#this is tagged the ship but it actually isnt super shippy
beachhouse2000 · 9 months
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she needs glasses fr
day 1- meeting
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ancientechos · 4 years
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Emet-Selch/Arianna ♡ 1632 words ♡ Fae Queen Illya AU
A tale of how the curse began. Discussed with @whitherliliesbloom prior to writing.
Fae live in the present. Such is often said about his kind. The architect, however, prefers to live in the past. It is far more attractive, far more welcoming.
In his dreams, he relives countless hours, countless days, waking only for basic functions before sinking into blessed ignorance once more.
Today, however -- today is different. He is yet to ascertain if this is unfortunate or not.
The old, wizened human’s cane trembles with power. Of course a magician would deign to barge into his humble territory. Perhaps man’s magicks are among the only things capable of fending off most of the fae -- at least insofar as the sentinels go. Unfortunately for the human, the fairy he bothers today simmers with fae magic, and does not particularly care for the rule of bringing trespassers to Titania.
Not a single human who has crossed his path has lived to tell the tale.
Magic or no magic, it will take not even a moment for him to deal with this miserable old sod.
Narrowing pale golden eyes, he lifts one of his hands, about to snap his fingers together --
The architect bows to no one, least of all one of that despicable, wretched, vile race. It is not the command in his tone that intrigues him, but the desperation.
For the first time, he deigns to look at him properly, taking in the bloodstained robes, that ridiculously oversized crown upon his head, the long beard. The human takes his silence as assent of some kind.
“I need your help,” he utters, his words almost a gasp. Perhaps making his way through the trees, past the nymph and other fae sentries, had been taxing for him. The architect watches as his grip upon his cane tightens for a mere moment. “Please.”
Exhaling loudly through his nose, the fae shrugs.
“So very sorry, but I am not a wish granter nor any sort of djinn. I’d tell you to find someone else, but, well, seeing as you’re going to die -- “
“I want to die.”
-- He’s not sure, truly, what he’s more impressed by: that the mage has the gall to interrupt him...or the drivel that spews from his mouth.
“I want to die, and I want to take the rest of my kind with me. Surely you would have no qualms granting such a wish.”
Something nags at him then, a strange, uncomfortable sensation that has a sneer spreading across his face.
“And what ever makes you think I would agree to grant this desire of yours?” the architect asks. “You know nothing of me.” The wrinkled face lowers in a nod.
“I do not -- but I do know that fae kind have no reason to desire the company of men. The land would be far better off without them.”
“You make the mistake of assuming I care about what my fellow kind want.” His hand lifts again, and he delights in the flash of panic that streaks across the magician’s face.
“Wait, I -- “ He takes a single step forward. “If not for others, then -- why not for yourself?”
His brows furrow. “Myself?”
“Are you saying you have any affection for mortals?”
“I detest humans.” The venom that leaks into his voice surprises even himself -- the mage trembling back at the shadow that mars his face.
“Then, please -- all I ask is that you allow me this one favour. This singular boon. To smite the race you so abhor from this very star...that is all I desire. My people desert me...they spit upon the old traditions and teachings that have taken them so far. They stride down the path of ignorance and idiocy, with nigh a care in the world...and I would have them, every single one of them, put down for their foolishness.”
The human mage stands tall as he finishes his passionate tirade, meeting the architect’s gaze squarely with not even a flinch. His grip upon his cane regal, even kingly as he holds his shoulders back, posture impeccable in spite of his age. A stark contrast to the fae, so many years older and yet resolutely slouched.
Well...if he desires to doom his race so badly, who is he to stop him? In fact, he quite likes this idea. Simply raze them all from the earth, and with little effort on his part...
“Very well.” He waves a hand carelessly, beckoning the human toward him. “I shall assist you in bringing about the end of your species.”
The old man steps forward. The fae does not miss his relieved sigh.
“Might I ask to whom I speak with, O great wish granter of mine?”
The architect snorts.
“No, you may not.” He is not so stupid, and there is only one worthy of uttering that name, and she is long gone. “And you? What is your name, mortal?”
“You may call me...Thordan.”
“Mm. Charmed, I’m sure.” That name, however -- for a moment it sends a prickle through him, something like --
Prince Thordan...
-- Ah, he remembers now. This man is a spawn...
The smirk that twists his mouth is devastatingly sharp as fae magic races down his arm.
“It will be slow, and painful,” he assures. “You will be the first to fall ill, but the last to die, for your death will mean the dissolution of this curse. In that sense, I suppose this will give you -- a temporary immortality. The final stage...is an unforgiving sleep, of which yours will be short.”
