#this is so ridiculously melodramatic
mari-beau · 3 years
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Diego Luna as Raul in CASA DE MI PADRE (2012)
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kristenbouchard · 3 years
matthew crawley be like baby i’m inventing curses for myself you’ve never even heard of
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afieldinengland · 2 years
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 years
My media this week (28 Nov-4 Dec 2021)
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🙂 Rose Blue (Metalbvcky) - 60K, Stucky no powers D/s AU - 
🙂 Ryder (Blue Collar Daddies #1) (Jacki James)
🙂 Cooper (Blue Collar Daddies #3) (Jacki James)
🙂 👂 Rainbow Valley (Anne of Green Gables #7) (L.M. Montgomery, author; Grace Conlin, narrator)
😊 Rilla of Ingleside (Anne of Green Gables #8) (L.M. Montgomery) - glad that @door and @thehummingbirdsound encouraged me to keep reading to the end of this series. the whole ‘this global crisis is happening and yet we have to continue to live our every day lives’ vibes truly resonated.
😍 Redamancy (opalescentgold) - 126K, 00Q - EXCELLENT slow burn soulmate fic (+ Q as a Holmes) - probably about 90K is the main bit, where they slooooow burn their way together through the years and a retelling of Spectre and then the final bit is their actual HEA life, which does still take some work. We love to see it. (And I’m totally in love with the hole-in-the-wall restaurant Bond discovers in Mexico City!)
💖 +116K of shorter fic so shorter work shout out 💖
Let this be light work (caughtinanocean) - MCU: Stucky, 8K - reread; even though they’re international fugitives, Steve & Bucky decide to get married at Coney Island.
Five Times People Were Utterly Oblivious to Their Relationship and One Time It Was Too Obvious to Ignore (lovesrogue36, Rabbitt) - Haven: Duke/Audrey/Nathan, 14K - fluffy & humorous, loved it!
Station 19 - s1, e5-12; s2, e1-16
Greys Anatomy - s15, e23 (bc it was a crossover with S19)
Shedunnit - The Secret Life of Ngaio Marsh
Desert Island Discs - Neil Gaiman, writer
Shedunnit - Pseudonyms
Shedunnit - Period Style
Shedunnit - On The Thames
Shedunnit - Florence Maybrick Pt 1 & 2
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tree of 40 Fruits
Shedunnit - Back To School
Shedunnit - The Lady Detective
Ologies with Alie Ward - Forensic Ecology (NATURE DETECTIVE) with Tiara Moore
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Micropia
Shedunnit - Golden Age Detective Fiction (Words To That Effect)
Shedunnit - Brides In The Bath
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Abandoned Chacaltaya Ski Resort
Twenty Thousand Hertz - HBO 2.0
99% Invisible #468 - Alphabetical Order
Shedunnit - Knock Knock
Hit Parade - Be the One to Walk in the Sun
Fansplaining - Episode 163: Freya Marske
Song Exploder - Halsey  "You Asked for This"
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Centers for Disease Control Museum
Shedunnit - Off The Rails
Shedunnit - Enter The Watson
Shedunnit - The Mutual Admiration Society
Shedunnit - Notable Trials
Shedunnit - Competent Women
Shedunnit - Let It Snow
Presenting Joy Division
Top Songs of 1984
Presenting Prince
Presenting Tina Turner
Presenting Eurythmics
On The Industrial Dance Floor
The Essential Bangles
Cyndi Lauper
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thejugheadparadox · 3 years
leaving home is like remember when this was your favourite place in the whole world remember when you would have killed to be literally anywhere else. everything is changing I'll be back here in a month will i ever sleep again. and so on.
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aqenn · 3 years
I have two bad habits: staying too long on sinking ships and swimming back to the shipwreck years later to try and sail it
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legofbicuriosity · 3 years
19 doesn’t quite feel like what you imagined.
19 feels like grief. don’t you remember who you used to be? rosy cheeks and footsteps running wild, honey-stained lips and hope-drenched impossibilities. don’t you remember? sometimes 19 feels like mourning. it echoes with everything you’ve lost and everything you never had, finds you desperately wishing for more, fresh bruises blossoming beneath your fingertips like the first glimpse of spring. you are a sparrow in a ribcage. you are a flame doused with the sins of honesty. a supernova screaming before its final breath. 19 feels like repeated endings, like a rainy day relived, like a carousell that never stops turning. 19 doesn’t quite feel like home.
but maybe home is just a fraction. your best friend’s laughter on a warm summer day, the way the sunlight slants through your bedroom window at dawn. fleeting, foolish. maybe home isn’t something we’re meant to hold, the ghosts of belonging washed away with the red from the eggshell embedded soles of your feet. they say home is the first place you learn to run from, but can you ever truly escape it? maybe, somewhere along the way, you tripped, and never pulled yourself back up. your rope-burned heart stretched translucent, one foot out the door and the other cemented in place. maybe you were running without ever really moving.
maybe 19 is a life ready to be left behind, and another one waiting just out of reach.
