#this rancid posts stays within the confines of my blog actually. no main tag today
cup0fcocoa · 2 years
I can't sleep so I'm about to make it everyone else's problem. Get ready for JD ranting
Okay I have a LOT to ramble about but I'll get miscellaneous things out of the way ig
1) in the Danceverse the gloves serve a purpose outside of coaching: they provide a humanoid disguise for the dancers to dance in. Sara, being human, is the only one capable of taking off her glove and not changing at all, but for any other relevant dancer this will not be the case. There's different levels of how odd the Danceverse citizens can get- standard level which is just an every day person (who is usually not a coach), a middle spectrum where a dancer has access to powers but no altered form, and those with altered 'true' forms. The glove and its magic were first introduced by the Traveler and Si'ha Nova as a way to maintain consistently between prominent dancers or anyone who just felt like being humanoid. However, the glove's power got to the wrong hands, and soon one certain sorceress would manipulate this gift for her own selfish desires.
The glove by itself still has side effects though, such as the transformation from true form to humanoid form being unavoidable and (usually) painful- especially if a dancer were to be something like a ghost, doll, or being with a drastically irregular body shape. Ghosts would have to relive their death every time the glove is removed, dolls would lose their sense of humanity, etc etc; to make matters worse, not everyone has free will over their glove use- it's all dependent on what supernatural being a dancer is and the circumstances of their situation.
2) general relations in my mind are scattered and usually organized by group. It'd be a lot easier and faster to understand if I just made a chart tbh but for the most part with one exception the groups I have get along well
3) there's no set timeline for me yet but I've already worked out several plot points with a gist of how things will go. Due to Wanderlust's ability to both open/use portals and open windows into the past and future, it's very easy to integrate arcs dancers from old games go through as something that occurred before the plot of JD23. I can make the entire elemental war canon as well as a way to isekai my favorite dancer to meet my second favorite dancer and have them interact I am a Genius
4) Night Swan deserves to be way more powerful. Not enough people remember she was able to best Wanderlust- the son of what we all know is the king/god of the Danceverse- even if briefly. She has the power to open gates to other realms (something we only see Wanderlust and Traveler capable of previously) and brainwash/mind control dancers with one fell swoop. The minionization process should definitely be a lot longer and WAY more painful, especially since victims literally turn into mindless bird soldiers- which leads me to my next point. In order for Wanderlust to fall prey to her power, Night Swan must've used a lot of magic on him, so much so that I believe it only makes sense if his capture had more severe aftereffects. The way I personally represent this is through his flares- his soul was tarnished by her black magic, causing him to occasionally spasm and basically relive the pain of losing body autonomy. These flares hurt him and anyone who approaches him, putting them in danger as well. He can't be cured, so Jack Rose has to stand back and watch his savior suffer at his hand knowing he can never reverse the damage.
5) speaking of, Jack Rose has siblings, two of them to be exact. While I could say who they are that's just no fun. I do have a drawing of a younger picture of the trio planned out though hopefully. Growing up isolated in the Swan tower was horrid, and both siblings left prematurely: one was kicked out and practically disowned while the other ran away never to be seen again. Jack's boa cape and brooch are hand me downs from them, given as gifts not long before each sibling left his life. Now that he himself has fled the tower and has a deity boyfriend capable of teleporting whenever he pleases, Jack plans on finding and reuniting with them again
6) on the continued topic of siblings, Pulse and Haze are also related (Pulse being older). This is honestly self indulgence but also Haze has the most moves similar to the extreme routine for Boy With Luv so honestly the game does my job for me
7) you know how Sara can travel from the human world to the Danceverse? Yeah the same can happen vice versa. The human world is a destination of great interest to a lot of the dancers, especially those who wish to live out lives as normal people instead of being worried over whether their glove is on right. If a dancer were to successfully cross the border however, Traveler would immediately sense it and send someone to retrieve the dancer (sometimes even escort them back himself). See, Traveler doesn't fancy the idea of invading another dimension for selfish reasons, which is the only reason he allows the rest of the fruity five to occasionally join Sara and find scattered dancers who have gone under the radar in the human world. Anyway, traveling to the human world gives a dancer a glow down and skin tone, basically the inverse of entering the Danceverse
If you're still here congratulations but also if you wanna hear more (which. I'm so sorry if you do) or just want me to draw someone feel free to send an ask. I definitely won't get to it immediately but I will try lol
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