#this raises such a good question about MC having the fool’s body and the consequences omg
iphigeniainaulis · 4 years
Pairing: Comte x MC
Warnings: It’s my first time writing fanfic in English
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‘It was her last week in 19th century Paris when a fever suddenly changed her plans’
Golden eyes raised anxiously. Gaze touching on her profile. So bright, so ephemeral as if she was not a human. She was so vulnerable because of her sincerity and strong because of her weaknesses it definitely caught him off guard every single moment they were together. It made him forget all those words he was ready to use, all those pitiful, empty phrases created only to hide his dark secrets, his own monster who had been torturing him for all those months. 
He was awfully, desperately afraid of her. Afraid of those feelings she awakened in him. Excitement when his palms were getting sweaty and his heartbeat was ready to punch a hole in his chest just the moment he heard the rustle of her dress when she was delivering daily mail to the residents. Agony of suspense when he was trying to guess whether her smiling face would come into view or she would just pass by with a general ‘Good day, Comte’. 
Sometimes she came to him with a warm smile that touched her lips and sparked myriads of orange and golden stars in her beautiful eyes, a scene that spread warmth and gentleness through his tired heart. It was such a strange feeling, like if he had already experienced it. Or was it somebody else? A small boy with golden eyes who was ready to capture the whole world. Innocent. Curious. Ready to discover. Ready to love. 
And sometimes she was quiet with the seal of sadness on her face and shadows of sorrow in her eyes. Usually, he tried to distract her from her thoughts by making tea and chatting. But sometimes that wasn't enough. Although she pretended to be happy, he knew when she was lying. Her lips. She was biting them. And sometimes even cluck her tongue. He knew all those little secrets of hers. He learned it slowly every day and couldn't afford to lose even a small detail. He needed it. Because the only thought of  her going away forever was driving him crazy. He needed it to paint her portrait in his mind, to hide it as far as possible, so after she’d gone and taken all the light from him, he could get it from his memory and remind himself that he experienced true happiness one last time.   
She was here. With him. That what really mattered. That was both his blessing and his punishment. 
Because her presence promised happiness and freedom. Her eyes promised peace. Because she was ready. Ready to accept him without any ‘no’ or ‘if’. Ready to accept him with all his weaknesses, fears, insecurities and worries. Accept his eternal pain that he didn't have a cure for and eternal sadness that always followed him  no matter how hard he tried.
She begged him. Begged to live in their present, to fall into that shining sea of life and joy with her, survive its storms and meet the consequences together. 
She protected. Held him in her arms and saved him from the ghost of the past, from his fear of loneliness, from thousands of dark nights without sleep, without dreams. She promised. 
She promised things he couldn't accept, he got no right. Not with her.  
Loving her would be so easy. He knew that. Taste her breath on her lips when the first sun rays greet them in their room. Hold heavy locks in his hands and smell the scent of lavender soap and herbage. Exchange quick kisses, so light but so necessary, while daily breaks. Talk. Keep silent. Watch, devour with eyes when she sits on his lap like a cat greedy for attention and love of her owner.  Wearing the clothes he chose. Sparkling from head to toe because of all those bracelets, rings and necklaces he bought. Whisper sweet nothings and listen to her shy giggling which resonated through him like bell rings in church. She was his church, his prey, but, God save him, never she was a saint to him.
Take her. Greedy, almost desperately. Touch this delicate place on her throat where he can feel her pulse, the smell of her sweet blood, where he can hear her heart beating. Here. Alive. He could only imagine how she would sound when his arms touched the cool skin of her nipples, how she would put her head back moaning louder and louder as the rain of short hot kisses slowly began to fall on her belly, thighs, found her intimate place and then cherished it with all the gentleness and love in the world.  He wanted to see how this pretty face of hers would slowly become covered with sweat, how her cheeks would blush with the color of roses, how her clouded eyes would be searching for him, how swollen lips would say ‘I lov...’ 
‘Why did you come? Again...’
Her body was trying to fight the temperature and the weight of a heavy duvet that he carefully brought to her room the first night she felt sick. Her face wasn't red and exhausted and her eyes were as clear as always. Her eyes...She looked at him so desperately that he felt an immediate urge to turn away. To push her back, not to let them become closer was his main purpose from the very beginning of their ‘relationships’. Well, this was the voice of his common sense. But what about his heart?
Comte forced a smile so easily that it came as a surprise to him. It was just as easy as turning a key in the lock.
‘As I said before, ma cherie, I just don't want  to overwork Sebastian. Since you fell sick he has been doing all the chores by himself again...  ’  
‘You didn't answer the question’
The smile he wore was about to break. Comte quickly, probably, too quickly, rushed to the table with medicine, pretending that he saw the labels on all those bottles for the first time.
‘Arthur will come back soon. You had better sleep now because...’ 
‘Why did you come?’
He thought it would be easy. To lie as he did every time he saw her trying to become closer. Closer than he used to be with people. Closer than he could allow her to be. 
And he was a fool. 
He was ready to see anything in her gaze. Hate, disgust, anger...He was ready or at least he thought so. But he saw nothing like that.
Nothing except quiet, mournful, gentle sadness. ‘I know what you feel. I want to take your pain. But I can't. So instead allow me to bear this pain with you. I am here’.
He had to go. Or he could lose. Run to her bed, fall to his knees and ask her to be with him forever. Never ever go away. 
‘As I said, Arthur will see you later. Now, have a rest, cherie. I can't let you go back home with a fever like that.’
The way to his office seemed like it didn't have an end. He was a coward. And a fool. He pushed away the only woman who wanted to be with him. Who he wanted to be with him. But this was his fate. Right?
