#this post is about musubimonogatari.
sinkableruby · 6 months
ougi seems to be both viewing the story from a higher plane (seems to have enough foresight to lead you into doing certain things) and acting on it to get that outcome at the same time. but it's essential to realize they are part of the narrative and not separate from it.
her introduction in ougi formula talks about it: "oshino ougi is oshino ougi and that's all you can say about her," "no one really has free will and everything is already decided like a formula, so the things we do to solve our problems just look like steps along a preset path to someone in the know"
but that's not what happens when hanekawa intervenes in sodachi lost. and its not what happens in ougi dark either. never forget that
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studentofetherium · 1 year
penny for your Hanekawa + Kiss-Shot thoughts? :3c
it's so fascinating to think about who Tsubasa would be if she were to become a vampire, especially because i think she would be three or four different people if it happened at different times in her life
for example, i think that if Tsubasa became a vampire in Koyomi's place, she essentially just takes his place in the story, and any ambition Kiss-Shot sees in her would probably be tamped down by regret / depression. she overall probably ends up worse here. there's still terrifying potential here, tho, and on the off chance that she isn't crippled by the resulting trauma it could still be world ending
but as far as the scariest possibility, it's what would happen if Tsubasa became a vampire and Shinobu's suicidal plan worked. at that point, Tsubasa effectively takes over the world and i think it develops into something of a Dust of Osiris situation where it's Not Good but with altruistic intentions. i think a lot of people, maybe even most people, die, but what comes from the ashes would suit her ideological needs. that said, i think having this power thrust on her, and then seeking to enact those ideological needs is the worst case scenario
now i get into post-anime spoilers (for Wazamonogatari and Musubimonogatari)
ever since i saw it established that Tsubasa still has vampire blood left in her, i've been thinking about what could happen if she focused on that and it didn't just burn out quickly... she wouldn't be a full vampire, but she also wouldn't be human, yet without any guilt or the full abilities of a vampire, this wouldn't be like either of the other options, meaning it's the most open. ultimately, i think it might be a bit light in potential comparatively, but i still think it's interesting
finally, i wonder what would happen if Tsubasa in the era of Musubi, or at least, a little bit before, were to become a vampire on the strength of Kiss-Shot... it's similarly world-ending to Kabukimono, but i think Tsubasa's extra life experience would balance it somewhat... even if it's still world ending
anyway none of this has anything to do with Kiss-Shot so i'll just say that i think Tsubasa's potential relationship with her would be very different in practice than Koyomi, since i think Tsubasa would be more inclined to accept the role of a servant for her, and be more respectful in general, meaning that the power balance leans more towards Kiss-Shot than Tsubasa, while with Koyomi, it's equal or leaning towards him
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darkcherrymystery · 7 years
Musubimonogatari synopsis
So, I saw another synopsis post going around this webb site with a fair few inaccuracies which I thought I’d update/correct
Araragi is 23, and is doing his police officer training period in the Rumor Department in the Naoetsu Police Department
Gaen’s master plan is to set up these ‘Rumor Departments’ to combat malevolent oddities. Naoetsu’s was the first, and they’re spreading throughout Japan and eventually the world
The four arcs each introduce one of Araragi’s superiors in the department
Zenka Mermaid
Zenka Suo, 26
Described as ‘half-mermaid’, but not a traditional mermaid. Any time a part of her body touches water, that part transforms into part of a sea creature. Which sea creature varies depending on the environment--it can even be deep-sea fish or mollusks
She became a mermaid due to eating mermaid flesh after a fatal accident. Mermaid meat is super rare, which makes it dangerous for her to be around some oddities (such as Shinobu, who still lives in Araragi’s shadow)
She and Araragi investigate a case of serial half-drownings in a local swimming spot
Along the way, Araragi meets Kanbaru working part-time at a hospital. It seems she was inspired by the events of Suruga Devil and what happened to Rouka to switch career courses to become a sports doctor
Nozomi Golem
Nozomi Kizashima, 29
Her grandparents imbued her soul into a clay golem when she died, and thus she eternally looks like a middle schooler
The least ‘human’ employee of the Rumor Department, she needs to stay hydrated to prevent drying out, and can melt and reshape herself into ordinary earth (though she sometimes needs help being put back together)
She and Araragi investigate a series of attacks where girls going home from Naoetsu High School have their uniforms slashed from the back
They initially suspect a ‘kama-itachi’ oddity (literally ‘sickle weasels’, a legend in which a trio of weasels appear in a whirlwind to slash someone)
While investigating at the school, Araragi reunites with Ougi in the supernatural classroom where Ougi Formula takes place. Ougi remains based at Naoetsu High School, and has achieved some distance from her creator. (Also, her female appearance here has convinced me that Ougi does in fact switch genders depending on who she’s interacting with)
Ougi describes how Nadeko moved away and didn’t go to high school, instead becoming an artist of niche manga
Mitome Wolf
Mitome Saizaki, over 30, precise age not revealed
Descended from werewolves, and potentially one of the last
She can control her transformations, and while she is very strong in battle, the reason Gaen brought her in was her mental fortitude
Hanekawa has become an anti-borders activist and international pariah. She has a lot of enemies (including most governments)
She comes back to Japan in order to erase her personal history and become an “instrument of peace”, and the Naoetsu Police Department are tasked with protecting her
Instead of focusing on Mitome, the main focus of this arc is Hanekawa suddenly appearing in the Araragi house to sleep over and have dinner (which shouldn’t be possible given her situation)
Karen also became a police officer, while Tsukihi has started and quit college twice and now wants to study dance overseas
(There’s a super cool conclusion to this arc, ugh)
Tsudzura Human
Tsudzura Kouga, age not revealed, Rumor Department chief
Unconnected with oddities and thus can’t directly interact with them (the strength of this is she also can’t really be affected by their ill effects either)
Araragi and Senjougahara have broken up three times, and are facing a relationship crisis due to Araragi being a public employee in Japan and Senjou working for a financial firm in America
Araragi encounters Sodachi for the first time since they were friends (yes!) in college, and consults with her about his relationship. Sodachi has become a CPA at Naoetsu Town Hall; she purchased the dilapidated house she lived in during middle school and fixed it up.
He plans to apply for overseas training to be closer to Senjougahara, but Senjougahara surprises him by showing up at his house and revealing she convinced her boss to move a branch to Japan so she could work closer to Araragi
Upon realizing the comedy of errors they’ve gotten themselves into trying to be closer to each other, Araragi reaches out to comfort her, and they replay the scene in which they first got together in Bakemonogatari: he says “I love you”, and she replies, “Koyomi, tore”
I’ve put the ‘solutions’ to the mysteries here because some of them are pretty cool.
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