#inspiration has me in a chokehold
sirserpentine · 3 months
♥♥♥ { from Angel & Cherri }
Send me a kiss! (Accepting)
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A group of angels had descended to Hell for a rare meeting in person, but not for extermination, this time. They had agreed to these meetings a few times since the rather awkward realisation that they had been slaughtering millions of sinners for no reason. Thus, they were keen on putting up a good front to the representatives of those they had wronged for so long and put all of their concentration into these discussions.
Sir Pentious had quickly realised that he could use these frantic, important moments to his advantage. He had managed to slip away from the crowded conference room the first time he had visited his former realm as an angel too, and it had been one of the most heartfelt reunions he had ever experienced. There had been much rejoicing and crying. So. Much. Crying.
He held back tears again as he sneaked to the building's lavish dressing room and saw the friends he had secretly promised to meet there the last time they parted. Two of them, anyway.
Angel and Cherri greeted him with loud cheers, returned with Pentious' own, and the two besties wasted no time as they lept to the snake's arms. Pentious wrapped his arms and tail around them and squeezed them into a soul-crushingly tight group hug just as he had last time. There was no reason to hold back any affections, losing each other for good had been too close. That didn't prevent him from flustering brightly from such attention, however.
His heavenly form had graced him with additional strength that helped him keep upright as Angel and Cherri practically climbed up his frame. They were plastering his face with big kisses so quickly that, had they been wearing lipstick, Pentious would already look like a strawberry.
"Angel, Cherri-" he laughed, barely able to speak from under their lovely onslaught, "it's mossst brilliant to see you two! How is everyone?"
"Good, except we ran outta your cookies again," Angel replied without pause.
"We've missed those, and you a lil' bit too, ya old snake," Cherri chimed in, playfully elbowing Sir Pentious. "Oh, and everyone's sendin' their love. 'Cept for Alastor. He's turned into a cat."
"Oh, I understan-" Pentious said before his imminent double take. "-Eh... wait, what?"
"Don't ask," Angel said, waving his hand dismissingly. It was a far too long and confusing tale for the limited time they had together. "But that's why the others couldn't make it, they're sortin' that shit out. A bummer, huh?"
Sir Pentious couldn't deny feeling a bit disappointed, but he saw plenty of silver linings in the situation, too.
"That's unfortunate. But there will be other times I'm sure. And seeing you two is most ssspecial as well. You cheeky things have my entire attention," Pentious assured, realising that he had sounded rather flirtatious. But that didn't seem to be a problem. Angel and Cherri looked at each other curiously, before grinning and pressing closer to the snake. Cherri kissed him again, this time where his jaw met his neck.
"Yer right. I say that we should be takin' advantage av' it," Angel spoke into Pentious' ear, tickling his scales with his warm breaths.
"Hmm?" Pentious responded, quite liking where this was going. He turned to Cherri, whose lips and hands were already lowering down, pleasantly. No opposition from her then, either. A certain warmth pooled in Pentious' core and he sighed blissfully, caressing the shoulders of his friends at one. There were about twenty minutes left before Pentious was expected back by the other angels. It was plenty. He started sinking down with his friends as their words dissolved into more kisses. Clothes were being tugged at, and skin was caressed.
Sir Pentious would certainly be a questionable angel if he agreed to an out-of-wedlock threesome on a dressing room floor during a heavenly conference.
But why not, he thought with quite the mischievous smirk. This was Hell, after all.
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starboardspook · 1 year
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“Its eternity in there”
Emesis Blue screencap redraws 
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unwillingdarling · 4 months
thinking about… being naive enough to trust an internet friend, to fly into their city to visit them and getting so excited after a long day of flying to see their car pull up at the airport, and they pop the trunk to let you put your stuff in and climb into the front beside them, and they smile at you and welcome you in and they’re kind and bubbly and talking about the things y’all will get up to
and getting on the road from the airport and stopping at that first light, and you notice them moving beside you, and you look at their lap and then to their face in shock because, well… you’d never said anything, but you’d had a crush on them for as long as you can remember and been thinking worse thoughts about them along in your bed for longer
and they roll their eyes at your pause and “well?”
and it’s not a question. it’s not even a suggestion. any of that friendliness from moments ago melts away, and they lock the doors and pop the buckle on your seatbelt
and…. who are you to say no?
they tangle a hand in your hair once you’ve leaned over and lowered your mouth to them, tasting them, and they push your head down fully. while you make these pathetic noises, moaning and gagging around them, only getting louder when you realize you can’t pull away, they’re holding you there, they decide for you:
you won’t be making that flight back in a few days.