The scenery outside the mansion caught his view. Comte slowed the pace. In the night sky thousands of snowflakes were dancing their first and last waltz. Every snowflake had it’s unique shape and pattern. Every snowflake had only a few seconds to dance. Another second, and it would drop. Comte suddenly thought:
‘Please, never fall...’ 
P.S. I don't know why tumblr decided to cut this part (*angry noises*), but here should be many thanks to @incorrect-ikevamp-quotes​ who writes amazing and detailed (I mean DETAILED) posts about Ikemen Vampire and #fangdadpropaganda. 
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Fight the Darkness Pt. 11
Pairing: Gaius x MC
Summary: Sometimes, home is not a place, but a person.
Author’s Note: This chapter is almost purely fluff. Surprisingly, I managed to write something with next to no angst. And it has left me unable to express the (happy) things I’m feeling right now. I think I should attempt to write more fluff. Anyway, hope you enjoy it! And, as per usual, apologies in advance for any typos or grammatical errors!
Word Count: 2,972
“Think we could get away with making a run for it?” Amy mumbled to Gaius, reaching for his hand.
He sighed, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “Unfortunately, no.”
They walked the rest of the way without a word. When they were within speaking distance, Adrian was the first to break the silence.
“Finding you was far too easy.” He looked worried, but Amy could also see the anger there too.
Everyone was looking at Amy and Gaius’ joined hands. Kamilah raised an eyebrow, staring a moment longer before she looked Amy in the eyes.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you where I was going, but I just had to get away.” She would apologize for that, but not for leaving. It had been the right choice.
“Okay, can someone explain what’s going on? You and him?” Lily seemed the least tense. If anything, it looked like the realization that Amy and Gaius were together slightly amused her. “Damn, Ames.” She smiled when their eyes met.
Kamilah cleared her throat, disapproval written on her face. “Amy, come with us. We’re here to take you home.”
Amy shook her head, refusing to move from her spot. “I’m not going back to New York.”
“Amy, please.” Adrian looked like he hadn’t stopped worrying since she’d run away over two weeks ago. “Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been? For all we knew, you were dead! Our messages weren’t going through.”
She remembered crushing her phone in the hotel lobby the day before. Where she planned on going, a phone wouldn’t be necessary anymore. “I just had to get away. Communicating with you guys would’ve made it harder.”
“You’ve been losing control over your powers,” Kamilah said, daring to take a step closer. “We heard about the airport in Ireland. And the club here.”
A gory mess flashed in her head. Screams rang in her ears, and Amy had to shut her eyes for a moment, willing the horrors to leave her mind. All the death and destruction she’d caused would haunt her for a long time, but she knew that she could fight through it with Gaius by her side.
“She managed to defeat the darkness inside of her. It was quite impressive.” Gaius looked down at her and smiled. Her heart skipped a beat at the gesture.
Both Adrian and Kamilah tensed when he spoke, as though they had purposefully been ignoring his presence.
“She’s coming with us,” Adrian said, finally looking at Gaius. “This little adventure ends here.”
“I believe the one who should get the choice is Amy herself. If she wants to leave with you, I will not try to stop her.”
Amy looked back and forth between her friends and the man she had fallen in love with. It was cruel to ask her to choose. She loved all of them. Imagining life without any of them was unbearable.
“I—” She closed her mouth again, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. Finally, she managed to speak. “I’m not going back. This is where I belong.”
Kamilah rolled her eyes. “Really, Amy? Don’t fall for his games. Gaius is dangerous. He’s irredeemable. How many times do we have to remind you that he killed you?”
“And what about the things you’ve done?” The words burst from her lips before she took the time to consider the consequences. “Why is it that the things you guys have done are redeemable, but his actions aren’t? Why am I redeemable in your eyes? I killed hundreds of people in a little over a day. I’m not better.”
The five of them stood in silence for several breaths. She could see that Adrian and Kamilah were communicating without words, their eyes locked. Amy held Gaius’ hand tighter, unwilling to let go.
“Fine.” Kamilah finally said, her shoulders tense as she finally looked back at Amy. “Suit yourself. If you choose to be a fool, we cannot stop you.”
Without another word, her friends turned and started to walk away.
It surprised Amy that they were so willing to let her go, after spending so much time searching for her. She looked over at Gaius, a silent question reflected in her eyes.
“As I said before, it is your decision.” His smile was sad, but resigned.
She pulled him in for a quick kiss, breathing heavily as her lips brushed against his when she spoke. “I can’t leave things this way, but I’ll be back. Don’t leave without me.”
He held her in his arms, his hands resting on her waist. “Never.”
Amy left his embrace and ran after her friends.
Lily was the first to turn, opening her arms without hesitation. With a harsh laugh, Amy ran into them, nearly tackling her to the ground in a hug.
“The two of you?” her best friend mumbled, “I have to know the details.”
It felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest. Lily wasn’t mad. Somehow, in some bizarre twist of fate, she seemed to understand.
“I still say this is a terrible idea,” Kamilah said, arms crossed over her chest as she watched Amy and Lily continue to hug. “Trust me, Amy. I know him. He may have done some good deeds, but he is still corrupted.”
“Sometimes, you just have to follow your heart.” God, did she ever sound cheesy. Still, Amy felt the truth in her words. She needed this. Wherever Gaius went, she would follow. “I need you to trust me.”
Adrian’s scowl softened, and years of things left unsaid passed through the four of them. Amy liked to imagine that Jax was here, too. In his own way.
When Adrian stepped forward, Amy released Lily and stood facing him, a part of her worried about what would come next. Instead, he sighed, holding his arms open for her.
