naneun aegiya aenggyeoisseullae irae neoga hal su itneun gajang nappeun jiseul hae ije oneureun ttan ireumeuro bulleo doedorogimyeon dominiko malgo nareul bedeuro dekilla saek itneun jyaen nae yeojan maebeon nae mameul areo nuga nae yaegireul haetnado arawa ibeonen byeolgeon eopseo saekkideul yeoja apeseoneun yeye mwo jiga lil s** hyeong maeil ppeonhan jit jillil ttaega dwaedo nan jakkuman bandaero neukkyeo wowo jagi gal ttaega dwaesseo dasi nal bulleojwo ye ye yesu ireumeuro gido naenae meositda byeolse ye jugeul saenggageun eopseo yaen mwo dareun geoe chwihaeitne o jaema eojjeoryeogo nae mari dasi rillei oh yeah nae wie ta itji budeureowo Brazilian Waxing jaemi neomu hepeuji Oh yeah Stephanieneun nae Tiffany Oh yeah nan gwaessim oh jjabari nan gieok sangsil jamgeumjangchi yeyeyeyeye neon nal mot beoryeo jaemineun jjeoreo jeonhwareul georeo wowo jagi oseul beoseo nuga neol ppaeseo gyaen geunyang beoryeo wowo urin neomu deoreowo gidoreul hae nae gidoreul deureojusoseo doneun gyang beoreo neoga nal saranghageona miwohae jumyeon Hangeul 나를 불러 내 이름을 불러 나를 불러 내 이름을 불러 나를 불러 내 이름을 불러 자기 맘을 풀어 우리 밤새도록 굴러 쫓겨나자 이 클럽 우리 이제 다른 춤을 춰 데킬라 색 있는 쟨 내 여잔 매번 내 맘을 알어 누가 내 얘기를 했나도 알아와 이번엔 별건 없어 새끼들 여자 앞에서는 예예 뭐 지가 lil s** 형 매일 뻔한 짓 질릴 때가 돼도 난 자꾸만 반대로 느껴 워워 자기 갈 때가 됐어 다시 날 불러줘 ye ye 예수 이름으로 기도 내내 멋있다 별세 ye 죽을 생각은 없어 얜 뭐 다른 거에 취해있네 오 잼아 어쩌려고 내 말이 다시 릴레이 oh yeah 내 위에 타 있지 부드러워 Brazilian Waxing 잼이 너무 헤프지 Oh yeah Stephanie는 내 Tiffany Oh yeah 난 괘씸 oh 짜바리 난 기억 상실 잠금장치 yeyeyeyeye 넌 날 못 버려 잼이는 쩔어 전화를 걸어 워워 자기 옷을 벗어 누가 널 뺏어 걘 그냥 버려 워워 우린 너무 더러워 기도를 해 내 기도를 들어주소서 돈은 걍 벌어 너가 날 사랑하거나 미워해 주면 <![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ]]> 거의 다 뻥이잖아 솔직히 가짜 flex 가짜 s** 가사 쓰고 내 앞에선 못 뻐기지 서른 세 살엔 카사노바의 삶을 살았네 지금은 다행히도 국힙 property 몸에 밴 양아치의 투, 나는 내가 버는 것과 상관없이 so thuggish 번아웃 극복 후에 바빠져서 쓸 시간 없어진 내 물건은 민트급 컨디션 난 예전에 나를 되찾기 위해 가끔 나가 밤은 나의 무대 그때의 내가 그립대 내 자기들은 이제 이유 없이 나를 빨아주네 나도 나를 사랑해주는 그녀들의 정기 suck it 그거 먹고 컸지 애정 결핍 거지 새끼 여기 저기 나 ㅈ되게 하려는 게 눈에 훤해 니 인생이 더 위험해지니까 나 그만 만져 honey 내가 클럽에 뜨면 알아서 꽂아주지 아이스박스엔 green bottles (soju yeah) 나랑 오늘은 조금 더럽게 놀아주기 옆엔 탈 없는 clean models (oh yeah) 취하면 나는 애기야 앵겨있을래 이래 너가 할 수 있는 가장 나쁜 짓을 해 이제 오늘은 딴 이름으로 불러 되도록이면 도미니코 말고 나를 베드로 데킬라 색 있는 쟨 내 여잔 매번 내 맘을 알어 누가 내 얘기를 했나도 알아와 이번엔 별건 없어 새끼들 여자 앞에서는 예예 뭐 지가 lil s** 형 매일 뻔한 짓 질릴 때가 돼도 난 자꾸만 반대로 느껴 워워 자기 갈 때가 됐어 다시 날 불러줘 ye ye 예수 이름으로 기도 내내 멋있다 별세 ye 죽을 생각은 없어 얜 뭐 다른 거에 취해있네 오 잼아 어쩌려고 내 말이 다시 릴레이 oh yeah 내 위에 타 있지 부드러워 Brazilian Waxing 잼이 너무 헤프지 Oh yeah Stephanie는 내 Tiffany Oh yeah 난 괘씸 oh 짜바리 난 기억 상실 잠금장치 yeyeyeyeye 넌 날 못 버려 잼이는 쩔어 전화를 걸어 워워 자기 옷을 벗어 누가 널 뺏어 걘 그냥 버려 워워 우린 너무 더러워 기도를 해 내 기도를 들어주소서 돈은 걍 벌어 너가 날 사랑하거나 미워해 주면 English Translation Call me, call my name Call me, call my name Call me, call my name Ease your mind and we roll all night Let’s get kicked out of this club and do another dance That girl with the tequila color always knows what I’m thinkin’ Find out who talked about me, it ain’t a big deal this time These fxxkers actin’ like they’re Brother lil sex in front of girls It’s ‘bout time I get sick of all the same shit but I always feel the opposite woah woah Baby it’s time to go Call me again ye ye Pray in Jesus’s name Die