#this is why you tell kids when they're adopted smh
worstloki · 2 years
People can ship Thorki for all the kinky reasons they want (although personally I’m not a fan) but I wish they’d stop using the argument “well they’re not ACTUALLY related/brothers” to justify it. It just sounds like a secret admission to thinking raising an adopted kid doesn’t make them a real member of the family :(
as per my last tags:
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that's why if you say it's incest im like yeah ok but if you say it's not incest im still like yeah ok. pseudo-incest? sure, im not picky. everyone's got personal views on what incest is/isn't defined as.
the only part that matters when it comes to the ship i think is whether or not they'd be moaning the word brother in bed and the answer is irrevocably: yes
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okay. So I've finished book 1 of keeper of the lost cities for the first time. And I'm loving this keefe dude already?? Like I never thought I'd like a fictional character so quickly. All it took was like one page for me to fall for him, I am aware that keefe is one of the most loved characters in the fandom, and I can see why (correct me if I'm wrong).
Also the book is a solid 9.5/10, the only thing I was frustrated about was probably the slight info dumping about the whole blackswan thing towards the end? because it took me like 3 reads to understand the whole situation, of course, we could just narrow it down to me being slow too, lol. But I'm VERY excited to continue reading the rest. So while we're at it, I'll put in my first impressions of the characters, so I can look back on it after I've read all the books, to see how much my perception has changed of them.
Sophie- i like her, she's really mature for her age, I keep forgetting that she's like 12 lmao. But she's well written, her emotions seem very raw and natural. Of course, she may seem overpowered but, I think that's the whole point of the story, she is supposed to be overpowered, so I don't mind and i wouldn't call her a Mary sue. Overall great protagonist, my girlie deserves a break tho, she got dumped in the hospital atleast 6 times lol.
Fitz- i actually think he's cool. I liked him better in the beginning of the story tho, I feel like afterwards, the dude kinda just disappeared a little? Keefe and Sophie seemed to have more private interaction than those two, and keefe literally only came by in the middle. But yeah, I feel like he had more of a personality in the start. Keefe and Dex, in my opinion had more personality in 5 minutes than fitz did the whole book, but I wouldn't judge so quickly, it's only the first book after all, Hopefully he'd have more page time in the later books. I still like him tho, just not as much as keefe.
Dex- Yeah he is such a typical best friend, I love him. His beef w the vackers is so funny lol I was relieved when Sophie stuck with him even after she became popular tho, also, he seems to have a crush on sophie right? It's kinda obvious, but overall friendship goals 10/10. I vocally "AWW-ed" after he said "are you kidding, i can't wait to tell everyone that you're my first friend" like I need a guy bestie like him :(
Alden- honestly, my heart warmed so much with his father-like dynamic with sophie tbh. He seemed to genuinely care about her well being, but I don't want to get too attached to him tho, just in case becomes a traitor or some shit later on, you can literally never tell with the adults lol. I've read enough books to back that up. But yeah, i really like him and della, the amount of reassuring hugs he gives sophie really heals me :(, They're like sophies 2nd (well, in her case, 3rd) parents. The amount of effort and lengths Alden put to get her out of trouble is actually sweet.
Elwin- This guy is such a W. He is like an adult keefe tbh. He is probably my favorite adult so far lol.
Cassius- I'm sorry, but Mr jerk face over here reminds me SO much of Lucius Malfoy??? Like ?? I feel so bad for Keefe, like poor baby leave him alone smh. I really wanna deck his royal highness in the face tbh.
Biana- absolutely loathed her in the beginning, she gave off such bad snob vibes lol but I love her now. I like the trope of two people forced to be friends w eachother by someone actually end up becoming friends. It's rather uncommon as far as I've read, atleast.
Grady and Edaline- is it bad that i thought they were going to be evil? Yeah I have so much trust issues, it's concerning. But yeah, they're both big W's, their backstory, their temporary contemplation to reject sophies adoption, everything aligned well with their backstory. Greatly written characters.
