#this is why I can't get into the NT comic
theorahsart 1 month
Would you happen to be able to compile a list of all the evidence/mentioned traits you know of that point towards Robespierre having autism, possibly with some sources of said evidence? You have my deepest gratitude if you do happen to be so kind as to take the time to answer this ask.
Hello! I'm sorry for taking a while to answer this- it of course was the kind of ask that requires some time to write! I'm gonna break it up into two posts, I hope that's okay. I'll just @ you when I do the next part.
I feel like I should start with saying that I'm not an expert in history (feel like I have loads to learn tbh). But I am an expert in autism, as I'm autistic, and know the topic thoroughly from cultural/social/medical perspectives- several of my educational comics are used in training programs by doctors and diagnoticians. So, you can trust everything I say about autism in this post.
You probably can't trust everything I say about Robespierre though lol. Compared to some actual historians I've talked to here, I haven't developed the skills of being able to discern when the info I get in books can be fully trusted, and the more I study Frev the more evident it is that just because I've read smth in a book, doesn't mean it can be trusted as fact haha. I've read 3 different posts from different historians in the last year that've debunked several 'facts' presented to me in published books loool
But anyway! I still personally think Robespierre was autistic, and I'll lay out why in the 2nd post.
I think it would take me more free time than I have to list *all* the evidence I've come across, so it seems best to break down how you diagnose autism in modern day, and then put that in context to some examples.
So this first part is just explaining *one way* in which medical professionals break down autism and the traits. Then in the next post I'll explain how I've applied those to Robespierre specifically.
How we think about and diagnose autism from modern day pov
I wanna start by breaking down how diagnoticians think about Autism specifically.
Autism doesn't encompass a specific set of traits that every single person must have in order to be diagnosed, because autistic traits vary so much from person to person.
Instead, you break down a diagnosis into different areas of life in which someone might be struggling. How this is broken down can vary a little between tests, but it's generally split into these areas:
Social reciprocity (how sociable you are with others)
Non verbal comminication
Verbal communication
Maintaining relationships
Restrictive and Repetitive behaviour
Repetitive speech or movements (basically stimming)
Routines and change
Highly fixed/intense interests
Hyper or hypo reaction to sensory input
And then basically, if enough of these areas are having a significant impact on your life, you're dx'd as Autistic.
You can see when broken down in this way, that:
You can be doing fine in some of these areas, but still be dx'd if there's a lot of other areas listed you're struggling in.
A NT person will likely have some sort of trouble in one or two of the listed areas (because we all have strengths and weaknesses). That doesn't mean they're autistic.
An autism dx is concluded from two things- if you struggle in more of these areas than less. And if those struggles are significantly impacting your life.
Just to note, I'm only talking from a diagnosis pov here, which is wrapped up in cultural contexts and the reasons we decided to give this way of being a label. Theres lots of traits we can also break down that aren't based around what you find difficult.
You could be autistic and go your whole life not knowing or needing a diagnosis, if say, you lived a lifestyle where you could avoid people and situations that are making you suffer. Your autism might make you excel in life, depending on your life.
But just esp in modern day, many of us dont have that luxury.
I'm using this type of dx in the context of Robespierre because I believe he did have difficulties that impacted his life and career, and it's significant to me to compare his behaviour and health to other politicians working in the same stressful circumstances.
But yeah I'll write this in a second post. Thanks for your patience!! 馃檹
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goldenguillotines 2 years
馃棧 Akaiss + Lammek
"Well Well... i-s>nt thi-s> a nice treat. Little LamLam! It's been -s>()me time, ha-s>nt it?"
There it was.. that familiar voice. It made the hairs on the back of Lammeks neck stand on end... the fellow sea dweller was not a person who casually graced others with his presence. He valued his time as a currency.. and one that he had no intention on sharing so easily.
Even for his work life, the idol never worked with people he didn't deem worthy of his time or energy... the more he thought of it.. his brother was everything he never strived to replicate.
".... Akai-ss>."
His response was curt. Sharp. Perhaps to show how he was really feeling about his surprise drop in. The only thing separating them was a coffee table and a matching couch that the younger 'brother' sat on.. glancing up at his elder.. he couldn't help but furrow his brows more..
That fucking smile of his. He wanted to punch it right off his face.. and it was almost comical how the sea dweller laughed as his thoughts started.. his attention was casted down at the table.. not much sat on it..
