#this is technically outdated lmaooo
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Domino effect but make it Daname
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snarky-art · 6 months
I swear I dont wanna be mean but why does everyone keep making stella fat. Why is it that the most attractive character, whom everyone finds beautiful inside the show, is the one who is always turned fat. Like... No one would find her attractive if her canon design was like that. I promise im not being mean but I feel like the artists are always projecting themselves onto Stella and wanting to be loved like she is, cause usually the ones making her fat are fat too, like I saw your selfies and you're a bit curvy. I promise im not being mean im just curious.
For starters, send me more fat Stella’s if you can I haven’t seen that many made and would love to see more varied takes on her appearances in redesigns.
Secondly, I made her fat because I think it’s nice to have the character that’s canonically considered to be the most beautiful girl in all of magix, a fashion icon in the magical dimension, a very celebrated trendsetter, be something other than the stereotypical concept of socially acceptable fashion tropes. She isn’t an hourglass, she has cellulite and stretch marks, she’s super pear shaped, and that can be and should be considered something to be normal, since they are, and shouldn’t be seen as things that need to be hidden. Having that put on a loud and proud fashion girly seems good imo and it can only really contribute to good stuff for body image stuff and representation. I did it so people like you could reconsider that beauty is something that comes in multiple forms and shouldn’t have to fit one type of standard. If we wanna get super technical too those standards also very from culture to culture and I image that’s extended even further in Winx club.
The girls are all aliens from different worlds. There’s bug people. There’s a lady in the miss magix episode that has tentacle hair, a blue body, and tentacle hands and feet. I highly doubt beauty standards in canon would be the same as what you’re saying, ie that no one would consider her beautiful. As if people who look like her irl also would inherently be considered not beautiful too. I know lots of people who have people that think they’re the hottest thing ever and they have all sorts of different body types and traits. Lets just call it realism lol
I’m not really projecting any of my physical stuff on her also, outside of I guess stretch marks and cellulite?? But I put those on other characters too so I don’t really think that holds up. I actually put my old body type on Flora since she’s my favorite, but now I’m way more midsized, like a slightly thinner Bloom from my stuff (love this unit of measurement gonna start using the gorls as a reference point for my appearance going forward lol). I’ve always had the “socially acceptable” fat type of body, ie hourglass with even proportions and a super snatched waist. I just think it’s tired and trite to constantly reenforce the idea that “the hot fashion one” needs to be tall and thin all the time, and if she is made fatter, that she needs to look like I did ie not much of a tummy with super equal proportions, big boobs, and a big ass.
Kinda related to that also, I made a post about a lot of character design “rules” too that I think are kinda outdated and annoying, at least to me, since I’ve seen them a million times. We all have. So I decided to do something different that I think would be good for normalizing traits outside of what we consider typically acceptable for that kind of character.
I’m already very loved also and don’t need to project anything on Stella lmaooo
I got multiple partners, great friends, do modeling, and am slaying with my own fashion and appearance stuff outside of that too. That’s all independent of whatever I’m doing with her physical body type when I draw her.
Gonna level with you also, you going “I’m not trying to be mean” doesn’t erase how weird this ask is. Sounds like you have your own gripes that you need to work through. Like, if you consider those traits on Stella ugly, that means you definitely have some internalized hatred for fatness, skin blemishes, scarring, and other peoples’ general appearances if they don’t fit some specific molds that aren’t realistic for the majority of people. Even if it is just genuine curiosity, being aware of this stuff going forwards and reevaluating how you view beauty standards and bodies in general would do you a great benefit imo.
Thanks for going through my old selfies tho it was pretty weird of you but at least make sure to leave a like on them. I looked hot when I was fatter and I look hot now too sharing this with the world is the least I can do💕✨💕✨
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
So I'm about to ask something that might be personal ? And it deals with some personal baggage that you as someone on the internet might not be interested in hearing about ^^' so you might not want to talk about it as is your right obv !! So uh feel free to tell me to fuck off, but, how did you know you weren't cis?
