#this is oooold I want it out of my drafts
mjulmjul · 1 year
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rwby-prsm · 5 years
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Okay... I’m finally starting to get overwhelmed.... Geez, I have a lot of OOOOLD drafts that I don’t even know if I wanna revisit.... So uh... maybe like 1 or 2 more, but- yikes man, I’ve been slacking....
So there’s one more for @ask-team-clst and there’s an old Blinded By The Light draft for @teamoliv I could do- damn, I feel bad about that one... Puck is a real idiot if those like five times he hung out with Violet he honestly forgot her name... Ah well! Drama is fun. 
Oh, and of course there’s the fucking Colden thread that’s actually reeeeally important so I can finally kill the bastard and change my icon back! 
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And to think I just woke up a few hours ago.... And have been typing non-stop.... I should get food and take a break. But I really want to finish these last few while I have the muse....
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loxxxlay · 6 years
wow okay this is gonna be H E L L A embarrassing, more embarrassing than I thought, so I hope this is fun for u guys lol t_t Anyway since I’m not editing anything unless it’s super embarrassing, brackets are what I use in rough drafts to convey my inability to do the words.
this one is oooold. Apparently, last edit was in March 2016. I vaguely remember it - plan was for loki to be wary of thor at first, but eventually they’d get to know each other and hook up and thor would fend off college bullies. Very cliche. XD
Also there were two different versions of this, so I put the second version here too!
I title this one: Oh my god, they were roommates~ xD
Version 1:
Frantically, Loki bursts into his dorm room and slams the door behind him. After storming in a few more steps, he shoves his bag and the muddy books in his arms onto the table, far away, as if they’re solely responsible for the events of the evening.
If only it were so simple.
He scrapes a chair over the floor tiles and falls into the seat, elbows on the table, head in his hands.Maybe during the first few days he would have indulged the tension in his shoulders, the lump in his throat, and allowed himself to sob until his throat burned dry, but months following those days, Loki doesn’t think he has the energy.
He hasn’t started an essay due tomorrow, and several other miscellaneous assignments lie scattered where he dumped them. Not only that, but--looking down, Loki notes that his clothes are soiled and dirty from where he fell into that fucking puddle. He imagines his face and hair are equally screwed right now.
Sighing, Loki pushes himself to his feet.
Loki bites his tongue and glances cautiously over towards the closed door of his roommate’s bedroom. Since the beginning, Thor has unsettled him. His face bares no resemblance to anyone he’s known before, but Loki can easily recognize the shape of his shoulders, the sculpting of his abs, the strength in his fists, as the typical features of bad news. At least, in Loki’s experience.
But despite Loki’s attempts to avoid him, Thor has never been anything but kind. He keeps to himself, washes his own dishes, cleans the bathroom every other week, and even sometimes leaves Loki leftovers in the fridge after he cooks. In person, Thor radiates charm with easy greetings and wide smiles.
[read more cut]
Only once did Loki ever see hint of otherwise--Loki had forgotten a towel before showering, and Thor generously grabbed one to hand through the crack in the door. In the moment their hands brushed, Loki caught Thor’s roaming dark eyes, almost scoping him for a fight. Of course, the situation had been Loki’s fault to begin with, but ever since then his cautiousness has heightened the distance between them. That said, he’s hesitant to go to Thor for help.
With a second look at the splotches of mud and stains of dirt on his shirt, Loki realizes he has little choice.
Steeling himself with excuses for why exactly he looks this way, Loki approaches the door and knocks a couple of times against the wood. He hears bustling, a drawer opening and closing, a laptop clicking shut, and a shuffle of feet drawing closer.
Then the door opens, and Thor’s smile greets him. It fades when Thor’s eyes scan over Loki’s clothes. “Are you okay?”  Thor asks.
Loki nods smoothly. “Fell into a puddle. Do you have any spare clothes I could borrow while I do a wash?”
Thor pauses, His lips part as if he wants to say something more, but then he simply nods and holds the door open for Loki to enter. [“Sure. Come in, let’s find something that will fit you.”]
“Thank you,” Loki breathes and follows Thor inside. Being the first time he’s seen the room, Loki glances around to try to get a better read on the kind of person Thor is.
It’s tidy, for the most part. Clothes lie on the floor, yes, as do books and other belongings, but they’re in organized piles, out of the way. Even the bed is made. Framed pictures of what Loki can only assume to be his roommate's parents rest on the desk beside a quite expensive-looking laptop, and dark, rosy wood furnishes the excessively fancy desk itself.
“Will this do?” Thor asks.
Startled, Loki whirls around and finds Thor, offering him a red sports T-shirt and cozy-looking sweatpants. Even though everything is going right, Thor seems as bright and charming as ever, and Loki has the clothes he wanted to borrow, his instincts still scream at him to get the fuck out of here.
“Thanks,” Loki says with a tight-lipped smile and takes the clothes, careful not to let them brush across the stains decorating the front of his torso. “I’ll wash them for you after I’m done.”
With that, Loki turns and heads straight for the door.
Version 2:
Frantically, Loki bursts into his dorm room and slams the door behind him. After storming in a few more steps, he shoves his bag and waterlogged books onto the table, far away, as if they’re solely responsible for the events of the evening.
If only it were so simple.
He scrapes a chair over the tiling of the kitchen and falls into the seat, elbows on the table, head in his hands.Maybe during the first few days he would have indulged the tension in his shoulders, the lump in his throat, and allowed himself to sob until his throat burned dry, but months following those days, Loki doesn’t think he has the energy.
The sound of a door creaking on its hinges startles Loki from his thoughts. When he looks up, his roommate stands in the shadows of the hallway, his eyes gleaming as they scan over Loki’s body.
Loki can imagine well enough what he’s seeing.
Mud staining his clothes, dirt soaking his hair, probably his face too. Tracks of prior tears cleaning lines down his cheeks.
Loki cringes, absolutely disgusted with himself.
“How long has this been happening?” Thor asks.
And oh how he hates to be thought of as a fucking victim, a weak, stupid freshman that gets pushed around on his way to and from his classes. He can already sense the pity radiating off his roommate. He draws a breath, strengthening his pride with a lie. “How long has what been happening? Me tripping over my own feet like an idiot?”
Thor moves into the light, and [he’s fucking attractive].
“Yeah sure,” Thor says sarcastically. “And how often does tripping over your own feet end with bruises around your neck?”
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