after being fly all the time ye I don’t plan on dyin’ He’s high on somethin’ else Oh C JAMM what are you doing My words relay again oh yeah She ridin’ on me, so smooth Brazilian Waxing C JAMM be wastin’ Oh yeah Stephanie is my Tiffany Oh yeah I’m disgraceful, oh fake, I blackout Locking device yeyeyeyeye You can’t get rid of me, C JAMM be amazing, call me woah woah Take your clothes off, nobody can take you away, just leave him woah woah We’re so dirty, pray, listen to my prayer I just make money if you love me or hate me It’s mostly a lie to be honest Writing lyrics about fake flex fake s** but can’t front when I’m around Lived like a Casanova at 33 And now I’m a property of Korean Hipho Gangster style in my body, no matter how much I make I’m so thuggish Haven’t had time to use it because I was so busy after overcoming burnout My thing is in mint condition I go out sometimes to find my old self, the night is my stage They say they miss the old me, and my babies love me without reason The spirits of the girls who love me I suck it I grew up on that, a little fxxker with lack of affection It’s clear that all these people are tryin’ to fxxk me up Stop touchin’ me honey cuz your life will become more dangerous When I turn up in the club they serve me Green bottles in the ice box (soju yeah) Play dirty with me tonight Clean models without masks next to me (oh yeah) I’m a baby when I’m drunk, I wanna be clingy like this Now do the worst thing you can do Call me by a different name tonight Not Dominico, Call me Petros (Bedro - to the bed) That girl with the tequila color always knows what I’m thinkin’ Find out who talked about me, it ain’t a big deal this time These fxxkers actin’ like they’re brother lil sex in front of girls It’s ‘bout time I get sick of all the same shit but I always feel the opposite woah woah Baby it’s time to go Call me again ye ye Pray in Jesus’s name Die after being fly all the time ye I don’t plan on dyin’ He’s high on somethin’ else Oh C JAMM what are you doing My words relay again oh yeah She ridin’ on me, so smooth Brazilian Waxing C JAMM be wastin’ Oh yeah Stephanie is my Tiffany Oh yeah I’m disgraceful, oh fake, I blackout Locking device yeyeyeyeye You can’t get rid of me, C JAMM be amazing, call me woah woah Take your clothes off, nobody can take you away, just leave him woah woah We’re so dirty, pray, listen to my prayer I just make money if you love me or hate me Source: Genie Music Romanization: K-Lyrics For You English Translation: AOMG K-Lyrics For You Lyrics, Korean Song, Kpop Song, Kpops Lyrics, Korean Lyrics from CODE KUNST - JOKE! (Feat. C JAMM & Simon Dominic) Lyrics http://sinkpop.blogspot.com/2020/03/code-kunst-joke-feat-c-jamm-simon.html Korean Song Lyrics Kpop Artis Korean Boyband Korean Girlband from Blogger Lirik Lagu Korea CODE KUNST - JOKE! (Feat. C JAMM & Simon Dominic) Lyrics http://kpopslyric.blogspot.com/2020/03/code-kunst-joke-feat-c-jamm-simon.html
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seungcheolrk · 7 years
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had he learnt nothing from january’s evaluation? 
