#this mf follows me around everywhere 24/7
ozo · 7 months
my dog didnt sleep in my room for like 2 or 3 days in a row I was like WHATD I DO WHY DO U HATE ME!!!!
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Angelic girl
T. Kaulitz x f! Reader
Synopsis: Tom sees a girl and she like looks like a complete angel he tries to do his little flirty things with her but she just ignores it and it makes him like her even more.
Tags: Name is attractive, clingy Tom, couple goals Frl, toms whipped, the band finds it funny, touchy Tom, make out seshs after concerts
“Even if my heart stops beatin, you’re the only thing I need… with me.”
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- the first time he saw you his eyes were GLUED
- it was post concert and he was just out goofing around buying random stuff with the band when he saw you
- You were just on the phone talking with a friend and getting snacks at a small corner shop
- But bro he was whipped
- wide eyed and all, might’ve walked into a shelf of accident
- his eyes would not leave you the whole time you were browsing around the store
- let’s say you caught him staring and he just looked like a deer in the headlights bc he didn’t expect to be caught
- you laughed and said something to your friend on the phone abt him before walking past him to pay
- once he snapped out of it and saw you were leaving he chased after you
- leaving the rest of the group staring at him like 😐 “tf just happened”
- when he DID catch up to you and got your attention he would try and play it off and would be like-
- “hey, I’m Tom-“ would probably try and lean up against a wall but would slip and almost fall bc he wasn’t close enough to it
- you legit stared at him like 🤨 not impressed
- “Uhh…I’ll call you back”
- you looked him up and down and asked if he needed anything
- he tries use pick up lines on you but you just laugh a little and walk away and leave him following you like a kicked puppy while you continued to talk with your friend
- Bill and Gustav are def staring at him from the convenience store window like🧍while Georg is hyping him up
- is a persistent mf and eventually sets up a hangout with you the following day (he begged on his knees and clung onto your leg until you accepted)
- pictures show up all over the media speculating on you two’s relationship
- photos are mostly of Tom getting walked like a dog by you
- he’s always walking behind you while you lead him to god knows where
- tags along everywhere you go even for minuscule things
- many comment on how different his attitude is when he’s with you
- once y’all are closer, dating or not he is alllll over you 24/7
- can never stay away from you
- head on the shoulder hugging you from behind while you talk with someone
- playing with the belt loops on your pants while you play with his hair while talking with the band
- Hand on your lower back while walking the carpet or through crowds of paparazzi
- makes out w/ you after concerts bc of that adrenaline rush and you both love it sm
- against the wall backstage n everything
- grabs at anything he can but most you’re waist
- loves pushing his hips flush against yours
- whiny if you tell him he has something scheduled and can’t spend time with you
- always touching your ass and doesn’t care who sees wants ppl to see
- literally had to kick him out so you could shower alone one time bc he wouldn’t leave
- eventually you just accepted you’ll have to shower with someone all the time
- You def pulled him he didn’t pull you
- he’s not ashamed to admit that
- Lowkey moody when you’re not around and with him and it drives the band crazy
- head over heels type of love with him
- always staring at you with puppy dog eyes
-watches you do your hair and makeup
- sneak peeks what you’re wearing so he can subtly match in his own style
- when fans try to flirt he’s like 🏃”Name where’s Name”
- One time a fan tried to get his attention by showing off the shirt she was wearing and showing her chest and he was like…
- “How would Name look in that”🤔
- “Name would NOT wear something like that”
- said it out loud one time and almost made a fan cry but apologized bc Bill said so
- but Tom is Tom and if you notice him checking someone out or flirting without knowing you’d set him straight
- you know your worth and tell him off if needed
- but the chance he would is like one in a million because who is better than you?
- ‘no one’ is the answer
- interviewee’s would try and bring up how much he changed relationship wise and he’s like
- “well yeah I’m literally dating her why would I want anyone else?”
- def teased by Bill and Georg on how whipped he is
- doesn’t deny it at all and just nods his head like “yeah Ik bro isnt she great”
- Carves your name on the side of one of his guitar with a knife and it’s all wobbly and messy but you loved it and he was so giddy abt it
- if you have piercings he’ll get matching ones
- comments on your appearance 24/7
- “You’re so hot”
- “did you get prettier?”
- “is that skirt new?”
- you always put him in his place without even saying anything
- like he say smth and you just staring and him and he’s like
- “ I was just kidding babe of course just jokes😁”
- sweats bullets when when you guys fight abt things bc you are scary
- Begs for forgiveness
- Buys you so much stuff and doesn’t stop even if you want him to
- I feel like gift giving is his love language and there is no stopping it (just accept them it makes him cheese so hard he’s all happy and will kickin his feet n shit when you aren’t looking)
- named “teen couple of the year” in lots of magazines
- he keeps those magazines inside of his nightstand
- gets so many questions abt you in interviews
- gets a little to personal with the answers
- embarrasses you sometimes but find it amusing and so does he
- even fans can’t get mad because you guys r just so cute together
- literally some fans named yall #goals
- The band loves you guys together because it brings out the good in Tom
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insuke69 · 11 months
!Miles 42 headcannons
fuck hes a minor dammit im a minor as well
no full on sexualizing p in v or whatever but lil things along those lines, nothing EXPLICIT ..i think, so yeah.
(This is mostly for me that is painfully lonely and needa vent my thoughts abt this man as a perfect bf is some ways, ..i feel like he'd be toxic though.)
this is mostly for uterus havers :(
-He is a GENTLEMAN. whoever said chivalry is dead has never dated Miles: Opening doors for you, Paying for everything, Always letting you in first, polite mf.
-He loves hand holding, this man will always have something on you, hand, shoulder, etc. PDA goes hard
-y'all can be talking and blabbing on about something but if you are talking for 'too long' this guy will suddenly give you a passionate kiss when you're mid-sentence to shut you up. (It always works.)
-JEALOUS MILES; he would seriously do anything w you in public if another dude is staring at you. scenario:
imagine y'all are at the mall, you are focused on the shop you two are walking to as you and Miles make small conversation and Miles has his arm around you. suddenly with his hand on your shoulder he turns your chin so you look at him then just kisses you. when you say something like '???' not that you're complaining but sudden PDA isn't 110% something you do, this mf would shrug and say something like "Just marking who's mine." and the guys staring would be long gone.
-Miles has a pic of you two in his phone background/wallpaper, the image slightly more zoomed in on you yet you both are visible.
-His phone is either pristine condition, like new 24/7 or a cracked monstrosity that barely can turn on. There's so in between; fight me on this.
-hugs from behind + nuzzling into your neck.
-when you meet his mom + uncle Miles'd show his more polite/loving side when introducing you to his mom and his more mature side with Aaron
With him mom: "Mami, here is my girlfriend ____" he'd say with a soft smile and gesturing to you.
With Aaron: "Yo uncle Aaron, meet my girl." he'd say as he gestures to you with a small nod.
-if you are Mexican and at one of your family's parties, he gobbles anything in his sight, he doesn't have much spice tolerance but he'd drown himself in salchichas a la diabla or would add too much sauce to his tacos al pastor. Literally; keep soda or Agua de jamaica READY for when he gets spiced. (He'd act like he isn't and would try to drink his drinks casually, as if his tongue weren't on fire.)
-He makes playlists for you, with songs he knows you'd like and would smile to himself if you hum the tune, he'd recognize the song and would play it in the car or something.
-Miles occasionally takes your phone and uploads himself on your Instagram story just as a 'reminder' to the guys that follow you on there.
-He is an amazing kisser, you can't prove me wrong istg.
-Miles will keep him being the prowler away from you completely, wouldn't even go with you once he was done as prowler just in case.
-He has so much respect for you, him having a single working mother and all? he is so respectful of woman.
-He can unhook a bra w one hand.
-Makes hickeys on your lower neck, stomach, thighs a lil on chest. (He's a lil mindful at the fact that you may not want visible hickeys everywhere so when he does any on your chest he does it where its at least covered by a bra.. sometimes.)
-He barely has a small idea of how periods work but barely, he knows to at least keep his mouth shut and to give chocolates. (And to decline some of your advances 'cause nobody is risking having kids.)
My phone hasn't been working so i wrote this on my stolen chromebook so idk how the spelling or grammar worked
p2 and p3 made
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Fluff Headcanons
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Yugi Amane, Yugi Tsukasa, Mitsuba Sousuke
TW : None
A/N : omfg I did it again I accidentally deleted the original process 😭 I mean great cause I absolutely went off track with the forst one, bad cause I won't be able to show the request DAMN IT HAUSHSHA I KEEP DOING THIS TO MYSELF
Also, I made these three alive cause I have a brilliant Idea in mind
I hope you enjoy 😞💗
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I love you too.. Dummy..
Mitsuba would be the type to shyly give you back hugs
Long hugs even
LIKE He doesn't wanna say he wants hugs, he shows you through his facial expression
"??? Sousuke... Why are you making faces at me.."
