#another long one
abbeyofcyn · 1 year
Krang infection 10
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Something cute and a little heartbreaking, that might turn a little comedic. One day before Luffy stabbed his eye, Shanks asks him why Luffy wants to join him so much, and if it’s because he really wants to be a pirate. Little Luffy softly admits it’s because Shanks won’t stay at the island. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be a pirate! But if he’s a pirate on Shanks crew he’ll still be with Shanks.
Shanks feels like this would end up with a very important conversation so he’s like “how about we go hunt something for Makino to make later today huh?” So they go up the mountain and have a conversation that has Luffy crying into Shanks shirt. When they’re all done they get a bear for Makino to make bear stew or something.
Cut to later when Ace and Luffy are together. Ace, in an attempt to hurt Luffy, yells about Luffy’s dad leaving him. This makes Luffy stop and go “WAIT I HAVE A DAD?!” They are both confused. Turns out Ace was there when Shanks and Luffy were having their conversation and, while not hearing everything, made a conclusion that they were father and son. Luffy ends up telling him that he doesn’t have a mom or a dad. Just a gramps, a Makino, and a Shanks that he promised to meet again one day.
When Ace meets up with Shanks to thank him for saving Luffy, he lets the man know that he was there that day and thought Shanks was Luffy’s dad. Shanks wasn’t expecting that.
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frogs-and-books · 3 days
I have to admit that it's so frustrating to me that people are doing this "He's canon ace but not canon aro" thing. It feels like people wanting to have it both ways at the cost aro people. If you're going to say only what's explicit in the text matters, then be honest with proper embrace of Death of the Author and disregard what Brennan said outside the context of the text. If you want to invest meaning in authorial intent, than be honest about the authorial intent with Riz. It's hard enough being aro in fandom as it is without people playing both sides of the fence on this
I'm sorry that there is a lack of aromantic representation, but you can't decide what the authorial intent was for the author. He could be aro! There's a lot of subtext and ways to read the story like that, but it's just as easy to read it as him being demiromantic or gray romantic or even just a late bloomer. Because of this, I can't confirm the authors intent unless he states it. I don't personally have an opinion on it, I just like Riz, and I'll like his character no matter what his sexuality is. I'm not going to disregard a statement from a cast member, especially when I doubt Brennan would have said without Murph's permission. That, to me at least, is confirmation of authorial intent.
I can understand why you're frustrated, but there aren't (or at least shouldn't be) sides. I'm simply saying that Riz is not canonically Aromantic, which is true. However, this does not mean that Aromantic people are somehow wrong in saying that they believe he is! Just like many other things, it is up for the viewer to decide currently.
If Murph comes out and says Riz is Aromantic, that's it. He's Aromantic. But until then, it's up for interpretation. You aren't wrong for saying he's Aromantic, but neither is someone saying he's not Aromantic.
I am so glad that Riz resonates with you, but others don't have your same experience and might relate to him in different ways, and their experience and interpretations aren't less valid than yours.
The world isn't black and white. There are so many nuisances that can be beautiful if you allow yourself to see them.
I'm not on the fence. I know exactly where I stand. Riz is canonically asexual and he has no confirmed romantic interests, although he has been shown to be less interested than his peers. This could mean many, many different things, but saying that thinking Riz is asexual but not aromantic is being on the fence is discounting real people who are asexual and not aromantic.
It's not all or nothing. I'm not out to get you or hurt anyone. It just frustrates me when people state their interpretations of media as facts and get upset when other people have different interpretations. Your interpretation isn't more valid just because it's more diverse. That would be like me reading a book where someone was never stated to have a race, but I decided that their character would make more sense if they were black, so now they're canonically black, even though I don't know what the author imagined them like. Just because it's adding diversity doesn't make it more morally correct. It doesn't make it more incorrect either. It just makes it your interpretation.
I know you're probably sick of hearing this, but it's up for interpretation, and you can't fault people for having a different interpretation of a character.
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Thoughts On Negative Feedback About TBB
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
So once again I am going to give some thoughts on some Bad Batch opinions I've seen floating around on Twitter. Just like last time, I want to preface this by saying that I mean no disrespect to the people who wrote these posts, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I actually agree with them in some way but we'll get onto that.
I've seen some main points going around (and some slightly less common ones) so I'm going to break those down. But one of the running themes I see through a lot of opinions is this idea that this season has introduced a lot of plot threads that don't seem to have gone very far. Now I understand where this is coming from but I don't want to get too sidetracked by this because at the end of the day, we still have 6 episodes left and there will be a good chance that things will become more relevant by the end. Saying that, I do understand the frustration that comes from an interesting plot thread being dropped and then hardly (if even) addressed for multiple episodes.
