#this is so harrison coded i'm YELLING
attapullman · 6 months
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You are my dream ameripan fanfic 1
"A new school year"Kiku thought To himself.
Kiku stood next to a big sign waiting for his school bus to arrive. This would be his first day at his brand new high school in Washington, D.C.
For all of his life he lived in japan . To Kiku It was so unusual to be so far away from his home country. But with speaking so little English he knew it would be Hard for him to retain his grades And gain friends at the same time.
But He only had to rely on him and himself only, he wasn't one too show too much distress. He did as he was told and learn quickly. By this time he had already accepted that he was extremely ordinary he was already cold and serious,He never liked to showed his emotions, he never expressed his feelings, and kiku never smiled. For what would be the point?
All kiku really cared about was To get good grades. And be top of his class like he always had been. Also read manga and watch anime..
He adjusted his glasses and put it back on His nose and open his "English for beginners " book and he continued too read.
But in honesty, Ever since his mother had told him they where moving to America, he knew he would have to study the English language.
He already knew the basis.
"Hello, my name is kiku" or "do you know where the bathroom is"
But if he truly wanted too he could start a conversation. And he knew enough too quite honestly talk to anyone, and knew every word he could possibly think about.
But he could not help but to have the thick Japanese accent.
But he did not care.
For this school, was said to be the most culturally diverse school in the world.
It was Also said to be the hardest school to get into in all of America but kiku got in with flying colors. Which was no surprise to kiku and his mother, he had always been the smartest kid in his hole school.
But it would be nice to learn more things about his new home, and about his new class mates.
He almost smiled at the thought.
The greatest thought to kiku, was finally making friends.
He had never really had friends. But maybe he'll finally gain some this year.
That was what made kiku really smile, but only on the inside
•••••chapter 1-
Slowly over the Harrison was something extremely yellow.
It was black and yellow and was gigantic.
Kiku looked at the monster as it slowly stopped.
Kiku bowed and got on the bus. And once he got on, chaos had emmurged.
Kids screaming on the top of there lungs. People fighting and non stop and terrible cussing.
Kiku knew it was cussing Beacuse of a few YouTube videos.
He slowly searched for a seat. But no one would give it up.
Slowly he was thrown into the back of the bus and there was a blond man with thick eyebrows and bright green eyes.
He got up and looked at the green the green "i-I'm sorry"he said slowly As he bowed.
The green eyed boy Eyebrow raised and said with a thick British accent "it's no problem it wasn't on purpose " he smiled politely.
"Are your okay?" Kiku said to the man with the green eyes
He nodded "yes I'm OK, don't worry" he smiled.
"thank God you're OK " he said as he rose his head and he looked around for seat.
"do you not have a seat love?" the man with the green I said "if you don't, my seat is open" he smiled
"Would you be so kind?" Kiku said shyly.
And the man simply nodded.
Kiku slowly took a seat kind of awkwardly. He slowly looked at the green eyed man and oddly enough he had been staring at him. After a few minutes of silence he said
"My name Arthur, Arthur Kirkland, what's your name?" The newly introduced Arthur said.
"my name is Kiku Honda, it's really nice to meet your acquaintance" he said still extremely nervous Arthur smiled.
"So where are you originally from Kiku?" he said.
"O-ohh I am from Tokyo Japan," he looks down on his knees "where are you from Mr. Kirkland" he tried to smile back but failed miserably.
"I'm from London England, Japan must've been a lovely country" he smiled.
" yes yes it was" he said back " but why did you come to America Mr. Arthur?" he asked curiously.
"oh I came here because of the school my parents were very strict about me getting good grades. " he rubbed the back of his neck " so I decide to come to the most highly academic school in the world of course. it was pretty easy too get in so, I simply did! And my parents are simply proud! Sorry about my rambling. why did you come to America kiku? " he said.
"My mother recently just got remarried, they decide to move to America." He said.
