#this joke is oddly specific. i hope someone gets it 😭
deadscell · 4 months
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Can I maybe get another tighnari fic like a secret relationship and the others found out during the sumeru festival event 😭I heard the requests were open so I got the idea
(Thank you so much for your request! I didn't know which festival event you meant specifically so I just went with the most recent crown one! I hope that's okay!)
Tighnari x Reader: Fluff!
~Secrets out~
(GN! Reader!)
You smiled happily, taking in the bustling crowd around the stage and the small grin on Tighnaris face. Even if it wasn't his original intention to enter...he seemed happy to be in the competition with so many friends. It made your heart swell knowing he would have fun.
You clapped louder, cheering as Tighnaris name was called out, and for a split second you felt nervous. Everyone was there, Kaveh, Cyno, Alhaitham and all your other friends...would they notice your over excitement? No one knew your relationship with Tighnari had become romantic and it still felt to soon to say it out loud...so you calmed yourself. You didn't want to take any chances...not yet.
After the introductions had ended and the details of the competition had been shared everyone had gathered just outside the stage area. You hurried towards them making sure to stand next to Kaveh rather than Tighnari, unsurprisingly Cyno was the main focus of the conversation as he was hoping to win a limited edition card, which to everyone who wasn't a huge tcg fan felt was less valuable than the money prize.
He seemed to be explaining how the card looked and you couldn't help but be slightly intrigued. You listened intently...until you felt the oddly familiar feeling of eyes on you. You quickly glanced in Tighnaris direction and sure enough his attention was on you, he still had his small smile. As soon as you looked at him he flicked his ears in a certain direction, hinting for you to leave with him.
You blushed slightly before giving a almost unnoticeable nod, you still couldn't believe this was really happening...sneaking off to places with someone you cared about...it was exciting. He slipped away in the direction he had pointed to, his tail swinging as he walked...after a few seconds to not look suspicious you followed after him, leaving the others to talk amongst themselves.
As soon as you were both out of sight Tighnari pulled you into a embrace, placing a small kiss on your forehead. "Enjoying the event so far? Seems everyone's having fun and it really looks like this will be a good opportunity to promote my lecture."
You nodded happily, a slight blush creeping onto your cheeks as you gave him a soft kiss. "Your lecture is going to be a success...though I feel like it would have been anyway. Do you think you're going to win the crown?" You wrapped your arms around his neck, savoring the moment.
"I-" Tighnari started but was cut off by a collection of gasps, drawing both of your attention to the group of people about three feet from you. Both of you instantly pulled away from each other but it was far to late for that.
Kaveh had his hands covering his mouth, Nilou, Faruzan, and Collei were clapping, clearly happy for the both of you. Cyno was the first to actually speak though, "It seems a great injustice to have not told your friends of these advancements. I think you both deserve a couple punishments...get it?"
Despite the terrible joke you found yourself laughing, this wasn't how you expected everyone to find out but it seemed...perfect. By the end of the competition though Tighnari hadn't won you all were sharing a meal together, to celebrate not just the completions winner but also the new relationship which everyone seemed to hope would last a long time.
{~Requests open!~}
I hope you liked it!!
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ma3mae · 1 year
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In sickness and health
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Summary: Stress has gotten the better of you, locking you inside your own home so how can your loving boyfriend nurse and help you get back up?
Genre: a bit of angst?, romance and fluff at the end
Warnings: none (ok maybe one mom joke from chuuya...) might be a bit ooc bc mommy chuuya is taking care of us 😤
A/N: I decided to crop out a bit of anon's request due to privacy and the relapse is bc of health issues! really hope that this is still somehow a nice read for anon and everyone else 🥲😭
Also this can be seen as a continuation of "Exams are a hassle!"
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Nakahara Chuuya
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A gentle breeze made it's way into your living room. The curtain fluttering and letting a bit of dusk's glow illuminate your surroundings.