But let's get more into the breakdown.
What's Happening With Cid?
Now this is one I can understand the frustration of because I'm still trying to wrap my head around why the Batch still choose to work for her. I can understand if they see it as their only option, but she's been untrustworthy from the beginning and it's getting worse this season, even if she hasn't appeared as much.
The Batch aren't stupid, we know this, but they still don't seem to be addressing the fact that Cid is screwing them over and has been doing so the whole time. Especially since Ep 10, where they were faced with an entire group of people being manipulated by their employer and no-one in the Batch went "oh hold on, this scenario seems familiar". Employers screwing over their workers to keep more profits with very little concern for their welfare? I wonder where we've seen that before.
They've even addressed the fact that Cid is untrustworthy multiple times this season and yet none of them seem to be doing anything about it. Also, that whole thing from Millegi about Cid having a dark past and not being one to trust? When are we going back to that? I assume that it'll be covered in an episode like "Tipping Point" if them realising that they can't work for Cid leads to them joining the Rebellion (remember, this is just a theory).
But why has it taken the Batch so long??? Cid has been untrustworthy from when she first appeared in S1. Is it really going to take until Episode 14 of this season for them to actually do anything about it?
Like I said, for them it may be because they see this as their only option, that without this they have nothing to live on, but I totally understand how frustrating it is to see them being manipulated like this over and over again and have nothing be done about it.
Episode 10 Goes Round in Circles
I do kind of understand this one as well. For me, this ep didn't really add a whole lot and there were some interesting plot ideas that could have been addressed that weren't. But I'm not going to pile on it too badly because I also understand that this episode was supposed to be a breather and it's always unlikely that every episode is going to be incredible. So I'm just going to touch on what I've seen other people saying.
The main complaint I've seen about this episode is that it doesn't really give us any development with anyone. Tech has some moments of just being Tech (although one of his lines from the end is another point I'm gonna touch on), Hunter is just his usual self, Omega is being Omega but it's not really adding a whole lot, and most of Wrecker's dialogue this episode was him growling at people (some more lines would have been great).
I think a big part of why this isn't working for people is because some of the other episodes (including Ep 9) have been very emotionally driven and this one just falls a bit flat in comparison. Not every episode is going to end up being really deep and complex though so I can understand why the creators have done this. But I also don't think that there's anything special enough about the plot of this episode to make up for it.
I've already touched on the whole "manipulative employer" thing so I'm not going to go back over that, but one of these other ideas I saw people bringing up was how interesting it could've been for the Batch to talk more about their lives as soldiers, especially when faced with a bunch of children who have been manipulated into thinking that the people they work under actually care about them. The Batch were raised to be soldiers by Kaminoans, meaning that they didn't get a chance to really be kids (key message throughout this season) and these workers have spent their childhoods being manipulated into thinking that they're doing a good job and are being cared for because of it.
I do think that it would have been an interesting narrative to delve into and maybe would have given the episode more weight. But it would have also been quite heavy for a "breather" episode.
Selfish Batchers
This is an interesting point that I didn't necessarily clock onto while watching the episode but totally got it when I saw it on Twitter.
At the end of the episode, Omega is talking about how there are so many people in the galaxy like Mokko and like the Empire, to which Tech responds that there are also a lot of people out there like the Batch (i.e. people who can help others). Except this line feels a bit arrogant considering the fact that in this episode (and I don't want to sound like a hater here) they literally did the bare minimum.
They didn't go in to try and save the miners, they went in to get the Marauder back. The kids were just helped in the middle of that. Tech almost acts like they saved the kids when really, if they could've avoided going anywhere near Mokko they would have. Killing Mokko to save the miners wasn't in the plan, he was just getting in the way of them escaping. And really I think this is interesting to talk about because a lot of what the Batch does is for their own self-gain. We know this. But it's interesting to see that that hasn't necessarily registered with them.
I don't have an issue with flawed heroes, but so far the Batch are yet to acknowledge this flaw. The Batch are constantly portrayed as heroes, which in some ways they are, but labelling them as heroes because some people happened to be helped when they were saving themselves is a bit odd. Omega is the only one that actually asks the kids what they're going to do next. The guys are just happy the ship is back.
It's interesting that aside from Omega, the only person who has very clearly shown a desire to help anyone but himself is Echo, who left.
Once again, this may become a part of a realisation for the Batch later down the line and they are driven to join the rebellion. But really, a lot of the "saving people" that the Batch does is because it happens by chance (like in this episode) or they get paid to do it (aka some of the missions they do in S1). It's slightly odd that they are constantly lorded as heroes (and somewhat see themselves that way) when a lot of what they do is with selfish intentions.