And last but not least, the king himself, Keefe- okay, he's like added to my list of fictional crushes now lol (along with Percy Jackson, Jason grace, Steve Harrington, chat noir, Eugene fitzherbert, edmund pevensie and Ravi singh ofc). How does sophie not have a fat crush on him, like- ma'am if you don't want him, I'll take him. But jokes aside, he feels like the most authentic character out of them all, tbh. Epitome of great writing. He was inserted to the story as this random dude that sophie runs into, and becomes an og in like 5 minutes. He is like a mix of Eugene from tangled, Kristoff from Frozen and chat noir from mlb all at the same time?? I cannot wait to see more of him and his backstory, especially with his parents. I know alot of people dislike the humorous guy with depression trope since it's overused, but I like how it played out on keefe, he uses school as an escape, which is very relatable.
Also, bonus, i LOVE the world building, the light leaping and all, very creative. I cannot wait to get my hands on book 2
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transwicky · 7 months
Ollie and Wicky eloped.
Everyone feels offended and they think maybe the others got invited but the truth was nobody did.
They eloped winter break junior year, but everyone thinks they got married after graduating.
Until Bitty is stressing out planning his and Jack's wedding and Ollie is like "this is why we eloped junior year" and Bitty freezes and stares at him.
"Junior year?"
"yeah. My student visa was expiring for the year and we had plans to get married anyways, so Pace' suggested eloping earlier than planned so I could get a green card. Fuck, Tango was literally the only one there as our witness and to tell immigration "yeah they genuinely love each other, it's kinda gross how in love they are with the PDAs" so. We never had a real ceremony, just did paperwork for it. It helped that we were broke college students who had been dating since our freshman year."
Bitty is floored.
He texts the others asking if they knew.
They are all HORRIFIED to know they've been thinking the worst of Ollie and Wicky when the only person who went was the freshman that was the honest and genuine tadpole that Wicky pretty much adopted, and probably because there was no way immigration would not believe the kid.
Bitty hesitantly asks if they'd want a ceremony, and Ollie shrugs.
"it's not a big deal to me overall. I think it'd be nice, but I don't need one. I think Pacer would like it though, but his family is also kinda fucked up so I don't know for sure how he'd feel about it. I've offered though. He said no."
Bitty asks Tango.
"He and his cousin planned their weddings when they were eight, Bitty. He wants a ceremony. He doesn't need one, he knows that, but he wants one, he just doesn't want Ollie to think it's something he needs to do to like, prove they love each other or something. It's from the fucked up childhood. His mom was kinda stupid. Said weddings were proof that they love each other. So Wicky says no when Ollie offers 'cause he remembers that and doesn't want Ollie to feel like he has to do it as proof, because he already knows Ollie loves him. It's stupid. People are stupid. Why are people so stupid?"
"Good Lord, that's the million dollar question, Tango."
And so he talks things out with Tango.
Tango gets in touch with Wicky's cousin.
She gives him the old baby wedding planner they did as kids, and the one Wicky had started when he and Ollie first made plans to get married after graduation (the baby one was for cute little laughs at what 8 year old Wicky wanted, it wasn't actually what Tango asked her for. Nobody is complaining).
She sits Ollie down. Tells him what their moms told them as kids, and that Wicky will never tell him he wants a ceremony because of it, and especially since they're already married.
So Ollie has to finish planning things. They can have the ceremony on the day they actually got married ("Make it romantic! He'll love it!") And it can be in their backyard, even ("where doesn't matter, so long as the people you both care about are there!").
SMH is invited, that much is clear.
Bitty is Ollie's best man, Tango is Wicky's, because Ollie knows Wicky wouldn't want anyone else there unless it's Johnson (which is true).
But Johnson is allowed to wed people legally, they have no idea why, but he can, and Ollie knows Wicky would LOVE that.
The ceremony really is in the backyard, and it's covered in snow, and Wicky comes home from work to their friends and families over and holy shit Ollie did all of this?!
And his dad just grins, gives him the suit he got married in, and his own father got married in, and his father had married in, and Wicky is crying by the time he's standing with Ollie at the end of the aisle, with Tango as his best man, and Johnson is the one marrying them.
He whispers thank you before Johnson starts talking.
It's absolutely everything he could have wanted for their wedding.
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trixeraptops · 1 year
Reaction to Matilda The Musical on Netflix
This is a completely live writtwn reaction, my opinion may change after watching it (*cough* school for good and evil *cough*), and my only knowledge of Matilda is that one movie where Ms.Trunchbull throws that one girl by the pigtails.
Warnings: Spoilers, swearing, caps, 0 context given
sonny boiii
Pretty pony
How many logos are in this thing
Why is there a Wonka bar?
