#this is the boruto theyre hiding from us
conways · 2 years
my agenda is bi she/he/they nonbinary sasuke with a side of being married to naruto who is trans bi. thank you happy birthday sasuke
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sweetlunars · 2 years
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@resolutepath​ / @fightingdreamcrs​ said:  plots please [ either this blog or fightingdreamcrs! ]
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guh bruh, hand over ur bnha squad this instant, i have a mikumo with ur name on him (its on his forehead, shhhh dont tell him)
any slice of life interaction between mikumo and our lil class 1-A friends pls i beg of u 
mikumo and kiri being bros, mikumo and bakugou being mortal enemies, mikumo and jirou jammin’ out to banger music together, mikumo and AIZAWA with that student-teacher dynamic!!! sobs....
side note: mikumo’s up for adoption, sir ;))))) mikumo WILL steal his capture scarf for practicing purposes do not test him he WILL do it
@ ur nart mumu, 👀 @ kakashi, nardo, iruka, the naras....
i offer menma to u like a golden trophy.... menma @ kakashi would be interesting since menma’s very skeptical @ adults, and he’d be super sus abt kakashi and his sensei-student relationship with naruto like if kakashi tried to interact with him, he’d be like super off-putting and weird abt it like “sorry sir i think i feel naruto needing me sorry i have to go bye sorry bye” (hides face and leaves immediately) BUT LIKE, we can defs try and build on that too- like kakashi having a connection w minato and yet only one of his sons? thats smthng to work on right?? maybe kakashi tries to connect wiht menma too but its like pulling teeth yo
then ofc the nardo... das his bro cmon *gestures vaguely at them* CMON.... ;))) brother times... all the times... BROTHER TIMES...
IRUKA!!!  THATD BE INTERESTING bc initially i was thinking menma is just imprinted on iruka right, but then i think abt how iruka didnt like naruto at first either but he warmed up to him right?? well menma is super resent and remember, like he will take his hate and resentment to his grave ok, so even if iruka wasnt like, MEAN, menma remembers everything but mmm well, iruka would probably be the exception to that ngl now that im thinking abt it... mmm maybe something post-naruto and menma passing the exams where they get everything out in the open????? i DO think menma does end up imprinting on iruka when he’s tiny anyway despite any hard feelings he might have just bc iruka’s like the first and only adult who’s ever not tried to hurt / be mean to them when he didn’t have to ykno???
twirls hair... lmao so menma has some kids in boruto era.... granted, theyre both 16 and in two different verses (as per ship verse theyre from oops) but uhhh ;)))) 
i think any nephew/niece and uncle nartdo interaction would be fun, as well as some sort of mentorship-type thing between thm and shikamaru perhaps??? even applicable to kakashi or iruka!! anything rlly!! 
and takeo @ shikadai, bc he’s sarada’s brother in his verse so connection w the kids perhaps?!?! maybe even used to be a babysitter when he was younger??? WHO KNOWS!!!! THE WORLD IS OURS?!?!?! (also applicable to any other muses u think would be fun to work with?!?! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪)
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eludum-a · 7 years
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(scheduled to post this around noon on thursday my time.)
as we head into this (american) thanksgiving, a lot of us are gonna be dealing with some Grade A Bullshit: retail work, bigoted relatives, etc. i wasn’t actually gonna do this originally, but then i realized what holiday was coming up right around the time of my blogiversary and i was like... welp. alright. guess we’re doing this then. things lined up too perfectly NOT to, and things can be kinda shitty for people around this time of year, so let’s put a little positivity back into the community! or something like that.
(yes i realize some of the people here are not american. no reason to deny my love tho.)
anyway, onto the callouts!
@ultimatetalentless have i talked about how much i love sin’s hinut lately? his and nanami’s friendship/rivalry (and his and chibot’s unresolved romantic tension) is so much fun to write and it’s so great having an Angst Partner to shoot terrible ideas at. on top of that i love talking to sin out of character and sharing some of the things we come across that remind each other of our muses. 
