#this is set like. idk a couple weeks before the volcano?
nobodieshero-main · 7 months
this was mostly written as a way for me to work through my writers block but here's a little keitlas scene
Atlas’s bed smelled like dry hay and rose petals, something spicy sunk deep into the fibres of his sheets. Keika was buried happily under several heavy blankets, the material soft against his skin but woven for practicality over decoration - though the embroidered imagery of bears and leaping fish begged to differ.  
He was on his front, arms tucked comfortably beneath a wheat-gold pillow, watching dappled patterns of birds and flowers move across his partner's face as the sun rose higher through the gauzy curtains.
They’d both been awake since it had first peeked over the horizon, a habit Keika was loath to be a victim of. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask…” Atlas started, his voice soft and rumbling in the space between them. He was lying on his side, fiddling with a strand of Keika’s hair, pillow creases stamped into the skin of his cheek. 
Keika hummed, encouraging but distracted by the way Atlas’s pecs had squished together. But, when his partner failed to continue, Keika arched an eyebrow and poked him in the shin with his toes. Immediately Atlas trapped his ankle beneath his leg, and Keika bit back a smile.
“Why do you carry around all of those keys?”
The keys in question were in a pile on the little side-table next to the bed, a tangled mess of sizes and shapes. Keika hummed, lifting his hips slightly to stretch out his back. He noticed that Atlas hadn’t commented (yet) about the blatant blanket thievery and could only assume it was because the other man was so deeply enamoured by the sight of him in his bed that it hadn’t occurred to him to complain. 
“I just do.” He answered simply, shrugging his shoulders. 
Atlas hummed, eyes all dark and thoughtful. “But what are they for?”
“All sorts of things, technically. But they’re mostly useless.”
“Then why do you keep them?”
Keika huffed through his nose, itchy about being interrogated so early. “For the memories, I guess?”
Atlas tugged gently on Keika’s hair, fingers gnarled with scar tissue that shimmered in the growing light. “Tell me about them?”
Keika snorted, shuffling onto his side so he could face Atlas properly. “Why?”
“Because I want to know more about you.” Atlas admitted, in that easy confidence of his, and Keika felt his heart stutter and stomach clench. Well, when he put it that way. He wiggled his toes in thought before rolling his eyes and sitting up. 
Atlas didn’t sit up, but he did shift around until he was propped up against his pillows, watching Keika with warm eyes and a warmer smile. 
Keika hooked his finger around the ring and fiddled with each of the keys, sliding them back and forth before grabbing a ridiculously flashy one and lifting it away from the others. “This is my council key. It’s meant to be able to unlock any lock in Arlet and they hand them out to everyone who joins the town council.”
It was roughly the length of his finger, silver with a bronze pin and inlaid with shards of river stone. He let it fall back down to join the others, listening to the ring of metal and moved on to the next. Small and dainty, with a heart shaped bow. It had been for a music box gifted to him by a Student heading out on their Search. 
Another key, made of steel and engraved with flowers, had been found in his garden the same day he’d been given Guppy. “I was 13, and Ahuru seemed convinced I needed a friend. Her solution had been a foal she’d found stuck in a mud bank.”
“Is that where you got the name?” Atlas asked, and Keika didn’t need to look at him to know what his face was doing. All bright eyed and grinning, making fun of him without making him into a fool. 
He sniffed, pointedly not answering, and sifted through the rest of the keys. Keys to his and Ahuru’s houses, both simple silver keys with square ends, keys for barns and garden sheds. Two keys for the library - one to unlock the front door, and one a complete mystery after it showed up on his key ring one day. A block of steel that unlocked the back door to Marlow’s bakery. 
“The bakery?” Atlas asked. Keika nodded, digging his thumbnail under his index.
“Yeah, I used to spend a lot of time there when I was younger. Marlow figured out that letting me punch dough was better than roaming the streets like a feral cat.”
Funnily enough, the next key was a thin line of brass with a jagged bit that he’d found stomped into the road in Bruasse when he was 15. It had been wonky and chipped and covered in moss. Keika snorted at the sight of it, telling Atlas about cutting open his hand when he forgot to drop it before breaking a kid's nose. 
Atlas brushed the back of his fingers against Keika’s knuckles, before lifting the hand to his mouth to kiss the tips of his fingers. Bastard. 
He kissed his hand again when the next few keys were all the ones given to him by Atlas from the various markets they’d travelled through. He did a terrible job at hiding his pleased smile behind said kisses, but Keika figured he’d let it slide.
The last was entirely unremarkable, short and tarnished with a chip taken out of the bow, the bit scuffed and worn down. Keika ran his thumb over it, feeling the grooves. “This used to unlock the room at Geodies inn, where Ahuru and I lived as kids.”
Quiet settled over them, like a heavy blanket, as Keika ran his thumb back and forth over the key. 
And then Atlas got up, the movement of the bed jostling Keika out of his head as he turned his head to watch Atlas start rooting through his drawers. 
“What the fuck are you doing?”
He didn’t respond, which was usually more Keika’s flavour than Atlas’s and his face crumpled in a mix of annoyed worry until Atlas apparently found what he had been looking for and bounced back to the bed. For such a large man, he made his movements look like a dance.
Upon returning to the bed, Atlas handed him a key. It was a rosy copper with delicate little stars carved into the collar, the bow wrapped around a glittering marble. “From my room at the Academy.” He explained.
Keika stared at him in wonder. “Why?”
“So you don’t forget me.”
Keika scoffed lightly, unclipping the metal ring to slide the newest key on and watching it settle next to Ahuru’s old house key with a gentle ache. He looked back to Atlas, reaching out to pinch his nose and gently shake his head side to side. “I could never forget this stupid face.” 
Atlas grinned and then kissed him. For a moment, tucked away in the childhood bedroom of the man he loved, heart full and warm beneath his ribs, Keika could pretend that they might just live forever.
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
can i get some flirty logicality? mayhaps?
Summary: Patton and Logan are best friends; they go to the beach together and end up flirting endlessly. also i’m basing this off of west coast US beaches because those are the beaches that i know and the water is cold on our beaches and idk how others are.
Ship: Romantic Logicality (Logan x Patton)
word count: 2000. Exactly.
CW: explicit descriptions of the beach and ocean activities. i know this is a trigger for some people so i’m making it very apparent! also, nonbinary Patton using they/them pronouns!
thanks to cat and Danni from discord for helping me brainstorm some of these flirting ideas!
Patton was pacing back and forth in their apartment. They’d been looking forward to this day for weeks, so glad to finally see their best friend after they’d been separated by going to different universities. Now, it was summertime and it was their first beach day of their holidays. Except Patton had a huge problem. They’d been in love with Logan for practically the whole time they’d known each other. 
Patton sighed, staring into the mirror. They had on pale blue swim trunks and a white tank top, and their bag with sunscreen, snacks, water, and towels was by the front door. Logan was the first person they came out to when they realized they were nonbinary, and Logan had supported them through it all; through coming out to their parents, and even by buying them their first nonbinary flag, the one that hung proudly over their bed. 
And now, Patton thought they were ready to finally tell Logan how they felt. They thought that maybe being separated by distance for college would help them get over him, but it had only made them miss and crave the touch of their best friend even more. And so, Patton figured if they told Logan today and it went poorly, then they could finally move on. Even at the risk of losing the most important person in their life. 
When they got to the beach, they set up their towel, applied sunscreen, and laid in the sun for a bit, gazing out at the sparkling sun on the water. Maybe they’d tell Logan how they feel when they were in the water, so if the waves were too loud and Logan couldn’t hear, it would be okay. And they’d be able to move on.
