#this is such a weird issue that exists now but it’s shockingly common
dentpx · 3 years
I do think there’s a degree to which it’s fine to like. Involve yourself with the existence of Harry Potter because pretending like this massive series never existed and had no impact on anybody is a fool’s errand and people simply aren’t going to abandon something like that wholesale. But I really do think that you should not spend your money on it PERIOD because part of what has maintained the popularity of the world is how insanely marketable it is. Like the universe itself and the houses and all that is just. Endless streams of merch. And if it sells then they make more forever and JKR gets all that money and funnels it back into her transphobia.
#I also kinda think at this point just like#don’t post about it on a public acc lol#specifically any new shit that’s going on in the world#because like people can’t go see the old movies anymore. they’re out! no money to be made there#besides streaming but like go to a goodwill or a yard sale those dvds are everywhere#but new games? new movies? new merch? all that is free advertising you are doing#also re the merch thing#I sort of side eye anyone who wears hp stuff at this point#I’m like. don’t you know.#I legitimately get that it’s hard I’m a terrible impulse shopper and I love buying shit I don’t need but like#if I can completely financially cut HP out of my life anyone can do it#I also think like for some people#they have based their entire adult identities around this fictional thing#this is such a weird issue that exists now but it’s shockingly common#and the news that maybe it wasn’t the best thing to forever attach yourself to can be really upsetting#and the reaction is to challenge that and go ‘no it’s actually fine that this is my personality’#‘it’s fine that I spend x amount on HP stuff and spend x amount of time devoted to it’#like that’s questionable for any media but HP fans are REALLY into it#and ultimately it’s like. as long as JKR is alive you really have to reconsider#I’m rambling idk what my original point of these tags were#If it’s really so hard for you then like wean yourself off it#figure out how much you buy per month or per year or whatever and half it#half it until it’s zero#(mathematically I know it’ll really just be smaller and smaller nonzero fractions but my point stands)
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randomrainman · 4 years
american conservatism and the minds of people: a black man’s perspective.
Hi, it is I.
I often think long and hard about the mind states of the people around me, and my inevitable conclusion is that the vast majority of people are monumentally and irrevocably fucking stupid.  As it turns out, people have a really hard time letting go of things with which they have grown familiar or fond, and therein lies the basic principle of conservative thought.  
“But aren’t some things okay to keep?”
Well, obviously, not everything needs to be thrown out in order for improvement to occur.  In the Army, we have things labelled “sustains” and “improves”.  The two terms are pretty self-explanatory (as are most things in the military): sustains are the things that work, and the improves are the things you either completely nix or need to, erm, improve.  Of course, this begs a question: as it relates to a society of living, (mostly) breathing human beings, how does this apply?
"Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water,” it is commonly said.  I am not entirely sure who was throwing away bathing children, but that’s a discussion for a different time.  The baby in this idiomatic expression is whatever it is we are supposed to be maintaining.  Let’s start with an example: police.
Obviously, it is entirely infeasible to literally abolish police.  We absolutely need the police force as an institution, and good and effective policing is a pillar to a modern, functional society.  However, we can abolish unprofessional, unnecessarily violent, racist, or otherwise unbecoming behaviour from police departments, and also demonstrate that such things are intolerable and met with appropriate punishments every time these rules are broken.  NWA didn’t make “Fuck The Police” because they wanted to express interest in having thoroughly arresting cop sex; it exists because they don’t trust the police.
Above: An Autistic Swedish dude spitting shockingly accurate commentary-by-proxy about American society. Flames!
Due possibly in part to dubiously worded slogans such as “defund the police”, modern conservatives balk at the thought of changing anything of significance about how policing in many communities in the United States is conducted, even going as far as to label the reform for which we call as an attack on the very idea of police.
That said, historically, the very pillars of police forces in the United States have their foundations in slavery and post-slavery racist institutions, which means that, while much has changed on the surface, the way police implement policy reflects structural and societal racism.  As a result, simply attacking individual instances of misconduct will almost always fail to elicit any meaningful progress, which is why some do seek to dismantle police departments (an option I cannot fathom as being realistic, especially not in the short term). 
The lack of a centralised police organisation from which to implement policy certainly does not help, and while some police departments, to include the Department of Justice itself, have introduced implicit bias training, it would appear that change was difficult to measure. Additionally, many police departments have not addressed the more overt problem of explicit racism in law enforcement, which is a nigh-impossible thing to tackle expeditiously without a top-down structure to deal with it. It has improved steadily overall, however, but not without significant disapproval...
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Pictured: “disapproval”.  A civil rights demonstrator is attacked by a police dog in Birmingham, Ala., in 1963. (Photo credit: AP)
The Origins
As I noted earlier, there is plenty of shit people want to keep, and most for relatively understandable reasons -- after all, those things provide a sense of familiarity.  “It’s always been this way -- why change it?” they ask.  One needs only to look at our, um, flowery history to see countless examples of things that required change...
The transatlantic slave trade transported up to 12 million forcibly enslaved Africans to the Americas, many of whom arrived in what is now the United States.  As unspeakably horrifying as the actual journey was, this was only the beginning of the tribulations that would befall the slaves and their descendants in the future.
While Europeans played a large part in introducing the idea of race-based caste systems into colonised lands, the American brand of discrimination is different in the fact that the idea that Blacks and Native Americans were genetically inferior to whites was endemic to our inception, and thus, formed the basis of the things enshrined into American democracy.
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Photo credit: Alexander Gardner / Wikimedia Commons
Abraham Lincoln entered the chat.
Naturally, having someone even so much as threaten the idea of racial dominance after literal fucking centuries of treating Black people as property did not sit well with the slave-owning populace (even if Lincoln’s motives were not exactly altruistic).  While the Southern states did in fact operate an agrarian economy heavily dependent on chattel slavery, it was that notion of superiority combined with societal comfort they felt that ultimately catalysed the secession of the Southern states from the Union...
