#this is platonic btw i don't ship em at all
tanglecolors · 2 months
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Different but kinda the same
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teabreakpancakes · 2 years
hopping on because @mirology explained lmao, why HCs only? too lazy to write rn, ill do it tmrw or some other day, this is the old SAGAU btw, not the one wherein they're the creator n shi
Genre: Fluff
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the characters become concerned with how much space the game is taking up so nahida ends up tampering with the code so you have more storage
rlly appreciates the fact that you still do your commissions and farm despite it being 1am alr, especially since you have school/work
you have more crystalflies than usual, not that you notice, but diluc collects the ones at dawn winery for you, albedo collects the ones he comes across in dragonspine and in general, they all just, collect the crystalflies they see
they argue about who deserves the good weapons lmao: beidou subtly flaunts her feats when the claymore users talk abt it, diluc acts like he's done with em but he also acts like he's most deserving of it, eula is indifferent but when they try taking hers, she gets defensive, you gave it to her, why do they get a say in it?. Meanwhile, itto is ranting abt how he obviously deserves it, chongyun is just silent but he does want the weapon too, dori is rich enough to buy anything, xinyan wants it too and sayu is just, tired why claymore? i love claymore
they're concerned abt your health, have you seen how tired you look? they wanna be able to take care of you irl :(
they send their letters even if you don't manage to log in, it's okay, they understand but don't leave them for too long
if you're rlly busy, you still try your best to play, they really love that
you always win the 50/50 or get them and a standard five star character
somehow, your mains rarely come home tho, esp(especially) if they're a four star. like, you've got the others c6 but they're still like, below c3, they're rlly sorry but they can't tamper with their drop rate like the five stars can :( chongyun main here : chongyun was so frustrated with himself when he didn't come home with shenhe to you, he didn't come home, not even once
eventually, when they found out how to watch you from outside the app, they took advantage of that: they save you from rlly awkward situations by playing your ringtone hehe, they're also capable of calling the police if you're in a shit situation
they like to remind you abt stuff you have in your to-do list
the harbingers, including the fatui and tsaritsa, were a bit.. eh with you, at least, until they heard you talk abt them, you wanted to pull for them?? meet them in game?? YOU WERE EXCITED FOR THEM?? HUH? wow, they felt shocked and maybe a bit flustered,, just a bit
man, they rlly wanna taste the food you have in your world, esp xiangling, the food looked rlly nice okay? oh and if you're bad at cooking, ei relates dw, even benny is astounded by how bad it is tbh
zhongli is embarrassed to hear you rant abt how often he talks when he's idle, childe actually teases him abt it no, we won't talk abt how people ship em, they're actually a bit.. eh abt that, like cmon, haven't people heard abt platonic relationship?
benny actually feels really upset when you get bad drops or artifacts and he's in the team, tho the others depending on who they are reassure him that the drops are even more bad occasionally even without him
okay, even without you having that five star, you've got their sig dish, like wha-
you like their clothing? man, they wish they could give you some of their clothes, they'll try their best to bring you into teyvat, besides, your world is shit anyways-
okay so, for context, i copied zhongli's red eyeliner thing and modified it to suit me if you copy their makeup look and you like it, they feel so flattered, they're so smug abt it too ahdajkdbkf
if you cosplay one of them, they're gonna B R A G, i mean bro, cosplaying takes so much effort okay
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buckysmith · 1 year
Ok gf, here's my request
My personal HC is that I'm the newbie of the team (Corpman [medic] and sniper). Most of the time, I act as support given my other duties. After the events of Ghost Team, TF 141 is captured and tortured by Graves momentarily (Los Vaqueros will break them out) but not until Graves, erm... r@pes my OC. Shit goes down and she's also injured and therefore not present for the Countdown mission (when they stop Hassan). A month later she's on the recovery but still has PTSD. Price and her hook it up then, but take things slow
Now to my ask. Several months after Hassan was killed, Price and my OC are living a secret affair (hidden even from the boys, and especially Laswell and Norris!). But see, Soap notices a hickey on her and she denies it. So the scottish boy undergoes investigations to find out who's the lucky lad. At first he thinks it's Ghost and he's like "Ey mate, cheers on hitting it with x". But Simon is confused, because it isn't him. And it certainly isn't Gaz or Price (right?!). So the boys try to find out, and for weeks, my OC tries to twart them off
When it doesn't work, she turns to König (who is her best friend, and also platonic soulmate). Everyone's been kinda shipping them since they both speak german and get along well. I like to think that König scares people with his height (even though he's really bashfull), but my OC is the one to unwind him
So, could I get my OC asking König (in german, but you don't have to write it obviously) to pretend to be her boyfriend. and he gets all flustered. she holds his hand, and explains she has to do this to get them off her back. Also, i like to think he gives her sweet german nicknames like Maus (mouse), Liebling (Darling), Schatzli (little treasure, this one is swiss lol)
btw you're a queen. good luck with your studies <3
Price x Oc/reader
I shouldn’t write fanfics- I’m terrible at it … (oh and thank you !!)
