#nb patton
soysaucevictim · 5 months
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“Would you mind if I asked you to take something to help you sleep? After I patch you up?” “You remember that story where a whole batch of Tylenol was tampered with and killed like seven whole people?” “… I’ll ask again a little later, then.” Patton returned to the living room, kit in hand, both relieved and disconcerted about Remus just standing in the same spot he was in. His hands were clenching and unclenching, like he was fighting to stay awake even longer. “Okay, it would be easier on both of us if you sat down while I dress those wounds.”
Look. I was in the mood to draw some Gymrat!Remus angst.
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happy pride yall - AWWWOOOOO!
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Because brain is being kind of an asshole, going to express some thoughts/feelings through the Sides again (and humoring myself):
Patton: Gosh, a new home! A new beginning! Isn’t it grand?
Janus: And all to yourself! Isn’t it absolutely dreadful to not have to deal with that “hell is other people“ problem?
Virgil: It’s nice not being aurally assaulted by The News Channel That Shall Not Be Named. Constantly.
Logan: Yes, that was... insufferable. So much factually incorrect and blatantly inflammatory material. You had to pick your battles and hold your tongue around those people.
Janus: I’m totally not happy you don’t have to deal with Mr. Control Freak and Mr. Trigger Everything, anymore.
Virgil: Yeah, I saw how it made you stress-eat...
Logan: And impaired your ability to do your workouts.
Roman: It stifled your ability to make art like you used to, too!
Remus: Couldn’t really get into talking about your juicy horror projects with the company either. Or the spicy things you want to write and draw... Or ANY of that queer shit.
Virgil & Janus, sighing: Especially the queer shit.
Patton: Well, you must be grateful for all the help you had in getting this new place, and keeping your spirits high during the wait! It’s only been a few weeks and it’s really looking like home, already!
Roman: Now you can create in peace!
Logan: It took awhile, but you also have internet again, too. So you can research things properly for whatever you need to know.
Patton: And being able to stream your favorite videos and music again is awesome!
Virgil: Which is great and all... but then everything ELSE went wrong today.
Logan: That can be addressed after some time and some sleep.
Virgil: Negativity bias can be a real-
Remus: Asshole? Oh man, remembered when you first saw Goe-
Virgil, clamping Remus’s mouth: Let’s nOT talk about that?
Remus, wriggles out of the hold: Or Lemon P-
[Roman & Patton look scandalized.]
Virgil: Please, we don’t need to be thinking of vintage shock sites right now.
Remus: Well, they’re hilarious! Oh, don’t forget the Two Girls-
Logan, interrupts: DESPITE this obvious derailment... I suppose it does sound like a good... distraction from that emotional state, yes?
Virgil & Roman: I hate that you’re right about that.
Remus: Yeah, you also have plenty privacy here too!
[Roman blinks and overly dramatically pantomimes gagging.]
Virgil: How about we don’t overshare that kind of-
Patton, hurriedly: That’s all folks!
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four-rabbit · 10 months
I've seen some people questioning Remus as Fear in the new aside and I'm here to defend that placement.
As Virgil himself said, he would obviously be the first choice for fear, I think most of us agree on that, but he made even more sense with Anxiety for... obvious reasons, so we had to go for the second best
Roman loves adventuring and challenges, he always wants to get to new highs and outdo himself, so not him
Not all fears are irrational, but a lot of them are and even the rational ones can easily be exaggerated in your mind, so not Logan either
Janus hides things for you so don't have to think about them. Or fear them.
Patton would be my third choice actually, he has a similar aesthetic to Fear and he's responsible for a lot of emotions, but his approach tends to be more "let's ignore those bad feelings and focus on the good things!" (I do think he could've been Joy, that would really work for him)
So we get to Remus. On the surface level, they're completely opposites, Fear is soft-spoken, jumpy, polite, and dresses like those over the top nerdy characters in old high school movies, Remus is... Remus, but that's how they manifest for the different people they belong to, cause obviously Riley (the 14 years old girl/nb who's into hockey) and C!Thomas (the 30 something theater kid) are very different and are gonna view and manifest their emotions differently.
But at their core, they can serve a very similar purpose: reminding their person of things they fear and that makes them paranoid and that they don't really want to think about, the obvious difference being that Remus is more about scaring Thomas and Fear is more about being scared for Riley
Just my opinion tho feel free to disagree just don't be mean about it
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the-bi-library · 2 years
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Achillean bi4bi books
Part 1/4 of the bi4bi books series.
Part 1 is bi4bi achillean romances or bisexual m/m and m/nb books 💖💙💜
Books listed [goodreads list of these books :)]
💕If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio 💕This Is Why They Hate Us by Aaron H. Aceves 💕The Door Into Fire by Diane DuaneI 💕Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver 💕 Things We Couldn't Say by Jay Coles 💕 Lark & ​​Kasim Start a Revolution by Kacen Callender 💕They Hate Each Other by Amanda Woody (out on 9th May) 💕Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling 💕Fandom by Eden Finley 💕The Stone Prince by Fiona Patton 💕Break Free by Raleigh Ruebins 💕Fire Season by K.D. Casey 💕Home Plate by Christina Lee 💕Blindsided by Eden Finley 💕 Troublemaker by Sean Ashcroft
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staledirt87 · 1 year
These are my designs for the sides in the other human!au I mentioned in the tags of my last post:
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Info under the cut:
Janus does have a hat I just forgot to draw it I'm sorry I realized after I had digitalized it.