I get that it's Roald Dahl but why didn't they have a picture of the book Matilda and then open it so it says Roald Dahl instead of a Wonka bar? This isn't Charlie and the Choco Factory bruv
I like the music right after that happens its like a music box
Oh thats a cute quote
Oh this is so cute the little baby kids
I like this song so far, they're praising their kids while still being like "Yeah it's a bit rude for us to say our baby is better but look! They're raising their fist slightly! Adorable!"
Ok the children voices at the beginning were like raw like an actual child singing (like not an actor kid yanno?) But now it's all harmonized and very pretty
A whole song about parents loving their kids saying their miracles and the first line is "I'm not having a baby" lol
Perfect timing and I love the cinematography all the parents walking down the hall in the center of the camera with their babies
Is she the judge from a series of Unfortuanate Events? Go off queen, deny your pregnancy
Stop singing this woman is giving birth bruv! Your a doctor get back in your scrubs!
wow the most common thing in life is life? Wowwww
Ok Rafiki, put down the baby this ain't Lion King
"My son is a girl?" Parents when their mtf kid comes out the closet
But the balloons say boy! Give that baby sex change surgery right now doctor! Get the hormones started early!
Mrs.Wormwood looks traumatized lmao I love her
you can tell their good singers that are being bad on person to fit their characters and I love it
Also the way the Missus is holding the baby like it's a big burrito and not a fragile human life? It sends me, it's giving soon-to-be-dropped child
Mister W really said winky dink like that's a term anyone uses lmao
I love this set it's so cool the stacks, the choreography is so cool
Many kids: My mommy says I'm a miracle! straight to Just Matilda: My mummy says I'm a lousy little worm, I love the juxtaposition
Especially that everything in the other scene was orderly and clean and kinda minimalist and bright and now it's like reality it's a bit messy it's kind of empty almost despite being full of stuff while the other place was only filled with people but could otherwise be called empty
Is she on top of a food truck?
Oh it's a pop up library
Oh yeah my parents LOVE me at home. Live your fantasies hun, hope the coping mechanism works until you can get some proper therapy
I love the conflict with the parents
Not the complete misinterpretation of a very simple quote Mr.W you are something else
They said homeschooling and I think the school inspector and who I assume from the preview Netflix shows is Ms.Honey are immediately like "oh... is that so..."
They can clock that these two have a combined iq of 4
"What do you teach her" "Make up and welding" wow well that sure follows the school curriculum
Also it just hit me now that Mr.W called Matilda a boy like she hasn't been a girl for... what 10 years? Idk how old she is
Aw Ms.Honey and Matilda first interaction
Intense wow your really selling school school
Matilda you ducking nerd
Ms.H rides a bike? Why didn't the school inspector offer her a ride? Smh chivalry is dead
Did it ever occur to them they could put her up for adoption? I know the system can be fucked and im no expert but I think it might be better for her rather than living with 2 parents who literally say she ruins their life. Like they don't have an aunt or uncle to pawn her off on?
I love this song, it's so matilda
Girl your talking about how their fates are inevitable because they were written for them and then your questioning why the characters with no free will aren't changing their story? Hun I thought you were smart?
Ok unnecessary cartwheels
A little bit naughty? Sounds like foreshadowing to a song we all know from tiktok. Is Matilda gonna be red beret girl or something? Or is this a repeated line? I think it's the latter
Imagine Matilda cuts and dyes her hair, I'd scream lol
Not the sneaking into the parents bedroom to jump on the bed
Bear it as she falls into a pile of bears, that's wonderful
This seems to be a very pink, plushie filled room. It seems like the room Marilda would've gotten if her parents gave a shit about her
Why is his hair green? Shouldn't it be blond
Gymnastics star Matilda with the walking handstand
Superhero pose!
Sneaky little one
Shes making up a story on her way to school what a cutie
I love this library lady she's so nice
Ok this story is not as cute as it was when she was just making up a Lil love story
That's a long ass title for a circus trick, kinda gives away what the trick is but Matilda is a child so that's understandable
Like they literally went insane cause they didn't have a baby
"Don't get in trouble" says library lady. "Unless it'd be a good thing" says Matilda. She may be a girl but she's got balls
Oh the little newt how precious
If anything, you know. No I don't know
Red beret!
