#this one goes out to escapeism-s specifically because he left really nice tags under the last one and I felt inspired :)
forgetmenautical · 2 years
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Isn’t it?
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crowdedimagines · 5 years
Lights Up - Harry Styles
i literally have been listening to this song on repeat since it came out and i highly recommend. hope you guys enjoy xx an: italics are flashbacks
It’s been months in the process, but the day is finally here. Today is the day that Harry releases new music. We’ve been waiting for this for what feels like all year. He has been perfecting everything, making sure that this album can measure up to his first one.
“Hey.” I grin, walking downstairs and walking in to the living room. Harry is sat on our couch, his leg anxiously bouncing up and down. He has his phone in his right hand while he bites at the skin on his finger on his left. We’re home tonight. Harry decided he wanted a night in for when the single is released. A listening party can come later with the whole album.
“Hmm?” Harry looks up, completely having missed my greeting.
“How’s it going?” I reach out and run a hand back through his curls. It’s something I’ve picked up on since we started dating that he really enjoys. It manages to relax him and pull him from his own thoughts.
“Yeah, isn’t that the way it goes every time you release new music?” I sit down next to him on the couch. He leans back and pulls me closer against him. He sets down his phone, there’s a good twenty minutes before the song drops.
“I guess. It’s just always so different when it’s just you. It’s not me and the boys, still not used to it.”
“Well, I know that the fans are going to absolutely love this. Harry, it’s a brilliant song.”
“You haven’t even heard it yet.” He smirks.
He’s right. I haven’t listened to it yet, not that Harry hasn’t offered. I was a fan before I met him, I did the late nights of waiting up. There’s a sense of nostalgia of being surprised with everyone else. It’s been difficult, but I’ve managed to refrain.
“Not yet.” I grin back. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t know you. I know this song is going to be a smash hit.”
Not that I haven’t heard him mumble words here and there. Harry is always singing the tune of something, whether it be Fleetwood Mac, One Direction, or something he hasn’t even recorded yet. He always has a song going in his head.
“I just don’t want to let the fans down. They’ve already picked up on so much. Some are expecting an album already.”
“Well, that’s coming soon anyway.” I stop running my hand and turn his cheek lightly for him to face me, “In all honesty the fans will just be glad you’re posting publicly.”
He rolls his eyes and chuckles. He is very aware of how the fans want him to post more often. A lot of people think he’s inept of using social media, but it’s quite the opposite. He just chooses to share only certain things with them, he has a private story for close friends. A lot of Harry’s fans come to my account now for content, just to make sure he’s still alive and well. I do feature him, with permission. I think he secretly likes that I post about us, even though he feels like it’s something he can’t do on his account. He’s afraid because of the messages I might receive, but at this point I’m past all of the hate.
Harry reaches out and grabs his phone so he can tweet out another picture and post to instgram. Every couple of minutes he makes a new update, which drives the fans even more mad.
“They’re going absolutely mad.” He laughs reading over the comments.
“I’m sure, I know the feeling.” I laugh as I get up from the couch. I walk into the kitchen to grab a late night snack.
“That’s true. How do I always forget that my lovely girlfriend was a fangirl?” He traps me proudly between him and the kitchen island. His arms graze against my hips.
It’s true. I was a fan before I met him. I listened to all of the music, bought the vinyl, went to a concert, and even bought a tee shirt. That shirt is probably the reason I even got to talk to Harry when we first met.
I skim through the records, hunting for anything new. I come here fairly regularly, it’s the only place in L.A that I’ve found that carries a wide variety of vinyl. Since moving here, it’s become one of the places I like to escape to. Thankfully, it’s still fairly undiscovered so it isn’t completely flooded with tourists.
“Erik, is there anything else new?” I shout over to the man standing behind the register.
“You mean since you came in last week? No, you’re looking at the only new shelf.”
“Well that’s no fun.” I mumble, I continue to look anyway.
“I’ve got quite a large collection at my home if you’re looking for something specific.”
I don’t bother to turn and look at the stranger who just gave me a very suggestive yet somewhat nice comment. There were two strangers in here earlier, I never noticed anyone new come in.
“No thanks, I’m just looking anyway.” I continue to flip through record after record.
“That’s what makes it fun.”