You'd purposely act dumb so you can see how much he can last without your affection lol
Which he didn't last for long of course
The duration of hugs and cuddles is based off how tired he is or how needy he is
He just wants you to hold him
I just know this guy loves Forehead kisses
When you move his bangs just to give him a kiss on the forehead 😭😭
After schools, you two would head to the convenience store
Maybe yk take candid photos of each other before almost getting kicked out by the owner—
You two would stroll around the park sometimes
Totally wouldn't stop every second to take a photo—
Mitsuba absolutely hated crowds, so you two woulf sometimes hang around his house or yours
and its one of those day where it was raining and you're in the sheets with your boyfriend cuddling while watching a movie
an experience and a memory you wont ever exchange for
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I Miss You!!
Its not a drill, you already know how he is
Very clingy, 24/7
No matter where you two are, he is always clinging onto you
There was a time he whined that you let go of him just to go to the bathroom lawl
Tsukasa was a very extroverted person and just loved being in the crowd
But where you're not within the crowd man he'll just go home
He LOVES to cuddle with you
Hug you
I just know he gives out the best long hugs by gow clingy he is
You want something? He'll get it for you ASAP
He doesn't want his beautiful S/O waiting now does he
Especially when he lays down on your lap omfg
He absolutely loves it when you run your fingers thru his hair and give him pets
did this mf just purr?
Whenever your sad, Tsukasa would roll you up into a sushi and cuddle with you as the both of you watch your favorite movies it's just adorable
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I'll stay
Amane is also very clingy but not to the extent he'll even follow you to the bathroom—
He is a very affectionate guy
He recharges by your touch absolutely mhm
He wants to hold you everywhere you go
No matter the place he just wants to be close to you
Amane also loves it when you pet him and brush his hair your hand he thinks it is very soothing
Amane will also spoil you ROTTEN
Affection? Kisses? Gifts? Oh you name it
You won't be disappointed hehe
I just know Amane would play with your hands and purposely measure them with his so he can sneakily hold your hand
"Hey, Love, Your hands are alot smaller than mine"
"Ehh?? What do you mean?" He held out his hand and you put it ontop of his as Amane suddenly held it tenderly making you blush furiously
"See?~ Mmm I was wrong it fits perfectly with mine~"
"WAAHHH" He laughed at your flustered state
He loves to kiss your hands, your face, neck oh boy he will not leave any spots untouched
I feel like Amane would be the type pf guy who will make sure if you've eaten, how you're doing or what you're doing yk
He'll send the most cutest texts too hehez
When your sad, He'll hold you so close until your sadness evaporates
"Smile for me yeah? I'd much rather see that beautiful smile of yours than it turning into a frown.." Amane kissed your forehead as he held you tight
"I'll stay until you're now feeling better.."
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Hello, I'm sorry it took so long but I haven't been feeling okay the whole month
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dobiemart · 2 years
good looking boy
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pairing, kurtis “kurt” kunkle x reader
summary, general n’ relationship headcanons abt kurt that i wrote in the shower cause i get to do what i want
word count, 2.1k
byr, i got a new new job cause sitting on my ass doesn’t pay the netflix subscriptions, so excuse my absence for the past couple of days. PLEAAAAASSEEE IVE BEEN ADJUSTING LET ME LIVE
ill totally answer some asks asap cause i love you sm and i totally wanna write what yall wanna read, just give me a couple of years seconds :)
also i havent watched spree in a good minute and i didnt feel like rewatching it so if mr kunkle is ooc ignore it
(p.s. i wrote this while eating drinking? chocolate vanilla mixed pudding out of a straw. you’re welcome for that information.)
warnings, fluff and nsfw content but no actual smut, swearing, car sex, oral sex (m and f receiving), cockwarming, dry humping, overstimulation, dacryphilia, mentions of murder, one mention of a breeding kink, one mention of pregnancy, one mention of cutting (not sh & very consensual!), one mention of emotional manipulation, kurt being icky wicky but still a cutie
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im kinda shocked that ppl still love kurt but like ME TOO
i cannot stress the fact that kurt is a stalky perv at first enough. the first time you get in his car he instantly saves the footage and uses it for extra curricular activities.
he's genuinely willing to follow you around in his spree. he’ll wait outside for hours in front of any building you go to. the other passengers can wait, right?
he’d totally plug his socials in his regular socially awkward way, but stutters more than usual while he does it. (boooo. tomato tomato tomato tomato.)
along with shoving his socials down your throat, he’ll ask for yours back. even if you don’t give it to him, he’ll find it. he’d know practically everything about you after your first meeting. he has your address, where you go to work/school, what your third favorite meal is, how you did your hair in 2nd grade, etc.
totally tries to flirt with you and miserably fails to the point where it makes you physically cringe multiple times. he probably searched up how to flirt on wikihow a couple minutes before he picked you up.
let's be real here. kurt smells like pennies and bacon grease with the teeny tiniest bit of vape juice and dollar store body spray. his car always smells good, though.
after your first couple of drives, he gets the courage to finally ask you to go out with him. not without stuttering to all hell and having a camera somewhere, of course. it’s quality content for the kurties!
once you say yes and get through the little pre-dating stage, this pervy bitch is the cutest, nastiest, most loveable motherfucker you’ll ever see. buckle up mf
our favorite boy has the same amount of game that a middle school boy would have. you could be years into your relationship and he would still say stuff like “are you lightning? cause’ you could be my queen.” 
his viewers don’t believe he has a girlfriend at all. you really gotta make sure to tell them you aren’t kidnapped or being forced to be in a relationship with him.
brings you everywhere with him, no matter what. he might leave you back in his room when hes filming #TheLesson, but if you wanted to tag along he wouldn’t mind having you there.
he gets sick really easily cause his immune system isn’t immune to dog shit. i swear he’ll be fine one day then sneeze his ass off the next.
calls you the most random damn nicknames you’ll ever see. he’d definitely call you shit like “my little soda pop gummy bear” or “the barbecue to my chili” along with the normal baby and sweetheart stuff. (I SAW A HC THAT HE CALLS YOU HIS FAV KURTIE ONCE AND OMFG IT AIN'T TRUE)
please call him pretty. call him anything, for that matter. if its coming from your mouth, he’d love it. call him trash for all he cares, he’d be your trash anyday (same you lil hottie) <3
im gonna assume he's constantly on tiktok along with every other platform he could possibly be on 24/7. his screen time is a lil too high (same) but what did you expect. on top of that, his volume is constantly on 100 and he doesn’t like wearing headphones, so good luck with that.
kurt is always cold. his body is simply built differently. so instead of you putting your hands under his shirt, he’d put his under yours. (and would totally be offended and take it to heart if you don't want his icicle hands on you.) 
the absolute biggest attention whore ive ever seen. cuddling, hugs, hand holds, kisses, etc. 24/7. literally he’s fine with just being in your presence all day. wha- what do you mean you wanna run errands? who the fuck needs your time when kurie needs it more?
although hes an attention whore, kurt also needs his space and alone time. when he leaves, he leaves for a reason. don’t follow him out, don’t pester him when he gets back. unless you really wanna see why he loves “fuck, marry, kill.” so much. (goofy ahh threat)
you best believe most of the lovey dovey things in your relationship are gonna be streamed and recorded. not absolutely everything but enough to have a couples tiktok account together.
most definitely drops an L bomb during the first couple of weeks. he’s never had someone like you, and he doesn’t wanna let you go either. not that he’d actually let you go, anyway.
very whiny. like he's an actual man child, especially when he’s denied anything. (flashbacks to when you told him he couldn’t stream you doing random shit throughout your day.)
this bitch CANNOT see and i'll stand by that with my life. kurtie wears contacts. once in every blue moon he’ll actually let you see him with his chunky framed glasses on, but don’t post any pictures of him with them. he has a reputation to uphold, y/n!
he forgets to take care of himself all the time. shove him into a good steamy shower and get him to eat something other than a lunchable and can of off brand pepsi.
him getting up to lock his door after his mom walks in on you cuddling for the first time. he probably gets a padlock and a door stopper just to make sure it doesn’t happen again. (giving two middle school kids)
probably has a shrine of things he stole you gave him for whenever you're not there. it’s filled with everything from stuffed animals, to polaroid pictures of you sleeping. you don’t know about it and he’ll probably never tell you where it is.
not only does he giggle while he laughs, the mf snorts and clutches his stomach for dear life. it looks like his entire body is going through a stage 4 earthquake. 
gets into fierce arguments with the 12 year olds he plays with. im talking full screaming matches at ungodly hours of the night. (morning? morning. no it’s night- WAIT-)
“kurtis. if you yell into that damn mic one more damn time–“
i wouldn’t say he’s incredibly toxic, but kurt can damn well manipulate any situation that he wanted. it’s a common tactic he’s used since he was a kid, and that wont change when it comes to you.
he has a cracked ass phone screen. literally pieces of glass are missing and he thinks it’s completely normal. please get him a screen protector asap
kicks his feet when he lays on his stomach. y'all cannot tell me he doesn't cause i won't listen whatsoever
please tell him to shut the hell up about his damn sub count. genuinely the amount of times he brings up views and likes during the day instead of regular human conversations is concerning. (THERAPY YOUR HONOR THERAPPYYY)
kurt is a virgin. you know this, his passengers know this, everybody knows kurtie gets absolutely NO bitches. zero. zilch. damsels? non existent for him. 
