#this ramped up from a simple baby thievery idea to CPS with guns
etherian-affairs · 5 years
Infant Redistribution Initiative
Oh no it's garbage girl (Mirak) time because every time crimson posts art of her I have to write a ficlet. Stick with it because the ridiculousness ramps up as it goes.
The ultimate mission was upon the Horde United. Cass had recently informed Tim and Mirak about a Force Captain she used to be stationed under who she really really did not like and who really really did not like her. Mirak and Tim immediately decided that clearly what is needed is to teach this man a lesson, and maybe get some of his current underlings to defect.
Cass was against this plan but she got outvoted. She could have gotten a tie but a certain new recruit named Sam refused to cast a vote.
Now Cass was glaring at the curly haired brunette. You could have stopped this Sam.
Mirak meanwhile didn't care about any of that nonsense. No. She has a plan.
"Alright soldiers." She says as she sits down at their little meeting table. "Here's the plan..."
The Horde's eastern front forward medical camp was positioned far enough away from the front lines to avoid attack usually. Not today though. No today the weather was bad and Mirak was ready to move.
The entire place was built in and around a large town hall that once belonged to a since conquered people in the region. The exterior was a maze of tents and triage gear while the interior had been converted into something approximating a proper medical facility.
Mirak, Cass, and Tim all sneak in under the cover of an ongoing storm. Sam stays back to watch their escape and also they didn't have a place for him in the infiltration plan itself. Once inside the camp they initiate Phase Two. Doctor impersonation.
Cass takes the lead here. She looks the most like a doctor. She is stern and serious looking. Tim will be playing the role of Nurse as that is traditionally a job for lizard men and stereotypes are useful for infiltration missions.
Mirak is of course far too conspicuous for either role so she will be playing the part of the patient. Placed onto a gurney with a bundle of vines over her face and a sheet over her body. Her mask and goggles make this perfect since the vines won’t actually irritate her nose or mouth or eyes! The idea is to tell anyone who asks that she’s the victim of a princess attack. 
Cass wanted to just take a wheelchair but Mirak insisted the gurney was necessary.
Her modified stun baton, now with a cool grip for easier ranged use, is of course tucked neatly between her thighs. 
Phase Three is perhaps the most harrowing part of this plan. They must locate the target within the main building. Getting past the guards goes smoothly enough but if they spent too much time wandering aimlessly in the cloth hallways that have been setup in the place they will surely be discovered. 
The target is, obviously, a newborn baby. The child of the Force Captain they are in fact here to make pay for his crimes against their comrade Cass. The mother is expected to be with the baby. This is a no casualties mission, which Mirak wasn’t initially a fan of but Cass insisted that if they’re going through with this nonsense they don’t hurt anyone. Especially babies. So Mirak reworked her initial plan to account for the no casualties modifier.
The mother and baby are located near the back of the facility in a little side room that has been set up for the Force Captain and his mate. Father is nowhere to be seen. As expected, he should be doing rounds at this time of the day. 
Mirak has been watching this place for a couple of weeks now. Despite all evidence to the contrary she is in fact meticulous.
When they enter the room the woman looks up from her baby, confused. “I’m sorry I think you have the wrong room...” she notes as she looks at the gurney. 
“Think again!” Mirak suddenly shouts as she sits up and points her stun gun at the woman. The mother looks horrified!
“This is the worst thing anyone has ever done...” Cass mutters. 
“Hardly.” Mirak replies, a grin playing on her mouth under her breather. “Tim! Retrieve baby!” 
The Lizard Man walks over and looms over the mother, looking back and forth between mom and child. They’re both satyr types. “Request pacification of mother for baby retrieval.” he says curtly.
“Wait!” the mother suddenly shouts. “W-who are you?! Why do you want my baby!?”
“We’re the Horde United.” Mirak declares with a smirk. “And we’re here to save that baby from Hordak’s enslavement, and also because we don’t like its dad!” 
“I’m so sorry about this.” Cass mutters.
The mom looks down at her child, up at the trio in here. “I don’t like his father either...” she speaks quietly. “But I won’t let you take my baby.” Her voice is hard, determined.
