#this one is long enough im just tagging it as a fic buuut i did write in a drabble mindset
quarantineddreamer · 1 year
Hi, idk if you're doing the ask game still but if you are, could we get rebelcaptain for number eight?
Hi, anon, thank you so much for the ask 💜 Confession? I read the prompt wrong a bit wrong and got through this whole thing before realizing it was things you said when you were crying 😬 but I'm going to argue that in this they both cry at points, so I hope you'll forgive me my error (and I really hope you like it!!)
things you said when you were crying
It took all of Cassian’s concentration to command his left foot forward, hands gripping the bars on either side of him so hard it hurt–though not nearly as badly as the rest of him. 
Every muscle in his body was on fire, every bone sharply aching. 
Not even ten minutes into today’s session of physical therapy and he was drenched in sweat, hair plastered to his forehead, shirt stuck to his chest, the salty taste of it on his lips, stinging his eyes. While he glared down at his feet, a large bead of it–containing all the grace of a raindrop and none of the beauty–dragged down his nose and fell to the floor.
The next step hurt just as bad as the last, and the one after that took twice as long and left him trembling, teeth practically rattling from the effort. 
But he was determined, eager to heal. The Rebellion needed him. Already he felt like he’d been away for too long. Months spent in and out of surgery, in and out of consciousness, he refused to let any more time go to waste.
Cassian squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, fighting a wave of exhaustion, pain, and nausea that threatened to drown him; they were sensations he had grappled with more times than not since Scarif, and he had quickly learned that each was tortuous in their one unique way. 
“Take a break if you need to, Captain,” the medic told him. “You have a long journey ahead, so pace yourself.”
Screw that. He opened his eyes again and, biting back a shout, forced his foot forward again. 
But the toe of his shoe slid in a pool of sweat–all of his own making–sending his leg sliding out from under him. He tried to catch himself with his arms–to brace his weight on the bars framing either side of him–but his palms were too slick, making his grip precarious, and he crashed to the floor, the intense agony of his injuries hitting him all over again. 
“FUCK!” he shouted, because what else was there to say when you could remember taking down stormtroopers without so much as a blink and now a single step had turned you into a humiliated tangle of limbs, sprawled across the ground. 
Fighting for breath, he used what little energy he had remaining to reach up to the bar above his head and pull himself upright, clumsily positioning his back against the wall.
But following that act, he had nothing left with which to defend himself against the frustration, the hurt, the fear that fell upon him, predators on wounded prey–devouring, consuming–until he’d forgotten himself entirely and all he knew was the dark wash of anguish tearing him to shreds from the inside out.
“Cassian, Cassian.” A hand caught his own midair, preventing him from smashing the floor with his fist again. 
The touch grounded him, bringing reality surging back to his frayed mind–he found himself wishing it had left him alone. 
No…not now. He didn’t want her to see him like this. Couldn’t bear the look of disappointment he expected to find on her face. “Jyn…” He caught her knees on the floor beside him out of the corner of his vision, made himself look up at her, her image swimming before him.
 “Let me–”
“What the hell are you doing here?” He tore his arm free from her hand.
“I came to check on you, I wanted to–”
Cassian did all he could to turn away from her. “Don’t,” he said sharply, loathing the tears that were cutting lines down his cheeks. 
Before Scarif he had been better than this at controlling his emotions, hiding them from others, but the regiment of medications he was on created a fog so thick he discovered his own thoughts betraying him all the time. If it wasn’t his short-term memory in shambles, it was his temper–forcing everything to be felt with a heightened sensitivity. The perfect storm of conditions under which he was dealing with perhaps the greatest challenge of his life. 
It was hell. 
“Will you please look at me?”
“Leave, Jyn. You don’t have to be here, this isn’t your problem. Leave.” His head fell back against the wall and he watched as Jyn’s face darkened, her fingers curling into tight fists where they rested over her thighs.
“Is that what you really want?” she asked quietly, fixing him with a hard stare.
No… A strand of her dark hair was hanging across her face and he wanted to push it back–maybe would have if he’d possessed the strength to do so. Force, her eyes were beautiful.