truthfully, being given h.a.m’s band concept should be a gift from heaven. after all, seungcheol’s a musician at heart — a lover of instrumentals and a strong player of three instruments himself (as always, we don’t talk about the harmonica) — so being given a chance to tap into that and showcase it should really be ideal and it is. it’s comfortable and it means he shouldn’t let down his teammates more than he can handle. but at the same time, it’s still the same thing he does every evaluation. 
he wants to do music, and he’s grateful to be avoiding repeats of the two hellish months they spent filming samsung commercials, but again— how am I supposed to convince others— convince myself that I deserve to be at sphere, if all I’m doing every month is reminding them that I can play instruments and make sounds come out of my mouth? he thinks it’s clever — how each evaluation is so different yet eventually similar enough that seungcheol can only tell them apart if he thinks long and hard. 
this month, however, he really can’t afford to complain. other people are relying on him this time, he can’t be a failure. he can be painfully average, but he absolutely cannot let them down. this is the most socialising he’s ever done here at sphere and he doesn’t want to ruin that. he doesn’t want to risk the friendships he’s finally starting to build, and if that means spending another month showing the same side of himself to the panelists then so be it. at least it’s a good side.
and the sphere boys! we’re back!
preparations start with adapting his guitar and keyboard skills to the hybrid of the two. he’d ordered one from the family store as soon as he knew it’d be one of his challenges for the month, playing it well into the night, filled with excitement and then later regret because he could barely keep his eyes open in practice the next day. truthfully, he’d enjoyed it far more than the harmonica. maybe it’s because even though it’s a new instrument, it’s still incredibly familiar, but he’d taken to it almost instantly. he almost wants to continue it after the month’s over, but time isn’t exactly of the essence and it’s not like idols often use these kind of skills. he’d be better off working at his dancing if he really wants to debut before he turns thirty, but maybe he’ll pick it up every so often so he doesn’t lose his touch. (what touch? he’s only been at it a couple weeks and he can only play one song, but he ignores that fact.) 
really, he’d have been better off working at his dancing earlier than this, and so much is obvious when he first tries to learn ‘I feel you’s very basic choreography and can barely keep time without worrying about playing the keytar and rapping alongside it, too. it hadn’t taken long for him to swallow his fears and ask a couple royal girls to help him out, and it’d paid off. maybe not so obviously at first, tripping over his feet, and maybe not so obviously later either when he tried it whilst actually pressing the keys on his instrument, but by the time he’s sitting in the theatre waiting to perform, he thinks he’s not half bad. maybe 45%? 
of course, he can’t let those girls down either — not after they gave up their time preparing for their own performances to help him.
(he’s more stressed about this than he seems.)
woo, woo,  woo woo baby.
cables litter the stage and seungcheol does his best to stand a safe distance away from both the microphone stand and the cables in question to ensure that if he is to mess up the dance, it’s bad timing and not crashing to the floor with an almighty bang. the backing instrumental does well to count them in, and seungcheol confidently starts the song despite the nerves shaking his fingers as he pushes the keys. the dance starts immediately once they’re into the beat, and he does his best to follow what he’d practiced — matching each step with a particular note and letting his fingers guide the rest of his body to move at the right times, instead of allowing himself to get distracted watching the other boys and trying to match them. group practice had been essential and incredibly helpful to him for reaching a standard he’s happy with, but his own solo practice had been much more effective for rounding off the rough edges of his dancing once he’d memorised the steps. after all, he’d have no one else to look at or follow. he had to trust himself to do it right, and so he had to adapt to survive, managing the dance by himself.
