#this really is p short but it's the ~vibes~ y'know
thebusytypewriter · 1 year
CONGRATS SALEM!! you know i had to hop on the event so could i request a short fluffy komaeda x reader on a picnic date?? thank you so much <33
TY JACKIE!! Short fluffy drabble is short and fluffy. Hope you enjoy! <3
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“What are you so nervous about? Everything looks great!”
Nagito only hums, the sound indicating his disagreement. His gaze is not on the array of fruits and pastries in front of you both, prepared in advance for this afternoon specifically. Instead, he stares up at the sky in distrust. “Should be coming any minute now.”
You know what he’s implying—rain, storms, something. Your boyfriend has this nasty luck cycle that follows him around, and he’s expecting the bad side of it to show up while you’re on your picnic date. Despite both the weather reports and your reassurances, Nagito has decided that it’s only a matter of time.
“Ko. It’s sunny and clear. Even if it wasn’t, we brought umbrellas for a reason. You can relax.”
Working his lip between his teeth, he finally looks back at you, and you see more anxiety in his wide pale eyes than you’ve ever seen before. “But… if someone like me has been lucky enough to go out with someone as wonderful as you, then the consequences should be coming shortly, right? We should… We should just—”
With a roll of your eyes, you push one of the cut strawberries against his lips, effectively shutting him up. “No chance of rain. Not a cloud in sight. Hell, there’s pretty much no one around to initiate any sort of shenanigans. What does that mean? You tell me.”
Nagito ponders this for a moment, sitting there with the chilled fruit pressed against his mouth, before he hesitantly takes a bite of it. After he swallows, he relents, “Nothing’s going to go wrong, then?”
“I dunno about nothing,” you laugh. “That’s just life. But at least nothing major will happen. So you can relax, sweetheart. Just breathe, and… enjoy the view. Isn’t the lake gorgeous today?”
At the nod of your head in indication, he turns to the still water only a few meters away from you both. The sun hits it at just the right angle that it shimmers and sparkles, and the remaining water spray in the air from birds’ presences catches the light in a faint rainbow of color.
Tension seeps out of his body almost immediately, and a smile finally pulls at his lips. “It’s perfect.”
Nagito’s hand finds yours and squeezes, and you squeeze back.
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msmk11 · 2 months
Hey can I req tan x reader where reader sometimes works with the twins and is quite close w both of them. So she's besties with tan and reader is just female version of him and they like to tease each other and they always bicker like all the time and one day reader gets so fed up with tan that she throws a pillow at him and they just get into a huge play fight . And they are fighting for ages throwing stuff about just giggling and then eventually they uat end p on top of each other and the giggling just stops. And the tension omggg. U can end this with them actually getting together or I kind of imagine lemon walking back in a being like 'I got us dinner😀' just killing the vibe a ruining the moment. Hope it makes sense:)
Tangerine x reader (sorta implied fem but no pronouns)
CW: mentions of food!
Summary: you and tangerine are play fighting! Some sexual tension ensues.
A/N: Anon!! Thank you for requesting! I died making this, it’s such a cute prompt 😭
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It's only when your stomach begins to rumble that you emerge from the hermit hole you've created in your hotel room. You dart across the hall and knock decidedly on Tangerine and Lemon's door, ready to beg them to order food with you so that you get a better deal.
Tangerine is the one to open the door, and the way he instantly looks you up and down with a shit-eating smirk makes you regret your decision instantly. In your hunger-ridden state, you'd totally forgotten that you were only in fuzzy socks, old pj shorts with hearts on them, and a matching ruffly tank top.
You hold up your hand in protest, "Save it."
"What, love? I wasn't gonna say anything... about your really fucking cute outfit."
You look him up and down and scoff, "Sorry I prefer to be comfortable, unlike certain psychopaths."
Though he has discarded his suit jacket, he's still in his white button up, sleeves pushed up to his elbows and a few buttons undone, and in his nicest gray slacks.
"Y'know I always like to look my best," the brunette answers proudly.
You brush past him into the room, "What, even for Lem?"
"Yes, of course, come right fucking in," Tangerine mumbles under his breath, though there's really no malice in his tone.
"Speaking of," you continue, plopping down onto one of the fluffy white beds, "where is Lemon?"
Tangerine sighs and joins you on the other side of the bed, "went to get dinner."
"What? You fuckers?! I'm starving and you didn't even bother to ask if I wanted anything."
"Oi shut it," he answers, pinching your bare thigh, "'course I fucking ordered something for you, love."
You pout at him, "But how'd you know what I want?"
His curls bounce as he shakes his head at you, "'cuz I know you better than you know yourself."
"Yeah right! There's no way you could've known that right now I wanted-"
"Fried rice?" He interrupts.
Then, he has the audacity to wink.
You're mad that he's right, so you do what you do best- attack him. You sneak a pillow from behind your back and smack him right in the face.
"Right, that's fucking it," he growls.
You let out a screech and jump off the bed, trying to find solace on the other side of the room.
"Mhmm don't think so, you little shit."
He stalks towards you, and you jump up on the other bed. You grab a pillow and hold it out threateningly, "Don't come closer, I'll hit you again."
Tangerine smirks at you, "it's a wonder you make it out of any missions alive if these are your bargaining tactics, love."
You ignore him and instead swing at his face again with the pillow. He takes this opportunity to lunge towards you, not only dodging your hit but also grabbing you by the waist. Tangerine manhandles you into his arms and throws you over his shoulder like its nothing.
"Tan! Let me down," you giggle, pounding your hands on his back.
You're not sure you really mean it though. Not, at least, with the nice view you have of his ass in your current position.
"If you insist," he declares, throwing you down onto his bed with a thump.
Before you have the chance to assume a fighting stance he's collapsed on top of you, using all his body weight to hold you down.
"Get off, you fucking prick," you groan.
Instead, he digs his hands into your sides with an evil grin, making you squeal again, “this is payback, love. Can’t attack me without repercussions.”
After his incessant attacks, you remember that you’re a trained fighter, and try to put some of your skills to use. Since most of his weight is on your upper half, you use your knees to push yourself up. You press on his chest and flip him over, so now that you’re the one on top.
He lets out a surprised chuckle and instinctively grabs your hips, trying to keep you from falling over from your momentum.
You’re both laughing breathlessly over the sudden turn of events and you bury your head in his toned chest. His chuckles vibrate against your skull and it’s nice- feeling so close to him.
Tangerine leans down to your ear to whisper something, and his hot breath on your neck makes you squirm and giggle.
He inhales sharply and squeezes your hips, a warning to stop moving, “You know, I should be more mad that you won, but I quite like having you on top straddling me.”
Slowly you look up at Tangerine, his bright blue eyes boring into yours, and stare at him, shocked.
“And I must say, if you don’t stop wiggling around on top of me, you’re gonna be in real trouble.”
A smirk creeps onto your face slowly, “well I do always have a penchant for trouble.”
The brunette’s eyes dart back and forth between your gaze and lips, and as he lays under you, dark curls all messed up from your tussle, you’re just aching to kiss him.
You start to lean in towards him.
“Love,” he warns breathily.
Your lips just faintly brush when you perceive the quiet beep of the hotel door unlocking. You throw yourself off of Tangerine onto the spot next to him and squeeze your eyes shut.