(I didn't expect to write that much in that section. Oops.)
Focus on the Batchers
This actually ties into something I was going to make separate post about so I'm just going to drop it all in here!
One of the complaints I'm seeing is that some of the Batchers don't feel like they're getting much development this season, mainly Wrecker and Hunter. Now obviously this is interesting to me because these two are really the only ones who got much attention in S1.
One of my biggest gripes about S1 is that it felt more like the Hunter & Omega Show rather than The Bad Batch, so I actually like the fact that we've been given more focus on the other Batchers this season. Really, the focus feels a little more spread out in some episodes, rather than every episode seemingly revolving around either Hunter or Wrecker.
But I can understand where some of the frustration is coming from. Personally, I actually prefer Hunter this season but that's because giving the other members some time to grow has given us a chance to see how they all influence each other and where Hunter plays into all of that. It feeds into the idea that they're a team and not a bunch of stragglers following around this one person.
I do wonder how much the disappointment comes from the fact that we got so much Hunter in S1 that any less than that almost feels like nothing. Sure, I don't necessarily feels like there's a whole lot of growth but I think there have been some really interesting moments with Hunter this season, like Ep 5 giving us a chance to see his growing insecurities about Omega no longer relying on them as much as she once did.
Wrecker has also had some time to shine this season, but I do agree that it would've been nice to see him have some more dialogue in Episode 10. Him being reduced to mostly growling at people for a chunk of the episode was a little tiring after a while. He can be scary with words!
Really, I'm not totally mad about this but that might be because Echo and Tech are two of my favourites, so I'm just glad to see them getting some more love this season.
Although I feel like this entire debate over whether characters are getting enough focus does suggest that there's a struggle to give every character their due focus when they're all together.
Hunter vs Echo Conflict
Finally onto the last point!
This is one that I actually kind of agree with and I think it has something to do with what we were teased before the season came out.
Echo's goodbye was obviously very moving and there seems to be decent number of people that agree that it was a good episode. But some people felt like there should've been more of the Hunter-Echo conflict before that happened and I partially agree. Personally, I think that the little details throughout each episode help indicate what Echo is thinking and where he's planning on going. Little looks at Hunter, brief comments on certain missions, it all makes sense that he was going to go.
However, I do agree that there wasn't as much of the actual conflict between Hunter and Echo as I expected. In an interview before S2, the creators said that there would be a lot of conflict between Rex, Echo and the Batch and this gave me the impression that we were going to have more actual disputes than we did. Other than the spat they had in Episode 1, there hasn't been as much back and forth between Hunter and Echo as expected. They clearly have different ideas of where they want to go but it's more a conflict of interest than actual conflict.
I don't think it helped that Echo didn't do a whole lot for some of the episodes. We were told that Echo would be given more focus this season and that his disagreements with Hunter would be at the forefront of that. But then he disappears for 2 episodes and doesn't do a whole lot in Episode 5. He's got some more stuff in Ep 6, but the conflict isn't really addressed a whole lot there and then he leaves in Episode 8. And I find it a little odd that they specifically mentioned Rex as well. The Batch don't really have conflict with Rex. Sure, they don't go with him, but that isn't really what I'd call conflict. It feels like we were promised more conflict than we got.
And maybe that's the issue here. We set our expectations too high. We had all this time to concoct an idea as to what was going to happen this season and then it didn't do that. The bits that did address the disagreements were good, but did we maybe hope for more than we were ever going to get? For me, I feel like the interviews were a little bit misleading, but that may just be because I set myself up to expect more.
This may be another thing that gets addressed later on but I'm not entirely sure where more of that conflict is going to come into play. Maybe Rex, Echo and the Batch teaming up to help people like Crosshair but still being at odds? I don't know. I'm not sure where that bits going tbf.
Concluding Thoughts
Overall, I think that there are some interesting points that have been made about Episode 10 and the series as a whole. I definitely think that it's going to be a collection of opinions that people may disagree with here or there but that's the nature of the show. It's interesting to see what people think.
A lot of it may just be a case of having to sit on it and see how the entire show pans out because at the moment we still have 6 episodes to go. But it'll be interesting to see what points of contention will be addressed/sorted. I also think a lot of it is down to expectations. People set their expectations too high and now that they're not being met, it's influencing their enjoyment of the show. I also want to add that I am saying that as someone who has also had to put their expectations aside to truly appreciate some of the episodes.
This show isn't perfect, but no show ever will be. Personally, I prefer this season to the last, but I do still have my issues with it here or there. I'm curious to see where people's preferences end up by the end of the show.
