#this is not “haha edgy teen” i have anxiety going out
vincentaureliuslin · 5 months
MAYBE the pocket in my purse with two different pocket knives, rocks, first aid, and whatever tiny sharp objects i could get my hands on is necessary. did you ever think of that huh????
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voretwins · 7 years
when we had the tazhctime thing (last week? the week before that?? i dont understand time what day is it today) i got a lot of submissions nd asks about ocd magnus and i related to them UH a lot and yeah long story short i may possibly have ocd so
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MomoJirou + TodoDeku Date!!
Requested by @turtle-deku / Ava!!
Momo ran around her dorm, doing her makeup and hair and then redoing her hair and then painting her nails last minute and then finally quitting to curl her hair instead.
“Momo, you know that we were supposed to be downstairs two minutes ago, right?”Jirou asked, looking at her girlfriend. Momo wore a maroon velvet dress and black pump heels with her hair down and curled.
Jirou, on the other hand, wore just a white tank top, black jeans, and then her Doc Martins. It was simple, but edgy as always. “I know, but everyone important will be at my fathers meeting! Endeavor and so many other pro heroes! People from modeling angencies, and all of my dad’s rich business friends.”
Momo looked at Jirou before sighing and smiling. “How do I look?” She asked, twirling as Jirou got up. “Beautiful as always.” They kissed, before Momo grabbed her purse and opened the door. As the ladies walked out, they saw the other couple coming out of their door at the exact time.
A few minutes earlier...
“Midoryia... you look fine.” Todoroki complained, standing up against the wall as Deku ran around, unfloofing and refloofing his hair like a mad man. “Shotoooo. Your entire family will be there! And All Might! And- and- all those News Reporters! I have to look good so I don’t embarrass you!”
Todoroki shook his head, smiling at his adorable boyfriend before grabbing him into a hug. “You never don’t look cute.” Todoroki kissed his forehead before grabbing his wallet, Izuku’s hand, and then walking out.
The two couples saw each other, and smiled. “How are we doing kiddos?” Jirou ruffled Midoryia’s hair as Momo fixed his tie. “You look stunning little broccoli.” Momo giggled, turning to Shoto. “You nervous?” she asked, smiling sadly at her red-and-white-haired friend. “Of course not. It’s only that I’ll be sitting with my father, boyfriend, and a bunch of reporters asking me questions and watching my every move.”
Izuku smiled, grabbing his boyfriend’s hand. “You’ll be okay Shoto. You both will be.” Izuku reassured him and the raven-haired girl. 
“Exactly! You two were raised for this kind of stuff! All you have to do is act natural and you’ll meet your parent’s expectations perfectly.” Jirou smiled, raising her fist in the air as Momo laughed nervously, fidgeting with her phone. 
“I hope you’re right.” She tried to smile, but the mix of her teeth chattering and her cheeks blushing made her look like a total mess, even if she had makeup and a fancy dress on. “I think we should head to the movie. Maybe you can pull yourself together in the car. We’ll have a short 15 minutes to prepare.” 
Shoto suggested as the group nodded, grabbing the hand of their partner and heading out to the limo. Passing Denki and Mina binging on the hot Cheetos, and Bakugo giving them a suspicious glare, they walked into the long, black limo that awaited them. 
Shoto got the window seat, then Deku, then Jirou, and then Momo lastly, closing the car door behind her. Yet Shoto was incorrect, the 15 minutes were not short. Momo and Jirou went over the right away to hold things, how to speak to her dad’s friends, and how to walk in the heels without kicking her feet up whenever she felt uncalmly. 
Shoto on the other hand spent the time burying his face into Izuku’s neck, kissing his lips, and wishing he could hide away from the world with his little ‘Zuki. He knew he couldn't kiss Deku’s neck though, as it was covered in foundation to hide the hickeys from last night when Deku had comforted Todoroki’s anxiety through passionate... hugging.
“You’ll be okay Baby... You’re going to do great. I love you no matter what, and you don’t need to act any different around these people. They’re trying to impress you, the father of the number one hero. You don’t need to act any different.” Izuku whispered into his boyfriend’s ear, calming him while giving an amazing scalp massage.
 As Shoto met Izuku’s eye contact, he instantly melted in his fingers and realized how much he loved Izuku. 