“Hi, Patton,” Logan’s voice was there, and Patton looked up to see him wearing a long-sleeved black rash guard and dark blue swim shorts. Patton leapt to their feet and enveloped their best friend in a big hug, holding him closely.
“Hi, Lo! I missed you so much,” they said, practically clinging to Logan. Logan let out a low laugh, prying Patton off of him, then set his bag and towel down next to Patton’s.
“I missed you too,” he said quietly, adjusting his glasses; Patton noticed the thin sheer of sunscreen over Logan’s skin, and smiled against his shoulder. “Shall we sit for a moment or would you like to go play in the water?”
“Let’s sit for a bit, okay?” Patton stepped back from Logan’s embrace, though a bit hesitantly, and sat on their towel. Logan spread his towel out right next to Patton’s and sat down, one of his legs stretched out in front of him. The pair sat in silence for a few moments, Patton a bit fidgety but so happy that they were sitting beside their best friend. They glanced over to see Logan staring out at the ocean. “Whatcha thinking about?”
“Hm?” Logan blinked, then smiled faintly, still looking straight ahead. “Oh, I read a book about oceans and beaches last night. So I was thinking about some of the facts that I read about. Would you like to hear a few?”
“Oh, sure, Lo!” Patton smiled brightly at him, eyes still focused on the profile of Logan’s face. Patton always loved listening to Logan’s rambles about facts, regardless of the subject. Sometimes they’d listen to Logan’s facts late at night, and they’d fall asleep to the comforting sounds of his voice. Some people think that ocean waves are the most soothing noise, but Patton? Their calming sound of choice would always be Logan’s voice.
“Well… oceans cover a little bit more than 70% of the Earth. And while most sandy beaches are made of silica or mineral quartz, there are all kinds of beaches,” Logan explained, and Patton smiled, leaning back on their hands, still watching Logan intently. “There are beaches with white or yellow sands like this one, but beaches in other parts of the world, especially near volcanoes like in Hawaii, there are black sand beaches that are made of lava.” Logan finally glanced over at Patton, noticing them staring at him. ‘What is it?”
“Oh, um…” Patton flushed bright red, but they decided to be a little bit brave. “I was just thinking that I always thought that the sound of the waves was relaxing, but… your voice is better.” Logan’s ears turned red, and he cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“O-Oh…” Logan didn’t say much other than that, and Patton worried that they’d upset him in some way. The pair sat in silence for a few moments, then Patton got onto their feet, their hands on their hips.
“Come on, Lo. Let’s go stand in the waves for a bit,” they suggested, smiling down at him. Logan nodded and got to his feet as well, and the pair walked down the sand bank until they got to where the waves were coming up. “Lo?” Patton was feeling a bit brave.
“Will you hold my hand while we’re in the waves? I don’t want to fall like last time,” they said, and Logan nodded as if he was remembering that moment. It was the previous summer, their last trip to the beach before leaving for school; Patton had gotten knocked over by a wave, and they ended up swallowing a bunch of sea water. Luckily, Logan was able to help them up and onto the shore so that they could regain their breath. Logan was always there for them when they needed him.
“Oh, sure thing,” Logan held his hand out, and Patton wanted to jump for joy, but resigned themselves to just linking their fingers with Logan’s. They stepped forward so that their toes met the cool water.
“Don’t let go, okay?” They whispered, stepping closer to Logan, who squeezed Patton’s hand. “Ever,” they whispered that final word so quietly, hoping that Logan wouldn’t hear. He didn’t make any indication that he heard.
“I won’t, Pat,” Logan responded, and Patton wished that he meant the ever part, too. The pair slowly stepped further into the ocean, their hands linked as if eternally, the cool water slowly rising up past their ankles and to their knees. “You know, in the original version of The Little Mermaid, the mermaid turns into seafoam when she doesn’t meet the sea witch’s demands of killing the prince,” Logan said quietly, reaching his free hand under the waves, trying to catch some of the foam. “She doesn’t end up with the prince.”
“That’s sad,” Patton whispered, their eyes lingering to watch Logan, who gazed out further at the sea, as if in deep thought. “Not much of a fairytale.”
“Hmm, no,” Logan mused, a playful smile on his face. “She doesn’t stay seafoam forever, though. She becomes a daughter of the air, able to watch the man she loves for all of eternity,” he explained. Patton frowned deeper, not liking that option either. But they didn’t have time to discuss it more, as Logan swept his spare hand through the water, splashing Patton’s chest.
“Hey!” Patton giggled, using their free hand to splash Logan back. “You know splashing is against the rules, Lo!”
“What rules? We didn’t agree on any rules prior to stepping foot into the ocean,” Logan smirked a little bit, and Patton thought that they would swoon, the way that they were being looked at by the man they loved. Logan didn’t splash Patton again, though, and the two stood in the waves, moving along, gazing at the sparkles on the surface of the water.
“It’s a beautiful day,” Patton murmured, leaning their head against Logan’s shoulder, their feet sinking into the sand a bit. “Lo?”
“Hmm?” Logan made a noise, indicating that he was paying attention, and Patton figured that then would need to be the right time. They took a deep breath, gazing up at their best friend, the way he was so enthralled with watching the waves come closer and crash behind them. But then they remembered that if Logan didn’t feel the same way, they could lose him forever, and they didn’t want to ruin the beach day, either. 
If Logan didn’t feel the same… there were only three options that they would pay attention to. Option one, Logan felt the same way and the two entered into a happy relationship (Patton didn’t want to think about what would happen if things went poorly). Option two, Logan didn’t feel the same, but still wanted Patton in his life and Patton would finally get over Logan. Option three, Logan doesn’t know how to respond and needs time to process.
That hidden fourth option taunted Patton, but… Patton was an optimist, after all.
“Remember when we went to Disney last year? And we had just gotten off of Space Mountain, and there was this couple in front of us holding hands?” Patton had thought about this moment a lot. It was something they had run in their mind over and over again, trying to dissect it, figure out what Logan meant by all of it. Was it the merch that the couple was wearing? Patton couldn’t remember the situation, just the words. Always the words. “You said that in an alternate reality, that could be us.” Logan inhaled sharply, but said nothing. “Why does that have to be an alternate reality, Lo? What if… what if I want that in this reality?” They sighed, lifting their head from Logan’s shoulder. “I’ve tried so hard to not want it, because you’re my best friend and I… can’t lose you. And I thought that being separated from you would help, but… it’s only made me realize how far I’ve fallen in love with you.” Patton closed their eyes tightly, ready to pull their hand away from Logan’s and run back to shore and go home to hide under the blankets for weeks. But Logan squeezed Patton’s hand.
“I said what I said because I thought…” Logan started, and Patton glanced up, meeting his eyes. “I thought you would never feel that way about me, Patton. I thought that I was going to be resigned to being your best friend forever, and I was okay with that, but… I had to say something. And nothing came from it, so I figured…”
“I was hungry and tired, Lo, I wasn’t thinking straight, I mean, I never am, but especially around you,” Patton was starting to get flustered, their hand slipping out of Logan’s grasp. “I’m awkward and fumbly and when you say stuff like that I don’t know how to respond— wait,” it finally hit them what Logan had said. “You… feel that way about me, too?” Logan sighed exasperatedly, nodding as he tightened his grasp on Patton. 
“Yes, Patton,” he whispered, pulling Patton closer to him. “I have for so long. You know how I am with feelings, though… I don’t understand them as well as you do. Still, I am proud of myself for realizing it as early on as I did,” Logan adjusted his glasses, and Patton laughed a little. They turned to face Logan, ensuring they had stable footing and that there weren’t any large waves coming. They pressed their forehead to Logan’s.