“Understood.” Mirak replies, still holding her weapon to the woman. “Tim... retrieve mother and baby. We will be taking both.” 
Lizard Man Tim nods and picks up both mother and child! “Family retireved.” Tim declares. “I am now a dad and all around family man.” he adds.
Cass has stopped commenting and only stares at all of this in some mixture of bewilderment and horror. The mother looks too shocked at all of this to do much of anything. 
“Brilliant. Transfer family to my protection on the gurney.”
“Affirmative.” Tim lays the woman down on the gurney, facing the same direction as Mirak, who herself now rolls over to hold an arm over the woman and her baby, readying her weapon in the other. 
“Okay this is the escape part. Hold onto the baby because if we’re spotted at all we’re gonna start sprinting. Well, Tim and Cass are. Me and you will be on the gurney.”
“I’m sorry. Did you know she would join us? Is that why we brought the entire gurney instead of the wheelchair?” Cass speaks up, realizing this entire plan might be more insane than she ever realized.
“No time for questions Cass! We have to go!” Tim declares as he tosses the sheet back over Mirak and the mom. It’s so very conspicuous now. Then they’re on the move! Nurse Tim pushing the gurney quickly through the facility! Mirak looks at the woman under the sheets. Her expression completely unreadable due to her mask and goggles.
“The dad was really mean to Cass so we came to take his family.” she whispers.
The mother nods slowly. “He’s not a good man.” she whispers back. 
Suddenly a guard shouts at them. “Hey! You two! What are you doing?!” 
“Gotta go fast.” Tim suddenly declares and the gurney picks up speed! Tim is sprinting! With those powerful lizard man legs! 
“Check this out.” Mirak suddenly says as she tosses the sheet off of them, propping herself up and over the mother and baby to shield them and immediately starting to take eerily accurate shots at Horde personnel they pass!
On a lower powered stun setting of course. No casualties and all that. Next time though Mirak gets to cause casualties, she’s not going to budge on that.
The woman starts screaming when the guards start firing back at them. The baby cries. It’s all really loud. 
Cass manages to grab a weapon from a guard Mirak disabled and joins in on the covering fire as they run! Soon they burst out of the main hospital building and make a hard left to go down their planned escape route! 
“STOP!” A large booming voice calls out from behind them! Mirak sits up on her knees on the gurney, straddling the mother and turning to face the voice. It’s the Force Captain! A large human! He’s charging after them and looks generally sort of displeased. 
“GOT YOUR BABY!” Mirak screeches back, cackling as she scoops the baby up from the Mother with one hand and holds it up to show him. 
The Force Captain stops in his tracks, wide eyed and shocked. He doesn’t order fire on them. He can’t...
“So we rescued this mother and her baby from the Horde and brought them here!” Mirak declares proudly. They’re in Plumeria. “We decided that as far as redistribution of infants and their maternal parent go Plumeria is probably a better location than our hideout! You have food.”
Perfuma looks shocked and horrified, just nodding slowly. “I see... Um...” she turns to the woman. “Are... are you okay?” 
“I... I am... yeah. Mirak had been observing us for awhile and... figured out that things weren’t great... at the base.”
Mirak places her hands on her hips. Triumphant. “Standard Infant Redistribution Initiative procedure! When a child’s familial framework is detrimental to their development they are to be retrieved and redistributed to either an approved family or facility to ensure that they will grow into a productive Horde citizen!” She also wanted to make the Force Captain suffer but Perfuma doesn’t need to know that. Her Madame once told her that the best way to get something other’s don’t want you to have is to make it seem like you are helping them. 
At the time Mirak of course countered that shooting them was probably the best way but now days she’s seeing the merit of those words. At least when underlings demand no casualties in missions. What a ridiculous thing to want.
“Except... you know not for the Horde here.” Tim interjects. “Because... the Horde is evil.”
“Yes! Hordak’s Horde is evil!” Mirak sort of agrees.
Perfuma nods slowly. She probably should not have shown such hospitality to these clearly insane soldiers. 
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