Jesus fucking Christ Lemon has the worst timing.
The door clicks open and Lemon walks in, completely oblivious to what’s just happened, “I’ve got dinner!”
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avelera · 2 years
i know that giving sanctuary has a lot of stuff about “dad with dead son” angst for plot reasons and stuff but i have to admit sometimes i think of either hob or dream in the like …classic middle class white american dad fit of a polo shirt and cargo shorts or something equally ugly (big chunky sketchers shoes, those neon reflective sunglasses, god forbid a golf club) and i lose my mind laughing so thank you for indirectly planting that seed in my brain
Oh goodness, WHAT AN IMAGE indeed.
That said---! I could see it. I mean, for Hob I could see it. If there WAS a modern AU of Giving Sanctuary, the modern equivalent or vibe I see for Hob is like... guy who waited until his late 30s to have a kid, who really made sure he had a high paying job, met the exact right person, had the perfect house etc etc then loses his family and falls into a depression where he loses everything and can't hold it together as a result. And yes, he absolutely wears a polo shirt and ugly khakis at Robyn's like...5th birthday party or something and there is photographic evidence that Dream, for all he's starting to love this guy, still cannot entirely forgive ;P
That said, the timing gets weird with immortality because there is a distinct theme in the story around losing an adult son, someone he spent 20 years knowing and who Hob was about to send out in the world to start his own family, only to lose him. So maybe the better vibe would be "If the events of GS took place in the 20th/21st century but the characters were still immortal." Would be an interesting visual challenge to do like what is Hob's 1589 equivalent in the modern era, except maybe an update of 1989 but with a beard?? A flashy Rolex?
Whereas Dream is the sort of father I don't really see shown very much in media, which is someone with actually a bit of style who nevertheless had a child while pretty young? Like, people have kids all the time while they're quite young, I don't even mean teen pregnancy stuff I mean, 21 year olds who are adults settling down and starting a family is hardly the most outrageous thing!
So for Dream's human/modern AU GS equivalent (or NOT Human AU just "What if the events around Orpheus happened in the 21st century instead?) I see him and Calliope as like... that Goth/Artist couple who got married around age 21 when none of their peers were getting married, like everyone (aka the other Endless and all her sisters) thought they were crazy to settle down and have a kid, it was so against type for both of them, everyone thought they were much more into their art but instead they took the time to start a family.
And then they lost that child, broke up horrifically over it, and the Dream who meets Hob in this 21st c GS equivalent, emotionally speaking, is now a 30-something year old, still a goth, still very much an artist, but who has this sort of life experience that almost no one in his age group has had, who has this depth of trauma brought to his life that gets interpreted all the time as him just being this artistic, introverted, misanthrope y'know? He's a goth, that's Why He's Like
That, and no one actually ASKS him what went wrong in his life to make him like this because if they did, hearing "I got married to a fellow artist when I was 21 and happy and optimistic about the world, we had a son who died, and my wife and I split up by the time I was in my mid-20s, and now I'm in my 30s and I've been traumatized and convinced the world is out to get me ever since, so I've buried myself in my work to cope" is just NOT the answer one expects to hear!
So a modern Giving Sanctuary would be Hob, y'know, at the end of his rope, at absolute rock bottom, meeting up with Dream (human or not) in a bar like they agree to while Hob is now unhoused after losing it all and hey, if we go full modern/human AU, maybe Hob is someone Dream got a job for years ago as a favor to his sister, thinking Hob would crash and burn at it only for Hob to actually do very well! So Hob and Dream still agree to meet up every year since then y'know, just following up on this favor (Dream hoping the first couple times it was just to see Hob fail miserably because he thought the guy was a jock and an idiot) only for Hob to confess why his life has fallen apart is his son dying and to see Dream's reaction and to actually be the first person *ever* to hear the story and not be like 'What were you doing getting married when you were 21??" and instead being... actually sympathetic? And asking if he's ok?? Because it really is a huge problem that men who lose their children tragically don't get anywhere near the same support and sympathy that women do?
So yeah the grounded elements of Giving Sanctuary actually DO work in a modern update, absolutely!
And Hob absolutely wore a polo shirt and like... a Rolex to the modern 1589-equivalent meeting which was held at like... Dream's art gallery showing, showed a bunch of pictures of his wife and kid on his phone while bragging about his high paying job, and Dream took one look at this fucking chad and peaced the fuck out of that noise, only to have Hob show up a year after to be the only goddamn person ever who has actually understood the fact that 10 years later, Dream is still traumatized by having his life fall apart in his early 20s. The End.
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milllkaa · 2 years
tdim Actor AU
Sukesh looks like a black cat, but I can definitely feel the golden retriever vibe from him (and you can't change my mind >:p ). I mean, did you even see how cute he was pouted in that movie? He's a very sweet and quiet person, friendly, but afraid to impose himself. It's very exciting for him to get such an important role, also as a serial killer. Of course he took a professional approach, studied his character to accurately portray his character, and although everyone tells him he's doing a good job and great for the role, he himself doesn't feel very comfortable in the role of the "killer".
You're just projecting it onto yourself, you don't have to do that. Your job as an actor is to kill yourself in order to give space to your character. Remember, you are only a vessel for him, not a part of. You don't have to think "here I have to do this, there that". No, you need to feel out your character so much that instead of thoughts, there are actions right away. Yes, it's difficult and not everyone can do it, but I can see that you're trying, you're a good actor, Sukesh, you can do it.
Simon once told him, right at the beginning of filming. There was no way they could shoot that scene with the scythe, but after a short admonition from Simon, he made it. And he was very grateful.
That night Sukesh invited him for a drink and he said yes.
Simon looks like a golden retriever, but… I can't say he makes the same vibe. Every time I look at him, all I want to say is, "Dad". Dad's vibe. Right? He's also very sweet and friendly, but more… manly? I also like to think he's older than Sukesh. And doing this movie is clearly not his first, so he would be a moral support for Sukesh and Rabia, for whom this is their first starring role.
(I'm not sure about the age of the actors, so correct me if you know.)
But I think Simon would have been the oldest, he would have looked after the actors like a real father. They were all young and energetic and he was just doing his job. Certainly he was communicative and open, good at joking and lightening the atmosphere at the end of a hard day's work. The soul of the company, y'know? And although Sukesh was +- his age, with similar tastes and interests, in terms of acting he felt like his mentor, and he'd be lying if he said he was a drag. He had a lot of potential and Simon loved being the reason for his career successes. Very quickly they became friends.
I also really like Rabia (Erin), I mean, she looks the youngest not only in the game but also in life (not found information about her age, but let's pretend she is younger than Sukesh), and I like to think that even though Sukesh is older than her, he would be very nice and "on the same page" with her. For some reason, the whole crew tacitly protects her, they don't know what from, but she seems so sweet and fragile that everyone wants to protect her. She quickly became a favorite. And it's not just because of her looks, she's a really nice person in her own right. Often worried about nothing, rather clumsy.
