#this might be a tad romanticized but it is fully self-indulgent hours for me rn
moonstrider9904 · 6 months
I'm having soft thoughts regarding Crosshair coming home. Not just being reunited with his family, but him being physically back in the Marauder. I don't even bring the barracks on Kamino into the conversation because we saw him there as an imperial solider where he was lonely and conflicted, and they fell within the ruins of Tipoca City anyway - it is sort of engrained in my head that the Marauder is to Crosshair (and the batchers) the house element of the entire concept of home.
I'm thinking about Crosshair stepping down from that freighter and seeing his brothers reunited with Omega. The cautious stares and lingering bad blood are there, but they are still his family, and then he climbs aboard the Marauder. Crosshair steps on the platform and gets into the ship, and it all hits him.
Memories rush into him when he sees the pilot's chair where Tech would sit. He glances over at the other seats where he'd nap, maybe look out the windshield while the blue glow of hyperspace surrounded him. Perhaps he had a favorite seat to clean his rifle on, a designated spot where he'd sleep for longer periods of time. He goes to one of those spots and remains there, still. For once, the weight of his life and his choices doesn't crash down on him. Crosshair has been away for far too long, and he feels it. He has been in such a rush and in such a constant state of survival mode that he forgot what it was like to return to a home. He forgot the habits he had when he lived there, but while he's in the Marauder, it's coming back to him.
And with the memories and the habits that return to Crosshair, so does the peace that he lost so long ago. It begins washing its way back into him as he sits on his favorite chair, leans back as the Marauder begins to take off, the whirring that may have disturbed his sleep once is now music to his ears. He learned what it was to be far away from home, and now that he's back, he can begin to be complete again. When he's in his favorite place, without threat or fear, with his family within reach, he can begin to heal.
He is home. He is safe. He has work to do - every family does. But Crosshair is home.
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