“Now, here’s the deal. There will be reporters here so we must stick to the strict list of things we can talk about dealing with UA that Aizawa gave us, and we must make sure to talk as much about each other as possible. Talking about ourselves will come off as self-centered, but we should promote each other to the public. We don’t want a bad reputation as people.”
 Momo explained as Jirou giggled, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek to shut her up. “That’ll keep you quiet for a second. Don’t worry guys, it’s not that hard. Momo has been teaching me how to do this fancy stuff for days, and honestly, it’s common knowledge. Follow my league.” She winked at Deku before looking at a nervous-looking Todoroki. Reporters... oh god. Todoroki had a sudden flashback that brought him pain to think of.
“Now, tell me young man, what do you want to do with your life? Your father says you will follow in his footsteps and eventually become the number one hero. Is this true?” The hot, male reporter asked him, shoving a microphone in his blushed face. The lights were blinding and made him hot, and the cute guy in front of him was making him go insane. “Damn.” He blurted out, looking him up and down before staring at the camera in shock from his own words. “Haha, thank you. I can only guess that you are apart of the LGBT community as well. Do you pro-” 
The rest of the reporter’s words were blurred as Shoto saw his father from a far, staring bullets at him. He had just revealed his sexuality to the world, and could only be left to get more sweaty and embarrassed before being able to leave the reporter and cameraman behind. For weeks, magazines were filled with information about Shoto’s words, what his sexual orientation could possibly be, and who is possible love interests could be. 
It took a week before Izuku could drag him out of the depression he fell into, and that was by kissing him.
It was accurate that Shoto wasn’t good with reporters, and Izuku knew that too. In interviews, Shoto had called his father a bastard, had mispronounced his own name, and had once had said that he didn’t want friends in UA. “You’re going to be find Shoto. If anything happens, I’ll be right there to steal the show from you.” Shoto smiled, pinching his boyfriend’s cheek. 
“Oh goodness, we’re here!” Momo opened the car door and stepped out, everyone grabbing their partner’s hand and being met by a hundred different camera flashes, all of them blinding the poor teens. Momo grabbed Jirou and pulled her inside the building, running even in heels. Todoroki, instead, grabbed Izuku, holding him by his side and placing his hand in front of Izuku’s eyes, saving him from being blinded. 
“No comment... no comment...” Todoroki murmured, walking as this was normal for being the 1# hero’s son and a UA student himself. Holding Izuku tightly by the waist, he could only hope that a photo of them would be on the cover of at least one magazine. 
How cute... Once they got inside, Todoroki was happily relived to see that although the inside was much more extravagant and extra, there were only few reporters and their camera men walking around the place. It was a large room with a large staircase in the middle, and a bunch of rooms and hallways off the sides. “You okay Midoryia?” 
Shoto asked as his small boyfriend nodded, blushing and smiling in response. Todoroki sighed... kissing him on the cheek before going to join the girls, gripping Izuku’s hand tightly. “Lovely... Now remember the rules, we must bow from the waist only, smile only a little bit, and our hair must stay nice to entire time.” Momo turned and grabbed four glasses filled with sparkling water, dispersing them among her friends. 
“Lovely, now remember how I told you. Three fingers on one side, two on the other. And you hold it about lower-chest level so-” Momo’s lecture was interrupted by a reporter and her camera man stepping into the conversation. 
“Ahh, it’s the UA students everyone is so eager to meet! Hello, I’m Sasha from Channel News 4, and right now we are at the Conventional Meeting for the Yayorozu Hero Agency and all of it’s special guests, including pro hero All Might, Endeavor, and the hero in training Kyoka Jirou, Izuku Midoryia, Shoto Todoroki, and Momo Yayorozu. Tell me, as young adults, how did you and your friends prepare for such a prestigious event Shoto?” 
The reporter shoved her microphone into Shoto’s face, catching him off guard. Below the smile, Izuku could see that she was hoping Todoroki would say something dramatic and to be on the headlines of their magazines. He had to help his boyfriend. “Shoto lost his voice, so if you wouldn’t mind I’ll speak for him.” Izuku smiled as the news reporter happily moved the microphone to in front of him. 