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well I know what you want from me you want someone to be your reflection, your bitter deception setting you free won't you come and dance in the dark with me? show me what you are, I am desperate to know nobody better than the perfect enemy and I know what you want from me you want the same as me my redemption, eternal ascension setting me free
for @bladesmercy's fic The Fear of Falling Stars
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tsundcku · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ kahlia’s look !! ˎˊ˗
 ╰──╮ ꕥ ╭──╯
01 - jacket , skirt , boots , bag, necklace  
02 - top, skirt, sandals, bag, sunglasses    
03 - dress, beret, socks, shoes, bag, choker
thank u to all cc creators !! 
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leawesomesloth · 8 months
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WRIOTHESLEY CAME HOME. To celebrate, here’s sexy rocker wriothesley 😇
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I have this Lawlu fic idea called "The City of Light" in my drafts. I'm most excited about writing Law here. He's a pirate who disappeared a century ago and no one knows where he is. That is...
In the present day, Luffy stumbles upon an island that's seemingly abandoned. Usopp refuses to go, claiming he has 'fear of new islands diseases'. At their campsite, Usopp suddenly disappears. Whatever, Usopp probably got cowardly—nothing new. He and Zoro push on!
They end up on a city made of white gold. It's shiny, it's brilliant and sparkling. They're greeted by a handsome man who's older than them both but speaks kindly and warmly. He shows them around, feeds them whatever they want and gives them nice clothes. He promises to keep a look out for Usopp, but there's a weird look in his eye Zoro could not ignore. It gets worse when Luffy looks positively smitten.
One night, Zoro turns to Luffy and says, "Hey, this is nice but I think we should go back. I don't like the way he looks at you." Luffy just blinks, "Why?" Zoro explains, "Usopp's gone and I think he did it." Luffy never saw Zoro this nervous before but he agrees to be careful. The next day, Zoro's gone too. Whatever, maybe Zoro got lost. Zoro will come back. He always does!
(TW: Cannibalism.)
The next morning, Luffy sees his host under a waterfall while exploring the forest. That's when Luffy really sees him as a man, a gorgeous, sexy, irresistible one. He turns to Luffy and smiles. He invites Luffy to come bathe with him, which is an excuse for him to feel up Luffy approvingly while stripping him. He touches Luffy everywhere. His chest, his abs, his hips. He is just about to come closer until...
A plant nearly bites off the man's head. Then some sleeping gas.
Amidst the confusion, Usopp grabs Luffy and runs away into the forest, runs as far as he can back to their ship. Usopp tells Luffy that this guy's really fucking dangerous. He 'disappeared' because he got chased by this huge white bear demon (Bepo's sulong form) with shining blue eyes while collecting firewood. With enough effort, Usopp finally defeated the bear. That's not all. Usopp saw him try to lure Zoro into a cave by conjuring phantoms of Kuina demanding a rematch. The guy eats people in said cave. For a brief moment, Usopp swore he looked ancient, all wrinkly like a raisin as he devours them and only when he's had enough does he revert back to his youthful appearance. Just before Luffy can process this information, the man catches up to them and he is FURIOUS. He drew his sword to kill Usopp but Luffy pushes him off and punches him back. Luffy tells Usopp to run away and take care of Zoro and the others.
Luffy's unsure of what to make of this, but he decides to stick around just in case. By this point, Luffy's half in love. He did not want to think his first love could do anything bad...
The next day, Luffy stumbles upon a cave. When he looks inside, that's when he finally understood Usopp's urgency. The man was eating someone and was half-way through eating his arm that he looked up and saw Luffy. Luffy just walks up to him, finds the locket that accidentally dropped on the floor. He opens it and recognises the people inside. Luffy said he would leave the island to return the locket to the proper owner no matter what. The man's livid now.
They get into a heated argument about the world being dangerous or whatever but that doesn't matter. Right after Luffy says that he has his crew to protect him, the man knocked him out unconscious...
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nellandvoid · 2 months
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thievin’, stealin’, takin’ what’s not yours!
fun fact about silvia: she used to be a (very talented) pickpocket when she was younger, but gave it up once she moved to gravity falls
another fun fact about her: she didn’t know that b&e was Very Different from pickpocketing but learned very quickly
as always, in color is under cut!