Black vines twist from his fingers to touch upon the wizened man’s face. It sinks into his skin like some insidious disease, rendering pale flesh black for an instant before it vanishes into his pores. The magician gasps, stumbling back slightly, before he quickly regains his footing. One of his hands comes up to touch hesitantly at his face.
“What...what must I do...?”
The fae shrugs.
“Nothing at all. Simply being in the presence of your fellow mankind is enough to pass the curse to them...and they in turn will give it to others. Before long, your entire race will fall ill, with nary a cure in sight, no matter how hard they look.” The architect’s smile is cooler than any winter breeze.
This cannot be.
That singular thought echoes blankly through his mind, buzzing incessantly like a fly.
This cannot be.
And yet -- 
He remembers his ethereal Persephone, hair of dark curled strands framing eyes greener than any blade of grass. The blood that streaked her face, wings mangled and broken after the humans had been done with her -- her body breaking and dissolving into splashes of light as her soul left his grasp forever.
And yet...the human woman lying, half-fallen over the roots of the trees, is -- the very spitting image of her. If she were only to open her eyes, he is certain he would see that very same hue. And beyond that...the soul that ensconces her form...
The soul that flickers so very weakly with a disease of his own doing.
A discarded basket lies tumbled on the ground near her, herbs and grasses spilling out of it. Perhaps she had been searching for something here -- looking for something to quell the pain that surely wracks her body. Or perhaps, based on the colouration of her robes, she might be a healer looking to provide succor.
It matters not, only that she is here...
Those forest guards must truly be slacking at their jobs if she has managed to wander this far into fairy lands...
With a tiny click of his teeth, he leans down to pick her up, one arm beneath her knees while the other cradles her head.
She is far too light, even for a human.
He’s about to leave when he pauses, thinks better of it, and nods at the basket. It rights itself and floats after him as he flutters away.
She does not stir even when he lays her upon his bed, removing her satchel so the strap doesn’t bother her. He places it to the side as he stares down at her -- at that hauntingly familiar face.
Even though he has not seen her in the flesh in so long, he -- remembers so clearly --
Fingers lightly touch upon her cheek. The chillness of her flesh has him clicking his tongue in disapproval. And in the light of his home, she looks far too pale --
His gaze flicks from her to the bag she had carried with her. He is not a snoop, but he peers into it anyway, out of curiosity. If she is his, then it stands to reason what is hers is his as well, no? And what she does not know has no reason to vex her.
Amongst numerous uninteresting baubles is a book. This, he opens, flips through -- the words he reads has his jaw setting, brows furrowing in consternation.
Of course.
Exhaling loudly, he snaps the book shut and returns it to its rightful place.
The architect draws his hands over the sleeping woman, his own magic seeping through her. Withered lungs, unsuitable for drawing proper breath, expand; the shrivelled, weakened muscles restored to their proper strength. Colour returns a faint hue to the woman’s cheeks, and for the first time since he has seen her, she breathes easily, her sleep effortless. The fae pulls one of his blankets around her, satisfied.
With a world-weary sigh, the fae throws himself carelessly into a chair, and smacks the heel of his palm to his forehead as he watches her in slumber, awaiting for her to awaken.
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accesspath · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: tyrell / elliot, but i go back and forth on whether i actually want them to be canon. they’re real fun to write in a myriad of scenarios though.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: a lot of things? this is a hard question bc everyone has their limits, there are things i wouldn’t write for the sake of one ship that i would for another, and that sounds ~edgy but i even mean things like ... dates ... like elliot would happily go on a date anytime, anywhere with @memoryserved but he’s not chomping at the bit to go on a date with @sentienc 
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: honestly as long as nobody is underage, as long as it doesn’t closely reflect an irl example of a very creepy relationship, i don’t care ... in the real world it’s different, and sure fiction can’t be viewed in a vacuum, but as a general rule it doesn’t matter for me in fiction.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: kinda ? depends . i don’t know. i like shipping elliot a lot!!! i’m open to anything!!! i mean if u look at the ‘who are the other muses you ship yours with’ q you can see he’s had a lot of ships and generally kinda romantic interactions i still super care about even after two years
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: if elliots thinking ‘i want to bone’ then its probably nsfw!