Even the softest glow, inviting you to enjoy it's warmth would make your eyes squint yet seemingly undisturbed, you continued to stare blankly at the wall.
Trying to recount the events of how it had come to this would only make the world feel heavier on your shoulders.
Your headache wouldn't leave you alone no matter how many times you'd try to nap it away, body feeling like it's been hit with a sledgehammer multiple times and eyes drier than the exam paper lying idly on your desk.
Ah yes.
Of course, you had to get sick after having finally finished your dreaded exam.
The stress, anxiety, the countless sleepless nights hitting all at once like a brick as soon as you tried to spend a well deserved stressfree day.
These days, everything would exhaust you to no end.
Even eating just seemed like a whole work out, your barely existing appetite not helping at all as your stomach felt nothing but hollow.
You had been spending your days mostly alone as your boyfriend had quite the busy occupation. Him still not wanting to tell you what it was after a year yet you had a hunch why so.
A part of you missed him as always but you were also not in the mood to interact with anyone, not even him...
Sighing as you took a glance at the phone lying limply in your hand, you pressed the unlock button.
"Oh shit."
The pounding in your head seemingly increased as you stared at the date displayed on your screen.
You had comepletely forgotten about the fact that he'd be coming back from his trip.
You couldn't feel happy about it even if you tried. He would always leave during the best times and come back when the entire world would nearly burn down.
In your case, your entire being.
It didn't even help that even after a year, seeing picture of your ex pop up on your feed equaled the stings of a mosquito, a small itch growing into something unbearably annoying in mere seconds.
Gathering the strength to stand up, you made your way towards your shared bedroom, immediately letting your body hit the bed, not even caring if the door wasn't closed behind you at all.
You knew you couldn't hide yourself from him yet you didn't want him to see you like this and even if he did, you'd be too exhausted to even explain everything to him.
"Oi, sleepyhead. It's nearly 3pm? How long do you plan on sleeping???"
Slowly cracking an eye open at the confused voice, you could make out a tuff of orange in your blurry vision. Forcing a voice out of your dry throat, you asked:
"Chuuya... Is that you?"
A scoff could be heard above you.
"Who else would it be? Your mom?"
Did he just crack a your mom joke at you? You weren't sure but what you were sure about is that his joke didn't quite match the expression on his face as you blinked the sleep away from your eyes.
"The hair length wouldn't be too far off." You joked yet the furrow between his eyebrows would only deepen. A frown was settling itself onto his face as he reached his hand out to put it against your forehead.
"Shit, doll... The hell happened to you? You look like someone that got interrogated a bit too hard."
"That's oddly specific." You stated as you raised an eyebrow at him yet it only worsened his frown....
Especially after he had noticed you flinch away from his touch.
"Forget what I asked. If you don't wanna tell me then fine but atleast let me help you. You can't expect me to ignore you like that. We've already talked about thi-"
"I know! I know, we've talked about this, okay?! I'm finally done with everything, with the exam, with my ex, I could breathe but I somehow can't?? Trying to enjoy life but noo, now I'm suddenly sick, great! Lovely! Couldn't be better! It just fucking sucks that everytimd you come back, it doesn't get better! And makes me feel like... "
You felt him gently lay his hand on top of yours, grasping it and beginning to let his thumb glide over the back of your hand back and forth.
"You better damn say that you feel like the best person on earth, okay?"
"Chuuya..." A whine accompanied your words at his, not even being in the slightest of moods to enjoy any encouraging words and yet it never failed to make your heart flutter.
You felt his hand tighten around yours.
"Just let me help you. You're sick, right? So I'll do everything I can to nurse you back to health. Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. I'll make you forget about all of your worries, even that damned ex of yours! Honestly, forget about him already or... "
He averted his eyes from your face, seemingly contemplating about something before suddenly getting up, the warmth of his hand leaving immediately as he turned his back towards you and began to walk away.
"Chuuya?? What's wrong?"
Waving his hand at your question, he continued to walk.