Oh, and I’m sorry for my German- if there’s something wrong please let me know!!!!
Not directly mentioning of r@pe but it happened to the “reader/OC”, PTSD, no mentioning of body parts but reader uses she/her,hers pron
Months had passed since you had gone through your personal hell, but the memories still hunted you and every single time you closed your eyes, you could feel him, you could smell him, you could hear his filthy voice rasping dirty shit in your ear, that pain you felt, the burning in your muscles. Everything. It was still there and no matter what you did, it just didn’t disappeared.
You had to force yourself back into reality when Soap and Gaz asked you if you were alright cause you snapped out of the conversation when soap accidentally mention his name, which you responded with a quick yes.
But you were in fact not, but that weren’t their problem, not something they should have to deal with.
“Excuse me for a moment” is all you say before you leave the boys behind.
You don’t know how, but you end up in front of your captain’s office, not an unfamiliar place if you want to be honest to yourself. You found yourself quite often here in the couple of months, especially at night.
You don’t even have to knock, before you hear your captains voice demanding you to step inside.
He doesn’t even have to look up from his paperwork, to know who just stepped inside his office.
“Look who just found her way into my office, how did I get the honor that you visit me at such an hour sweetheart?” His voice is rough, his office’s smells like his favorite cigars and himself. It’s enough to ease your mind, and to relax yourself enough to feel comfortable to sit yourself on his couch.
“You had a flashback, didn’t you darling” it wasn’t even a question, he knew that you had ‘em, he knew that you cried yourself to sleep, that you washed your body with almost burning hot water everyday to get rid of the feelings of his hands. His eyes met yours as you forced yourself to look at him.
His face may not seemed to care, but his eyes did and it didn’t took him ten seconds for him to get to you, kneeling in front of you, asking if its okay for you that he takes your hand. He was always so careful, even before it happened to you, but after that, it seemed he even got more carefully than ever before.
It’s his hand that makes your heart skip a beat as he gently strokes over your hand with his tumb, not saying a single word while you stare at his hand.
“ If you need a time out you just have to tell me and don’t say you don’t need it, you know I wasn’t happy that you came back to us just two weeks after that… I can take my time off too, so that you don’t have to be alone” his voice is gentle, he almost whispers his voice and no matter how gentle they are it somehow hurts you.
You don’t want time off, you don’t want to be alone with your thoughts, in the field you can at least get your mind on something else.
“You know I don’t want that…”
You can hear him sigh, before he stands up to lay his hand on your head. “I knew you would say that…. That’s why I made sure that you have someone with you you trust, that I trust and that speaks your language”
It takes you a couple of seconds to really understands what he means. “He should arrive any minute, I guess in hangar two, you should say hello to our lovely king ”
“King?” You ask. What does he mean with king you don’t know a ki- “ König! You mean König, don’t you !?” His innocent grin is enough to make you jump up from the couch, leaving a quick kiss on his cheek before running out of his office like a roadrunner.
A couple of weeks had passed since your best friend arrived at your base and soap made his way trough every single soldier, asking them if they were your secret little affair. It made you giggle to know that ghost was the first subject of Soaps little mission, out of all, it was ghost he thought you would have more than a friendship with.
You even tried to gaslight him into thinking he was your secret affair… he thought about it, but he couldn’t remember anything, especially not giving you a hickey.
You’re leaning against König as you watched soap practically staring at you both, you knew you wouldn’t get away with it, not before that child in a mans body had what he wanted. Answers on your secret boyfriend.
So you came up with a plan, and since König and you were able to speak in a language nobody else but you two could, you didn’t even need to leave to plan your little plan.
"König mein Schatz, was hälst du davon dich wie mein Freund zu benehmen?” (König Darling, what do you think about acting like your my boyfriend) His eyes met yours in seconds, you couldn’t see his face but you knew he was red as a cherry under that mask “Du willst dass ich dein Freund spiele? Dein Freund bringt mich um…” (You want me to play your boyfriend? Your boyfriend is going to kill me)
“Mach dir darüber keine Sorgen” (don’t worry about it)
So with a plan you both only have to play along.
It first starts with you holding his hand while you walk around the base, then you also hold it while you both eat, then his nicknames for you start.
“Mausi, could you please pass me the salt?”
“Nein Schatz, that doesn’t taste good, don’t eat it”
Or while training.
He has you pinned down, while soap, price, ghost and Gaz watches you both fighting.
“Ich bin sowas von tot ” (I’m so dead)
You may not had seen the staring from your boyfriend, but König definitely felt it, he knew that he was in great danger.
But your little plan worked, as Soap was now sure that you and König are dating, which ended his annoying questioning.
You’re standing in front of your best friend, looking up to him while he stares down, petting your head like your a dog.
“Es war schön, dich hier zu haben, mein Freund, ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald”
(It was nice to have you here my friend, I hope we see us soon )
“Ich fand es auch schön hier zu sein ” (I also liked being here)
He leaves before you can answer him, knowing he wouldn’t come to visit you in quite a time, but maybe you would see each other in the field.