Ah, maybe that's why you always have to keep an eye on her…
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wildfire-stuffs · 11 months
Y'know, sharing this dreams I've had and posting them into this little void feels kinda nice, it's weird, not complaining tho
so, dream, this one I had the other night, a bit disorientating though:
So, dream starts out at the uni I graduated from, there's some sort of fair or something going on there, I'm with my parents and we're walking about, we begin heading towards the cafeteria and then I remember that I had a gf at this place, but I just didn't contact her for, like year or two, for some reason, I think it was because of the irl anxiety and stuff I was going through. I remember being really worried and guilty, nervous to go in. So, before going, I went to the porta potty and my parents went ahead, did my business and finally went in, immediately, she was there, she head a sort of huntress wizard vibe, from adventure time (don't ask why, I don't know), and looked like a goth, but was chill, clothes and stuff are a bit foggy, think her hair was black and fairly short, I don't remember if she had a hood or not, and just can't remember clothes. (I'll try a simple drawing of her(face), just a little no effort one)
Anyways, our eyes met, I was really nervous and felt bad and worried, she ran up and hugged me, asking where have I been, I kept apologising, told her about trying to sort my head and and junk and apologised for not keeping contact, thinking she wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore. She expressed wanting to stay my girlfriend, which made us both happy, asked if she wanted to meet my parents, yes, we went to the table mum and dad were at and then cut, woke up.
Now the disorientating part, when I woke up, I thought this actually happened for a minute and felt bad, realised it didn't, and for some reason thought she was from another dream I had, which I never had, and realised it was all in the 1 dream, weird
again, writing these dreams down feels pretty good, not gonna lie
anyway, low effort, low quality image of her face (would spend longer, but it is now 2:53am, maybe some other time lol :p) no hood L, hood R:
(these don't really do her justice, but will do for now)
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Is there a fic inspired by Sumthin for Nuthin where we see Nikki (or Vince) as a gigolo in his late teen years/early twenties already or am I supposed to take the matter on my hands and write short stories of his encounters in form of a diary of some sort?
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metalbvcky · 3 years
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Intern!Steve + CEO!Bucky: Moodboard (fic TBD)
Steve wouldn't exactly consider himself a fan of Valentine's day. To him, it was a product of capitalism, made specifically for the average consumer to spend their hard-earned money on cheap junk (giant teddy bears? really?). He planned on spending the night at home, holed up in his room sketching, what he does best.
That was until Natasha, his roommate, waltzed right into the kitchen and announced that she was throwing a party.
So much for peace and quiet.
Later on, while attempting to avoid the party after grabbing a drink, Steve stopped in the middle of the hall at the sight of short brown hair and rough stubble. He wasn't sure how Natasha knew this guy, as he looked to be much older than both of them, but either way, he wasn't able to keep his eyes off of the man.
Just when he was about to turn back, the man's sharp eyes landed on him. "Hey," he says, his soft smile causing Steve to fluster.
Steve's legs went into autopilot as he walked over to the man. They ended up flirting chatting for a while, so long that they lost track of time. They parted ways shortly after midnight, with neither of them thinking they'd ever see each other again.
But little did Steve know, his new boss for his internship would be Bucky.
I've had this vague Valentine's idea for about a year now, but it wasn't until a couple days ago that I decided to make a moodboard for it. The story seemed to just fall into place while I was gathering up pictures because my original idea was more...t-rated (that was before I became a smut writer lmao, once you start you can never go back)
Anyway, I'll more than likely write this for a bingo fill (round 4 of BBB22 is coming up soon), and yes, Bottom!Steve would be included :P I have so many ideas but I gotta have the right spoons for them, like I choose what I vibe with the most, y'know? So yeah, this is a solid idea that will become a fic eventually, but here's the moodboard for now!
Day 1: Meet-Cute/Meet-Ugly (@stucky-week)
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cosmik-homo · 3 years
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[ID: digital drawing of Humanized, ambiguously gendered versions of R2-D2 and C-3PO from star wars, in front of abstract furniture and dark, open spaced background, with a theater-like composition. Artoo is a short, round faced person in a wheelchair, with warm tan brown skin and closely cropped black hair. They are wearing a dark red shirt and a cool, baggy denim vest, and dark pants. They're looking up at threepio with an open smile and gesturing, reaching to hold their partner's elbow. On a stand behind them rests a cocktail glass. Threepio is a tall, lanky person with bronzey skin, dark wavy shoulder length hair, golden round glasses and sharp features, who is standing leaning against a seat and holding a half full cocktail glass, looking at artoo with a fond smile. They're wearing a mustard sweater over a white collared shirt, grey pants, and a dark belt. Dark blue handwritten lyrics are written around the couple, reading, "Do you know, how great my life is, / Saving Lives, And Loving You". The word you is enhanced with golden lines. /End ID]
Hey look it's a droid-gay from next door! Followed by their lover who's a droid-gay from next door too.... Yeah, it's impossible for me to interact with media without at least thinking about some A Day In Falsettoland based content, and they just worked, too well. I think I've settled on calling these versions of them- which I just keep wanting to draw- Lesbian Husbands, cuz it encapsulates the Gender very well while also being a play on droid husbands. Bonus couplet under the cut!
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[ID: another drawing in the same compilation as before, with threepio facing the viewer this time and closer up, and artoo somewhat faded with a more blurry background, lineartless, creating the feel of a narrowing focus as Threepio does a theatric aside- they have an annoyed expression, looking to the side eye from artoo, gesturing up with one hand as they speak/sing and holding their almost empty cocktail glass in the other. Golden text reads "S.he saves lives and I save CHICKEN FAT; / I can't fucking deal with that". /End ID]
Cuz like, I feel like in canon they often have the vibe of, like, tension between wanting to stick together and their careers not really allowing to have that, or making it a choice between their roles, y'know? Like. I could ramble more but I think it's actually p clear what I'm going for. Frustrated but loving house-spouse that just also wants To Career,, very threepio.
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kazubnnys · 2 years
Hiii! I'd like to join your event if it's still open~ ☀️
• Preferred name: Julia!
• Pronouns: she/her
• MBTI & Personality: I'm an ESFP! Goofy, charismatic, funny, playful, energetic, mood changes quickly, geeky, jealous, impacient, stubborn, boyish, very loud & clumsy, optimistic, resolute and determined. And a dog person!
• Sexuality: pansexual
• Love language: quality (funny) time!
• Anime: Haikyuu!
• Three fun facts: I have a lot of scars from being careless all the time, and one of them is in my mouth; I already tried to learn guitar once but when I discovered I was supposed to change the position of my fingers I gave up; I love to draw on my arm and in the walls of my room!
• Favorite song: this question is CRUEL. I'd say New Perspective (P!ATD), Town of Jade (Hatsune Miku) or Being Human (Emily King).
• Favorite color: DEFINITELY, I'll repeat, DEFINITELY, FERVOURLY, WITH ALL LOVE AND DEDICATION, red. Like #FF000 red. Kokkino means red in greek btw!
• Physical appearance: I have short, bulky, slightly wavy brown hair and brown eyes, and 164 cm height (almost 5'4''). I'm latina, my skin is white and I have a lot of moles on my face. My smile is very big.
• Favorite constellation: Ursa Major.
• Favorite dessert/snack to munch on while on a date: hamburger, french fries and milkshake!! Salt first!
Thank you sooo much!
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  a star falls from the sky and your pair is decided… enjoy your starry night with…
♡ kuroo!