“Why?” he mumbled when she stepped forward for a hug. “You could have told me things were getting bad. You didn’t have to run away.”
“He understands me.” She felt Adrian’s body tense, but continued. “There was only one person who I could think of that might understand how hard it was to fight the darkness. To spend so much time not you.”
She wished she could have Gaius by her side, but it seemed a bit much to have him here. This was something she had to do alone.
After she’d let go of Adrian and fallen into Kamilah’s arms, Amy allowed herself to cry. She told them everything that had happened, trying her best not to feel bothered at the way they flinched when she brought up the vampire club massacre.
“And you have no recollection of what happened in that club? You only remember after you’d already killed them?” Adrian looked like he still wanted her to come home with them, but he hadn’t tried to convince her again.
Amy shook her head, trying to force memories to resurface that simply weren’t there. “I’d been blacking out for a long time before that, too. It started back in New York.”
Kamilah exchanged a look with Adrian, who sighed and nodded. Her shoulders fell and she looked back at Amy. “Are you certain that Rheya’s powers are gone for good this time?”
“I’m sure. The darkness is gone.” Amy couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this free.
Her friends looked at her with concern. Whether it was for her struggle with the powers, or her decision to confide in Gaius, she could not tell.
But she no longer cared. All that mattered was the path to redemption. And that was something she simply couldn’t do in New York.
“Why him?” Adrian asked, watching her curiously.
Amy sighed, turning around to look behind her. Somewhere in the shadows, Gaius was watching them. She could feel his presence. “Have you ever just had a feeling? Like something was right, even if everyone else screamed at you that it was wrong?” Her words probably made no sense, but she’d long given up trying to make sense of certain things.
“The heart wants what it wants. Even if that’s an ancient vampire who has tried to destroy the world several times.” Lily grinned when Amy looked at her, shrugging. “What? It’s true.”
Kamilah’s lips twitched, and she cleared her throat again, standing up straight. “Is there any way we can convince you to come home with us? You belong in New York. We can protect you.”
Closing her eyes, Amy took a deep breath before letting out a sigh. She was really going to miss them. “I think I could do with a little redemption myself. There’s a lot of good deeds I have to do to make up for what I’ve done.”
“You weren’t yourself. The power and your grief over Jax made you that way. It’s not your fault,” Adrian whispered. He took a step forward and took her hand in his. “Please, Amy. Come home.”
Saying goodbye was even harder than she’d thought it would be. She had expected it to be difficult, but the heaviness she felt in her heart was so much worse than she could have imagined. “I am home.” Amy opened her eyes, and gave her friends a reassuring smile.
Perhaps they would never understand her decision. That was okay. Right here, right now, she needed to do something for herself. And that was to choose a path of redemption.
It was time to heal the hurt she’d been feeling the past twenty-five years.
“If anything happens to you, I will personally track him down and kill him myself.” Kamilah looked the most uncertain, but she tried her best to hide the anger and hurt.
“I’m sorry,” Amy said, and she meant it. “I’ll understand if you can never forgive me for this.”
All the pain Kamilah had endured during her relationship with Gaius was not something Amy forgot. But that person was not the one she had grown to care for. He had changed, whether anyone else chose to believe it or not.
Sighing, Kamilah stepped forward. Her eyes met Amy’s, and her face fell. “You are not the one who needs my forgiveness. Just know that we will always be there if you need us. You’ll always have a place in New York.”
“You better get a new phone and keep in touch,” Lily said, looking like she might cry. “I’m not going a thousand years without hearing from you.”
Amy laughed, and the tears that she’d been trying to fight overpowered her. She threw her arms around Kamilah, whose eyes widened in surprise. Laughing, Adrian and Lily joined in. The four of them stood in silence for a long time.
I really wish you were here right now.
This group hug felt incomplete without Jax. Sadness filled Amy’s heart again momentarily. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting the tears flow freely as she mourned her friend one last time.
“I promise to keep in touch,” she said, refusing to let go of her friends until Kamilah patted her on the back and she took that as a signal to stop. “Why aren’t you guys trying harder to convince me to go with you?”
Lily crossed her arms over her chest. “We all knew you weren’t happy, Ames.”
“If this—if…Gaius is what makes you happy, then I guess we need to let you go.” Adrian still looked uncomfortable. “But none of us are very happy about it.”
Amy understood. They wouldn’t force her to return, but she knew they would try their best to convince her every chance they got.
“I did tell Kano I wanted to have more adventures,” Amy said with a laugh. “This might not have been what I had in mind, but it works.” Her smile faltered, and she chewed on her bottom lip as she tried to think of what else to say. “You guys know that I love you, right?”
“We love you too.” Adrian sighed, his eyes flickering to the shadows behind her. “Please, be safe.”
With a nod, she turned and searched the darkness for Gaius. He was still keeping himself hidden. She had a feeling that was for the best. The others most definitely did not have any fondness for him. They probably thought she was insane to make this decision. It had been easier to just run away.
“Okay. I’m gonna go now.” Amy started to walk away, but her steps faltered when a stifled sob echoed in the night.
For some reason, it seemed like all the humans were staying inside tonight. The quiet only made everything louder.
Sobbing herself, Amy turned around one last time. She barreled into Lily again, and this time they really did fall to the ground. The two of them laughed, while Adrian and Kamilah shook their heads. Still, there were tears in their eyes.
“I’ll visit,” Amy said, struggling to her feet. She helped Lily up, and the two of them hugged even more. “Whenever I get the chance, I’ll come see you guys.”
It took a long time for the group to finally part ways.
Once the three were gone, and Amy stood alone, tears burning in her eyes, Gaius emerged from the shadows. He walked up to her, and she leaned back into his arms.
