#this shit does to my brain what a sandblaster would do to a saltine
inbabylontheywept ยท 11 months
My job involves a lot of pulsed power applications. The number one way people get pulsed power is from these structures called Marx banks, which are basically huge walls of capacitors that charge up in parallel, then arc and add their voltage in series. So, you get like... 60 capacitors at 45 kV, and then they turn into ~3 MV, which is enough to shock the shit out of Zeus. I have had the privilege of seeing someone throw a fridge off a fifth floor balcony into a dumpster, and the noise is makes is comparable to that. It's very mad science. This is what a baby one looks like.
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Anyway: I'm reading a lot about these things, because they explode a lot, and that means I have to fix them. And that thing where you get the capacitors to all add up in series is called "erecting the Marx."
So I'm trying to read this dry ass fucking text book about pulsed power, and these textbook writers - they don't realize how crucial it is to say "erecting the Marx" instead of "Marx erections" and now, the most common phrase in this entire book is "Marx erection" and it is killing me. Even literal communist manifesto fanfic would avoid using the word erection this many times. At some point they'd have to call it a penis, or a dick, or something besides this relentless litany of erections.
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I have not been this salty since I took thermo, and every fucking problem with melting ice used M_i for mass of ice, L_f for latent energy of freezing, so I'd have to rewrite a legtimate equation of E=M_i L_f like Albert Einstein if he had mommy issues. Can I make a pun about that? Relative-ity? Fuck it, it's here, and you're reading it. k rant done. thx.
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