Janus and Virgil are in high school in this au, they're not dating yet but they do get together eventually. They met Remus in the park while skipping class (Virgil was on the verge of an attack and the teacher was putting him on the spot) and Remus becomes a sort of guardian father figure to the both of them. Whenever any of the teens are having a bad day they go to the park and Remus always cheers them up, sometimes in questionably legal ways (trespassing, graffiti, shoplifting from chain businesses).
One day when they're all having a particularly bad day Remus offers to have a "spa day" which entails going to Remus' place and DIYing their hair. The hair ends up fine but Remus' bathroom does not.
Virgil meets the light sides when he's skipping school (didn't feel like talking to Remus and Janus was taking a test that period) and goes to a random cafe. Logan sees him and notes the time, realizing that hey, you should be in school. Logan points this out, and Virgil just flips him the bird. Patton comes over and diffuses the situation, asking why Virgil was skipping school. He shrugs and deflects the question, asking why they're so invested in a random teen. That's when Roman comes over with the drinks they ordered and sits confidently across from Virgil, handing him a black coffee.
Virgil's says he's not gonna pay him back and Roman replies that the reason he's here is payment enough. Patton protests but Virgil just sighs and concedes (English was too rowdy and loud). Having Logan as a friend they all understand. After that every time Virgil got overwhelmed and just wanted to chill he went to the cafe.
One day Janus comes with Virgil to the cafe and it turns out him and Logan had already met. Apparently Janus sometimes goes to the college the light sides go to and participates in the debate club. Logan heads that club and hates every time Janus shows up because he purposely chooses the losing side and wins by tripping up his opponent. Janus is the also the head of the Speech and Debate club in the high school and gets bored with the other teenagers and terrorizes college students instead. At the cafe Logan points at Janus just like "YOU" and Janus feigns ignorance.
After that hiccup it becomes a 50/50 chance for the teens to go either to the park or the cafe, to the point Remus is like "bro where are you guys half the time." Janus invites him to the cafe and this time it's Roman that has the "YOU" moment when Remus walks in and surpise! They're twins. It's a bit awkward because apparently Remus hasn't contacted Roman in like two years but they get over it.
Time for some random scenes I had in mind:
Logan is experiencing some heavy sensory overload so Virgil gives him his noise cancelling headphones.
At a pride parade Janus and Logan tag-team homophobes harassing people as Remus dirty dances next to them.
Remus and Roman become the wingmen from hell for the teens when it's evident they're both far too dense to realize their mutual pining.
Somehow the dark sides convince everyone else to do a horror movie marathon on Remus' shitty laptop and Roman and Patton have nightmares for weeks.
Roman gets into a musical and the other five are toeing the line between obnoxious and supportive the entire time.
They play mindtrap and Logan almost loses it with the ridiculous answers. Janus, who has all the answers memorized and is acting as if he's getting them logically is reveling in everyone's frustration. Virgil knows Janus has them memorized but doesn't care to tell anyone.
Not really a scene but info I think is important: Virgil is gay and ace, Janus is NB and gay, Remus is aro bisexual, Logan is bi and ace, Patton is FtM and gay, Roman is pansexual, and Logan, Patton, and Roman are all in a poly.
Random Facts:
Janus does have heterochromia, he just also puts a colored contact lense in the blue eye.
Janus has a pet snake named Alex so he can say stupid shit like "I forgot to close the lid to his cage properly so Alex got out and hid under the couch."
Patton and Roman work at the cafe they hang out at, Logan comes over to study and to spend time with them. Patton makes the pastries and Roman makes the coffees.
Logan is majoring in Astronomy with a focus on galaxy formation, Roman is majoring in Theater and Acting, and Patton isn't in college.
Remus gave keys to Janus and Virgil so now whenever he comes home from his job (probably a sex worker or stripper) he has to watch out for Virgil sleeping on the floor.
The best prank Remus ever did was sneak Virgil and Janus into the poly's shared apartment before knocking on their door. Roman's shriek and Logan's string of curses in several different languages when they saw Virgil sitting ominously on the counter will forever be worth it. Nothing will ever be better though than when Patton walked out to see what the commotion was and Janus grabbed his ankle from under the table he was hiding under. The first and only time they ever heard Patton threaten someone with violence.
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calliemontgomery · 8 months
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NAME: Calliope "Callie" Victoria Montgomery
AGE: 36
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female. She/her.
SEXUALITY/STATUS: Heterosexual. | Single.
OCCUPATION: District Attorney
BIRTHDAY: December 28th, 1987
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California.
NEIGHBORHOOD: Riverfoak Farms
FACECLAIM: Candice Patton
Born via surrogate, along with her twin brother, Samuel.
Both parents are very successful. Her mother a model, and figurehead. Her father award wining surgeon.
Despite growing up in LA, Covintgon was like a second home to the twins, as that was where their grandparents lived.
Her mother wanted a mini-me for a daughter, one who would love the glitz and glam of Hollywood, instead, she got a girl who wanted to be be successful more like her father.
Only Callie hadn't realized that until a traumatic turn of events took place when she was 15. After a party with her best friend, Harper, they decided to walk home; but they would both be kidnapped.
They were missing for 4 days. Harper would end up killed, while Callie was rescued.