I finally turn to see the man I’ve started a conversation with. My breath almost catches in my throat. I knew that voices sounded familiar. It caught me off guard to hear it in person. Harry Styles.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” I turn back to the records, trying to seem as unaffected even though I’m pretty sure both of us can hear my heart pounding in my chest.
“What? Now do you want to take me up on that offer?” I don’t have to look to know he has a smirk on his face.
“I don’t even know you.” I roll my eyes, hoping he can’t see the smile even though I’m sure he can.
“Your shirt begs to differ.”
I wish I could say it’s a fluke that I am wearing a band tee from his tour, but that would be a lie. It’s soft and I bought it oversized which just makes it comfy.
“I may know your music, but I don’t know you.” I counter, fulling turning to face him with a full blown smirk to match his.
“Well, let's change that.”
It’s been over a year since we first met. Everything has changed since then, in the best way possible. I can now say that I know Harry inside and out. He loves that I was a fan before we met, even if he likes to bring it up to tease every now and then.
���Don’t you have to like go be a famous rockstar or something?” I tease back, pushing my hips forward to meet his.
“I’m sure the fans wouldn’t notice a few minutes-” He starts to place kisses all down my neck.
“I assure you, they will.” I push back on his chest and manage to escape from his grasp. I grab a bowl of grapes from the fridge and rejoin him in the living room.
“What’s the countdown?”
“Three minutes.”
“This is so exciting!” I cheer.
Harry pulls up the premiere on our TV. The screen is flooded with the live chat going on with the fans.
“Lights Up.” I grin, reading the text across the screen.
“I really hope you like it.” He leans over to press a kiss to my temple, and steal a grape.
“I’m sure I will, bub.” I give him an actual kiss now.
Soon enough, it’s showtime. I countdown shows up on the screen, as soon as it hits one my lungs drain of all oxygen as I wait for the downbeat. Harry reaches out his hand to place on my thigh, the whole time I can’t decide whether to focus on the lyrics, notes, or the video.
“Play it again.”
“What?” Harry laughs.
“I haven’t fully absorbed it yet.”
Harry starts it again, this time I can fully grasp everything and it’s beautiful. The way he puts his feelings into such a beautiful song amazes me. I can feel a single tear glide down my cheek, The smile growing wider on my face as the song fades to silence.
“Love-” He reaches out to wipe away the wet trail on my face.
“I know, I’m lame. Whatever-”
“No, I just wasn’t expecting that reaction. Made my heart skip a beat.”  
“Harry, that song.” I shake my head, “It was something else.”
“I hope you mean in a good way.” He looks at me out of the corner of his eye. I can tell he’s trying to joke, but the tone of his voice tells me he;s actually nervous for my reaction.
“Harry, in the best way. I will never be able to get over how you are able to convey how you feel into a song that is beautiful and somehow still relatable. I loved it.”
Harry tackles me down into the couch, his tight around the back of my neck pulling me into a hug.
“Don’t scare me like that, love.” Harry groans into my hair.
“Did you think I was sad crying?” I laugh.
“I don’t know!”
“Awe poor me, my amazing rockstar boyfriend just released a crappy single!” I mimic.
“Hey, teasing isn’t very nice.” His grips changes to focus on digging into my hip.
“Alright, alright.” I grin giving in, “It’s lovely, Harry. Well done.”
“Thank you.” He smirks, he sits up and pinches my bum, causing me to yelp. He reaches for his phone again, I’m sure to tweet more of the publicity images. He doesn’t stop straddling me as he scrolls through his phone.
“Give me a big thumbs up.” Harry turns his phone towards me.
“What? No!” I cover up my face. Between the pajamas and lack of makeup I would prefer to stay off camera.
“Just going to me mum.” Harry explains, “Want to tell her it’s a hit at home.”
I peek out and smile widely, holding a big thumbs up.
I manage to wiggle my way out from under him so I can grab my bowl of grabs again from the table. I reach out for one when I notice a twitter and instagram notification.
Harry Styles has tagged you in a photo.
“Harry Edward Styles.”
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professortennant · 5 years
Sam/Jack Rec List, Part 2
more fics since i put the part 1 list together.  i hope you find something here you haven’t read or haven’t read in a while! if you have a favorite fic, send it my way! only 55 fics on this list! 
