#this question kinda got away from me sorry fkshfk
persephoneggsy · 10 months
I know Sebastian realized he loved Marian after the Arishok fight, but was there a separate moment where he questioned if he could maintain his vows in good conscious? Not necessarily an “I can’t not fuck her” thing but just having these feelings, a strong desire for physical closeness?
I thought about this for a long time, trying to come up with an eloquent answer, but honestly… I think once Sebastian realizes he loves Marian, everything just falls into place. Any guilt he might’ve felt for looking at her before, for going against his vows and having such desires, it all melts away.
In his mind, loving Marian is the easiest thing in the world. Any vows he made before he met her, before he loved her, are a distant afterthought.
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