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awakeanytime · 2 years
Collection of screenshots titled The Images Be Overwhelming
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the-amber-raven · 1 year
Hi there! Do you have a good grasp of Buck's character? I was wondering if you could list his personality?
I mean... I wouldn't call myself an authority or anything but I guess I have written from his POV a lot. If I had to list the key personality traits I think he has:
1. Extrovert. He thrives when he's around people.
2. Loves people - this kind of goes off the above but I also think he's the kind of person who genuinely likes humanity. Like, he's the "look for the helpers" kind of person or the one who shares feel good stories about humanity.
3. Helper/people pleaser - he is driven by a desire to help people. He might have some selfish tendencies (although I personally wouldn't consider him to be a selfish person) but his instincts always tell him to help. And he likes making people happy!
4. Which leads us to: fixer. I mean this is outright canon, he likes to fix things.
5. Optimist: I think he is, on the whole, an optimist. He generally assumes good from people or situations. This isn't always the case, and I think he struggles with this when hes feeling down or dealing with something personal that is really difficult but overall I think he's more prone to optimism than pessimism.
6. I think the one exception to the above is his sensitivity to rejection. And I know this can be a contentious topic so I don't want to belabour the point. However, I do think he is sensitive to feeling rejected WHEN he is dealing with something difficult. I don't think he is sensitive to being teased - quite the opposite , I think that makes him feel loved! But if he feels like he might not be wanted or is being replaced? That's when this trait flairs up.
7. Curious. He's not very academic but he loves to learn new things or find out more about things.
8. Loves kids. Again, canon, he enjoys being around them and he is very good at connecting with them (unless it's a large group of kids worrying about Santa being injured 😂)
9. Determined/stubborn. See: the lawsuit debacle. But this isn't inherently a negative trait - it's what allows him to fight his way back from his coma, it's what gets him (and Chris) through the tsunami and its how he is able to help Eddie during his breakdown. It might get him into trouble sometimes but I think it's a vitally important part of who Buck is.
10. Kind. I've said this in my fics I think but I genuinely think that Buck is a kind person. It feeds into a lot of the above points but I think it's worth calling out specifically.
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agardenandlibrary · 2 years
The Dragon Reborn: Chapters 19-23
Mat! Finally, Mat! I was initially miffed at the long wait for his POV but actually I really like that we don't see into his head until after the connection to the dagger is broken. It's better to get to know him now, when he's, presumably, back to being himself nevermind the memories of the long-dead general i'm sure that's fine
Rand could channel, and Mat had grown up with stories of men channeling, stories to frighten children. Stories that frightened adults, too, because some of them were all too true. Discovering what Rand could do had been like finding out his best friend tortured small animals and killed babies. Once you finally made yourself believe it, it was hard to call him a friend any longer.
also, Selene is here
"Who are you, Selene? If you're not Aes Sedai, what are you?" Her smile hid secrets. "Just remember that there is another choice. You need not be a puppet for the White Tower or prey for Ba'alzamon's Darkfriends. The world is more complex than you can imagine."
babe, aren't you a Forsaken? admittedly, I think I saw a post that said Selene's main goal is to hook up with Lews Therin, which I can respect, I guess?
She leaves and the Amyrlin comes for a visit. I'm seriously thinking of starting a collection of her fishing metaphors. I like them, both as a way to remind the reader of her origins and as a way to show that she's proud of her origins.
ANYWAY, here's a little hint of a theme for good ol' Matrimithy Cauthon:
The Amyrlin gave an exasperated sigh. "You remind me of my uncle Huan. No one could ever pin him down. He liked to gamble, too, and he'd much rather have fun than work. He died pulling children out of a burning house. He wouldn't stop going back as long as there was one left inside. Are you like him, Mat? Will you be there when the flames are high?" He could not meet her eyes. He studied his fingers as they plucked irritably at his blanket. "I'm no hero. I do what I have to do, but I am no hero." "Most of those we call heroes only did what they had to do. I suppose it will have to be enough."
You do the job that's in front of you.
We also get, in these chapters, Egwene's trial of Acceptance, or whatever it's called. BUT FIRST, Verin, sneaky bitch that she is, gives Egwene a ter'angreal that should help her reach Tel'aran'rhiod, good ol' world of dreams, and withholds a pile of notes written by the ter'angreal's last user. I'm sure that won't come back to bite anyone.
also, in my heart of hearts I am whispering "wolfsister, wolfsister, wolfsister". Did reading the Immortals series by Tamora Pierce have a permanent effect on me? MAYBE.
Back to becoming Accepted. I keep going between amusement and sympathy for the Aes Sedai. They've been doing this for thousands of years and suddenly this year TWO women have messed with their rituals.