“I’ve dreamt of our first kiss for years, Lo, I just…” Patton breathed out, and Logan inhaled with them. “What if it’s terrible?”
“It’s us, Pat. It won’t be,” Logan said reassuringly, and put it to the test by leaning in and allowing their lips to finally meet, their glasses clashing a bit awkwardly as the waves hit Patton’s back. Patton wrapped their arms around Logan’s neck, pulling him closer to them.
Later on, Patton swore that all of the dreams they had about the first kiss they shared with Logan were nothing compared to the actual thing. All of that pining, all of that worrying, and all of that unease… it all got washed away with the ocean waves. 
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The Bucket List or “Oh my Dear Lord”
Matt Murdock x Female Reader 
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Request: AH I SAW U WERE TAKING REQUESTS FOR MY BOI MATT AND I HAD TO DO ONE! so what about “Well, looks like I can scratch that from my bucket list” - “Who the hell puts getting arrested on a bucket list?!” and like he’s the (female)reader’s defense attorney but they already know each other? idk lol but tysm in advance, i hope this helps your writers block
A/N: Thank you SO MUCH for your request, sweetheart! Here’s some Matt Murdock for you, involving some blood and sexual tension 😈  I’m so very sorry it took me forever. I got a bit carried away there, but I hope this piece lives up to your expectations! Also, look at me, using two prompts from the list, bam bam!  The reader’s family name / surname is given in this story ;)
(May contain mistakes, author’s not a native speaker)
Foggy!… Foggy!… Foggy!… Foggy!…
The pain was unbearable, striking hard and deep, and everywhere at once. Bitter blasts cut through his bones as he tried to focus on finding the wound. Not with his hands - those would not obey, completely numb and useless. 
It must have been his shoulder, he realised, closing his eyes. He couldn’t keep them shut for long, though - his head was spinning, so much worse than after a dozen shots of that eel booze of Josie’s. 
He opened his eyes and managed to slightly turn his head to the left. The pungent smell of blood left him wincing and swearing under his breath.
It was his goddamn shoulder alright, a jugged piece of glass sticking from right below his collarbone. The ragged tissue around the wound burned, and as seconds passed, the pain amplified, jarring and brutal. Blood oozed down his chest almost lazily, his Daredevil costume soaking it up.
Foggy!… Foggy!…
Matt spit out a curse, feeling the taste of blood on his lips. Excruciating pain shoot through his chest as he tore his phone out of a thigh pocket, hitting the green answer button with his thumb.  
“Now is really not a good time, Foggy,” he huffed, trying to prop himself higher against the cold metal door, leading back inside the building. The sky and the ground changed places as he tried to inhale deeper… He only hoped his lung wasn’t punctured.
“Matt, you need to get to the station. Like right now.”
The panic in Foggy’s voice made Matt’s insides turn clockwise. A lump rose in his throat, urging him to get rid of whatever he ate for dinner earlier. 
“What…?” he forced himself to speak, but only ended up coughing hoarsely, blood rolling over the edge of his lips and dripping down his chin. 
“They’ve got their hands on Woods,” Foggy whispered, dread choking him. “She’s under arrest”. 
Greeting his teeth, Matt growled as he stood up, using his free hand for balance. Unsteady on his feet, still leaning on the door, he gripped that piece of glass and tore it from his body. It fell on the ground with a muffled cry, shattering in pieces. Matt bit down on his lips, keeping the involuntary scream in, hissing in pain. He pressed his free hand to the wound, blood pumping out through his fingers, painting them stark red.
“I’ll get there as fast as I can”, he rasped. “Don’t let her speak with anybody until then. Not a goddamn soul”. 
“Understood,” Foggy swallowed frantically, as if he were drowning. “Please, hurry!…”
Dropping the call, Matt kicked the door with all the force that was left in him, pain and rage sending his heart and brain in the overdrive. The sound of his boot hitting the metal resonated in his head like a bell’s tolling in an empty church. 
…Goddammit, Y/N! He told you to run!
The smell of barbecue chips and cigarette smoke intensified as soon as he stepped into the precinct. Gripping his cane so hard his fingers hurt, Matt made his way down to the reception desk, his stroll a little too quick and confident for a blind guy. He turned a couple of heads on his way, but it came to show that a hard expression of silent, barely contained fury was the best deterrent to stupid questions. 
As soon as he spotted Murdock, Brett sighed and pushed his way towards him through the crowded corridor. 
“Why, dear Lord, why when something happens, you three are always involved?” Brett grumbled, planting himself in Matt’s way. 
Should this have been another time and setting, Matt would probably choke out a muffled laugh; but all he could think of right now was getting to the interrogation room, and seeing with his own eyes that Y/N was unharmed.
“Where is she?” he cut to the chase unceremoniously, cocking his head to a side. 
Brett raised his eyebrows at his tone, but refrained from commenting it. 
“Don’t bullshit me,” he muttered, his hands diving in the pockets of his uniform. “You and Nelson are here so much, you probably know the entire place like the back of your hand by now”, he stepped aside, clearing the way down the corridor. “I told Hoffman he won’t get a word out of Y/N Woodsley’s mouth as long as her usual pair of lawyers is involved”. 
Matt gritted his teeth, but said nothing, hurrying down the dim corridor instead.   
“…Are you insane?!” He had heard the indistinct screaming from outside the station, but only now, up close, it seemed to really speak to the thunderstorm raging inside of his chest. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed!…”
“Well I couldn’t just stand there, Foggy, could I? That psycho with a badge has almost put a hole through his head!…”
Anger rang through Y/N’s voice like bullets falling on the ground. Matt could hear her heart beating double time, sensed the faint aroma of her sweat, mixed with blood and the remnants of her neroli perfume. She wasn’t afraid. She was pissed, mad out of her mind, as she slapped her hand against the entrance door, before pressing her forehead against it. 
“Whoever that guy is, he saved Karen’s life!…” she murmured. “I don’t regret shit, and I’d do it all over again”. 
As soon as Matt heard her move sufficiently far from the entrance, he inhaled deeply, the inside of his chest burning up like a fuming volcano. All he wanted to do was scream, but he was pretty sure he’d end up vomiting all over the place because of the escalating pain, hitting his body in waves. 
As soon as he opened the door, the room fell scary silent. Foggy’s rugged, infuriated breathing and a small drop of sweat rolling in between Y/N’s breasts was all he was able to catch, before her quiet voice filled his ears. 
“I swear, Matt, I can explain.”
His lips stretched out into a thin line, he made his way to the chair next to Foggy’s.
“…if I had a dime every time I heard that”, he whispered, disappointment lacing every word. He sank down into the uncomfortable chair, painfully slow and careful. He could hear - more like sense, really - Y/N bit on her bottom lip nervously, and Matt knew her eyes were glowing with guilt. 
While all he could think of was she could have been dead right now, and it would have been all my fault. 
“I was out with Karen and my good friend Jessica - we were at Josie’s to down a couple of beers.. Argh!…” submerged by the need to hide her face, Y/N rubbed her hands on her forehead, leaning down on the table with her elbows. Her nail must have scratched a cut that went from her temple to her eyebrow, a sharp breath escaping her lips. “I was tired and a little pissed at my editor for blacklisting my article on the Russians, and I wasn’t having fun. Felt like peeing on everyone’s parade, so when the clock struck midnight I decided to call it a night”.
She paused, trying to search her best friends’ faces, staring sternly at her. Rolling her eyes at their judging you expressions, she combed her fingers through her hair, pushing those messy strands to a side.