he’s never had anybody as intimate as you before you came around, so he's instantly hooked after your first kiss together. 
loud. super loud. volume at 110% typa loud. i just cannot picture him being quiet whatsoever. he has to moan/whine/whimper, so on and so forth. 
him being extremely verbal isn’t always subjected to sexual situations, either. you could give him a quick squeeze on the shoulder and he’d groan super loud over the fact that your hands were on him.
if you're into it, he’s obviously gonna film it. y’know how famous he could get from a sextape, y/n? followers galore. he’d never actually share you though. they can look but they can’t touch.
kurtie likes boobies, but he also likes thighs. he wouldn’t say no to a fat ass, yet tummies are so appealing to him- he likes everything. just the fact that you’re his and he can actually touch any part of you is good for him.
cries when he cums. actually sobs. legitimately starts weeping. is the definition of ‘crying a river.’ its even better when he's overstimulated. (i just want one piece sir)
anotha one of those mfs that loves the idea of breeding, but would absolutely panic if he actually managed to get you pregnant. but then again, he could make a family channel! just think about the views it would rack up–
okay so kurt obviously isn’t the biggest dicked bitch in the neighborhood, but when he learns how to actually use what he’s got the sex is immaculate. jaw dropping, toe curling, has you smiling n giggling at the dinner table typa good.
stop drop and roll, halt, and pause cause imagine cockwarming him in his gaming chair until it’s eventually too much for him to handle, him putting his headset on you and giving you a severe case of wobbly legs.
could and will kill for you without an issue. he’s a scrawny little piece of shit, but man is he strong. mentally and physically. anybody you want, he’d find them for you. would probably also come home covered in blood and wanna give you a hug or some shit. (ew, kurtis.)
bucks his hips into your mouth while you give him head. at first it was an accident, then he realised what he was doing. he totally could stop it but the sounds of you gagging around him make him feel proud of himself.
i feel like he’d like having some music on during sex, but he’ll turn it of midway in the session cause he wants to hear every single sound you make. he can tell how much you’re enjoying it that way.
kurt has totally jacked off while you were in the same room. he especially likes to do it while you're napping in his bed. i 
don’t know why, he doesn’t know why, he just likes to do it.
grips on any and everything in sight and doesn't let go. seriously, you gotta pry him off of you before his nails start digging too hard. 
he blows condom balloons. you cannot look me in the eyes tell me kurtis kunkle hasn’t drawn a face on a blown up condom and given it to a person in his spree
he humps you like an actual bitch in heat. like you could be chill as hell on a random sunday evening and BAM the white man pounces and he’s rutting against you like his damn life depends on it.
he’s probably watched enough porn to know what a little bit of aftercare is, but was super awkward about it the first time. literally grabbed your sweaty body and gave you a side hug with a special high five. 
as much as i'd love to say kurtie is a certified bottom, he could totally dom whenever he wanted to. basically switches as quickly as he did when he told jessie she wasn’t going back to her home anytime soon. 
let's sit up here and be honest. if kurt is eating you out it isn’t for you, its for him. he takes pleasure in stuffing his face between your legs for hours on end. he tries to inconspicuously rut against the bed, but we all know what he’s doing.
imagine flirting with somebody in his spree as a joke, and him being dangerously silent about it until they get out of the car. if you could get a noise complaint from a vehicle, you’re getting one that day. 
literally do anything to him. he’s fine with it. you wanna choke him? sure! you wanna cut him? only if you use the hello kitty blade. you wanna bite him? he's offering several limbs in your direction. 
kurtie babe starts babbling when he gets close enough to cumming, especially when he decides to be talkative. it’ll turn from stable dirty talk to incoherent slurred words. 
when he eventually learns that an awkwardly sweaty side hug doesn’t fit as aftercare, he asks you what you’d like him to do for you. he’s officially maid kurt when it comes down to taking care of your needs.
the bath is ready, with your salts and bath bombs of choice, as well as the tower of bubbles that’ll take forever to go away. a pair of matching onesies and fuzzy socks are ready for both of you to slip into when you’re done soaking.
he falls asleep pretty quick, but he’ll try to stay up most of the time. one time he got into the tub before you and knocked out to the point where he didn’t know where he was when he woke up. 
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wsp baby dicks and mama chicks :)
man oh man i havent been able to write anything in forever i was so sad abt it
idk if people still read abt kurt but i personally do and ill read my own shit if i have to
idk what else to put here except for the fact that likes n reblogs are appreciated and my nose is really cold and tysm for reading you hottie mctotties
- cora, the stressed out mother of 5 dog babies
© dobiemart 2022
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nct-lian · 3 years
wayv’s relation to lian
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they have the cutest little interactions ever :(
was one of the members that kun was most comfortable around at first
she made him feel so welcomed!
when nct 2018 appeared on weekly idol, lian was placed in the front
but she moved her chair over to kun’s side to be closer to him !!!!!!!
lun stans found dead
they go out to eat food together a lot :D
now that lian doesn’t feel the need to look over him anymore, he stepped in and is now a very good parental figure for her
he bought her an expensive ass ring for her birthday
him and johnny both being her dad: 🤝
kun has been arguing back and forth with chenle about lian’s chinese name
he loves the name xiuying for her :(
they hype each other up all the time !!
lian and kun had the best time with each other when filming from home
we got so many adorable clips of them :DDDD
when talking to each other they can’t pick a solid language
like they’re always switching between mandarin and korean
they also slip in a bit of english at times as well
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if kun is her dad then ten is her cool uncle
he lets her do whatever she wants
like he will just sit and watch as she teases the fUCK out of hyuck
just like kun they switch between multiple languages in a conversation
they normally speak english with each other!
their fashion game is always on point.
no actually they literally wore matching shirts one time
liten supremacy breaking the internet: <3
ten once said “guys she’s like my daughter stop being weird~~~!” on vlive when people kept asking if him and lian were dating
as he should !
they mention each other ¿ everywhere ?
ten even helped her choreograph the new ver. of yoncé
don’t touch me i’m soft
no because ten ships her with someone in the group … just not who you’d think ;)
i swear he’s her #1 hypeman
ten was actually the one who made their ship name- goals asf sry i don’t make the rules
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lian is yet another member of nct who will sacrifice her soul to the devil for winwin
“winwin winwin winwin winwin is on the mind forever and always i love you winwin” was what she posted for his birthday
winwin loves her just as much and he shows it
he likes hugging her DDDDD:
also ten ships them
so that’s that uh :p
lian cried so hard when he had to pause promotions with 127 :(
especially because they were super close!
winwin was actually another one of her first friends in nct because she was fluent in mandarin
and they were both super comfortable speaking with each other :)
winwin: i like lian the most :D
yuta + taeil: am i a joke to you?
no cause yuta is constantly losing in this thing
lian picks winwin and winwin picks lian what is happening
winwin’s current lockscreen is a picture of lian rolling her eyes at yangyang
yup yup their lockscreen tradition LISTEN AND WEEP
winwin’s selfies are lian’s favourite thing :)
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omfg the chaos these two bring
i’m crying because nct 2018 was chaotic in itself but lulian was something else
taeyong was going through an existential crisis the entirety of 2018
leave it in 2018 sweetheart we been knew lian is the size of a jellybean
he had her react to his drama where he dances to replay after killing his girlfriend
lian confirmed it was 10/10 and would recommend watching
she genuinely thinks lucas should have been added to nct dream and she stands by that opinion daily
the MOMENTS we got during nct world 2.0 were chefs kiss
they were both so chaotic while mark was frying eggs
the oldest + youngest in the 99’ line remain iconic
lian hates him but loves him at the same time
because he’s nice to her but he SPENDS TOO MUCH OF HIS TIME MAKING FUN OF HER HEIGHT
“lian you’re like literally two feet tall i could fit you in my pocket”
“i will drop kick you in 2.5 seconds if you don’t shut the fuck up wong yukhei”
lucas once said that their favourite thing to do together was play at playgrounds
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what you’ve all been waiting for
xiaojun went so long thinking that lian was chinese (∩╹□╹∩)
like she speaks mandarin perfectly, has a chinese stage name
when they met the first thing he said to her was how pretty she was
“y-you’re so pretty uhh”
*cue distressed xiaojun*
he followed lian on instagram before nct 2020 was even confirmed
he didn’t know jaehyun or yuta liked her and accidentally patted her head in front of them and called her cute
they’d like to do a duet someday :)
he couldn’t get her lyrics from kick it out of his head when he first listened to the song
sometimes still quotes them around her to make her laugh
lian hyped his drama up SO MUCH !1!1!1!€]£<]~\£>€{
“dejunnie is having an acting debut soon !! please go support him and his cast~”
xiaojun brags about that a lot ... and her nickname for him :)
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the teasing
besties ™
they would occasionally message each other before and they considered themselves to be pretty close but when nct 2020 happened they were chaos
especially when they ended up in the work it unit together
everyone was so sick of them like they would not shut up about random ass things
hendery and lian are like another version of haechan and lian
but minus the lovey stuff they sometimes do
with liandery it’s constant teasing and making fun of each other 24/7
and it’s all fun and games so they can go DOWN if they’d like to
lian roasted him so hard once bye
they were supposed to be a pair on “it’s awkward but it’s ok”
but they developed such a good friendship within like two weeks that they had to switch up the members
hendery is kinda soft for her though ngl
he’ll just randomly poke her dimples
it was just the way she presented herself at that time because she was a little frustrated, but it wasn’t anything that wouldn’t change later on
hendery thought she was older than him by like three years rip
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when lian met yangyang she gained another child
but yangyang’s not a baby anymore (҂⌣̀_⌣́)
yet he’ll 100% act cute so that she does stuff for him
she’s not complaining though anything for her son
they’re like yangyang and ten all over again
once had a whole ass conversation through memes
it started with spongebob ended with shrek
lian now knows how to introduce herself in german thank you yangyang
not lian teaching yangyang toronto slang :’)
yangayng for some reason gave her big haechan energy when they first met
because the first thing he did was mock her height
he literally bent down and said “can you see me better”
lian: hello i saw you perfectly fine before my neck isn’t broken sir
but it was okay because now they have a really playful relationship with each other :D
have teamed up on numerous occasions to make kun’s life harder
“i thought the chaos stopped with yangyang, lian when did you become such a problem child?”