Also, in the middle of this ritual, Sheriam tells Egwene that there's a way for a channeler to be turned to the Dark Side against their will. It requires 13 channelers and 13 Fades (?) but it can be done. Guess who recently left the White Tower with 12 companions? that's fine!
Egwene's visions are all about Rand struggling with the One Power. She's nearly lost in the visions, thanks to the ter'angreal Verin gave her doing some sympathetic resonance with the ritual ter'angreal because they both connect to tel'aran'rhiod!
I like the moment where Egwene emerges from her memory of being the Amyrlin Seat and says, "Is that all there is for me? To betray him, to fail him, over and over?" angrily.
I feel like she and Nynaeve both missed the part of this ritual where the Aes Sedai were like "hey, this thing shows you your fears and desires and no one can control what you see in there". Like, what you see in there isn't necessarily the truth, or destined, or anything. I guess that's hard to wrap your head around when you live it and believe it to be real.
Egwene then goes and has a good cry in Nynaeve's lap, along with Elayne, who also had a bad time.
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samatedeansbroccoli · 2 years
Had to think about this but I think I will tell you about that one kid!Fic I will never write on COD because I don’t like the characters enough to finish it.
Tw: Child abuse, burning, gun violence.
Another combo not ideal to see together
No Russian/Cliffhanger Missions
Coming back from the Tian Shan Mountain Range in Kazakhstan, Ghost and Soap are greeted by Nikolai, who has a correspondent named Yuri with him.
Yuri’s brought this tiny 5 year old boy with him which he says is one of the only survivors of the Zakhaev Int’l Airport (ZIA) attack. Apparently there’s something special about the child for Yuri explains that Makarov had the boy come with him to ZIA.
The boy wouldn’t talk to anyone before Soap and Ghost got here, and he’s asleep now. So they scan him for fingerprints to identify him.
The scan comes up as Vladimir Makarov.
Yeah that can’t be right. The boy is a dirty blonde and clearly not a terrorist. He can’t be Makarov, and certainly not the Vladimir A. R. Makarov that comes up when they try again.
They wake the boy and he reacts poorly to all of them. All but Ghost. With some crying and whimpering in between, the boy reveals his name as Gary.
There’s an argument over whether they should tell Shepherd about Gary’s fingerprints. It doesn’t happen when Gary begins to cry as he sees a picture of Shepherd.
Ghost becomes the primary caretaker with Worm’s direction and Soap’s terrible advice as they go into the night. As Ghost puts Gary to bed, Gary asks him about an animated museum in Los Angela's where the figures come alive and says he wants to go someday. He also talks about chameleons, saying they’re his favorite animal.
Takedown/The Hornet’s Nest
Here’s a bright idea: don’t let Ghost and Soap determine what’s best for a child. Especially when they can’t find a babysitter.
Really, it was Ghost’s idea as he realized Gary’s fingerprints being the exact same as Makarov’s could be a massive advantage to them. Worm absolutely hates the idea. Soap is persuaded.
The flight over, Gary cuddles with Ghost who awkwardly pets the child's head. He ends up giving Gary a small radio and showing him how to use it. Gary finds it funny to talk into it, especially when he can hear his echo in other’s radios.
The group arrive in Rio de Janeiro where they chase Rojas, then proceed to torture him as Gary follows Worm elsewhere.
Gary gets separated at one point too, though is able to tearfully call for Ghost over the radio.
Ghost finds Gary who happily rides on Ghost’s back as they run the rest of the way out of the favela and to the extraction point.
Ghost yells at Worm when the regroup for losing Gary. In Worm’s defense, Gary never trusted him, and no one in their right mind would bring a 5 year old on a mission like this.
Gary doesn’t let go of Ghost for the rest of the day.
Of Their Own Accord/Second Sun
A cranky Gary needs a nap as he gets upset Ghost won’t bring him. Ghost coaxes him to sleep then hands him off to Shepherd who’s offered to babysit the boy until they return from their aquatic mission to recover information on the one prisoner Makarov fears most: Prisoner 627.
When Roach wakes, Shepherd is guiding the Rangers as they deal with the assault on the U.S. as well as work with TF141 on their mission to a gulag.
He finally decides to ask what’s going on. Shepherd shoves him away.
Shepherd has to leave the room to grab something to guide TF141 and Roach chats with Foley, who makes a joke about Shepherd and being-your-kid-to-work day. Gary doesn’t get it.
Shepherd shoos Roach away and Roach goes to play with some toys quietly.
Makarov contacts Shepherd and alerts Shepherd of a runaway child named Gary and a picture of Gary is sent. He tells Shepherd the boy has a very rare ability that could destroy everything they’ve worked towards.
He advises Shepherd shoot and burn the child if he sees him.
