#this movie had me feeling all types of emotions
suiana · 2 days
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(yandere! second prince x gn! royalty reader) (inspired by frozen, yk the movie with elsa ya)
the second prince called out, his lips quirking up into a shaky smile as the love of his life approached.
he had been cursed by his older brother, the king of the empire. it all happened so fast. he went to find his runaway sibling and when he finally found him... he didn't even know what happened. one second he was fine then the next he was on the floor, clutching his chest as his friend carried him out of his older sibling's ice castle.
apparently he needed a true love's kiss to break the curse that his older sibling placed on his heart. and he knew just who to help him break that curse.
"my darling, are you alright?"
your voice was like salvation to him. he swears he could feel his heart thawing with just the sound of your voice.
"I'm alright now that you're here..."
the younger prince trembles as he makes himself comfortable in your grip. ah... you're so caring... so charming... he's so glad that you're his one and only.
"y/n, you have to kiss me. that's the only way to break the curse. a true love's kiss."
his hair had already begun turning white, a sign that the curse was progressing to the other parts of his body. if he didn't get that kiss, he might never get to be with you ever again.
he couldn't let that happen.
"really? shall i kiss you then?"
yes! his heart and mind were both screaming at you to just kiss him already. but he only nodded weakly, his cheeks turnung a faint shade of pink as he shut his eyes.
he could feel your warm breath on his lip, your warm and tender touches as you wrapped your arms around him. warm, you were so very warm.
but why weren't you kissing him?
"m-my love?"
he was desperately waiting for that kiss of yours. to feel your soft lips against his, for your passion to bring him back to his original condition.
but it never came.
his eyes fluttered open, his heart shaking as he takes in your expression. what? why were you smiling at him? just hurry up and kiss him already! your love will beeak the curse and you two would be happy together!
"my love can't you kiss-"
"oh darling, if only there was someone out there who loved you."
the second prince swears he feels his whole world stop at your words. even your warm hand caressing his cheek didn't help lessen the shock.
what did you say? no, he had to have misheard, right? how could you not love him?! you said it before-
"haha... funny joke my love... now c-can you kiss me? i feel so cold..."
"mn... yes, i suppose you were an idiot for not realising. you are quite naive unlike your brother."
his eye twitches at your words. out of all the things you had to say... you bring up his brother?
it's always his brother this, his brother that... can't it be him for once?!
"don't bring my brother-"
"you know, i was originally planning on going to him. he's more of my type anyway. but... he saw through me and distanced himself."
you let out a sigh, shaking your head as your hands loosen around the second prince. that's right, you were planning to get engaged to the king for the sake of your own empire, you know? but he instantly rejected you. what a shame.
then you met this...puppy like second prince. he'd do. of course he would, he's not half that bad looking and he's dumb too! he wouldn't suspect a thing!
"you know darling, you should use that brain of yours more."
you click your tongue, shaking your head before releasing your hold on the second prince. it's time to go take over this empire. the king was gone and the second in line was about to die. the whole enpire needed someone to support them and who else but you?
unfortunately, your plans were shattered as the second prince suddenly tugged you down, his hands shaky as he crawled on top of you.
what the hell?
you could only stare in silence as the younger prince forced you to remain under him. his eyes were dark with an emotion you've never seen from him before. he was... even panting? what a dog.
"you can't leave me."
was he not listening? you've never loved him-
"no, you have to love me. you said it before, why can't you say it now?"
you roll your eyes at his words, letting out an annoyed sigh as you try to push him off of you.
"don't you get it? those words were just lies. i've never loved you."
before you knew it, his lips were on yours. his cold lips against your warm ones as he pressed himself up against you.
"you nust love me. don't lie to me. how.. could you not love me?"
he mumbles between kisses, his cheeks flushing red as he geips your wrists, pinning them to the ground. he continues to sit on top of you, his breath mixing with yours.