Besides the chess game he had left unfinished from their previous encounters.. hilariously- Lammek hated chess. It was the only thing that could ever potentially bridge the gap between him and the older Ritouv. Yet it was only a cruel reminder the sheer obstacle this man was.
"()h .. y()ure being -s>() unkind.. all I wanted t() d() wa-s> dr()p in.. chat f()r a minute ()r tw()."
He casually started to make his way to thr front of the couch.. sliding his fingers across the back cushions, nails biting into the leather.. he moved carefully. Almost too precisely.. the bangles and jewelry clicking together..
"And give y()u a little update~ We left ()ur game ()ff ten-s>e la-s>t time... -s>() much drama ()ver -s>uch a -s>h()rt peri()d ()f time~"
He laughed, sitting down now on the empty couch.. reaching forward to pick up a piece off the board, twisting it between his fingers.. Lammek watched closely. Returning no words... and soon.. Akaiss moved the piece. Taking down a pawn on his side of the board with his own pawn.. smirking..
"Y()ur friend-s> are very.. intere-s>ting~"
He laughed, covering his mouth with the back of his hand..
"I d() have t() a-s>k.. why y()u hang ar()und.. -s>uch.. -s>trange thing-s>.. Y()u -s>eem.. s() bu-s>y a-s> ()f recent."
He moved his pieces for the younger heir... his eyebrow twitched in annoyance.. Making moves.. for himself?
The pawn he had lost sat to the side.. staring him down..
"Di-s>tracti()n-s> can get th()-s>e pe()ple hurt.. ykn()w? Have y()u checked up ()n any ()f them?"
Lammeks lip twitched,
"-S>ince when do you care about the people i con-s>ider friendly?"
That smile turned rancid.. it was like a monster staring him down. Ready to sink his teeth into him and tear him down... and Lammek felt some static and electricity crackle around him for a moment..
".. ()h.. y()u haven't heard? Hehehehe.."
The pieces began to move more.. more.. without Lammek touching the board. Eventually a bishop on his own side was taken off.. and Lammek couldn't follow the thought process of his movements..
Why was he doing this?
Yet Akaiss continued to smile.
"Maybe y()u -s>h()uld a-s>k y()ur friend-s> what they've been up t()... hasn't any ()f them been a l()t quieter? Hm?"
And the silence sat heavy around them... and he stood to his feet. Smiling.. reaching across to pat the top his head..
"Well.. h()w ab()ut y()u think ab()ut that hm? I'm s()rry I can't alway-s> -s>tay and chat.. but y()u kn()w what they say.. Early bird get-s> the w()rm~"
And with that.. Lammek silently watched Akaiss leave.. laughter echoing back at him.. as he felt himself begin to break out in a cold sweat.. ans his eyes landed on the pawn that had taken his own.. and the lonely white piece knocked over on its side..
When was the last time he had checked up on his friends?
He had people to speak with.. urgently.
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mutantmorphingpotions 6 years
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I've been rewatching the cultural Classic of 'Most Popular Girls in School' So I'm here to bring you 'Most Popular Vampires in Haunted Woods'
Vampires are terrible gossips (This is probably terribly exaggerated, but regardless you can never really be sure with vampires)
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rorickwolf 2 years
Just saw Multi-verse of Madness wanted to put down my thoughts.
Potential spoilers but I'll try to avoid them
Ugh America Chevez great a failed comic book character that was insufferable.
Strange a bit sinister and tries to take AC power interesting
Big fan of Strange, loved Christine sad that she moved on but completely understand, bit rude to invite him to the wedding though. He handled it well.
AC already annoying me.
Wong finally gets to show how kickass he is. All about that.
Oh Wanda!!! 馃槏馃グ馃槝
Oh Wanda. 馃槩馃槶
Oh Wanda!!
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Oooh they're actually letting her be a villain. None of that bullshit from Monica at the end of WandaVision?
why is there a minotaur? Is this something I missed from the Disney+ stuff?
America is still pretty annoying but not as bad as before, also no where near as bad as the comics.
wanda decimating kamartage (don't know how to spell it) nice you may be the villain but you're Still my fave with Steve gone.
use that reflection!
Coming out of the gong like the girl from the Ring, definitely love the horror themes.
Interesting world where the color pallet is switch the drab and grayscale are colorful and covered in plants. Fashion is fairly uniform and grayscale.