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Pictured: Civil War reenactors (from the Confederate side) simulate the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest battle in US history.  Also, why the fuck is Civil War reenactment a popular thing to do? It’s deeply weird. (Photo credit: MPRNews.org)
...and then they decided to have the deadliest fucking war in American history over that comfort.  Spoiler alert: the Confederates lost both the war and their precious bullshit institution of slavery -- but even after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, many Southern slave owners did not even pass the news of freedom to their slaves for months.
In keeping with the preservationist and racist mindset which occupied most Southerners’ brains, any attempt to integrate Black people into society during the Reconstruction period was stymied at every turn.  To them, despite Black people being de jure full citizens in accordance with the Civil Rights Act of 1866, we were still subhuman.  Due to Jim Crow laws, Ku Klux Klan terrorism, and other assorted nonsense, we made virtually no progress toward equality until the Civil Rights Movement and resulting laws such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
“Well, you got what you wanted!  YOU’RE EQUAL!  Quit yer bitchin’!”
Ah, if only things worked that way in real life.  As previously noted, even if things are codified into law as changes, there are still people who try really hard to keep everything exactly the fucking same, so it does not end up happening in practice.  Things such as residual effects of redlining and continuing disproportionate and excessive imprisonment of minorities, amongst other issues, still affect people in the present day. In other areas, people exploit loopholes in order to lawfully discriminate against others they might deem “undeserving”.
Lots of things, especially when it comes to role of minorities in society, have historical precedents.  When arguing said precedents with conservative types, the conversation almost always leads to one of several (predictable) conclusions: the person believes that 1) negative historical events (e.g., slavery, Native American genocide, etc.) were not that bad; 2) those things did not happen at all; or 3) those things were bad, but somehow do not affect modern society.
Obviously, all three are emphatically wrong.  This is why typical conservative behaviour, even in this modern era in which information sharing is instantaneous, does not surprise me: often, the rhetoric is not rooted in reality, and often resorts to appeals to emotions to elicit a knee-jerk response.  This is not to say that this does not occur on liberal ends of the spectrum, but modern conservative rhetoric is rooted primarily in unjustified fear of change and anti-intellectualism.
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Pictured: A screenshot I took of someone on a pro-President Biden post desperately trying to be oppressed.
This kind of shit is utterly exhausting.  Neoconservatism, in a nutshell, is people literally inventing problems and subsequently getting angry at their own creations.  It is the equivalent of setting up a bear trap, immediately stepping in it, and wondering why the fuck you’re stuck in said bear trap and your foot doesn’t work anymore. During the Obama administration, the only thing I would witness is people insisting (without any evidence, of course) that President Obama was the Antichrist and that he would usher in the New World Order and take everyone’s guns.  All zero of those things happened, of course, but when Donald Trump assumed the presidency, the rhetoric completely reversed, and he was named “God’s chosen" by evangelical figures, despite him having broken perhaps all of the Old Testament’s Ten Commandments.  Of course, as you can see with the above screenshot, clearly, they have returned to the Obama bitching method, but diminished, partially because President Biden is also an old, white male, and they don’t need to ask where he was born.
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Pictured: what happens when you fuel millions of self-victimising people with QAnon conspiracy theories and possibly loads of Bang energy drinks.  Photo credit: ABC News
The hypocrisy is absolutely palpable amongst these types of people, and if I tried to sit here and continued to provide examples of conservative figures contradicting themselves, I would die either of old age or myocardial infarction, whichever happened first. The difference in the reaction to Black Lives Matter protests versus the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 makes the double standard quite transparent: justice and equality, while technically codified into law, are clearly are not administered equally in modern-day America.  We’re still not like the others.
Our brand of conservatism, by and large, is the enemy of those two very important American ideals.
|the kid|
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dappercritter · 4 years
Star vs. the Forces of Evil for the ask meme!
(Based on this meme.)
The first character I first fell in love with: Marco Diaz. Although Star was a pretty fun protagonist from the get-go, Marco impressed me in the first episode with both his plucky attitude and intensely responsible, protective nature. He had everything to be a great friend to Star and, by extent, a deuteragonist. He knew karate and basic psychology, he could help Star with both her personal problems and on her exciting adventures, but he also had his own story to navigate with and without Star. He had his own family, a friend group, a crush, a rival, and a fighting style he trained in—all of which were a joy to watch him interact with! (Well, maybe not his other friends.) What’s more, I have tons of things in common with him; namely, his desire to be seen as cool in spite of his intensely safe nature, said intensely safe and responsible nature, body image issues, being awkward around my crushes, and so on.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Toffee (of Septarsis). I mean, as a lover of cool villains, reptiles, and bespoke fashion, I liked Toffee the minute I laid eyes on him—as many of us did—but I never expected to be as attached to him as I ended up being. Besides being the most competent, menacing villain in the show, Toffee’s character was a mystery that both added to his allure and opened up the possibilities to a more significant backstory that we sadly never got to see. All we ever knew is that he had a passionate hatred of magic and the Butterfly family, a single-minded determination to destroy them, and a plan which almost succeeded perfectly. What we don’t know is whether or not he was a tragic anti-villain who wanted to free monsters from the terror of magic but whose motivation became clouded by vengeance, or if he was just a petty warmonger who only made things personal when he was humiliated. Either way, it’s Toffee’s combined sense of mystery, menace, and sophistication that kept him a permanent personal favourite of mine.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Glossaryck, but that might be a bit of a stretch. Mostly because I don’t know how many people liked him to begin with. Most people like to think of him as a weird deadbeat dad who did the bare minimum to take care of the universe, the MHC/his kids, and his students, the queens of Mewni until he finally gave up. As you can guess, that’s exactly what I think of him. But there are people who think his antics are funny and who sympathize with his weariness—not surprising given who he’s had to work with—but his inconsistent characterization throughout the series, and just his general uncooperative teaching style, I just can’t find it in me to like the little blue man.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Janna Ordonia. Don’t get me wrong, I know she does some sketchy stuff like harassing Marco in some shockingly intrusive and insensitive ways. But in spite of that, I like Janna for her troublemaking antics, her love of the weird, and especially her friendship with Star. She felt like a good friend for Star, Marco, Jackie, and Tom because her fondness for the strange and getting into trouble put together with her nonchalant attitude and street smarts, made her a good bridge between the two different worlds of the show (i.e. Earth and the larger multiverse).
