#this is the thing that sunna would not let me finish writing
jjafterdark · 5 months
Dragon / Human NSFW
I had two hearts but the second one hasn’t worked for centuries. The scar over the top of it is gone, my skin shed many times over, but there’s a spearhead in there somewhere, rattling around with the other ghosts. I still haven’t seen all of the knight from last month. That’s what happens when you swallow plate armor. You have to count out all the pieces and wait. 
More knights will come, but hopefully not in metal. Leather sits easier on the stomach.
“Again,” she says, and I cover her in a blanket of unmarked scales. Somehow she finds it anyway—the place where my second heart used to beat. I tire more easily without it, flying is harder, but when she covers it with her palm I swear I can feel it trembling. 
Rocking slit to slit with her, you would never know how much of me she can hold. It looks like nothing from the outside, just two slippery seams glistening wetly together, but there's a tiny flash of pink on the back tilt, when her hips angle slightly away. You can see me nestled in there if you look closely, because she has taken everything.
The knights call her their princess. They promise to protect her, to save her. 
“Yes, of course they do,” she answers, throwing her arm over her head and drawing me deeper. “They always want to save us from our desire.”
When I spill into her, you can’t see that from the outside, either. I have her plugged like a bottle of sweet honey wine, my knot swollen and covetous. Her fingers tighten along the hinge of my jaw and she pulls our foreheads together, shuddering and arching and still trying to take more, even as I flood her.
The knights call her their princess, but she can’t be that. Princesses don’t rule anything and she rules all of me.
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pillowspace · 2 months
Hello! I know i'm a bit late now but i just caught up on Celestial Sundown and I love your writing! I was looking through the tag and saw the ask you answered about probably not continuing it but willing to answer questions. If you still plan on not finishing it could you share what you had planned for it? Specifically i'm curious about what eclipse was going to do (or at least what they planned on doing) with y/n in the next chapter, but if you feel like sharing what you had planned for the rest of the story I would love to hear that too!
Weather you answer this or not i hope you have a great day/night!
It's a bit hard to gather all the memories considering I lost my file with my plans in it when I switched phones (eh idc, it was all messy anyway), but let me think ummm!
Eclipse was going to drag Y/N off... they'd carry them towards Sun's general direction because Y/N's struggling to walk, but then eventually Eclipse would also start struggling to walk as they would get all goopy and just generally Unwell. So Eclipse would sit Y/N down somewhere by the trees and they'd talk. Ah-! Notably, I believe there wassss... a scene where Y/N asks if Eclipse is talking about "Sun," though by just simply asking "Sun?". Because Sunna (Eclipse's sun half) also technically went by the name Sun, Eclipse would sort of freeze up and Stare, before Y/N elaborates on what they're asking and Eclipse gets a little bitter to learn that the god of Day would go by the name "Sun" of all names. It feels a tad bit disrespectful, even if the children are the ones who nicknamed them that.
After a bit of tense conversation, they'd move on to walking again, and I think Sun was meant to find them. Things don't really work out for Eclipse due to the fact that Eclipse is currently more injured than Sun is, so in a last ditch effort, Eclipse brings Y/N to the Celestial Realm, which of course freaks Y/N out the second they realize what's happening. It wouldn't be exploratory though, only brief, as they would end up appearing in a dark room within the castle Eclipse resides in. Something about the air would feel different though, wrong. Eclipse would leave Y/N there to go recover or get something for them, whichever it was. Thennn... Vanny/Vanessa/whatever would have appeared, telling Y/N that they're not supposed to be here yet, they'd talk a tiny bit, and then she would send Y/N back home? Sorry, I don't remember much of the specifics of that conversation?? Upon appearing back home, Y/N would then feel nauseous and somehow deeply Wrong, like briefly being outside of their own realm then returning suddenly made them realize just how much it feels like the air is outright rejecting them. But that the Celestial Realm also didn't feel much better either. Y/N doesn't have much time to think about it before Sun is there at their side. From there, Sun would work on treating them for the next few days, in a bit of a mirror to how Y/N had treated Sun at one point. I... cannot recall if Y/N also grew sick or if it was just the injuries.