Mordo is a bitch, still, I'm okay with this.
oooooohh redder red head love interest movie you get me
Ultron bots? Wanda won't like that
cool handcuffs I want a set for totally not kinky reasons.
okay Black Bolt cool, didn't watch Inhumans but I have read a bit about the character.
Oh look they can change her race but Captain Marvel is still an insufferably smug c*nt. Thos character is just so unlikeable to so many people Disney just needs to cut their losses and scrap her. I'm okay with even being gaslighted that she was ever a part of the MCU
hey Mr. Fantastic! Didn't watch your movie because 19th reboot but I do like you John.
Hello Peggy, love you, not as much as I love Steve and although I wasn't a fan of him staying in the past I'am so happy you got your dance. And the Captain Carter angle is nice. I do know about that what if!
PROF. X IN THE 90S CARTOON CHAIR!!!!!!!! SIR PATRICK STEWART!!!!!! Was this in the trailers I didn't watch them for this specific reason this is amazing.
Oh Wanda, now I'm happy, sad, excited for a fight and scareroused.
Oh Wanda. That was a fantastic Villain line but how far you have fallen. Poor Susan
Black Bolt goes down a bit to easy but Wanda is just that powerful, was definitely freaky so it gets a pass.
Just made the stretch man into spaghetti. Brutal. Love it.
Ugh really. These two get an epic fight scene. This was so predictable, of course the men get put down like dogs and the women get to shine even though it makes no fucking sense. Carter should have been toast immediately and Captain Marvel wouldn't have lasted much longer.
God can't Peggy have her own thing without stealing everything from Steve? It's not a fucking homage or call back, let her be her own fucking character without giving her his lines! It doesn't fit her character at all. She wasn't the scrawny and sickly man living in the 30s and 40s looked down on everyone and getting the shit kicked out of him all the time for standing up for what was right before he had the body to back it up.
Captain Marvel isn't this strong, she can't put this kind of fight against Wanda. Just let her stay dead. The theater was happy when she died. And of course we can show the men blowing up their brains and being cut apart while screaming I agony but the women just get a pretty close up and an off camera crushing where the arm falls over to signify death. Where is the equality? a woman can die just as gruesomely as a man can.
Awww poor real Wanda trapped under the rubble from the building. My poor girl I know you won't but please save her Prof.
Oh shit that jump scare got me.
chase sequence with a limping and "bloodied" (oil) Wanda with perfect horror movie visuals? Fantastic!
Wanda2 is released by DarkholmWanda and first thought is about her children! Fantastic mother and I love her more.
I love Wong
you know AC hasn't actually been to bad, the scene from her memory was a bit too focused on the fact that she has two moms. I knew that she did and it's whatever but treat them like they were straight if you want it to be "normalized". A straightest of parents wouldn't have been pointed out like that. Being normalized does not mean going !LOOK TWO MOMS!!! Just have them be there and don't draw attention to it.
Ooh fourth wall break by Wanda very nice.
Heh, fight music
Zombie!Strange very nice. Though way too much decay. He's been dead for like 24 hours max.
hmmm Christine knows mystical artifacts she has a relationship while Stephen was a sorcerer and actively took part in that part of his life. So nice.
Hmmm third eye is freaky.
Wong just rolls with Strange's nonsense and I love it.
yay more of the nonsense the power was always inside of you and you just didn't know you were already perfect. Just let her keep struggling but in her desperation get it right. So that she can build from there later. It's okay to let your character struggle and be flawed. That's why so many female characters suck. They don't get to have flaws that make them "real" and relatable. Instead they're just "quirky" or held back. It's boring and a disservice to the characters. America has been fine up to this point. Sure I'm not a great fan of her but I'm willing to give the character a chance despite how repulsive the comic version was. Despite the laziness of her being the only one and that fer some reason she is always louder than all the other characters. It's like the actress is always projecting a bit too much.
Two Wanda's, seeing how she looks in her children's eyes. The best way for this to end. Plus Wanda2 showing compassion to the other Wanda is amazing after everything and being that amazing example to her sons. See that's a strong female character in Wanda2 and it's not forced at all.
Wanda destroys all Darkholm in the Multiverse. Going out like a true hero. I hope so much that that isn't the last we see of Wanda. She deserves a bigger exit as a character. Maybe Wanda2 helps out later?
