#this is my contribution to the cursed cat alastor meme
sirserpentine · 3 months
♥♥♥ { from Angel & Cherri }
Send me a kiss! (Accepting)
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A group of angels had descended to Hell for a rare meeting in person, but not for extermination, this time. They had agreed to these meetings a few times since the rather awkward realisation that they had been slaughtering millions of sinners for no reason. Thus, they were keen on putting up a good front to the representatives of those they had wronged for so long and put all of their concentration into these discussions.
Sir Pentious had quickly realised that he could use these frantic, important moments to his advantage. He had managed to slip away from the crowded conference room the first time he had visited his former realm as an angel too, and it had been one of the most heartfelt reunions he had ever experienced. There had been much rejoicing and crying. So. Much. Crying.
He held back tears again as he sneaked to the building's lavish dressing room and saw the friends he had secretly promised to meet there the last time they parted. Two of them, anyway.
Angel and Cherri greeted him with loud cheers, returned with Pentious' own, and the two besties wasted no time as they lept to the snake's arms. Pentious wrapped his arms and tail around them and squeezed them into a soul-crushingly tight group hug just as he had last time. There was no reason to hold back any affections, losing each other for good had been too close. That didn't prevent him from flustering brightly from such attention, however.
His heavenly form had graced him with additional strength that helped him keep upright as Angel and Cherri practically climbed up his frame. They were plastering his face with big kisses so quickly that, had they been wearing lipstick, Pentious would already look like a strawberry.
"Angel, Cherri-" he laughed, barely able to speak from under their lovely onslaught, "it's mossst brilliant to see you two! How is everyone?"
"Good, except we ran outta your cookies again," Angel replied without pause.
"We've missed those, and you a lil' bit too, ya old snake," Cherri chimed in, playfully elbowing Sir Pentious. "Oh, and everyone's sendin' their love. 'Cept for Alastor. He's turned into a cat."
"Oh, I understan-" Pentious said before his imminent double take. "-Eh... wait, what?"
"Don't ask," Angel said, waving his hand dismissingly. It was a far too long and confusing tale for the limited time they had together. "But that's why the others couldn't make it, they're sortin' that shit out. A bummer, huh?"
Sir Pentious couldn't deny feeling a bit disappointed, but he saw plenty of silver linings in the situation, too.
"That's unfortunate. But there will be other times I'm sure. And seeing you two is most ssspecial as well. You cheeky things have my entire attention," Pentious assured, realising that he had sounded rather flirtatious. But that didn't seem to be a problem. Angel and Cherri looked at each other curiously, before grinning and pressing closer to the snake. Cherri kissed him again, this time where his jaw met his neck.
"Yer right. I say that we should be takin' advantage av' it," Angel spoke into Pentious' ear, tickling his scales with his warm breaths.
"Hmm?" Pentious responded, quite liking where this was going. He turned to Cherri, whose lips and hands were already lowering down, pleasantly. No opposition from her then, either. A certain warmth pooled in Pentious' core and he sighed blissfully, caressing the shoulders of his friends at one. There were about twenty minutes left before Pentious was expected back by the other angels. It was plenty. He started sinking down with his friends as their words dissolved into more kisses. Clothes were being tugged at, and skin was caressed.
Sir Pentious would certainly be a questionable angel if he agreed to an out-of-wedlock threesome on a dressing room floor during a heavenly conference.
But why not, he thought with quite the mischievous smirk. This was Hell, after all.
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lady-lilly-gray · 3 months
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l o n g b o i
(dw Rosie's holding him keeping him out of trouble)
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itsclydebitches · 3 months
I can't draw it so my contribution to the meme is an art prompt:
Cursed cat Alastor but make it "The Trouble With Tribbles." Lucifer goes out of his mind trying to keep the beasts from multiplying. He thinks he's finally rid the hotel of the freaky creature only for Charlie to open a skylight and, well
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[insert Lucifer's screaming face here]
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