Shepherd confirms the order then hangs up and looks at Gary, who starts to run.
Shepherd grabs his pistol and Gary panics and runs at the control panel, activating the radio to call Ghost.
“Oh hey, Soap was about to call you,” Ghost says, unaware of Shepherd holding a hand over a struggling Roach’s mouth as Roach tries to cry for help. A gun barrel sits at his head as Shepherd waits for the perfect moment to shoot him.
Ghost wants Gary back for an operation but mainly because he misses the little guy. Gary is spared and Shepherd loads him into a plane.
Shepherd threatens to kill Ghost and Gary if he says anything or even alludes to his correspondence with Makarov. Gary promises to be quiet.
When they arrive, Gary cries and runs to his arms and Ghost is more than happy to hug him.
Ghost introduces Gary to Price, who had stopped at a toy store on the way over to buy a giant stuffed chameleon. It becomes Gary’s favorite toy.
Although Ghost is basically the parent, Worm is the next door neighbor who’s had 3 kids already, and Soap is the drunk cool uncle, Price has full dad energy. No one is surprised by this. He doesn't let anyone swear if they can help it. He teaches Gary a bunch of hand clap games as Gary sits on Ghost's lap during their flight to Petropavlovsk, and bosses Ghost around as they dress Roach up for their next mission.
Gary accepts Price as a fun person immediately and Ghost is mildly jealous. So is everyone else, for Price is the only person without a mask that Gary trusts.
That opinion changes quickly when Price and Worm take Gary with them while Ghost and Soap go another way. Gary threatens to cry but Ghost promises him he'll be right behind.
Things go pretty smoothly for the most part, though Price and Worm have to keep Gary from getting too cold or too upset.
When they get to the marina, Price and Roach sneak aboard a submarine where Price takes care of any guards. He then tries inserting the override codes but they don’t work, so he uses Roach’s fingerprints as was initially planned and it works.
Later, Ghost yells at Price for doing that, but Price reasons it was to stop Makarov.
They alert Shepherd. Gary makes an attempt to try and reveal Shepherd’s working with Makarov but remembers Shepherd’s threat and instead goes quiet and clings to Ghost all night.
Loose Ends
Information from Shepherd splits the team in two and Ghost brings Gary along, lying to Shepherd that he can't get a babysitter for Gary when he knows he needs Gary’s fingerprints. Worm is assigned with Ghost’s subfaction as well.
Gary doesn’t like any of Ghost’s team members except Worm and Ghost.
Ghost asks Gary why he doesn't like anyone. Gary explains he was Makarov’s prisoner for some days before the massacre. Makarov and his men would always smile and present a friendly face before abusing Gary as they considered burning his hands or cutting his fingers off. Having the same fingerprints was too dangerous. At least, Gary says, with a mask he can't see when Simon is going to lie to him and he doesn't have to make eye contact to be taken seriously.
Ghost knows that feeling too well. They cry together.
The mission goes the same as the campaign. Things happen, but they get the DSM thanks to Roach’s fingerprints. Makarov really should learn by now.
They get on the ground and go up to the DSM where Roach's fingerprints work. Ghost collects the DSM, handing it to Gary, and throws Gary onto his back then absolutely books it down the hill for extraction.
A chopper lands in the field and Gary is excited until he sees Shepherd. Shepherd demands Gary give him the DSM. Absolutely not. Gary will fight tooth and nail to keep the DSM in his hands thank you very much.
Ghost is embarrassed and tries to get Gary to give it up but all Gary will scream is "I don't want to go back to Makarov!”
Shepherd tells him to shut up and shoots Gary. Ghost screams as another shot rings out. and Shepherd shoots Roach to quiet him. Ghost yells and is shot as well.
A sobbing and whimpering Gary gives Ghost a reason to fight through the pain and try and stay alive.
Shepherd dunks Gary’s hands in fluid and lights them afire. He walks away as Gary screams. By luck, Ghost manages to save Gary and stop the burns, though they’ve done the damage Shepherd wanted.
Ghost passes out eventually and Gary tries to shake him awake. As Gary tries to perform CPR on Ghost through his armor, he finds Ghost’s radio and calls over it for help, then drops it as it burns his hands further.
He doesn’t have to wait long, for the task force spy planes above had seen Ghost’s team disappear practically without a trace (like ghosts lol) and sent an agent to collect them. Gary doesn’t trust her but doesn’t know who else will save Ghost and reluctantly lets her take care of them.
Despite him needing to be hooked up to machines for fluids later, Gary refuses to leave Ghost’s side.
As Gary is sitting there wiggling his toes and singing to himself. Ghost wakes up. The two embrace the best they can with their injures.