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Hekapoo. I’ll be honest with you guys: I was fascinated with Hekapoo since she first showed up onscreen, and after we got to know her in Running with Scissors, I… I had a crush on her. There, I said it. She was my type, alright? Sassy, adventurous, mischievous, but also ferocious and duty-bound. Everything I could want in a woman! But then we found out that she’s actually kind of a creeper, and she’s a self-righteous corrupt official who supported conspiracy, kidnapping, and genocide and didn’t apologize or try to make amends for it until the last possible moment. And even then she only did it of what appeared to be feelings of obligation to Marco and Moon, nor did she seem to be sorry about all the stuff she did. She vanished from existence with the rest of the MHC along with (most of) all their other magical problems, and frankly, I think that’s how I like it.
The character I would totally smooch: Well, uh, if that Septarian girl in the hat from Meteora’s Lesson is still around, I’d like to get to know her. Maybe take her out for a nice dinner. Go for long walks in the woods. Then wrap it all up with a nice smooch. I mean, if she’s interested of course.
The character I’d want to be like: Tom Lucitor. At first, I didn’t like Tom that much. I just assumed he was going to be a petty rival for Star’s affections that Marco would have to fight. But once we got to know him better and he began his journey of character development, I empathized with him to the point where I saw myself in his struggle to overcome his anger and grow as a person. I may not have made some of the terrible decisions he made early on, but I can be volatile myself, and I am always trying to change for the better as a person. I feel that Tom’s attempt to improve his anger management skills, make amends with the people he hurt, manage failed romantic relationships with maturity, and be a better friend and boyfriend in general make him a decent role model in my eyes.
The character I’d slap: Pony Head. This accursed disembodied unicorn head hasn’t done anything good since maybe Season 1. I used to tolerate her as an intentionally bad parody of valley girl friend archetypes, but after “Bam Ui Pati,” I lost all patience with her. Pony Head, I got two words for you: Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up. Shut up! SHUT! UP! SHUT UP!!!
A pairing that I love: Jantom. Starco used to be my main but since that drained me of all my lifeforce and slapped me in the face, my enthusiasm for these two dorks has diminished—significantly, at that. Jantom (or at least the concept of it) on the other hand, was a breath of fresh air. I believe these two feel like they have an even greater right to be together than Starco. I mean, think about it: Janna likes occult stuff, Tom is the prince of the Underworld. Tom likes troublemakers, Janna is all about trouble. And even if Tom is a bit more mature than Janna, we know Janna is capable of selflessness and compassion (one of the few good things we saw from Cleaved), and I like to think that Tom might share some of the life lessons he learned from his journey to maturity with her. …When they weren’t taking turns bugging Marco, of course.
A pairing that I despise: Marclipsa. NO. Hard no. Marco is just a teenager. Eclipsa is a married adult woman. I don’t care how funny you think the whole “Marco’s a harem protagonist” joke is, that is just gross.
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zrw · 5 years
Letter 1.0.1
I'm writing this to you on Thanksgiving Day, it felt fitting despite us not celebrating it, so instead I will be wishing you a merry Christmas. A tad bit older photo added for depth, immersion and personalization while reading. None of it is scripted in any way, the idea is to make me emotional & it will all be written on the go. Make sure you read it all, and you will never hear from me again. Please do respect my terms also and do not under any circumstances share this letter or it's contents with anybody. Remember, only you will truly understand the context and true meaning of this letter. Quite likely it will change your whole perspective on me, but it won't matter anymore. If you think you're the bigger victim and believe you've had it worse than me & that you've suffered more and dealt with more... well, a bit of a free of charge reality check for you... you're dead wrong. I'm the one who is being tormented maniacally and brutally every other night, to the point where I simply don't know what's real and what's not. Scared of living life, kind of. It's clear to all I made a mistake last year. No weasely lies and fabrications in this letter, this is the Me you've longed to finally see. Anxiety through the roof, among other things/issues. I'm deeply sorry, Annie. Bless you & bless me, more importantly. Please tell me you forgive me. Do not dare to share any of the contents of this said letter with anybody, be a grown-up and act like one for once, you live all alone, now try and impress me, it's far too personal, a glimpse of me, and meant for you alone. Only you will understand the context of this letter. You're not exactly the golden carrot of the yield, but this one should be fairly easy to follow - Keep it to yourself, and stay quiet about this, I'm begging you. You're not legally obligated to do anything, this is your life and you make the rules, you're a good and kind gal, you're by no means a bloodthirsty vampire like some of them, and as I made very clear it wouldn't be fruitful & would shortly after turn into a proper clown fiesta, and possibly a meaningless waste of government resources. You wouldn't gain anything at all from this. I was going to say let me know if you need anything, and I'll gladly donate a fair sum to your PayPal, and it kind of made me realize that is something that would be morally and legally wrong of me to do, it wouldn't feel like a donation, it would almost feel like I'm trying to buy you and win you over, after causing this much pain to your heart, which I deeply regret. (I'll pay for your nsfw future cosplays maybe? Jkjk, leave that avenue to the twonks who'd actually find pleasure in doing that.) I don't donate much anyways online, if I'd donate it'd have to be an actual animal charity, I feel like when people think of charity they instantly think of like some Cancer Foundation or elderly/orphan fund, not that those are not fair causes, it's just that some dying/sick animals really need our support too, and they're just as worthy. After this i'm doing my own thing & staying away from you, promise. I'm a great citizen, mind my own business and never cause trouble. I just needed for my own sake to send something meaningful and pure your way. Everything that you will see here comes from the heart & I will do my best to be as honest as humanly possible. Whenever I begin working on these long 50,000 word essays I always tend to fear that I forget something crucial or run out of time, so let's hope it doesn't happen this time around. The writer usually spends 10 times the time and effort the reader does, so please do sit down, get comfy, and please read all of this letter. This is going on your SC and Tumblr & will be deleted once the timer on my stream deck reaches zero, you have a tendency to take photos and eventually show them to outsiders, this will ensure it's a one-off, and for your eyes only. It is mainly to apologize to you, among other things. To