Ya see, I've been questioning my gender for a while now, and I can't really come up with an answer. I'm a lesbian, that's a pretty big part of my identity, I'm not overly feminine but not masc either, when people refer to me as female I feel super uncomfortable, but I ain't too bothered by some of my body parts, ive daydreamed about switching to they/them pronouns online or masculine pronouns in my native language.... But all of that wouldn't fit with what people might expect of me ? And I'm scared if I actually went through those changes people might think I'm performing a form of queerness I shouldn't be privy to. And the worst part about this is, most of my friends are queer, non binary, trans... Wouldn't they think I'm trying to copy them ? Even though ive had those thoughts long before we met ?
Kinda feel like I'm stuck, and I don't know how to be myself, because myself might not align with how i act or how i seem to be on the outside. idk if you feel the same, but it's especially shitty living in a country with a heavily gendered language you can't escape adjectives forever lmaooo
listen to me. i am holding your face in my hands. nothing and i mean nothing you decide in regards to your gender and/or sexuality will ever be anyone's business but your own. the idea that you can "appropriate" someone else's experience with queerness is a gross bastardization of the discussion on CULTURAL appropriation, which is a false analogy and can devolve into gender essentialism fast.
you have no idea how many trans people (gay people too, but especially trans people) locked themselves in the closet because of that same feeling. of "not beeing privy to those experiences", especially for trans women. i promise, as long as you stop at establishing what a certain label means TO YOU and don't try to decide what it means for other people, then you will never hurt anyone. anyone who says otherwise is a cop.
there are trans men out there who lived as cis lesbians for a very long time, and because that was such a big part of their life, they still think of themselves as such, at least in part. for some it's out of kinship. for some it's out of genuine attachment to the word. same thing with gay men who grew on to become trans women. and trans people in general who still carry their younger selves right by their heart. genderqueers who ended up being cis after all, but who still feel like that period of exploration was crucial in shaping their identity. butch and femme alone, while particularly dear as lesbian identities, encompass all genders and sexualities. wanna know something funny? i throw terms around a lot in english, but if you asked me in italian what my gender identity is, i would say "bisexual". because almost every person in my life who's ever called me bisexual actually meant "nonbinary", or "whatever weird thing those transgendereds got going on lately" (some of them probably meant intersex as well, which just for the record i am not. as far as i know, at least). is it an outdated definition? sure. but unlike the literal italian word for nonbinary, bisexual is actually a neutral noun lol. and after all, my experience with gender does inform my sexuality, just as my sexuality informs my experience with gender. it's not wrong, technically. but if someone somehow assumes I'm a lesbian (which happens a lot lol) i don't usually correct them i just... go with it too, y'know?
anyway, what it sounds like to me is that you're obviously going through a period of questioning your gender and or presentation, which you took notice of, but you also feel some kind of peer pressure or societal expectation from other queer people that is denying you a safe, healthy form of self expression in this new period of your life that you obviously wish for yourself. please, try not to pay it too much mind. try out whatever label or description calls to you. change it without notice if you find something better. and if anyone gives you trouble for it, eat them. good luck buddy.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by ehxsnos
First lets get the basics out of the way...
What's your name? Robyn.
How old are you? 22.
Where are you from? Philippines.
What color are your eyes and hair? Eyes are dark brown, hair is black.
When were you born? April 21.
Now for the fun stuff!
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed. Some people can fall asleep with their closet doors open (and this is a thing in the first place??)? I could imagine that would irritate me to death, and I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep until I got up and closed it.
How many people have you slept with this week? Zero.
What size is your bed? Just a twin size. It’s all I need for now.
What do you drink with dinner? Cold water, always. We also usually have other drinks served at the dinner table - Coke, buko juice, and iced tea - but I never drink anything else.
What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Barbecue sauce.