“Personally, I’ve spent the past few days trying to help Shoto de-stress because after all, he’s Shoto Todoroki. He shouldn’t have to worry about the people here.” Deku smiled, happy with his response as the reporter smirked. 
“Does that mean that you and Shoto believe that he is equal or better than the famous faces we are seeing here today?” She asked as Deku began laughing, catching everyone off guard. 
“You’re so funny Sasha! I know that myself and my friends have been fangirling over all of this ever since we heard about it. With people like All Might and Endeavor here, it is very hard to feel at ease here. After all, we are just training to become what they already are, am I wrong?”
 Shoto had to think over everything, and comprehend how his boyfriend was so well in front of a camera, even tricking the reporter who only wanted drama, gossip, and for life to turn into a reality tv show. “Anyways, we must go. Nice talking to you.” Momo grabbed everyone by the arm and pulled them away, leaving the news crew in the dust. 
“Wait! We have to ask about your sexual orientation, and your views on black lives matter!” She yelled out, but was left with no answer. While Jirou and Momo went off to get food off a platter, Shoto stayed with Izuku and smiled. Grabbing both of his hands, he smiled happily. Such a happy, pure smile. “Thank you ‘Zuki. Thank you so much.” Todoroki would have said more, but the sight of his father coming from across the room behind Izuku stopped him. 
Deku turned around to see Endeavor, swallowing nervously but calming his nerves as he began to think. This was simply Todoroki’s dad, nothing more. Not the pro hero who could burn his face off then and there, but a human being who had brought the love of his life to the world. “Shoto... Midoryia.” Shoto saw his old man’s eyes drift at the two of them holding hands, and the look he was giving was unreadable. 
While on the other side of the room, Momo and Jirou were having a party of their own. Basically gossiping about the boys in their class and what Aizawa had been doing lately with All Might, they found his girly laughs and the way he whispered secrets that he knew from their teenage years to then absolutely lovable. 
“I know! Like, doesn’t Nezu care that he sleeps half of class? Iida teaches more than he does!” Jirou laughed out loud as All Might snorted out his drink. “Dang, I miss being one of the girls.” All Might giggled like a small girl, causing the two to snort their own sparkling. 
“When you’re done with the childs play, I would like to introduce you to someone Momo. Daughter, this is Ria Terrasu. She runs the modeling agency downtown for young, aspiring, female heroes.” Momo’s father introduced the blue-haired, older woman to her. 
“Yes, what your father said. We believe that since female pro heroes are so far and in between, we use our company to get their name out there! Our agency gives you a chance to do commercials with other pros, build your brand, and really find your own place in our society. We also are known for having our... pro lgbtq campaign going on.” Momo and Jirou made eye contact, their eyes sparkling and their hearts smiling. “That’s wonderful! Where do I sign?” Momo exclaimed jokingly, smiling ear to ear as the old woman giggled. 
“I knew you’d like that. All I ask for now is that you think about it. Of course, you’d only be able to do weekends and we would work 9 to 3 on Saturday and Sundays.” She explained as Momo began having second thoughts. Was she truly prepared to add another thing to her to-do list, when she was already a full time student, training to become a pro hero, and starting what seemed to be a perfect relationship with Jirou. “I’ll... I’ll think about it. Thank you Miss, really.” Momo stepped away, looking at Jirou with a sad look in her eyes. 
“W-what's wrong boo? I thought you loved the idea of that! Imagine how much fun you’d have being a model!” Jirou exclaimed as Momo smiled sadly. “Yes, but imagine all the fun we have on the weekends. I’d be missing out on all of that with you. Every hour without you is torture, so why would I sign myself up to do more?” Momo asked as Jirou blushed, kissing Momo softly. “You’re cute. Good job. Let’s go get Deku, we can cry and kiss later.” Jirou winked as Momo blushed even more, beginning to begin another conversation with All Might and make him “one of the girls” again.
While on the other side of the room, Endeavor put his hand out and tried his best to do what appeared to be a small smile. “Pleased to see you again.” He murmured as Deku quickly shook it, happy to see him trying. Shoto, on the other hand, was not thoroughly convinced. 
“Same for you sir. Have you been harassed by reporters today? We were just confronted by one, and man are they crazy!” Deku began to make conversation with the pro hero like it was nothing, even getting a shocked expression from Endeavor in return that he didn’t notice. Finally, this is my chance to show Shoto what I think of his relationship. “Ahh, I went through the same thing when I came in. It’s as if they’ve never heard of personal space.” Shoto’s eyes widened at the fact that his old man had made a joke to his boyfriend. 