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- song playing currently!
╰┈➤ ❝ [ drama by : tomorrow x together ] ❞ 
» hear me out...i'm thinking about the 'we're totally not dating' *proceeds to plan out a date in detail* dynamic. » like, i feel as though the two of you would be really chaotic together, a relationship that stems from friendship. y'know like the, you guys tease each other/treat each other like how friends would but then you also have these really cheesy/wholesome moments that make everyone around you cringe? » he would find your enthusiasm to be so adorable. since he's around kenma a lot, I'm guessing he has to be the energy bomb, but being around you, he'd probably feel instantly refreshed and just, really enjoy your presence. » he'd probably be the 'responsible' one. always making sure you're doing well and not being careless to a dangerous amount- i can like picture you injuring yourself, him getting rlly worried, and you just laugh it off and then he's all, oh my she's so cute.
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as for your date scenario. . .
drawing on kuroo's walls! let's just say the two of you have a day off from all your work and you're just chilling in kuroo's room. he's staring at his room's walls and makes some comment about how all the little doodles and such on your walls were really pretty.
he then suggests you draw on his walls too!
you get really excited and decide, yes, you will do so! and he finds it really cute how you're getting so worked up (in a good way ofc) over this. you ask him to get you a few supplies and get to work!
he orders fast food from whatever your favorite restaurant may be and the two of you spend some good time together, laughing and teasing one another :)
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i am so sorry for the cruel question, i just need a general reference as to what your vibe may be T^T
and yes np! have a nice day <3
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camp-counselor-life · 3 years
Hi! I've been following your blog for a few years now. From your stories, I gather you've just about seen it all lol. You were the first person I thought of when something happened at my work and I wasn't sure what to do.
So I work at a pool. This week, an old man came in and I instantly got bad vibes from him. Then he got in the kiddie pool and couldn't keep his hands off the children. The senior guard said that a couple of them were his grand kids, so it was fine. But I saw him touch a few other kids, too. There was a little more, but I'm trying to keep this short.
So basically, I'm wondering how one deals with suspected p*dos as an employee on the clock. Short of the guy (or the others like him) doing something extreme, I feel like I don't have enough proof to say or do anything about it. But what if I'm right and those kids are in danger, y'know?
Hi anon,
First, I'm flattered. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I also used to work at a pool and we would have an assortment of folks in the pool. I hear where you're coming from, that could easily be a really bad situation. I don't know that we had a lot of overt creepers like that though. I don't know the full story of your situation, but here are my suggestions:
I don't know if the kids were uncomfortable, but you could start there. Just a quick check in with the kiddos, ask if they're alright, comfortable. A simple, "Hey, how's it going?" as you walk by works. I know a kid's body language is hard to read sometimes, but most kids who aren't within an arm's length of a parent are old enough to express discomfort verbally. You can also talk to the parents supervising the kids, perhaps this is like a neighborhood figure, babysitter, or grandfather that all the kids know, or (and idk exactly what he was doing) a private swim or water lessons coach. I know this seems suspicious, especially in our world of bad things, but there could be an innocent explanation. It's good to want to protect kids, but there are healthy adult-child interactions.
If it is an issue and the kids/parents are uncomfortable, you can ask the man to stop. There's two main ways this can go: one is the easy one, you point out and ask him to stop, and he stops. The other is that he doesn't in which case, you can go for backup. Most pools don't have security, but if you have a more intimidating staff member, that's my recommendation. If he's being really belligerent and really is causing an issue, follow whatever your pool's process is for upset/angry people.
Best of luck!
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(SPOILERS) Out of context She-Ra season 5 reactions
I wrote as I was watching, it helps me cope 😂
• "We'd stay up all night whispering about... y'know, whatever." SHE BLUSHED, WAS CATRADORA A THING IN THE PAST
• "I'll never say sorry to anyone!"
"Adora! I'm sorry!"
• Glimmer has PTS from being held captive and I'm honestly glad because a lot of shows and stuff usually just have the character brush it off and I like that it showed her distress about it.
• I feel like Catra touching the back of Adora's neck was her crying for help and giving Adora a hint on how to free her.
• "Kisskisskisskisskisskiss-- fUCK"
- me for the 184828184th time this season
• "Promise?"
• "Hey, Adora."
• That Catradora hug is what's gonna get me through quarantine.
• Remember what I said about giving characters realistic PTS. That.
• Catra has the lil stripes on her back and it's so cute--
• Catra is more self-deprecating than me and my friends combined oop--
• Frosta, give Micah a break, he misses Glimmer and wants to feel like a dad again--
• Okay, Catra and Adora definitely in a relationship in the past. Like, the way Catra held her hand, and how Adora blushed, you can't tell me they weren't canon while Adora was still in the Horde.
• Catra blushing when she sees She-Ra 2.0 is a big mood
• Anyone else think Peekablue is Double Trouble? No? Just me? Okay--
• Okay Peekablue is DEFINITELY Double Trouble--
• DT is so overdramatic and honestly I'm living for it
• Scorpia I love you and you deserve better
• So did Netossa
• Glimmer picking up Frosta and spinning her gives me life.
• But wouldn't Scorpia and Mermista be a bad combination? Like, electricity and water? Scorpia would use her power and electrocute Mermista's chip off.
• Perfuma really called Catra out on her abandonment issues like that 😂
I'm not saying she's wrong but w o w
• Why would Shadow Weaver try touching Catra knowing how she emotionally manipulated her her wHOLE FUCKING LIFE?
• Catra jumping into a ring of fire to save Adora is what is keeping me from passing out after pulling an all-nighter to watch this.
"Did you just jump into fire for me? 😏"
• "Catra confuses you." AND YOU DON'T?
• Oop Catra heard--
• "What do you want Adora?" SHE WANTS YOU FOR CRYING OUT LOUD
• Melog do be calling Catra out on her bullshit tho
• "Adora doesn't want me! Not like I want her." CATRADORAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
• "Bow... I love you."
• Mara said Adora is so close to love. C A T R A?
• Seahawk and Mermista's relationship is so cute and so dumb and so underrated
• Adora gives me Shiro vibes when she's sitting against the stone with a hand on her wound. Then again, this whole season has been giving me Voltron vibes so 🤷‍♂️
• Wha?? There's really??? A part in Shadow Weaver?? That?? Cares about Catra??
• I honestly think the only people that are sad she died are Adora and Catra 🤷‍♂️
• If Adora dies I swear--
• Omfg I don't know what that outfit is but it's pretty--
Okay it's Scorpia's ball but it's definitely Catradora and their outfits are pretty
Also I didn't know I needed ponytail Catra until now
• "You love me?"
• Best true love's kiss? Snow White? No. Princess and the Frog? No. Catradora.
• In this house, we stan big ass space tree.
• "Hello. I'm your dad."
That is all. 😂
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xaviermayne · 4 years
My Brother's Favorite Toy
Grayson was out getting groceries, and Ethan was in his bedroom getting close.
The vibrator in his ass buzzed hard against his desk chair as Ethan sat stroking his dick, his shorts and underwear around his ankles. Ethan looked down proudly at his dick as his hand slid up and down all 8 inches. Grayson was right, Ethan thought. This does feel amazing.