“I took the corner of 51th and 11th, when I heard some commotion at the docks. I marched straight towards Hudson… The alcohol making me fearless, I don’t know… I spotted three police cars outside that whitewashed building at the Piers 92/94, the old industrial glass warehouse, you know?… Everything seemed calm, and I felt stupid just standing there in the middle of the road, so I turned around and stumbled towards the park… But then I heard a window shattering. It was…” 
She paused, swallowing, trying to keep the undertones of awe and excitement in her voice at bay.  The notes that Matt hated with every fiber of his beaten and bruised body. 
“It was the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, Matt. He just jumped through the window on the second floor, landed on his goddamn feet like a cheetah, bullets wheezing all around him, like some kind of a deadly rainstorm… I just…” she stuttered. “I just couldn’t look away.”
“Gooddamn it, Woods…” Foggy groaned, burying his face in his hands in a fit of despair. “Sorry, Matt”, he peaked at Murdock through his fingers.
“Can you imagine the kind of story that could be?” Y/N brushed his exclamation away impatiently. “I was close enough to take photos, I could have caught the Devil in action, it could be all over the news the next day, especially if I pulled all the information I collected on that shady warehouse in these past few weeks!” As Y/N’s confidence grew, Matt’s heart was shrinking into a tiny nubbin. “This could be my chance to prove that the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen was on our side all along!…”
“What happened next?” Murdock interrupted drily, clutching his fists under the table.
Y/N sighed, her puffed-out chest falling down. She shot a glance at the camera in the right corner of the room.
“It’s okay, Woods, it’s off”, Murdock spoke a little impatiently, sensing her discomfort. “Please, go on”.
Y/N just stared at him in disbelief for a moment, probably thinking something along the lines of well damn, Murdock, for a blind guy you sure are insightful. 
He almost chuckled. If only you knew, princess. 
“Not what, who,” she growled quietly, suppressing her anger, seeping through the pores of her soft skin. “Detective Hoffman happened. He dashed out of the building like the goddamn place was on fire… He stopped by the cars, his gun loaded and ready. He didn’t shoot to stop or injure, he shot to kill, I know what I saw. It was a miracle the Devil actually managed to dodge his goddamn bullets!”
“No kidding,” Foggy snapped, and Matt instantly felt his gaze, burning holes in his head. “And then what? You just thought, hey, I better join the party before they run out of ammunition! Wouldn’t want to miss all the fun!”
“No,” Y/N challenged, the waves of anger she emanated hitting Matt like an avalanche. “I watched for as long as I could, until eight more dirty cops emerged from the building, attacking the Devil like a bunch of hell hounds! I had to do something before they made sure the man could never walk the Earth again! He put up quite a fight there, but when I saw Hoffman thrust a goddamn shard of glass the size of my arm through his chest…”
“Say what?!” Foggy boomed, nothing short of a nuclear bomb. He stared at Matt open-mouthed. “Jesus Christ! But how the fudge…?”
“What Foggy is trying to say here,” Matt cut in, kicking his best friend under the table to shut him up - Nelson gasped at the impact. “Is how the fudge did you think you could help him?… You could have ended up in a body bag, Woods, not in this interrogation room!…”
All-consuming silence settled over the three of them - Foggy was still nursing his leg, while Matt found himself involuntary soaking up the desperation with which Y/N was defending him, the Daredevil, without knowing who he was. He would rather die of glass and bullets than put her in danger, and he hated himself for having had involved her in this. 
And at the same time, sensing her warmth, her resolute desire to make Foggy and him understand that she cared for the Devil, and that they ought to, too, all he wanted to do was to just let go. To stop hating himself because of what he wanted. To absorb her determination, to accept her care, to savour it!… 
Nothing so wrong had ever felt so right, and his thoughts… They were tearing him apart.
“I fired a warning shot at Hoffman,” Y/N murmured, her lips barely moving. “The bullet must have scratched his thigh… Distracted him for long enough, so that the Devil could take the upper hand…”
Matt heard Y/N heartbeat, loud and clear. Nice and slow, it showed that she wasn’t afraid. His own heart, however… Murdock felt it bash against the walls of his ribcage so loud, he was sure both Foggy and Y/N could hear.
“He screamed at me to run, when he saw me… He was furious - not that someone decided to interrupt his little kick-ass session, but because it was me.”
“That’s bull, Woods!” Foggy exclaimed, sounding like a man desperately catching at straws. “Just listen to yourself! How would the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen know who you are?…”
Unblinking, Y/N stared at him for a solid minute, crossing her hands on her chest. Blood thumped in Murdock’s ears, his forehead dotted with crystal beads of sweat - the pain in the shoulder never ceased, and just when he thought he could handle no more, Y/N’s lips slowly parted, releasing, it seemed, his greatest fear. 
“He called me by my name, Foggy.”
As soon as the words filled the air around the three of them, like bonfire smoke, the time seemed to dissolve into itself, shapeless and inconsequential. Matt lost his breath, the realisation brought to light suffocating him.
“He must have recognised you from the Bulletin or something,” Foggy muttered in response to Y/N’s confession, throwing Murdock a lifeline. Matt nodded at him gratefully, his throat tight. “Now, if you ran just like he told you to, why the hell are we here? How did you end up in police custody?…”
Y/N let out a deep sigh, dropping her head in between her hands on the table. 
“They caught up with me on the corner of 12th and 46th”, she said. “And no, before you ask, I didn’t have that gun on me,” watching the question forming itself on Matt’s and Foggy’s faces, she beat them to it. “I… discarded it”. 
Chewing on his bottom lip, Matt considered the situation for a moment. Hoffman, or one of his lapdogs must have seen her run; it did not help that he willingly gave them her name, in his outburst of anger and panic. But unless they had tangible proof that she was the one firing that warning shot, they didn’t have jack on her. Even a testimony of an eyewitness would not be enough to prove she was involved in that mess he so carelessly created. 
It was all his goddamn fault!…
“Okay…” Foggy drawled out, thinking out loud. “That means the only thing they have on you…”
“…are words,” Matt finished for him, his head turned in Y/N’s direction. “Possibly an eyewitness, but with that alone they won’t be able to prove anything - the night is dark, and I hear the street lamps at the docks are rotten”. 
Y/N worried her bottom lip with her teeth, listening to him intently. 
“Then why and on what grounds are they detaining me?” she finally asked, sounding like she already knew the answer. 
Foggy and Matt exchanged heavy glances. 
“They can keep you in custody at least for the next 24 hours, and trust me, they are going to try and push the bail option off the table”, Foggy reasoned, his eyes switching between Y/N and Matt. “They think you know who the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen is”, he added, his voice barely perceptible.
“Do you?…” Matt urged under his breath without missing a beat, leaning closer to Y/N. A waft of his spicy perfume washed over her, mixed with a salty, metallic odour that she couldn’t quite place. She lost her train of thought for a moment, watching her reflection in his glasses, his eyes hidden behind their usual red armour. When she really thought about it, she could count the times she had basked in their hazel glow on one hand. 
With a sharp bob of his Adam’s apple, Matt swallowed, his face unreadable. 
“Um… hello, Matt, have you met me?” Y/N gave Murdock a sceptical look, her voice dropping a couple of octaves. She threw her hair back, instinctively moving towards him. “I’m a journalist, I don’t keep secrets. My job is to uncover them. Especially ones of this caliber”.
Bittersweet relief rolled over Matthew in a cool wave, spreading from his feet to the tips of his ears. He couldn’t help but chuckle at Y/N’s uncannily fitting choice of words. She was right, of course; revealed, this secret would shoot to kill, far more dangerous than a loaded gun. 