He was on the floor crying from pain and exhaustion; what must she think of him? Weak, pathetic.Yes, yes I want you to leave… 
But she wasn’t looking at him like that, no, he wasn’t quite sure what her expression was saying, but it wasn’t that. I don’t know… 
“What if I told you I’m not going anywhere?” Jyn murmured, reaching a hand tentatively towards his face, wiping a tear from his cheek with surprising gentleness. She caught his eyes again, still waiting to see if he would offer a reply.
“I’d say it’s just like you not to listen,” he finally sighed. 
“It does sound like me doesn’t it?” she teased, lips briefly twitching upward. But her voice was serious, expression intent, when she said, “Cassian, why are you asking me to leave?”
I don’t deserve this… I don’t deserve you… At his best he’d been a mess–so used to playing whatever part the Rebellion needed that he’d half-forgotten himself–what could he possibly offer her or anyone else now? It wasn’t clear yet if he’d ever be able to walk well again, much less run or fight. He would only slow her down, burden her–and Jyn had carried enough in her life as it was without adding his weight to the equation.
But Cassian didn’t know how to put those thoughts into words–or maybe it was that his voice was betraying him as much as he felt his body was–so he just shook his head, looked across the room to where the medic was standing in the distance, awkwardly trying their best not to encroach despite the need to hover.
“I’ve pushed people away before,” Jyn said softly, pulling his gaze back to her face. “Usually when I needed them most… I did it before they could do it to me, because I thought that’s how it always went, that there was no other way that life could go.” Her hand returned to the side of his face, thumb gently brushing over his cheek. “But it’s not like that with you… I said horrible things to you on Eaudu, but afterwards, when I needed you, there you were.”
“This isn’t like that,” Cassian murmured. 
“Isn’t it?”
“You can’t help me with this,  I might not get better. And then what?” his voice broke on the question, the first time he’d dared to voice the possibility aloud. If he considered the notion for too long he thought it might take life, form the shape of a black hole, a yawning void that would threaten to swallow him alive. Where would I go? What would I do? What now? 
Jyn blinked at him. “You think that’s a reason for me to abandon you?”
“I’m not the person I was–I might never be again.”
“Neither am I,” she replied fiercely. “Neither is Chirrut or Baze or Bodhi–any of us. How can we be? After everything we went through? And besides, it’s not the first time any of us have changed–I know you know that. ” He opened his mouth to speak but she held up her hand. “No, listen. I know you’re going to say it’s not the same, and you’re right, it’s not. This is a big change, a hard change. None of it was your choice, and I can’t even begin to understand what you’re going through. 
“But if you’re trying to tell me that your ability to ‘get better’ is what determines your worthiness? I’m going to…” she took a deep breath, “to have to fight very hard not to strangle you, because whether or not you know this right now, you're worthy no matter what happens next.
“However you have to show up each day, however you’re feeling, the good, the bad, I’m with you. Same as…same as I know you’d be for me.” She cleared her throat, blinked back a watery shine that had fallen over her eyes. “Okay?”
He leaned his head into her palm. “Okay,” he breathed, because even though he knew he might not believe it tomorrow, he believed it for the moment–and he had a feeling if and when he changed his mind, Jyn would do all she could to bring that belief back.
She wiped her tears from her eyes and offered her hands to him, “Can I help you?”
It still wasn’t easy. He still felt some embarrassment, he still held anger and frustration for it all. He still hurt…
But together, they slowly rose to their feet. 
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kybervisions · 3 years
midnight at wayne manor [clark]
summary: during a new years party at wayne manor, a drunk reader makes a move on clark. feelings long buried resurface, which leads to a clark breaking up with lois.  
author’s note: i love chaos,, this was just a small and quick idea that popped into my head while working on another clark one-shot,,feel free to send requests!! clark does try to be a good boyfriend to lois buuut......still a soft!clark fic bc im pretty sure he gets manhandled in this??? 
tags: cheating, dry humping, intoxicated!reader, reader is kind of a maneater in this ngl, kinda angsty   
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They should have stayed home, that was Clark’s immediate thought upon laying eyes on you. The wind had been knocked out of him and he felt frozen in time as you approached them with a bright smile. Your dress fit your body perfectly, complimenting your shape in a sexy red faux leather mini dress, and then your eyes met. Dazzling and alluring. Clark almost forgot about Lois standing beside him, but she grabbed his arm and dragged him to greet you. 