but lian gets special treatment because well .. she’s lian what do you think
yangyang calls her lili :)
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donttellanyoneyall · 4 years
Makes sense why JJ likes her (Kiara x reader)
Summary: You left the Pogues because you thought you were in love with a particular person but maybe you were too dumb to realise that it was someone else (Kind of a jj x reader too)
gif from jjmaybnk
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You left the Pogues, straight up. It used to be John B, JJ, Pope and you. But then Kiara had to show up.
At first it was fine, she was really nice and you agreed with her ranting about how we should save the environment. Then something changed. You saw the way JJ treated her, it was different from how he treated you. He would joke around with her more, spend more time with her and you become invisible, literally. 
So you dipped. You didn’t tell any of the pogues. At first they tried to fix things, visited you often at work and literally begged you to come back but your stubbornness was pretty irritating, so they stopped.
That was 3 months ago. Now your sitting in their stupid, rotting away pogue van with the world’s most awkward silence. The only thing you knew was that they needed your help with something. JJ was sitting in front of you, rolling a joint. To be honest, it felt like he cared the least when you left, he never stopped by once. No calls, no texts, nothing. It hurts even more when he is technically the reason why your jealous ass left. 
Let’s be honest, you had a crush on him, he looked like a god, and seeing him with Kiara was not helping, especially when she is literally the most beautiful sight in the Outer Banks. And she also has a personality. 
You shouldn’t have followed them but the only reason why you did was because you felt hella bad for John B, and you missed Pope ( he helped you with trigonometry and stuff and now you’re failing everything), so you went.
By the time y’all reached John B’s house, the atmosphere was humid. You didn’t even know if you were sweating because of the weather or because the pogues were staring at you and it was making you uncomfortable af.
‘Ok is someone gonna tell me why I’m here or… ‘you began, surprised that you didn’t even stutter.
JJ rolled his eyes and mumbled something along the lines of ‘we don’t need her’ which earned him a slap on the back from Pope.
Kiara was staring at you, pretty intensely. You began to fidget and avoided eye contact but when you looked back up she was smiling. It was really pretty. Makes sense why JJ liked her.
‘We need your help with something’, John B interrupted.
‘With what’, you questioned.
You shouldn’t have asked. Pope began ranting about a treasure hunt and at that moment you were confused and mad. Confused because how tf did a bunch of ‘almost-high-everyday’ kids manage to be obsessed with finding gold. Mad because you knew them all your life and they never did anything cool like this but that one time you were mad and left, they be out here living the Dora the explorer life??
It was silent for a while, even JJ didn’t say any sarcastic remarks. You were staring at the ground, (Man, John B gotta clean his house) and when you looked up the first person that came to focus was John B. You’ve never seen him like this, he was desperate and he looked like he was about to cry. You looked at Pope and his eyes looked hopeful, he gave the sweet ‘no matter what, we understand’ type of smile. You looked at JJ and he wasn’t looking at you. In fact this mf had been avoiding your eyes since the beginning, he was looking everywhere but you. I don’t think he wanted you here, maybe he never liked you from the start.
Then you looked up at Kiara who was leaning against the wall, staring outside. She was deep in thought, probably about turtles. Maybe it was because you were under pressure or something but as you kept looking at her, your heart was speeding up. 
When she realised you were looking at her, she looked back at you. It made you nauseous for some reason, you thought it was because it was too hot, but no it wasn’t that. You broke eye contact, you were definitely feeling those things cause you were put on the spot, it 100% didn’t have anything to do with Kiara Carrera. 
‘No, I’m not doing this’. 
Everyone was staring at you. They looked disappointed.You were done hurting yourself, it wasn’t their fault you were stubborn and jealous 24/7. JJ was just smoking his weed and showed no emotion but John B and Pope did, they looked as if you just tore their hearts straight out of the chest and to your surprise so did Kiara.
You frowned in confusion.
’Why did she care’, you thought. ’Maybe because she was worried about the boys. No better explanation’
You got up from your spot, stumbling down the stairs, creaking like some shit from a horror movie. You kept walking and walking.
And you did. You thought it was JJ but it was a girl’s voice. It was Kiara’s voice. 
She ran up to you, too close, she was standing way too close. And you could see every single flaw, only she didn’t have any.
She was out of breath and you gave her time to breathe and during this time you observed her. You’re not really the type that stares at a person and observes every single thing about them, you avoid eye contact at all cost but something about this just felt right. You looked at her, no you were definitely staring. You began to fidget because you wanted to run your hand through her hair that definitely would’ve smelled like the ocean. You wanted to stare into her eyes for your whole damn life if you could. Makes sense why JJ likes her.
You blinked. She caught her breath and was frowning at you.
‘You ok? You fazed out.’
‘Uh yeah I’m good’ No you weren’t. Your heart was going crazy today, maybe you should go to the doctors just in case it was a symptom of your death closing by.
Her hand was on your shoulder and that’s when you knew how it felt like to be struck by lighting. You were sweating, your eyes were darting away, you were a stuttering mess too. But why? Why was this shit happening?
Maybe it’s cause you never talked to her. Even when you were with the pogues you were never alone with her (She spent the majority of her time with JJ and technically you were avoiding her). Maybe you were mad at her cause she took JJ away from you. Yup that’s it. That has to be it. 
You took a step back avoiding her eyes and her hands, and you wouldn’t have realised how much you hurt her because you weren’t looking up.
‘Why are you here? I don’t want to do the treasure hunt? Y’all don’t need me’ You said, frustrated. At the pogues and at yourself.
‘I know’, she gulped, looking straight at you.’I came cause I wanted to give you a ride’.
Confused. You were confused. Why did she care, none of the boys did? Maybe she’s just a nice person in general, she would do this no matter who the person was. 
She was smiling when you looked at her. No way in hell are you getting in a car with her. You don’t like awkward energy, and this day is just getting weirder and weirder.
‘Uh’, you started but you didn’t know what to say. You lowkey wanted the ride cause it was way too hot for a walk, but why her? To be honest, you would prefer a ride with JJ cause you had a crush on him right? 
‘Please, Y/n?’
God, you didn’t know what to do. Shit, your heart was doing that thing again.
‘Ok, fine’.