“Here’s what happens next,” Matt interlaced his fingers, joining his hands together on the table. “We’re going to have a word with Hoffman, and then we’re posting bail. Unless they have other ways to track down Daredevil so they can bring him to court, chances are you won’t even have to face the jury.”
“Peachy,” Y/N muttered under her breath, absentmindedly feeling for the cut on her forehead with her fingertips. Both Matt and Foggy were already getting on their feet. “At least I can scratch that from my bucket list…”
“Who the hell puts getting arrested on a bucket list?!” Foggy mused, staring at Y/N in disbelief. 
She rolled her eyes, rubbing her cheeks lightly with her fingertips. 
“Not getting arrested, Foggy, this isn’t my first rodeo,” she released an impatient breath. “Getting in trouble for helping Daredevil. Now that’s something I’d write down in my journal if I’d had one,” Matt heard her smile, her voice englobing him like a cashmere blanket. “Thank you for taking care of me, you both. You really don’t have to post bail, though…”
Matt’s body grew stiff. He leaned on the table separating them, with his hands biting into the wood. 
“We know for sure that Hoffman’s on Fisk’s payroll, Woods. And he won’t stop at anything - and I mean anything - to make you talk. I could never…” he stuttered, biting on his bottom lip hard, the eyes behind his glasses drilling a hole a couple of inches above Y/N’s head. “We’re posting bail”, he declared assertively. “Fight me.” 
Tense silence surrounded Matt and Y/N, as they just gazed at each other, the air around them buzzing with emotion and intent. Something was happening between the two, something mysterious and possibly life-changing, their bodies speaking in a language only they could understand. Y/N brushed her fingers against her lips - Matt rolled his tongue against the inside of his right cheek - and Foggy suddenly felt wrong trying to decipher whatever they were conjuring up, without as much as a touch. 
Clearing his throat, Foggy motioned towards the door. 
“I’m going to speak to Hoffman and start the paperwork. We should be all out of here in couple of hours, tops”. 
“And then we’re walking you home”, Matt pushed away from the table. Y/N sighed, half-opening her lips, and his entire body seemed to react to the nearly imperceptible sound: his skin shivered and his heart picked up some.
“Okay,” she said, her voice even, still looking at him. “I suppose I owe you this much”. 
The rain was falling thickly as the three of them made their way out of the stuffy police station; the sky was still dark, with an occasional flash of lightening splitting it in two, three, four uneven cobalt blue parts. Crackles of thunder rolled across rooftops to the pattering of hefty raindrops, resonating in Matt’s feverish mind. 
Pain still gnawing at the corners of his mind, he realised he had never done such hard thinking as he did now, falling a bit behind Foggy and Y/N. Something was off, he could sense it. Ever since that tense moment they shared in the interrogation room, Woods had been unusually quiet, compliant and overall so unlike herself, agreeing to do just as Foggy and him told her, without even trying to put up a fight. At first, he thought that maybe she was tired - she, too, had a hell of a night, he had to remind himself. But then he sensed her stare from across the room as he talked to Hoffman - a stare that left his skin burning, his body vibrating under those restless interrogative eyes. 
Both Foggy and Y/N stopped just outside the heavy doors, waiting for him to catch up. Just as Matt stepped outside, he allowed himself a deep breath, despite the pain in his chest. The air seemed charged with electricity, and the humidity pressed down, suffocating him… Y/N’s eyes settled on his face, and he felt her hand wrap around his wrist. Still watching him closely, she interlaced their fingers. Her fingertips danced over his maimed knuckles… His breath hitched. Swallowing hard, Matt slid his hand out of her grip, adjusting the collar of his shirt. 
Good God! Had she figured it out?…
He was a goddamn mess, wasn’t he?
“As much fun as this had been,” Foggy spoke, pretending not to have noticed his best friends’ antics. “I’ve got to go. If I leave now, there might still be a chance for me to enjoy my night of mind-blowing sex and cuddling with Marci”. 
Y/N chuckled at his words. Matt barely raised an eyebrow. 
“Well, don’t let us stop you,” he said, notes of accusation tingling in every sound. 
He heard Foggy let out an exasperated breath, his heart beating faster than normal, and realised he was in this alone. 
Not that Matt could blame him. He was the only one responsible for this mess and it was up to him to deal with the consequences. 
“See you tomorrow, Fog,” Matt added, patting his best friend on a shoulder. Clearing his throat, Foggy gave Y/N and him one last look before darting to the nearest waiting taxi. 
“Stay safe, and vigilant, both of you.”
And just like that, Matt found himself alone with Y/N, in the very situation he dreaded from the minute he dropped Foggy’s call earlier that night. 
“You don’t have to walk me home”, Y/N spoke calmly, stepping out into the rain like this was the last thing that bothered her. “I’m sure you have better things to do”. 
The words felt like a slap, but Matt refused to acknowledge whatever meaning she’d put into them. He followed her into the rain, not batting an eyelid.
“I’m walking you home, Woods,” he sounded serene as he spoke; maybe a little too serene, but it was too late to do anything about it. “Don’t make me break my promise”. 
“Fine,” she shrugged, stretching her hand out to him. Water rolled down her face, soaking her trench, the smell of her neroli perfume intensifying as Matt stepped closer to her. She took him gently by the elbow, leading him down the glowing, wet street. 
The night was silent, save for a siren roaring a couple of blocks ahead. His body stiffened as he first heard its wailing sound; it took a soft squeeze of Y/N’s hand to get his head back in the game. He needed to win. So that his secret identity remained secret, and Woods remained oblivious to his late night shenanigans. 
“How are you holding up?” Matt ventured, mindlessly falling in line with Y/N’s steady pace. He felt her shrug as her hand slid higher up his bicep, creating friction. Matt bit the inside of his cheek, trying to ignore her soft breaths, interrupted by the whispering sound of rain crushing against her damp skin, small drops rolling down the curve of her breasts…
“I’m fine,” she answered, her voice smooth and soft, like velvet. “I am more worried about Daredevil, he got hit pretty deep with that shard of glass…”
With his breath hitching, Matt noticed a change in her heart’s rhythm - it slowed down, but it thumped louder now, wilder. 
“I’m… Well, the night is a blur now, you know?… But there’s one detail that bothers me, I can’t seem to wrap my mind around it…”
“What is it?” Matt turned cold with irrational fear, suddenly realising they weren’t walking anymore. 
Wherever they were, this wasn’t Y/N’s block - it just didn’t smell like it. 
Concentrating, Matt caught a whiff of Indian spices through the tantalising veil of the neroli perfume… That neroli perfume, dear Lord, it was driving him insane, pushing his thoughts in all the wrong directions… Smelled like gas, too, there must have been a gas station within a 30-metres radius… And camomile detergent…
And then it hit him - it’s her who walked him home. They stood just beside his building, but why did she…?
Y/N’s hands landed on his shoulders, cutting his flow of thoughts short - she stood facing him now. So achingly close, it felt like there were not much of that buzzing hot air between her soul and his. Before he could remember how to breathe, Y/N’s fingertips caressed his his cheeks, moving smoothly up until she reached the wet cold metal of his glasses, pulling them away from his face. Matt looked steadily at her lips, his eyelashes begging for her touch. 
“The moment I fired that gun,” she whispered, water rolling down her lips and chin. “I swear I saw Daredevil flinch, he dipped his head a little to a side… His deep red mouth moved, and I could swear I saw those lips before…”
Her fingers moved across the skin on her chest, breaking water patterns… Just like she was breaking his will, pushing him to surrender.
Matt groaned barely audibly, his brain electrified. Helpless and intoxicated, with her scent sending him in a heady trance, he let his hands find their home on her waist, his touch gentle, worshipful.
His cane fell on the ground, and neither of them noticed.