“Happy New Year!” Lois exclaimed as she went in for a hug. “Your house looks amazing by the way,” 
“Thank you,” You chuckled and hugged Lois. “I didn’t think you’d be coming,” You kissed Lois’s cheek and withdrew from the hug. Clark knew you would go to him next. He knew it was just a friendly greeting, but he couldn’t keep himself composed if your body was wrapped tightly around his. 
So, he extended his arm and went for a handshake.
Clark saw a flash of hurt in your eyes, which you quickly covered with a happy face, and he felt like he had been punched in the gut. 
“Almost didn’t,” Lois laughed. “But our schedule cleared up,”
“Good,” You smiled. “Alfred and I spent too much time planning this for people not to enjoy it,”
“Where’s Bruce?” Clark looked around the room.
“My dear brother has locked himself in his room,” You said rather somberly. Again, the sadness in your eyes impacted him. Clark wanted you to be happy, and he needed to be the reason for putting a smile on your face. “Like a fucking child,”
Lois chuckled nervously, uncomfortable with the turn in the conversation. Clark takes a step closer to you, “Do you want me to talk to him? Try and convince him to come up?” He asked. 
“No...I kinda want you to beat his ass,” You said, and you shared a small smile. “He knows how much this party means to me and doesn’t care enough to show up,”
“I’m going to get some drinks,” Lois said, wanting to leave such a personal conversation. After all, she and you had never been close. You met Lois through Clark, but Lois had written about you long before Clark became Superman. You’ve kept a cordial relationship with her, in the name of team bonding. 
So, Lois quickly exited the scene. 
“I’ll rough him up for you,” Clark chuckled and pushed his glasses up with his index finger.
The sudden alertness in your eyes should have told him not to follow you to the Batcave. When you grabbed his arm and interlocked your fingers with his, he should have pulled away, but he let you lead him deeper into the manor, away from the party. 
Clark turned a corner, and you pushed him against a wall. The attack took him by surprise, but he didn’t fight you off. He felt your lips on his and melted. His mind went fuzzy. All he could focus on was you and the feeling of you against him.
He kissed you back. Desperately. Like you’d disappear and he’d never be able to kiss you again. Clark grabbed your hips and switched your positions — having your back against the wall as he thrust his crotch against your wet core. 
Being so close to you made Clark delirious. He should have stopped it, but instead, he deepened your kiss. He tasted the tequila and weed on your tongue, which reminded him you weren’t in the right state of mind, and that completely shattered this little paradise.
“You’re so warm,” You slurred in a whisper. 
“Y/N, you’re drunk,” He tried to hide his hurt. It wasn’t some confession of love from you. It was something fun for you to do while drunk, which broke his heart.
“Hmhmm,” You nodded. “And high,” You smiled. “Want some?” You tried to kiss him again. He turned his head to avoid your lips touching. 
“We can’t,” Clark struggled to pull himself away from you. 
“Because of Lois?” You asked.
“Oh, god, Lois,” Clark ran his fingers through his hair, panicking at the mention of his girlfriend. “I’m sorry,” He apologized. “I shouldn’t have let you do this,” He looked deeply into your confused eye. 
“You don’t have to apologize, Clark,” You smiled. “I wanted to kiss you,” You took a step toward Clark, closing the space between you. “I want to do a lot more than that,” You added, reaching for his crotch.
“O-oh,” Clark whispered as your hands teased his hardened cock through the dress pants. You kissed his neck, and Clark shut his eyes. “Please, don’t,”
You immediately pulled away.
Clark opened his eyes but didn’t see you standing in front of him. He turned around, looked down the hallway, but saw nothing. Only when he used his enhanced vision did he see you had made it to the Batcave. He looked at his watch, which read 11:38pm and sped down to the cave. 
When he reached the control computer, he could hear you crying. Bruce was holding you and looked at Clark with an angry expression. Your tears were his fault, somehow. Confused, but desperate to make you feel better, Clark approaches you.
“Lotta nerve making a girl cry on her birthday,” Bruce said callously. 
It stung.
“You’re not not guilty either, asshole,” You punched Bruce’s shoulder. 
“Ow, fine, I’ll leave,” He kissed your temple, “Love you, spider-monkey,” You rolled your eyes at the nickname. Bruce shot a death glare at Clark before exiting the Batcave to join the festivities.
Your eye makeup had smeared, with black tears running down your cheeks. You looked a mess, which Clark still found endearing.