make you realize that in just 3 years time I'll be completely "reformed", as they say. If you must know "breaking the law" to say sorry could be considered as... noble, in most countries at least. Without a doubt in my mind they'd love for us to bury the hatchet and shake hands, but after this "letter" to you I am actually done with you altogether, and you'll not be hearing from me ever again... unless fate says otherwise. Do remember that this and me apologizing to you for being an awful male, this was mostly done so I can live, function and mentally function like a normal human being again, I will get to that later on in the letter, all you should know now is that it was more of a ME thing, and less of a YOU thing, if that makes sense. Needless to say I have 8 VPNs total with unlimited data running on all of my systems including 2 iPads, laptops, and even phones, to ensure that my IP is impossible to find and non-existent. Just a quick pitch, you could've used common sense to figure that one out yourself. Naturally somebody as wealthy as me would be untouchable, at least in the virtual world, where everything is simple and made easy. I am quite clever, yes, yes I am indeed. But I would not use it for evil deeds, deep inside I am a shockingly kind and nice guy. Oh, you were looking for a bad boy? We can talk, my dear, you know full well that I'd be/become anything for you. No candlelit dinners so I can compliment your cheekbones? You have kept your eyes open, and tonight your knowledge of me is getting greater and greater. You could write a book about us. It almost feels like deja-vu, I've been here studying and doing research on you, now I'm giving you the sheer opportunity to do the same. And 4 years after first talking to you online (in 2014), I, I touched your cat's black fluffy tail once, and catbug, she ran right away, it almost looked like she did a tiny leap forward before running. Yes, it was her 100%. I'm a shining star, just waiting to unlock my full potential, it will happen when the right time comes, you can never rush such things. My financial status would only indicate I have great things waiting for me and a brimming bright future ahead of me, should I play all my cards right, I do adore graveyards, but there is no reason at all why I should perish in the next 5-15 years. I can only hope that you're smart enough to not mention any of this to your mom, I realize you two are close, but being a grown-up means you know what to mention to somebody and what is better left unsaid. Wiser to let this one go and keep it to yourself, no need to waste government resources, and do understand that being fortunate and getting me potentially taken to a mental asylum for 3 weeks would not benefit you in the slightest, I've made it very clear that I don't associate myself with social outcasts, and we of course are done for good after this bit, so let's make it count. Being respectful is calling you a lady even though I full well know it's a girl in sheep's clothing I've been dealing with, hard to tame, always needs to have it her way, borderline blunt at times.. how come Annie the girl does not have a feminine soul, a bit odd, perhaps I do rest my case. You certainly are special, as your mom would say, she means you're not like the other girls. You're way different & not necessarily in a good way. Wanted you & Nora for the experience... Do find you both quite boring, even on the dating spectrum, she's the snappy one, you're the calm one. Will surely do better in the future. As far as I go... I'm your little ghost. I'm a spirit, roughly 500 years ago people like me were considered as and called witches, simply since we were ahead of our time. As you know there are good and bad spirits, I would stand somewhere in the middle as a classic inbetweener I've always been, casually swaying towards either or, but ultimately staying put in the middle. Some days I hate you, other days I love you... Yet here I am ending this "letter" to you with the words "I Love You", and perhaps "Muah" on top of that should I feel classy enough, as always, on the cheek, one final time. Do remember that I will always remain near you & overseer your doings, we don't need to interact, in fact it would be silly to think we can't co-exist in eachother's hearts. When you get the strange feeling that you can't find the explanation for, perhaps it's just me, and nothing more. It's been a sheer clown fiesta witnessing the names and things you've called me thus far. What's new, right? At the very least you don't take me for a joke anymore, which is wise of you, since I'm not. The casual 21st century term "stalker" simply insults me. Even somebody with as little intellect as you would know that stalkers are for years, spirits are for lifetime. I'm nothing less than a S-P-I-R-I-T, one with high capability & intellectual intelligence. I've never commented on your idiocy or your weird friends (90% of them are weird), I'm awfully passive and neutral. I've never insulted/talked-down-on the soyboys, e-slags, pre-mature losers, weebs, memers, or entitled punks you interact with every now and then. No point including the 16-21 year old boys and girls in that category, as I understand how these underage and barely of age children follow you, and you see yourself as their "mama" and friend, not strange in the slightest, not the harvest of living inside of a box for the majority of your life, when fantasy is taking over, sis. Those kids are the only community you have left... surely it would be cruel to let them off the hook, you can't let them go, some of them still see you as a role model! ~ I suppose you could say I'm on a whole different level, and people like me tend to not notice people who are "less". But good luck to them, perhaps some day they too will get themselves out of their holes and start moving towards things that actually matter. Speaking of which... God bless Great Britain if you actually end up scoring an actual decently paying job after all your studies. I would donate a fair few braincells to you... If I didn't have such a bright future ahead of me. In a universe where employers and companies actually did background checks on people before hiring, a silly bean like you would never score anything worthwhile. Personal assistant for a single individual would probably be your peak. Back to me... I am a millionaire, as you expected, seeing as how doors just open and close for me and my kind. I never worked even a day for what I have, but the people before me certainly did. Even more wealthy now in fact, as of last year, now that my professor and casual alcoholic of a grandpa is finally under ground, he was respected by many, but his lifestyle choices were hilariously fractured. See? We (are) similar, kind of. Ah, how I hate drinking and alcohol, I literally drink only twice a year and always feel guilty after, I hate people that consume alcohol in the spirit of the party at clubs or live concerts, and those who tend to constantly drown their sorrow and unhappiness into the bottle. I adore a good coffee and tea though. Living a promising life of luxury, hence the 3 years I will take to improve myself, improve my body to the maximum for the sex appeal and quality of life, get your name 'Annie' with a mini thorny rose underneath tattoo'd on my left arm, so I can take you to places and talk to you, enjoy your company & so I would never forget you (not that there is a chance in hell I'd actually ever do, of