“So your boyfriend left us, hmm.” You can feel strong arms warping themself around your waist, gently pulling you to a warm chest. "Seems like it” you hum in response. " but we don’t want you to be lonely at night, don’t we my Schatz” his accent destroys the mood that had tense up between you too, only for him to mumble a few slurs.
(I’m going with my usual style haha, sorry for that)
- So you now sitting on his bed, him standing between your legs while he has his fingers under your chin, lifting it up so he can look into your eyes
- his thumb gently stroking over your lip as he scans every single pore of your face
- in his eyes your holy
- “you don’t know how much it angered me to see you with him”
- you can’t but grin over his jealousy
- he’s cute when he’s jealous, especially when he doesn’t have too
- you know Königs wife, she’s just as cute as an angel, even allowed him to play your boyfriend for a couple of weeks
- his eyes meet yours as he growls about that it’s not funny
- gently pressing you on the mattress
- asking you if it’s okay if he shows you how much he wants you
- how much he wants to be inside of you
- to show you how much he wants to breed to
- to mark you as his own
- so that nobody would ever say that they belong to you
- to show soap and Gaz that they were wrong
- to make you his wife
- this night everyone will know that König as in fact not your boyfriend
- but you also disturbed soap , Gaz and even ghost with it
- cause well- who forgot to look the door?
- no no ofc it wasn’t price, how could you think that
- price office wasn’t the best place to fuck… for price it was cause know nobody would dare to say something again
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kaylatechheart · 3 months
Butterfly Effect AU INFO
Note to others:
LMAOOOO I just discovered someone's attempt of writing my AU (they used the beta names so I'm assuming its before I got around remaking the names and designs or that they didn't bother to research on my AU) BTW while I encourage fanfictions of any kind and creativity is limitless. Apparently this was last updated on June of 2022 so this is made over 2 years ago. However everything about this fanfic is NOT CANON and is completely out of character, out of place with setting, and especially with shipping. (Most are platonic shipping btw meaning no romance only friendship) Butch apparently attacking ppl out of nowhere with a knife (especially not to Bubbles since he sees her as a sister) I'm only pointing it out as some ppl (from the comments I have read) thought this fanfic is canon to my story or think this AU belongs to someone else. I just wanna clear things up in case anyone had came across this fanfic. ALSO: I feel like this kid tried their best with writing a fanfic with limited info (though none of the information + facts that I actually released before 2022 was written in so its mostly lack of research I believe) so please don't give em flack for that thx. NOT CANON FANFIC: https://www.wattpad.com/story/313396260-ppg-butterfly-effect Here is all canon information about my AU (Unless its labeled outdated): https://www.deviantart.com/kaylatechheart/gallery/90037050/butterfly-effect-au
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toxicnotebook · 4 months
Okay! So, the endings I got in BG3. Putting them under a cut so I don't accidentally spoil anyone:
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Orpheus got turned. I didn't want to turn my Tav into a mindflayer- especially since I didn't upgrade my tadpole at ALL during this run- and I definitely wasn't turning Karlach, so the prince was my only choice. And I'm glad I did- I got a damn good heroic sacrifice plotline, and his mindflayer form is RIDICULOUSLY overpowered.
This bit of dialogue I got right before freeing him was funny:
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Also Raphael you SON OF A BITCH:
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Symbolic drawings, etched over a forgotten text. Two figures, one an imposing female with a regal aspect, the other, a Devil, his face twisted with wry charm. Their hands meet in the exchange of an artefact- the Astral Prism.
Speaking of Orpheus:
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Lae'zel became the leader of the Githyanki rebellion, with a silver sword and a sweet red dragon! I also gave her the Githyanki egg:
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She now has an adopted son named Xan. Awwwwww.
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Karlach & Wyll went to Avernus together, and MAN I thought I fucked this one up for a hot minute. After Karlach had her heartwrenching breakdown after we killed Gortash, I panicked a little and looked up how to get her happiest ending. I was relieved that I had already locked in Karlach's good end by nudging Wyll to become the Blade of Avernus.
....and then she started burning up on the docks and the scene just kept going and going without any dialogue choices and I was like OH NO I MESSED UP SHE'S GONNA DIE. The RELIEF I felt when Wyll spoke up- MAN.
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I high-key ship them now, btw. I love wholesome battle couples okay!! Oh, and:
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I was lowkey thinking of changing Wyll's class to ranger in my next playthrough, so thank you, Larian, for justifying that future decision
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The one who got away, Shadowheart! The platonic hug is so freaking cute.
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She now has a cute woodland cottage with her parents and five million animals- annnnnd the owlbear:
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Best girl gets best floofball
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Halsin runs an orphanage in the no-longer-Shadow-Cursed lands, and yeah. That totally suits him.
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Gale's new job as a professor in Illusion Magic suits him as well. I was a little worried I would get a negative ending after I encouraged him to leave the crown in the sea, but nope! The orb is inert, he has a job he loves, and he didn't go back to his shitty ex. Yay!