The Love That Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger--AU exploration of a Stargate world where Sam has a kid: As she works to balance saving the planet with being a single mom to a sweet little girl, Jack finds himself accidentally falling in love with not one Carter, but two. This fic starts at the beginning of the series and takes a nice long meander through the first four seasons as Sam and Jack go from strangers to friends to something much more. 
Infinite Possibilities: Doctor Carter/Jack AU. 
Fleeting: Not long now, she thinks as she closes her eyes and tries not to scream. Not long now until she ceases to exist.
Chrysalis Unbound: (WIP) Doctor Carter AU. One day, in between the stars and a cluttered lab, she found herself without realising it.
Let The World Spin series--SG-1’s stranded off world. Some of them are having a more difficult time accepting it than others.
Past the Breakers and the Markers-- SG1 gets stranded off-world as they escape Anubis and Jack and Sam work through some unspoken feelings.
You Just Might Find--Sam and Jack, stranded. (How much do I want to summarize this: They lost everything . . . and found each other? LOTS.)
Jaunt to Paradise: A Stargate malfunction strands Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter in a cliché. 
Work: Her hands were covered in dirt and whatever else was down on the ground around the guts of a DHD that had seen better days. They were light years from home. The thing between them was new enough that it still felt wrong when she moved away from him.
Continuum Interrupted: When Jack O'Neill is assigned to evaluate the threat Colonel Samantha Carter poses to his world he gets caught up in more then he could ever have imagined. 
Desperate Times: As the unimaginative title suggests, this is a tag for Desperate Measures. This story picks up where the episode leaves off. Implied S/J, but this is not a romance. SG-1 has to get Sam home, and Sam has to come to terms with what happened.
Never: Post-Death Knell.
After the Storm: He doesn't call her and tell her he's making omelets with beer, they don't have stupid bets to see who can finish a crossword puzzle the fastest, he doesn't invite her to go fishing, and they rarely even end up in the commissary at the same time.(set around the events of 8.18, "Threads".)
Things Owed: Over the years they've sacrificed countless times for each other. Every once in a while, they try to repay their debts. A series of Ficlets carrying the same theme. 
Strangers on a Train: It began with a train ride. Jack isn't sure he wants it to end. And he doesn't know why. Set during the vague "One Year" of Continuum. 
The Principle of Cause and Effect:  After the couple of days she'd had, she wanted nothing more than to lie there and breathe and think about nothing at all. (Post-Ep for Foothold)
Sleeping Beauty: Once upon a time, under a faraway mountain, there lay a Major in need of her Colonel. An AU of Divide and Conquer. One-Shot.
Supposition Series: This story is the first in a series of tags that, while sticking strictly to canon, explores the theory that Sam and Jack were engaged in a clandestine romance off-screen from Season 6 onward.
No Absolutions: If Carter dies, a part of him will die, and he’s not sure it’s a part he can live without. Post Upgrades Tag.
Dark Switch: It happens so fast. Post-100 Days/Shades of Grey.
Carter ex machina: Post-100 days.
three by five: post-fair game; the speech that jack never got to give
Minos Does Not Rule the Skies: The maiden flight of the USAFS Homer.
Aliens Made Them Do It/Talk About it:
No Holds Barred: Jack’s eyes snapped open and he popped up onto one elbow to eye his bedmate. He wondered who she was for only a millisecond, because he would know that blonde head of hair anywhere. Which meant he had a big problem, because he had no idea how he ended up in bed with Major Samantha Carter.
Hope Lights: After a difficult few months, SG-1 is sent to a planet in order to attend its most important festival. During the proceedings, Jack and Sam find themselves alone for a while - giving them time to say things that need to be said. Jack/Sam angsty-fluffery-guttery Ship with a hint of Christmassy goodness.
Barrier: (technically alien tech made them talk about it) When Colonel O’Neill is placed in harm’s way by an abandoned, automated defense system on a deserted planet, Major Carter must work against the clock to free him. Her actions may change things between them forever. 
A Drink From the Lotus Chalice: A powerful being turns the lives of everyone on SG-1 upside-down. Be careful what you wish for...
The Rite of Rarevanu: When Sam and Jack are forced to participate in an off-world ritual, things between them get heated.
Memory May Be Paradise: While on an alien planet, Jack picks up a nasty case of amnesia. At first lost, he must be found and then he must tackle the issue of his missing memories and what that means for his position on SG-1 and for his relationships. 