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eleanjasp · 5 years
timeline update: tom and alex on instagram
20 Jan 2017
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21 Jan 2017
Tbt back to season 1! @theroyalsone I do miss my best m8 , Tom from England, (left) 🤖 - @alexandrapark1
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Nah mate. Miss you more. - @tommyae
3 Feb 2017
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Happy bloody Friday innit ! #sweatydancefriends #4lyfe #tapshoes #trumpet #margarita #tophat #razzledazzle 💃���#fbf 🐲 #rehearsals #fbf #nofilter #nomakeup #justsweatyandgoodfriends #mumtookthis #stagemum - @alexandrapark1
25 Feb 2017
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🌵 - @alexandrapark1
2 March 2017
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24/7 : 365 - @tommyae
2 May 2017
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Hi ho hi ho etc 📽👑🔨⏳4️⃣- @alexandrapark1
3 May 2017
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⏳⌛️ - @tommyae
10 May 2017
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Current mood 🔨🌪 - @alexandrapark1
14 May 2017
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On the 14th of May 20 something years ago somewhere in the outback of Australia the planets aligned and a legend was born. On this day every year the world comes together to celebrate this genius with carb free snacks and booze filled drinks. Happy International Al Park Day 2017. I fucking love you mate. Hurry up and get home. You know I get confused about what to do when you're not here. Happy birthday babe. Regards, Your best mate. Tim X - @tommyae
10 June 17
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Get one free. - @tommyae
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Buy one. - @alexandrapark1
2 July 17
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Lucky little piggy in the middy 🌈🤸🏼‍♀️ - @alexandrapark1
19 July 17
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Same same but diff 🚪👵🏼👴🏼 - @alexandrapark1
2 Aug 17
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🙃 - @alexandrapark1
16 Aug 17
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007 2017 - @alexandrapark1
15 Sept 2017
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Happy international and annual Tim day. Here's a handful of YMWT (yearly moments with tim) Happy birthday to my best friend on the planet. You are so stupidly fantastic  that it occasionally it actually pisses me off. Never stop being tim please. Never stop making me lol. Never stop being the fiery determined MF that walks into any room and immediately makes everyone smile. You are 1 in a mill. For reals. Ain't nobody like you old boy. Here's to another year of showin everyone how it's done. Xxxxxx ♥️♥️🌈🌈🌈🦆🦆🦆💋💋💋💋💋😎😎😎  - @alexandrapark1
5 March 18
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Bff 🕶 - @alexandrapark1
11 March 18
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Come in. Come in. we’re expecting you. 🍸 @theroyalsone ||||  - @tommyae
14 May 2018
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Almost five years ago a little Australian ran (and probably knocked something over on the way) into my life and changed it forever. International Al Park Day is one of my favourites of the year. I’ve had banners, napkins and paper plates all printed up with your face on and I’ve had most of the major streets of London shut down for the parade I’m throwing later on all to make up for the fact that I won’t be able to see you on your birthday. You are the best mate a little Tim could ever ask for and I’m so lucky and happy every day I get to be in your life. Trust me. There is no one in the world quite like Al Park. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE. I love you mate. I miss you so much and cannot wait for our next adventure together... not long now!!!! Now go get yourself the most amazing birthday ever. That’s an order. Your Tim xx (Also admin note- I MAY have got confused over the number of the months so if there is not a present delivered for you when you wake up it will be arriving in June. Classic Tim. Many thanks.) - @tommyae
22 June 18
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no point doing a stupid caption 🃏♥️🃏♣️📢📢🌏 - @alexandrapark1
23 June 18
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Stupid Caption - @tommyae
4 July 2018
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let’s just go sit by the sea - @alexandrapark1
6 Aug 18
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💭 reminiscent and or wistful 💫🍃 - @alexandrapark1
8 Aug 18
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15 Sept 18
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today is the day!!!!! the international celebration of tim day. 25 or so years ago this striking man was born and then about ten years later i met him in a strange environment and pretty much just copied everything he did from that day on because he’s my freakin hero. i have no idea what i did to deserve you tom but i count my lucky chickens every single day. i love you to the moon 🌚 xxxxxx HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU RARE EXOTIC BIRD. ❤️ - @tommyae
28 Jan 19
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can’t wait to follow you around everywhere even if you want time away from me 🇬🇧 ✈️ 🇺🇸 👦🏼👩🏻 - @alexandrapark1
6 Feb 19
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What? - @tommyae
25 Feb 19
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Photo or it didn’t happen... - @tommyae
14 May 19
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YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! YES YES YES YES. HAPPY 30TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL AL PARK DAY!!! 🥂🎈🥂🎈🥂🎈🥂 This really is the big one lads. The celebrations for this are expected to least 6 months. And quite fucking right. So get involved immediately. I think a lot- i must have done something very good at some point in another life to get a best mate like you. Of all the years we’ve known each other this one is the saddest for me not to be able to be with you. And even though we don’t know when we’ll see each other next, at least I know that every day is one day closer to getting sat back next to each other with a beer in hand, you singing a song from a show I’ve not seen, me wondering where it all went so right. Happy birthday mate. I fucking love you. Got a bit of a feeling this year might be your one. Welcome to the club babe. Now go get yourself the best birthday ever. You deserve it. Regards Tim. From England. X - @tommyae
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nuevorealidad · 6 years
(2019) plot.plan.time
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$$ MONEY $$ The only economy that matters,  that can actually put money in your purse, wallet, or the cracks of your sofa, is the economy created by your thoughts, words, and actions. Every day, someone new, near you, becomes a millionaire. The Universe
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Most people believe they must “earn” money through hard work and this is why it’s so challenging for them to manifest more money. With this belief, the Law of Attraction must continue to bring money only as the result of hard work. When we can start to expect money to come in unexpected, easy ways, it will.
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It's time to give everyone the big fuck you and bloom how you choose. You get to be whatever kind of fucking flower you want to be. You inherit yourself.
This is where we make a choice, punks. What is the story you are going to choose to tell? Are you going to keep telling the same old fucking story, or are you going to take what you want? Are you the master of your own fate, or will you allow the illusion to suck you back in?
It tells us that we are finally shedding the bullshit, letting the hail storm knock away all that isn't fastened securely to the truth.
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‘’ Tess Mahal Ko , 1 way to defeat invisible, limiting beliefs, even ones you may not know you have, is to simply ‘’dream*think*create’’  a life so grand, that they couldn’t possibly make sense. And then start living that life today, however humbly at first. Make a decision of what you truly desire, want.. give your attention there ..  find the feeling place of it — and *bam* you are there instantly. ‘’ 😍 ‘’ ~ JS
****** OUR NEW GAME Commences November 2018  ***********
!!!!!! ^ - ^ !!!!! En Garde 😍 Get Ready For It  !!!!! ^ - ^ !!!!!!
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‘’He’ll always be there for her. Standing in the shadows to keep her safe. Laughing with her in the light. Watching through her eyes all those who get close. He’ll always be there. She will be fine.
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T.E.S.S. (the.eternal.spontaneous.spin#master) ~
*T*F*S* a #baddass mf gangsta/goddess in cahoots w/ CIA (cosmic intelligence agency) @undisclosed no.extradition.treaty.lat/long.domain in the  A.I.R. (alternate intelligence realm)
““  That’s My Girl  ““  
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😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐥🌻🍀🍂⚘ 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🐬🐺 🔥🌀🌷☘😍🌾⚘🌸🐱
Rewriting my story- Update 3/2018
Free at last/ free at last/ free to live my life the way I really choose it to be. I am Fearless & I am not afraid. I am sovereign/ I own my authority . No one/nadie/nada can impose itself on me. I am my own Higher Guidance Council how will I know.. if what I hear resonate or feel right to me then it is.. if not its kicked to the curb. I am not here to confirm or follow. I create my own reality / my own sets of beliefs it's my way or the highway .. everything always goes my way .. everything is always working out for me .. good shits are always lining up for me /awesome ideas /brilliant options flows to me in groves/ synchronocities leads to serendipities all the time. And why shouldn't it be.. I am worthy / I am integrity / I am a Privilege Being & a Pampered Soul.
😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐥🌻🍀🍂⚘ 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🐬🐺 🔥🌀🌷☘😍🌾⚘🌸🐱
December 26, 2017 ·
Become self-reliant, self supporting. Prioritise your own highest interests - highest being the key word. Cut away anyone or anything that drains or feeds on your precious life force. From now on your mission is to engage only with creators, those who have already woken up Get real and be real. Stop curating your life. Become inner not outer directed. Find what you're really good at and do it all time. Do a personal resources inventory. What do you know or what skills you have that are valuable to others? You have physical, emotional and spiritual resources all around, lying neglected and unacknowledged in your psyche or hidden away in your very own dustbin of history. Now is the moment to excavate all of them – your finances, time investment, skills, talents, possessions, qualities – and release them into the light of day to form and reform into more authentic ways of self-expression and making a living.
Be strongly steadily directed from within. there is no outer, THERE IS NOTHING TO DO INSTEAD YOU CENTER URSELF AND ALIGN W/ WHO U TRULY ARE AND ADAMENTLY REMAIN IN THE PLACE OF AUTHORITY AND POWER AND INWARD TRUTH as your statement and the only thing you know.”
It is all about FEELING EMPOWERED OF YOUR OWN POWER, (UR OWN MC/AUTHORITY) your own soverignity. NOTHING TO DO .. ALL ABBOUT BEING ALL THAT U ARE . So instead of thinking what is there to do...FEEL WHAT U FEEL LIKE DOING and doing preceeds the being...here i rule my life to the fullest as i await my instant death w/out pain without knowing ... there;s really nothing else ofcourse xcept for the receiving of alot of abundance, cash, money , gifts, bonus, opps stuf jup sco. all about attaining desire for personal sovereignty.independence and detaching anything less of my being. i am and will always be a priviiledge being and pampered soul.
Just do the next right thing Walk your talk Redraw your boundaries SHIFT TO LIVING AT CAUSE, NOT AT EFFECT. Identify the one thing you’re afraid to say about your life and what you’re going to do about it.
Take concrete steps to becoming self-supporting and self-sustaining Make financial independence your priority, what would you do differently starting now? How can you deliberately live between structure and surprise; between safety and experimentation Recognise that the deeper mind is always on 24/7, not only does it have your back, it’s part of who you are - when you lose sight of it it’s because you’ve gone back to thinking you have to handle this life thing on your own.
😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐥🌻🍀🍂⚘ 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🐬🐺 🔥🌀🌷☘😍🌾⚘🌸🐱
"Now I know better, I do better". It's time to commit to your own preferred reality Time to stop trying to fit into friendships, jobs and realities that have nothing to do with who you are. you no longer need to try to "save" or "heal" anyone nor urself because there is nothing to be working on urself anymore there are so few people to connect to who get your reality - as it should be..dont want otras cramping my space solitude santuary
This is what it feels like to be brilliantly alive. Alive and active not reactive on the good or bad
no choice but to find higher level solutions. As Einstein’ said: 'We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them'. But remember when such collective shifts happen, first comes confusion and chaos.