"hah... we still have... time. I'll make you realise your feelings for me."
he looks down at you, deranged eyes staring into your own confused ones before he goes back to kissing you, his teeth nipping at your lower lip.
"you're the only one for me, y/n. you have to be mine."
he mumbles, voice shaky before he grips your jaw rather tightly.
"love me back."
damn boy! he crazy crazy 🤣
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starsenha · 2 days
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Pairing ◊ fem!reader x bf!jay
Genre ◊ fluff, established relationship
Warnings ◊ talk about bad mental health, just jay being a sweetheart I'm sobbing
Word count ◊ 1k
Summary ◊ you were so greateful to have a such understanding boyfriend by your side.
a/n: felt really mentally bad a few days ago so this bloomed in my mind hehe, enjoy!
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You had been looking forward to your date with Jay all week. The plan was simple: a walk around the park, grabbing some ice cream, and maybe catching a movie later. But when the morning came, you woke up feeling… off. It wasn’t like you hadn’t felt this way before—this heavy, gray feeling that made everything seem distant—but it was the last thing you wanted on a day like today.
You stared at your phone, fingers hovering over the screen. It felt wrong to cancel, especially since you and Jay had been planning this. But at the same time, the thought of putting on a happy face, of pretending you were okay when you weren’t, felt exhausting. Jay knew about your struggles with mental health; you had talked about it before. But still, there was always that small voice in your head whispering that you were being a burden.
With a deep breath, you finally typed out the message.
[you] Hey, would it be okay if we postponed the date today?
You hit send before you could overthink it, your heart racing as you waited for his response. Within a minute, your phone buzzed.
[Songie 💙] Of course, baby! Are you okay?
You hesitated for a moment, your fingers tracing the edge of your phone as you tried to find the right words. You didn’t want to lie, but you also didn’t want to dump all your emotions on him. Finally, you decided to just be honest.
[you] I’m not really feeling like myself today. Kind of out of it, and I don’t want to bring any negativity to our date. I don’t want to bother you.
The response came quickly, like he was waiting for your message.
[Songie 💙] Hey, you are NEVER a bother. I mean that. I’d be happy to spend time with you, even if you’re not feeling okay.
A lump formed in your throat, and you blinked back the sudden sting of tears. You knew Jay cared, but sometimes it still caught you off guard how understanding he was.
Before you could reply, another message came through.
[Songie 💙] Actually… can I come over? I really want to see you, even if we don’t do anything. We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. I just want to be there with you.
You smiled softly at his words, though you were still unsure. The idea of just… being with someone without having to pretend to be fine sounded comforting, but you didn’t want him to feel like he had to take care of you.
[you] Are you sure? I’m really not in the mood to talk much. I was just going to stay in and watch my comfort show.
You didn’t have to explain what your comfort show was. Jay knew. It was the one you always turned to when you were feeling down, something familiar and soothing.
[Songie 💙] Of course I’m sure. I’ll be happy just to see your pretty little face.
A small laugh escaped your lips despite yourself. Jay always knew how to make you feel a little lighter, even when everything else felt heavy.
[Songie 💙] I’ll come over in a bit. Want me to pick up something for you? I can grab your favorite from that fast food place you love. I know you probably haven’t eaten.
That hit deeper than you expected. He knew. He always seemed to know when you were struggling, even when you hadn’t said much. The thought of food hadn’t even crossed your mind until he mentioned it, and now that he did, you realized how hungry you were. But more than that, it was the fact that he was offering to take care of you in such a simple, thoughtful way that made your chest tighten with emotion.
[you] Okay. That sounds nice. Thanks, songie.
Jay: Don’t mention it. I’ll be there soon.
You put your phone down and leaned back against the couch, feeling a little less tense now that you didn’t have to worry about the date. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to spend time with Jay—it was the opposite. You just didn’t want to be a weight on him, to drag down what was supposed to be a fun day. But Jay… he never made you feel like that. Not once.