“What’s wrong?” He asked in a soft tone. 
“I didn’t think you were coming,” You hiccupped. “Soo I drank a lot really fast,” You continued, almost embarrassed to explain your emotions. “Because I really wanted you here and I felt sad but then you showed up and I got really happy and you look so good right now and I’m really drunk and—” To save you your breath, Clark kissed you.
He moved your hair, cupped your face, and passionately kissed you. He wanted this, you, for so long, Clark didn’t care it would inevitably hurt Lois. 
You shoved him away and tears filled your eyes, “We can’t, remember?” Lois. “I’m such a horrible person,” You began to cry. “I shouldn’t have kissed you, I shouldn’t have done that to Lois,” Your eyes were red and puffy from crying. 
Clark hugged you. He wrapped his arms around your body, tiny in comparison to his stature, and he just held you.
“I look good tonight?” Clark asked after a few seconds of comfortable silence. 
You burst into laughter, and Clark was happy to see you smile again. “Yeah, like a sexy librarian,” Your eyes met.
“How long have —
“I don’t even know when it started,” You answered his unfinished question. “All I know is that I looked at you one day and I wasn’t afraid of it anymore,” 
Right. The unspeakable ‘it’. You’d been so scared of falling in love with your best friend that you patiently watched him date another woman for nearly a year.
“But by then, it was too late,” 
“It’s never too late,” Clark asserted. Despite his relationship with Lois, he didn’t feel at home. He’d never experienced a passion like you. Lois tried her best to keep him happy, but her efforts were pointless. “I love you, Y/N,” He confessed.
“I wanna fuck you so bad,” You blurted out. 
“Dear God, woman,” Clark laughed at your explicit commentary. “I’ll break things off with Lois first, alright? So we can both try and keep some semblance of a conscience,” 
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limetimo · 3 years
RAB I read (7-13 March)
rewrite my heart (let the future in) by secretpersona ♥♥♥♥♥ Pandora Sees what people need. Regulus dreams about his death. The Order is an organised mess and Voldemort plays favourites. Also, SOUP ♥♥♥
Remus and Regulus: Horcrux hunters by Oliivii Remus bumps into Regulus and tags along for the Horcrux retrieval. What follows is a satisfying angsty mess!
BLAME by YouBlitheringIdiot ALL! MY! HOMIES! HATE! DUMBLEDORE! AND! SNAPE! Aka James takes full blame for the Prank is expelled and joins DEs as a spy. And I can't stress this enough, fuck Dumbledore.
Everyone Is Someone At Home by FivePips, shadow_prince Prince Sirius dreams of running away from home and who's a better ride to freedom than a sexy Viking Jarl Remus? Ft. Good Sibling Regulus!
Harry Potter y la orden de- ¡Dejen de tocarme los huevos by Denébola Black (Estefi343), Estefi343 Okay, so Spanish is not a language I possess and it's been 90k of online translator for me; buuut the gist of it is a Slytherin-ish Harry (you know, cool, collected Harry) meeting the portrait of Regulus in Grimmauld Place, and they become besties like, instantly.
I Didn't Catch Your Name by Kach_wow a comedy of mistakes and near-encounters! We have two groups: Regulus, Remus, Pandora on one side and James, Sirius and Lily on the other. Regulus and James had a one night stand but don't know each other names, Sirius doesn't know Remus' roommate is his estranged and long lost brother, Pandora is about to propose to Lily but doesn't know James is Regulus' one night stand. You're going to scream, I can promise that.
Quite Like Us by Anonymous it started as a wrong AU number and now it's such sweet fluff (with some drama on the horizont)! Human puppy James and a hissy kitten Regulus
glimpses of heaven by lunahunt I have only just started this one but it's looking GOOD! After the Prank, James and Regulus meet at a summer Quidditch camp!