Overload: He’s trying really hard not to think about the fact that he’s in bed with Carter, and she’s not wearing any pants.
A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: All in all, it could be worse. 
No idea how to categorize these:
Close: They work together day after day, side by side, mission after mission. It's only a matter of time before events from the past return to haunt them. When they find themselves alone and too close, can they keep their honor intact, or will they succumb to their deepest wants? Sam/Jack ship. (Season 5-ish.)
Cause a Day Can Get So Long: Jack and Sam hang out on planet Earth.
Plan C Series: Sam throws her back out the same week the Colonel is scheduled for his third knee surgery.
Reflection of Us: I often think about the duplicates and wonder what their story is, and how they came to terms with their exile and the fact that they're no longer human, but machine. Anyway, I figure they deserve a bit of happiness!
Clocking Out: It’s Jack’s last day at the SGC. Naturally, something goes horribly wrong.
Let Go and Hold On: With the team moving on to new assignments after the defeat of the Replicators and the Goa'uld, SG1 reunites for one last mission while Sam and Jack wonder if it's too late for them
A Brother, His Sister, and her Jack: Mark and Jack have the chance to talk while waiting for Sam to recover.
Falling: Sam and Jack and a "close shave."
Four Times/Five Times
Out Go the Lights--4 closets and a happy ending.
Five Times They Visited Boring Planets: Not every planet is a thrill ride.
Five Times They Met In Another Life: ...And Then One More Time They Also Met in Another Life
Five Times Sam Gets Married
Five Times O’Neill Thought Carter Was Beautiful (and one time he told her)
Embrace Me: This came about from a discussion on the GW Family thread about the great hug Sam and Jack shared in Threads. Somebody, I don’t remember who, asked us to think of other times they might have shared that kind of hug. This is my response. S/J.
Five Christmases
Set in S9/10 and/or post-series:
Domesticated Equines: Sam and Jack’s first year of marriage.
This Close: Jack’s last mission doesn’t go quite the way they planned.
Bygones: He doesn't say much, at least not the words that she specifically wants to hear. Jack's more a man of action. Even knowing this, it takes another woman to make Sam understand how he really feels. Sam/Jack established relationship. Unabashedly romantic/fluffy/kind of angsty.
Ticked Off: Jack is just as ticked off as I am that Sam got bumped from command of SG1, but Sam calms him down.
Fine With It: Jack’s with another woman and Sara is fine with it.
Winter Solace: Sequel to Fine With It
Taxi Service: When Cam, Teal'c, Daniel, and Vala get themselves captured on what was supposed to be a simple mission, it's up to Sam and Jack to mount an equally simple rescue. An alternate version of Bad Guys.
Out of the Ashes: Jack is left to pick up the pieces of his broken life after Sam and the Hammond disappear. Post SGU premier episode but there should be no spoilers here.
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cheollies · 7 years
100 Reasons To Love Choi Seungcheol
dimples so deep that you could swim in them 
the mole on the right side of his face that’s above his mouth and by his nose (this is really specific but it’s a cute mole okay)
he only has one ear pierced. I think it’s his left ear that is his only pierced ear. 
