#this is super long sgdgdgdgdg
bunnyb34r ยท 9 months
Okay I'm gonna put it under a cut but here's what I thought ab the movie
First of all, that was the most faithful to the book adaptation I've seen.
Like from the get go him noticing the tile missing from the bathroom, I was like oh!! They're adding that in!!
Every time I saw something I thought they'd cut I was SO excited! Like idk why but I thought they'd cut the part where Reaper went crazy from rabies (even though they never show that thats why he did what he did :/ ) and he had that little graveyard after Dill died
ESPECIALLY the flag part!
Almost everything was how I pictured it!!! That never happens!!! :D only thing different was the casting. The choices were very good, but that was the only major aspect that didn't line up with the version I thought
Little sad that they didn't show Clemessia turning part snake bc that was a very prominent point in the book imo bc it showed how even from early in the games lifetime, they were experimenting with making mutts. I thought that was a clever detail in the book, so sad it wasn't in there (probably cut for time understandably)
They also cut Grandma'am slipping into dementia which I get, it didn't sway the plot one way or the other really. It was more so in the book imo, a way to get you to sympathize with Snow. But since she didn't have much of a presence on screen, it was understandable that they cut that.
Like the book, it had a catching first part, a strong middle, and a eh third part. But that's just me. It was still very faithful, I just didn't care for part 3 as much.
Really liked how they showed it segmented like that with each part being labeled like the book. That was neat.
And I really liked Lucky Flickerman in the movie more than the book. He was a very good comic relief, audibly laughed at his parts. Like the what if it was candy bit. And I liked how they just had him casually doing the forecast bc it really showed how the games meant nothing to the Capitol, they had no stakes to lose other than their bet falling through.
Oh and didn't the girl who killed Marcus talk to him before going up there? I can't decide if her actions in the book are more merciful, BECAUSE she talked to him, or if the movie was more merciful bc she gently reached out and touched his head, and DIDN'T speak to him. Either way not how I pictured that scene, I thought he was on like a gallows type structure, but I understand the choice to have it be more impromptu on the Capitol's part. Like fuck just tie him to that rubble it's good enough.
I liked the video phone, that was neat. Like the tvs were more 50s style but the technology was advanced enough to have video phones.
Hunter Schaefer was a great choice for Tigris too.
I pictured Mayflower to be more... mousy I think. Like a typical snotty rich girl look. But I guess for 12 it fit.
Oh and in the book it seemed like he knew once he found the guns that he was gonna kill Lucy Gray, but in the movie it looked more like he wasn't sure until the snake bit him. Like he didn't plan on killing her, he was just looking for her.
Anyway I fucking loved it and I kinda wanna see it again in theaters sgdgdgdg I mean ill be okay waiting for the DVD but it was so so good. I wanna reread the book and then go back to the theater sgdgdgdgdgdg
There was only 5 of us there and we all sat in the back row which was funny. I was right smack dab in the middle bc thats where I chose on the ticket map, and the first group of 2 sat on the end on my right like eh here's good, we'll give them space. And then the second group sat on the end on my left which was funny to me.
Very glad I pushed myself to go and that I got to continue/finish My streak of having seen every THG movie in theaters (didn't think id make it honestly)
I had so much fun that I think I'm gonna try to go to the movies more often! It was nice being just me there, going in the morning helped my paranoia. Didn't "double feature" like I used to in high school lol but I figured I'm in my 20s now so I'm probably too old to sneak into another movie sgdgdgdgd we used to do that all the time in high school which was funny bc we saw Spiderman 2 in standard and then snuck in to see it in 3D (fished out glasses out of the recycling bin and used hand sanitizer to clean em) and when we saw Catching Fire we got to see it in IMAX by chance of someone holding the door open and thinking we were going there and well who am I to say no ;)
I think of the books this is my third favorite (catching fire, the hunger games, this one, mockingjay) and of the movies this is my fav (followed by cf, thg, mj part 2 and mj part 1)
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