Grayson had been raving about this vibrator for weeks, which irked Ethan to no end, especially since Ethan had checked online and, because of the pandemic, it was backordered for months. Ethan had been hearing Grayson every night. Around 10pm, like clockwork, Ethan would have to pause his music because he could hear the quiet whirring of the vibe and his brother's muffled groans. Last night Ethan even got up and pressed his ear to the door, seething with jealousy.
So, when Grayson went on his Thursday morning grocery run, Ethan knew this was his only chance. When the garage door closed, Ethan had slowly counted to ten, then darted to Grayson's bedroom. Idiot, Ethan thought, when he found it barely hidden in Grayson's dirty clothes hamper.
Now Ethan knew what all of Grayson's fuss was about. Pushing up on the balls of his feet, Ethan leaned back in his office chair as the vibe pulsed and hummed in his ass. He almost felt like he was having waves of orgasms just from the toy flitting against his prostate, without even cumming. Of course, precum still drooled down his dick, which Ethan quickly swiped with the side of his finger as extra lube for jerking off. He felt another wave of p-spot pleasure rise up on him, when he started to feel his balls tingle too, and he knew a full climax was coming. He grabbed a dirty pair of underwear to use as a rag for his impending load, and then—
"Ethan, I'm home!" Grayson shouted as the front door slammed shut.
Ethan felt all of the blood evaporate out of his body.
"They were out of almond butter so I got cashew butter," Grayson shouted. "Try not to cry about it."
Ethan sat frozen in shock for a moment, then the adrenaline kicked in and he scooted back in the chair, and ripped the toy out of his ass with a thwop.
"Ah, fuck!" Ethan screamed, then slapped his own hand across his mouth. It turned out that quickly ripping out an anal toy can kind of hurt. Sweat began beading across his forehead as he looked down and also realized that, in his act of adrenaline, Ethan had also broken off the tip of the base of the vibrator. The tip with the charging port and the power button. No, no, no, no, no, Ethan thought.
Just then, Ethan's door swung open. Had he really forgotten to lock it?
"Dude it's not even gonna taste that diff— dude, what the FUCK!" Grayson screamed as he looked into Ethan's room. There sat Ethan, naked and drenched in sweat, face as white as the precum dribbling down his boner, with dirty underwear in one hand and a vibrator in the other. And not just any vibrator.
"Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" Grayson screamed, only slowly being able to process the scene before him. "Is that my fucking vibrator? Were you using it?!" Ethan gulped hard. "Whoa wait, and you fucking broke it?!"
There was a stunned silence that, to Ethan, felt like it lasted eight entire years.
"Dude, I can explain," Ethan finally croaked. Then he looked down at the broken bit of the toy dangling from the base. "O-okay. Actually, I guess I can't."
To Ethan's surprise, Grayson just shrugged. "You know what, don't even bother, bro. I know exactly how you'll make it up to me. Just pull up your fucking shorts for now and help me with the groceries."
Stunned, Ethan pulled up his shorts, rearranging his still-throbbing wood into them, and followed his brother out.
That night, just around 10pm, Ethan got a text.
Grayson: Yo, remember how I said you'd have to make it up to me?
Ethan started typing, then erased it.
Grayson: Your punishment starts now. Come to my room.
Ethan tossed his phone on the ground and put his head in his hands. What the fuck am I about to have to do? he wondered. Then begrudgingly, he stood up, and sulked to Grayson's bedroom. He cleared his throat awkwardly and rapped on the door.
"Yeah. Come in."
Ethan turned the doorknob and let the door slowly swing open. Grayson lay at the edge of the bed, his feet firmly on the floor. He had his phone above his head, the light of the screen dancing across his face. He was totally nude, save for a pair of clean white socks on his feet. His dick wasn't hard, but it wasn't totally soft. Ethan knew this since he'd seen his brother's dick soft plenty of times before — only because they lived together and had played sports together though, nothing gay. Well, not until now, at least.
"Ummmm, what are you doing?" Ethan asked, eyes fixed on his own shadow stretched out before him.
"You broke my toy," Grayson explained. "It's backordered for months. And I can't cum without it."
"Look, bro, I'm sorry," Ethan said. "I know it's super weird that I even borrowed it. And then to break it... I mean it was a freak accident!"
"Shut up," Grayson commanded flatly. "I can't cum without something in my ass. And I really, really need to cum."
"Okay," Ethan shrugged. "Do want me to, like, get a pickle from the fridge for you or something?" He laughed at his own joke.
Grayson grabbed a plastic bottle laying next to him and threw it at his brother, hitting Ethan squarely on the cheek. "It's not fucking funny," said Grayson. Ethan winced at the pain then looked down and noticed it was a bottle of lube. "Squirt some on your fucking finger and get to work." Grayson casually raised up his legs and let them rest in the air, revealing the tiny pink dot between his tanned ass cheeks.
Ethan stared at his brother's ass. He'd seen his brother's ass cheeks a hundred times, but never his brother's hole. It looked pristine and tight. It almost looked like a girl's, Ethan thought, if you didn't look at his masculine, muscular glutes or, y'know, his big shaven balls sagging down, one slightly lower than the other.
Ethan approached his brother and heard the tinny sound of a girl moaning — some porn video on Grayson's phone. He dropped to his knees with a sigh and squirted a few drops of lube onto his right index finger. Though this was the first time seeing his brother's hole, it actually wasn't his first time thinking about it. Sometimes, when Ethan was extremely horny — like, hadn't jerked off for days horny — he'd watch his brother during their workouts and would catch himself having weird fantasies, like picturing what his brother would look like doing those barbell squats naked. Ethan would think about Grayson slowly lowering down into the squat and his ass cheeks spreading, a bead of sweat dripping off his swaying balls. Ethan would find himself hard and wanting to play with his dick, but would quickly snap out of it and flush with shame.
But now, here it was. His brother's hole. He ran his lubed fingertip around it until it glistened in the haze of blue LED lights in Grayson's room. Then, carefully, Ethan slid in the very tip of his finger.
"Slow," Grayson barked.
Ethan sat for a moment, his finger right at the precipice of his brother's hole, as the girl in the porn video moaned delicately. Hesitantly, Ethan pushed a bit more in. Grayson seemed to wince, but stayed silent.
It carried on like that for a bit, with Ethan slowly sliding in and Grayson occasionally commanding him to go slower, or questioning how trimmed his fingernails were. Eventually Ethan had a full finger in, and Ethan noticed his brother's warm hole didn't seem to twitch and squeeze as much. He was loosening up.
Grayson switched videos, and that's when Ethan noticed his brother's ass really starting to open up. With a bit more lube, Ethan was able to get his middle finger in, too. He was even pretty sure he heard Grayson let out a little grunt of pleasure when he moved around in him.
That's when Ethan found it. A few inches in was Grayson's throbbing prostate. He pressed on it gently with his middle finger.
"Huh!" went Grayson's startled grunt. As Ethan rubbed it more and more, Grayson's growls devolved into breathless moans of pleasure. Ethan watched Grayson's dick slowly rise from a thick slab of meat lounging on his balls to a beautiful pulsing tower, quivering as precum leaked down.