“…He turned his head my way and it was like he saw me. And the next thing I know…” 
Matt’s body was hard, pushing against her soft breasts. He didn’t want to leave marks, but he couldn’t let go of her. Rain hit her cheekbones, and the water splashed against his nose and lips. He was losing it. Losing control.
“And the next thing I know, he screams - Run,” she dipped her head, her breath burning the skin on his neck. Matt crushed a groan in his throat, grabbing her arms, holding her in place.
“Run, Woods, run!”
The wind held its breath. A stillness fell over the street. The silence got torn apart by a low rumble of thunder. 
It felt like the ground underneath Matt’s feet was crumbling, and the walls he had spent so much time building around himself tumbling to the ground. Like he just stood there, breathless, holding up the roof, so that the weight of the truth didn’t crush his life-outside-Daredevil-duties, the life he fought so hard to hold on to. The life in which Y/N loved and trusted him.
He really blew it, didn’t he? A single second, a fleeting-moment kind of realisation, a mind-numbing moment of fear… All it took for his life to go down in flames of hell. 
Everything stopped. His heart came to a screeching halt. 
“Y/N, please,” he muttered, licking the water from his bottom lip. “Please, just let me…”
Her lips obliterated his every thought, swallowing the words off his mouth. Matt’s brain was instantly on fire - but her lips were cold, and the cool relief spread in waves all over his body, soothing all the parts of him that’d been on fire for too long.
From then on, everything accelerated, happening in a flash. Y/N pushed her fingers through his mane of damp hair, Matt groaned, his head falling back. Their bodies were aligned, her nipples cold against his chest…  
Y/N lips were Matt’s salvation and his torment. Exhaling frantically into his mouth, Y/N bit on his bottom lip, letting him feel her teeth, her need, her gratitude… She let him name it. 
“Oh my… dear Lord,” Matt growled, the feeling of diving headfirst into an erupting volcano with her, finally kicking his common sense into submission. With a jerk of his bruised body, he hoisted Y/N up, guiding her legs to wrap around his waist. Kissing her mad, kissing her senseless, he made his way up the porch and into the building, the door slamming shut behind them. 
The explosions of thunder continued to drown Hell’s Kitchen in the most deafening racket; but even its uproars could not hide the sounds made by two lovers, moving against each other, feeling each other… Loving each other like they’d never loved before.   
See the list of the prompts here & request the hell outta them 😈
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makomaragi · 5 years
left over thing from femslash february. it’s long and dumb but idk.  a prequel to another fic I wrote last year. i’m just kind of over tweaking this lol 
prompt: jewelry
pairing: juniper/fennel (scientificshipping), but burnet/kukui are there for a little bit
rating: um pg they talk about sex for a second
fandom: pokemon
Research never seemed to take her to Alola as often as it did other regions, and after having been there for nearly a month, she wasn’t sure why. The region was teaming with all sorts of relevant topics, the time she had spent there not feeling like enough. Professor Juniper had gone to help excavate a new tar pit that was found near the sea, hoping that what they might find would help her with some theories that linked to other fossil Pokemon in other regions. She had heard for years now that Alola was a heartland for fossils – found so often that they were being sold in shops to trainers. Her own theory was that it had to do with the volcanoes and how the island itself developed millions of years ago, collecting samples of the dirt, rocks and fossils to take back home and test.
Packing up the camp site always left her feeling a bit nostalgic, having spent most of her childhood and teenage years backpacking with her father. She could probably untie and repack a tent with her eyes closed by this point, though, not everyone enjoyed the camping aspect of it as much as she did.
Most of the research team had left by that point, Professor Juniper and a few others lagging behind to tie up a few loose ends. She booked herself a hotel for the final few nights in Alola, giving her a chance to have a steady internet connection and a quiet place to get organized before returning to Unova. It worked out, and she was much obliged to meet her old friend Burnet and her husband for lunch in Konikoni City the next day.
She had kept herself holed up in her hotel room the entire time since checking in, seated at the desk that morning, reviewing her scribbled notes and attempting to make more sense out of them by typing them out on her laptop in a more final report. She still had hours to kill until lunch – too close to the time to eat, but plenty of time to do something else.
There was the lingering feeling of wanting to scope out the town. It would give her a chance to stretch her legs, hoping her body would adjust before the long flight home. She had been aching after sleeping in a tent for the past few weeks, but she had hoped taking a few days off from physical labor and sleeping in a proper bed would help ease it.
Bringing something back home for Fennel had crossed her mind several times. She tried her best to pick something up for her in her travels most of the time, but this time especially seemed to carry some weight. Fennel had been upset that she would be gone for nearly a month as it was and they hadn’t been able to speak much while she was gone. When they did speak, Fennel was her usual bubbly self, but the feigned distance and sadness in her voice couldn’t be ignored.
Several flyers and signs had caught her eye in the time she had been in town of a jewelry shop run by one of the Island Kahunas. She had known that Alola ran a different league system than many other regions, and wasn’t sure exactly what the Kahuna’s job was, but it was something to do with trainers. The professor felt a tad embarrassed not being as well versed in Alolan culture as she was elsewhere. She had met the Elite Four in other regions numerous times, some more than others, but felt she should at least know the names of those with the title in the region she was visiting, at least making an effort to introduce herself.
It was said that money couldn’t buy happiness, but higher end jewelry would at least put some sort of sparkle in Fennel’s eyes when she gave it to her.
The shop was small and rather quaint, Aurea not even sure it was open until she pulled on the wooden door handle. “Hi, there. I was told to come speak to Olivia?”
“You’re looking at her,” the younger woman looked up from her spot at the counter, raising an eyebrow. “I know you from somewhere.”
“Could be.”
“You’re a Pokemon professor, aren’t you?”
“Professor Juniper,” she held out her hand as a more formal greeting with the Kahuna.
“I’m Olivia. Island Kahuna and proud member of the Alola Elite Four,” shaking her hand before gesturing to the jewelry under the glass countertop. “So, what are you looking for today? Something for yourself, or a gift for someone?”
“A gift, I think.”
“For your wife, I’d assume.”
Aurea’s brow raised at this.
“You’re wearing a wedding ring and I don’t have anything in the way of men’s stuff. Besides, I know that you’re with that scientist chick,” the kahuna continued. “Any certain occasion? Let me guess. You’ve been away from home for a while, and want to get her a souvenir.”
“Something like that, I guess.” It was all extremely presumptuous of the girl, but she also supposed that she had an eye for these types of things when it came to her jewelry business. She was also sure that Kukui had something to do with all of her previous knowledge of her, somehow. Though being a Pokemon professor did technically make her a public figure. Olivia had already known who she was, after all. Nothing she said had been a secret in any way, and she supposed word had gotten around that she was visiting the region and had been there for a few weeks.
“What does she like? Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, what?” The young kahuna started pulling some shelves around under the display, pulling a few of them on to the glass counter top.
Aurea had a pretty good idea of what Fennel’s tastes were, it was easy enough – anything pink, purple, or shiny. None of which helped her narrow it down. There was a lot of jewelry in front of her. Fancy jewelry was never something that interested the professor on her own, never wearing much of it herself. Her late mother had left quite a bit for her, most of which she had given to Fennel. Fennel knew what all of the jewels were, what they meant, and which ones to wear with which outfits.
There was one piece that caught her eye, though. A small crystal looking, heart shaped pendant set on a silver chain that didn’t look at all like the other pieces, somehow. “This necklace is interesting.”
“Ah, this one. I don’t have many left.” Olivia picked it up and set it down on a cloth on the table to provide a better look at it. “We can only make them one time a year and sometimes not at all if the temperature wasn’t low enough.”