Twenty minutes later, there was a knock at your door. You opened it to find Jay standing there with a warm smile and a bag of food in one hand. His hair was a little messy from the wind, and he was wearing that hoodie you always said you liked on him.
"Hey, baby," he said softly, stepping inside. "I brought you your favorite."
The smell of fries and a burger filled the room, and your stomach growled. You hadn’t realized just how much you needed this. You smiled gratefully and took the bag from him.
"Thank you," you mumbled, feeling a little shy all of a sudden.
"Of course," he said, leaning down to give you a soft kiss on your forehead. "I’m just happy to see you."
You led him to the couch, where you had already set up your comfort show on the TV. Jay kicked off his shoes and settled in next to you, close enough that your legs brushed against each other, but not so close that it felt overwhelming. He handed you the food, and as you unwrapped your burger, he pressed play on the show.
For a while, you sat in comfortable silence, the sounds of the familiar show filling the room. Jay didn’t push you to talk, didn’t ask you how you were feeling. He just… sat with you, sharing the space in that gentle, understanding way that only he could.
After a while, you leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer, and you felt the tension in your body start to melt away, just a little. It wasn’t that everything was suddenly okay—it wasn’t. But having Jay there, quietly watching your favorite show with you, made things feel a little more bearable.
"You know," he said quietly after a while, his voice barely above a whisper, "I’m always here for you. Even on the hard days. Especially on the hard days."
You didn’t say anything, but you reached for his hand and squeezed it, your heart full of gratitude.
He squeezed back, and that was enough. You didn’t need words right now. You had Jay, and that was more than enough.
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droidders · 3 days
Transformers One review
I'll start off with a non spoiler review.
First of all, amazing voice acting especially from Chris Hemsworth and Brian Tyree!! I didnt think Chris would be able to do a good orion/optimus voice but boy was I WRONG. They did amazing. Scarlett Johansson's voice for Elita was an amazing pick and keagan michael for bee's voice is also good.
Stellar voice acting with so much emotion!!
The animation is amazing. And the way they showed the world of cybertron is amazing. The world building in this movie is so good, i seriously feel like cybertron is a real planet with real creatures with its own rules, history, culture. They made the planet feel so alive, its insane.
All the characters were likeable, i was really vouching for all of them to succeed in their goals. The movie knows when to be funny and when to be serious, and it can get REALLY serious when it needs to be. The movie talks about real world problems and reflects it so well.
The trailers really made it look like a kids power ranger type of movie. The trailers gave it a vibe of:
"Bumblebee, you go left! D-16, you go right! And Elita.. well, you just be elita."
When the actual movie really wasnt. I kept my hopes low cause the trailers weren't really hyping me up that much and i didnt expect much from the movie overall but holy moly my expectations were blown away. The movie does have its flaws like any movie but yeah. This genuinely feels like the spiderverse of transformers. Truly amazing.
Overall 9.8/10, amazing job to everyone who worked on this movie, YOU COOKED!!!
I highly reccommend watching it in cinemas. Its worth it, just trust me on this!!!
Waiter! Waiter! I'd like a trilogy of transformers movies that are as good as this!
Id also like to add that this movie is the best transformers movie. And you dont have to be an insane transformers fan like me to like the movie, nor do you have to watch any other transformer movie to understand it. Its a great standalone movie. Its a movie great for both new and old transformer fans and people who are just looking for a good movie to watch.
Now onto the spoiler review
I said all that i wanted to say about the overall movie in the non spoiler review. Here, I'll talk about the actual characters and story.
I had to resist screaming in theaters especially the part where Orion and D16 went to that thruster thing to get a better view of the Iacon 5000 and d16 is all like: "You did all this for me?"
The character development with D16 slowly turning into the monster that is megatron is BEAUTIFUL.
The movie writes d16 in a way that makes us NOT want him to turn evil which makes him slowly turning into megatron and betraying orion all the more heartbreaking. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.