has pajamas that match his blanket
the fact that he auditioned as a singer but became a rapper
his predebut bushy black hair
looong eyelashes, they’re so pretty and nice, why can’t I have eyelashes those good
raised twelve dorks on his shoulders
when he had fake tattoos and basically ruined the whole fandom
his bombass eyeliner, props to the make up artist
his very cute droopy eyes, this might be why a lot of people say he looks tired, they’re just a little droopy but it’s okay
his big toothy grin that basically takes up half of his face and it’s really cute
a triple threat man: can sing, dance, aand rap. what can't he do
he can't wink. if you watch him, he struggles with it sometimes
loves sports so much that he originally wanted to be a PE teacher
offered to cut wood on OFD and screamed while he did it
let his members throw all the kimchi they had into the pot and just watched on OFD
is very very competitive
when he played with his ear during his birthday vlive
screams a lot
like a lot
this boy screams in any situation
the vlive he did with mingyu and wonwoo was just him screaming half the time
when he snuggled up into jihoon during one of their predebut episodes
when he did the shoulder dance during his ‘Good Morning’ cover with Jihoon
he doesn't like rollercoasters
very touchy, he can be found multiple times hugging another member or just clinging to them
very cute and embarrassing dad dances
his cute hip dance during their Christmas vlive
when he broke the stage with his butt because soonyoung tried to put him down
during the Very Nice dance when he's doing his solo part and he gives that heavenly smile after saying his line
suggest the idea of the caratland bracelets as a gift to carats
his selfies
he literally takes great selfies. does he even have a bad side
nice butt
when he was suppose to wake up early on OFD Japan but instead slept in which caused them to be late
the fact that so many members go to him whenever they need to get something off of their chest
looks great in dad hats (probably has a collection of them)
when he tried to learn guitar from Jihoon predebut
when he fell to the ground laughing during one of the Burning Karaokes because he didn't harmonize with Seungkwan properly
his parted hair
when he wears flower crowns and cute lil headbands
he likes mystery novels and is reading books Wonwoo recommended
when he did the piggy bank with Joshua on Weekly Idol
buys the members food without a thought
but also made Wonwoo pay for a game of pool by escaping outside first
is in love with dogs
the gif of him hugging the golden retriever and it basically looks like he never wants to let go even though his hair and the dog's fur was blowing everywhere
when the small dog during backstage of a performance went under Seungcheol’s hand to be pet by him
when he said ‘Achuu~~’ as a guess to the song Jihoon would sing to his s/o
when he does a pouty face where his lips are pushed out a bit with his cheeks cutely puffing out
he sleeps with music playing and has Jeonghan turn it off for him
when Seungkwan woke him up on the first 17 project episode and he wasn't wearing a shirt
the fact that he slept with a little teddy bear by his pillow in that episode
he said he sleeps with the others more than he sleeps on his own bed
his top notch aegyo
S.coups wants to eat a macaron~~~
tried to eat a lemon and his whole face did a cringe
his thiiighs
really cute ears that stick out cutely
a real pro at DDR
have you seen the video, everyone gets shook behind him when he plays
his low voice tone
when he basically growls into the mic during parts of his raps
when he gets so into performing that he throws his whole body into the song and jams like there's no tomorrow
his signature peace sign pose
when he nonsense screamed while entering the studio
his alcohol tolerance is 6 bottles of soju
has a heart like a girl's according to Jihoon
when he's doing introduction and says ‘say the name’
when he gets embarrassed and basically looks like he's dying
when he did the dance to Pick Me
when his hair was blonde/red/brown/basically any color and once again killed the fandom
when he dropped his egg yolk and looked like it was the end of the world and that life was no longer worth living
the fact that he still picked up the egg yolk and ate it
during the comeback showcase performance of laughter when he burst into a big smile
his eye smiles when his eyes become small and all you see are his long eyelashes
on where is my friend's hometown, when he was cutely jamming out to music in the car
when the MC’s of weekly idol pronounced his name wrong and he did a brief look at his name tag before laughing really big
when he kept getting the dance wrong during random play dance and he looked like a very confused doggy
he can hold two matches on his eyelashes (man get you a man that has eyelashes as strong as cheol’s)
when he gets cold he shivers cutely and goes to his manager
the time he almost died because he almost kissed wonwoo
but he didn't mind playing the pocky game with jihoon predebut
the predebut video when they did a practice room cover of Nuest’s Hello and seungcheol just struts up the camera
when he yelled at jihoon to move during the Hello dance
his cheeky smile when Hansol was exposing him of taking his stuff
his singing voice is low and soothing
a cute fan of ballads
he's always thanking carats, always telling them to be healthy and even more
he cried because he couldn't visit his grandmother because of training
he wanted to be able to do more to contribute to Seventeen like Jihoon and Soonyoung so Seungcheol pushed himself more into producing
when everything was getting tense on OFD Japan, Seungcheol stepped in and called a meeting to clear the tension
attended P101’s final episode to watch his friends despite having just taken out his wisdom teeth and being tired
on the last episode of their first OFD, he helped set up photos and decoration for the rest of the boys and even wrote a heartfelt letter to them
said that when the rings were taken away during 17 project he was thinking of the other boys and how they were doing
despite going through group changes he's never once complained and continued to train, using it as a change to grow instead of as a sign of failure
he carries a large amount of stress on his shoulders as the leader of the group and seriously needs to be appreciated for his hard work
“Carats should be the ones more loved than we are”
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