This was extremely traumatic for the young girl, yet, she seemed to bounce back a little too fast. Some would say she never truly dealt with that trauma. It would get worst when the man who kidnapped them would end up free, due to a mistrial.
This is the turning point in which Callie knew she wanted to go into law. Finishing high school, she'd go on to college and law school, topping her classes.
After law school, Callie would move to Covington for good, to be near her brother and his wife.
At 33, she would find herself landing the position of DA. For years she was all work, and very little play. So, it was a surprise that within the same year as her promotion, she'd find that she was pregnant.
in 2019, she gave birth to her daughter, who she named Harper, after her late friend, and Rose after her grandmother.
In 2021, she would adopt a mainecoone cat that she named Stormy.
Despite being married to her work, and a single mother, she manages to keep up both ends rather well. Of course with help of her brother, and his wife, and occasionally her parents. Which she is extremely grateful for.
FRIENDS/FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIP: Despite being a work horse, she is still a rather cool person to hang around. With becoming a mom, on top of her job, it did shorten her free time even more. But her brother does try to get her to go out and have some kind of social life. Or at least, just give her a break. This could be coffee friends, work out friends, even mom friends.
ENEMIES/I DON’T REALLY LIKE YOU: Not everyone likes everyone.
EXES/FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS/HOOK UPS (M/NB): Despite really not having time for relationships, she somehow manages to have a long list of ex-lovers. Very few serious. Most hook ups, as she has needs, and she likes them met. She does have a handful of exes that was serious, and it could've ended badly on either side to be honest. Or well. She definitely dated more freely in college.
BABY DADDY: To be honest, I don't assume she actually knows who her daughter's dad is. In my head, she had slept with two different men around the time she got pregnant. Instead of really figuring out who it was, she kinda just told them both that the other one was the dad. And they went with it. She always knew she wanted to be a mom, and she always figured she'd do it on her own. This way just saved her a trip to the bank. (Even tho deep down, she would love nothing more then the whole fairy tale love story. But she is a realistic, and her career comes before a relationship.)
COWORKERS: Anyone who works in law, cops, lawyers, etc, would very likely know of Callie Montgomery. Rather it's friendly or not, is up for debate.
CLIENTS: Anyone who's been in legal trouble.
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mold-ridden-heart · 10 months
I’m Vex (or William), or my user, mold-ridden-heart! I write, do headcanons and fanart!
I’m a lithromantic NB autistic artist + fanfic writer just enjoying fandoms :D
- Pressure
- Doors
- Gravity Falls
- Monster prom
Alt blogs:
- @v0x-0ff14l
- @alastors-bl0g
- @bl00d-0f-a-l4mb
Please no NSFW, hate, bullying or bigotry!!
Ur loved, and if there’s nobody to love you I will! >:D
I’m ready to adopt online children <3
Devian art: https://www.deviantart.com/v3xxxxxxx
Lots of Luvbug,
Tea Time (Alastor + Reader fluff) late night lightning (Sir Pentious x reader fluff
Thumb war (drunken somewhat platonic Radioapple // request)
Mistake number two (Logan x patton platonic fluff //request)
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voluntadfuerte · 1 year
Starter call - Marvel
Bobbi Morse - Comics - Jennifer Morrison (bisexual)
Brunnhilde - Comics/MCU - Tessa Thompson (bisexual)
Cassie Lang - Comics - Seychelle Gabriel (lesbian)
Carol Danvers - MCU - Brie Larson (bisexual)
Cindy Moon - Comics - Jung Ho Yeon (bisexual)
Clint Barton - Comics - Boyd Holbrook (bisexual)
Daisy Johnson - AoS - Chloe Bennet (bisexual)
Elektra Natchios - Netflix - Elodie Yung (bisexual)
Erik Lehnsherr - Comics - Adrien Brody (bisexual)
Frank Castle - Netflix - Jon Bernthal (bisexual)
Gwen Stacy - ITSV - Olivia Holt (bisexual)
Grant Ward - AoS - Brett Dalton (bisexual)
Harry Osborn - Comics/TASM/Raimi - Tom Doherty (queer - without label)
James Barnes - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Sebastian Stan (bisexual)
Jane Foster - Comics/MCU - Natalie Portman (pansexual)
Jemma Simmons - AoS - Elizabeth Henstridge (bisexual)
Jennifer Walters - Comics/MCU - Tatiana Maslany (bisexual)
Jessica Drew - Comics - Adria Arjona (bisexual)
Jessica Jones - Netflix - Krysten Ritter (bisexual)
Johnny Storm - Comics - Jordan Fisher (bisexual)
Karen Page - Netflix - Meghan Markle (bisexual)
Kate Bishop - Comics - Kiersey Clemons (bisexual)
Kitty Pryde - Comics - Lily Collins (bisexual)
Lorna Dane - Comics - Zoë Kravitz (bisexual)
Loki Laufeyson - Comics/MCU - Tom Hiddleston/Katie McGrath (genderfluid & bisexual)
Makkari - MCU - Lauren Ridloff (bisexual)
Marc Spector - Comics - Oliver Jackson-Cohen (bisexual)
Matt Murdock - Netflix - Charlie Cox (bisexual)
Namor McKenzie - Comics - Daniel Henney (bisexual)
Natasha Romanoff - Comics - Priyanka Chopra (bisexual)
Peggy Carter - MCU - Candice Patton (bisexual)
Peter Parker - Comics/ITSV - Andrew Garfield (trans man & bisexual)
Reed Richards - Comics - Oscar Isaac (bisexual)
Rogue - Comics/X-Men 1&2 - Lindsey Morgan (pansexual)
Sam Wilson - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Anthony Mackie (bisexual)
Scott Summers - Comics/X-Men 1&2 - Jared Padalecki (bisexual)
Sharon Carter - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Emily VanCamp (bisexual)
Stephen Strange- Comics - Pedro Pascal (bisexual)
Steve Rogers - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Chris Evans (bisexual)
Susan Storm - Comics - Alice Eve (bisexual)
Tony Stark - Comics/MCU (im3 divergent) - Pedro Pascal (bisexual)
Thor Odinson - Comics/MCU (divergent post ragnarok) - Chris Hemsworth (pansexual)
Trish Walker - Netflix - Rachael Taylor (bisexual)
Wade Wilson - Comics/Deadpool 1-2 - Ryan Reynolds (nb & pansexual)
Wanda Maximoff - Comics - Gratiela Brancusi (pansexual) 
Yelena Belova - Comics - Léa Seydoux (lesbian) 
Please comment with who you want. If you're a multimuse, play who with.