“I agree sir. As if they can interview us, we then aren’t allowed to have our personal bubble.” Deku smiled, treating this as another conversation. Endeavor was talking to him, and not being snobbish or rude! What an accomplishment! “What a correct way to put it. I do not know why or how they are in here, but personally, I’ve already requested them to be removed. It’s already enough that we get blinded when we walk from the car to in here. Now that you’re here, I can’t help but as-” 
Before Endeavor could finish, Momo ran to Deku, pulling him aside. “All Might is asking for you! Come on Izu!” She pulled him away, leaving Shoto and his father alone. “What is the deal with All Might? Goodness... I do not understand the obsession with him, especially after his retirement.” Endeavor murmured as Shoto shook his head, smiling sadly. “All Might is the closest thing Midoryia has to a father. I recommend you get used to seeing him.” Todoroki walked away, going to join his friends at the circular table in the banquet hall with everyone else. So I must talk to All Might as well to become familiar with this boy? Man, why can’t this be easy?
Endeavor followed his son to the table to sit down between Shoto and one of Mr. Yayorozu’s business partners. The seating chart had Endeavor, Shoto, Deku, All Might, Momo’s mother, Jirou, Momo, Momo’s father, and then one of the business partners to the Yayorozu hero agency. “Ahh, Endeavor. Nice seeing you after so long.” All Might greeted Endeavor as he swallowed his pride, agreeing with himself that he would try and change as a father, as a father-in-law as well. “Agree.” He did that thing where he was trying to smile, but it just looked awkward. 
Thankfully, before the conversation could become awkward, the spokesperson walked onto the stage, speaking into the microphone. “Hello? Hello everyone. Thank you for joining me for the 81st Yayorozu Hero Agency Convention. To start us off, the owners of this establishment would like to ask All Might, who has so recently retired after giving us a safe way of life for so many years, to come give a speech. Everyone, a round of applause?” All Might blushed, smiling and going up to the stage. 
“T-thank you everyone, really. Goodness, this is unexpected. I would like to start off by saying-” At that moment, Deku looked to hear something beeping under the stage. “All Might! Watch out!” Using the power in his legs, he shot out of his seat, wrapped his arms around All Might, and pushed him off the stage into the corner just as an explosion erupted onto the stage. “Young Midoryia! You just saved my life!” All Might yelled as Izuku looked up to see the room being filled with explosions, causing all of the people inside to rush out of the room in a frazzled, panicked state. 
“Someone is behind all of this, and they’re targeting the pro heroes here. All Might, you need to get out of here!” Izuku exclaimed, picking up his mentor and beginning to walk him out. “Midoryia, I can help him by making a shield of ice! You go and find out who’s causing this! They cannot be far from here!” Shoto instructed as Deku nodded, leaving the banquet hall and entering the main room to find it on fire, large chunks of the ceiling and floor missing. “Deku! We need to stop whoever is doing all of these! They’re only going off whenever someone is getting close to them, so someone must be watching!” Jirou exclaimed, picking up wounded people and beginning to carry them. 
“Quick! Deku, rush up to the security office! It’s on the third floor, and it says Security on the door!” Momo instructed, creating a small bed with wheels and placing the hurt on them. 
Without hesitation, Deku rushed up the flights of stairs and then another until he was on the third floor. Slowly, he began to walk into the office, looking behind the wall to see that a person was sitting at the computer. “Super power charge!” Deku shot out from behind the corner, only to be met by nothing. “Did you not think I couldn’t see you coming through the cameras? You have a lot to learn Izuku!” The villain Toga jumped up, getting out her knife and running at him. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Deku yelled, using his quirk to jump onto the wall and then kick her from behind, pinning her to the ground and knocking her unconscious. Rushing to the computer, he looked around to find where the next bomb was going to go off. Checking the sticky note Toga had written next to the screen, he read 6:15, Floor 3 Left Wing Hallway. Looking at the watch to read 3:14, and then at the screen to see Endeavor walking there, Izuku began to panic. But luckily, Deku worked the best under pressure. Running out of the room and running into Endeavor, he grabbed his arm and used 12% of his quirk to swing Endeavor to the other side of the hallway.