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?:   kennedy @memoryserved, ava @sentienc, maika @saltn , i dont think theyre active anymore but elliot & @yxtes was good ... if we’re talking just ‘who i ship this character with’ then tyrell wellick, gideon goddard, joanna wellick, leon, shayla nico ........................... elliots just a good kiss boy? i really Love exploring him in sexual/romantic relationships, its very particular compared to being his friend because... like... he really has to want to be close to you
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: not really i mean . you CAN but you can also just send a shippy one liner meme or let things happen naturally if at all etc. chemistry is number one though so if i’m not feeling it, or if our writing isnt clicking, then.. .yanno... nothing.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: i’m not dying for it at all times i just feel elliots a good boy who deserves one (1) kiss
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: more or less, i guess? like. im. i consider ‘shipping’ as a term to just refer to romantic relationships, ftr, like. im obsessed w any relationship he has but this meme isnt asking about that
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: ya, but if its single or multi verse is different. like elliot was dating kennedy & tyrell at the same time but hes not likely to ever do that again, he felt he was being neglectful of one or the other at all times. so ships would probably be in their own verses from now on
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: probably tyrell/elliot but elliot/leon is a close second rn
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: literally come at me and be like ‘a concept: these two being cute’, im easy going
tagged by: i pinched it from @cllgood but was not tagged ... tagging: if u want to , then do !
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plinys · 7 years
dear yuletide author (2017)
hello and welcome to my letter!
i am so happy to have you reading this letter and going to be writing a fic for me! why? because you dear writer are an amazing and wonderful person, deserving of all the kudos in the world!
please remember as you look at these prompts, that if something in my likes inspires you more than any of my specific prompts, totally feel free and run with that, and know that i will enjoy any fic that is gifted to me!!
ao3/lj handle: plinys
now lets get down to business:
the fandoms i’ve requested this year are: Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator,  Galavant (TV),   Legion (TV),  Powerless (TV 2017),  Star Trek: Discovery,  Young & Hungry
but before that, my likes/kinks/dislikes/triggers:
likes: alternate universes, characters that are in character, lady-centric fics, angst, fandom cliches, dysfunctional relationships, friendships, friends/enemies to lovers, soul mates, road trips,  hanukkah fics, jewish characters, bisexual characters, poly relationships, character studies, origin stories, ambiguous endings, meta fic, slow build, fics that incorporate social media, crack treated seriously, drunk confessions, miscommunication, 
kinks: threesomes, competence kink, phone sex, masturbation, crying during sex, hate sex, shower sex, praise kink, guys going down on girls, rough sex, first time, spanking, daddy kink, sex in front of mirrors, voyeurism, make up sex
dislikes: pwp, main character death (unless it really makes sense/happens in canon), character bashing, non-con, mpreg, a/b/o, 1st person.
my triggers (please no matter what do not include these): school shootings, cancer, terminal illness, riots, child abuse.
and now to the fun stuff -
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
requested characters:  mary christiansen, joseph christiansen, crish christiansen
where to find: it’s a video game on steam, you can purchase for about $15, otherwise there’s plenty of walkthroughs of people playing it on youtube. recommended routes: joseph, robert, and damien to get the full christiansen story family backstory. 
anyways first play through i did josephs route and he broke my heart, and i was like wow mary deserves better and then after playing robert and damien i was like no wow mary deserves the world, so as long as your gift doesn’t include mary bashing im happy
would love any backstory on this family (featuring robert in any way is totally welcome), whether its weird family stuff, crack fic, the cult stuff. like im pretty open on this one
specific prompts:
cult backstory, give me that hidden cult ending. give me them joining the cult together when they were young. give me them scheming together or scheming separately. or give me mary realizing she’s married a gay demon only after the fact and its too late to get out. like honestly give me anything cult
the mystery of crish? i can’t believe he’s in the character list and now i want someone to explain why we’ve never met him? does he really exist? this can (and probably should be total crack)
remember how i mentioned robert was an option, feel free to mix in his connections with the family, the affair that clearly happened. being part of their cult. mary just bonding with her best friend and being drunk together? joseph fucking robert while mary is aware of what is going on. how they even became friends with all that happened?
honestly, there’s just so much not explained about the christiansen family, so anything about them is 100% up my alley. 