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creativia10 · 2 years
Touch is still a novel thing for the Fitzroy trio and the new Fitzroy (by marriage). They marvel at moments of enjoying the feeling with their respective soulmate matches.
Pairing: Roman/Virgil, Logan/Patton, Janus/Remus
Wordcount: 2202
Warnings: suggestive themes
Let me know if I need to add more.
Notes: Tuliptober Prompt 17-Touch
Admittedly, much of this came to me last night when I was supposed to be sleeping heh.
So, I meant to put this the other day but I forgot. I have some ideas for Halloween-related works at the end of the prompt days, that I would like to post in October. Since I got a bit behind and skipped some prompts. That may mean doing some in a different order than the prompt list has. But like, there aren't very many I've seen participating in this. Also, I haven't seen any others writing fics for this prompt event. Somehow I doubt anyone really cares if I do these in a different order. I figured I might as well give a heads up though.
*Same note about Roman as previous pieces' recursive fic. Roman doesn't fully know he's nb yet here so he uses he/him in here, so use he/they in comments. Ty
Let me know if I need to add anything.
Based on @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors Pieces Verse
Logan and Patton
Touch was something that Logan was not used to yet. They had all grown up being told that touching was indecent and frowned upon. It was another one of the things that Logan didn’t realize he’d been missing until Patton introduced it to them. Patton. His wonderful soulmate.
The two of them were having a picnic outside in a secluded area away from other people. It was nice. They didn’t have others watching them in the manor, and were away from strangers seeing them as well. It was always enjoyable to spend time with Patton no matter what they were doing. Yet still, he appreciated that Patton considered his personal comfort. It also made it easier to try newer things like physical contact with his love.
Some of it came more naturally, which was also strange for Logan. Something about being with Patton made it easier to reach forward to simply hold hands with him. Logan was even the one to initiate their first kiss, something he wouldn’t have predicted. Yet still, there were moments where he couldn’t help thinking about how strange yet nice the feeling was.
The two of them were sitting on a picnic blanket. The basket was in front of them, only little cakes left now. Logan leaned back against a tree they had set up in front of. A seating position that one would think was a lot less comfortable than the cushy chairs back at the manor. Logan found he didn’t mind though. Patton was leaning against Logan with his head resting on Logan’s shoulder. It felt nice. Patton’s curls tickled Logan’s neck slightly where they rested, but Logan couldn’t be perturbed. He reveled in the soft feel of his husband’s hair.
 Logan was very aware of Patton’s warmth in every place they made physical contact. It was very comforting. Logan found he could stay like this for a while and be completely content. And yet.
“I’m torn,” Logan said. “Part of me would like to stay like this for as long as we can, as this feels very nice.” Logan could almost feel how Patton smiled at that.
“And yet…I also rather much want to kiss you. I cannot exactly have both.”
Patton chuckled and sat up. Then he turned to face Logan.
“Well, how about this. We kiss, and then I go back to leaning against you.”
Logan smiled at him.
“Ah yes, but there lies another problem.”
Patton’s eyes crinkled, showing his dimples. “Oh?”
Logan reached up and gently twisted some fingers in Patton’s curls.
“I feel once I start kissing you…I’ll be reluctant to stop.”
Patton let out a bubbly laugh and threw a leg over Logan’s lap so he was sitting on him and meeting eyes.
“That hardly seems like a problem to me.”
Logan hmmed. “Perhaps you’re right.”
They both leaned forward and met in a kiss. Kissing felt very nice. His lips were soft as they moved against his own. They pulled away just barely before connecting their lips again. Patton tilted his head more and oh, that was very nice. Logan reveled in the soft warmth of Patton everywhere they touched. He was enjoying this. Enjoying this contact with Patton, his love. Patton did something unexpected then. Logan felt his tongue dip briefly into his mouth.
Logan squeaked and pulled away in surprise. Patton blinked at him and then gasped.
“Oh, sorry honey! I should have made sure that was okay.”
Logan cleared his throat. “Oh, uh, it’s fine. It wasn’t bad. Just- surprised me.” His face was definitely warm now. Patton looked at him for a moment before giving him a small smile.