 “Wha- Midoryia!” Endeavor yelled as he hit the ground, before looking towards Izuku to see a bomb going off right under his feet. Deku got launched from his feet, and then slammed into the ceiling, only to fall back to the first floor once the floor beneath him quickly crumbled away. “Oh my god!” Endeavor yelled, running to the unconscious boy before the realization hit him. Deku had just saved Endeavor’, putting himself at risk in the process. Half of Izuku’s arm looked burnt to a crisp, and his leg looked to be twisted incorrectly. “Doctor! Someone, we need a doctor!”
 Endeavor yelled out, surprised to be met by a paramedic, Shoto slowly following behind. “Oh god, Dad! What happened to him?!” Shoto nervously ran to Deku’s side, examining him with his tear-filled eyes. “He saved me son... threw me out of the way before a bomb could hurt me. Luckily, he wasn’t directly under the bomb like I had been, and only got slightly grazed by it.” He explained, feeling nervous himself. Had this poor boy really saved him, when he was a pro hero himself and was hated by the public? What was his deal?
The next time Izuku opened his eyes, he was in a hospital surrounded by Momo and Jirou sleeping with each other on the small pull-out couch, and Shoto sitting on the spinning chair. “Oh god, you’re awake.” Todoroki smiled, running to Izuku’s side. “Glad to see you’re okay Zuki.” He blushed, before the door opened behind him to reveal his father. “I think we all are.” He held a balloon that looked pitiful next to his large size, and flowers that looked expensive. “Dad?” Todoroki asked, shocked to see his father standing before his eyes. “Shoto, come out in the hall with me.” His father instructed, leaving the things on the table and leaving out the door. 
Shoto kissed Deku’s cheek before following him, shutting the door behind him. “Son, I must ask you something important, and I want the honest answer.” Endeavor asked as Shoto’s eyes widened at the sudden use of “son”. “I need to know if all of this is true. Are you sure you’re gay? Are you sure that you want to date All Might’s successor? ... Are you in love with Izuku Midoryia?” Endeavor asked, turning to face Shoto who stood there, leaning against the door with a surprised conversation. “I don’t see why you need to know any of t-”.
“Because how am I supposed to change if I don’t know a single thing about you?! How can I become a good father for you if I don’t even know you? Why don’t I know you Shoto?...” Shoto could have swore that he saw a single tear being shed from his father’s eyes. “Why did you come out to the whole world before me? Do you realize how much of a failure that makes me?” Todoroki was right. Endeavor was crying before his very eyes. 
“Why can’t I just be a terrible guy? Why must I wake up and realize my terrible actions after I’ve done them? Oh Shoto...” Endeavor put his hand on Shoto’s shoulder, pressing firmly on him. “I will be someone who you can be happy to call your father. I’m not asking for you to forget, but I am asking for a chance to prove myself to you, to your siblings... to the world.” Shoto shed a tear before putting his hand out, recreating the same gesture that Endeavor had done to Deku. 
“One more chance old man, but only because I want this to work just as much as you do.” Todoroki confessed, before hearing yells inside the hospital room. Running inside, he was met by the sight of Momo and Jirou screeching happily, jumping up and down. “W-what happened? What’s going on?” Shoto demanded, seeing that Izuku was overjoyed as well. “The modeling agency called me! They want us both!” Jirou yelled, throwing her phone to the couch before kissing her girlfriend. “Hmm, I guess that banquet was the best thing for all of us.” Endeavor murmured below his breath.
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avenger-hawk · 4 years
OH SHIT im so sorry, you shouldnt have repsonded and just say that you could get flagged. I wpuld have understood. Im sorry!😫 Ikr, damn, why is it so hard for them to accept that people are different. And just wanting to elaborate upon a dark theme does not automatically make one a sadist or any other controversial terms they pull out of their asses. Yeh lol, i feel like their unjustified hatred is a byproduct of guilty pleasure or jealousy or envy blah blah.