course, hahaha.), dye my hair pale/pastel color, purple in 2020, letting it heavily fade to soft pink, After that focus on the pastel spectrum of colors, re-do my driver's license, own a 40k car, but have not driven anything in 3-4 years, begin buying land and potentially own more land, farmhouses, households, countryside villas and mansions than some of the more wealthier businessmen in my area; as you can tell "owning" things & writing are two big passions of mine, the latter for expressing myself and influencing others, and so is real estate, country and marketing to an extent, legally change my first name to something sleek such as Jed, Jed Nei... or you know whatever else that feels unique and not-so-common; pick a powerful name that people will remember (and fear, jkjk), basically get my life on the line/on the rails and get a woman who will massage my strong pectorals with oil every Sunday morning only to ensure I will be more than ready to take on the next week. I adore romance, but still feel that death is the most romantic thing out there. Now of course she could cook for me just fine, but i'd actually really want to taste something you've cooked, as long as you do the cooking with just an apron on and absolutely nothing underneath. Oh Annie, unlocking your true potential would be a really easy task for me. You like cherry blossoms, I on the other hand like 400 year old oak trees. However our worlds could of collided & you could of been my sweetheart under the bright sun and moon. Currently own 2 countryside 2 floor homes and plenty of actual land around them, looking to expand in the future of course. Imagine leaving your silly big city life behind. Imagine laying there (on a hill) naked on the grass in the middle of the day, or relaxing in the bikini, depending how confident you are with your own body, and breast size, I also would not be totally satisfied if mine looked so "below average", but god does your bottom/bum make up for it. Loads of flowers that I can gather and give you, or put in your hair, plenty of forests nearby perfect for mushroom picking, hiking or picnics, loads of plants, fruit bushes, ponds, fruit trees, acorn trees ideal for climbing, farmland, greenhouse, ponds big enough for swimming, cyan blue skies large and wide enough for any balloon or kite you may want to play around with. Or if that’s not entirely your cup of tea then we can plan our big vacation to the Canary Islands in Spain, whatever you like, as long as you stay with me forever. You're a sweet creature and I'm certain we could of started something unique & exciting together, but that's all gone now, i'm still certain that I could of loved you right and shown you extreme passion, to go to bed with you and make you feel happy, loved & excited for the next day, our next day together in paradise. This is not a fantasy tale/dream, this could of potentially been our reality, assuming I would accomplish all my goals, and you willing to leave your current life for me. But why dwell on what could of been, I will never feed you fresh strawberries straight from the greenhouse, I will never "own" you, you will never be my girl, my companion, my life's purpose. I see now why I felt so heavily against friendship with you... being your friend considering the things I had planned for us, that would only lead to romance and love, that friendship would be over so quick you could not even call it one. Oh, and, I can be very sensual and passionate at times. And possibly start a IRL vlogging channel on Youtube in 3 years time, just to influence & motivate others and to portray my lifelong journey to greatness with the dozen obstacles I had to face and overcome along the way, making it all even more bittersweet, especially the main final goal, which if you can recall is to become the biggest standalone landowner/businessman in my area. Maybe you'll randomly stumble across the channel one day & wonder what could of been & what you missed out on, not only that but you'd also visually see the beautiful landscape and things I talked about earlier. Oh and I'll definitely purchase at least one or two more expensive cars, driving around with just one specific car all the time, obviously being somebody who clearly is able to afford another one, it feels kind of lame. P.S I've never ever actually been obsessed with you. You were just a girl I liked because of a few key factors/reasons. Plus we seemingly have dozens of things in common.And we have reached the part where I'll try and explain why writing this was needed for me, and my mentality; Are you a demon baby/girl? If not keep reading and don't even think about showing this letter to anybody else. If you are however... Come with me & with the assistance of our genitals let's try and produce a demon child. A bit NSFW, but we're 25 and nobody else is going to see this (Right? Good gal.), so I'd so-so-so take you raw on the floor in every single position imaginable, your front hole would naturally be so loose afterwards that no guy would want to or feel comfortable with doing it with you anymore. White stuff would go in both 'A' and 'V' holes several times to ensure pregnancy is triggered. Jeez, having and making a baby with you would be so unbelievably sexy. Anyways, back on the topic we go, so me and my issues I've been dealing it... I mentioned it at the start & will do it again... If you think you've been affected by this or you've had it worse/suffered more than me... Well think again. Ever since earlier this year I've had horrible anxiety, hearing unnatural beings and things talk to me and gradually hearing their voices around me. I don't think I'm losing my mind or going crazy, but this does all feel very real to me. Always closing my door at night, not even trying to, it just comes naturally to me to do it, much like a habit. I fell in a deep pit, and I'm so sorry to you, I really do apologize, my dear. My darling Annie. now my situation is being abused and i'm being taken advantage of by these demons/ghosts/shades, I'm now shaking for no reason, it's not even cold in here, it's awful. Psst, I'm not a monster. Imagine being too messed up mentally to go to the grocery store/supermarket alone & having to call your mom and tell her to bring you some food and supplies - telling her that the reason for it is that you have a massive headache right now & that you're unable to get out of bed. Yikes, that does sound bad. And to make it even worse, it has happened more than once. I feel like I need a 12-hour nap after sending this letter your way, feel a bit odd all of sudden, please read it all, it's a glimpse of me and my story and life. I can only hope that I will feel better and be able to go back to living my life like a normal human being now that I threw everything out there and apologized to you. I will leave you be now. It's a peek into my life essentially. I really do adore your tight little pale pink p*ssy, and Nora’s all the same, you gals are & stay important to me. Please do respect my terms and do not under any circumstances share this letter or it's contents with anybody. All the best to you and your family. I Love You. Muah. 💞
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titleknown · 7 years
Three Fictional Products
Ahoy ahoy, trying not to be late again this time; I’m doing something relatively unusual for my Saturday Night Writing, not as much a drabble as profiles of three products that never existed; but potentially could have.