"But what happened to your father?" He asked ceroiusly.
Kiku paused, and he look down and frowned " my father he died when I was four years old with a lung cancer" he said sadly.
"Oh I'm so sorry to hear about that" Arthur said remorsefuly.
"It's OK " kiku said.
"well anyways what year are you in?" Said Arthur.
"I'm a third-year. what about you Mr Arthur?"
"I'm a 3erd year to" He said.
"Thats great I hope we have the same classes together" kiku said almost smiling.
"Yeah me too"Arthur said back.
Slowly the bus started slowly down
"Hey Kiku would you like to join me for lunch?" " he said
He nodded "if that's alright with you.. I'm don't understand this new American school system, but I am excited to know more about it." Kiku said.
"Well! Ill help you" he smiled.
The bus slowly pulled up and he saw the massive high school,
Kiku jaw had dropped.
This would be the first time kiku saw his school without the pictures .
The bus stopped and they all got off.
Slowly he entered the campus.
The campus had been huge, trees surrounding The perimeter and beautiful flowers and roses covering covering the bottom floor slowly he started walking to towards his high school, his legs trembling. He saw the beautiful white marble or what looked like marble steps that led upward, the giant pillars holding up the surface and the the stone that the school was made out of.
To the side was hugs forces of land that must had hold the fields for sports and the indoor swimming pool his mother had praised.
The building was three stories high and each floor containing a new level of high school. the first years and second years on the bottom. For the bottom floor was the widest . And the high school was some what of a square and in the middle was said to have a fountain. Meaning the bottom floor had to be the widest . The third years had been on the second floor including the second library and the lunch room. And the third was for the fourth years.
The school doors where wide-open and slowly he walk through the doors. and the first thing he saw was madness. kids running around screaming and shoving everyone trying to get to there classes. back in Japan it was extremely different, you have to be very quiet and very polite But here it was like manners didn't exist! he was shocked and pushed, as other kids tried desperately to get to there classes, poor Kiku was shoved into them.
eventually kiku was able to escape the madness of the first floor and he had finally made it to the second floor. the second floor was more mellow but still insane.
He held up a printed piece of paper which was his schedule and his locker code and went searching for locker. After a while found it and put all his belongings in there except the things he needed. Eventually he looked for his first classroom and was shoved in the process .
He saw his class room and start to make his way to it. But he got smashed by a person, and fell on something. At first he thought it was a locker but when he looked, it was not a locker. It was a person.
The tall man had blue eyes and blond hair. He was buff and stern but was chubby too. he had a weird cowlick thing and glasses. His face was soft and had cheek bones of a god. but something about him didn't seem all that soft.
At first he looked annoying but when he got a good look at kiku, he helped Kiku so he wouldn't fall. And smiled at him.
Kiku heart started pounding out of his chest. He looked at him and softly blushed. something about him just made him feel a certain way it was weird and made him feel a little sick. He had never felt this way towards anyone in life. And it was extremely unusual.
"are you all right?" he said with his bold and strapping voice. He had a American accent which was foreign to kiku.
Kiku blushed harder and said "y-yes.. "
The man smiles "just be careful you might actually get hurt" he said as he puts him in place And smiles. Kiku blushed harder as he looked at the man.
"Well, The bells about to ring I'll see you around!" He smiled.
The man started to walk fastly to his class.
"T-thank you!" Kiku yelled.
The man stopped and look at kiku
He gave him a thumbs up.
"The hero is always here to help! " he smiled and ran off.
And for a while, kiku felt something.
Something other then hungry.
Too him it was unusual.
But satisfying
But he had no clue what it was.
And it hurt his chest just thinking about it.
For this was foreign to kiku, like so many other things.
And quite honestly, kiku didn't want anything to do with it.
He hated new experience.
But.. the deep pounding in his chest is something he couldn't simply ignore.
But he had no clue what his name was.
But he was determined to find out.
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