Oh! Right! During the conversation with Eclipse, I believe Eclipse mentioned the fact that um... gosh, I don't know, um um um. Either that they had intended to kill Sun, that Sun was injured enough that he would have died had Y/N not meddled with it, or that Eclipse would have returned after having woken up to deal a killing blow if again Y/N hadn't treated him. SOMETHING along the lines of "Sun would be dead if it weren't for you." Y/N would eventually bring this up to Sun after mostly recovering, and it would sort of unintentionally burst any wiggle room Sun had in physically being able to pretend that he had a normal debt and not a life debt. I've mentioned this once, but there's a very big difference between a debt and a life debt. If you have a life debt, the person involved sort of... Owns you. They can demand anything of you, and you wouldn't be able to refuse. A life debt is also extremely hard to get rid of. It's seen in Celestial Realm's cultures that having a life debt with a human is very bad and leads to gods being forced into their lowliest position, like a pet on a leash that can be demanded to do anything practically. Sun panics the moment they lose their little shield of "well I COULD have lived without you...!" Even if the two of them want to trust each other, they don't trust each other ENOUGH for a life debt to not cause Sun fear. Upon realizing why Sun is suddenly so freaked out, Y/N quickly reshapes their speech habits to not have any commanding language. Over the next little while, Y/N would build trust up with Sun again and assure him again and again that they would never demand anything of him, and that this life debt hasn't changed anything for them. They didn't want anything before, and they don't want anything now. No matter how easy it would be.
That's less just NEXT chapter, and more what the next few chapters would've probably been. Of course, there was way more plans for the general storyline, but I... I wouldn't really know where to begin with all that without a specific question, and this answer's gotten long enough already.
You have a great day/night too!!!
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sakurachoi2096 · 6 years
What is Love? [ Chapter 7 ]
Title: What is love?  Chapt 1 | Chapt 2 |  Chapt 3 | Chapt 4 |  Chapt 5 | Chapt 6
Genre: Fluff | Angst | Smut
Characters: Im Jaebum | Got7 | Reader
Warning/s: swearing
Summary: Jaebum was your childhood friend. Both of you had a beautiful, strong bond. Like sister and brother after all your families practically saw each other every day. However, he entered in JYP to be a trainee and you was preparing for medical school. Since then both were only able to talk trough kakao talk, after a few years once he was stable as an Idol and you as Doctor, you guys decided that it was finally time to meet again. Having no idea what was about to come next.
Author: Sakura Choi (me)
A/N: I dont know, I will probably delete this one and write again
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New house, new furniture, new life; everything was set. Thankfully with Jaebum’s help you bought everything you needed and wanted, the only thing left was to clean the house a little bit and get things ready to Saturday little welcoming party. Friday night you started making sandwiches, jello shots, you tried to make some homemade pizzas for the next day, you put one in the oven to try it and they turned out delicious; ‘’should I make some side dishes?’’ you murmured, you were not used to this kind of things so you decided to make then, because at the end you would have a little of everything and no one would not enjoy it, kind of thing. You grabbed two of the few pizzas you make and went to the boys dorm to give to them, it was kind of late but you realized they were not the type to sleep early because of their crazy schedule, so one of them had to be awake. Knocking the door, Jackson opened greeting with happiness
‘’Sunna~ sorry to bother but I made some homemade pizzas and I brought two pizzas, you can put in the oven for like 30/45 min in 150 degrees and ready~’’
‘’What?! Really? Then come on in lets eat together Y/A’’
‘’Nono I already ate one besides is too late I just came to give you guys this~’’
‘’but wait, no they are all awake’’
You smiled and started to leaving hurried ‘’If I stay I will stay too long so, not today see you Sunna~’’ you left leaving Jackson with his jaw open, he didn’t expect you to be so blunt.
‘’Hyung who was it ? you bought pizza?’’ said Yugyeom
‘’No, it was Y/A! She made those pizzas and she came to bring some for us’’
‘’She made them ? Wow, she is really impressive but she didn’t stay to eat with us ?’’