Ghost is pulled from the hospital for intelligence sometimes but always comes back. After a couple months of this, he announces WWIII is over and the hospital staff cheers.
It ended? Gary didn’t even know it started.
Ghost has a surprise for Gary! A big one! According to Ghost at least. Gary will be the judge of that.
It is a big surprise! Ghost meets up with Foley and another man named Ramirez and the two guide Ghost and Gary on a tour around the animated museum. Gary is absolutely blown away, and also terrified of some other things.
After the museum trip, they exit the building to find the Sanderson family waiting for them. Gary is happy to see his parents again and cries as he hugs them and Ghost explains what his care routine is to ensure he gets the best growing up.
Gary cries again when Ghost leaves, however, and says all his toys will be renamed Simon so he can remember him.
The Sandersons say Ghost can stop by their place any time.
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
Soooo wasn't expecting such a philosophical ask game😭 but I still wanted to ask a question cos I have fomo😳😳🤪🤪
Here are the ones I thought would be okay to ask😳 I got nervous over asking any of the others lol😅😅😅
What do you think the next era of music will be like?
What do you think the next era of fashion will be like?
Is hate as strong as love? Who do you hate?{snuck a juicy one in there hehe🤠🤠🤠}
Hey no prob, that why I reblogged that. Some very interesting questions there
The next generation of music, puh that's a tough one. I'm afraid it's gonna repeat itself more and more. Already today I sometimes hear a song and am like "that sounds exactly like...". I think maybe there will be more experimental stuff, more diversity, to make up for the repeating. I mean it's only to be expected, music has been around so long, sure it will repeat itself a little. I certainly hope we'll get more and more meaningful songs. And less scream-singing.
Next generation of fashion, I do think that the fashion industry finally realizes that not every girl is a size 0 and that fashion for normal built and bigger girls and boys can and should be just as stylish. I still remember a time where the same shirt a few sizes bigger lost all of it's Charme because it was just a tent while the smaller sizes looked very nice. I feel like that is changing, slowly but surely. There is more fashion made especially for bigger people (which I am one of in case that wasn't clear) and it's made well! I hope that trend continues.
Love is stronger. I once read a quote in a book and it was years ago but I still think about it often. There was a discussion about hate and love and it pretty much said that hate is a powerful but fleeting thing. Nothing gets done on hate. It ended with the quote I love to this day which is short but damn if it isn't to the point:
"Love lingers."
That being said, I do do do do hate bigots and pedophiles and homophobes (and transphobes and acephobes and all the phobes) and all these people trying to tell a woman what to do with her body and people who are just in general hating others just because they are different and don't confirm to their own beliefs. Leave others the fuck alone! Live and let live! Try loving other instead of hating them just because they are who they are.
Because love lingers!
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suiheisen · 8 days
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me and senshi: i've only had izutsumi for one day but if anything happened to her...
also.... she has nekojita (cat tongue) ;___;
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sirserpentine · 2 months
♥♥♥ { from Angel & Cherri }
Send me a kiss! (Accepting)
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A group of angels had descended to Hell for a rare meeting in person, but not for extermination, this time. They had agreed to these meetings a few times since the rather awkward realisation that they had been slaughtering millions of sinners for no reason. Thus, they were keen on putting up a good front to the representatives of those they had wronged for so long and put all of their concentration into these discussions.
Sir Pentious had quickly realised that he could use these frantic, important moments to his advantage. He had managed to slip away from the crowded conference room the first time he had visited his former realm as an angel too, and it had been one of the most heartfelt reunions he had ever experienced. There had been much rejoicing and crying. So. Much. Crying.
He held back tears again as he sneaked to the building's lavish dressing room and saw the friends he had secretly promised to meet there the last time they parted. Two of them, anyway.
Angel and Cherri greeted him with loud cheers, returned with Pentious' own, and the two besties wasted no time as they lept to the snake's arms. Pentious wrapped his arms and tail around them and squeezed them into a soul-crushingly tight group hug just as he had last time. There was no reason to hold back any affections, losing each other for good had been too close. That didn't prevent him from flustering brightly from such attention, however.
His heavenly form had graced him with additional strength that helped him keep upright as Angel and Cherri practically climbed up his frame. They were plastering his face with big kisses so quickly that, had they been wearing lipstick, Pentious would already look like a strawberry.
"Angel, Cherri-" he laughed, barely able to speak from under their lovely onslaught, "it's mossst brilliant to see you two! How is everyone?"
"Good, except we ran outta your cookies again," Angel replied without pause.
"We've missed those, and you a lil' bit too, ya old snake," Cherri chimed in, playfully elbowing Sir Pentious. "Oh, and everyone's sendin' their love. 'Cept for Alastor. He's turned into a cat."