"Nothing. Just sit on the bed and relax. I'll get you some tea and make you something to eat. Not gonna waste my thoughts on him, I'm better anyway."
His last words disappeared into a grumble under his breath as he went to the kitchen to whip up a nice soup.
Normally he would have ordered something, wanting to serve you only the best cooking in the world.
The only reason he had gotten into cooking more than normally at all, was only becauye of seeing your excited face whenever he'd make even the simplest dishes for you.
Your ex can't compete with that, can he?
we all know that he'll try to pamper you in any way he can
Food? Gobble up 😋 Drinks? I mean if u insist...jk nah he aint letting us drink, hes not THAT irresponsible 😤
if you dont want to be touched bc you dont want him to get sick as well, you feel disgusting etc. Then dont worry about it, although he will def be sad about it, he'll respect your wishes bc you ars his nr. 1 priority and it would tske a LOT to change that for him
Also dont worry about ur ex anymore bc youve got a criminal as ur bf😊😊😊
Jk he wont hurt him or anything but you wont find anything about him on ur phone anymore 😀
And also wont find him anywhere near u bc ur bf made sure hes nowhere near u 😤
Not in heaven/hell but like another country or smth 🏃‍♀️
Maybe even yeeted ur ex there, who knows 💀💀💀💀
Im getting sidetracked as ALWAYS
Anyway when you are feeling a bit better and are okay with being touched then he'll be really gentle about it
Might even ask more than usual for permission bc he knows how sensitive someone can be when they're not feeling well and he doesnt want to overwhelm his partner!!
You were sitting at the dinner table, sipping your freshly made tea as you continued to stare at your boyfriend, cooking lunch for the both of you.
It had been a week since he had come back home and he had made sure to stay at home, not wanting to let you stay at home alone any longer until he has successfully nursed you back to health.
You had asked him about work, but he would always brush it off with "Talked to my boss and said he's fine with it. Not like I would've let him give me a different answer anyway."
Now you were nearly completely comfortable with him taking care of you. Any other protest you'd make would be silenced by him anyway.
Either with words or actions.
Though the thought of actions would make you blush a bit....
He couldn't lie that feeling your gaze on his back, made it difficult for him to focus. Fingers twitching and cooking utensils sometimes about to slip out of his hand, catching him off guard everytime.
He knew you loved him and had made sure to tell him so. You'd always mention how pretty he is on the eyes and well, he'd rather be called handsome but if his love says so then who is he to refuse...
It did boost his ego up but he wouldn't say that outloud now, would he?
Taking a spoon from the drawer, he tasted the beef goulash.
He hummed at the savoury taste lingery on his tounge, satisfied with his creation.
"Is it good?" He heard you ask from the table, not being able to stop a grin from spreading on his lips.
"You'll be damn surprised on how good it is when you get a taste of this baby!"
Chuckling at his excitement, you stood up and made your way towards him.
His breath hitched as he felt you press yourself against him from behind, wrapping your arms around him.
"How did I get blessed with such a good housewife?" You joked as you pressed your lips onto his neck.
He realised how much he had missed your touch as his legs were about to give up underneath him, him gripping the counter to hold himself back.
He wasn't about to jump onto you like an animal, he didn't want to cause a rift between the happiness he was feeling that you finally felt comfortable enough with touching him.
"I-If that makes you happy, I guess... W-Wait no! Go set the table or something and let's just eat already!"
Holding in a giggle at seeing his red ears as he turned away from you, gently prying your hands off of him as he took out the plates and more.
"Alright, alright, wifey!" You told him as you helped him set the table.
Noticing your not yet empty cup on it, you dove for it, not wanting to hear his scolding you've had to endure for the past week...
Yet it always an endearing sight, his frown resembling a pout as he let your cup hover out of your reach and letting it land onto his hand.
"For real, Y/N? How many times do I have to tell you to finish your goddamn tea! Got you the best of the best! Great for your health and getting rid of any tiredness! And don't come at me complaining about the taste."
