#this isn’t getting tagged as soup Hiyori
daily-yttd-something · 7 months
Day 164: Hate you, Midori. Hate you
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41 notes · View notes
dailyhelldorm · 5 months
[TL][Eichi Feature Scout] Compass in the Heavenly Sky/Chapter 2
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Scenario Writer: Yuumasu Character: Eichi, Wataru, Tori, Yuzuru, Hokuto, Subaru, Makoto, Mao, Tatsumi, Hiyori, Hajime, Ritsu Season: Winter
Summary: Because of the continuous postponements, Eichi's turn to have his Exclusive Outfit comes quite late. While pondering his costume design choice, he goes out for a walk to have a change of pace...
Directory: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
[Part 2 ♪]
Location: ES Hallway
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Eichi: … ... ...
(Oh my, the ones over there are…)
Mao: ーYour work is quite heavy on you too, Producer. To work until late like this.
Makoto: … ‘Compared to everyone, my work isn’t much of a big deal. I’m not tired but feeling good.’, you say?
Mao: Even when you try to flex your biceps like that, it is not very convincing you know~ You should rest properly whenever you can, okay?
Though, we have no obligation to say that, not when we are the ones who gotta steal your precious free time.
Makoto: … ‘I was looking forward to spending time with you. Thanks to that, I was able to give my best on today’s work. Don’t worry about it.’, huh?
You had a point. Lately, we haven’t had the time to take a breath.
I was looking forward to tonight the whole time too.
Mao: Don’t you mean ‘we too’? Don’t beat me to the punch like that, this guy ♪
Makoto: Eh, I didn’t mean to do thatー
Huh? What’s wrong, Producer-chan?
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Mao: Tenshouin-senpai is here? …Ah, you are right.
Thank you for your hard work, Tenshouin-senpai.
Eichi: Yes, you too as well. The three of you are going somewhere?
Mao: We are heading to the Sky Garden. We have promised to watch some winter constellations together. If it is fine with senpai, how about we go stargazing with each other?
As long as it doesn’t hinder your time since I know you are busy.
Eichi: Thank you for your invitation. But is it fine for me to tag along? I don’t want to be a nuisance.
Mao: It will be fine, I’m sure those guys will also be delighted ♪
Eichi: Those guys…?
Location: Sky Garden
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Tori: Urgh~ I hate cold places… Tell me, why did you even drag me here again?
Subaru: Since we coincidentally were together for our work, of course ☆ The more the merrier when you do things like astronomical observations, right~ ♪
Tori: Urgh~ If you want to do some stargazing, you can just gaze at them indoors…
Subaru: Ah! A shooting star!
Tori: Eh? Where, where!?
Subaru: Too bad, it already flew away.
Tori: Uh-nyah! Only Akehoshi-senpai could catch it is not fair! Don’t fly away until I can see you!
Hokuto: ... Even though he complains, Himemiya looks like he is enjoying himself too.
Yuzuru: Yes. I’m very grateful for your invitation on this occasion.
Due to all the consecutively exhausting work, Bocchama is likewise exhausted. This will be a good chance of pace for him.
Bocchama, Akehoshi-sama. I have prepared some corn potage soup. Please warm your body up with it.
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Tori: Umu, I won’t mind ♪ Gulp, gulp…
Subaru: Oh, there is a lot of corn in the soup! As expected from rich people… ☆
Tori: … Fhuwah. Yuzuru, can you get me a second?
Subaru: Me too, me too!
Yuruzu: Of course, I will prepare it immediately… Oh my.
Eichi: Good evening, everyone. Please excuse my intrusion.
Tori: Uwai, Eichi-sama is here ♪ Yuzuru, prepare the corn potage for Eichi-sama as well~
Hokuto: … Did you get Tenshouin-senpai to come as well?
Mao: After we picked the Producer up and were about to head back, we met him by chance. Tori and everyone are also here, and I don’t see any reason why not to invite him, you know?
Makoto: Although this would have been better if we could have invited Hibiki-senpai in some way too. That way, both ‘Trickstar’ and ‘fine’ could have all of the members togetherー
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Wataru: Yes, by all means indeed! If you call my name, I will come crawling out. Amazing!
Coming from under the objet d’art cube[1] with a stealthy evening greeting, your Hibiki Wataru is here… ☆
Makoto: Whoa! You startled me!?
Tori: Hey Long Hair! Don’t just come crawling out like a revengeful spirit in horror movies like that~!
Wataru: Fufu, fufufufufu… ☆
Makoto: Scary scary scary! He is crawling to us really fast!
Tori: Uh-hie!? Exorcise him, Yuzuru! Or call Hasumi-senpai up!
Yuzuru: Haah… Even if you told me to exorcise, he is not a spirit. Moreover, doing such teasing is rather terrifying.
… But it seems that my voice can no longer be heard anymore. Following Hibiki-sama’s ploy, everyone is scrambling to get away.
Still, everything is in fine fettle. They say that children happily playing outside in all weather[2] are as sound as a bell, after all… ♪
(A moment later)
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Eichi: (... When was the last time I was able to leisurely gaze up at the sky like this? I have always been looking down at my feet on the ground...)
(And forgetting the brilliance of the night sky.)
Subaru: The winter constellations are so pretty. I really love them~ ♪
There is the Pleiades cluster! In Japanese, Pleiades is called ‘Subaru’[3]!