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Jaheira is busy assisting the rebuilding efforts in Balder's Gate, along with her children.
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Minsc is... busy being Minsc
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Minthara is plotting to topple Lolth with other drow rebels in the Underdark, and I could have CLAPPED when she said that, because:
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I PICKED THE OPTION TO LEAD THE RELEASED VAMPIRE SPAWN IN THE UNDERDARK WITH ASTARION. Minthara's rebellion will have a unit comprised of vampires in my game's timeline, yes indeed.
Basically, I got happy-ish endings for everyone, despite thinking I had screwed up some of the routes. And I'm glad! As Astarion puts it:
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A few more things:
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This made me chuckle. I'm also going to ignore Scratch's canon ending- he was my Tav's familiar, that means he is HER dog, okay.
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I just thought this was a nice easter egg
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...love that he's dunking on the Dead Three. You tell em, bone man!
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
Just a second, I don't know if you're still taking requests atm, but are there any rules or conditions that we should be aware of? Do they have to involve certain fandoms and such? And are crossovers also allowed?
thanks for asking!! i’m always accepting requests—i’m just also lazy and busy so they might sit in my inbox for a while lol
half the reason i accept them is because i consider them prompts for me to practice, so my rules are pretty lax. if i get a request i can’t fulfill—if it’s a spam request or i’m personally uncomfortable or whatever—i’ll just. not do it lol. but to save potential askers the time of asking, here’s a list of guidelines/boundaries/yknow
any fandom allowed, albeit at my discretion. i don’t do original characters or fandom-ocs. find a commission artist and pay em!! of course the drawback is that my art is at risk of being ooc or the design incorrect bc i’m not familiar with whatever fandom, but i usually do cursory research to make sure it’s not way outta left field
no nsfw, period. gore/violence at my discretion
crossovers are cool by me
if someone asks me to fuse characters or make furry versions of characters or something, yeah i’ll do it. but if you want art of an existing design, yours or someone else’s, then find a commission artist!
i’ll take ship art requests, but be warned that the art is highly liable to be or appear platonic if i’m not familiar with the fandom or if i haven’t drawn that ship before just bc personal blah blah
on that note, i always tag ship art. if i fulfill a request for a ship you don’t like for whatever reason, block the tag. if it’s for whatever reason not tagged—if any of my art is missing appropriate tags!!—come to me privately with reasonable and non-inflammatory concerns. i am always open to requests to tag my art and want people to avoid content that upsets them.
just to be sure everyone’s got the message, btw, since i’ve had problems with this before: i’m not a personal art vending machine. i don’t know how to regulate this kind of thing—limit the amount of requests one person can make? the requests i take for a specific fandom or character? if more experienced artists have tips for not churning out piece after piece of a rarepair just because someone’s dying for content but not willing to make it themself, i welcome them. rule of thumb: don’t spam me lol
so yeah i think that’s it! thanks for the question, i really appreciate it. and i’m glad people like the stuff i make. half the reason is practice, but the other half—the reason i have any social media account at all—is that i like that my art makes people happy. two birds with one stone, babeyyy
(i also love questions/comments, as long as they’re kind and in good faith and all. i very rarely interact with people online but i’m open to doing so haha)
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simpychocochan · 2 years
F/Ovember Promo (now a bit more official)
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God, it's been ages since I've written something on social media. Anyways...
Hi! Choco left the blog for me and the other 3 man she loves dearly so we can do a... F/O Takeover? I think that's how she called it!
O. I didn't introduce myself, did I? Sorry... I'm Leon. The guy she posted about 24/7 the last week. Not gonna lie, I am honored she thought of me so much...
Back to business. The other F/Os want to introduce themselves as well, so I'm passing on the laptop! See ya around!
Ok- one last thing! After all the introductions, you will find the rules and how long this lasts and everything like that. Ok ok, sorry bro, you can have the Laptop now.
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And I thought I was talkative, huh! Sup'. Name's Dante. You know, the legendary devil hunter. I'm also one of the main parts of this little event!
I'm looking forward to this and if you see any memes on here. Well. That was me. ;)
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Test test test. Oh! it works. Fascinating. Greetings. I'm Dream. Or Morpheus. You can decide how you wanna call me. I've been here for as long as humanity exists, but this is my first time taking part in such an event.
I'm looking forward to meeting you all.
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It's been a long time, since the little wanderer let me on her blog... I'm glad I am back again!
"I have no name, I am but two days old". Just kidding. You all can call me V. I'm Choco's true husband, but don't tell the others. They might get jealous~
I already took over Choco's blog once, and it was fun! So I'm glad and honored I have this chance once again. See you around~
O? Wait. The little wanderer wants to write down the rules. Here you go Choco, here's your laptop.
Thank you, darling ;/////; Anyways. The rules for the F/Ovember on this blog! The Event is being hosted by @cherry-bomb-ships btw!(hopefully it's ok I tagged you ;-;) Please check em out!