Ok French tragedy calm down
I saw this song on tiktok too, as a promo for the movie
These kids are so good ohmigod
I love the use of the alphabet and how it's very natural and not forced and it's literally just repeating the first half but now they're pointing out the letters
The one girl in the window making the cutting off the head motion lmao
I recognize Marildas little friend I think
Why are these kids in the boiler room?
Lavender I think I remember her from the other movie
Nigel calm down its math you doing even have to do
Why are all the kids so keen on cleaning the board
Its like a holiday in your head, that great bit did the rest of the class manage to get the book your reading for school?
Also who tf reads Moby dick for fun Matilda your allowed to read fun books, get this girl a geronimo Stilton or two on me
An exception to the rules? Goddammit you just gave that girl a fucking death sentence
As evidenced by this song
Oh course this school has a color guard that trunchbull runs
I think it's a weird choice for her to be waving a white flag though, idk the significance in like color guard or flag waving or whatever but she never surrenders so I think a different color would've been better. Maybe red because of her aggression
Or green to match her military uniform that she's wearing despite her never bring in the military I think
Stip misgendering your daughter it's been ages since she was born
Lol him struggling to do the whole book at once
Big stupid, then struggles eith the lock
Pigtail girl and eater boy!
Not the chokey O.o
The chokey is a literal iron maiden in the woods, how is this legal? How did Trunchbull not get shut down
Matilda Wormwood, professional liar. Love it
All the kids immediately agreeing with Matilda is great
Wow if Trunchbull hates pigtails then she must hate that one kid dancer who has dreadlocks
Chrck and see if the kid is still alive, HOW IS SHE IN CHARGE OF A SCHOOL?!
A promise is a promise is a promise
That was such a good transition, so seamless
And straight to the carnival where the trick will be how great
Trunchbull as the evil step sister love
She finally has a child and they cancel the show ♡
But I'm sure the evil step sister will be doing something
I was right
Pit down the contract Ursula
A contract is a contract is a contract, I love callbacks
I thought she was gonna make them fall in the shark water but go off little miss letter of the law
Excuse me you're gonna have to wait til tommorow for the next bit, you don't have enough coins to buy the next episode early bitch
Art imitates life and Mrs.Phelps is catching onto Matildas shtick
Ok not only is she a genius and a storyteller and a gymnast but also a amazing artist? What's next? Is she the next Masterchef or something
Not me being jealous of a child
Did she just cross out the child of the acrobat and the escapologist? Is she gonna kill them? I love that for her
That food looks so gross and mushy and yuck
I think it's useful rice tho lol
Awww I love Ms.H she is the only one looking out for these children
She said move and they immediately dissembled the lunch table lmao
Ah yeah Matilda is truly the anti christ how dare she be smart
You have 2 choices, be punished or be punished
The belch heard around the world, you covered your mouth too late babe
Not the air bubble
Brucie boyyyyy your about to eat a fuck ton of cake baby Boi
Oh that actually looks very good, a very nice cake indeed
not the pact with Satan lmaoooo
Hunky this is a pact with beelzebub, learn your demons babe
Im getting thrown in the chokey for this
The dancing behind Trunchbulls back, so well choreographed and this song is so fun
Do they think his name is spelled Brooce?
Wtf lmao
These kids are so good
The cuts to Matilda who is clearly in a different place than all the dancing kids and her being stagnant is really setting her apart as the mc
I thought the cherry would hit trunchbull in the face but it went to Bruce instead
Ok calm down Ms.H, he didn't invent the cure for cancer, he got diabetes
you goddamnliar he ate that all
Yes Matilda tell her off! You're gonna get thrown in the chokey tho
Stop playing tug a war with a child
Stranger things have happened everybody thinks I'm crazyyyyy
Its getting to the point of the film where I don't have to pause every two minutes anymore
These kids singing about grown up things that actually are just teenage things
Most grown ups I know go to bed at like 9 and ngl, that's just my mom and one aunt
I like Ms.h having a verse for grown up I think it really shows how you're never grown up, cause your always growing even when you are an adult
I like all the call backs that Matilda makes while telling her story you can see how her life affects her story
She died in childbirth omg Matilda you dark bitch I live for you
Wait is the acrobat Ms.H or am I racist
LETS CALL THE POLICE even if it's a story because it really is not
Youve lived with your parents for how long to not know they are cheats
Matilda I love you and your a child so I won't you insult you this time on this matter
I love her story, she's the escapologists daughter that's so cute
Shes got something to fear
Theres still an hour left in this and really the only development is in Matildas made up story but honestly this movie is interesting enough for me not to care.