“Why is that?”
“The Vulpix shed their coat, leaving behind these crystals that look like ice. They can only be made and found here in Alola! It’s my shop’s specialty.”
“So it’s Pokemon dandruff?”
“Er, sorta. But it makes for some nice jewelry, don’t you think?”
“I guess.” She couldn’t pretend to be as enthusiastic as Olivia was over it, because she simply didn’t get it. Fennel would like it, though. “I’ll take that one, then.” Maybe she would save it for a special occasion, even if she didn’t know for what yet. It was expensive enough to warrant a birthday or anniversary gift. Or maybe she would just give it to her as planned.
Olivia picked up the necklace, finding a box for it in a bin behind the counter somewhere. “You probably know Kukui and Burnett then, huh?” she mused as she looked around for something else.
“Oh, yes.”
“They’re really nice people. He comes in here a lot. I made her engagement ring, you know,” she continued, stuffing the box in a bag and taking a few of her business cards off of the counter to add to the contents of the bag. “Well, you’re all set, then.”
“Thanks. Let me know if you’re ever in Unova, alright?”
Olivia gave a cheerful nod to this, waving in the same tone as the professor saw herself out.
Olivia was friendly enough, if not a bit bold. The professor could see she and Fennel becoming fast friends should they ever meet.
With what started with time to spare ended in her being late now. Kukui and Burnet were already seated at the restaurant, them noticing her before she could scan the room.
“Aurea Juniper!” Burnet pulled her in to a hug before she had any time to react. “It’s been forever!”
“Professor,” she extended her hand to him, only to be pulled in to another awkward hug.
“How are you? How’s Fennel?”
“Fine, it’s all fine,” Professor Juniper barely had time to take her seat across from them and pick up the menu before the questions started.
“You know, I really wish she had come with you. She could of stayed with us, we’d have been happy to show her around.”
“I know, but she’s been very busy herself. So have you guys, for that matter.”
“I’m sure we’re all always busy. But we should make time for friends, right?” Kukui set down his menu to add. “I bet she’d love it here!”
“Fennel’s never been to Alola. She’s been wanting to come here as long as I’ve known her. She really wanted to go for our honeymoon, but then she changed her mind when she saw how busy it gets in the summer.”
“You’re both always welcome, you know that,” Burnet repeated.
“Maybe you should come back to Unova. Let us know when you come to visit your family.”
“Aurea and Fennel were roomies in college,”Burnet started, turning to her husband. “Then they got married.”
“That’s not...the exact progression,” Aurea attempted to hide her face in the menu, despite that she already knew what she wanted.
Yet Burnet continued, seeming fueled by her friend’s embarrassment. “Fennel had a thing for her for a long time.”
“I’m not the one that went to Alola for a research assignment and came back showing off that rock on your hand,” she attempted to direct the attention off of herself and on to the other couple.
“No, but Fennel showed me the one you got for her.” Burnet shrugged off Juniper’s comment, even if it was true. “They were together for, like, 10 years before they got married. Had a house and a lab and everything. Aurea thought they were being secretive, didn’t you?”
“It’s beside the point now.”
Aurea was certain that her old friend was only telling her husband this now in an attempt to embarrass her, and it was working. Surely she had told him all of this before. Even if it was the case, he was laughing. Burnet had actually known Fennel first, and introduced them in college. She was also confident Fennel had confided in her with other details of their relationship through the years, and the professor was perfectly happy not knowing what.
“Speaking of rocks, you were at Olivia’s, huh?” Kukui gestured to the bag that sat next to Aurea.
“Yeah. Thought I’d introduce myself to the Kahuna. She’s a very sweet girl.”
“But you bought something, eh?”
“I, um...” revealing the contents to them would only result in more attention on herself, which she did not want. But maybe it was best to get it over it. Picking up the bag, she handed it across the table for the couple to inspect. “Be careful with it. It’s for Fennel.”
The two scientists had opened it and gazed upon it for a short time, both smiling and handing it back quicker than Aurea thought they might.
“You did good. She’s going to like it,” Burnet had some sort of sly smile. “It’s just hard to imagine you in a jewelry store picking that out for her.”
She had never been so thankful to have a waitress approach and take their orders.  
Their lunch was nice at least. Burnet couldn’t open her mouth to embarrass her if they were all eating, even if it had all been in good fun.
“I hope that next time you’re here we’ll be able to spend more time together than just lunch. Unless I make it to Unova by then,” Burnet gave her one more hug upon their departure.
“It was great seeing you guys, really.”
“Tell Fennel to come visit, with or without you.”
She couldn’t help but laugh at that. “We’ll see.”
Aurea didn’t know why she felt such a rush to get back to her hotel, besides to finish up some paperwork so she had less to do once arriving home. Fennel would want her to take the next few days off, and she probably would, if only to enjoy being in her own space for a few days and not hotel rooms and camp sites.
She was trying to wait until it was late enough in the day in Unova to call Fennel. If it was 2 am in Alola, it would be around 10 am or so in Unova. Or something like that.
Fennel quickly answered the video call, though she seemed a bit distracted. “Aurea, hi!”
The professor couldn’t help but smile upon seeing the other’s face on the screen. “I figured I’d call you at the lab because you’d be on the computer. You’re not busy, are you?”
“Not really,” Fennel started, seemingly organizing some papers around her computer desk. “But I can talk for a little bit.”
“We’re done in Konikoni City. I’m actually in a hotel. I’ll be home tomorrow evening.”
“I can’t wait. I miss you so much. And when you get home, we’re going to have sex all night. And we can take a bubble bath, and drink some wine, but mostly I just want to touch you again.”
“Is….is anyone there….with you…?” the professor’s face was definitely turning red, not that Fennel seemed at all alarmed by this or what she was saying to cause it.
“Oh, yeah. My assistant’s here, and Bianca. Bianca, Marie, say hi to Aurea!” Fennel picked her laptop up and spun her chair around, turning the screen so that they could see it across the room. The professor gave a hesitant wave to the other two women,  both who gave over exaggerated waves in return. They both seemed rather occupied, only looking up when Fennel prompted them to. Thankfully blissfully unaware. She really had been gone for too long if the dream scientist was being so forward with her.
“I had lunch with Burnet and Kukui this afternoon,”  she attempted to change the subject.
“How are they? I’m glad you were able to take time away from looking at rocks to be a normal person and socialize. When are we going to go to Alola? I miss Burnet,” Fennel had looked down at her papers again, throwing some off to the side but not wavering in her conversation.
“They’re fine. They’d be glad to see you, too. I’d be happy to take you there sometime.”
“We’re about due for a vacation, I think,” Fennel gave a wistful sigh. “But mostly, I just want you home with me. I’m so bored without you here.”
“You want me home because you’re bored?”
“Mostly, yeah,” the quick response met with giggles on both behalves.
“Well, my plane should get in tomorrow around 8. I’ll text you when I’m on my last transfer.”
“Hm...will you take a few days off to spend with me before you get all wrapped up in your research stuff?”
“I suppose.”
Fennel was still smiling, but seemed suddenly alarmed by something off camera. “I need to go, I’m sorry. There’s a trainer call coming through. I’ll see you tomorrow, I love you!”
Aurea didn’t have time to repeat the sentiments before Fennel had hung up the call. She’d rather Fennel tend to her work than ignore trainers for her sake. They would have time to catch up and plan vacations, especially now that she had promised Fennel a few days without her research coming between them.
They hadn’t spent but more than a few minutes speaking, but the yawn that crept up on the professor reminded her of how late it was. She would cram in as much note taking as she could before the hour was up, and force herself to sleep at some point. A night’s rest and a few plane rides were all that stood between her and being reunited with her beloved wife.