Logan nodded, unable to look him in the eyes. “Just, uh, not more than that?”
Patton softened. ���Of course, honey. I always want to make sure you are comfortable with anything we do.”
Logan took a deep breath and smiled at his husband. “I know dear. Thank you.”
He leaned forward again to rest their foreheads. Patton gave him another bunny kiss. Something that always made Logan wrinkle his nose and Patton laughed. Logan leaned over to whisper into his ear,
“We can save the more for when we have our space back at the manor.”
Patton looked down a bit, blushing. “I look forward to that, hon.”
Roman and Virgil
It was almost hard to believe that Roman was married now, and to someone he wanted to be with. Virgil. His wonderful soulmate who really was too good to be true. Not who he would have expected, but still the best in so many ways. Roman felt so lucky to have him every time he saw Virgil. It still didn’t feel real. And now, when they had barely known they’d been soulmates, they were living together. He understood Virgil’s fear and wanting them to get married so quickly. Roman certainly couldn’t bare to be separated from his love of course. Yet now, with the reality of this sinking in, some factors dawned on Roman that hadn't at first.
Such as, having to share a room with someone when he hadn’t in a while. Not only that, but a bed. When he hadn’t even been with his love for long yet. It sounded wonderful…but also incredibly overwhelming.
He didn’t know what it would be like, to have someone else in the bed with him. Feeling his warmth just across the mattress. Virgil still wanted to treat them as boyfriends in some ways despite what they were legally. Roman can understand wanting things to be the way he had expected them. Even if in Virgil’s case, it was for a more positive thing. In some ways, Roman appreciated Virgil’s insistence to take things slow anyways. Although Roman hasn't admitted this.
Roman was a hopeless romantic. He loved love. He loved almost everything about being able to be with Virgil. In spite of Roman’s parents still existing in the manor. But Roman was still very inexperienced in anything romantic. He could even say he was inexperienced in even having a friendship. Roman wanted to be with Virgil and loved that he could be, so much. But, he didn’t know if he could be everything that Virgil deserved. Roman didn’t know what he was doing.
He was afraid of messing up. He wanted this to go well. So, well, he got more nervous than he would let on. It helped that simple interactions were easier. Banter wasn’t hard. He bantered with his siblings. There was a different heat to his banters with Virgil though. In fact, often times his siblings would leave if they got too into a debate. Roman didn’t understand why at first. Until he realized that the heat in their debates lead to them touching more.
So, needless to say, Roman had many mixed feelings about this new experience. He sat on the covers, already in his pajamas, as he waited for Virgil to finish up in the bathroom. This didn’t have to be a big deal. They would just be in the same bed. It’s not like he can mess up sleeping. Why was he so nervous about this? He had fallen asleep on Virgil after all, the night they met. Yet, this felt different.
Virgil entered the room when he finished up. He paused and raised an eyebrow at Roman.
“You good, princey?”
Roman briefly imagined Virgil calling him princess, that sounded nice. But he shook away the thought for now to answer Virgil.
Virgil watched him for a moment. He didn’t seem convinced. Virgil walked over and sat next to Roman on the bed.
“You know, you’re allowed to list boundaries for going slower too. If you’re not ready for this, we can sleep separately.”
“N-no,” Roman said. Even though picturing sharing a bed with Virgil made him feel squirmy. He really didn’t want Virgil separate from him now either.
“I-I do want to share the bed. It’s just, I-“
Roman huffed. This was embarrassing. Why was he being so silly over this?
“Hey,” Virgil bumped his shoulder with Roman’s.
“You’re allowed to be nervous, you know. This is new to both of us. I know your stinky parents practically forced us to go too fast, but I would like to sleep next to you if we both want to.” Virgil slowly reached over and wrapped his hand around Roman’s. Roman’s breath hitched a bit. Even small touches like this one felt like so much to Roman.
“The thought of waking up and seeing your gorgeous endearing face the first thing in the morning. Well, it’s uh, it sounds very nice.”
Virgil was not looking at Roman as he said this, but he squeezed Roman’s hand. Roman wondered if he was blushing.
“Aw, thanks Virge.” He very much wanted to kiss him. Roman turned and did his best to give Virgil a peck.
Virgil smiled and turned before giving him a proper kiss. Roman hummed into it.
“Ready for bed?” Virgil asked after they pulled apart. Roman sucked in a breath and nodded.
Virgil made his way over to the other side of the bed. Roman got under the covers and turned toward Virgil.
“Hey,” Virgil turned on his side to face Roman as well. He reached over and lightly caressed Roman’s cheek.
“We don’t even have to touch or anything.”
“I don’t, um, I wouldn’t mind if we did. Just a little.”
Virgil smiled and nodded. “You got it.”
They scooted towards each other. They scooted towards each other. There was just enough space to reach a hand across each so they could hold hands between them.
“Is this good?” Virgil asked. Roman nodded.
“Goodnight my love,” Roman said softly. Virgil leaned up to kiss Roman tenderly on the forehead before resting his head back on his own pillow.
“Goodnight, Ro.”
Roman’s eyes fluttered closed as he sighed. Content. This was nice. A good start. He looked forward to when they were ready for more.
Janus and Remus
Janus and Remus lay in bed together, on their sides so they faced each other. It was almost hard to believe now, knowing that they both actually loved each other. The natural touches they were already inclined to were completely fine. Janus had never thought he would be physically affectionate. Certainly growing up being taught most forms of touch were indecent didn’t help. Plus, with Janus’ demisexuality and occasional sex repulsion, it wasn’t something he often wanted.