"Hoahh," Grayson moaned, in a certain falsetto he'd never heard from his brother before. Not even last night with his ear pressed again the door. Was he fingerbanging his bro better than the toy? Encouraged, Ethan furrowed his brow and started hammering at his brothers p-spot, determined to drive him totally wild.
He looked up and smirked as he noticed Grayson's toes were curling inside his white socks. Ethan tilted his head to see beyond Grayson's dick to his face, and his mouth was wide open and his eyes were rolling back. He had thrown his phone onto the mattress and whatever video he'd been watching was now not only muffled by the comforter, but drowned out by Ethan's own guttural groans and squealing moans.
Suddenly Grayson pushed his hair back with his hand and said in a hushed tone, "Oh my god, I think I'm gonna—" Ethan's eyes lit up and he put his fingers into machine-gun mode. Then, with both hands gripping his own hair in confusion, Grayson let out a yelp and Ethan watched as Grayson's balls suddenly raised up and a heavy stream of wet white cum surged out of his dick. Ethan's eyes followed the load as it seemed to almost touch the ceiling, then come down with a splat on Grayson's tattooed leg. In fact, Ethan noticed, some of it even got on the jack-o-lantern tattoo he'd given his brother a couple of years ago.
Ethan curled his fingers again and Grayson's body convulsed, another thick stream beaming up and falling, this time settling in the valleys of Grayson's abs, flexed as he kept his legs up. Ethan smiled as he pressed again and yet another load shot up. He realized he was full-on milking his own brother's prostate. He kept pulling the trigger and watched as his brother shot load after load, until eventually it seemed like his dick kept straightening for another shot but there was nothing left to shoot.
Ethan slowly slipped his fingers out of his brother's hole, which quickly tightened right back up to the perfect pink dot it was before. Grayson groaned as he finally lowered down his legs. Cum was everywhere, on Grayson's thighs, his abs, all over the bed. A drop had even sprayed on Ethan's face. Ethan made sure Grayson wasn't looking, then tongued it off his cheek. I tasted thick and bitter and buttery.
Ethan looked down at his own dick, which was harder than he'd ever seen it, and the front of his shorts were completely drenched in his own precum.
Biting his lower lip, Ethan looked up at Grayson. "Sooo... my turn?"
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hugispuso-archive · 4 years
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀!!!!!! WITH ANYONE JUST GO WILD ✌️😎
still going with jose bc. yeah.
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AYO WU CHANG LET GO OF MY HUSBAND WILL YOU. for clarification, both of these ✨lovely✨ men have relations in their story because net.ease said so. 😒 hence, this fanart. on jose's deductions, it says that he received some news about his father's ship [when he disappeared] and one of the items left there was an ancient umbrella (which wu chang uses). OKAY FOR THE REAL GUSH. ANGRY JOSE?? *chefs kiss* 👌👌👌👌 I LIKE THAT SHIT. this was the second fanart i saved of him and IT STILL LOOKS GOOD AS EVER. his face expression while he's glaring at some oreo man... SIR TAKE ME PLEASE 😩😩
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HIIIII 💕💕💕 okay but jose's captain hook skin is amazing and i wish i could have gotten it when he first arrived in the game. ;-; BUT NO, MY LUCK IS SHIT EVEN UNTIL TODAY. this photo is what started my inside joke of "let me be the peter pan to your captain hook" NAHAJBDJDBF. just, wow. the design of this costume? immaculate. perfection. i love how they replaced his prosthetic arm with a hook, LIKE THAT'S A REALLY NICE TOUCH. i only recently got into piratecore but MAN i love the vibes in this photo. jdhdjdjf idk why this bitch tends to expose his chest LIKE BUTTON UP YOUR SHIRT SIR YOU HAVE NO ONE ELSE TO IMPRESS BUT ME 🙄🙄
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p.......ponytail jose....... ndndbdbdffjnffn 💕💕💕💕 HE LOOKS SO GOOD WOW. and the further the ponytail wraps more of his hair, he looks even more?? intimidating?? how tf do i even describe it jfc i'm so flustered-
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OKAY THIS- *BREATHES* OH GOD. OH DEAR OH GOD OH FUCK. JOSE'S FACE. HIS POSITION. BRO!!!!! WHY ARE HIS LEGS SPREAD UGFHFJRHJRJHG!!!! 😩 at any circumstance i see his legs spread i just go "it's free real estate" JSBSJDNDN. i wanna sit on his lap and kiss him (YES RIGHT IN FRONT OF KEVIN BC FUCK HIM I HATE HIM) AND IRHHRHRJJFF JUST- 😖😖 how is he so handsome deputa. istg anything he does, i just find it handsome. LIKE?? NDHDJDJDNDN. goddammit. i love this man so much. 😭💕
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OKAY THESE PHOTOS DON'T HAVE JOSE IN IT BUT TECHNICALLY IT DOES BC THIS IS THE LETTER YOU RECEIVE WHEN YOU FINISH HIS BIRTHDAY TASKS. a friend of mine at discord sent this to me at 12am and i stayed up further for an hour to research what he's talking about here. YES I DID RESEARCH FOR THIS BITCH. "Viscount Baden" is his father! he's called Viscount bc that's the highest position of someone who does sailing at the time. and i'm assuming he already disappeared at the time jose wrote this. the Parthenope's voyage is some kind of guidance for ships & boats that starts from Italy. jose was supposed to arrive in a small island located in the northeast corner of the Mediterranean BUT OH WELL I GUESS HE ENCOUNTERED SOME TROUBLE ALONG THE WAY. i actually got baffled over the last part, like, is he ok?? omg what the fuck happened NET.EASE YOU GOTTA TELL MEEEE-
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y'know what, i've been trying so hard not to include this photo bc it's my main's current pfp BUT IT'S TOO PURE I COULD NOT RESIST IT ANY FURTHER. he looks so happy here waaaaaa 😭😭💕💕 !!!! to be able to make him smile this hard... *sobbing* i love him so much !! he makes me so happy hfhfhhhfhjfjbg ;;;;
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hhhhhhh oh my god....... short hair....... hey sylvie i'm also feeding you some good content BECAUSE MY SON IS HERE TOO HEHEHEHE. 👀👀👀 anyway like, wow, WOW, this artist did not have the right to swoon me like this. jose already looks so handsome with long hair, WHY MAKE HIM EVEN MORE HANDSOME WITH SHORT HAIR??? KDNFJFFJFNGKNF.
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marithlizard · 5 years
Thoughts on RWBY v7 finale, “The Enemy of Trust”
Okay, finale, it's you and me.   I've heard some eyebrow-raising things.    Let's see what you've got.  
Neo vs JNRO!   My money's on umbrella girl, even at four to one.
Oscar's really getting along with this team.   I won't be surprised if sometime next volume they officially invite him to be the P(ine) in the reborn JNPR.
Yep, short and sweet.  She had a bit of fun there, and she was never in any danger.
I'm really appreciating the option to watch the fights at half-speed on the RT site and actually catch some of the clever moves.
Cinder's fighting style is quite different here than it was in all previous volumes. Remember the bow, the telekinetically controlled black glass shards,  the Maiden fire and the giant sword?   Right now she's leaping about acrobatically in melee with two short swords. If the face was different everyone would take this as an entirely new character.   I get that it's cool to try new things, writers, but I miss the consistency.