The four F/Os who just introduced themselves will be mainly taking over the blog! However, all my other F/Os will also be available for asks and might write something here! That includes my F/Os of my F/O list (found here) as well as my OCs, which I mostly count as my platonic F/Os! (found here, warning, they are a LOT).
For interaction and asks, my DNI counts. That means DNI if you are a pr*sh*pp*er or the typical DNI. Also, don't flirt with my romantic F/Os, thank you /lh
Every F/O will have their own tag for this takeover. It's "F/Ovember: Insert Name of the F/O" as well as the tag "F/Ovember" for all of them.
You can ask either about the Ships between my main S/I Choco or the Ships with their S/I from their media! :o
You can basically ask them almost everything! Except n/s/f/t stuff or anon hate. Anon hate will be immediately blocked!
I will try to make the F/Ovember last for the entire month! However, sometimes I will also post some art in between. ;W;
Like mentioned, all of my F/Os might appear here. But my main 4 mostly lead this blog now. But you can literally ask everyone! :o
This promo is ok to reblog! In fact, I would be super happy if you could reblog it ;W;
I wish you all a wonderful F/Ovember :D
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lilacs-stash · 2 years
Tlm identity headcanons + some ships
Okay so before we get started I just wanna say that these aren't necessarily canon to my nextgen "LCV" nor will some make sense, this is just what I believe deep down.
Emmet's a biromantic (with a preference for girls), gray-asexual, polyamorous GNC cis man (he/they). They're in poly marriage with Rex and Wyldstyle!
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He knew he was gray-ace for a pretty long time, but had no clue he was also bi and poly till Rex (quite literally) crashed into his and Lucy's life. Ems uses masc, fem, and neutral terms Interchangeable, so you'll often hear Rex and Lucy refer to them as their wife or spouse.
Rex's a polyamorous, demi-bisexual, GNC Trans man (he/they/xe). Xe's in poly marriage with Wyldstyle and Emmet!
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I don't know why I HC Emmet as cis but Rex as trans but I do. Their just trans okay man??? Like his husband, Rex had no clue he was bi until he met them. Unlike his husband, it took him a while to realize and except that. Rex only uses masc terms. The Xe/xem pronouns are only to be use by xir family and very close friends.
Wyldstyle's a bisexual polyamorous demi-girl (she/fae/they). Fae's in a poly marriage with Emmet and Rex!
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Okay I'll be honest, this HC is just me protecting (minus they poly part, I don't think I'm poly). Lucy had herself all figured out before the first movie even happened. Fae mostly uses she/fae, but loves when people use they/them too.
Unikitty's Asexual, panromanitc, and Gender Queer (she/they/sprinkle). Sprinkle's a single Pringle!
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I go back and forth between this HC, her being aroace, and a lesbian. But this is my favorite right now.
Sweet Mayhem's bisexual (with a preference for girls), polyamorous, trans fem, and bigender (she/star/they). Star's dating Rose(OC) and Benny!
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Feel like I'm the only one who headcanons her as bi and not a lesbian. They're both NB and a girl btw.
Benny's a pansexual, polyamorous, cis man (he/him). He's Dating Mayhem, Lenny, and queer platonic partners with Rose(OC)!
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Pan Benny > gay Benny
Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi is omnisexual and gender fluid (all pronouns). She's married to Batman!
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Queen's gender is as fluid as their body. He's known that since he was born. I might change them to pan idk.
Batman's a Heteroflexible cis man (he/him). He's married to Queen!
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I don't see Batman as bi but he definitely isn't fully straight. He likes girls but still thinks Queen's hot even if they aren't a gal that day. Also I just don't ship him with joker lol.
Badcop is aromantic asexual and agender (he/it). It's single!
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Triple A BC my beloved. I actually do have some ships for him, but those are for random side AUs and nothing actually important lol. Might end up making it in a QPR with Larry the barista idk. BC just doesn't have time for romance, he's to busy dealing with Rex's bs.
Vitruvius is an aromantic cis man (he/him). He's single!
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, Vitruvius is our aro grandpa.
So those are my gay legos! I'd add more but Tumblr won't let me :(
These HCs may change in the future.
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Mortal Kombat
The first character I first fell in love with: Quan Chi. His deep voice got me
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Liu Kang. Seriously. Never thought I would, but he's grown on me.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I feel Kotal Kahn would fit, however my disliking of him, has to do more with the way the teams set up his scenes. Like from the MK X comics, he was all like, "listen, Outworld wants nothing to do with Shinnok's amulet. So take that shit with you." But then in the game he was like, 'wHeN oUtWoRlD wAs OfFeReD nO pArTiCaPaTiOn-" or whatever, and it's like, "uh excuse me. Did.. did you just really forget what the fuck you said back there?" And then in MK 11, chapter 2, it's like the writing team for that game, didn't pay attention or even play MK X. AND ONE OF THEM WAS THE GUY WHO HELPED MAKE THE MK X COMICS! KITTELSEN! WHAT THE FUCK!
