#this isnt really. prompted by anything in the context of the interview
finelythreadedsky · 4 months
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Ursula K. Le Guin, interview with Brian Attebery (2007)
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gullethead · 3 years
what is your opinion on tamsyn muir discourse (and also what is the discourse)
THANK you. okay warning for discussion of fictional sexual assault, real life CSA (not something she did), plus 2012-era homestuck fandom typical stuff
please rb this btw, unless you dont want to, in which case dont. also if you have any corrections or additional information to consider please add by all means
disclaimer: im not in the habit of writing essays defending whichever internet personalities i like. ill admit theres potential bias, given that i read the books before i learned about this, but im really being as objective as possible and i just think people are taking a misguided or half-formed stance on this. if you still dislike her or w/e after this thats, like, perfectly in your rights. im not defending an adult woman on the internet, im explaining the facts as ive seen them and understand them. additional disclaimer that i havent experienced sexual assault at all myself
okay so tamsyn muir is currently well-known as the author of the locked tomb trilogy (aka gideon the ninth and harrow the ninth), but for a certain section of tumblr shes also well known as urbanAnchorite, and used to be a big name fan on here up until around 2014 - pretty close to everything here is going to be from roughly 2011 through 2014, except for an interview im gonna get into, so 7-10 years ago. i was only vaguely aware of her until after i got into the locked tomb and saw people talking about this. with that in mind:
so the MAJORITY of the discourse revolves around a single fic she wrote on AO3. her account has 19 works in homestuck, and some of them are Kinda Weird to Pretty Bad in retrospect, but being completely honest this is the only one that isnt completely stock standard for homestuck fandom in that time period. like if we started casting stones about ten year old fandom stuff we'd be here all day
here is the fic (warning for CSA)
in most of the posts about it ive seen, theyve described it as a "rapefic," but actually reading it, it's a lot more nuanced than that description implies. its a dark story where a grown man abuses a girl, from the man's perspective, and the story ends with him being killed by her friend. the description of the assault is treated very seriously by the story and barely even touches on any actual sex, before immediately cutting to him being killed. its lolita if humbert got shot to death; the title itself comes FROM lolita
(sidenote - it was inspired by a prompt on kinkmeme, but that doesn't really mean anything vis a vis being intended for sexual enjoyment, and according to the note actually went against the spirit of the request)
ive seen fics, lots and lots of fics, that would qualify as the term "rapefic." it tends to be pretty fucking obvious when someone is using sexual assault as a fetish, and this is Not That
tamsyn herself actually responded to this in an excellent interview early last year. she gets into some Fandom Mom type language, but essentially says what i said above. in it, she also says this:
It’s not the first time I’ve been accused of being a paedophile. I grew up gay in the nineties. Homosexuality and paedophilia were enmeshed in society’s minds. When I came out, I got told that I shouldn’t be around children. I was used to that because it was common discourse, and it hurt like all hell, but it didn’t shock me. When I got called a paedophile by Twitter I got clotheslined. My support network had to get in pronto. I was very ready to have a hot date with a length of rope, a date I have arranged and cancelled multiple times over my life. I have had lots and lots of therapy over the years for various conditions, some of them lifelong and some not, but when that Twitter call-out happened it was hard to want to live. I thought I knew so intimately what I was doing with my fiction; my therapist was always so supportive of me writing about it. I have not been open about being a CSA survivor because, again, I grew up in the ‘90s. ‘Lesbian’ and ‘CSA survivor’ is just carte blanche so a whole queue of people can tell you, I HOPE ONE DAY, WITH LOVE AND SUPPORT, YOU CAN BE STRAIGHT. It was like, right this way to the invalidation booth. I didn’t even tell most of my girlfriends! I told one! It’s not a topic of discussion between me and my family; I am relying on them not reading my interviews so it can remain where it belongs: thoroughly undiscussed!
with this context it becomes... a lot more nuanced of a topic. an author who experienced CSA in addition to growing up in a cultural climate where gay people were pedophiles by default, especially growing up catholic in a rural community, wrote a work about childhood sexual assault (which also happened to be fanfiction) as a way of working through it for herself, which is... something a lot of artists do with their art? and in return she got a massive blowback on twitter accusing her of pedophilia and demanding she talk about a massively traumatic moment in her life
this is the major sticking point of the discourse, im not gonna get into anything else on this post, but this is my view of it. if you disagree or have anything to add then feel free to add on. again, i know what it looks like, but im not trying to uncritically defend a stranger just cause i like her book. this is the conclusion i came to after doing a lot of digging for myself
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madisonrooney · 6 years
ive mentioned this here and there over the past few months but just to be fully clear, ive had a shift in my projected career path over the last few months. ive realized that i dont have interest in creating my own content/screenwriting. i really ONLY care about properties created by others (ex. disney movies and shows). being so hyperfocused on those things to the point where i can hardly take interest in or understand anything unrelated to them has been detrimental to me in many ways throughout my life, but it has also helped me. im a fine writer, but i dont think i really stand out when it comes to that. but my disney knowledge, my ability to recite entire movies, my ability to tell you obscure facts about practically any disney property, thats what makes me special. thats what sets me apart. thats my talent. but since thats SO SPECIFIC, finding a way to make that lucrative is hard. im sure theres a way to get there, but some steps along the way will probably be unrelated to my interests, and thats the hard part for me.
but anyway, this post isnt about that, thats just context. this post is about how idk how id be anywhere without my moms support bc shes been so helpful throughout all of this. today, i read her a paper i wrote about jersey boys for one of my classes (the prompt very much leant itself to letting me write about the show >:D), of which i mainly wrote from memory, knowledge ive gained from actual experience, and interviews ive seen before. when i finished she said “this is the best thing you’ve ever written. you see? this is the sort of thing you’re going to do with your future and you’re going to be amazing at it.”
and shes been so much help beyond even just that. telling your parents that youre thinking of a different career after they pay out the ass for film school tuition is scary (and for the record, ofc what i want to do is still RELATED to film, just a little different than i originally intended). but rather than being concerned, shes been EXCITED for me. happy that im finding my path and thrilled of where we anticipate it to lead. my main worry is that my struggle to do and learn things unrelated to my special interests is gonna keep me from making money, but she’s said she’ll help in any way she can, and that we’ll find a way to do it so i won’t be overwhelmed and ill be happy. i also keep guilting myself for being the person i always said there was no possibility of me ever being, the person who “doesn’t know where they’re going in life,” but she always reassures me that theres nothing wrong with that
its just days like this that i remember how lucky i am to have her
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