The escapologist is a telekinetic and then he died in a car crash ig
She broke the trash can just like the escapologist did
I took a break here to go eat dinner so friendly reminder that you all should do that too
Actually fuck that here's a FORCEFUL reminder to EAT AND SUSTAIN YOUR BODY or else THE TRUNCHBULL will come and THROW YOU BY YOUR PIGTAILS >:(
wtf is going on
Ihhh their thanking her for standing up to trunchbull
The lights dim when she walks in the room
Thats right kids change in the middle of a public hall where anyone can see you, trunchbull is a pedophile for that
Ew that's so gross
Girl why are still wearing your pigtails she literally tried to kill you
Ok no need to flex on the literal children
Just say you wanted the role of Ms.Hannigan from Annie and move on T
You can do that you look old enough to retire, go to the forest no one will miss you
Calm the duck down bitch they are like 4
The scoreboard with Agatha v Maggots is lovely detail
You tell her Ms.H! Cut her throat!
Yeah no shit she's wet it's raining
Trunchbull should've been put down years ago on God
Someone call the police please
Hun your explaining overstimulation and unfortuanately you're trauma makes you involuntarily rip yourself away into your little castle on the cloud in order to cope
Code red code red someone get a therapist cause all these kids are gone need it cause when her balloon pops and she comes back to eatth trunchbulll is gonna kill Matilda and all these kiddos are gonna watch
She legit just threatened to tear apart that child someone call the cops
Theirs a newt in her panties
What Trunchybee you don't have a newt-in-the-knickers kink? Sad
Oh thats so embarrassing it's not- oh it is working
Everyone clap now, she lifted a cup! Thats not sarcasm, clap in your bedroom or bathroom or bus that your resding this in
Miss Honey is like, hm this bitch is a bit crazy but I'll go with it
Matilda keeps quoting people that feels neurodivergent somehow
Tuberculosis is an asshole for presenting her grieving niece with a fuckung bill, you know she was taking care of her everyday and writing in a notebook "she chewed the electrical cord that'll be 14 euros." Insgead of being like THE BABY IS CHEWING ON THE CORD OMG
TB killed Ms.Hs daddy oof
I just fell in love with this asbestos ridden, mice infected, dirty little shack with a roof that's might give in and end my misery at any time
The spirit of nick diramio is slowly possessing me
It may be enough but dare to dream bigger babe
This isn't your house this is your shack, I'm not being mean, she caled it a whack first
Ita a different little girl now, Matilda isn't the baby girl anymore
Maybe Ms.H is the daughter and that's why we're seeing these flashbacks
1 second before it happened I fucking called it
Trunchbull is gonna rip your head off baby girl listen to ms.h
Matilda first look at the chokey
Is she gonna kill chokey? She exploded the chokester ooh
Oh don't worry baby your the main character it's all gonna be OK
Practicing telekinesis on the way to school nice
Oh no not the only play structure
Whats with the sandbags? She's gonna hang the children isn't she
How do you know how to spell? We dont teach rhat until the 11th grade!
You go kiddos spell those words wrong fuck her up
You said rebellion when there wasn't one and now you've got one congrats.
Oh it was for the dramatic reveal of a fuckton of chokeys
Your fucking insane bitch
Maybe I should read the book this is crazy and I heard somewhere it's more accurate to the book than the other movie
Hang her like she wants to hang you
She made a monster version of Magnus! And he's destroying the chokeys ♡
We love to see it
Matilda fucking girlbossing out here
HER HAIR IS POGTAILS! How terrible shut tf up trunchbitch
Wait but where's the naughty song from tiktok it feels like that should've been part of the revolution but I guess it's the resolution song
Is Bruce wearing a fat suit? His body doesn't fit his legs or face its all just his stomach
Hun Trunchbull already left where you revolting now
The revolution is over it was all Matilda yall are a bit late
The misspelled words and I thought red beret would be more of a character instead she's just a dancer ig
I will say that this is a great number and I love it
I feel like the should've shown red beret get thrown in the chokey and then she would've felt like an actual character. Maybe she was trapped in there and Matilda got her out and then she exploded the chokey
Also pigtails should've changed hairstyles after being almost killed I get its her defining character trait but still she's just stupid to keep wearing them
He stills can't get his stupid hat off lol
I was thinking why is she sitting on the driving wheel side? Then I remembered this is British
Ok well can you say it louder your standing 5 feet apart from everyone and no one can hear you
Awww she took off his hat ♡
So sweet
Wait what about her clothes and books and possessions? We saw she had a room chock full of them where did those go?
