#this is my manifesto on the enemies to lovers phenomenon 😅
oreolesbian · 2 years
y’all will just brand two characters who hate each other and then end up together as enemies to lovers. but no. there’s layers to this stuff**:
friends to enemies to lovers (i.e., catradora): grew up together, started out close (platonic only for this one, will accept lingering crush/feelings, but never acted upon); had a falling out/tragic “breakup”, eventually worked it out and got into a romantic relationship they never got to have before
friends to lovers to enemies to lovers (i.e. wolfstar): similar to the previous, but they worked their shit out and actually had a relationship before the big “breakup,” which makes the back to lovers after all the enemy stuff all the more satisfying
lovers to enemies (i.e., satosugu; cherik; the doctor x the master): l loved you once, but you turned to the dark side and I can never forgive you despite the lingering sadness of having once trusted you like no other. i am vulnerable because you knew me. 😵‍💫😭 or just bickering bitter exes 🤪
enemies AND lovers (i.e., lawlight): i feel like this is so specific to light and L, but i’m sure there’s more. yeah, they hate each other and they also want to fuck each other. self-explanatory. toxic but in a fun way
enemies to friends to lovers (i.e., eruri; sambucky; violyn; gigolas; lumity): this is the peak of the content. this is what people really want in that enemies to lovers package. that middle ground of friendship where they dance around each other in a nice slowburn, denying romantic feelings whilst still getting used to tolerating one another’s presence bc they used to hate/extremely dislike each other…yeah 😎
**i just used ships i’m very familiar with, plus my own personal headcanons for the non-canon ones, but i’m sure there’s a trillion more examples of all these plus more
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