Then Janus wound up with a soulmate who was physically affectionate. Even though Remus was new to touch himself. Janus found he had alternating desires. Longing for innocent gentle touches shared with Remus along with the other kind. It was new. But it was great because this was Remus.
They both scooted in towards each other so they were right against each other.
“I have you now,” Remus muttered. “I never want to lose you again.”
Janus smiled. “I share the sentiment.”
Things felt different now but in a good way. Janus started to, almost mindlessly, lightly trace fingers along Remus’s arm, up and down. Remus reached around Janus and gripped his hips.
“Is this alright?” He asked. Janus nodded.
“Yes,” He said softly.
Remus rubbed his thumbs against Janus’s hips. Why did that feel good? Janus sighed and fluttered his eyes closed. Their foreheads rested against each other. After a moment Janus felt Remus’s breath against his lips.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked. Janus sucked in a breath.
“Y-yes, of course.”
They had kissed before. Not even a few moments ago. But it had been in the heat of the moment. It felt different, thinking of it before now. His brain was still processing that they could do these things now. He guessed it could be a process to get out of the pining mindset. Like it was too good to be true.
Remus brushed his lips briefly against Janus’s, very warm. Then he connected them for a proper kiss. Janus hummed into it as he moved his lips against Remus’s. Remus ran his hands down Janus’s sides and pulled him closer. Janus loved the feel of how close they were to each other. It was a lot, but it was wonderful. They pulled apart to breathe then went back in for another. These moments were so good. After a bit, they stopped. Remus playfully nibbled at the corner of Janus’s chin, getting him to giggle and smack Remus lightly.
“You’re ridiculous.”
Remus hmmed. “Yeah, but I’d like to think you like it.”
Janus smiled at him warmly. “Yeah perhaps. Don’t know what that says about me, but I can’t complain.”
Remus winked at him. “That you’re perfect?”
Janus scoffed and rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. “Flatterer. You’re overdoing it a bit.”
Remus snorted, “Nahh.”
Janus shook his head. They lay like that for a moment, still warm between them. Remus moved his hand down along Janus’s side and started to lightly caress the side of Janus’s thigh.
“I look forward to the day we are ready to do more, physically.”
Janus looked away, blushing. But he smiled shyly.
“Yeah…me too.”
He leaned against Remus more and they lay like that in bed for a while.
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soysaucevictim · 1 year
Okay. So more Gymrat!AU shenanigans with the co-conspirator.
(Uh. There's a reference to Remus's junk here - but it's just too IC for characters involved... pffft.)
Me: i'm just thinking about gymrat!remus being a little shit when any of the others happen to be eating/drinking something mostly roman and virgil - but non-exclusively Him: janus has threatened to rip his clit dick off if he ever tried it a second time Me: *wheezes* yes. good. Him: logan just knows better than to drink or eat around remus he's watched enough coworkers need the Heimlich to risk it and patton just looks at him disapprovingly Me: yeah - i think patton has a p iron stomach so - i feel like remus may take that as a challenge sometimes Him: "Remus, I grew up poor and never knowing when my next meal would come. I thus learned to cherish every meal. If you ruin a meal for me I will be very disappointed with you." Me: just lay on the guilt trip mode 😂
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novemindie · 4 months
muse: harlow patton. proofreader. afab nb. pansexual. open to: any gender, any connection (not taboo)
"there is no us," harlow stated with tears in their eyes, "you love me but you're gonna hate me for it one day. i can't live with that."
Tumblr media
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tbthqs · 8 months
Mulheres: Angelina Jolie, AJ Cook, Lyndsy Fonseca, Gemma Chan, Aisha Dee, Annie Murphy, Nikki Reed, Aja Naomi King, Alexandra Daddario, Dianna Agron, Lalisa Manoban, Victoria Pedretti, Summer Bishil, Meghann Fahy, Gabrielle Union, Candice King, Hillarie Burton Morgan, Demet Ozdemir, Lindsey Morgan, Piper Perabo, Kristin Bell, Candice Patton, Karla Souza, Christian Serratos, Adria Arjona, Spencer Locke, Nathalie Kelley, Cobie Smulders, Tessa Thompson, Olivia Wilde, Melissa Roxburgh, Brittany Snow, Emily Brown, Maya Mitchell, Olivia Munn, Jamie Chung, Lucy Liu, Bethany Joy Lenz.
Homens: Charlie Hunnam, Chris Evans, Kit Connor, Charles Michael Davis, Dev Patel, Beau Mirchoff, Danial Sharman, Avan Jogia, Henry Golding, Diego Luna, Charlie Weber, William Harper, Michael B. Jordan, Dacre Montgomery, Casey Deidrick, Dylan O'Brien, Tyler Posey, Oliver Stark, Adam Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Patrick Flueger, Lucien Laviscount, Jeremy Allen White, Chris Hemswort, Peter Gadiot, Josh Dallas, Amadeus Serafini, George Mackay, Taron Egerton, Alfred Enoch, Nathan Parsons, Dwayne Johnson, John Krasinski, Richard Harmon, Liam Hemsworth, John David Washington, Joe Keery, Jesse Williams.