I have met a good chunk of people that don't like Kotal, so I am iffy. I don't think I have a character that I don't like, that everyone else likes.
Well, Stryker maybe. I just, I don't fucking like him. I did not see a reason for his character to be there. Like, at all. Nor did I see why the NYPD (in the game) had to be a thing when SF was already there.
The character I love that everyone else hates: I wanna say Quan Chi, Shinnok, and Cetrion. I feel like those 3, while not really hated per say, they're definitely not well liked. I also like, Daegon, Taven, and Mavado. IDK how people feel about them, but I feel like it's not all that positive.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Uh, none that I can think of. Kano is on thin ice though. Like, he's getting there. NGL
The character I would totally smooch: Shinnok. Hands down.
The character I’d want to be like: None that I can think of
The character I’d slap: if MK 11 wasn't out, and I knew nothing about the comics, I would say Sonya. But only because of how she treated Cassie in the game. However, MK 11 is out, and I do know (and have read) about the comics, then I would have to say Cetrion. Look, I love her. I adore her. She is the soft light of my life. My baby. My darling. My sweet pumpkin cake. (I mean this all platonically, btw) So know that when I say this, I do so with the utmost love and care for this Elder Goddess. Her mommy's girl shtick pissed me the fuck off. So does Mileena's daddy's girl shtick. Like, honestly? I'd slap em both. Just for those reasons. I don't give a shit if I cut my hand on Mileena's teeth. I'll slap the fucking shit out of her.
A pairing that I love: canon wise; Liutana, CageBlade, Jakeda(Jacqui x Takeda), and Taleena. I love those. fanon wise; Jade x Kitana, SubScrop, SubSmoke, Shinnok x Quan Chi, and Sektor x Cyrax. (although I feel like it's just me, @honeycyrax, and @yuvononik who ship them soooooooo.... what's up, ya'll wanna start a club?) Also, thanks to @maddenedroses ,Skano is growing on me. (even if Kano is on thin ice-)
A pairing that I despise: let's get the elephant out of the room; incest ships.
Canon wise; Jade x Kotal Kahn and Sindel x Shao Kahn.
Fanon wise, (oh I'm gonna have fun with the notes after this): Scorpion x Mileena, Shang Tsung x Quan Chi, and Shinnok x Raiden are 3 I hate with every fiber in my being. In fact, the last ship mentioned in that list just back my blood boil and bones crack.
and to those who love those 3 ships and wants to start shit over them; FIGHT ME IN A RURAL KING PARKING LOT!
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altschmerzes · 2 years
I could probably ask all of these for the writer ask but I’m going to stick with Eight, 11, 12, 13
they're so good right??? i love em
8. if you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
DIALOGUE. DIALOGUE DIALOGUE DIALOGUE. i'm a huge fan of dialogue but i could do a real good one without any i think. i've gone long stretches without it several times lmao.
11. do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” are you a ruthless darling assassin? what happens to the darlings you murder? do you have a darling graveyard? do you grieve?
naaaaah i don't believe in it. i do not kill my darlings. i in fact shine lights on my darlings and wrap them in sparkly banners. when i need to cut something because it doesn't work but i like it, i put it in another doc. no graveyard. i still grieve, though, over the literal 'killed' darlings in my writing. dead characters haunt me. in my main original project, a sports fiction novel titled "miracle run", one of the characters is dead five years before the narrative begins. the first thing that i knew about him was that he was dead. took me six months to be sad about it, but once it hit, it hit hard. it's been years, and i'm still sad about him. rip matty, you were a good guy and what happened to you sucked.
12. if a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current wips into lorem ipsum, i don’t make the rules
oh my gd okay. wish one: publish miracle run. that's the dream. the dream. wish two: nobody ever misinterprets the platonic dynamics in my writing to be romantic. wish three: anyone who has Bad Ships (what i mean by this is clear. ships are fine. do what you want. but some of them? no. absolutely not. bad and people should feel bad.) suddenly loses the ability to comprehend my writing. tower of babel it.
13. what is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? what is easy?
romance. hate it, hate writing about it, can't write it. what's easy for me is like.... grief, apparently? i repeatedly hear that i do well with grief. i apparently also do very well with.... feelings? according to feedback i've gotten from friends. if that's a subject matter.
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kaz3313 · 5 years
001 BATIM 003 Summer - rnm (I don't often see you talk about her lol)
Thank you for the ask! It’s 
OOOOOOOOoooo Summer!
You are right I do not talk about her nearly enough, even though she’s somewhere in my top 5 favs (top 3 counting only characters from the show)! Also I’m kinda talking about comic book Summer and show Summer (s)
So, as I stated up top, love her but when I started watching the show I didn’t like her too much (she was okay but I thought she was going to be flat stereotypical teen girl)But that was beginning season 1 (which she was a side character) and then Season 2 came along and I said “Hell yeah, she cool” and I started really loving her as a character! Wasteland Summer was also cool to see and I was sad to see her frozen with not much more exploration on her character.