(2) They misunderstand little things and then overexaggerate to make everything you say seem ‘controversial’, ‘contradicting’, or ‘plain stupidity’. On my other fandom, I have had anons come bully my friend VERY harshly and it was horrible. Like excuse me, check your privilege man. Since when can you start judging others online without knowing them all the while hiding behind an anonymous profile? It is disgusting, childish, offensive, deplorable, immature to send hate and bully people.(3)Bullying can have serious repurcussions and when they grow up and mature, they will realise how lucky they were that the situation did not take an irreversible turn. My friend had serious suicidal thoughts because of this bullshit.Ikr?What the fuck, they try to police people, they try to fight for s.jus, they fight for their ‘own established’ rights but that shit’s all meaningless in the end. You are not changing the world, you are just trying to bring down others to feel good abt yourself. Lmao fuck this lousy ask system, i cant talk a lot and thats the only way i talk lol. Why communicate with 1 word when you can add 10 more 😂. But damn im so happy you remember haha            
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Lol Anon it’s like that kind of ‘if someone hates you for no reason give that motherf*cker a reason’ meme, if some hypocrite idiot hates my blog for no reason now they have one reason xD
I remember nice things♥ And I understand you, when I want to say something I can’t do it with only a few words, I have to use more. tw is not my thing basically lol.
Ikr? This hate they have for dark/controversial themes is so strong that it seems…too much…as if it’s something they know intimately, despite the shame and vehemence they express their hate for them (even more so I’d say)…as if they’re projecting it on those who explore those themes freely because they have themselves for those sinful and wrooooong thoughts. Lol it’s an old trope, the puritan priest or similar figure, going after everyone who leads a ‘sinful’ life but then the story reveals that they are those with the most immoral desire.
On top of this hypocrisy and self loathing they lack basic means to understand texts, since they misunderstand subtleties, irony and sometimes even basic text. They are ignorant but they think they are knowledgeable because they read on some random blog something sounding woke, and like Stephen Hawking said “the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”…they spew second hand wrong notions on everyone they stumble on and more, cause they actively seek different blogs and perspectives only to shit on them. Sometimes with bullying techniques even, like it happened to your friend, for whom I’m very sorry and angry, because I hate how these idiots defend FICTIONAL characters from REAL people’s THOUGHTS and OPINIONS, making real people suffer for it. Not realizing that the fictional character won’t cry or have suicidal thoughts after the discussion is over, because maybe they were feeling like shit already and they used fandom stuff to distract themselves from real stuff. And some do it on anon even, which is such a shitty coward move.
And like you said. they try to police people, they try to fight for s.jus, but that shit’s all meaningless in the end. You are not changing the world, you are just trying to bring down others to feel good abt yourself—–>exactly! there is nothing useful, nothing ‘just’ in fighting for fictional characters’ social justice. It’s fictional ffs, and as much as I love fictional stuff, no one’s gonna be saved and no one’s gonna give them a prize if they defend their characters’ whatever rights.
Like, you wanna fight genocide? you wanna fight ‘erasure’? you wanna support the oppressed? then look for real ones, there’s plenty out there, the world is a shitty place.
But. Ooops, it would mean to go out of the house and protest or meet real people, and plot twist: edgy sjw teen has social anxiety, maybe they’re au/tistic spectrum or they have adhd or some other mental condition. Or they’re ‘out of spoons’. Or so they say. Because they took an online test or smth. Because they think it’s cool to label themselves with something that real people with real problems, those conditions included, fight with everyday. But hey isn’t it cool to police people and when they talk back to brag with their whatever condition or gender identity and shield themselves behind it? Because then, the person will have retreat otherwise they’ll be labeled as their-thing-phobic. Fuck it.
And I’m saying this freely because I am sure that 99% of those I see here happily labeling themselves with some condition are fake. Just like their immaculate moral values lol.
Also speaking of hypocrisy how convenient to expect to be respected because they CLAIM to have a condition or to be a part of an oppressed minority, but to not respect others. You want respect for the minority they represent/the condition the have? Well first of all they should respect others. But that’s hard huh, because they can’t live without shitting on others.
Have a good day Anon!
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dabatcavebyhonie · 5 years
Marvel's Runaways- an example of a BAD idea
So imagine you wanted to a great comic book show. You buy a great cheap comic so you break the bank. But then you feel the pressure to have your loved characters appeal to a more modern audience. But there is a rift between the movie universe and the TV universe. So now you are left with a half baked story filled with holes and it is almost unrecognizable to the comics. Let us also not forget their horrible idea of re-writing the perspectives for the mass audiences. This is how you get the "cringy" monster that is the Hulu's adaptation of Runaways.