I’ve been meaning to do this for ages now, but texecutive dysfunction does as it will, and I’ll do it now by gum! These products can be freely used as one sees fit, no strings attached, though credit me; Thomas F. Johnson if you use ‘em in a work. I’d love to see these weird brands show up as recurring themes
So, without futher ado, tonight’s writing is brought to you by the Pink Wind vaccuum, Blue Moon Soda and Circus Cosmetics, after the break!
Pink Breeze- Fidelio as a vaccuum making company was always an unfortunate case. Their cutting edge use of cyclone filters years before Dyson was hampered by numerous manufacturing difficulties and cost-cutting measures and gimmicks to make them consumer accessible that; more often than not; hampered their overall efficiency as cleaning devices and rendered them prone to breaking; though they were supposedly quite efficient if you could get the damn things to work.
And yet, they still squeaked along for years, managing to sell for a shocking amount for a company with only one model of vaccuum still on the market. But, then, there's the one. Known as the "Pink Breeze," it was meant to be a smaller model of cylander vaccuum meant for dusting fragile items, with a soft; adjustable tip on the nozzle; a dial to alter the level of suction and a rounded; curvy shiny pink configuration meant to resemble an item of furniture. Now, while it was possibly better suited for the task thanks to its use of the company's cyclonic filters, most people didn't see the point of such a specialized product. But, for all its qualities; they were high sellers amongst a male demographic, particularly unmarried; single men.
Yes, all of its factors ended up making the vaccuum accidentally perfect for dick-sucking. Unlike other sex toys, it was buyable in mainstream outlets; with only moderate scruitny from the outside world.
Even the products' legendary shoddiness was little issue, as they were cheap thanks to said cost-cutting measures and most of that fanbase were seemingly okay with shelling out for another model. The CEO; however; was oblivious to the reasons for its cult popularity; only seeing the sales figures. And given his legendary stubbornness and tendency towards conservativism, nobody really wanted to tell him.
The R&D team did; however; secretly take that into account when designing other; secondary products in that line to capitalize on its success; though they enjoyed markedly less thereof; and the product's legendarily-sexualized mascot also known as Pink Breeze was notoriously designed as a joke by the marketing team to see how much implications in that regard they could get away with. The answer was; apparently; "All of it."
Which ended up spawning a fetish art subculture of "Vac-Girls," but that's a whole other story.
The company declined though; as even such an evergreen product can only get one so far in the face of their numerous other failures; and the final death-knell that convinced the owners to sell while they were still viable was the bizarre hovercraft-like vaccum model given the name "Sentinel" but notoriously known as "Old Cat-Eater" and "The Executioner's Hood."
But that's a story for another time.
Blue Moon- Legendary soda-developers the Breulen Brothers; one a flavor scientist and another a product designer, are responsible for some of the greatest "cult hits" amongst soft drinks; whether it be the "DIY" Squash Soda or the enigmatic "Liquid Gold" flavoring agent, but one of their less acclaimed projects was the melatonin-based "Blue Moon" soda, with the blueberry flavoring.
The basic idea was, if there are caffinated sodas meant to keep you awake, why not a soda with a similarly-mild sleep aid to help you go to bed? From there the blueberry flavoring and iconic Man-In-The-Moon logo followed. But, there was a problem. The FDA didn't and still does not allow for the usage of melatonin in items marked as "beverages"
However, the marketing team did get around this in multiple ways. Namely; marketing it as a "suppliment," which just so happened to be advertised like a soda; given its own dispenser adjacent to the other drinks; packaged with other sodas; but carefully worded and advertised so that technically they were not selling it as a soda. Of course, the Brothers did not intend this, intending to market it as a separate item; both to avoid possible adverse combinations with other caffinated beverages and also to establish it as its own "thing," a ritual akin to a nightly equivalent of coffee.
It worked for a shockingly long while too; attracting just the right amount of attention to sell well while still skirting legality. Helped it was damned tasty too. And then the news stories started. Specifically, news stories of various car crashes and accidents induced by the sorts of behaviors that happen when one consumes a beverage that makes one sleepy combined with beverages that make one wide awake.
And, like that, the Brothers were thrown under the bus, despite it not being their idea. The charges were dropped, but their careers were never quite the same.
Of course, there was an "accidental" leak of the product's formula; coincidentally on the same week the Brothers left the company for greener pastures; so there is a small but dedicated following that does make its own "homebrew" of the stuff, so it can be found if one knows where to look.
Circus Cosmetics- The label is somewhat inaccurate, as the cosmetics (Ranging from highlighter to mascara to lipstick to even nail polish) come under a number of different names; sold in low-end stores for cheap prices in low-income areas. They're known by that name due to the largest outbreak of their product under that branding in the Detroit area being under that brand; though other prominent names for it have been reported as Harleqin; Big Top; and Scaramouche
They cause bleaching of the skin; swelling and reddening of the lips; nasal tissue; around the eyes; and of the vocal cords and airways, leaving the victims gasping for air with a distinctive honking noise and causing hallucinations due to deprivation of oxygen not severe enough to kill but severe enough to alter brain activity; resulting in erratic behavior during the affliction and often leaving the victims with permanent skin damage and scarring after recovery. The causes have been identified as likely due to either some bacterial agent often found in samples thereof or a common chemical agent in them; though it has been speculated that it may be due to the interaction of both.