“That went better than I expected,” he said, staring down the road where her friends had disappeared. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
Amy nodded, turning in his arms to face him. “You’ll never get rid of me now.”
He grinned, brushing some hair out of her face. “I would never dream of letting you go.”
She threw her arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to hers, not caring who saw.
The past few days felt like an insane dream. How was it possible to go through all the horrors they had, and yet feel this much joy?
For the first time in recent memory, Amy felt happy. The idea of spending the foreseeable future by Gaius’ side filled her with hope. People might try to come for them, might want to kill them, but she knew that it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle.
She had survived Rheya. She had survived the lure of darkness twice. She would survive whatever came next.
“I love you,” she whispered in his ear, smiling when Gaius shivered at her words.
He held her close, pulling back to look her in the eyes. “I will never grow tired of hearing you say that.”
Amy’s face hurt from smiling so much. She wanted to scream it out loud. The entire world might think her crazy for falling in love with Gaius, but she no longer cared. He was her home.
“Well, what do you say we find an airport and make our way to Russia?” Gaius surveyed the surrounding area, his body tensing. “The sooner we leave, the better.”
The last time they had been in an airport, things had not ended well. Amy wanted to remain on land for as long as possible. For the next little while, she wanted nothing more than open sky and deserted roads. Walking through fields at night, listening to the sound of nature all around. Civilization was overrated right now.
She took a deep breath and laughed nervously. “Actually…” Gaius turned to her, raising an eyebrow. “—I was thinking that maybe we should walk to Russia.”
Gaius started to laugh, and Amy had to agree that the suggestion was absurd, but she didn’t care. “Do you have any idea how long that will take? We could be walking for months. There will hardly be many nice places for us to stay.”
“For you, I would stay in a swamp shack every day for the rest of eternity.”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “It will not be a pleasant journey. We will encounter plenty of enemies.”
“All it will mean is that we can redeem ourselves that much more,” Amy said, thinking of how fun it would be to finally go on an adventure that didn’t involve fighting terrifying powers. “I’m ready for a real adventure.”
She had lost her mind. And it felt amazing.
“Do not make me regret this decision.” Gaius held his hand out to her, and Amy took it with a grin.
The two of them began to walk through the city, and eventually came across some humans. It was nice when she had no voice in the back of her head reminding her of their inferiority. A few people even smiled at her.
There was nothing but sweet, blissful silence.
The darkness was gone.
After they’d been walking for a few hours, and the sounds of the city were long gone, Amy stopped. She looked up at Gaius, stunned at the way she felt about this man.
“What?” He frowned, uncertainty reflected in his eyes.
Amy smiled again, and shook her head. “Nothing.”
With that typical eye roll, he began to walk again, leaving her behind momentarily.
The future was more uncertain than ever. Amy had chosen to pursue her strange desires over her friends. She had caused death and destruction, allowing herself to become the villain, no matter how short the time had been. Nothing would ever be the same. Yet, she was no longer afraid.
Come what may, she would be ready for it. And Gaius would be at her side. They would become better together. That was all she needed.
Several seconds later, Gaius realized she was still standing in the same spot. He turned around, narrowing his eyes. “Is everything okay?”
Amy nodded, hurrying to catch up. Her heart swelled with genuine happiness when she took his hand, ready to walk into the night.
“Everything is perfect.”
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slbp-secret-cupid · 6 years
A gift for @fieryanmitsu
Mitsuhide/MC Fic
Rated M for Angst
It should have been an easy choice to make. Laughably so. He was a samurai, he was the right hand of the divine ruler, his light of honour. And he had commanded him to save a clan by bringing its people into the Oda fold by marrying their widowed lady.
Nay, it had not been a choice to begin with. It was a command. It should have been, in theory, an easier task to do. If only it didn’t mean betrayal to her. His one and only. And his last, or so he had intended her to, until just a few days ago. He had forgotten that there had always been a possibility that he cannot make that promise. Because one Akechi Mitsuhide is a samurai under the Oda clan. He had always been bound by duty.
He couldn’t stop to think about that sunny morning when they had inspected what had been their wedding attire. How radiant she had been. And how gently the warmth between them had turned into an intense heat just a moment before his liege lord had barged in and told him that he must marry another.
It should have been easy. He didn’t even have to give her up. He just needed to move her from his central chamber to the side chamber. “A small adjustment,” Nobunaga had said. A small adjustment that his head had agreed to but one that his heart found utterly despicable.
He couldn’t, even if she hadn’t voiced any objections on the matter, he couldn’t in good conscience keep her in his bed while bound to another. He had too much to object about having to live with two beds and split his heart.
And so, in the haze of confusion that hadn’t really cleared to give way to a sound strategy, he had relieved her of the burden to stay by asking her to leave.
Leave his residence, leave his side as his page, leave him behind.
The haze hadn’t dissipated. It had gotten worse. He called Ranmaru with her name. He went home expecting to find her in his kitchen. He praised her for the food he ate only to turn around and find a chambermaid looking back at him with pity. He didn’t deserve pity, he deserved contempt. He would have been glad to receive a few or more punches from Toshiie, who confronted him on behalf of her honor. But no punches came, just more pity from his violet eyes.  
And he kept breaking her heart. He had watched it break when he had dismissed her. The shock and the hurt and the confusion played in a horrible procession on her lovely face. The sorrow marring the smile that used to be so open, the tears she had held back with all her might which he knew would spill forth as soon as she turned away. The crushing effort of maintaining dignity and composure every time they saw each other in the castle.