Stfiling a laugh at him standing there, furrowing his eyebrows at you, hand on his hip while the other held the cup.
And not forgetting the blue apron with printed on hearts adorning his front.
"But you know I don't like chamomile te-"
"Okay, nope. Not arguing with you. Finish the table and your tea, then we'll eat."
"But the food will get cold!"
Throwing a glare at you, you stifled a laugh as he tried to threaten you.
"Yeah, so? I can heat that up anyways but your tea will definitely be cold and I won't be heating that up for you! So drink it or no food for your cute ass."
Sighing, you dismissingly waved a hand at him yet sat down onto the table as the cup came floating back towards you.
Grimacing at the nearly cold tea, you took a glance at him, only to avert your eyes as he continued to watch you like a hawk.
You loved him like this but sometimes it would send a tiny shiver down your spine since it would often feel like your mom would be infront of you instead of him.
He watched you take the last gulp before his the corner of his lips turned up, watching you grimace at that last bit of tea settling down onto your tounge as he made his way towards you, a smirk plastered on his face.
"See, wasn't so bad now, doll?"
He put the pot onto the table before sitting himself down across from you, the apron still tied to him.
"Are you gonna eat with it too?" you asked as you pointed a finger at it, a bit of red adorning his face at your question while clearing his throat.
"You wear it to cook so you won't get dirty. So why shouldn't I wear it while we're eating too?! It was your gift to me anyway, so you can be happy that I'm using it."
You only flashed him a smile, making him grumble under his breath as he prepared a plate for you, the smell of the food making you nearly drool.
Damn, how you've missed finally having an appetite again.
Having given you your plate, he had made himself one as well.
About to eat, he noticed you staring at your food, a frown etched on your face.
"Is there something wrong with it? Smells and tastes good for me...." He drifted off as he heard you sniff, your eyesight a bit blurry as you felt a small lump in your throat.
"No, there's nothing wrong. It's... It's perfect."
Taking a look at his concerned face, yet staying silent for you as you continued to talk.
"I just can't thank you enough for this. For staying with me and doing your best to nurse me back from health. No apology could remedy the fact that I had been thinking of my ex while the literal light of my life was here and give me the love I don't deserve. I won't waste any thought for him, only think of you from now on and I won't let anything change that. I just-"
You hadn't noticed him getting up and walking towards you, only realising it when you caught whift of his scent next to you.
Slowly taking your hands into his and giving them a bit of a squeeze as he asked.
"Wanna hug you really bad right now. 's that okay?"
It only took a nod from you as you felt his arms around you and his lips on the crown of your head.
Breathing his scent in, you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his shirt.
He wasn't sure if his heart was squeezing from finally having you in his arms again or that you continued to doubt yourself even after everything he'd done for you.
But he was sure to make you see that his love for you was something more deserved than anything else.
"I know it's difficult but don't say that you don't deserve it and I sure as hell won't stop telling you that even if you'd stop one day. So don't worry your pretty head about anything and hell yeah about your ex! About time you get that bastard out of your life. You've got me, alright? And I'll show you that I'm enough."
"But you don't need to... You've already shown me enough by loving me."
You felt him tighten his grip around you, as he shifted a bit away from you, only to press his lips onto your forehead, a smile adorning his beautiful face.
"Then I'll show you even more of it until you can't get enough of me."
You felt him gently cup your face, tilting it so you'd gaze into his lovestruck eyes.
"So don't cry and enjoy your food because we've got a nice day ahead of us."
Were his final words before he pressed his lips onto yours, smiling into it even more as you felt the slight sweet tinge of his cherry chapstick on your lips.
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Maybe I got a bit carried away bc I'd love a mommy chuuya take care of me 😭😭 give me a pic of him in an apron and i'll be sobbing for hours 🥲🥲🥲 not entirely proofread since i rly wanted to post smth bc its been days 💀💀
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