Last person you kissed/kissed you? You know who it was, I don’t feel like continuing to mention them on surveys as often as I used to any more.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Two for the Road, The Proposal, and Toy Story.
What is your usual bedtime? From Monday to Friday I’m usually passed out anytime between 10 PM–12 AM. It’s a different story on weekends; revenge bedtime procrastination is my thing now, so I go to bed anywhere from 2–5 AM.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? I always had different outfits on per year, but they were always the generic ones that we could buy costumes of at the mall – pirate, Tinkerbell, mermaid, etc. I didn’t start getting resourceful and/or witty with my Halloween choices until I was about 14 or 15 when I first went as AJ Lee.
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? February last year when I had my grad photo taken.
Take a vitamin daily? I am guilty of skipping my vitamins lol.
What do you wear to bed? I answer this all the tiiiiiime but I like wearing super-thin clothes so it’d feel airy while I sleep. I don’t exactly live in the chilliest country in the world.
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Can’t relate.
Ever have plastic surgery? No.
Do you want kids? I would love to have kids, yeah.
Where did your last kiss take place? Outside of that person’s car, just right before they got inside.
Four words to explain why you last threw up? I had a fever coming in and was starting to feel nauseous.
Last thing you ate? Adobo.
Do you get your nails done? Nope.
When did your last relationship end? September.
So tell us, what room ARE you in? I’m in my bedroom.
How many stories does your home have? Three if you count the rooftop.
Do you own headphones? No. The one I have in my room is my dad’s; he just lets me borrow it.
Have you ever...
Gotten a Brazillian wax? No, never tried having that yet. Being waxed looks like it hurts, so I’ve stayed away from it to this day lol.
Gotten so drunk you couldn’t remember wtf you did? Only a handful of times as I try not to get to that point, but yes, it’s happened before.
Been called a bitch? Sure.
Slut? No.
Pierced anything? I have a couple of piercings, but nothing I pierced myself.
Had a tattoo? Not yet.
Smoked a cigarette? Yes, but I actively try to make it a point not to form it into a habit.
Smoked weed? Nope.
Missed someone so bad you couldn’t eat or sleep? Sure, this has happened back when I still felt this way about the person. 
Worked out at a gym? No, never at a gym. I’d feel too self-conscious to get a gym membership altogether haha. In the brief time I worked out, I only did it at home. 
Snuck out of the house? No. With my parents, it’s much safer to ask permission than attempt to be sneaky since they always say yes anyway.
What’s the nearest furry object? That would be Kimi.
Is the room you are in messy? I would say it’s messy in my mom’s eyes but relatively neater than the average bedroom I would see at my friends’s and relatives’ houses. My mom just has ridiculous sky-high expectations when it comes to neatness and I’ve stopped bothering to meet them years ago.
What is the single largest item in your house? Either the living room couch or my parents’ bed, not sure which would ultimately take up more space.
When did you first become interested in sex? I mean I remember starting to explore porn when I was maybe 13 or 14, so those ages would be safe guesses.
How much money did you spend today? Zero and I plan on making it remain at zero. Payday is taking so long though :((((
What is the biggest amount of money you have ever had at one time? I think I had to hold around ₱7,000 in bills at one point in high school when my mom asked me to pay for something tuition-related.
What kind of cell phone do you have? iPhone 8. It sounds more and more ancient with each year that passes lmaooo.
Have you ever been under anesthesia? Never, and I hope I never have to? I’m scared of the things that could come out of my mouth.
Which Disney parks have you been to? None of them.
What does your bed comforter look like? Blue.
When did you last cry? Yesterday, from watching an emotional clip.
When is the last time you took medicine? Start of June.
What was the medicine for? It was to treat my UTI. I was already feeling so much better by the time I had to take that last pill, but I was instructed to take it for a certain period of time so I was just following the schedule.
What kind of health insurance do you have? I’ve actually never tried looking into the specifics of it. I know health insurance is part of my job, but I don’t even fully understand insurance yet HAHA and the thought of it makes me anxious so I haven’t read too much into the kind of insurance I have and the inclusions I can avail from it.