Tthe first check ms.h gets to keep is all going towards Matilda getting new clothes
Awww the babyhold
Shes telling library lady the rest of the story with its new happy ending
Trunchbull did not take good care of this house
Ew the big friendly school? Did you let the kids choose the name?
This feels like the part where I'm supposed to cry but I'm not getting the tears this emotional end feels like it's had not build up because there is no real scenes of honey and Matilda connecting, it's all just rushing from on point to another. Maybe it's cause I'm writing this commentary tho
Why is there a giraffe?
Overall this was a very cute, sweet, beautiful beautiful beautiful movie
All the songs were well sung and the actors were amazing
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daz4i · 2 years
top 5 confidants/social links??? or 10 if youre up for it ...
thank you!!!!!! :3
oh my god i wrote a whole, long ass answer explaining why i positions each one where it was but tumblr just. disappeared it. somehow. hate it here. asjdkfhg i'm gonna shorten things very much please imagine there is a whole paragraph for each one :(
also! i haven't gotten very far into any of p3's social links unfortunately so i'm doing just p5 and p4!
10. ok ik she's very hated, the abilities you get kinda suck, and that it has some creepy moments. but. ohya's confidant is good ok. i like how it's connected to the main story directly it's so cool!
9. maruki tbh lol. i just like the good vibes and discussions about human psyche and pain bc it's just stuff i really am interested in irl askdjgh so like maruki in general very easily keeps me invested even when the rank ups are more mundane
8. iwai!!!!!! i tend to forget his confidant often bc on new saves it's super hard to start and on ng+ i always leave it for later bc i don't need its abilities, but it's genuinely a really good one, story wise! i love kaoru and the dynamic between joker and him, i like how iwai basically adopts joker too, and the climax is very satisfying to watch!
7. yosuke! i'm ngl i don't like most of the IT's social links, but yosuke's (and maybe kanji's) makes up for that. it stays interesting and emotionally investing enough throughout and has an excellent climax (i just wish it had the original climax too lol)
6. shinya! son boy allowed. dare i even say encouraged. i don't have much to say without writing a new paragraph tbh i just love him a lot
5. shu! he's like shinya to me but a bit more tightly wrapped, if that makes sense? like shinya dips into other topics here and there while shu's stays more grounded, in a sense, so i like it more!
4. nanako 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (and to an extent, dojima, bc they're p much connected). can you tell i love persona kids. i wanna adopt them all
3. sojiro!!!!!!!!!!! i forgive the game for soft locking me from continuing it for a few months and making me waste time slots in my first playthrough bc the emotional payoff is def worth it 🥺
2. gonna be surprising here and say mishima. it's just extremely well written imo, probably the best one in that regard
goro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! specifically the royal one, ofc. you may ask "hey if mishima's confidant is the best written one then why is goro first" bc it's FUN i like going on dates with my special little detective and also it really is just Good Vibes all around but especially when he threatens to kill me. also it's goro i can't just not put him first smh
also honorable mentions bc i feel bad for not including them at all but i love their stories a lot: yumi, kou, ryuji, yusuke and hifumi!
PHEW ALRIGHT THIS ENDED UP LONG ANYWAY ASKDJFHG but i hope you like my takes uwu
send some top 5/top 10 asks!
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igonecrazy · 2 years
Juju hold me I’m in pain :’(
So like… Killing Eve ended yesterday alright. And I hate the ending I HATE HATE IT THEY FUCKING KILLED OFF VILLANELLE FOR SHOCK VALUE WTF 😭😭😭 and it was such a terrible death too it’s like… it’s like if in the Hannibal finale instead of falling off the cliff, Jack just randomly shows up when Will and Hannibal are hugging and kills Hannibal, and Will tried to catch him but just misses and Hannibal falls off the cliff and Will is just left there screaming at the edge of the cliff 😭😭😭 That’s literally how the ending went sksksksk the big bads were dead and Villaneve were happie and I thought everything would be fine and then in the last two minutes boom plot twist death 😭😭😭 I didn’t expect this from killing eve and I’m so fucking disappointed :(( they literally spn-ed the finale 😭😭😭
and I saw some snippets from an interview with the head writer and it’s like… she didn’t understand the characters at all??? And she didn’t even seem to understand what SHE wrote cause apparently Eve is happy about Villanelle dying cause she can start a new life and I’m like??? Wtf that’s not what happened???
