#this message was brought to you by a confused demigirl.
elis-corner · 11 months
I was offline for a lot of June and July, and didn’t get to say anything for pride month, so take this as my very late contribution.
Looking at all the incredible people in my life that are part of the community, meeting so many awesome people online, reading and watching things in the media... The amount of sadness it gives me. How can people look at others being so in love or happy in their bodies and call it wrong is heart-breaking. The fact that I used to look at them and call it sinful. I was scared of media indoctrination, but in reality the only indoctrinating I was getting was from the people I’d grown up around. I tried to shun my closest friends because I was taught to think that they were damning themselves to hell. It just never made sense to me how someone so sinful could be so kind and wonderful.
Now I’m proud of my friends. I’m comfortable being me. I don’t know a lot of things, but I don’t need to. I know now that I just need to be myself instead of trying to pray the gay away (a legitimate thing I did in year five).
To everyone who is closeted, struggling, in a dangerous situation: you are valid. You are loved and cared for. You are who you are and nothing will change that. You can be who you are and not be damned for eternity. You don’t need to drop religion because you’re an outcast; your god(s) love you no matter what humans will try and tell you.
Y’all go out there with your heads held high, body parts added or compressed, names changed, makeup done, and be your awesome self.
You are incredible. Never forget it.
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