The first thing you must understand before tackling Runaways is that this Marvel property is heavily ingrained into the Marvel universe. In fact, one character from the comic book cast is the son of Ultron. Ultron, who MCU wrote off as someone short series of events.  Then that means that most of the events that occur in the comics become void. This leads to a rewriting of the events that occur in the TV show.
I broke the aspects of this ongoing show into three parts : Angst- the teen and the parent, stereotypes- I promise we're different,  dialogue- Who am I?
“I had choosen the path of the black sheep rather than that of the unicorns and puppies.”
― Magenta Periwinkle, Cutting Class
Angst- The teen and the parent 
     When you are first introduced to the nouveau-rich families of PRIDE  you see  parents with a wide range of jobs. This includes tech mongers, bio-chemists, and even spiritual leaders. By each family you see various color schemes graced across the screen. I assumed this TV show would be promising. Until you meet the children. I first became frustrated by the dynamics of the children. They're all stereotypes written out of a high school rom-com. At least for shows that Have stereotypes like  Daria you understand they're there to be unrealistic and mellow-dramatic. However this idea isn't valid for Runaways. The show is supposed to be relatable and fanciful at the same time. They're also not stereotypes in the graphic novel they're just themselves. This adds angst to the angst . Which this edgy behavior is supposed to replace the depth in their character. Take the biggest example of this: Nico. Her stereotype is that she's a goth so she's mean and does witchcraft and always cries about dead sister. Then in the later seasons she's hopelessly devoted to Karolina and this is supposed to add depth to her one dimensional personality.Her senitive love for Karolina is supposed to add depth- I just...No,no, no, UGH, Stop, please. I  can't with her. The big thing that makes her DEEP is that she's actually sensitive and gay. They use queer-bating to have her be more appealing. Then her stereotypical goth-ness solidifies the Goth norm-perception, it says,"Yes all goths are this way. They're all tortured and filled with teenage melodramatic behavior.".Her Wicca worship is another Goth stereotype. As a goth myself I do not condone the stereotypes that aren't accurate. I wish her character was more inspired like Abby from NCIS. The actor wantesd the  character to be more authentic and not just a stereotype like numerous other shows have.   Just no. Every time she slams her door a front of her mother's face or steals her mother's staff I'm just dumbfounded.   
   Karolina is the church girl stereotype. She waltzes across your screen in all white and reads Her bible-I-mean-her-religious-texts-that-don't-sound-like-Christianity-at-all. Then when she's tempted by the flesh of the witch! Oh no will they, Won't they? Spoiler alert: They will as we assumed with horrible LGBTQ+ characters as always. Her depth is her love for Nico. To the amount that her dreams while she's trapped in the first two episiodes of season three was her wedding with Nico. Granted it was goregous but her love is her character depth which is dissapointing since their relationship ends in season three.  They're both always moody and mad at each other but it's fine they love each other even though they only give each other a few pecks once in a while. Like don't make the mass audience mad cause we can't have too much gay! HAHA! For me it's less for the LGBTQ+ masses or to show representation it's written to sound and look pretty for the male gaze but hey! 
That's just me spreading my SJW bias like Gert does 24/4! Like is there an off button. Introducing the liberal complete with crippling anxiety and even "NO! I can't love a Lacrosse Jock! I hate the Patriarchy!". While no one shows up for her rally or her bakes sales she crushes over Chase who is rude to her. My father being heavily left-leaning said "Gert needs to go. Like she doesn't stop talking and ruins the show!". Like when I told him I was watching the new season he frantically asked why and asked if I was okay.
I'm getting off track. Anyway, The point is the only ones that love their family to start is Molly, Gertrude and Chase. But don't worry the only one that still loves her parents after is Molly (in some twisted way I guess Karolina.....ehhh). After seeing their parents kill a kid and shove them into a magical space tube instead of calling the police or rationally acting. They gain this amazing attribute called teenage angst. Except for Molly cause she doesn't get it. Granted the first season isn't that bad but the show only gets worse the farther you go into it. I especially have been carrying a special amount of disdain for season two. But I think that maybe the new season has promise since the teenage angst doesn't smell as bad so far but I'll give you guys an update on Tumblr. What was I saying ...So if you don't understand what I mean by the heavy angst take a new scene from season three when Dale (her dad) Has Gert hostage in their cottage. She goes on numerous rants on How much she hates him when like a year ago she was being somewhat rational by trying to think before she shouts and finger wag at her parents but now-speak your mind child! I find the teen vs. parent atmosphere.