"Oh, I understan-" Pentious said before his imminent double take. "-Eh... wait, what?"
"Don't ask," Angel said, waving his hand dismissingly. It was a far too long and confusing tale for the limited time they had together. "But that's why the others couldn't make it, they're sortin' that shit out. A bummer, huh?"
Sir Pentious couldn't deny feeling a bit disappointed, but he saw plenty of silver linings in the situation, too.
"That's unfortunate. But there will be other times I'm sure. And seeing you two is most ssspecial as well. You cheeky things have my entire attention," Pentious assured, realising that he had sounded rather flirtatious. But that didn't seem to be a problem. Angel and Cherri looked at each other curiously, before grinning and pressing closer to the snake. Cherri kissed him again, this time where his jaw met his neck.
"Yer right. I say that we should be takin' advantage av' it," Angel spoke into Pentious' ear, tickling his scales with his warm breaths.
"Hmm?" Pentious responded, quite liking where this was going. He turned to Cherri, whose lips and hands were already lowering down, pleasantly. No opposition from her then, either. A certain warmth pooled in Pentious' core and he sighed blissfully, caressing the shoulders of his friends at one. There were about twenty minutes left before Pentious was expected back by the other angels. It was plenty. He started sinking down with his friends as their words dissolved into more kisses. Clothes were being tugged at, and skin was caressed.
Sir Pentious would certainly be a questionable angel if he agreed to an out-of-wedlock threesome on a dressing room floor during a heavenly conference.
But why not, he thought with quite the mischievous smirk. This was Hell, after all.
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eddiemunsn · 4 months
Thats crazy- literally so many people I follow have condemned Noah for what he has said on here. There are people who dont???
I want to give the benefit of doubt solely because idk what happens behind closed doors. I dont usually talk politics (this is more than just politics, its literal genocide) to my coworkers. I think two cast members don't have social media, and some only have their agents run it (which I've heard rumors they don't even have access to the accounts and couldn't share something if they wanted to). I wouldn't expect someone who has 0 social media to suddenly get it and post something- to me i would be more suspicious then, but thats only because people I know irl suddenly joined social media to be performative as fuck and try and gain a following and profit off this genocide (one bitch did it to try and sell her fucking mlm fuck her).
For all I know they could be donating money for relief efforts. They could have tried talking to Noah in private. I have zero clue. It disgusts me though. I plan to pirate the next season so they don't make money.
dude i must be following the wrong people or they’re just not showing up on my feed bc it’s been dead silent on my end 😪
i know joe quinn doesn’t have social media and such, and if any celebrity just made an account to be an activist i’d be VERY suspicious as well. i just wish that those who do interact with their own social media said something, bc if i had a platform and one of my coworkers was so vocal about supporting genocide, you best believe id be making it very fucking clear i do NOT agree with them. both to their face and to the public.
i get that they could be donating behind the scenes but it’s so important for people with power and influence to say something. i just can’t forgive that kinda stuff. like with david harbor liking noah’s posts— that’s a grown ass man!! absolutely disgusting 🤢 bye hopper lmao
honestly even if they speak up next week or the week after— yeah it’ll be fucking late and a bad look, but it’s better than never. just hope one day noah faces the consequences of openly cheering for genocide and eats his own words. and i hope the people who have supported him, fans and people in his life, share the same fate.
and yeah there’s no fucking way i’m watching the new season on netflix. i’m not even excited tho, so i can wait a day or two to pirate it. and even then, the new season will be revolving heavily around the fucking zionist pig boy who deserves a broken nose.
will byers die 20-whenever the fuck s5 comes out 😍
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puppyeared · 8 months
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learned something about myself lately
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orions-garden · 1 month
Fantasy High Dashboard Simulator:
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why did a high schooler just campaign for student body president at my union meeting
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she’s the only politician I respect btw
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by sol this can’t be happening
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“kinda gay to be a private investigator, whose privates are you investigating” NO ONE’S I’M AROACE LEAVE ME ALONE
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why the nightmare king kinda…… but I would never…. unless? 👀😏
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trapped in a hellscape
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one time i got so high on gorgenfern i learned the name of the only true god
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what was it
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🔮elvenoracleee Follow
“the best revenge is letting go and living well” WRONG. ADAINE’S FURIOUS FISTS. 👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥
769 notes
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🔥protector-of-elmville Follow
thank galicaea there’s not one of those evil versions of my blog 😅
❄️destroyer-of-elmville Follow
yeah that’d be crazy
🔥protector-of-elmville Follow
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6,880 notes
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seventh-district · 15 days
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 2
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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jenderenvy985 · 10 months
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