And he might as well have poured salt on her still bleeding heart that day when she saw the white wedding kimono they had chosen together being carted away for another woman. The cruelty of it all. Self-hatred punched him with such force that he didn’t sleep a wink for the three nights after, throwing himself into his work to escape the guilt.
He collapsed from exhaustion on the third night. But even when he woke up after some sleep and ate some food Ranmaru had almost forced down his throat, he didn’t feel any better.
The next thing he knew he was standing in front of the sakura tree. Its bare branches were beginning to sprout little buds of blossom.
“After our wedding, let’s see the sakura together, as a wife and husband.”
Hadn’t he made that promise? What an utter fool.
He didn’t realize that he had punched the tree until a voice called him back to himself.
He must be hallucinating. The dusk or some petty god must be playing a trick.
But there she was. Standing under the sakura tree, with the same open face and concerned gaze she gave him whenever she sensed something was not right with him.
I miss you.
The thought came unbidden and silent.
But she must have somehow heard it because she extended her hand.
Only to drop it short of touching him.
So he reached for her instead.
She flinched when he touched her.
“Mitsuhide-sama,” she said. “We shouldn’t.”
No, please.
He struggled to make a sound. It was as if his throat was closing. The only sound that managed to pass through it was choked sobs.
Her struggle was weak, so he folded her small frame into his arms. Her familiar form released the coil inside of him and he sobbed in earnest, calling her name, burying his face on the crook of her neck like the smell of her hair and the feel of her skin would save him from bottomless despair.  
And she returned the embrace even as she said, “We can’t, Mitsuhide-sama. We can’t.”
So he kissed her.
And it was but a second when she kissed him back with the same desperation.
“How,” he said between kisses. “How could I ever –”
Betray you? Abandon you? Ask you to leave? The thoughts were all unfinished. And she answered anyway, whispered to his lips.
“It’s for the greater g –“
Greater good. The divine rule. The peace of the realm. He knew, he knew. And he kissed her again because he wanted to forget. He pushed her gently to lean on the tree and shielded her from the world because he wanted to forget. He wanted to choose to be selfish. For once.
He cupped her face. “I want you and no one else.” Consequences be damned. “If you’d allow me.”
She sobbed. Eyes wet and lips swollen she said, “Always.”
Their coupling against the sakura tree was violent. Mitsuhide had never been one to hold back in bed, and she too had always responded in kind. But there had always been a ceremonial element to their bedtime together, a gentle and playful tease before the shedding of all layers that separated their bodies – formality, class, clothes, shame. That element was missing now.
Neither of them took their clothes off. His hands took their hold on her hips beneath her pale pink kimono, sliding down to grab her rear and hoist her up against the tree. She gripped his shoulder with one hand and his hair with the other. Holding her in position by pressing their bodies together, he shoved his fundoshi out of the way. When he did the same for her, he nearly ripped apart her underskirt.
His fingers found her wet between the legs. She moaned when he caressed her there, just the way she liked it. He buried his face on her bosom, kissing, apologizing and worshipping her. Then he was inside her and he felt whole in the loss of all thoughts but her name and her pleasure.
He came first. The climax ambushed him, had him shuddering against her while she clung to him, flushed and panting. He didn’t stop, if anything his climax spurred him on. He gently laid her down between the tree’s roots and continued, with his hands and his mouth, until she shuddered against him.
Afterwards he bared his chest and kept her in arms, feeling her skin. And everything became clear.
“If there’s one thing I cannot give up, it’s you,” he told her. “I will find a way for Echizen, one where I can keep my promise to you.”
“I love you,” she replied. “I always will.”
Even with his priority sorted, the Echizen affair didn’t get any easier to crack. Nobunaga had been right, marrying the widow would have been the quickest way to claim legitimacy and possibility convert key players of the rebellion to their side. But that options way out of the questions.
He would be selfish, for once. And place the promise he had made to his one true love above all else. Aren’t that what people in power sometimes do? What Nobunaga sometimes does? Just this once.
And so he’s drafting what would be his most detestable battle tactics. He would burn their villages to the ground. Cleanse the field, flush the rebel rats out, and robbing people out of their homes. He would send a warning first, let the civilians evacuate. But even with such warnings, he knew there would be casualties. Innocent lives lost.
But hasn’t that always been the cost of the divine rule? He reasoned again.  
He tried to hide his conflicted feelings from her. He didn’t want to burden her just as he had just begun to restore her to her rightful place by his side and heal the wounds he had caused her. But she always knew if something wasn’t right with him.
She had never been one to pry. She nourished and nursed.
“Does it bother you?” She asked one night when she brought him tea.
For a split second he thought he thought she knew about his dreadful plan.
Then she took his hand and caressed the bump on the index finger, where a wood splinter had lodged itself under his skin.
“Hardly,” he said. Most days he even forgot about them.
“I should ask the new healer to tend to this. She’s good,” she said.
“I will,” he said. He fully knew he would not have the time.
She refused to budge. Evidently the questioning was only the opening of a more serious conversation. And he could see in on her face the moment she decided to drop all pretense and speak what she had meant to.
“Mitsuhide-sama. I will always love you even if I must share you with your duty.”
“Darling – ” he started. But she talked over him.
“I will shoulder any burden of duty that you carry.”
Of course she would always accommodate him, leaving an opening for him to make everything easier. But Akechi Mitsuhide had decided to be selfish, for once.
He cupped her face, like he had done that fateful night under the sakura tree, his index finger throbbed from the splinter. “I know, my darling, thank you,” he said. The gentlest of a dismissal.  
Her voice, reading the letter, played inside his head as soon as he rushed out from the room.
Lord Akechi Mitsuhide,
He had gone home that day exhausted but hopeful. The logistics for Echizen had been approved. Nobunaga had remained skeptical but signed his plan after merely raising his eyebrows, no doubt still thinking him the fool.