However  This idea of teenage angst isn't unrealistic. But how general it is over every character is what makes the angst unrealistic. The original hesitation of Gert makes it feel more natural. Karolina's almost disregard to what they saw originally felt more real. The small responses from characters separates their personalities and makes season one much more entertaining.
Stereotypes- I promise we're different 
Now that you understand the edgy personality of the show as a whole let's move on to the content. You're introduced to a runaway teenager named Destiny she's mugged but "rescued" by the Church of Gibborim. Little do we realize these muggers were trying to save her. Six months later we're introduced to Alex Wilder, a stereotypical nerd, who loves coding. Nico Minoru the person Alex has a crush; her  sister died who was Alex's best friend, so now Nico's a goth. Okay, that's a lot. You then meet Gert, Chase and, Molly. Molly is younger then everyone else so she is disregarded when she tells everyone to become friends. Chase is a lacrosse jock but he's different cause he's smart I guess. Chase loves his family but his dad is emotionally abusive to him and his mom. It gives Chase a leader mentality and he tends to think he knows the right answer.
 Gert is a social justice warrior who tries to make her school a better place. But she's different cause she has anxiety. Tell me if my point isn't getting across, tell me. This show's "thing" is that everyone's a stereotypes but, they're different, I guess;Which would usually be fine if it wasn't apart of such a big intellectual property: Marvel. Granted when it comes to movies and TV I never said Marvel story-lines were ever complex but the shows always Go outside the prior assumptions, it's not all stereotypes. 
Take for instance, Agents of Shield.  Take Coulson who literally was resurrected fro the dead. He is hard and stern like he was depicted in the movies but we learn about his strife and how he worked alongside Nick to build S.H.I.E.L.D. to what it is. He has control issues so he has to adopt the mindset that Nick has. It's new and interesting to the MCU audience. Melinda May, is an Ace pilot and personally my favorite simply due to her character writing. Her divide between her reputation versus who she is. She's known as " The Calvary" after all. She has trauma from a mission that killed a civilian which leaves her emotionally scared. This isn't a new concept but seeing her grow and becoming better emotionally gives the audience connections to the characters.
 Every character is written with steady care and good character writing. We feel sad When Coulson dies yet again. We feel the inner turmoil Skye and May feel. The connection isn't there in these hollow stereotypes. The connection to the audience in Runaways is what's making the show stale. The TV show characters are pale imitations of the comic book characters. It's hurts the show in the long run.  
dialogue-Who am I?
The most important thing that makes this show salvageable is the dialogue. No, I don't only mean the words coming out their mouths but the story-line that's surprisingly controlled by the parents. The superficial cold teenagers that only show disdain towards their parents and easily toppled by their Parents beckoning and call. For instance in season 2, Chase betrays his whole team to have his family back after his dad dies. He thinks they'll lose so quickly when  he's left alone with them. You see their guard come down so quickly around their providers. Yet they can never forgive them. This is obvious in Alex's case. His hatred towards his parents lead him to the arms of his father's enemy become's angry when his mother retaliates and kills Darius, but is vexed when his father is calling him. Responds just by his mother threatens him from jail in season three. Why does Nico stop to talk to her Dad in season three, episode "Lord of Lies". I'm going  to keep watching just because of the dynamic of the kids and parents. Especially as the parents are inhabited by parasitic aliens it's changes this complex dynamic yet again. Along with Nico's inner turmoil involving her magic and the forces that are utilized with her staff headlines the dialogue and plot I love so much. I will continue to watch as this tale unfolds.
Conclusion: This show is complex recycling heap. I find it hard to watch and a grotesque figure I can't move away from. I find it a good surface level adaptation. I find it messy but it's not entirely predictable! I appreciate how invested the actors are in their characters! I hope to continue watching the show to see how  the plot moves.  
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