#this is still in my list of top tk lines of all time tbh
guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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reyescarlos · 2 years
Hi! 🥰 5 favorite Carlos scenes & top 5 favorite fics? 💜
Hi!! Oh my lord, these questions are HARD! JUST 5 CARLOS SCENES!?! I could go episode by episode and give an analysis of each of his scenes and why they should be revered. I'll go with the first ones that come to mind, but I know I'll wind up missing some gems and kick myself later 😅 Also, I rarely use the bookmark function on ao3 because I'm a goblin and have suddenly forgotten every fic I have ever read in my life, so I'll list writers instead 🤷🏾‍♀️
Tempted to say all of Bad Call because so many moments from that episode hit me at once. Between him standing down in the alley to the interrogation room scene with his dad to his talk at the firehouse with Owen to “trust my gut”, to that glorious reunion with TK in the end, he had me GRIPPED the entire time. That will forever remain in my top 3 favorite episodes. He completely owned it
The como dream sequence in Push. Literally him in that entire episode tbh, but there was just something so compelling about watching him essentially acting against himself. We got to see such a range from the anger flaring up to the emptiness after he got his thoughts off his chest. 2b (yes, I’m being sneaky with this) would also be from Push. I could cry just thinking about him being there as TK woke up and when he was finally able to hold his hand, run his fingers through his hair with TK’s knowledge and consent after being months apart??? Poetic and stunning! No notes! Give Rafa an Emmy!
I really loved his final scene in 3x05 after Det. Washington suggested he take the detective’s exam. That look of determination and pride on his face was 10/10. Seeing him get that validation of a good job done and stepping into himself...I’m beyond ready for Detective Reyes to be in full effect. I need it like oxygen
His breakdown in 2x12 post fire. Seeing him be so vulnerable really felt like such a window into him. That’s the first time we got to see him fully give in and let himself be comforted and literally held. He keeps so much bottled in, he needed that release
“And I’m packing a piece” Arguably the most iconic line in recent memory for me, hands. We are more than halfway done with s3 and I’m still shaking over that delivery oooof! See also: “Are you gonna make me twist your arm?” Truly, how does TK get anything done when this Man™️ says such things to him?
Fic Writers:
@reyesstrand @sunshinestrand @bellakitse @marjansmarwani @iboatedhere @strandnreyes @doublel27 @howtosingit yes, this is more than 5 but oh well~ 😌✌🏾 I have stories for all these folks open on my phone as we speak and/or have been reading their stuff since I first joined this fandom!
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