In your own life, this is a fertile moment to think out of the box or even to jump up and down on the box. Ask:” How have I been underestimating myself? What have I been settling for? What is my wildly impossible goal?” Doing new things is good. Going outside our comfort zones is what we are all about. We are not among those who are playing it safe. But we too can get stuck. So things happen to move stuck energies. They may come in the form of hurricanes, storms, celestial events, getting sick, losing a relationship or a job.This embodiment process is the most difficult thing a human being could ever do. You are being asked to do the impossible, or so if feels.
Pursuing what is desired and nothing else. Waiting, stalking, strategically watching for openings. One-pointedly intent upon grabbing and holding what you lost somewhere and must find again. Going for reminders, facsimiles, totems. Hungry for proof that it is there, that it is possible. Alone forever. You are deeply seeking the other side of yourself, the inner partner, the true motivating spark. You have got lost in the dark, identified with the one who needs and lacks, the one who is broken into fragments of experience. You search everywhere and come up empty. The one inside will be there, when the outer versions cannot sate your hunger,and as a last resort you feel into your own solitary spaces, willing to meet whoever is there and love them with all your heart."
the old world feels so dark eecky sucky that you're willing to let it go AS IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DELETED. Choice is not an option -the 3D time-lines are deleted. MAKE UR SHIFT QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY so ur transition thru 2018 will go smooth effortless MASTERY OR BUST I am immensely powerful and deeply hidden. I work between the lines and the worlds. But I am good at what I do.
"What we take to be true is our reality " This is start of the Return Home via a solo journey of ground breaking proportions. It is living in Free Fall without a Safety Net ..TO LIVE AND THRIVE IN MY OWN PREFERRED DESIRED ALTERNATIVE the edge between order and chaos -
<3 Become self reliant, self supporting. Prioritise your own highest interests - highest being the key word. Cut away anyone who drains or feeds on your precious life force. Get real and be real. Stop curating your life. Become inner not outer directed. Find what you're really good at and do more of it. Upgrade the quality of your thinking -the codes which determine the results you're getting . If you believe your own random thoughts, you're living in the feeling of your thinking, in a self -created matrix.
😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐥🌻🍀🍂⚘ 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🐬🐺 🔥🌀🌷☘😍🌾⚘🌸🐱
Visionary Activist principles -
0. Believe nothing, entertain possibilities. Therefore everything hereafter is offered playfully.
1. Imagination lays the tracks for reality to follow. 2. Better to create prophecy than live prediction. What makes us passive is toxic. Predictions make us passive, but prophecy is active co-creation with the Divine. 3. The invisible world would like to help, but spiritual etiquette requires that we ask. Help is always available; operators are standing by. (WELL THIS IS ME TO T, IN MY CASE I DEMAND :D ) 4. The only way that the gods know we're asking for help is through ritual. 5. If something is a problem, make it bigger. If you cook rage into outrage, it takes it from personal tantrum yoga into the realm of useful action. 6. We only possess the power of an insight when we give it expression. 7. Creativity comes from paradox. We aspire to be disciplined wild people who are radical traditionalists. 8. Stay Strong, FOCUSED INTENT TO CREATE & STAY IN UR OWN WORLD WITHIN THE WORLD .
"There are no right answers. But there is a right question. It's the one that whispers "Why the f* not?"
😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐥🌻🍀🍂⚘ 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🐬🐺 🔥🌀🌷☘😍🌾⚘🌸🐱
Transition is itself transformation. So in this frequency shift from 3D to wherever, reading Facebook posts about "taking back your power" or "moving out of victim mode" as you have thousands of times before then "liking" them because it appeals to the need to feel special without actually changing , is a dead end. It is just another go-around of working on yourself by using willpower to get to somewhere new/different/more exciting than here and now. It is a deadly psychic shortcut avoidance of the alchemy that needs to incubate in the dark to carry you across from personality level living to your emerging higher time-line.
in 5D perspective, frame it as an opportunity to master the arcane art of becoming your own Source - of life, of energy, of feedback and validation, of generative creator consciousness.This will prove a crucial skill to help you navigate 2018's radically different astrology.
In your own life, you need to ask yourself some hard questions – about what you really want and what is truly good for you. About how specifically you're underestimating yourself and about which victory is now available for you to claim.
Make two lists: what you want to resolve or eliminate and what you want to create.
You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want.
:are you channeling this insistent 5D wavelength consistently enough to expand your 3D paradigms and constructs so far out that they refract the whole, not just the parts?
We're in a freefall into future. We don't know where we're going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you're going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It's a very interesting shift of perspective and that's all it is... joyful participation in the sorrows and everything changes.” Joseph Campbell.
The single most radical decision to make now is is refusing 3D ways of operating -not swallowing the bait of making New Year's resolutions or buying into programs to reset you for 2018,or calibrating your 12th DNA strand (!)- and instead tracking your unique emergence as it is happening.
This is a Gateway aligning you to your High heart, your crystalline DNA and switching up your time-lines, your bandwidths of experience. Don't even try to shape it to your 3D desires-
As I keep saying: nothing is working because the 3D time-lines have been deleted. No modality, no matter how temporarily uplifting, can change you or rescue you. Look around you right now -the current chaos-climate, political, financial -is elemental,energetic and profoundly personal and collective all at the same time. I've been writing for ages about events arriving right at your front door and this will escalate in 2018 and the crunch year of 2020. You have to make hard choices based on your highest values, not on comfort or expediency. The time for superficiality of any kind is gone - life is being stripped down to essentials and you need to collaborate with it.
If you have never been called an incorrigible, defiant, impossible woman… have faith. There is yet time" Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
You don't need to fight to make life happen in the way you'd planned, in the way you had thought it would be. Instead, see where the hours, the days are inviting you to go and try to participate in the dance. Don't fight your flow, put your energy where doors are opening" Sophie Gregoire The Writing Wand.
When you suddenly just " know" that none of the old ways work anymore and you stop. Even those things that seemed like a spiritual safety net- such as must-follow rules of meditation, clean eating, entire New Age belief systems- are revealed as just masks and defences against the dark.
All dressed up as spiritual but in reality more never ending pressure to work on yourself. F* DAT AM DONE W/ WKG ON MY SELF! There is no more working on yourself- there never was.(DAMN STRAIGHT) Drop that and feel your animal body exhale in relief and release. There is only and utterly your dance with life as it unfolds moment by moment. And it's a solo journey of sacred proportions . 2018 will be a giant stair step on the way through the Connected Universe into the Age of Aquarius when Pluto enters the sign of the Futurist in 2023. 😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐥🌻🍀🍂⚘ 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🐬🐺 🔥🌀🌷☘😍🌾⚘🌸🐱
{Onyx Radcliffe} oh awww. thank you! wow. that's validating. i needed that lol. phew. Tess, I have been thru the ringer with humans, and been so ashamed to share a bloodline, to the point of no return. I guess now I only realize that we all have our own perspectives and lives, and our purpose is only to be what/when/where we are, whatever that is. You just go shine all over the place, roll around in the sand or the grass. You dont have to be a human, a human is just a word. You're a child of God, of the sun, of the stars. You're an inspiration to all of us with all of your posts. You are a kind, warm heart in a brutal, wintery world. We need people to stop being humans, and start being themselves. Shine as bright as you can. You're not a starseed anymore. You're the real thing, the star blossom, the star fruit, the star itself♥
😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐥🌻🍀🍂⚘ 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🐬🐺 🔥🌀🌷☘😍🌾⚘🌸🐱
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Ultimate F* Goal ~ 2 B ..
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exfrenchdorsl4p0a1 · 7 years
Take flight over Australia: aerial photos by Scott McCook
Take flight over Australia: Aerial photos by Scott McCook
Originally a tailing pond image, I have created a fictional piece of work to convey a story about Australia riding the mining boom, Boddington Western Australia
Scott McCook is a native Australian and an award winning landscape photographer with a serious passion for aerial photography. All of the images that you see in this article were shot from the skies high above remote areas of Australia and New Zealand. His goals are to not only highlight the beauty in areas that are remote and far removed from the public eye, but also to illustrate the impacts that industry can have on the world around us.
To see more of his work, check him out on Facebook and Instagram.
What inspired you to begin your aerial work?
Big Lagoon Shark Bay, an isolated birrida, these birridas are gypsum clay pans that used to be saline lakes
I have two main sources of inspiration, the first of which is my drive to photograph what hides in plain sight. This started many years ago with astrophotography, which was something I pursued in my earlier days of landscape photography. The idea of something so beautiful hiding above cities and street lights every night with many people never even seeing the Milky Way with their own eyes drove me to the dark spots of Western Australia (of which there are many) to capture the incredible beauty of the Milky Way and show people here in Western Australia what’s in their backyard every night.
This concept of showing people, via my imagery, what hides just below the surface (or above your head) is what fanned my obsession for aerial photography. It’s the very same principals, the idea that these beautiful and sometimes abstract landscapes that we see every day from the ground can explode into life from the air.
My second source of inspiration is to show people the impact of mankind on nature, as in the case of my mining aerial imagery. It’s showing people areas that they would never normally be able to see on that scale. It has the possibility to empower people to make their own opinion on these landscapes and how far man will go to chase our precious resources.