NB: Asia Kate Dillon, Emma Darcy, Bella Ramsey, Jesse Mei Li
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
can i get some flirty logicality? mayhaps?
Summary: Patton and Logan are best friends; they go to the beach together and end up flirting endlessly. also i’m basing this off of west coast US beaches because those are the beaches that i know and the water is cold on our beaches and idk how others are.
Ship: Romantic Logicality (Logan x Patton)
word count: 2000. Exactly.
CW: explicit descriptions of the beach and ocean activities. i know this is a trigger for some people so i’m making it very apparent! also, nonbinary Patton using they/them pronouns!
thanks to cat and Danni from discord for helping me brainstorm some of these flirting ideas!
Patton was pacing back and forth in their apartment. They’d been looking forward to this day for weeks, so glad to finally see their best friend after they’d been separated by going to different universities. Now, it was summertime and it was their first beach day of their holidays. Except Patton had a huge problem. They’d been in love with Logan for practically the whole time they’d known each other. 
Patton sighed, staring into the mirror. They had on pale blue swim trunks and a white tank top, and their bag with sunscreen, snacks, water, and towels was by the front door. Logan was the first person they came out to when they realized they were nonbinary, and Logan had supported them through it all; through coming out to their parents, and even by buying them their first nonbinary flag, the one that hung proudly over their bed. 
And now, Patton thought they were ready to finally tell Logan how they felt. They thought that maybe being separated by distance for college would help them get over him, but it had only made them miss and crave the touch of their best friend even more. And so, Patton figured if they told Logan today and it went poorly, then they could finally move on. Even at the risk of losing the most important person in their life. 
When they got to the beach, they set up their towel, applied sunscreen, and laid in the sun for a bit, gazing out at the sparkling sun on the water. Maybe they’d tell Logan how they feel when they were in the water, so if the waves were too loud and Logan couldn’t hear, it would be okay. And they’d be able to move on.
“Hi, Patton,” Logan’s voice was there, and Patton looked up to see him wearing a long-sleeved black rash guard and dark blue swim shorts. Patton leapt to their feet and enveloped their best friend in a big hug, holding him closely.
“Hi, Lo! I missed you so much,” they said, practically clinging to Logan. Logan let out a low laugh, prying Patton off of him, then set his bag and towel down next to Patton’s.
“I missed you too,” he said quietly, adjusting his glasses; Patton noticed the thin sheer of sunscreen over Logan’s skin, and smiled against his shoulder. “Shall we sit for a moment or would you like to go play in the water?”
“Let’s sit for a bit, okay?” Patton stepped back from Logan’s embrace, though a bit hesitantly, and sat on their towel. Logan spread his towel out right next to Patton’s and sat down, one of his legs stretched out in front of him. The pair sat in silence for a few moments, Patton a bit fidgety but so happy that they were sitting beside their best friend. They glanced over to see Logan staring out at the ocean. “Whatcha thinking about?”
“Hm?” Logan blinked, then smiled faintly, still looking straight ahead. “Oh, I read a book about oceans and beaches last night. So I was thinking about some of the facts that I read about. Would you like to hear a few?”
“Oh, sure, Lo!” Patton smiled brightly at him, eyes still focused on the profile of Logan’s face. Patton always loved listening to Logan’s rambles about facts, regardless of the subject. Sometimes they’d listen to Logan’s facts late at night, and they’d fall asleep to the comforting sounds of his voice. Some people think that ocean waves are the most soothing noise, but Patton? Their calming sound of choice would always be Logan’s voice.
“Well… oceans cover a little bit more than 70% of the Earth. And while most sandy beaches are made of silica or mineral quartz, there are all kinds of beaches,” Logan explained, and Patton smiled, leaning back on their hands, still watching Logan intently. “There are beaches with white or yellow sands like this one, but beaches in other parts of the world, especially near volcanoes like in Hawaii, there are black sand beaches that are made of lava.” Logan finally glanced over at Patton, noticing them staring at him. ‘What is it?”
“Oh, um…” Patton flushed bright red, but they decided to be a little bit brave. “I was just thinking that I always thought that the sound of the waves was relaxing, but… your voice is better.” Logan’s ears turned red, and he cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“O-Oh…” Logan didn’t say much other than that, and Patton worried that they’d upset him in some way. The pair sat in silence for a few moments, then Patton got onto their feet, their hands on their hips.
“Come on, Lo. Let’s go stand in the waves for a bit,” they suggested, smiling down at him. Logan nodded and got to his feet as well, and the pair walked down the sand bank until they got to where the waves were coming up. “Lo?” Patton was feeling a bit brave.
“Will you hold my hand while we’re in the waves? I don’t want to fall like last time,” they said, and Logan nodded as if he was remembering that moment. It was the previous summer, their last trip to the beach before leaving for school; Patton had gotten knocked over by a wave, and they ended up swallowing a bunch of sea water. Luckily, Logan was able to help them up and onto the shore so that they could regain their breath. Logan was always there for them when they needed him.
“Oh, sure thing,” Logan held his hand out, and Patton wanted to jump for joy, but resigned themselves to just linking their fingers with Logan’s. They stepped forward so that their toes met the cool water.
“Don’t let go, okay?” They whispered, stepping closer to Logan, who squeezed Patton’s hand. “Ever,” they whispered that final word so quietly, hoping that Logan wouldn’t hear. He didn’t make any indication that he heard.