So she specifically despises the privileged elite of Atlas. Can't blame her for that.
Okay, consistency or not I have to admit the aerial combat is visually fantastic. Winter's gryphon and Penny charging Cinder from opposite sides, followed by  fire and ice colliding, wow.
Background music also doing its usual stellar job.
Penny says "I...disagree"  in exactly the same tone of voice Adam used, and for exactly the opposite reason.  That's a cool parallel and I'm sure it was intentional.
Oscar lagging behind out of breath. He's smaller and younger and is years behind everyone except Jaune on training, it makes sense.  Also probably not using Aura to recharge stamina like the others. 
Oooh, I knew it wasn't Nora instantly by the body language. Neo moves very distinctively, it's great.  
And she's had lots of practice in imitating the person you love at the right instant to make you hesitate. Poor Ren.
You don't normally yell "Drop your weapons!" and simultaneously open fire unless you are intending to kill rather than capture. I guess the soldiers are assuming that Huntsmen will survive any kind of damage a normal person can dish out.  Which is...not a safe assumption for Oscar I don't think.  Ugh Ironwood your stormtroopers are dumb.
Ren is crying oh no
Annnnd Neo just toddles off with the lamp. I love that short officer with short ponytail look on her.
and she is  AWESOME
(Her eyes are the same blue as Ironwood's,  it does make you wonder. We never learned her last name. )
Ren with an understandable lack of perspective. He's thought of Huntsmen as the pinnacle of combat badassery all his life, when really it's just a benchmark  of competence along the path.   I suspect there aren't many people alive who could defeat Neo, outnumbered or not, and most of the people who can are god-tier.
Maria's kept a low profile all volume because she has no patience for the high-level strategy and arguments and politics,  she sure as hell isn't going to run grunt missions, and she'd last ten minutes in a room with the General before smacking him in the knees or possibly the nuts.  But she was ready to charge in with the logistical support the instant that arrest order went out on the net.   I just...love her.  She is the best.  
"I was supposed to protect the power of the Maiden until I was ready.  I worry I may have lost track of time...but you can tell James that I'm ready, now."    People were worried that Ironwood was holding Fria prisoner, forcing her into a sacrificial death. But the way she says that makes it very clear that she wasn't pressured.  He specifically told her when you're ready.   And he waited as long as he could.  
Ironwood apologizing to Winter with so much regret in his voice.   Look, you may hate him,  but the writers don't, that's abundantly clear.  And I don't either.  This is a classical Greek-style tragedy unfolding before us, a good person being destroyed as their inherent fatal flaw meets the worst possible circumstances for it.  
Oscar descending in the elevator, standing just like Ozpin.  That is an eerie sight.   He's going to imitate Oz as much as he can because Ironwood has been asking for Oz all along.   ...and it's going to backfire as a strategy, isn't it.
"And....whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?"  "Still just me."  But you're leaning on your cane as you walk just like Ozpin did.
Someone suggested applying Blake's "embodiment of a word"  idea to all the characters, and the word I thought of at first for Oscar was innocence....but it's not, is it.  Oscar is the embodiment of sincerity.  He means every word of his offer to reconcile.  How could anyone resist?
...Apparently Ironwood can.   And I see it, I do.   If this is a chess game, then protecting the king - the relics - is ultimately the only thing that matters.  All the other pieces are expendable. Oz and Oscar and Ruby represent the opposite approach:  every piece matters, and what's most important is not to win the game but to preserve the board, to keep it all going.    
(If they'd told Ironwood all the way back in ch2 that as far as they know Salem can't be killed, would he have adjusted his perspective?   I believe he would have,  but not all the way.  There's a fundamental difference in mindset.   Lois Bujold talked in one of her books (Brothers in Arms I think) about how people are drawn to the romance of the hard choices. If you've believed all your life that hardship and painful sacrifice are necessary and inevitable, you get proudly attached to them in a way, and you tend to be skeptical, at best, of anyone who claims they can be avoided.  I've been thinking about that a lot this volume.)
You were having an argument,  a heated but peaceful one.  Why would you suddenly draw your weapon and shoot a teenager off the edge of a cliff?   One who was offering no physical threat to you at all and who you could certainly have overpowered and arrested?   You arrested Watts, who was trying to kill you, nearly destroyed your kingdom, and made you nearly tear your own arm off.   Why would you murder Oscar?
You wouldn't.  This makes no sense, just like Clover and Qrow fighting each other instead of teaming up against Tyrian makes no sense.  I was hoping there'd be context in this case but there just isn't. The RWBY writers wanted dramatic scenes here and they didn't think the fans would care about anything else as long as it looked cool.
And this is new in v7, IMO.  While I've certainly had some quibbles with the writing in past volumes, I don't remember anything remotely like this.  Nothing so huge that I can't handwave or rationalize or say that it's a minor story element.   I'm a Watsonian, not a Doylist; I hate having to say that something is just plain bad writing.  
Ugh. Okay. Moving on.
That's a fast-regrowing Grimm arm.
I was expecting Penny to say "No, it's not me, it's supposed to be Winter," but she's really hesitating.  After the conversations they've had she's not sure the power should go to Winter.    There's nothing personal about it, no ambition.  Penny has been acting exactly as a Maiden should from the moment Fria first saw her, her every instinct to protect and help.
Uh, y'know, Winter, you could SHOOT CINDER during the many seconds she's writhing in helpless agony there.   You don't have to stand there and wait till she's ready to fight again.  Sigh.
That said, the sequence of Oscar falling,  power building in him and Penny,  the silver eyes etc is stunning.
(that little twirl Oscar does, like a shoujo magical girl.  cute)
holy carp there are still ten minutes left.
I don't think you're correct about fear being the common denominator, Oz, but I'll shut up and enjoy your very fine speech.
Winter makes her choice...and she's not surprised that Penny chooses differently.    Opposed to the heroes or not, I do think it's a good thing for her to stay at Ironwood's side.  Somebody sane needs to be ready to take over there sooner or later.  
Penny getting support from Ruby and Weiss,  yay.
This can't be easy for Pietro.  He's loyally helped Ironwood for decades, and he's not exactly in good shape to live the outlaw life.
Cinder, continuing to piss off her only ally.  Despite being the antagonist in a boss fight she felt...weirdly irrelevant at the end of it.  So much so that she just quietly left when no one was looking. 
"It's gone."  Well, now that's an interestingly vague way to put things, Winter.  Are you protecting Penny?   Withholding information from your boss is, as we've seen, not something he reacts well to.
Watts has an implausibly nice cell with a beautiful view.  
I think that's a quarry Oscar has fallen into, or perhaps the outskirts of a mine.  He and Oz have a LOT to talk about and I would really love to actually see the conversation next volume, writers.  For a change. 
ooooookay yep that's a flying murder behemoth whale.   I was expecting to be reminded of FFX's Sin, but it's got a vibe more like the whale from Pinocchio.  My vote for a name is therefore Monstro.   
Someone's dressed to impress her ex.
....Hmmmmm.  You know, I didn't see an actual army of flying monkeys.  Is there one? Is it inside the whale, or in that black cloud?  Or does Salem have something else in mind?  