(that being said, sneak glances at the boys beside him aren’t completely non-existent, but certainly not as frequent as they would have been otherwise.) 
I feel you.
once the chorus rolls around, seungcheol’s getting into the groove of things. he’s only missed the beat once, but with failing so much during practice, he’s gotten good (possibly better than he is at the dance itself) at hiding his mistakes. luckily, he had found his footing once more thanks to the melody change, and he breathes in sharply where the microphone can’t catch it before his next line. 
he does his best not to make eye contact with anyone but the coaches, despite knowing it’s not the most professional decision. the sphere coaches at least, always seem to have the emotionless, face-of-stone look covered, and seungcheol would rather see nothing in an expression than disappointment. he peers down at his instrument more often than he should, too, but at least he’s not looking at his feet. he thinks he’d certainly fall over if he spent more than a couple seconds staring at his footsteps. 
his repeated backup vocals had been wonderfully manageable so far; it’s the upcoming rap that worries him. having toned down the dance a little to allow for them to stay in one place and avoid getting tangled up in one another, it shouldn’t be that hard to manage all three at once. h.a.m certainly did it with ease, but he isn’t h.a.m and he isn’t a dancer and he certainly wasn’t a keytar player until three weeks ago either, so what reason does he have to be confident? none, but that doesn’t mean anything because he still has to get through it. seungcheol does a lot of complaining, but he knows it doesn’t change anything, and truthfully, this month, whilst it’s going to be difficult to get through the next verse, at least it’ll feel worth it. he’ll feel proud of himself, both for all the hours he’s put in and for his partners who won’t have to suffer from his mistakes. he’s enjoyed learning the keytar, he’s enjoyed learning the song, but the fact that it all comes down to sixteen seconds is incredibly daunting. sixteen seconds. 
alas, nobody’s perfect.
눈 감아도 들려 달콤한 숨결 느껴 그만 날 보고 불 꺼 니 시선이 더 날 붉혀
손발 끝 간질거려와 달아오르는 체온 숨 가빠와 더 이상은 참을 수가 없어 나 이제 please baby be mine.
he fumbles through it, truthfully. his rap is on point, that much is expected when it’s the only thing he’s really been rapping for the last couple weeks, but his performance itself is clumsy. he focuses so much on the placement of his fingers on the keys as he moves that he misses a step, and then he focuses so much on correcting his misstep that he’s late to play a chord. the backing track and the volume of his rapping saves him mostly, and for a couple weeks of practice and two left feet, he’s not bad, but he’s certainly not good either. 
still, he’s not (that) disappointed. it could’ve been worse. he has no time to dwell on it, though, since his second challenge of the performance is already fast approaching. 
I feel you.
the keytar solo at the end is significantly easier than the rap verse. he doesn’t have to pull off any dance moves, and if he angles it just right, it’s almost like playing a wonky keyboard, anyway; it’ll be his chance to redeem his small slip ups before now. until then, he evens out his breathing to stay calm. the end is so close, and whilst he’s going to miss practicing with the other boys like they had been, he isn’t going to miss the pressure he felt to be flawless lest he disappoint them. he knows deep down, they wouldn’t mind if he made a few mistakes here and there, but seungcheol minds. they deserve the very best and that certainly isn’t him. 
he’s trying his best, though, and that counts for something, at least. 
his leg bent exactly at said angle to comfortably position his wrist beside the keys, he flies through the keytar solo as still as a statue. his dancing on the whole hadn’t been anything to brag about, his movements quite stiff and clearly amateur, but he thinks considering he’s always claimed he has the rhythm of a fish out of water, they wouldn’t be expecting much anyway. his effort clearly shows and that’s what should be important, even if it doesn’t often feel that way. (it’s those expressionless faces...)
the song ends abruptly at the end of his solo, and turning his mouth further away from the mic, he sighs heavily in relief. another month over. how long had he been here now? eight months? he supposes time flies when you’re having fun isn’t always true, but in the case of the last three and a half minutes, despite the rapid, scared beating of his heart, it is. 
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