Damn it Disney you couldn't help yourself. Ac is a special one of a kind girl, the only AC in the Multiverse, able to punch through the multiverse and doesn't cause incursions, but is also going to be a sorcerer. Why? Why can't she just have her own powers?
Hello freaky consequences.
Final thought... Good movie as a whole. America Chavez not as bad as expected but doesn't fit with the tone of the movie very well despite her powers, Can we keep Captain Marvel dead and not just not have the character in the MCU anymore, especially the Brie Larson one? If Wanda really is gone I'm not sure how much more MCU I can do. Strange is the only one I'm curious about anymore which is heartbreaking because Thor was my #3 behind Steve Rogers and Wanda but I have almost zero excitement for L+T.
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coffin-upalung 2 years
As an autistic person growing up feeling so alone, finding happiness in Batman comics as a special interest, the autistification of Batman in the new movie is the biggest win for me.
I just touches something in my soul I can't quite find the right words for. I've been going through the process of unmasking my autism after 23 damn years of it, and to see an unmasked (lol) Bruce Wayne being awkward as all hell.... it was healing almost.
Like yeah, some autistic people may look and him and go wtf?? He isn't autistic?? But that shit spoke to me. The way he interacts with the people and environment around him, I felt so seen. In my all time favorite character that I have been obsessing over since I saw the animated series for the first time a a little kid.
And I'm not saying he's autistic-coded, but I am saying that the disconnect between him and everyone around him is much like how I feel unmasked. I've always tried to be the perfect kid. Going to formal functions with my parents, bring charismatic and making NT friends with a completely fake personality I've carefully constructed from watching others interact on TV and reading in books. Studying how the people interact around me and mimicking to fit in and not embarrass myself or my parents. Making friends that never actually meet the real me. Being pretty well liked when I need to be. Limiting 90% of myself, holding in overstimulation until I get home and melt down so hard I lose time.
I've always seen the Brucie persona as a kind of masking. I felt the same way my entire life watching him take off the mask and head to a gala and then boom he's a completely different person.
I've always felt so understood and it's a reason unmasking was so hard for me. To just be myself. Unashamed to be autistic. Not making an effort to fit in. Not feeling like fitting in is life or death.
And then I'm sitting in the theater. My partner (who is just a big of a Batman ND as me) got us tickets to a luxury showing in one of those theaters that you have a private loveseat to yourself the night before opening day for my birthday. We drank insanely overpriced cocktails and ate hipster food. I was finally around someone that matched my energy and we were both so excited and swimming. I just came back from visiting family to celebrate and had to mask the entire time to avoid fighting, and it felt like a breath of fresh air. Finally. A new batman movie.
And all of a sudden. My all time favorite be all end all comfort character acts like me. Misunderstood like me. Awkward like me. But also motivated, driven, intelligent. The same character, just not masking. Didnt even attempt to. No Brucie Wayne persona in sight. (No hate to that whatsoever, but it really just connected with me)
Honestly this is just me trying to externalize all these feelings I've had recently that came back up now that its streaming.
It's the same reason I sob and sob and sob every time I hear Show Yourself from frozen 2. I feel found. It sounds so stupid to say, but it's like my favorite characters I've grown up with held out a hand to me and said we're just like you and we understand. You can rest now. You've come so far and survived so long pretending and hurting and not knowing why.
Its cathartic. As hard as it is to go through the process of unmasking, how painful it can be with the rejection and ableism... a weight has been lifted.
Anyways. This was just supposed to be a paragraph where I used the phrase "autistification of Batman" because it made me laugh to myself earlier but then I started feeling things lol
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ollierachnid 4 years
Agent 47 being autistic coded; a post ( that ive tried to write about seven times ). And yes I am autistic, so this comes from a desire for representation and my own experiences and isn't just a NT extrapolating a headcanon based upon a list of vague traits found online. I'm a fan of lists so I'm gonna use one to explain my reasoning and why people who claim it's Bad Representation or that it can't be canon are wrong.
Generally huge chunks of 47's development and arc as a character revolve heavily about the deconstruction of Ort-Meyers hypothesis that he created a human being that did not feel emotions or form connections or have autonomy. Because he didn't, as Ort-Meyer based his presumptions on; a) his own biased perspective, research and his clones' upbringing, b) an extrapolation from 47's -- largely autistic coded -- traits, which he misinterpreted as a luck of humanity. I doubt it was intentional, but this is a surprisingly apt tackling of the perception of autistic people as the "heartless genius with completely no feelings" type. As while 47 has traits that make him seem this way, his personal growth displays that he is far from that.
