#this is what happens when you have a dedicated writers room full of experienced pros who love their material
android-and-ale · 8 months
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Watch it. Treat yourself. It's so damn good.
This is superb Character Driven Storytelling dressed up in a spacesuit. The writing is incredible.
If you're struggling with character motivations, this is a masterclass in taking a small, personal issue and spinning it up into an international incident one bad decision at a time. The plot is always personal.
For All Mankind also has some of the best female characters I've seen on TV. They get to be flawed yet relatable and compelling. The arcs for both Aleida and Margo Madison are fucking incredible. There are points where both women are totally unlikeable yet you are still rooting for them.
I'm reminded of Nana Visitor saying that when she first read the scripts for Kira all she could think was, "This is a man's character! They wrote her like a man!" And what a delight it was to play someone with that kind of depth.
Knowing that, it's no surprise that For All Mankind's creator and executive producer is Ron D. Moore, who wrote for Star Trek TNG and Deep Space Nine. The man loves his character driven space opera!
You want all the gay representation they couldn't overtly give you in DS9? For All Mankind has your back. You want complex issues with no single clean cut solution? Hoo boy are you in for a treat. You want character driven everything? OH GOD THE CHARACTERS! THEY ALL HAVE DEPTH!
Season 4 just wrapped up. This is a good time to sign up for 1 month of Apple TV+ and watch it all before canceling.
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