A place where souls go by slytherinharrison I'm screaming the Bartylus we deserve. I can't believe I haven't discovered this sooner. The DRAMA sksksksksk
Drugs and surgical scrubs by anauro ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AAAAAAAAAA I don't even have words anymore. Doctor Regulus doesn't want to give up on his addict brother, so when stabbed James Potter lands on his couch he agrees to keep him and treat him despite the dangers it poses to his licence. The price? No drugs. The Marauders have to go clean. Can they? Can the Black brothers salvage their relationship? Can James reclaim his life? Maybe smooch his personal doc? :D
Sky Full of Stars by TowardTheStars The story of how rotten Hollywood is, Sirius/Severus, Regulus is a good brother (or at least he's trying his best)
Did You Miss Me? by Fantismal, Krethes the story of how rotten the beauty industry is! this time following wrong number Wolfstar, love at first sight Jily, oops im in love with my best friend Floradora and the estabilished couple Bubbles (Longbottoms). I'm in awe of the formating of this text fic.
shield, shadow, shelter by coincidences following his betrayal, Regulus is tortured by Bellatrix and rescued by Sirius! Anguish and fluff!
Pretty Lies by Anonymous OOOOOOOOO fucking HOOOOOO Remus' mission is to stop a werewolf pack from joining Voldemort. Regulus' mission is to recruit the werewolves. Remus knows that every word coming from Regulus' lips is poison. It doesn't save him. FAN-TAS-TIC, time stopping, game changing, where is that Lady Gaga gif?
Every Rose Has Its Thorns by shadow_prince Wolfstar Beauty and the Beast with background Regulily. but like pretty background
rials and Tribulations by lemon_drps after Sirius runs away, Regulus has an awful fucking time and he and his friends are awful fucking people. Self-medicating with self-invented potion is going to end so. badly. I love this take on Regulus' character and teen Death Eaters.
and we're gone by blackkat Sirius is running away from home. my heart this is short but so impactful
As Soon As He Can by Trex_patronus sassy but also kinda suicidal ghost Regulus takes MArauders and company Horcrux hunting! We love Frank Longbottom ♥
Crush Culture by shadow_prince ace Regulus at a club. Really captures the atmosphere!
King and Lionheart by shadow_prince huhuehehehe Lord Sirius hires Remus to nanny and tutor his children. Cool Uncle Regulus AND dad Regulus! Historical and magical ♥
The Lie of the Lone Wolf by shadow_prince Marauders and Percy Jackson crossover. The focus is Wolfstar but there's some Regulus/JAmes/Lily drama on the sidelines, also Lily cuts her hair and I cannot stop thinking about short-haired Lily
Lion's Roar by Seralyn Regulus had been hiding and teaching in Beauto-I-haven't-remembered-the-spelling-yet-dammit-teux but returned to Grimmauld once again in OotP, brotherly... somehting ensues after he has a nasty run-in with a Boggart.
Leave Out All The Rest by Seralyn !!! After PoA Sirius is enjoying warmer climates when he runs into an interesting little girl and her papa (who is Regulus Black but Sirius doesn't know that yet)
Blood in The Water by Seralyn Regulus gets yeeted from the cave to 1995, it looks like there's some epic Regulus & Ginny friendship on the horizont! :D
Black Honour by limeta Bellatrix Black: The god, the victim, the eldest daughter, the woman in love, the spy. I a-dore this.
do you remember (we used to be so close) by Fencer13 five pairs of siblings. feels like a punch in the guts
The Wolf at the Door by lusilly Oh, so good! Regulus betrayed Voldy, went to hiding; after 1981 he approached Remus hoping to prove Sirius' innocence, but they got close and started dating instead. Remus' issues made them fall apart and they haven't spoken in years... but now Voldemort is back and they can't avoid seeing each other at the Order HQ. So. Good.
Teenagers Scare The Living Sh*t Out Of Me by LimeOfMagicLimo Sirius accidentally activates a blood magic spell and pulls Regulus from the cave to 1995 Grimmauld Place. Regulus has nothing but spite to keep him going. He lived and he's going to make everyone regret it. Crack!
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fistsoflightning · 4 years
stories you want to write...