“I won’t, Pat,” Logan responded, and Patton wished that he meant the ever part, too. The pair slowly stepped further into the ocean, their hands linked as if eternally, the cool water slowly rising up past their ankles and to their knees. “You know, in the original version of The Little Mermaid, the mermaid turns into seafoam when she doesn’t meet the sea witch’s demands of killing the prince,” Logan said quietly, reaching his free hand under the waves, trying to catch some of the foam. “She doesn’t end up with the prince.”
“That’s sad,” Patton whispered, their eyes lingering to watch Logan, who gazed out further at the sea, as if in deep thought. “Not much of a fairytale.”
“Hmm, no,” Logan mused, a playful smile on his face. “She doesn’t stay seafoam forever, though. She becomes a daughter of the air, able to watch the man she loves for all of eternity,” he explained. Patton frowned deeper, not liking that option either. But they didn’t have time to discuss it more, as Logan swept his spare hand through the water, splashing Patton’s chest.
“Hey!” Patton giggled, using their free hand to splash Logan back. “You know splashing is against the rules, Lo!”
“What rules? We didn’t agree on any rules prior to stepping foot into the ocean,” Logan smirked a little bit, and Patton thought that they would swoon, the way that they were being looked at by the man they loved. Logan didn’t splash Patton again, though, and the two stood in the waves, moving along, gazing at the sparkles on the surface of the water.
“It’s a beautiful day,” Patton murmured, leaning their head against Logan’s shoulder, their feet sinking into the sand a bit. “Lo?”
“Hmm?” Logan made a noise, indicating that he was paying attention, and Patton figured that then would need to be the right time. They took a deep breath, gazing up at their best friend, the way he was so enthralled with watching the waves come closer and crash behind them. But then they remembered that if Logan didn’t feel the same way, they could lose him forever, and they didn’t want to ruin the beach day, either. 
If Logan didn’t feel the same… there were only three options that they would pay attention to. Option one, Logan felt the same way and the two entered into a happy relationship (Patton didn’t want to think about what would happen if things went poorly). Option two, Logan didn’t feel the same, but still wanted Patton in his life and Patton would finally get over Logan. Option three, Logan doesn’t know how to respond and needs time to process.
That hidden fourth option taunted Patton, but… Patton was an optimist, after all.
“Remember when we went to Disney last year? And we had just gotten off of Space Mountain, and there was this couple in front of us holding hands?” Patton had thought about this moment a lot. It was something they had run in their mind over and over again, trying to dissect it, figure out what Logan meant by all of it. Was it the merch that the couple was wearing? Patton couldn’t remember the situation, just the words. Always the words. “You said that in an alternate reality, that could be us.” Logan inhaled sharply, but said nothing. “Why does that have to be an alternate reality, Lo? What if… what if I want that in this reality?” They sighed, lifting their head from Logan’s shoulder. “I’ve tried so hard to not want it, because you’re my best friend and I… can’t lose you. And I thought that being separated from you would help, but… it’s only made me realize how far I’ve fallen in love with you.” Patton closed their eyes tightly, ready to pull their hand away from Logan’s and run back to shore and go home to hide under the blankets for weeks. But Logan squeezed Patton’s hand.
“I said what I said because I thought…” Logan started, and Patton glanced up, meeting his eyes. “I thought you would never feel that way about me, Patton. I thought that I was going to be resigned to being your best friend forever, and I was okay with that, but… I had to say something. And nothing came from it, so I figured…”
“I was hungry and tired, Lo, I wasn’t thinking straight, I mean, I never am, but especially around you,” Patton was starting to get flustered, their hand slipping out of Logan’s grasp. “I’m awkward and fumbly and when you say stuff like that I don’t know how to respond— wait,” it finally hit them what Logan had said. “You… feel that way about me, too?” Logan sighed exasperatedly, nodding as he tightened his grasp on Patton. 
“Yes, Patton,” he whispered, pulling Patton closer to him. “I have for so long. You know how I am with feelings, though… I don’t understand them as well as you do. Still, I am proud of myself for realizing it as early on as I did,” Logan adjusted his glasses, and Patton laughed a little. They turned to face Logan, ensuring they had stable footing and that there weren’t any large waves coming. They pressed their forehead to Logan’s.
“I’ve dreamt of our first kiss for years, Lo, I just…” Patton breathed out, and Logan inhaled with them. “What if it’s terrible?”
“It’s us, Pat. It won’t be,” Logan said reassuringly, and put it to the test by leaning in and allowing their lips to finally meet, their glasses clashing a bit awkwardly as the waves hit Patton’s back. Patton wrapped their arms around Logan’s neck, pulling him closer to them.
Later on, Patton swore that all of the dreams they had about the first kiss they shared with Logan were nothing compared to the actual thing. All of that pining, all of that worrying, and all of that unease… it all got washed away with the ocean waves. 
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subloganrights · 5 years
El, I has an idea. Consider: demisexual sugar daddy Logan and his sugar baby, enby Patton who is trying to put himself through school. Mutual pining and it turns into something more? Idk. I just like the idea of a demi or ace sugar daddy/mommy (and may or may not want one myself bc school is expensive *COUGH*). -DA
oh bood big bood and yeah I see that happening ngl
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positivepatton · 2 years
Genderfluid people are valid in all of the genders that they experience, and aren’t any less (insert any gender here) than people who are that gender all the time
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