I should also mention that there are a number of truly amazing landscape photographers based out of Australia that inspire me on a daily basis. The collective of landscape photographers from ND5 put life back into the aerial genre here in the last 10 or so years and their work sparked my interest in what our beautiful country has to offer from the air. Photographers like Tony Hewitt, Christian Fletcher and Peter Eastway have not only supplied inspiration over the years but have been great mentors for myself and many other budding landscape photographers here in Australia.
What’s your favorite aspect of aerial photography?
Shark Bay Western Australia, coastal floodplain
It really comes down to two questions: Is it the unique photography? Or the thrill of being in a plane or chopper?
I think it’s the pure thrill and enjoyment of flying that keeps bringing me back and then it’s the excitement of having no idea what incredibly unique moment or landscape you’ll capture from the air. Often with aerial photography, it feels like you’re an early explorer, going over uncharted territory, the feeling is quite amazing because often we are lucky enough to be the first people shooting a location from the air.
This is often the case because you can travel to very remote locations in a short amount of time. You can really feel the excitement come over you when you know you’re shooting something completely new. So let's go with 50% the thrill, 50% the photography, how’s that for a safe answer?
What lenses and equipment do you normally shoot with?
Perth, Western Australia. Alcoa Tailing Ponds
Everything!!! Would be my short answer, but the slightly extended answer is as follows:
My Full-frame Go to Kit:
Nikon D810
Nikon 24-70 F2.8
Nikon 70-200mm F2.8 VR2
Sigma 35mm F1.4 Art
My Medium Format combo:
Phase XF + IQ150
80mm blue ring Shnieder
Mamiya 35mm
When it comes to aerial photography I have found shooting large sensor MF images really helps with not only print but the editing process, but the extra data can make all the difference to your creative vision and post processing.
How do you go about composing a shot from that high up in the sky?
Useless Loop salt farm, the different colors coming from varying stages of the process and product, Western Australia
You often have a very small window space to shoot from and you’re traveling 160km an hour at around 1500 ft, so the ground is going fast, very fast! This means you need to be on your game, with the camera settings tuned into something you would possibly find in sports photography: high shutter speeds, high ISO and looking for that sweet spot aperture.
Research using Google Maps is the key to this scenario – often I will know what is coming up, so I’m preparing myself physically (putting my arms in positions thought not humanly possible) and mentally as well, thinking 'What orientation do I want this area in?' Then in a matter of seconds your shooting window comes and before you know it, it’s gone. You can ask the pilot to lock into a loop pattern over the area, but time is money and I find if you can nail it first go, you can be onto the next location and maximize your shooting time and minimize your wallet taking a beating.
How much planning goes into a single aerial photography trip?
Southern Alps, New Zealand, this is an image of the ice that feeds the Fox Glacier in the South Island
Weeks or months. I did two very different aerial expeditions last year which I’ll touch on because of the difference in planning. The first was to Shark Bay Western Australia, a World Heritage Listed area and a location that is totally mind-blowing from the air. I spent around four weeks using Google Maps (My Maps) to scan areas of Shark Bay to shoot. Once I found a potential location I would run a screen grabbed image through Lightroom and the de-haze filter, along with some minor color balance adjustments – this helps me envision what I will be shooting when I arrive to the location.
The satellite images provided by Google are pretty good but with a little tweaking you can really get some detail from them and this helps me know what I’ll be coming across when we’re in the air. I would then save these screen grabs along with the location drawn onto a map, these will then be loaded onto my iPad and used when I’m discussing the flight plan with the pilot. This is extremely helpful because it allows our pilot to see exactly what we want to shoot and where it is, allowing him/her to be more precise.
The other shoot I did was in the Southern Alps of New Zealand in May last year. This was from a Hughes 500 Helicopter with all the doors off. Now, this shoot was different because using Google Maps to do reconnaissance is very limited. Why? Well because it’s a mountainous region it’s a lot harder to use the aerial perspective for a gauge on what you’re going to see. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that the snow in such areas is highly reflective, meaning large areas of Google Maps data can be blown out.
Being in a chopper allows us to hover and hold locations, so there's no need to try and capture that one moment in a split second. We can now spot an amazing location and tell our awesome pilot (thanks Michael from Mountain Helicopters Fox Glacier, complete legend!) to head on over and bank the chopper in just the right spot. This type of aerial expedition feels far more like exploring on foot, just with the added bonus of a multi million dollar piece of machinery giving us the gift of flight wherever we want.
Okay, so slightly different than traveling by foot but I have to admit it’s an incredibly beautiful experience when you fly with all the doors off in such a location.
How do you think drones will impact aerial photography?
Shark Bay, Western Australia
How do I think drones will impact aerial photography? EVERYWHERE! That happened fast didn’t it? I’m still waiting on drone delivery of alcohol in bars, so I feel they haven’t quite achieved their full potential yet.
On a more serious note it’s impacting photography right now, the whole aerial genre has exploded in the last few years. The effect I think is largely positive, if anything it’s sparking the passion of photography in more and more people. I notice many drone operators will start off just wanting to fly drones as their primary objective and in time they develop a love for photographing the world from above, and proceed to learn the photography side of things properly.
On the not-so-positive side I’ve seen it very rapidly develop a bad name in some areas due to pilots breaking the rules and flying dangerously. This puts a bad spin on aerial photography, and in most cases the actions of very few are ruining the potential for some amazing shots for many people. But in general, I think drones are having a positive impact. Do I fly drones? Not yet, I still need my buzz! Looking at the world fly past via an iPad or iPhone just doesn’t quite do it for me yet, I like to be up there experiencing it.
What’s your favorite aerial image to date and how did you go about getting the shot?
Dirk Hartog Island, Western Australia. Coastal Sand Dunes, spot the Kangaroo tracks coming in from top of frame
It's really hard to pick just one image, but I’m going to have to go with an image I captured near Dirk Hartog Island Western Australia. It was around 7:30am in the morning on our 5th and last day of shooting the an area called Shark Bay. Paul Hoelen and I had decided that we would burn some fuel and head over to a remote strip of sand dunes. This particular area wasn’t shot often because you had to spend a fair bit of time and money to just get there so we were pretty excited about finding some untouched landscape.
Upon our arrival we found what we were after, beautiful clean dunes, we shot the location and both nodded to each other in appreciation of our gamble paying off. We then spoke to our pilot Ryan and said lets head south then home, as we made our way down the coast something happened, Paul can barely contain himself, he’s just waving his arm and pointing down “Scott, Scott, Scott!!! Down, look down!”, I look over and this gorgeous half moon shaped sand dune just appears from nowhere. It was so out of place in relation to the rest of the landscape, like mother nature had just created the most stunning sand dune possible then placed it hidden away for Paul and I to find.
I haven’t got to the really cool bit yet, so after shooting this mind blowing sand dune, we get back to our motel that night and load up the images, I go straight to the sequence of this stunning half moon dune and start looking at the images, I zoom in 50% and suddenly spot tracks, it’s kangaroo tracks! This perfect set of Kangaroo tracks is cutting into my composition and up the spine of the sand dune. I couldn’t believe it, the chances of all those things lining up were incredibly rare and it’s why I love photography so much. Yes it’s skill and creativity, but it has equal doses of luck.
How do you keep yourself inspired?
The Salt Farms of Useless Loop Shark Bay, Western Australia
I get much of my inspiration from the amazing, kind-hearted and adventurous landscape photographers I’ve made friends with along the way. It’s so cool in this amazing field we’re in, the community is a place you can draw many things from and inspiration is available everywhere. Beyond that I gain much inspiration from the people who have come before me, I read a lot and attempt to piece together the past as it helps pave the road to my future in this craft.
What are your aerial photography goals for 2017?
Arteries of coastal floodplains pump across the land, Carnarvon, Western Australia
Push the aerial genre to new heights, pardon the pun! I love aerial photography, I am well and truly hooked. I look at 2017 as my chance to challenge myself within this genre, I enjoy story telling via my aerial imagery and look forward to sharing that this year.
Behind the Scenes
This is the Hughes 500 Helicopter with all the doors taken off that was used for the flight over the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Huge thanks to Michael from Mountain Helicopters Fox Glacier!
The below video was shot when I snagged my favorite image to date. It gives you a great idea of the feverish pace at which you are taking images while shooting aerials in a plane.  
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2jiGHAA
0 notes
repwinpril9y0a1 · 7 years
Take flight over Australia: aerial photos by Scott McCook
Take flight over Australia: Aerial photos by Scott McCook
Originally a tailing pond image, I have created a fictional piece of work to convey a story about Australia riding the mining boom, Boddington Western Australia
Scott McCook is a native Australian and an award winning landscape photographer with a serious passion for aerial photography. All of the images that you see in this article were shot from the skies high above remote areas of Australia and New Zealand. His goals are to not only highlight the beauty in areas that are remote and far removed from the public eye, but also to illustrate the impacts that industry can have on the world around us.
To see more of his work, check him out on Facebook and Instagram.
What inspired you to begin your aerial work?