‘’Yeah why didn’t stay ?’’ said Jaebum in the back kind of upset and you could see it because of his jaw
‘’Not sure, maybe she is busy she said that if she stayed she would be here for too long besides is late kind of’’ Jackson laughed ‘’can we eat, this is making me hungry’’
Next day came through like a blink; your body was aching from making all the food for this party you were going to have. A few friends already confirmed that they were coming; you had little friends but good one. You preferred to be around few people than a lot of fake people trying to get advantage of you. The only thing that was left was to organize the garden for the party. The day went by quickly and it was time to get ready, a good cold shower was much needed; ‘’what should I wear?’’ you murmured. Since the night was kind of hot you decided to wear a light pink dress with cross straps it was not that revealing but it certainly had a sexy vibe to it, a base nude makeup w and chunky black heels. It was perfect. Within a few minutes later people started to arrive, you friends from college were the first ones, they brought you presents for the new house and talked to you for a bit after the boys with Jaebum arrived, and your other friend just went to the garden to talk.
‘’Whoa! Y/N Nonna? Is that you?’’ Said Bambam, the boys after hearing that immediately entered in the house to look what Bambam was so excited about, their Jaws dropped looking at you; it was the first time they looking at you kind of dressed up and with so much skin revealing;
You laughed ‘’What? Its not that much’’
‘’Its not that much ? Man, you look like a snack’’ Said Jackson laughing his ass off, Jaebum glanced over Jackson and he stopped
‘’thanks I guess’’ you said shyly
’’Aren’t you revealing a little bit too much? Why don’t you go change?’’ said Jaebum in an angry tone
‘’Excuse me? What is wrong with you Jae?’’
‘’Well if you want to look like a hoe I don’t care do the fuck you want’’ he left angrily to the garden and immediately grabbed a bear to him, you looked at him in shock with his words and looked at the boys who were just like you in shock, you started tearing up a little bit but you shake it off, it was the night of celebration for your new house you didn’t had time to play around with Jaebum bullshit
‘’What the fuck is wrong with him? Did I made a mistake or something, he never said something like that to me before ? I feel really angry but I will let it pass because I have another guests here and another coming’’ you said really fast, angrily, sad
‘’Y/A-ah don’t cry and don’t be like that, we will talk to him. Don’t worry too much about it and just have fun okay?’’ said Mark
‘’I feel bad for you for him saying those things but don’t let that bring you down ok?’’ said Jinyoung
‘’Jinyoung Oppa, Markie thank you’’ you said sighing heavily ‘’Well you guys can come inside, there is bear, jello shots, sandwiches, sides dishes, pizza and if you want the bathroom is down the stairs’’ you finished forcing a smile. However, you heard someone calling you from outside the house since the door was half open, the boys went in and you went to see who was calling you. Jooheon, was in front of the gate with a bouquet of flowers and other presents.
‘’Yo mam~ I am here’’ he said cheerfully making all the other things that just happen disappear, you laughed as you opened the gate
In between giggles ‘’Stop talking like that Jooheon-ah also those are for me?’’
‘’Of course~ and OH MY GOD you look stunning’’ he gave you a slight kiss on your cheeks
‘’Stop! I have people here!!’’ you said nervously, making his smile even more big
Jooheon made his entrance in the house and you went to present him to the boys, you could notice that they were not please with Jooheon and especially Jaebum, who had his face completely red plus few drinks he already that. They saw you being a lot more friendly with Jooheon and more smiley than with them, and since you were upset with what Jaebum did earlier you were not hanging around them too much, but their glance towards you and Jooheon was intense and you were unable to even look at them, you knew if you looked you lose whatever game they were trying to play. Whatever, you wanted to enjoy.
A few hours later your friends from college left, you went with Jooheon over to the front door to say goodbye to them. However, Jooheon back hugged while you both waved to them you felt is was like he was trying to say to the ones left that were looking at you both in the entire party ‘’this is mine’’, you quickly left from Jooheon arms and give the look, only making him smile and make the ‘’it not my fault kind of pose’’, you glanced over to the garden and the boys definitely saw what just happened, and they went inside the house.