47 having so many autistic traits, a comprehensive list of one's I came up with off the top of my head:
Finding it hard to make friends or preferring to be on own; this is a very obvious trait in 47's character. He has very few friends and actively avoids other people, particularly those who seem to irritate him despite their friendliness ( Smith being a key example or this ).
Seeming blunt, rude or not interested in others; Smith and 47's handshake scene. It could very well just be an inability to read " obvious social rules " as Smith does little aside hold his hand out to indicate the action he wants, 47 simply may have not read well and walked off ( hey man, it happens ).
Finding it hard to express emotions; 47 doesn't express emotions verbally very well. He experiences numerous, has flashbacks due to his childhood trauma and more, but even when confronted by someone close to him who is asking about his emotions in concern he does not actually rely how is feeling, and instead describes what he is experiencing ( in his usual fashion ) instead. "Are you alright?" "-It comes back in flashes" and then a very basic list of names for feelings. It is often easier for autistic people, myself very much included, to explain emotion via the narrative events resulting in them instead of the feelings in of themselves or just using one word descriptors to get by. 47's couples with his dissociation from his childhood emotions, due to forced repression.
Stronger attachment to animals; all you have to look at is 47's desire to have pets when possible and how he engages with them in comparison to his attitude with other people. As a child, despite his trauma, he manages to establish an attachment to a lab rabbit ( multiple rabbits in the comics ) and maintain these affectionate connections until they die.
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Monotonous speech and lack of inflection; 47 can convey emotions when actively putting on a character or attitude on missions, but so can quite a lot of autistic people. It's often called "masking" and it's a phenomenon where an autistic person consciouslly acts "more neurotypically" to fit in. And it is evident by 47's awkwardly, forced sarcastic humour that this is not his natural dictation. When speaking amongst allies, 47's delivery is equally as monotonous as to enemies, his natural manner of speech is "bland".
Getting very upset or uncomfortable if someone touches or gets too close; 47 seems willing to let a couple of people max touch him -- that being Diana and Victoria, plus Lucas to a slightly lesser extent, all of these people are those who he knows and is comfortable with. Whilst on the other hand the likes of Lei/Mei Ling, who after kissing/hugging 47 abruptly has him immediately reel back, despite his sympathy for her. He does not like touch from people, even those who he has a substantial amount of positive emotions for. This also includes Smith, who 47 reluctantly rescues, but develops into actively saving him even when unnecessary; he is not keen on contact even as mild as handshake.
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Preferably to plan things carefully before doing them; the overachievers short story essentially establishes that, canonically, 47's modus operandi is extravagant, expertly pre planned hits. He seems to ( according to Soders and Diana ) favour these, especially in comparison to other agents, to which it does not come naturally. (NT trying to understand a ND's thinking)
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Having a lack off or little empathy; I want to preface that a lack of empathy is not a lack of sympathy or an inability to feel compassion, empathy is an entirely different sensation that some autistic people don't have, 47 is one of them. A key example of this is 47's lack of empathy for other clones with similar experiences: specifically agent 17 ( his biological brother ) and Mark Parchezzi, both of who he murders. While both of these men were bred by malevolent groups and raised to kill; Mark in a more extreme sense than even 47. He seems to be unable to conjure up empathy for people who he does not have an established connection or a need to keep them alive long enough to form the sympathetic connections that he is capable of. This is true to quite a lot of people with autism, it is hard to empathise to someone you don't know, regardless of how intertwined your situations are.
Debunking one of the reasons why 47 would "not make good autistic rep"
"47 doesn't have emotions, which creates a bad stereotype". This isn't even a problem with the reasoning, if 47 was an emotionless being I'd actually agree with you. But instead this criticism is more so a fundamental misunderstanding of 47 as a character, because he is not emotionless by any extent of the definition, he lacks empathy but that doesn't reduce his ability to have sympathy or show compassion, nor does it really reduce any other emotion that he posses. 47 gets visibly angry ( blood money after diana injects him, absolution at travis, damnation.. throughout just that whole book ), he shows compassion towards people that he doesn't have to regularly ( victoria, emilio, smith ) and that extends to animals too. If 47's character was more reminiscent of this "human robot" trope - say, he bore more resemblance to one of his brothers: 17, then I would understand. But he doesn't. He's just a monotonous autistic coded man.
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