Big Lagoon Shark Bay, an isolated birrida, these birridas are gypsum clay pans that used to be saline lakes
I have two main sources of inspiration, the first of which is my drive to photograph what hides in plain sight. This started many years ago with astrophotography, which was something I pursued in my earlier days of landscape photography. The idea of something so beautiful hiding above cities and street lights every night with many people never even seeing the Milky Way with their own eyes drove me to the dark spots of Western Australia (of which there are many) to capture the incredible beauty of the Milky Way and show people here in Western Australia what’s in their backyard every night.
This concept of showing people, via my imagery, what hides just below the surface (or above your head) is what fanned my obsession for aerial photography. It’s the very same principals, the idea that these beautiful and sometimes abstract landscapes that we see every day from the ground can explode into life from the air.
My second source of inspiration is to show people the impact of mankind on nature, as in the case of my mining aerial imagery. It’s showing people areas that they would never normally be able to see on that scale. It has the possibility to empower people to make their own opinion on these landscapes and how far man will go to chase our precious resources.
I should also mention that there are a number of truly amazing landscape photographers based out of Australia that inspire me on a daily basis. The collective of landscape photographers from ND5 put life back into the aerial genre here in the last 10 or so years and their work sparked my interest in what our beautiful country has to offer from the air. Photographers like Tony Hewitt, Christian Fletcher and Peter Eastway have not only supplied inspiration over the years but have been great mentors for myself and many other budding landscape photographers here in Australia.
What’s your favorite aspect of aerial photography?
Shark Bay Western Australia, coastal floodplain
It really comes down to two questions: Is it the unique photography? Or the thrill of being in a plane or chopper?
I think it’s the pure thrill and enjoyment of flying that keeps bringing me back and then it’s the excitement of having no idea what incredibly unique moment or landscape you’ll capture from the air. Often with aerial photography, it feels like you’re an early explorer, going over uncharted territory, the feeling is quite amazing because often we are lucky enough to be the first people shooting a location from the air.
This is often the case because you can travel to very remote locations in a short amount of time. You can really feel the excitement come over you when you know you’re shooting something completely new. So let's go with 50% the thrill, 50% the photography, how’s that for a safe answer?
What lenses and equipment do you normally shoot with?
Perth, Western Australia. Alcoa Tailing Ponds
Everything!!! Would be my short answer, but the slightly extended answer is as follows:
My Full-frame Go to Kit:
Nikon D810
Nikon 24-70 F2.8
Nikon 70-200mm F2.8 VR2
Sigma 35mm F1.4 Art
My Medium Format combo:
Phase XF + IQ150
80mm blue ring Shnieder
Mamiya 35mm
When it comes to aerial photography I have found shooting large sensor MF images really helps with not only print but the editing process, but the extra data can make all the difference to your creative vision and post processing.
How do you go about composing a shot from that high up in the sky?
Useless Loop salt farm, the different colors coming from varying stages of the process and product, Western Australia
You often have a very small window space to shoot from and you’re traveling 160km an hour at around 1500 ft, so the ground is going fast, very fast! This means you need to be on your game, with the camera settings tuned into something you would possibly find in sports photography: high shutter speeds, high ISO and looking for that sweet spot aperture.
Research using Google Maps is the key to this scenario – often I will know what is coming up, so I’m preparing myself physically (putting my arms in positions thought not humanly possible) and mentally as well, thinking 'What orientation do I want this area in?' Then in a matter of seconds your shooting window comes and before you know it, it’s gone. You can ask the pilot to lock into a loop pattern over the area, but time is money and I find if you can nail it first go, you can be onto the next location and maximize your shooting time and minimize your wallet taking a beating.
How much planning goes into a single aerial photography trip?
Southern Alps, New Zealand, this is an image of the ice that feeds the Fox Glacier in the South Island
Weeks or months. I did two very different aerial expeditions last year which I’ll touch on because of the difference in planning. The first was to Shark Bay Western Australia, a World Heritage Listed area and a location that is totally mind-blowing from the air. I spent around four weeks using Google Maps (My Maps) to scan areas of Shark Bay to shoot. Once I found a potential location I would run a screen grabbed image through Lightroom and the de-haze filter, along with some minor color balance adjustments – this helps me envision what I will be shooting when I arrive to the location.
The satellite images provided by Google are pretty good but with a little tweaking you can really get some detail from them and this helps me know what I’ll be coming across when we’re in the air. I would then save these screen grabs along with the location drawn onto a map, these will then be loaded onto my iPad and used when I’m discussing the flight plan with the pilot. This is extremely helpful because it allows our pilot to see exactly what we want to shoot and where it is, allowing him/her to be more precise.
The other shoot I did was in the Southern Alps of New Zealand in May last year. This was from a Hughes 500 Helicopter with all the doors off. Now, this shoot was different because using Google Maps to do reconnaissance is very limited. Why? Well because it’s a mountainous region it’s a lot harder to use the aerial perspective for a gauge on what you’re going to see. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that the snow in such areas is highly reflective, meaning large areas of Google Maps data can be blown out.
Being in a chopper allows us to hover and hold locations, so there's no need to try and capture that one moment in a split second. We can now spot an amazing location and tell our awesome pilot (thanks Michael from Mountain Helicopters Fox Glacier, complete legend!) to head on over and bank the chopper in just the right spot. This type of aerial expedition feels far more like exploring on foot, just with the added bonus of a multi million dollar piece of machinery giving us the gift of flight wherever we want.
Okay, so slightly different than traveling by foot but I have to admit it’s an incredibly beautiful experience when you fly with all the doors off in such a location.
How do you think drones will impact aerial photography?
Shark Bay, Western Australia
How do I think drones will impact aerial photography? EVERYWHERE! That happened fast didn’t it? I’m still waiting on drone delivery of alcohol in bars, so I feel they haven’t quite achieved their full potential yet.
On a more serious note it’s impacting photography right now, the whole aerial genre has exploded in the last few years. The effect I think is largely positive, if anything it’s sparking the passion of photography in more and more people. I notice many drone operators will start off just wanting to fly drones as their primary objective and in time they develop a love for photographing the world from above, and proceed to learn the photography side of things properly.
On the not-so-positive side I’ve seen it very rapidly develop a bad name in some areas due to pilots breaking the rules and flying dangerously. This puts a bad spin on aerial photography, and in most cases the actions of very few are ruining the potential for some amazing shots for many people. But in general, I think drones are having a positive impact. Do I fly drones? Not yet, I still need my buzz! Looking at the world fly past via an iPad or iPhone just doesn’t quite do it for me yet, I like to be up there experiencing it.
What’s your favorite aerial image to date and how did you go about getting the shot?
Dirk Hartog Island, Western Australia. Coastal Sand Dunes, spot the Kangaroo tracks coming in from top of frame
It's really hard to pick just one image, but I’m going to have to go with an image I captured near Dirk Hartog Island Western Australia. It was around 7:30am in the morning on our 5th and last day of shooting the an area called Shark Bay. Paul Hoelen and I had decided that we would burn some fuel and head over to a remote strip of sand dunes. This particular area wasn’t shot often because you had to spend a fair bit of time and money to just get there so we were pretty excited about finding some untouched landscape.
Upon our arrival we found what we were after, beautiful clean dunes, we shot the location and both nodded to each other in appreciation of our gamble paying off. We then spoke to our pilot Ryan and said lets head south then home, as we made our way down the coast something happened, Paul can barely contain himself, he’s just waving his arm and pointing down “Scott, Scott, Scott!!! Down, look down!”, I look over and this gorgeous half moon shaped sand dune just appears from nowhere. It was so out of place in relation to the rest of the landscape, like mother nature had just created the most stunning sand dune possible then placed it hidden away for Paul and I to find.
I haven’t got to the really cool bit yet, so after shooting this mind blowing sand dune, we get back to our motel that night and load up the images, I go straight to the sequence of this stunning half moon dune and start looking at the images, I zoom in 50% and suddenly spot tracks, it’s kangaroo tracks! This perfect set of Kangaroo tracks is cutting into my composition and up the spine of the sand dune. I couldn’t believe it, the chances of all those things lining up were incredibly rare and it’s why I love photography so much. Yes it’s skill and creativity, but it has equal doses of luck.
How do you keep yourself inspired?
The Salt Farms of Useless Loop Shark Bay, Western Australia
I get much of my inspiration from the amazing, kind-hearted and adventurous landscape photographers I’ve made friends with along the way. It’s so cool in this amazing field we’re in, the community is a place you can draw many things from and inspiration is available everywhere. Beyond that I gain much inspiration from the people who have come before me, I read a lot and attempt to piece together the past as it helps pave the road to my future in this craft.
What are your aerial photography goals for 2017?
Arteries of coastal floodplains pump across the land, Carnarvon, Western Australia
Push the aerial genre to new heights, pardon the pun! I love aerial photography, I am well and truly hooked. I look at 2017 as my chance to challenge myself within this genre, I enjoy story telling via my aerial imagery and look forward to sharing that this year.
Behind the Scenes
This is the Hughes 500 Helicopter with all the doors taken off that was used for the flight over the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Huge thanks to Michael from Mountain Helicopters Fox Glacier!
The below video was shot when I snagged my favorite image to date. It gives you a great idea of the feverish pace at which you are taking images while shooting aerials in a plane.  
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2jiGHAA
0 notes