#this is why the fleet has under the table contractors sknfjj
Wesgoesbrr: The Game
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(image and poll under the cut for gore)
You decide to start with a classic: exposing the ribcage. You don a fresh pair of gloves and select the scalpel you'll use; once you hit record, you'll be broadcasting across all the comm channels the Riot Kings are suspected of using. A live feed can be a little dangerous, but you work fast. You'll be finished and gone long before a rescue mission is launched.
Once you're prepped, you start the feed and stroll over to your prisoner. He's not cursing you anymore, instead seeming to have focused his entire being on not breaking down right then and there. A tiny whimper escapes him as you place your blade parallel with his sternum and begin to apply pressure.
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Any resolve your prisoner had to play stoic and silent for the camera is out the window the moment you make the first cut; strangled screams turning into open-mouthed howls as your scalpel slices through flesh again and again, until you can finally peel back skin and muscle and stare at bone.
You dispose of your now-bloodied gloves and grab the camera, making sure it gets a long look at the bloodied ribs and the panicked, pain-stricken face of their owner.
(tag list:
@whumpsday , @turn-the-tables-on-them , @onlywhump , @whumpyauthortm , @whump-in-the-closet , @kira-the-whump-enthusiast , @whumpterful-beeeeee , @apokolyps , @whumpedydump , @isntthisblank , @sodacreampuff , @what-if-i-just-did , @whimpity-whumpity , @ladyjaye13 , @shywhumpauthor , @grizzlie70 , @whumpinthepot , @aarika-merrill , @randomlifeunit , @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are )
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