My love, forgive me.
She was not in the kitchen. Nor the study. Nor the bedchamber. And there was a letter on his desk. He immediately recognized it as her writing.
Forgive me for the wound I am causing you. For the burden of love that I have heaped upon you.
The ink had dried, and there was no sign of writing instruments on his desk.
And thank you. Thank you for the gift and the honour of your love.
He searched the house frantically, throwing open her wardrobe in the hopes of seeing them empty.
You are the light of honor of this clan. I trust you to always, in your heart of heart, know what is right.  
Everything was in place. Everything but the white wedding robe. Giving back the shiromuku to her, its rightful owner, had been the first thing he arranged after she brought her back from their separation
I believe in you. The clan believes in you. Soon, too the people of Echizen will believe in you. The people whose lives and happiness need not suffer because of the promise you made to a mere commoner.
The shiromuku, adorned in the bellflowers of his sigil, had hung in her chamber ever since. It was missing.
As you are bound by duty for the divine rule, I too must play my part.  
The fact only added to his confusion as he yelled out a command for his people to search for her.
Perhaps in another life, we will be free to keep our promises.
 “Your Lady is missing!”
This is a farewell.
“Find her!”
I hope you will be able to find it your heart to forgive me someday, and remember me fondly.”
Yours, always.
They found the shiromuku in the lake, a few days after. It had turned murky green when they fished it out and brought it to him, the pristine white contaminated by mud and algae.
His mind, already reduced to a broken thing that could only process what had been written in her letter, went blank.
Nobunaga sighed. And called both of them a fool. And ordered a new shiromuku to be sent to the noble Echizen Lady.
“What else could you do, Mitsuhide? Carry on with your duty.”
For once, he had decided to be selfish and look at what had come out of it. He balled his fist so hard that he could feel the stubborn splinter on his index finger throbbing again. Picking at the calloused finger, he wondered why the divine rule was worthy of all this. If Nobunaga was worthy of all this.
He wondered what it would be like to be selfish and declare an open rebellion himself. To splinter away from the Oda clan, to challenge Nobunaga and claim the divine rule for himself.
He wondered because he couldn’t bear to think of his empty home. Of his unlit hearth. Of his silent study. Of his cold bed. Of the woman in shiromuku to whom he would make promises in a few months. Of long, tortuous days ahead where he has to live with himself wondering if there anything he could have done to prevent all this.
He wondered.
“This is what you really want?”
“Yes, Milord.”
“This will kill him.”
“I believe he will survive.”
“He will hate me. For which I am used to. But he might hate you too.”
“If that’s the burden I must take to free him for his duty then I am prepared.”
“Fools, the both of you! You could live with it had either one, just either one of you make a compromise.”
“I am relieving him the burden of compromising, Milord.”
“And costing me a chef and possibly a retainer too mind you! You’ve changed him and I was actually glad that has a woman and be selfish for once in his damn life but apparently, I have overestimated his judgment. That fool! He could have easily made peace with his duty, have a noble heir and a family with you on his side chamber!”
“I beg your forgiveness.”
“I would kill you myself, foolish girl, if it would not be a waste of time since you have decidedly to off yourself without anyone’s permission.”
“Milady, you must eat.”
She turned slowly to look at her, and then the tray she had placed in front of her a while ago.”
“Don’t call me that. I am not a noble you know… You know my name.” she managed a smile.
The healer pinked a little and called her by her name. The wrong name.
“My new name. Please”
She turned red. “I-I-I’m sorry!” she stammered and corrected herself.
She gave her a smile.
But the healer would not back down. “You know I can’t chop vegetable as well as you do, but I promise it tastes alright.”
She hadn’t even noticed. She glanced at her bowl and laughed a little. “I am sure it’s alright, thank you.”
That didn’t convince her either. She even scooted closer. And gently took her wrist.
“Milady,” she said, already forgetting the last thing she told her, “You are expecting. You must take care of yourself.”
The information barely registered before Sakutaro, one of Nobunaga’s young retainer, strode in to check on them.
“Is everything alright?”
The healer looked up at him and nodded. “Milady just needed more time.”
“It’s still a long way to Oshu, so you better take all you can right now…” Sakutaro said.
“I know,” said the healer. She noticed that the two were having an unspoken conversation with their eyes. If it weren’t for the information the healer just told her, she would have remarked that the two were lovers with a little bit of envy.
But she was expecting.
She grabbed the healer’s hand after Sakutaro left the room. “What you just said… Are you sure?”
The healer’s eyes went wide as she realized that she had just told something that she didn’t know herself.
“Yes, Milady.”
And she cried in her arms.
@fieryanmitsu Happy (belated) Valentine! I’m sorry for the delay.
:D Actually the Venn diagram of our fave lords overlaps at Nobuyuki but your first choice was Mitsuhide and even though he wasn’t in my top fave, I have been wanting to write something about him for a while ever since his angsty Bonds of Love/Divine Beloved events where Nobunaga (the ultimate Jerk Boss) ordered him to marry some widowed noble lady, and voila you just gave me the occasion.
I hope you enjoyed the angst! I hesitated for a bit because Valentine’s a fluffy occasion but thank god you listed that you don’t mind angst hurhurhurhur. The starting premise was just Mitsuhide having a sloppy sex with MC under the sakura tree buuuuutttt I couldn’t resist the siren song of a plot.