I wish they just ended the show at season 3 smh :((
Sorry sjsjsjs I just needed to rant about this 😭 it’s been one day and I’m still not over it… I literally sobbed for five whole minutes after the last episode ended :’((( they deserved better
First..come here darling..🫂🫂
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Second......GOOD GAWD YOU DIDNT HAVE TO TYPE THAT BIT!! The "instead of falling off the cliff, .......at the edge of the cliff"!! I've been watching all the reactions on my dash..and i know what they did it sucky..and i WAS FEELING BAD YOU DIDNT HAVE TO PICK THAT SCENARIO AND PUT IT ON HANNIBAL 😭😭😭😭 THAT HURTS A LOT MORE!! Especially coz it's mommy that you threw off the cliff 😭😭😭😭
But YESSSSSS! THAT ABSOLUTELY SUCKS! It's like why do you have to ruin a perfectly good thing and why do you believe THAT IS GOING TO MAKE THE PEOPLE WHO WATCH YOUR STUPID FUCKING SHOW FOR EXACTLY THOSE CHARACTERS THEY LOVE BE LIKE "WHOA! SO GENIUS!" like wasn't the reaction after GOT and Endgame and Supernatural and every other thing enough!!! Who is telling them that YESS THIS IS SO NEW AND THIS IS THE WAY TO GO!!
Here..come here again..🫂🫂🫂
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I've not seen the show..but even I know Eve isn't happy about it!! GOOD GAWD!! THE PEOPLE THEY'RE GIVING REIGNS TO THESE DAYS! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Giving Loki to that Caldron guy don't correct his name..i know his name but it's not worthy writing who had no fucking idea about or love for the character.. Things are just absolutely better in quality and much more amazing when they're worked upon by people who actually love and care about those characters that they're playing with..🥺 why does this simple thing escape the entire fucking industry..idk 🤦🏻‍♀️
And..come here again!!
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It's okie to cry about it..it sure sucks..and they dooo deserve better 🥺🖤🖤 the lovely couple ..the finale moment was just a nightmare Eve saw..but then she wakes up and Villanelle is there sipping coffee by the window looking out the window to their future ☺️ living a life of murder and mayhem out there in cold Alaska..they adopt a doggo and a catto and they live there in a cute cozy self-sustaining cabin in a remote location and nobody ever finds them..other than one kid who they once find out in the cold and then they adopt it and they grow her to be the most ruthless but sweet fighter ever ☺️🖤🖤 that's where they are...🖤🖤🖤
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herofics · 5 years
Remember the headcanons you did for when aizawa had an adopted kid in 1-A? How bout a scenario where they're in a battle together (maybe a villain attack? since these kids can't seem to catch a break smh) and his kid gets badly hurt somehow and it's just really angsty dadzawa, whether they survive or not is up to you;; tysm❤❤!! I love how you break my heart everytime with your angst tbh
Sorry I haven’t been posting lately here, I’ve been busy and I haven’t had much inspiration. And thank you
Warnings: Blood and injuries.
You and the rest of the class were just chilling at the dorms. Talking and having a good time in general.
When out of the blue, a familiar looking warp gate opened up in the common room.
Something was thrown out of the warp gate and then it closed.
“It’s a fuckin bomb” Bakugou yelled.
Everyone dashed towards the door. You were one of the last ones, and then there was a deafening boom.
When the dust settled you felt like coughing up your lungs, you were having trouble breathing and your abdomen hurt, like really really hurt. You felt like there was something sharp embedded in it. Your head was ringing and you were having a hard time focusing your eyes on anything, but when you were finally able to, all you saw was red.
A huge piece of the window glass was sticking out of your stomach. You would’ve thrown up if you could’ve but the shock kept you from doing so.
“Dad” you sobbed quietly.
You just wanted him to tell you it was going to be okay.
Aizawa didn’t take long to get to the scene. Most of the students had escaped without being injured too badly, and almost everyone was accounted for. But not you, you were still missing in the rubble.