The reason for their continued circulation; despite the numerous outbreaks; is that the FDA is unable to regulate the company that produces it due to it having so many shell subsidiaries that it is impossible to find the "true" producers of such things, though many suspect it is also considered low priority due to the impoverished areas in which these products are found. Multiple fringe religious organizations have been found as donors to these shells through other shells; which has troubling implications.
-As a final word, a lot of these product areas are ones in which I am not truly specialized, so if I have evoked a “THAT IS NOT HOW -X- WORKS!” reaction for those more knowlegable in the subject than me, please contact me and tell me how I can spiff it up!-
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ladybelowdeck · 7 years
A - AGE: 21 B - BIRTHPLACE: USA-- California, to be exact C - CURRENT TIME: 9:13pm D - DRINK YOU HAD LAST:  hard cider E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: uh tibs probably online. my aunt in real life. F - FAVORITE SONG: ehhh this changes a lot?  G - GROSSEST MEMORY: so i’m a “direct support professional” which essentially just means i support people with disabilities (specifically developmental disabilities in my case but we get all kinds of physical/emotional/mental disabilities as well bc it’s common to have more than one anyway) and at the moment the house I’m in is ‘medically frail’ (which, we’re not supposed to call it that but it’s the only thing that can explain what kinds of help we’re providing) which basically means we have a lot of physical issues and a lot of our folks are in declining health they’ve gone from active w/ a lot of skills etc to mostly everyone in the house is bed bound and can’t/won’t move etc so it’s a lot of physical support and a lot of dealing w/ bodily fluids (people have a right to not sit in gross, man) which is all good for me like I wear gloves I really don’t care about like feces or urine or blood or w/e but what has always gotten me is spit (when I worked w/ kids that was the one thing that I actually needed to leave a situation for-- understand I got punched in the face on the reg and was totally fine, no worry, but kid spat on me and I had to be the adult and walk away for a second before it became a Problem).
So we had a woman who could choke on her own phlegm basically if we didn’t clear it out of her mouth every so often and god just
swabbing, gooey, yellowy-white slime out of someone’s mouth is just
g a h.
i mean i did it bc it’s my job and i’ve gotten very good at not going EWWWWWWWW at people bc you know it’s insensitive they can’t control it but yeah i had to stop for a minute my coworkers thought it was fucking hilarious though. H - HORROR YES OR HORROR NO: y e s I - IN LOVE?: laughing w/ salad J - JEALOUS OF PEOPLE: nah. i mean i’ve been jealous like a dog isn’t paying attention to me but that’s everyone so K - KILLED SOMEONE: no but i do have a shocking number of murder-related stories and friend-of-a-friend serial killer stories and a ‘murderer arrested at my aunt’s work’ story and at least two people sort of related to me have actually killed a person and thrown them over a bridge and weren’t caught and my father saw a dude get murdered once so like no but i do know a weird number of murderers or witnesses or bystanders? L - LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OR SHOULD I WALK BY AGAIN?: listen i got shit to do so i really don’t have t i m e M - MIDDLE NAME: leigh N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: complicated? they’re on my father’s side and it’s one step sister and i think it’s three half-sisters now but honestly there’s a doubt abt whether they’re bio related to me and i’ve literally never met them so like this is a shockingly hard question to answer? O - ONE WISH: god i want my own apartment or house P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: uh the pharmacy i think. or my work. R - REASON TO SMILE: my niece. my cats. my aunt’s dogs. star trek exists so i mean S - SONG YOU SANG LAST: RING RING RING RING RING BANANA PHONE (my niece handed me a fake banana okay) U - UNDERWEAR COLOR:  black V - VACATION: eh. back to arizona i guess? or maine, or europe if i have to leave the country. W - WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY: december 3 X - X-RAYS: every time i go to the dentist. at least 2 other times, one for the time i had the bronchitis and one when i sprained my ankle stepping on a shoe (i’m beauty, i’m grace, etc) Y - YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: this changes a lot. cereal probably. Z - ZODIAC SIGN: sagittarius
Tagged by: @terminalwelocity
Tagging: safad @maskcomesundone @littleostentatious @spiderlingman @empathicstars listen i only talk to like five total people on this blog guys
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On a different note to 12x16, do you have any thoughts/meta on spn + virgin shaming? It's the one thing that I really, really despise about the show 😩
Yeah, it does bother me that it’s persistently an easy target. Also the 3 big moments I can think of? 3x12, 5x12 and 9x08? written by women. 3 separate women as well (Sera Gamble, Julie Seige, Jenny Klein - the last one of which had some really nasty stuff about women in general, like some implications about one of the larger women stealing food, or general cattiness among that church group…)
In a weird way, “Like a Virgin” by Adam Glass was the LEAST weird about virgins and written by a man, although one who always seemed aware that he should at least try not to be a dick about women, though I always thought it was kind of with mixed results with execution (e.g. I watched 8x18 today and I still think the guy in that group of kids is a grade A creep, and Josephine and Krissy are plenty dismissive of him and his behaviour in the start, but nothing is made of him going through Krissy’s phone for evidence of a boyfriend, there’s the whole teasing her that she liked kissing him while playing bait (and the fact they DID that) so Josephine telling him he’ll get nowhere with Krissy with bad pick up lines or whatever totally misses the point even while the writing seemed aware he was a creep and going about it all wrong, and of course at the end it’s that sort of assumption they’ll get together, and the warning Dean won’t kill him for Krissy she’ll do it herself, which is the sort of old school feminist victory in writing female characters, not the one these days that would actually seem progressive by addressing all the issues that make him a creep instead of handwaving it all with “yay girl power she can look after herself” - I mean she CAN but the writing doesn’t really do anything to admonish the guy being a creep or open up a good discussion on what to do about it, you know? Anyway. Massive diversion. Literally just watched that episode in the last few hours. Pet peeve about male writers in general typified there :P) - I mean same deal, with his virgin episode, that it still makes a big deal out of the women being virgins, I think that’s the one where Dean reads the girl’s diary talking about her “special gift” and so on… Also reminds me in 5x14 Edlund had the couple in the cold open where I think it was implied the girl was a virgin and had been saving herself for the right person, although in that case everything else was so fucked up I don’t think there was time to get too judgy about that, when she and her boyfriend ate each other :P
Anyway at least that episode they were just incidentally virgins and that had to be established somehow or other, but all things considered it didn’t get weird or police them or whatever.