...but for some reason haven’t yet.
tagged by: @to-the-voiceless​!!! thank you cyan for giving me the opportunity to dump out my slightly dusty idea doc onto everyone’s dash sdgsndfnsdfn
tagging: hmmm... @windupnamazu​ (double tag yes yes) @whitherliliesbloom​ @windup-dragoon​ @heirsofdiscord​ @ancientechos​ and you! as you can see, i like fic concepts >:3c
1) okay, so. there’s a section of my idea doc that’s labeled ‘azim steppe shenanigans’ because i Can and Will rewrite as much of the azim steppe MSQ as i please including characterization (yes i’m looking at magnai) ANYWAYS. top idea of the list, which is also the one i want to write The Most, is the naadam duty rewrite! catch me on the ‘why is the wol the khagan of a land they probably don’t even belong to’ train, more news on how zaya and oktai beat up hien at 11. or whenever i get around to writing it since it has Combat and i’m. not the best at it. honorable mentions to the pre-canon sadu, magnai, and zaya tearing through bardam’s mettle fic and the solar eclipse remix that i don’t currently have the energy for ;W; sorry oktai and magnai you’ll have to reside in “are we actually. dating.” hell for a bit longer
2) second on this list is the ‘ysayle lives’ fic!!! honestly there is a whole ass series sitting in my idea doc that also includes moenbryda, papalymo, and maaaybe bad-end flavored minfilia lives? but the ysayle one is like. 60% done but i need to trash and restart since i don’t. like it that much. highlights include: ysayle but a little more dragon flavored, separation of iceheart vs. ysayle, and gratuitous earth imagery versus the ice of coerthas
oh god okay im sticking the rest under a cut this got. Long
3) there is also a section of my doc labeled ‘angst elie isn’t allowed to have as a treat’ because at this point all of mom squad deserves to swing a bat straight for my head, buuut the idea i’m looking at is lightwarden au related! funtimes. ehsk al, anyone? (yes that means either promised love or love’s promise in dragonspeak. yes there’s a reason for this.) the line keeping this idea’s spot is: “ thancred climbs up mt. gulg one final time to meet the mourning dragon.” :)))
4) i want to go more into the various different cultures of my wols!!! i detest the lack of ala mhigan lore (monk lore too. i’m Salty about SB) which is why i haven’t gone into dewah’s family that much but i have an idea and some minor worldbuilding in the making? there’s also lumelle, whose emotions on ishgard are (as all emotions are) complicated, and zaya, who hasn’t been home in a literal decade give or take. i have to think real hard for it tho sdgnsdfsd that’s why they’ve been collecting dust for months.
4.1) the amount of hrothgar and viera lore is also criminal. don’t make me homebrew more lore squeenix give us Actual Lore. duscha and valdis deserve More.
5) okay i. i am very embarrassed by this but i have a longfic draft for a fic that at this point legally has to be tagged “slow burn, if by slow burn you mean 18 years” whenever i finish enough to be able to start posting it and YES ITS ZAYA AND THANCRED. 
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yeah. i know. this has been haunting me since ffxivwrite last year-ish. it is also very D U S T Y but it has about 15 different ideas i’ve just mass dumped into it and i despise it and myself. additionally some ardbert feelings slipped into the SHB bits and i’m. maybe unrequited ardbert/zaya.... mayhaps
6) i love carbuncles and i love dt’s writing about the carbuncles which may have led to the thought bunny “what if: black opal carbuncle for zaya’s nameday” and it has haunted me but since zaya’s nameday in real time was a day off from the 5.3 drop it promptly got buried under all the ideas i got from 5.3
7) SPEAKING OF 5.3 CONTENT: carmela predicted correctly that i would like the ‘you’re a long way from home, moogle’ interaction you get if you choose the option that has kupo when talking with thancred and i’m possessed. i want to write something surrounding zaya’s honorary postmoogle title and thancred finding out they spent three weeks delivering eorzea’s mail.... there’s a bunch of canon rewrites but for multiple WOLs i’d like to do but i’m Tired
8) rhmrhrr.... AU time! main street au is still haunting my bones and i want to write more because mom squad spent like. an hour talking about how it’s just like dime store romance fiction amassed into an entire au and there’s a certain flowershop romance i need to write >:3 there’s also the ol’ CHB AU hanging around Somewhere and a very small part of me that craves to keep writing hanahaki au which is just slowburn 2.0
9) OH WAIT. i have Exactly One idea that’s mostly npc-based which is just me having feelings about the going-ons of norvrandt before the WOL is summoned, mostly revolving around ryne/baby-filia which i think? will have four parts? it’s really just me worldbuilding with norvrandt and having a great time. i scribbled down a beginning to try and shake off some rust (it did not really work) but:
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10) honorable mention goes to the ‘zaya, thancred, and co. give ryne a nameday celebration despite her not really having a nameday’ idea and to this, which never fails to give me a chuckle when i read it in my idea doc:
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