You were bleeding out rapidly, and were getting more lightheaded by the second. You decided to use the last of your strength to call for help.
“Dad!” you yelled.
Then your head hit the ground, you felt like you were about to pass out. You felt cold and wet with all the blood staining your shirt and pants. You had left the piece of glass in, hoping it would slow down the bleeding even a little bit, but it wasn’t enough. You wouldn’t make it, you knew it. The darkness seemed so alluring. It was promising warmth and no hurt ever again.
“(Name)!” you heard Aizawa call out.
“Here” you croaked weakly.
“You’re gonna be okay” he assured and picked you up gently.
You coughed blood and whined in pain.
“Thanks for being my dad” you sobbed.
“Of course, but thank me later”
Then you went limp in his arms. You had lost consciousness.
“No, hey!” Aizawa cried out.
But you soon after you were gone. You weren’t breathing and the blood wasn’t pouring out of your wound as rapidly as before He put you down and pulled out the big piece of glass in your stomach, you didn’t react at all. Aizawa pressed you to his chest and started sobbing. Why was everyone he loved taken from him?
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transwicky · 8 months
Fun Rarepairs for everyone:
Tater/Tango (have I mentioned this one before??)
Thirdy/Guy/Thirdy's Wife (They'd be FUCKING GREAT and the fans would be the. The crazy red string conspiracy board reaction gif/image. It'd be GREAT watching people try to figure their relationship out bc Third and his Wife are MARRIED and are IN LOVE but then WHY DOES GUY AND HIS SON LIVE WITH THEM?!?!)
Tater/Scraps (Tater needs another Ace to fuck besides Kent OK GUYS?!)
Ransom/Tango (Tango would help Ransom with so much work by asking questions ok)
Foxtrot/Shruti/Lardo (the bad assery would be insane. Nobody would survive them together.)
Shitty/Whiskey (I admit, this one is complete crack)
Chad L/Ollie/Wicky (I'm here for the Drama of Bitty finding out his Fellow Seniors are fucking a Lax Bro)
Chad L/Tango (THE DRAMA OF IT ALL IS GREAT OK. Bitty just texts SMH crying about one of the tadpoles is dating not just a Lax Bro but THE Lax Bro WHERE DID HE GO WRONG?! Plus Whiskey finding out his friend is dating his Lax friend and NOT TELLING HIM?! The chaos it will bring is just. *Chef's kiss)
Guy/Tango (a crack ship that I got serious about. Imagine the Drama. It'd be hilarious and also they'd be cute ok.)
Snowy/Tango/Johnson (GOALIES UNITED!!! Especially since I adopted the Tango Is A Goalie headcanon!!! ITS GREAT)
Poots/Tango (3rd Fave Tango Ship. The pure lack of social understanding between the two. To be discussed further if asked)
Snowy/Guy (It'd be FUN and I have a whole ass au idea for it and it has zesty drama of the misunderstanding kind)
Jack/Guy/Bitty (they have a bucket list and he's a single dad. He's game for a one night stand. Then Woops Feelings Got Caught by all 3. Fun. Zesty. Hilarious when you throw in Guy having a kid)
Carly/Guy (The Homophobic Dickbag Aces Player vs The Queer Player Who WILL Kick Your Ass For Being a Homophobe. The Tension. The drama. I'm here for it all. Especially if you take my headcanons of them both being military vets and WORKED TOGETHER in the military. Hate Sex Becomes Real Sex and the enemies to lovers trope. It's FUN and better than Kent/Carly bc of they're on the Rivalry Teams and Kent and Carly are on the same team. Boo. Boring.)
Kent/Carly (still fucking fun and hilarious and I adore it honestly)
Scraps/Carly (Why not.)
Hops/Tango (The pure joy they would get out of sharing things with each other would be amazing. Tango Doesn't Understand Most Anime but he understood Naruto!!! That was fun!! They're too cute together ok)
Shitty/Snowy (I'm basing this off Snowy being so chill when Jack came out. The Discussions they would have... They would both be at multiple protests together supporting the cause. That's how they meet. It's all downhill from there. Jack is Horrified. Bitty finds it hilarious. Lardo gets embarrassed when the 2 go to an art show of hers and they're Embarrassments Ok.)
That's it that's the list. Enjoy the Chaos I have brought with this list.
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