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mxn-yoongi · 7 years
Mr. Jeon the Science Guy (Teacher!Jungkook)
Tumblr media
Genre: lol idk I just wrote it 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (but it’s not important really)
Word Count: 1,675
Jungkook knew going out last night was a bad idea. The pounding in his head only further reminded him of what a stupid idea it was to have a night out with the boys. When they had told him that they planned on going to a bar on a Sunday night he just could not refuse. Despite the nagging in the back of his head telling him he needed to be up early for work Monday morning he joined his friends and had the time of his life. The last thing he really remembered was when you picked him up from the bar in his luxury sports car dressed in sweatpants and his t-shirt. The bright smile on your face making his heart flutter as you asked him how his night was and then he was out cold. This morning you had confessed that you had to ask the doorman of your building to help you get him up to your apartment.
He felt bad waking you up so early to ask you anything but to his surprise you were already awake with 2 pills to relieve him of the inevitable headache he would be suffering from and a glass of cold water in hand. The two of you proceeded to shower together taking turns shampooing each other’s hair and sharing chaste kisses and light conversation to avoid anything further. He was okay the whole time he was with you so he was positive he would be fine throughout the day at his job but boy was he wrong.
As soon as he arrived on campus the sound of preteens gossiping and screaming for absolutely no reason the headache began once again. He was most definitely hungover as hell and not ready for 6 classes of rambunctious students less than eager to learn about science of all things. Jungkook is a science teacher at a local middle school. It’s funny right? A middle school science teacher with a luxury sports car. Sounds fake. While working on getting his teaching degree Jungkook also dabbled in acting and after shooting a few commercials and ads he got a couple of bigger roles in shows and films. He could have easily gone down that path instead but his passion for education was far too strong to be overpowered by acting.
It times like these that Jungkook can easily say he regrets his decision but that’s only because he’s hungover. Celebrities literally get paid to make appearances at club and then probably get the day off to sleep off their hangover. In a perfectly sober and relaxed state though the man loves his job. He loves seeing the way the light bulb above one of his students’ head lights up as they finally begin to understand a certain concept. Or when a student shows interest in STEM and he can be there to nurture their love for science in hopes of teaching a future leader in the science field.
Jungkook swipes his badge across the scanner to enter the teacher’s lounge and is met with a few greeting as he walks inside to collect his things for the day.
“Man, you look like hell.” Jungkook chuckles because that is probably the biggest understatement. Not only does he look like hell but he feels like hell. He merely shrugs and winces slightly as his colleague Kim Yugyeom, a fellow science department teacher, pats his large hand against his shoulder.
“Am I going to get fired for being hungover? I should have called in sick I can’t deal with all the kids today.”
“Dude, just do what I do when I’m hungover.”
“And what exactly is that?”
“Play a really long video and make them write a one paragraph summary.”
“Yugyeom. I’ve heard your students talk… you make them watch a video at least three times a week.”
“Just because I’m a teacher doesn’t mean I can’t have fun outside of school.”
“This is why my kids have higher test scores than yours.” Jungkook makes a break for the door to escape the clutches of his coworker.
“My students have won the science fair four years in a row Jungkook! Four!”
“That must be why my kids took first place this year then! You can only win with a puny fake volcano so many times! Potato alarm clock for the win!” Jungkook jogs down the hall and around a few corners to get to his classroom. He struggles with putting the key into the doorknob but he gets it eventually. After walking into the classroom Jungkook looks at the clock on the wall to see how much time he has left to relax. 30 minutes. This would be the ideal time to look for a video to make his students watch because even if Jungkook is superior than Yugyeom as a science teacher in all ways Yugyeom’s idea would get Jungkook a peaceful day in the classroom.
Thirty minutes had gone by faster than expected but Jungkook had found a suitable video and he already had it set up for his students arrival which should be any minut-..
“Hey Mr.Jeon!”
“Morning Mr.Jeon!”
“What’s up Mr.JK?”
One by one the students began filing in and taking their seats. The video on the board was a nice change from their usual class. Jungkook was more of a lecture and discussion type of teacher not a video and summary kind of guy but today he really needed this.
At the sound of the bell Jungkook stood at the front of the class and greeted his students.
“Alright guys, today we’re going to have a more relaxed day and instead of listening to me drone on about the runoff water cycle or whatever we’re just going to watch this cool video I found that explains it for you.” The students cheering hit Jungkook right in his heart but he did this to himself, he had chosen to play this video because he had too much fun last night. Jungkook went back to his desk and pushed play on the video. The absolute quiet in the room was like music to his ears as he laid his head back and shut his eyes ready for some relaxation. He wondered why he didn’t do this more often. As the video started the students were for the most part quiet but suddenly everything turned to hell. It was as if something had possessed his students to chant a satanic ritual. It was like they all just knew. Nobody even said anything. There was no cue. It just began. It was so abrupt Jungkook fell out of his chair from the shock. First it was quiet then it was just…
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye the Science Guy
(Science rules)
Bill Nye the Science Guy
(Inertia is a property of matter)
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill, Bill, Bill,
(T-minus seven seconds)
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill,
Bill Nye, the Science Guy
He had never seen his students work together as well as when they were screaming this theme song. It was one section chanting Bill. One section doing the background stuff. The last section got the infamous ‘Bill Nye the science guy’. Jungkook hated it all. Not only did it make his headache worse but he also came to the realization that he would have to listen to this five more times to keep all of his classes on the same track. Oh no...
Later that night - At home
When Jungkook had gotten home he spent most of his time alone since your job went on until midnight or later. His head was no longer pounding because of the hangover but instead it was pounding because of Bill Nye the science guy. He decided it was a good time to sleep around 10 PM because he wanted to be energized for the lessons he would be giving tomorrow, Jungkook actually vowed to never use a video in his classroom if he could help it.
Your arrive home at around 1 AM after covering for a coworker that got sick and as usual Jungkook is fast asleep. You remove your work uniform and change into something a bit more comfortable for sleeping before slipping into bed next to Jungkook. He unconsciously scoots closer which warms your heart and you slip into a comfortable sleep as well.
You are rudely woken up at around 3:37 AM, according to the clock on the bedside table, by Jungkook who has been tossing and turning for about an hour. Suddenly he springs into an upright position in a cold sweat. His eyes are wide and he’s trying to say something but he can’t quite get it out.
“Jungkook, babe, what’s wrong?” You rub your hand against his back in a soothing manner while resting your head against his shoulder. His breathing slowly goes back to normal and the way he turns to face you is a little unnerving. He hides his face in the crook of your neck before he speaks again. His breath tickles your neck but you hold yourself back from shying away from him.
“Never ever let me go out on a Sunday night and then go back to class. I’ll make stupid decisions. I’ll try to quit my job. I’ll throw a dart at the principal again.” Your eyes widen at his words.
“Again? Jungkook what are you talking about?”
“I tried to quit my job then I threw a dart at my boss and I’m surprised I haven’t been fired yet.”
“Babe, what the hell made you do that?”
Jungkook sighs and looks off in the distance in a random direction. You turn to where he’s looking and raise an eyebrow because it’s literally just a blank wall. Then, in the quietest whisper you have ever heard Jungkook speak in he says five words that leave you completely dumbfounded.
“Bill Nye the Science Guy.”
A/N: This turned out like complete crap I think but I also really wanted to write it after @lcthebtswriter inspired me so now I have this short thing lol. Pt.7 of AGDTSL is in the works but I just started uni so I’m waiting for my 4 day break to really sit down and write it so expect that soon! That’s it! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
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