In 3x11 I think the Nancy thing that bothered me the most was that after all her strength and generally not being presented SO badly in the main drama, that rooftop scene, she’s like “I’m having so much sex after this is all over” despite the fact it seemed like she’d had a huge religious experience with discovering demons existed, and she’d been on a really interesting personal journey with that great speech about believing in demons and all, but then that’s really her last character beat except for I guess she’s around for the wrap up at the end for the winchesters, and being killed by Lilith - so it seems her conclusion from all that is just “wow being a virgin means now I know I could be sacrificed at any moment for a spell, better give up waiting for whatever important personal and probably religious reasons I’d remained a virgin and just, like, indulge in casual sex now” - it was just… weird. I don’t think her faith broke at all in that episode about other things? Like, she even volunteered to be sacrificed because she felt it was the right thing to do to save everyone; unless the Winchesters trying a different way where no one sacrificed any virgins, suddenly made her contextualise her whole life that it was a meaningless concept anyway (despite clearly being important if it was used in such a spell) and realise she could try to live her life another way without this ritualistic saving herself… 
I don’t know, it’s just… that’s her big take away from everything, it seems. Being a virgin sucks, better have sex so I don’t get sacrificed, and once I do that, it’s not just hurrying up to find Mr Right and not being scared to hook up instead of waiting for marriage or some other safe compromise, it’s like there’s this dam between being a virgin and having ALL the sex.
And in Swap Meat, Gary is basically implied to have done all the witchcraft because he’s a bored frustrated virgin, and if the pretty girl had just hooked up with him, she “wasn’t into witchcraft, she’s into you” or whatever Sam said - like, sex cures satanism and would turn Gary into a well-rounded person. With the bonus creepy non-con that he goes and uses Sam’s body to get laid.
And overlooking the fact they’re HIGH SCHOOL students, like… I’m just saying, he’s probably not the only virgin in his year group and some of them would be generically attractive and popular students - and Gary is just unfortunate enough to look like the sort of kid no one would ever believe had sex at his larval stage of development where a mixture of puberty and allergies have been unkind to him… Maybe the others haven’t either but people don’t look at them and just assume they’re a virgin, because it’s got connotations of being undesirable and a loser in this context.
(It’s especially disappointing Sam says it there - again, it seems weirdly out of character like preconceptions about virgins and assumptions about it just immediately derail characterisation… I just don’t think Sam would judge, and also honestly probably between being an outcast and feeling cursed since forever and the total lack of privacy and apparently Dean hooking up with his prom date… who knows when Sam lost his virginity but I’d bet he made it most of the way through school at least >.> And he kept his virginity pledge from 9x08, accidentally maybe, for years…)
Also 9x08 is a trainwreck when it comes to this and. Ugh. :P Maybe 6x12 just seems good because this is the comparison about when an episode isn’t just incidentally about virgins, but explores it - all these horny but determinedly chaste women immediately breaking into a sweat around Dean, made out to be unattractive or frumpy in various ways to suggest maybe they’re virgins because they wouldn’t get any anyway, except for the retired porn star wearing a hoodie to make herself look more drab… Jody, who we look to, just laughs it off about promises she can’t keep when asked if she’d do it, which is great Jody characterisation but then at the expense of making it clear all these other women are going about it all wrong; they’re unhappy and breaking their oaths because they all secretly want sex (except the slightly-larger-than-TV-skinny woman who just wants to steal cake) and then the goddess complains about how they’re all tainted and impure, because in this universe, virginity is an actual state of purity of the body, with strong magical properties. And then Jody kills her because she’s, I guess, spiritually pure somehow, despite happily admitting she’d have sex and wants to, which makes it basically nothing to do with virginity, like it’s always been a false way to be spiritually clean - like was Nancy only a useful virgin for the spell because she was religious as well? Gary was a little shit of a satanist but he was a virgin - if they’d had him in the police station, would Ruby’s spell have worked?? Maybe not! Who knows!!
Anyway it’s messed up and I am nowhere near qualified in like, whatever sort of sociology and other stuff you need to have to discuss this in a wider context, so I’ll just express general horror that I always pull a face when the show mentions virginity because it’s just such a MESS and unkind and despite the fact everyone is a virgin to start with and it’s a silly social construct and many people are virgins longer than the expected social average (which is shockingly low, and, dude, we had great sex ed in my school and I still don’t think I was REALLY ready when I was at university as a supposedly grown up adult living my life so I can’t imagine how terrible teenage fumbling is except I see it described with that word so often it can’t be a worthwhile experience except for, well, the bragging right to say you’re not a virgin :P) and it’s all so pointless to judge anyone for this??? It’s still such a common thing I don’t think people even realise just how pointless and unkind it is, that it’s just a part of human behaviour and it seems weirdly normal to treat virgins like they’re weird or magical or whatever. 
OH WAIT I nearly rounded this off before I remembered Cas and various escapades relating to his virginity and… you know what it’s 2am, I’m just going to make a face and post this :P 
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