What is your birth control method of choice? I don’t have a preferred one. I’ve only been with a girl, so I haven’t had the chance to explore methods I could gravitate towards.
How much do you spend on your parents for Christmas? Several thousands of pesos, usually.
If you were given $1k and had to use it on 1 purchase, what would you buy? Like, I was challenged to finish it off on one thing? I’d get an iPhone 12.
Have your parents ever caught you drinking? They never caught me drinking when I was not yet allowed to drink. Now that they know I do drink, there’s no ‘catching’ that happens; they don’t mind me downing a bottle of soju from time to time.
Have you ever crawled through a window? I may have as a kid.
What do you spend most of your money on? Food delivery, heh. :)))))))) It’s my favorite way to spoil myself.
Is there a secret you've never told your parents? Yup.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? Yes. I’m definitely a photo hoarder regardless of the person, so she’s not an isolated case; I also still have photos of people who aren’t in my life anymore, like Athenna and Sofie. I just don’t look at photos of me and Gab anymore, but they are definitely still around. Deleting them would be like deleting the last six years of my life and that sounds a little unfair.
Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Someone spread a rumor that I was bi and dating Andi back in 6th grade but I wouldn’t call that nasty.
How many rooms does your house have? It originally had three, but we had the balcony renovated into another bedroom, for my brother; so now we technically have four.
Would you sex tape with you in it for 3 million dollars? As long as I felt safe in the environment and with the person/people, sure.
Are you happier single or in a relationship? There are different kinds of happiness you can get from either; I don’t believe this is something that should be compared.
Do you have curly hair? No.
What is a compliment you receive often? That I write well.
How tall are you?: 5′1″.
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when? Not sure, maybe one of my parents or one of my best friends.
What is the last thing you said aloud? “Already?” Cooper was nipping at my hoodie and he was able to destroy a part of the underside in like three minutes.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee.
What is one thing that can ALWAYS be found in your freezer? At least one type of frozen goods, like tocino or hotdogs.
How many pets do you own? Two.
How old will you be turning on your next birthday? I’ll be 23.
Last time you went out of town? January.
First thing you wash in the shower? My hair, then I work my way down.
What kind of shampoo & conditioner do you use? I use a Dove shampoo and a Pantene conditioner.
Do you own something from Hot Topic? No.
Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun? I don’t think so. We don’t have that here so there’s no reason for me to own anything from there.
How often do you hold hands with someone? Never. That’s a sensation I miss, for sure. But I’m fine – this is just my period talking HAHAHA
What was the most recent thing you bought? I got a Zinger from KFC because I was craving for fast food at 1 AM yesterday.
Could you ever forgive a cheater? Considering how stupid I can get when it comes to love, probably yes in certain situations.
Do you have Verizon? No.
Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? To a very, very tiny extent, especially compared to my siblings. I’m nowhere close to being a brat, though. 
Have you ever been pregnant? No.
What is your average cell phone bill? I’m on prepaid, so I load up my phone every week with a certain amount instead of paying for a consolidated bill every month.
How many piercings do you have? Two.
Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in? I turn it on only once I’ve gotten in.
Have you ever had stitches? Nope and I’m terrified of the thought. I hope I’ll never have to need any.
Do you think it’s right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced? Eugh, outdated question. Next.
Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? Coffee.
Do you have a wireless keyboard and mouse? No. I don’t use a mouse and my keyboard is already built into my laptop.
How many songs are on your iPod or MP3 player? I don’t regularly use either anymore.
Where did you get that shirt you're wearing? I’m pretty certain this is a hand-me-down from my mom.
What are your pet’s names? Kimi and Cooper.
Honestly, are you in love right now? Nope.
Honestly, what color is your underwear? Blue.
Honestly, do you think you are attractive? Some days.
Honestly, do your wrists hurt? Haha no, but my back and shoulders do.
Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now? Sure.
What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant? Continued from this morning. Figure out a way to tell my parents without getting hit.
Was there anyone who "made your day"? Today? Not really.
Are you vegeterian? Nope.
How many windows are open in your computer? Two of Chrome, one of Spotify.
Do you read Perez Hilton? Ew, no. Does that guy still do stuff???
Is there a baby in the room with you right now? No.
Do you plan on moving within the next year? It’s nice to daydream about but likely not gonna happen.
Have you been to a baby shower? No.
What brand is your computer? Apple.
How many cars can fit in your driveway? 4-5 if we really want to make the most out of the available space, but at present it only has 2.
Are you taller than your mom? Nah. Everyone thought I would be, but then I just stopped growing. I am now the shortest member in the family hahaha.
Are you a cuddler? Only with significant others. I would feel uncomfortable if a non-SO cuddled me as I am not a touchy person to begin with, except when it comes to hugs.
Sleep on your back or stomach? Stomach. I could never sleep on my back; I feel too exposed.
Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? I always close the bathroom doors. Kimi has the tendency to pee on the bathroom floor so I make sure he doesn’t follow me in there.
Do you dress for style or comfort? More for style. I do take comfort into account, but looking nice and feeling confident in my outfit honestly takes precedence for me.
Think of the last time you were angry. Why were you angry? 15,000 cases today.
Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? Yeah. It would even be a bit of a relief, honestly, because it means less pressure for me to have sex to please my partner.
Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry? Yes, both happy and sad tears.
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? It depends on the person, I guess. Some can handle breakups well, and I’m not one of them.
How long has it been since you had sex? It would be 7 months this April.
Who was the last person to call you babe? My ex probably.
Last reason you went to the ER? I’ve never been to.
Were you a planned pregnancy for your parents? Yeah. They were having trouble conceiving at first, but my mom eventually found out she was pregnant with me on her 27th birthday.
How old was your mom when she gave birth to you? ^ 27.
Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Yes, many times.
When was the last time you shaved your legs? A couple of weeks ago. I’ve been meaning to shave again but I’ve just been sooooooo lazy.
What facial cleanser do you use? I don’t use any products on my skin.
Do you use a blowdryer? Nope.
How many purses do you own?: 3 – I now have more than one! Haha. A month ago I had to buy bayongs from this small business for these PR kits we needed to send out and they included a couple of purses as freebies. Since we’re all working from home, I got to keep them since I was the one who placed the order heheh.
What are your top five favorite stores to shop for clothes? I really just stop by stalls of small businesses I see at the mall and see what trendy pieces I can get from them.
What kind of clothes do you mostly wear? I like halter and tank tops, paired with denim jeans.
What about shoes? Sneakers. You’ll rarely see me wearing anything else.
Have you ever cheated on the significant other that you have now?
For that one week a month, do you hate being a woman? I’ll feel icky about it every now and then, especially if my flow happens to be heavy; but for the most part I don’t have any complaints. I think bleeding out every month is actually kind of fucking hardcore.
What are your first thoughts when your visitor visits? Be relieved. I’ve never had irregularity issues with my period, so every time it comes it usually serves as a reassurance that there continues to be no problem.
Favorite underwear brand? Don’t have any.
Last thing you bought at the mall? Three new pods for my vape.
Do your parents like your boyfriend/girlfriend?
What color are your pillows? They’re the same style as my current bedsheet, so they’re also blue.
What if an ex asked to be back in your life? I think it would be nice if we would at least have lunch somewhere to catch up, then ask her what led her to that point.
Don’t you just love DVR? We didn’t use it often.
If you're on a laptop, how much charge does it have left? 93%.
Last gift you recieved? I got lunch from Bea after our virtual event with the media for one of our clients. Later that day, Kata also had banana bread delivered to my place :)
Lesson you recently learned? What to do when my candle starts tunneling, which I had looked up literally no more than 5 minutes ago because it started happening to my scented candle :(
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