And over there is the Big Dipper[4]! That is Hokke’s star… ☆
Eichi: ‘Trickstar’ has quite a few members named after some stars. I hear that there is an asteroid named ‘Isara’[5] out there too.
Subaru: Really!? Then what about Ukki? Does Ukki constellation exist?
Eichi: I haven’t caught any talk about that. Maybe if you look into it in detail, something will come up.
However, in case you can’t find one, how about searching for a new star and naming it yourself?
Numerous astronomers out there might make things difficult for you to discover a new star, but it is not entirely impossible. Patiently searching for one and you will eventually find it.
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Subaru: Finding a star, huh… Like Eichi-senpai does?
Eichi: Me?
Subaru: Yup. Whenever you look at an idol, your eyes sparkle as if you just found a new star.
Eichi-senpai often thinks of idols like they are stellas. Do you like the stars too?
Eichi: Well, you see. No matter how many thousands of light years the stars are away, you can still see their glow from this earth. Although among the celestial bodies out there, there might be some that you can’t even see with your bare eyes.
In the vast sea of stars, the instant when a person finds their stella, they will give it a name. It will undoubtedly ensue, no matter how far your star is away or how dim it glows…
Between the discoverer and their shining star, a dramatic story has already commenced since that very moment. To me, those bright stars are the idols I always adore.
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Subaru: Is that so? …I don’t know if Eichi-senpai has a star of his name though.
If I compare you with a star, maybe the Orion constellation?
Eichi: Uhm… The Orion constellation has its Betelgeuse, you don’t know when the star will explode and reach the end of its lifespan. Just like me[6].
Subaru: Eh… I didn’t think about it that deep.
I just thought it would be a good fit since it is a famous star and people can easily recognize it… I’m sorry.
Eichi: You don’t need to make a face like that. I’m not feeling pessimistic, on the contrary, I understand where you were coming from.
…The Orion constellation also has the Orion Nebula, or what people often call ‘the stellar nursery’ because new stars are formed within its cloud[7].
Because of that, the thought of giving birth to numerous new starsー of producing many new idols suits me well.
(... I see. Let’s use this motif for the design of the Exclusive Outfit.)
Producer-chan, can you come here for a moment?
… Oh dear. What was that explosion sound just now…?
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Subaru: Ah! Hibiki-senpai is doing a magic show!
Not fair if everyone is the only one getting to see it! Me too, count me in~ ♪
Eichi: … Fufu. It seems that some exciting entertainment has already started. Does Producer-chan also want to go and watch it?
You are curious why I just called out to you? About that…
With…, because of…. I want to…
Hmm? You can’t hear very well?
(Hmm, over there is quite rowdy, my words can’t carry to her very well. Moreover, trying to speak over the noises might tire me out…)
Can I come closer? …Thank you. In this distance, we can hear each other clearly.
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… Fufu, you are right. It is like we are sharing a secret conversation with one and the other.
Let’s be quick before everyone else starts burning with jealousy. You seeー
[The end ☆]
Directory: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Translator’s notes:
[1]: Objet d’art is a French term describing an ornamental work of art, usually small pieces of valuable decoration. However, the Japanese also use this word to describe public art, sculptures, as well as avant-garde art and decorative furniture. It can be a big ornament or a large piece of installation art. What Wataru is crawling out is the cube sculpture in the Sky Garden (on the right side of the scenery and the one behind in Eichi's CG.)
[2]: 'Children happily playing outside in all weather' comes from the Japanese proverb 'kodomo wa kaze no ko' 子供は風の子 saying that healthy children can even go out playing on a windy day.
[3]: The Pleiades is an asterism (group of stars) and a star cluster close to Earth, visible in the night sky. The cluster is part of the Taurus constellation and in Japanese, Pleiades is called 'Subaru' スバル
[4]: The Big Dipper is a group of stars within the constellation Ursa Major, also known as The Great Bear. In Japanese Big Dipper is called 'Hokuto Shichisei' 北斗七星 Hence why Subaru called it Hokke's star.
[5]: The ‘Isara’ here is the asteroid 364 Isara from the Flora family, a family of stony asteroids located in the inner region of the Solar System's asteroid belt. This belt of space rocks is located between Mars and Jupiter.
[6]: The reason why Eichi jokes he is like Betelgeuse is because Betelgeuse is one of the brightest stars in the sky and the second brightest in the Orion constellation. The star is much younger and larger than the Sun. It also burns through its material faster and now near the end of its lifespan.
[7]: The Orion Nebula is in the Orion constellation (under the Orion’s Belt asterism) and is one of the most active star-forming regions, it is also the brightest nebula that you can see visible in the night sky. A nebula is an interstellar cloud of space dust and ionized gasses from which stars form. Because of that, it is called 'the stellar nursery'.
I don’t know much about astronomical terms so please correct me if I’m wrong.
Also, about the Subaru (name)
If you haven't known yet, there is a homophone word in Japanese 'subaru' 統ばる meaning 'to ensemble'. This game’s title is a pun from Akehoshi Subaru's name, with akehoshi = stars, subaru = ensemble. Subaru’s full name can be understood as ‘the bright Pleiades’ or ‘ensembling the stars’ since Subaru is written in Katakana.
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