‘’Nonna we are leaving too, we have something to film tomorrow~’’ said Yugyeom
’’Thank you for having us and for everything’’ said Youngjae
‘’No problem, I hope you liked the pizza of last night we didn’t talk much today Sunshine’’
‘’Oh man they were incredible, you have to make more! Do you know how to make doughnuts too?’’
‘’Of course, just tell me when you want I will make~’’
‘’it’s a promise’’ Youngjae laughs ‘’We are leaving now~’’ they slowly started to leaving but then suddenly Jaebum stops
‘’Jooheon, right? Arent you leaving too?’’ Jaebum said with a cold expression
‘’I am but later’’ Jooheon said standing in front of you, you pushed Jooheon back from where he was
‘’He is going to help me clean everything, you should go now Jae’’
‘’I am talking to him not you Y/A’’ the boys heard Jaebum talking and come over inside again
‘’Look you already had a few drink and have things to do tomorrow ok? I am trying to not make a scene, so can you just please’’
‘’Please what ? you want me to leave ? me? Are fucking kidding me Y/A, I didn’t know you were like this, what a filthy-‘’
‘’FILTHY WHAT ? ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND?’’ you stoped for a moment to lower you voice since you startled everyone ‘’So you are just come inside my house and insult me ? this is the second time Jaebum I am not having your fucking bullshit you fucking jerk’’ the boys got scared with you reaction, Jooheon who never saw you like this was also susprised, he trieded holding you hand to calm you
‘’Why the fuck are you holding his hand?’’ Jaebum said making his voice louder
‘’Dude we are dating what is wrong with you? Can you please just leave like she said ?’’ said Jooheon
Everyone looked at you surprised ‘’We are just seeing how everything goes but-‘’ However before you could even finish your sentence Jaebum stormed out of your house directly to his dorm, the boys bowed to you quickly and followed Jaebum, you felt horrible, what was wrong with him
‘’Jooheon you better go home, I will clean this alone’’ you said forcing a smile ‘’I am sorry you had to see this, I don’t know what got into him today’’
‘’Are you sure you want me to leave? I can stay if you want’’ he said in a serious tone to you
‘’Yeah I am sure, I am going to call you tomorrow’’ you gave him a kiss on the cheeks since you felt bad for what just happened, but you were not going to leave things like that. As soon as Jooheon left, you went to change to some comfy clothes grabbed your phone, car and house keys. You left your house and went directly to the dorm, since you knew Jaebum he had never talked to you like that or even disrespected you in any way, every step you made closes to the dorm your heart was beating faster. You knock on the door and Youngjae opened, you passed through him; excusing yourself and seeing Jaebum siting on the leaving room with the boys. At this point, you didn’t care that they were looking, but you had to make things clear, when he saw you his eyes opened for a moment surprised with your presence but his expression was cold despite it
‘’In my 25 years of life NO ONE has ever said such things about me and the worst part was that my best friend for the entire life thinks like that’’ your eye sand face started getting red
‘’Y/A I am sorry I was a little drunk’’ he said standing up to go near you
‘’don’t you fucking dare to come near me, I was happy today I wanted to introduce Jooheon to you because oh my fucking stupid ass thought it was a good idea, you better than anyone know that I never had this kind of relationship with anyone’’ you were holding your tear, as everyone looked at you surprised ‘’besides since you entered in the fucking house you insulted me, who do you think I am Im Jaebum ?’’
‘’It was not my intention Y/A, I am an idiot … please, I never saw you like this before’’ he said still expressionless
‘’Whatever man, the shit is already done if you want you can go to you mother house tomorrow alone’’ you look at the boys who had their jaws open ‘’I am sorry for making a scene have a good night I already said everything I had to say’’ you gave you back to Jaebum and started leaving, but he grabbed your arm; he wanted to say something but just stood there looking at your eyes, you knew he was feeling sorry, you knew that he knew that he fucked up, he knew. However, besides saying anything he just stood there. You pushed your arm back, and left.
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