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serpentinaz · 3 years
just finished watching oldboy… i hated every single minute of that movie and i went in with 0 expectations at all
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I just got around to finally listening to the Kennedy Center Chess audio and omg so many choices were made
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I’m scared that growing up on tumblr during the height of aphobic discourse has taken a lot from me that I’ll never quite be able to get back even if I try.
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ibijau · 4 years
me, drowning in stuff I want to do: “and if anyone has xisang or wangningxian prompts to send my way I am here for that shit”
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frumfrumfroo · 5 years
After seeing all sorts of “oohhh reylos should manage their expectations” nonsense this week, I’m here to say I agree with you on everything and if Reylo doesn’t have a big kiss then the movie and the Sequel trilogy will be poorer for it. No, there isn’t “other things to think about” and TROS won’t be equally as good and coherent with or without Reylo. No one makes concern-trolly arguments to fanboys about managing expectations when they publish their Ghost Luke vs Palpatine predictions. Fuck it
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stardustbot · 5 years
LISTEN can you imagine how annoying yingjie and yifan would be to live with, can you imagine the amount of mutual pining and melodramatics and how they would sigh a lot and worry about growing apart and just generally mope about looking desolate and everyone gets really worried (uh. the 1.2 people with people skills in happy) and gently make suggestions like
“you should just call him” 
and yifan is like, gently confused smile, i called him last night? 
and they literally talk every night and game together in their spare time (yingjie determinedly refuses to go near ye xiu after being tossed away so they use smurf accounts and play the storyline quests) and send each other messages on wechat and yingjie visits happy during the break (and first gets shanghai’d by chen guo to help man the desk because he’s far less useless than ye xiu, then gets tricked into helping happy run a raid and you know ye xiu is on the phone to wang jiexi crowing about stealing another one of his pillars and wang jiexi is all, big sigh, please don’t break him) and they make a huge dramatic fuss about having to separate when yingjie's leave is over, you know, yifan doing the big smile and “safe journey!” then standing by the door and looking down, biting his lip and just projecting Extreme Sadness while everyone else rolls their eyes because goddamnit, teenagers. 
(the biggest show is when yingjie has to leave, but there’s a mini soap opera every time ye xiu calls a team meeting and yingjie isn’t allowed in, they start looking puppy eyed when the cafe is crowded and they can’t sit next to each other) 
(every one is extremely sick of their shit but no one, not even ye xiu, can bring themselves to call yifan out on it.) 
meanwhile, wang jiexi really did not sign up for yingjie moping gently around the practice room and shooting him doleful looks until wang jiexi sucks it up and asks what’s wrong, and yingjie just sighs and goes, nothing... and then half a second later, looks bravely determined and, captain, you have friends on other teams, right? 
(wang jiexi signed up to game, he did not sign up for this. he’s starting to reconsider yingjie as a pillar. pillars need to be stable.) 
(except he’s really not and with a sigh the size of an ocean in his heart, sits yingjie down to have the most awkward heart to heart ever)
the only people who are actually willing to sit yingjie down and gently, but firmly, explain to him that he’s a giant idiot is the rest of tiny herb’s sub line because they have to live with this mopey bastard, who goes from dolefully wide-eyed to looking down at his phone and smiling soppily in a heartbeat and then easily slaughters them during practice. it’s demeaning. 
also, wang jiexi gives them the eyebrow whenever yingjie casually wipes them out in solos and continues moping after taking his headphones off which is, quite frankly, terrifying. 
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afieldinengland · 2 years
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glassprowlers · 5 years
Ack, I went to tag a post about everybody's favorite actor turned flyboy, Face Loran, and I think I have managed to confuse tumblr very much!!! The recommended tag that popped up as I typed f a c e was faceman, and like, no, I am not talking about my a team boy!! I am talking about my wraith squadron boy asgfgkl. And then I guess tumblr thought that I was *still* on my a team bullshit because the next tag it shoved at me was my hm murdock tag and like!! No! I love my disaster trash a team chopper pilot son, but I'm not talking about him rn! Am talking about the star war! I could probably solve this problem by tagging posts as Garik Face Loran and as Templeton Faceman Peck, but am I going to? Probably not. Will I continue to whine if this keeps happening? Absolutely lmao. 
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neapolitangirl · 5 years
The more serious and dramatic a work is, the less I can like it
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