Seriously, his descension into evil makes me wanna cry. His unbridled rage towards Sentinel portrayed through the voice acting is just WOW. You can really feel his anger through his voice.
The way his eyes change as the movie progresses is just great. They did great writing him, deep down I really wanted him to be redeemed and for him to NOT turn into a brute like sentinel even though I knew it was inevitable. Some transformations are good, useful even, but in the case of Megatron it was a terrifying transformation thats unfortunately permanent.
Sentinel prime, as much as I hate him he is still such a great character. I hate him so much I love him. THE SCENE WHERE HE WAS BEGGING D16 TO NOT KILL HIM SENT CHILLS. You can feel the amount of fear in his voice. It was a striking contrast to his confident demeanor, his ruthlessness as a 'leader', and he who is the literal killer of the Primes,
to see him BEG for his life truly shows how terrifying D16 is.
A wonderful and entertaining main character. THE SCENE WHERE HE JUMPS OUT OF THE PIT AS OPTIMUS PRIME??? Holy moly that was so badass. AND THE LINE WHERE HE SAYS:
"We could've built the future together."
The expression he made when he saw D16 being absolutely BRUTAL to Starscream as he realizes that his friend is slowly transforming into someone evil is gut-wrenching.
And throughout the first part of the movie he was this reckless character who did stupid things, he had hope and determination unlike anyone. It made me question 'How could this guy possibly turn out to be the strong leader that Optimus is?'
But during that scene where he talked to the other miners and led the High Guard to sentinel made me 100% sure that yeah, this guy definitely can be a great leader. And the way he gave the miners a CHOICE to join him or not. That is PRIME.
Elita was a straight up girlboss. I love how they didn't make her just another love interest for Orion or made her just this girl who was a good fighter. She was sassy, witty, and a hard worker. I almost feel bad for her getting demoted and having to deal with the mess that is Orion, D16 and Bee. But anyways, shes an amazing character, really likeable personality who is way more than just a bot who's a good fighter (which was the impression i unfortunately got from the trailers)
Her pep talk with Orion was both funny and beautiful. She knows how to break someone down with her words and build them back up to be stronger. I loved her. Not to mention her design looks gorgeous??? Probably my fav elita design of all time.
At first I found Bee a strange addition to the movie and I was scared they were gonna make him an annoying character but thank god he really wasnt! He was a great comic relief character who had a lot of funny lines. He adds so much silliness into a serious movie and not in a bad way.
He knew when to be serious and the gravity of the situation with Sentinel being a terrible, corrupt leader. I loved the portrayal of him as this almost crazy guy whos been stuck being alone talking to inanimate objects in a place where all he does is burn trash all day (makes sense as to why he talks so much).
A really good character, thank primus they didnt make him annoying or overbearing.
Lastly, Cybertron itself. THE WORLD BUILDING IS SO GOOD. It's environment, its people (or bots?) make the planet feel so real. All of these cool mechanisms with the road and trains, the landscape during the train scene with the vapor wave-esque sun is just gorgeous. Such a beautiful portrayal of Cybertron that I love.
I personally dont think the movie NEEDS a sequel since the rest of the transformers just takes place after this, but if they make another movie thats as good as this, Im not complaining. If they do make a new movie though, I'll guess that it probably has something to do with the Quintessons or something idk.
Its a really beautiful take on Megatron and Optimus' backstory. And though there are many takes on it like how megatron was a gladiator and not a miner, etc,
This is still probably my favorite take on their story, its a really interesting portrayal of them and their fallout.
Anyways thats the end of my yap, honorable mentions to the music, it helped the immersion of the movie, and its really good.
Do note that Ive only seen it once, i might've gotten some stuff wrong but ill be looking to watch it again somehow in the future. My review may be subject to change but yeah.
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gucciwins · 2 years
i will forever love paul rudd
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