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gambeque · 2 months
i desperately needed to get into new media ty soul eater ty dunmeshi
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inursoulkitchen · 10 months
i’m literally so fucking obsessed with rafe and barry and just the idea of them
the idea of rafe being Obsessed with barry since he was 15, seeing barry for the first time in the obx. barry is 21 and had just come back from the army, his hair slightly starting to grow out and curling beneath his hat. he’s working down on the docks and is tanned from the sun.
rafe is walking past with topper and kelce and damn near almost falls down the bank when he’s sees the man.
and it’s not as if this is rafes awakening or anything like that. he had that while watching pirates of the Caribbean aged 9.
no this was different. this was all kinds of real.
this man was within touching distance and he was a Man. not like the boys he crushed on in school. he looked like he had been through things. his body looked beautifully worn.
rafe wanted to touch him.
and so it becomes a thing. hanging out around the docks in hopes of catching a glimpse of this man and his arms and his dark eyes.
rafe felt weird.
and then the thought of rafe finally getting barry after all those years of pining after him but having to play it cool but he can’t help but have this bashful smile every time he’s around him. he feels like the luckiest guy alive.
he wants to show him off. he wants to be shown off.
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mx-myth · 6 months
Having a VIVID idea of liansanjiao as a team of underwater scientists. Dfs is a diver/underwater photographer. Fdb is a researcher aka the one paper-pusher out of the three of them (he writes all the papers). Llh is also a diver and oversees the upkeep of their underwater research facility (he's the one who roped the other two into this) as well as a certified doctor (specifically for marine research-related illnesses, like decompression sickness). They're researching seahorses (because I said so).
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Time to be long-winded about music again featuring the Four Winds albums by the Oh Hellos. I desperately hope this one will be shorter given how bloody long the thing about Coyote Stories ended up being so to somewhat ensure that this will be split up into four separate posts, one for each album. I’m going in chronological order of release. Come one, come all, but especially @writer-of-random-things, to see me put more effort into tumblr posts than my english essays.
Part 1: Notos (you are here!)
Part 2: Eurus
Part 3: Boreas
Part 4: Zephyrus
Before even getting into the songs, let’s look at the album art. A cicada, the hallmark of summer, buzzing in chorus for a few days before dying. They are a horde, second only to their cousins the bees, wasps, and locusts, but a horde nonetheless. The cicada blindly sits underground for most of its life, growing in solitude and waiting for its cue to escape to the sunlit world, mate, and die. A cicada does not question it’s place in the universe. A cicada harbors no thoughts of doubt in its mission, and holds no grudge when it dies under the sky. But humans are not cicadas.
The first song of the album is “On the Mountain Tall”, a relatively quiet start. It’s very biblical in its symbolism and imagery, but perhaps the most important lines are when the singer calls out, “Still the wild wind blows / Up our of the grave of an angry ghost / Firing bricks from broken canon and prose / To build a wall so high it reaches the heavens in the sky”. The spelling of “canon” is not that of the instrument of warfare on the high seas, but that of generally accepted truth when it comes to creative works, as well as religions. But it is used to describe an action much more befitting the weapon, as the “wild wind” is “Firing bricks from broken canon and prose”, a metaphor for using hypocritical or untrue logic and facts to defend itself. Whomever the singer is singing to, they want the singer to fear them and love them in equal measure, but the singer doesn’t. This nebulous thing is described as being “Quiet as a candle and bright as the / morning sun”, not unlike some angelic thing from on high, and yet whoever they are, they are not “He”, who is “not within them, the clatter of / brass and drums”.
“Torches” soon follows, a quicker paced tune of a back-and-forth between two singers. Each alludes to the other, “Father Ignorance” and “Mother Fortuna”, matching up with the leading male and female vocals. Both figures are referred to by the others as making either “Brothers of us all” or “Sisters of us all” through their actions, though neither seem to be very virtuous people. “Father Ignorance” seems to feed people’s anger and fear, setting “our torch aflame” and burning someone at the stake, no matter their innocence. “Mother Fortuna” turns “shadows into shapes”, stoking paranoia and encouraging violence despite the fact that “the faces in her wake / Look more like our own than the / effigies we immolate”. Neither singer seems to be the one from “On the Mountain Tall”, as the previous song was about someone resisting the carrots and sticks offered by someone quite similar to both Ignorance and Fortuna. And yet these two beings still have power, as they sing together, “We keep that old wheel turning / Over and over, again”, maintaining the endless cycle of fear, paranoia, anger, and destruction.