Hmmm as much as I ship and love to do so…I really don’t with Summer. The one universe in the comics where she’s a lesbian I totally support and I low key ship the crackship with the car. Other then that though I think she’s doing well on her own. I personally don’t ship her with Ethan since based on what’s seen not really compatible (of course when did I care compatibility-Eh I just don’t see enough substance for em). I’ve seen a few arts with her and Jessica which is cute but not really my taste either.
Now to non romantic relationship-
Well I feel like her and Rick get along well in the end, whether that’s good or bad I’m not sure, but I really enjoy her relationship with Beth? Like at first it sucked, it really really sucked. But I feel as though it got progressively better (especially the end episode where they’re shopping and doing daughter mom things). I hope to see the relationship in the next season and even her to grow a stronger bond with her dad as well (since that ones been shaky too. Honestly she doesn’t have stable relationships with anyone platonic and romantic which Is sad)
Unpopular opinion…
Hmm a lot of people show her as badass (which I love me some good ol fighten Sum Sum) But some people, when doing so, make her exactly like Rick. Now I’m not disagreeing she has some parallels to him (she definitely does especially showcased in season 3) but I think people need to remember she IS a different person. She CAN be a genius and strong and whatever but she will approach situations with her own twist! I also see (in fics mostly) them blow Summer off completely or make her stereotypical teen (doesn’t talk to anyone about anything ever, always grochy, and if does appear in said fic is just on her phone) which is an interpretation that I don’t care for.
Hmm, again explore more her relationship with her family (asside from Rick since I think that has been showcased in Season 2 and 3 a lot). Maybe even her teen/school life since she doesn’t blow off school as much as Morty does.
Fav friendship, hands down her and Morty. I feel like, at times, the top can work really well together (although not always- but that’s the complication with relations thier not always perfect). I also hope in future eps she makes some cool alien friends or something. I think that would be fun!
Crossover ship? Ehhhhh? Her and Wendy from Gravity Falls? I saw it once (or twice?) in fic/art and they seem pretty decent together. They would make a nice couple and also I think they’d also be pretty good friends! Yeah badass red heads unite!
BATIM!!!! Oooooooo boy! Also I’ll be doing lil more descriptions for the characters then RnM one since your less familiar with these characters 😊
Fav character, that is tricky. Staying strictly to canon game Wally (pure janitor boy) or Bertrum (local narssarsist finds someone who’s got an even bigger ego and now thier partners or AKA the octopus ride). I like Wally because throughout the whole game he’s got tapes and they’re always nice and cheerful which is a nice lil break (or poik(perk) as he’d say) from the horror and darkness. Also the whole probable he’s Perfect Boris just makes him better (I love Boris). And Bertrum; well for one he’s an annoying cool mini boss, I like that both him and Joey had big egos but he had one AND he seemed like a decent guy, cool design in general, and he’s got his motavations figured out Joey gipped him and now Joey’s gotta pay. As for everyone’s interpretation and also my personal hc? All of them! Even that bastard Joey!
No least fav’s. Some times I don’t like certain people’s interpretation of a character but I really like them all. If I had to pick one I’d say Allison since I felt in cannon she was a bit bland. But really in cannon we didn’t have much to go off of many of the characters.
Fav ships (in no particular order btw and one more then said but whatever)
Henry X Joey (like how can you not ship the protagonist and antagonist? Doesn’t every fandom do that? But honestly why else would you come back to mean bosses’ studio after 30 years if you two hadn’t dated or at least had a lil but more then a friendship. Also angst train woot woo). 
 Sammy X Suzie (ahhhh. I love em so much I just hsjaownjw. And it’s almost cannon and SO MUCH ANGST POSSIBLE HEHEHHE) 
 Tom X Alison (cannon but very cute). 
 Wally X Shawn (bring me the pure boys! Honestly this ship is kinda ‘random’ but also is a lil popular and has a toooonnnn if cute HC’s.). 
Ink Sammy X Projectionist Norman  (I love inky angsty boys!)
Lacie X female OC ( I love when she has a noice girlfriend)
Who do I find attractive: hmmm not really anyone (in game)Like Inky Sammy buff so I guess him.
Who I’d marry: ghanakjsjsks??? Idk! No one?
Best Friend: preink-Wally, no questions. Postink- Boris (so still Wally) because I’d just hide in the safe house and play cards.
Random thought:
Unpopular Opinion: Sammy, Henry, And Joey are all around same age and they grew up together. Idk if it’s unpopular but I’ve seen a lot of times Sammy is younger then the other two.
Cannon OTP: Samsie isn’t cannon? Maybe? it’s definitely alluded to but the only thing cannon cannon is Thomas X Allison so I guess by default them. 
Non Cannon: Wally X Shawn please and thank you
Badass character: based on cannon,Bertrum? Like I said he’s a heck of boss fight. Maybe Henry cause he’s had to dealt with everyone’s crap. Projectionist because he literally fist fights the ink demon. Based on personal hc Lacie.