So here you go!  
hugs and kisses
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Queen of Hearts (Ch.13)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: Some cursing 
Note: Thanks for the love everyone! Please Enjoy!  If you’d like to be added to the tag list let me know! Got some good drama in this chapter, and maybe something else  ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
Word Count: 2187
Summary: Drake and Liam exchange some harsh words, can they come to an understanding? Olivia offers some unsolicited advice, and Kiara is back and all over Drake. 
Chapter 13: Elastic Heart - Sia
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And another one bites the dust But why can I not conquer love? And I might've got to be with one Why not fight this war without weapons? And I want it and I wanted it bad But there were so many red flags Now another one bites the dust And let's be clear, I trust no one
You did not break me I'm still fighting for peace
Well I've got thick skin and an elastic heart But your blade it might be too sharp I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard But I may snap when I move close But you won't see me fall apart 'Cause I've got an elastic heart I've got an elastic heart Yeah, I've got an elastic heart
Drake stepped in front of Liam and he frowned at his friend.
“Drake. Please move. I need to speak to you and Lady Emma.” Liam stepped to the side and so did Drake.
“No. We need to talk Liam. Let her have a break tonight.” Liam continued to scowl but let everyone else walk ahead into the manor.
“I've been giving her a break this entire trip.” Drake shook his head in disbelief.
“You really haven't Liam. You've been on her case about every little thing and you shouldn't be!”
“Really? I can't believe you two! Sneaking off today in public, to fuck?! Could you imagine the consequences if someone else had heard you two rather than us! I have gone over this with Lady Emma, but nothing seems to get through. Don't think I don't know about you sneaking into her room every night! What is it going to take? Or are you both determined to make this fail so you can get past your jealousy!” Drake was seeing red, he couldn't believe his best friend was saying this to him.
I gave her the ring, I followed her after your engagement photos. It was my idea to sneak off today. All these things you're getting mad at her for were my idea so fucking lay off Liam! It seems like she's been doing everything on this tour. She recruited Madeleine and her family when you were nowhere to be found. The polo game was her idea, today she rallied the people at the press conference and asked the kids to play. I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but I've had enough.” Liam sighed and ran a hand through his hair starting to cry. Drake was so caught off guard he didn't know what to do.
“I'm sorry, Drake. Ever since the ball it's been one thing after another. I have to stay calm for everyone else, it gets bottled up and I just explode on those I care about. I've been seeing a therapist to help me, but I'm still working through it.” Liam dragged his hand down his face, the tears having stopped. Drake had never seen his best friend like this. Sure, in college he had been in a bad place after an assassination attempt, but he was like a ticking time bomb, you never knew what was going to set him off now.
“I don't like this charade any more than you do, watching you masquerade around for the cameras with the woman I love is torture. The only reason I'm still here, that we didn't run off is because we believe in you Liam, we're here to support you. We were all at the homecoming ball; I got shot Liam! I know it seems like we don't care about making this work, but I have nightmares. Every night I see Emma get shot and I can't save her, I wake up paralyzed, then I see her, and I know it's not real. It's the only way I can get any kind of sleep.” Both of them finally put it out there in the open, they used to talk about things all the time, now they just couldn't. Liam had no one to talk to, his best friend and the woman he loved were together, can't exactly talk to them about Emma. Hana and Maxwell were good friends to him, but they were Emma's best friends, he couldn't talk to them either.
“Maybe this will be beneficial for you then.” Liam held a small white card out to him with a name and phone number on it, a therapist. Again, Emma's words echoed in his head, Drake hated the idea of spilling his guts to a stranger, but maybe it was time to consider it. He took the card without a word, a newfound tense silence hanging between them.
“We used to talk all the time, Liam, I know that this is weird. You should try to find someone you can talk to if it's not me. I'm sorry, I really am. You'll always be my best friend though.” Drake clapped him on the shoulder once and walked away without looking back.
Drake's words weighed heavily on Liam, they had talked all the time, but ever since that night in New York there had been a distance between them...well more like a person. He couldn't blame Emma though, it wasn't her fault that they had both fallen in love with her, and it wasn't like she had a choice falling in love with Drake. Nevertheless, it made him impossible to talk to. He found himself aimlessly wandering through the grounds outside the manor.
“Liam, what are you doing out here so late?” He turned to find Olivia strolling towards him.
“Lady Olivia... trouble sleeping is all. What brings you out here?” she looked away, it was the first time Liam had ever seen her so unsure.
“I overheard some of your argument with Drake…” Liam sighed, nothing seemed to go as planned anymore. Emma had mentioned that they should tell Olivia, there was no hiding it now.
“I suppose I should explain.” Liam led Olivia to a nearby bench. He turned to face her and looked down, fumbling with his hands.
“It's all a lie isn't it?” Liam nodded and didn't meet her gaze.
“You have to understand Olivia, I love her, I thought she loved me. I may be the one who gets to 'be with’ her in public, but I'm not the one who gets to hold her when she's scared, sneak out of parties with.”
“This arrangement is ridiculous Liam!” Liam ran a hand over his face and explained to her, why he had to do it, why it had to be Emma.
“Regardless Liam, your people need you to start acting like a king and not some lovesick fool pining over his best friend’s girl. This isn't some stupid movie, this is real life.” Liam's lips twitched into a small smile, Olivia could always be counted on for tough love. She surprised him by reaching out and grabbing his hands, squeezing.
“Anyone would be lucky to have you Liam, and what you're doing could be an amazing thing if you pull yourself together.”
Drake shuffled towards Emma's room where he thought she would be waiting for him. He knocked softly, but got no answer, he checked the hall before quickly opening the door and slipping inside. He walked over to the bed and saw she was already fast asleep, still in her clothes like she had been waiting up for him. He brushed a stray hair out of her face and kissed her forehead gently. She mumbled something incoherent and lifted her head, squinting.
