#this post is about what happened when i watched ppt2
wigglepiggle · 2 years
oh look a cool show hmm I don't think this will have a huge effect on m- ajnanananaanajnwsjwnwnwjhswjwjwu category 17 autism event occurs
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dreamy-baku · 6 months
Breaking down Squares’ Character
Thanks to @manofmanymons for the idea!
So for starters, I made old research posts about Squares that you can check out if you want some research related information. But this is goin* to be about his character as seen in Puyo Puyo Tetris.
Breakdown under the cut!
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So, for starters. When Squares first shows up in the story in around chapter 5. He merely asks Marle if she was still battling and keeping “fun”. He seemed to have no ill intentions. Which is a little strange. But, the heroes described him as being a villain to which Marle explains he wasn’t always that way.
The biggest part of the story, the exact ending of chapter 6 leading into chapter 7 is when we learn of his plan to erase everyone, but it seemed it only got that plan AFTER Marle said the people where her friends.
Then, during chapter 7, Squares on multiple occasions flipped between being “bad” and “innocent”. He threatened the heroes multiple times, but also occasionally mentioned that he was basically doing everything for his sister Marle.
He tried to keep attention off of Marle because he knew she’d tell them everything, which is why he stripped her of her memories when he “brainwashed” her. He didn’t want his plan to make Marle “love him again” to be ruined.
It becomes obvious later, in the EX chapter, that Squares became upset that Marle focused to much on the worlds. His emotional outburst that we seen in the game was because he was upset that Marle wasn’t giving him attention.
Marle also mentioned that she “forgot he was basically an infant”, most likely referring to a little bit before he “brainwashed” her shortly before PPT2 happens, as that’s when Squares needed her most. And that’s when she wasn’t there to help him.
Squares shown on multiple occasions he was still very young, and that he wasn’t truly evil, he was just misunderstood and immature that he didn’t know better. (And Marle HAD THE POWER to stop him from “brainwashing” her, so why didn’t she? Maybe she wanted it to happen?)
But, Squares’ “innocence” was more subtle, as he was played off as the “bad guy” up until the very end. But, there were clues he wasn’t evil in the slightest.
Such as when the heroes where talking and then asked Squares what his heart truly wanted and all he could reply with was “Marle…” and when Ecolo shows up and says he’s a “spoiled brat who hates change”, and Squares’ genuine reaction was complete confusion.
The heroes later picked up on the fact that Squares is immature, he has a child-like innocence, as all he did was what he assumed he HAD TO DO.
Also, Squares’ outburst could have been from something a little deeper too. STRESS, he chose to help Marle watch over order when he was created, and he was so young and took up a responsibility FAR GREATER than Marle’s own. So when Marle stopped focusing on him and could no longer support him with his duty, he grew sad and stressed because he didn’t know what to truly do.
That can be logical, because, is it REALLY ORDERLY, by his definition, of NO ONE of the worlds existed? And would that really keep Marle happy with him either?
And, when they finally calmed him down, Squares said that “He’s going to go somewhere where he’d never bother any of them again”. Which honestly sounds very depressing, because what did he mean he’d do to himself? Was he threatening to end his life? (That line legit broke me when I heard him say it- o.o;)
And finally, he showed some maturity, as he fully apologized for his actions and even acknowledged that everything he done was caused by his inexperience and immaturity, and that an apology won’t fix everything.
At the end of the EX chapter, we see he grows more, learning how he can accept himself for his mistakes. But he’s still obviously guilty and seemingly depressed about what he did, and the pain he caused everyone.
But also, he could feel guilty and depressed over failing to properly uphold “order”. As he almost ruined both the worlds because Marle stopped giving him attention.
I would have provided images to support, but I didn’t have access to any but the one image at the start! If you have any comments, feel free to send me an ask or something!
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seafoam-taide · 2 years
OKAY SO. im so curious whats the fandom with the object people and the one named tesla and the lightbulb who i think is tesla's friend. Please ive been seeing it everywhere and cant find a name for it,,, i wanna know a bit more about it to see if i wanna check it out
Hi!!! Okay so. Well. The overarching name for aaall this nonsense is the Object Show Community, or OSC. At least, that's what I've gathered. Tesla specifically is @ecto-hazard's OC for an object /camp/ called RIP- Rune's Immature Party. If you haven't caught on already, acronyms are Kind Of A Thing. If you want to look into Tesla stuff specifically, here's a link to Grey's post with the master doc! They're comics and you should totally read them I'm not biased at all. There's also a brief explanation for camps in the doc I think. That should probably be its own post if you want me to talk about it, though.
So the actual meat of all this object stuff is, as the name suggests, the object shows, most of which are on youtube. The main two(? I think?) are Inanimate Insanity and Battle For Dream Island, but there are like, over 500 or something of them all over the place. It's a Huge Thing. Those two start off preeetty goofy but the most recent seasons are really cool stuff in my opinion.
Oh and, to give you a little bit of context, the basic like. 'structure' of an object show is like you know those reality TV competition shows where there's a set cast that gets whittled down through some sort of voting system. like survivor. its like that but with object characters.
In case you want to watch some, here's a list of the shows I've watched so far that I liked:
Battle For Dream Island [BFDI] by jacknjellify - The Original. the one that sparked all this nonsense. at least. to my knowledge. there are uh. 5 seasons now i think? it's a lot. it's so much. it's hours and hours of content. the first one was made when the two creators were like 10 or something so keep that in mind but it just gets better from there Inanimate Insanity [II] by AnimationEpic - tbh probably the most popular one right now??? at least from what i've seen. it's season 1 is even worse than BFDI's season 1 but it's current seasons... holy FUCK. HOLY /SHIT/. OH MY GODDD. also canon nonbinary character (tho a lot of the rest of its representation attempts are. not so great) Animated Inanimate Battle [AIB] by GatlingGroink57 - goofy funny but with a really good grasp on characters. Has like. 60 characters but each one managed to be memorable??? one of my favorites i love oodle SO MUCH ONE, or as it's often called, 'HfjONE' by Cheesy Hfj - very much NOT goofy funny. first show I watched. A very interesting (and upsetting) take on the expected format of an object show. its kind of hilarious this was my first one in retrospect it is not your usual object show Paper Puppets Take 2 [PPT2] by YellowAngiru - sooo fun and cool and creative... each episode has it's own unique intro + theme and there are some spooky plot things and drama and it's fun Sacriverse by Sacri - if you wanna watch this one you should use this playlist, this one is like. goofy funny but also analog horror and it's spread out along a bunch of videos and??? watching this playlist was an. experience. also it has HAPPY STAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a bunch more in a list I haven't watched yet and also a bunch more I likely haven't even heard of so this list is nowhere near end all be all. There's so much. There is. sooo much. god.
Also sorry to go back to Tesla after all that BUT if you like the Tesla entries there are more entries for other characters from that season and season 2 is happening rn so like... ooo you wanna join the server so bad and look at everybody's cool entries ooooooooo
OKAY that was a lot. Oh geez. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk abt this and I hope this was helpful somewhat??? ALSO anything said here could possibly be false bcuz I have only been here like. A month. A little over that. I'm still pretty new to it also. If you have any more questions I'd be happy to answer them.
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