Epic Villian: Idk if he counts as epic but Sammy was an interesting villian. I feel like he should’ve been explored more (so does the rest of the fandom) but I feel like straight up trying to sacrifice
Pairing I’m not a fan of: I used to not like Sammy X Wally but now I think it’s kinda cute. Maybe Wally X Norman just HC they have a more father son bond but I’ve seen some stories where it’s not the case sooo, it really does depend on people’s personal story. I also don’t care for Alice X Bendy (but some content of them is cute and I still enjoy some of it).
Character I feel like they screwed up: Sammy they didn’t do to much with even though he had a lot of potential. Same with Allison and Thomas who were kinda just bland especially Allison.
Character I identify with: when hc I project a lot on Wally but i don’t identify with anyone imparticular.
Character I wish I could be: I’m going to take this as if I could be one of the toons (and not in game toons, since I’d be trapped and I’d rather not) Boris. Who wouldn’t want to be a wolf who just eats all day. Or Edgar (spider boy) because he’s so cute!
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asexualkiba · 7 years
I saw you reblogged that send me a ship thing so if you want could please do kiba/hinata/shino (I have so much love for them romantically and platonically together help) if you don't wanna do it that's fine as well!
OOOOOO NP AT ALL ❤️this got… long long also
who wakes up first in the morning
I still think Kiba is like the earliest riser. I think all of team 8 is morning people tho, so if he’s up first then theyre awake soon after whether bc Kiba woke them up or bc they got up on their own lol.
who’s the first to fall asleep at night
Kiba’s the king of passing out early. Laying on Akamaru and Shino, bc bug boi likes to read before bed and usually Hinata stays up & about a little bit bc she wants to tidy the house and its just habit. (Shino reads til Hinata comes in, and she usually falls asleep before him btw)
what they playfully tease each other over
Oh i cant even think of anything but I know this relationship would be full of lighthearted teasing. Like absolutely packed with it. Like kibas a lil ass who likes to tease hina and shino every chance he gets, bc he thinks theyre reactions are cute and also he just has a big ol mouth and cant help it lmao. But Shino is easy to frustrate, and Hinata is easy to fluster, and Kiba in the beautiful amplified in-between.
Obviously they never go too far— They never strike real nerves, they care about and know each other too well to do that.
what they do when the other’s having a bad day
CUDDLE PILE ok doesnt matter who is sad or who is there, ur gonna get cuddled. Like say shino’s sad, hina sits next to him, lays her head on his shoulder, maybe they talk a bit. kiba gets home, recognizes the situation, takes his place on shinos other side obviously joining along with Akamaru who warms all 3. Team puppy.
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments
Shino comes right out and says it. He won’t be that stubborn with these two, they are his best friends and now his partners so as soon as he realizes hes hurt them he’s going to be forward with the apology bc whats the point of letting nasty feelings brew between them?
Hinata gets guilty and will try and make them gift? Something to make up for it. She doesn’t like to apologize empty handed, and sometimes she babbles and promises random things that the boys have to insist to her isnt necessary
Then Kiba lmao. he’s gonna feel bad apologizing, and try and show good humility bc if theres anything he doesnt want for those two, its to make them think hes got an ego that would get in the way of admitting what hes done wrong. he has to show that hes bigger than that bc he IS, especially for their sake. so he’s very specific, after cooling down, to say hes so sorry and make sure they know he fully understands what in the argument was uncalled for, and how hes lookin to fix everything. thank u.
which one’s more ticklish
Shino denies he’s ticklish but he IS in one specific place (idc hc whereever) but only HINAta knows and she will n o t tell Kiba because he would abuse such power.
Hinata is very typically tickish but KIBA IS THE MOSt and he hides it well, but once they find out it’s all over.
their favourite rainy day activities
Hmm everything. Every concept is good to me right now?? Like imagine Kiba and Hinata holding hands and boppin around to music playing. Imagine hinata w her legs up on shino while one of em reads outloud to the other. or shino and kiba laying across eachother in one chair playing a card game or something. all piled up on a couch watching movies the whole day. even running out in the rain together, kiba splashing and shouting w akamaru whos covered in mud while hinata spins with the umbrella out covering nothing and both of them can hear shinos actual laugh.
how they surprise each other
Probably just gifts. Idk. Like i feel like consistently they’d wanna spoil each other and buy the other two dinner or buy someone something theyve been really wanting or a simple gift that reminded them of the other two or something cute that they thought would look nice in the apartment, tea they remember someone mentioning they liked or a cookbook or a magazine or just anything. wasting money on each other lolol.
their most sickening shows of public affection
Kiba doesn’t know or care where the line is w PDA, so he’ll kiss them all the time and Hinata explodes lol and sometimes is a lil embarrassed enough to ask him to tone it down.
And surprisingly, shino doesnt care. It’s good attention, and it’s how Kiba wants to show off, plus it’s hurting nobody so?? Kisses r welcome.
(Also u know what the boys love to do??? Is kiss Hinata’s hand all romantic like. Frick okay im making myself feel things thats so cute. Also to consider, thank u, Shino given his short baes forehead kisses thanks)
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