#this is now a la'an noonien-singh blog
curlytrek1701 · 1 year
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femslashhistorian · 2 months
ST: SNW ramble and shipping update
I had seen clips and some pieces, but when I started shipping Christine/T'Pring (and reading Alsike’s / @nike-ravus fantastic fics), I had not properly watched Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
I have recently stated watching it and I am nearly through with both seasons.
And I really like it. In fact, this is the first Star Trek show that I've really enjoyed watching in a very long time.
I means it's not perfect and there were a few eps that I did not enjoy all that much, but overall, I am enjoying watching it. I still think they properly ruined the timelines and overall continuity across Star Trek shows, but if you take SNW as a standalone new Star Trek show, it really works and it captures the 'spirit' of Star Trek. And I think they managed to create a mostly episodic show that does have meaningful continuity across episodes.
And I like all the characters. Especially Christine and La'an
Result: In addition to Christine/T'Pring, I now also ship La'an/Una.
(Oh my, the AO3 ship tag is a mouthful: La'an Noonien-Singh/Number One | Una Chin-Riley and kind of a nightmare for search and tumblr tags)
Thus expect even more Star Trek femslash art and fic reblogs on my blog. And I will look for La'an/Una fics and if I find enough that I like (and IF I have time and energy) maybe I'l do a fic rec.
I already have a done a Christine/T'Pring fic rec, that you can find here, and also check out the wonderful fic Open to all biologically compatible aliens by queersintherain.
OT: Oh rats, I just found out that the one (1) F/F/M Christine/Spock/T'Pring fic I was into, will probably never be finished.
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