The next song is an instrumental interlude, “Planetarium Stickers on a Bedroom Ceiling”. It’s a gentle tune that slowly builds into the next song, “Constellations”, but the name alone indicates that whatever stars exist far above are not real things, but rather facsimiles. Pretty things, sure, but nothing like the real, burning, blazing balls of gas that dot the night sky.
“Constellations” begins slowly, as the singer describes the sensation of speaking something that takes their voice away and feels upon their tongue like “Brick and mortar, thick as scripture / Drawing lines in the sand and laying / borders as tall as towers / I babble on until my voice is gone”. The clear and more cloudy references to the Tower of Babel and the Empire of Babylon show how the singer has been confounded and confused by that thick and choking scripture. Everything good in their life, everything good done by them and to them are “like constellations, a million years away”, no more real than those “Planetarium Stickers on a Bedroom Ceiling”. What few pieces of joy they have are no more real than the lines drawn to create “Constellations”. But by the end of the song, those good stars are “imploding in the night / Everything is turning, everything is turning / The shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light / Everything you thought you knew / Will fall apart, but you’ll be alright”. The singer has realized how much they have been smothered by thick scripture, how little they know about the world, how much they want to be free, and how they have been denied their freedom by the world they grew up with, by Father Ignorance and Mother Fortuna.
The titular “Notos” is next, starting with the singer describing the world in the moments before the clouds break and a storm crashes down. The world is holding its breath, waiting for “A thunderous disturbance”, the inevitable response to what the singer has done to those “Planetarium Stickers on a Bedroom Ceiling”. But whatever the world is expecting is not what happens, as the rush that comes “will take you away / Like you’re caught in the undertow / And you will drown in the wake / Of the things you lost to the winds of Notos”. Everything the singer has lost to the thick scripture, all that the spent in hopes that the “Constellations” of good intentions would become real, is now being repaid tenfold over. Their realization is as strong as a hurricane, as untamable as the sea, and more furious than a thunderstorm in this moment. They’re drowning Fortuna and Ignorance in “the wake / Of the things you said that you can’t take back”. It’s a beautifully poetic description of the pure, flaming anger felt by someone in the moment they realized their betrayal, but as the final line of the song says, “You gotta let go”.
The second instrumental interlude of the album is “Mandatory Evac / Counting Cars”. Finishing the wordless cry that began in “Notos”, the song is a slow, gradual build up from gentle guitar strums to the beautiful melody that has haunted the background of the rest of the album, a promising echo that reminds the listener that they’ve come quite far since the beginning of this 20-minute journey, and that they’ve still got plenty of road left to travel.
The final song of Notos is “New River”. The singer’s tune is one of gradual change, of how “though the eons may pass as slow as the sands of an hour glass / Every grain that we’ve counted / Claims that even the mountains can change”. This promise that even the most permanent parts of the landscape can slowly but surely change, that the very land itself can bend to the power of a “New River”, is a powerful metaphor for the prospective journey of the singer. They yearn to carve out a new path, to rise with the tide and bask in the “rain for forty days and nights”, to embrace the change so abhorred by the “Planetarium Stickers on a Bedroom Ceiling”, to erode away where they had once stood “On the Mountain Tall”, to extinguish the “Torches” and prove the “Constellations” to be naught but lines drawn in the sky. Within this wind of “Notos” will they rise and remake themselves anew, casting off the thick scripture and ignoring the roaring fire and wind. The fiery Southern Wind of Summer has risen and raged, tearing apart the walls of “broken canon and prose”, and as stormy Notos leaves, Eurus of Autumn and the Eastern Wind will blow in from the horizon where the sun rises, bringing cooler times and heralding yet more change as migrations begin and more questions are asked.
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scalproie · 3 months
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mrs-nubenueve · 1 year
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some bokuaka t4t doodles i did….technically not late bc i started on tdov
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sharowolet · 2 years
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doot doot
[ID: waist-up digital drawing of Xiao from genshin impact. Xiao has his yaksha mask on his face and he is surrounded by black mist, spears, and bright teal particles. His head is angled upwards and his mouth is shown opened in pain while his hands are also reaching up, clawed, and trying to grasp something. The pattern on his arm is partially glowing. There is a trail of bright teal emitting from his hair and the eyes of his mask. Above him is Venti (archon outfit) with his arm reaching down, palm up, toward xiao’s face. There are a couple of feathers floating down from the arm down to Xiao.]
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hinaliix · 1 year
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Brown-eyed Vash my beloved ♥️
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