"Fear" does seem like a song from Oz's point of view, but I don't feel it expresses his - or their - personality.  It's not the image song I'm still waiting for.  But then, quite a  few characters still haven't gotten theirs.  
Well. I'm on board for volume 8,  hopeful the writers will make better choices, and curious to see how we're going to START a volume with an ultimate boss encounter.  That's not a thing I've seen a story do before.
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
(1) Hey! So sorry for replying late, a lot has happened these past couple of days D: but I hope you've been doing good! (I say as if I've been gone for months aksjdf) anyway, yeah, they're definitely scary. I think it'll be worth being able to be that soft and open with someone though. And I'm glad it did have a positive impact on you! Even if they were hard you came out stronger or wiser in some way. And thank you, you're so sweet :') So do you hon ❤️
hey honeymoon! sorry for taking my time to respond, i hope everything’s been alright with you! 
(2) Terushima really does just seem like a big dork who loves volleyball haha. I feel like his initial vibe would make me not want to interact v much lol but once you get to know him he's actually a good person. and that tongue piercing tho 👀. "that one definitely hurts a lot more than Falling does" then I think I'm good for awhile hahaha. I've already read a sad hospital AU so I'm going to stay FAR away for now. Honestly I wish there was an interesting story behind it but there's not :')
(3) basically I had an art blog and the name of it was kind of a pun with the word "honeydew." but that nickname was already taken and I wanted to be ~original~ sso I didn't want to use it lol. I still liked the honey aspect though and I thought Honeymoon sounded cute. I'm also kind of a secret hopeless romantic and at the time I kept my identity on my art blog a secret, so it kind of felt like an "alter ego" of mine? long story short I liked the nickname and it kinda stuck haha
ok i mean, to be fair, he was super aggressive when he was meeting kiyoko. but i definitely feel like there’s that dorky side to him LMAO.
oooof idk if I can handle any angst rn tbh so i can definitely relate 😭 
that’s honestly such a cute story though??? like, that’s literally so freakin’ adorable. what type of art did you use to do? (and honestly girl, this whole blog is on the DL and i tried super hard to keep it hidden from my life LOL).
there’s nothing wrong with being a hopeless romantic though! it gives you a chance to day-dream hehe 💞 what’s your favorite romantic trope? it could be as cliche or non-cliche as you’d like! 
(4) "i’m sorry for being a sadistic fk 🥰" 😀 something tells me you're kind of not LOL (really though I know you're sweet and don't actually want to hurt people akdhf) and honestly I'm glad you decided to expand on it! Chapter one is also great as a standalone but I'm so grateful for the rest so far, and you're doing an amazing job with it love 💖 I understand the chara x chara thing. I don't know if I've ever actually shipped anything to the point of me /wanting/ it to be canon
(6) like, it'd be cool if it was, but I don't actually care y'know? unless it was actual romantic tension built up in the movie/book/series. Fanart and fic is what mostly got me lol. I think the HQ fandom is super diverse/creative in its shipping. Not only because of an incredible story with great characters, but great fans and creators as well. And yes! someone else who likes KuroIwa!! I think that ship is really cute (and they're my top 2 faves so I'm biased haha) have you seen neutinya's art?
i swear i’m nice 💞 thank you so much for the love!! 🥺 i’ve been having writer’s block for a bit, and your comments have honestly motivated me to write so much more for it LOL
i definitely agree though, like, i can’t aggressively fight for one ship over another because it’s literally just not canon. it just feels wrong to “shove that agenda”, so to speak. but it’s always interesting to see all the different character combinations. i never would’ve imagined half of the ones out there if not for this fandom LOL
neutinya’s literally why I have a thing for KuroIwa!! LMAO. i really like the art that they put out. same with bright_stars_45 on IG. Their stuff is literally why i ship Bokuaka soooo hard. 
(7) (did I skip 5?) I really hope I'm numbering those right it's 12:30 am here lol. anyway, it's probably a good thing you weren't in the fandom then. I don't know how it is now, but it was p chaotic and toxic and there was actually controversy surrounding one of those fics. I'm sorry about you and your sister love :( I don't know if you'd ever want to have a strong one with her but I hope you do if you do! and if not then there will always be people you share that with, blood or not 💕
LOL you did skip 5, but it’s okay bby 💖 it’s not too serious tbh. i’m not really close to my family, so i’ve always believed in the “my family is the one’s i choose, not necessarily the one’s i’m blood-related to” :) 
(8) Piglet has always been my fave, but Eeyore and Lumpy are also great. do you have any favorite characters or ones that mean a lot to you? and that's really cool too!! I know being mixed can get super complicated but knowing you have all of those cultures in you in some way is pretty amazing. Honestly I've been undecided for the past 2 years but after everything going on in 2020, I've felt this need to release the truth? no matter what that may be. I know a lot of people say journalism 
(9) isn't an honest profession but, and this will sound arrogant, I want to change that. Even if that just means me being an independent journalist while being an editor to make a living, I'm okay with that. Also it can give you the opportunity to travel, and writing has always been my strong suit. socio is so I can have a better understanding of the world and learn to be less biased and more objective and understanding. What about you? :O
my favorite Disney character is honestly Tiana from Princess and the Frog! her hard-working story is hella relatable to me, and it inspired me to be better for myself if that makes sense? 
TBH the most annoying part of being mixed is being called eXoTiC by guys who are tryna sleep with me 💀 there’s definitely a lot of fetishization about it lol
i hella respect that! the need to release the truth. journalism is honestly a raw and authentic profession that people underestimate because they read from biased sources or the things they read isn’t accurate. i have mad respect for you for following that career path! if there’s anything i could do to help, lmk love 💖 TBH, i chose business because i wanted to open my own business and i love psych because i love understanding the world and the people in my lives. psycho-analysing is one of my hobbies hehe. so similar as to why you did socio!
(10) and yes!!!! tbh I've always liked theatre but was never really one for the stage. I was in a child friendly version of macbeth in 6th grade and that was it lol. In my senior year of high school I performed a slam poem about my depression and my teacher called me emotionally constipated lmaoo. and because of how hs went down for me I never got to take classes anyway. I started getting into sfx/film makeup though and I really want to do that! I also just love the energy of backstage tbh
(11) this is getting really long akfdjh. but yeah I want to learn more! I'm actually kind of struggling in my stage management class right now because I honestly don't know much about theatre so it's overwhelming. I haven't even seen a lot of shows (I did see The Lion King when I was a kid though!! and a few hs productions). enough about me though, what's your favorite part, or what are some of your best memories? I love seeing that it makes you so happy :D
omg i’m so sorry that your teacher called you that. that’s so inappropriate, especially considering the subject matter. i hope that you’ve had a more positive experience involving your work since then. if you ever want to talk about your struggle, please feel free to reach out, ok? 
you must be pretty talented with makeup though! that’s so cool 🤩 i’ve always admired sfx and people who are talented with makeup tbh. what’s your favorite part about it so far? 
i was fortunate enough that my hs had a super talented theatre program that i could be a part of. i had the opportunity to be in both tech, management, and on-stage. i honestly really enjoyed being behind-the-scenes in the management part! it was so great seeing a production from start to finish and knowing that i was involved with that process. i’m a huge theatre nerd tbh 😅 i love watching shows like Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, RENT and I’ll routinely watch them haha. 
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