Galavant (TV)
requested characters:  madalena (galavant), gareth (galavant)
where to find: both season are on netflix!
so im biased because i was convinced to watch this show because of my mallory jansen, so madalena is of course my favorite character. and then this ship hit me out of nowhere, so now here i am
im either looking for madalena centric fic, or shippy fic with the both of them
specific prompts:
the end of s2 left so many openings that weren’t explored because we never got a s3 but give me madalena learning to do the d’dew, and getting to finally be the evil queen that she deserves wow
also feel free to give me that shippy stuff with gareth going to save her, and then realizing how much they love each other (as they should have wow)
alternatively a fix-it for the finale where madalena chooses gareth over the d’dew and they figure out where they can go from there. rebuild that trust, just be happy together though still sorting things out because now they do’t have a kingdom
smut? this ship is built for smut? madalena literally has a body built for sin, give me that sin
alternatively, give me fluffy, them finally getting to be “happy” together, madalena learning to have emotions and to love
also for non shippy plot any future fic for madalena or character study set during season 2/post season 2 would be the dream
Legion (TV)
requested characters:  cary loudermilk, kerry loudermilk
where to find: honestly i have no clue? fx? pirating sites? i watched this one live when it was airing. 
this show hit me with so much backstory and explanation not given and like that’s the aesthetic of the show, but i was specifically drawn to these two and their unique set of powers and i just ?? need more??
while i’m mostly into gen for these two, if you want to do weird stuff, like, i’m curious and not opposed (does it count as incest if they’re technically the same person?)
specific prompts:
BACKSTORY, any thing with their backstory, build on what canon told us and give me more, like what is it like for cary to keep aging on while kerry stays younger, what are the limits of their powers, how much can they feel
that hurt comfort after the stuff that happened towards the end of the season, like these two need to bond and recover after all the trauma 
5 times they were overly protective of each other
just man their dynamic is so weird and i need that to be explored, feel free to ship them with any of the other characters or ?? with each other if youre into that?? just like give me more of these two
actually, does it count as incest if their the same person is now a prompt, like maybe someone asks that? idk man just discuss
Powerless (TV 2017)
requested characters:  beatriz da costa | green fury (powerless), emily locke
where to find: this is another i have no clue situation im sorry
this show got canceled because it was like bad dc sitcom airing the same night as arrow but before it did it gave me this hint of femslash potential and tbh this is why im most offended that it was canceled
specific prompts: 
so if the show had lasted longer i am convinced that beatriz and emily would have been gay together, so give these ladies the show they deserved and tell the story of them falling in love
the news already thinks their dating so what about super villains, how many times does emily get kidnapped for being the green fury’s girlfriend before they actually art (or before she realizes she actually is)
how does dating a superhero effect her work life
also just emily loves superheroes, so she’s probably so pumped to be dating one like “wow babe can you believe im dating a superhero” and beatriz like “we were just making out obviously youre dating a superhero”
give me cute gay girls honestly 
Star Trek: Discovery
requested characters:  michael burnham (star trek: discovery), saru (star trek: discovery)
where to find: cbs all access! its ongoing, as i write this letter on its second episode!
okay since this show is ongoing these prompts might get joss’d but it’s too late to go back because two episodes in got me interested in the dynamic between these two
this can be gen (and feature other ships if you want) or can be shippy for these two. im pretty open since this show is so new. 
specific prompts: 
so they were together on the shenzhou for 7 years according to canon so lets get some back story between these two, how did they get to where they were. was there rivalry between the two of them from the very beginning? how does saru feel about someone who has never been to the academy out ranking him? bridge disagreement shenanigans? their captain locking them in a room until their sort out their issues
like, do you want to write alien sex? because a part of me wants to receive alien sex so like? this is an option?
what about them now both on the discovery together, that distrust because of what happen on the shenzhou? building up into something  new? better than before? building into feeling that may have been hidden all along?
on the discovery, forced to work together to save the team and putting their issues asside for the good of everyone else
honestly i just feel like they were supposed to be the spock/bones dynamic of the shenzhou before things went bad and like ??? i want that ?? 
Young & Hungry
requested characters:  caroline huntington 
where to find: it’s all on netflix (though caroline only appears in season one)
yet another show i watched because of mallory jansen, and her character is only in the first season and really all i cared about on this show so guess who i want backstory for
specific prompts:
caroline character study? i mean, she’s written as the rich bitch girlfriend rival in the show but let’s just say she deserves better, flush her out and give her life for me
she definitely deserves better than josh, and i like femslash so pair her with one of the girls in the tag set if you want
just more on her and the horse from young & pregnant this is mostly crack but like also
consider for a second that instead of the plot being gabi sleeps with josh on the first day and starts all of the show drama. what if instead she sleeps with caroline, and we get the aftermath of “oh hey i slept with my new boss’s finace, this isnt awkward at all” rewrite of season 1 with 95% more femslash 
just give me more caroline
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