@mideoku​ julie followed me and the following day, snakes started manifesting physically in my house. i get no peace from them. they follow me home every day and beat me down with a two by four while yelling down with cis. but if we’re being real here julie’s shitposting lights up my dashboard every day for better or worse and theyre actually a really cool person. we’ll fight in pokemon when u catch up to me binch
@steinways​ sarah’s one of my oldest mutuals from all the way back when she just had her mahiru and i?? love sarah?? she’s such a sweetheart and all of her characterizations are so absolutely stellar. 10/10 would sarah again and also she made my theme so. yknow. amazing all around
@ongakuvoices rio’s a special brilliant soul w so much love for their muses and it shows in everything they write... i adore both their ibuki and their nagisa to pieces!! i know theyre gonna go places in life and ill be over here cheering them on from the sidelines, probably holding up some signs with memes on them
@jrco-disd actually i hate seth. nevermind. i’m not doing this
@nullverum​ boss was like one of the first ndrv3 blogs i interacted with long before the game had its official english release. i remember i made a post a while before saying that i thought ouma/nami would be a strange but cute brotp and hell! i was absolutely right in every way. its even funnier upon finding out ou/ma kind of plays the na/nami role just as much as the ko/maeda role in actuality (he’s gotta do both since a CERTAIN SOMEONE gets fridged at the beginning), so they’re surprisingly good (bad, actually) for each other. 
@ayatsurii sparkle’s peko is great ok? best sword girlfriend, would shower her in love and affection and cute things. nanami apparently has a thing for taller, stoic individuals with red eyes who could kick her ass one-handed. (don’t we all tho??) ahem. anyway. would recommend sparkle’s pekpek.
@kibouzuru i know we were mutuals for a while before i got involved with truth syndicate stuff? i feel silly not having interacted with u before because i rly should have. im really glad i got a chance to bc u and ur egg are cool (well, naegi’s a total dork) and now i can have nanami tease leggy and eggy about their relationship. she’s gotta get back at hinata for all those years of short jokes somehow, too bad naegi’s just collateral
@hikaup i remember i was on the lookout for pokemon blogs a while back and i stumbled across ur blog and was like... what the heck, this hikari seems way too cool... and wow!! i was totally right!! i love ur portrayal so much it’s such good shit and chiaki and hikari already have such a good dynamic. i hope chiaki gets to do Spooky Shit with hikari someday (and maybe even hold hands???? lets not get ahead of ourselves here) btw i get whiplash from how often u put out amazing themes
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and yes, im gonna be at your basketball game tomorrow. stop telling me about it
@cantalazarus u know how i feel about u. ur smart and funny and talented and ur take on ur muses is So Good and 
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@malchancevilain​ watchy is another one of my oldest mutuals and its always great to see their togami on my dash! we’ve been in a few group verses together now and i love seeing how he handles different situations (always with a great degree of salt) and just hanging out ooc! also: greg grimaldis wherever you are you better believe im getting those fifteen dollars back *mic drop*
@seineijashu​ oh.
hey nerd. we havent rly spoken much in a while but im still out here 100% in ur corner and i love everything u do. i know i dont know like anything about Boruto’s Dad like i said (im more a hunter x hunter guy myself,,,) but even if roleplaying opportunities are scarce im still totally down to talk like any time. now if only our time zones would line up. ps theres a secret message hidden here did you see it
@hopefromtheordinary​ it’s so great to see you back in the dr rpc! i loved your komaeda and your kamukura way back when. i love the twin shenanigans you and sin get up to (serious or crack) and i really can’t wait to get more chibot/kamukura stuff going! im excited i hope ur excited too
@gamblingqueen ANOTHER person i’m so glad to see back over here!! u were one of the first people to rly plot with me to any extent ooc and i am very excited to get right back into it! chiaki and celes are such an odd pair, but it’s wonderful to see them interact after they’ve both been brought so low. im over here rubbing my hands together at the speed of light in anticipation
@mxssias if naegi tries to get nanami to watch sword art online with him one more time shes gonna kill him and hide the body in the reserve course grounds. ahem. anyway. alex you’re such a little shit but you’re funny and i love your egg boy even if he’s constantly getting himself into trouble and sacrificing himself like he doesnt have anything better to do. get that boy a better hobby? thanks
and sorry if i forgot anybody! doing these is kind of exhausting for me and i might have gotten a little lazy, but i tried to hit most of the people i’ve been in contact with ooc at least a bit (who have been active within the past week or so).
@jrco-disd ok fine fuck you. seth was one of the first people in the fandom to reach out to me and even if he’s often belligerent at me for no good reason (ok, fine, maybe i deserve it) i still really appreciate his friendship and am glad that we can exchange shitty sonic memes with each other. the day we get that sonic forces monster factory is the day we both can die happy, probably after strangling each other
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