“Drake?” He smiled and bent down so he was eye level with her.
“I didn't mean to wake you, go back to bed.”
“Stay with me.” She mumbled laying her head back down already. Drake wasn't going to argue with her. He changed into his pajamas and slipped into bed beside her, she didn't even seem to notice.
Early the next morning Drake was up before Emma. He tiptoed to the bathroom and was grateful he had done so, as he heard her bedroom door swinging open just seconds later.
“Madeleine!” He could hear Emma's surprised voice.
“Why aren't you up? The train leaves in an hour.”
“We just got here yesterday, we're already leaving?”
“Yes, everything's calmed down. We're going to Kiara's duchy. Have you been practicing your French?” Drake rolled his eyes, listening to her.
“Absolutely, in all my free time I learned a new language.” He could hear the sarcasm dripping out of her voice and held back a snicker.
“I suspected as much. I printed you out a sheet with important words on it. Look it over on the train.” he heard the door slam again.
“Drake?” Emma whispered. He emerged from the bathroom and she let out a sigh of relief.
“You really need to start locking your door Barnes.” She raised an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms.
“Oh yeah? How do you plan on getting in every night then?”
“You could lock the door after I sneak in.” Emma playfully rolled her eyes.
“I guess you'll find out tonight Walker. Now get out of here, I've got a train to catch in an hour!” Within minutes of boarding the train she was in the boutique with Madeleine and Maxwell. Instead of a ridiculously thick binder about the family, Madeleine handed Emma a stack note cards. Emma just gave Madeleine a look, they both knew she wasn't going to read them. She resolved to giving them a quick breakdown. Hakim, Kiara's father was a well-known Cordonian diplomat and a Duke, apparently, he was important in Cordonia. Her mother, Joelle, is a famous artist. Her older brother remained a mystery as he was never really seen outside of the duchy. Madeleine outdid herself with the dress, it was a halter with black sequins on the top half and a black mesh with large black flowers for the knees down. She added an owl arm band as an embellishment, and nod to their house crest. It was stunning, as always. While visiting they would all be attending an international art and food festival, the goal was to be enthusiastic about the events in the hopes of gaining the family's support. That was all they had time for as the train began to slow. Emma stepped out of the motorcade and Drake wandered over, his eyes lazily roaming up and down her body.
“That dress is...I mean… You look beautiful Barnes.” Emma smiled faintly as Drake stumbled over his words.
“You cleaned up?” Emma's question came out harsher than she intended. Kiara was a tense subject between them since she was still pining after Drake. He cautiously slipped his hand in hers and squeezed, letting go before anyone could see them. He wore his nice blue suit and dark green shirt underneath it, a small patch on the shoulder from where he had been shot the night of the homecoming ball.
“You look good Drake.”  
“It's less…international than I expected.” Drake mused. He was right. There were no country flags, no signs in different languages, no borrowed concepts from other cultures.
“Just wait.” Olivia said, as Kiara came down the steps, a young man in tow.
“King Liam, Lady Emma, I am so glad you're visiting our home.” they both nodded respectfully as Liam said something in French.
“Drake! You look... I…that suit looks very nice on you.” It had already started. Emma who had grabbed Liam's arms for appearances, dug her nails into his skin as she grit her teeth and smiled. Liam carefully placed his hand over hers trying to pry her fingers off inconspicuously.
“Thanks.” Drake said flatly, avoiding Kiara's gaze. It wasn't difficult to pick up on the tension, but Madeleine, Kiara and the young man weren't sure why it was there.
“We heard you were injured at the homecoming ball. How are you now? Are you doing okay?”
“Oui, it was a terrifying night. I am healed after spending some time here at home.” Her smile faltered, she was still reeling from the attack like the others.
“Shall I introduce myself or were you planning on getting to that?” The young man beside her stepped up.
“Of course. This is my brother Ezekiel. These are my friends King Liam and Lady Emma, Lady Olivia, Lady Hana, Lord Maxwell and Drake.” Her eyes lingered on Drake a bit too long, it would be a long stop on the tour.
“I'm so glad to finally meet you all, Kiki has told me so many stories.”
“Oh? What did she have to say?” Emma asked out of curiosity.
“She mentioned King Liam's generosity, Lady Emma's resilience. She also said there would be a scary one, a pretty one who's good at everything, a party animal and a really sexy one named Drake.” Emma had to remind herself to stay neutral, force a smile even, everyone was waiting for the explosion as they snuck glances between Emma and Drake. Emma turned to sneak her own glance at Drake, who was bright red and looking anywhere but Emma or Kiara.
“Zeke! Well I think that's enough greetings. Come, let's get you inside.” Kiara cleared her throat and kept her face down until the color had mostly disappeared from her cheeks. Just as they began to make their way inside, Penelope came up with her poodles. Kiara and Penelope hugged as Zeke fawned over her poodles. Liam pulled Emma aside just before they entered the doors, she was worried this would be a lecture about keeping her cool around Kiara and Drake, but it wasn't. Constantine was getting worse and was supposed to be at the festival, but couldn't due to his illness, it was clearly bothering Liam.
“I'm sorry Liam.” Emma squeezed his arm and he gave her a small smile.
“I need all the help I can get redirecting questions.”
“We'll figure it out Liam, don't worry.”
Tag List: @notoriouscs @leelee10898@princesstopgun @choicesyouplayandmore@sleepwalkingelite @roonarific@indigo39 @skyila@speedyoperarascalparty @andy-loves-corgis@furiousherringoperatortoad@blackwidow2721 @drakewalkerfics@findingdrake @sue9659 @smritysriv@tmarie82 @larryssunflower
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