#this shitpost is my first contribution to this rare ship
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"I feel ridiculous"
(also i have a drawing tablet again, so that's fun)
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Lol you reblog a post on fandom ignoring racism and then reblog a steddyhands post you are literally who the post is about. Izzy Hands is racist and homophobic and abusive and you ship him with his victims. You are the problem.
oh i don’t actually ship steddyhands! sometimes i’ll reblog fanart tho if the art is good enough and the steddyhands isn’t actually super prevalent. like, the reblog you're referencing is barely shippy. i couldve just tagged it with the characters, but i decided to tag it steddyhands in case any of my followers really don't want to see any content of izzy stede and ed all getting along at ALL
also, if you actually look at the steddyhands tag on my blog, there's only 22 posts. and there are 12,807 posts on this blog in total. so it's not on my blog often, and it's tagged so people who have steddyhands blacklisted don't have to see it
of those 22 posts, 7 of them are fanart, and in 4 of those fanart posts, i say something in the tags about not liking the ship. of the 15 other posts, 9 of them are my own original posts (or posts where the op @'ed me in them) discussing my issues with steddyhands, 2 of them are other people's posts talking about their issues with steddyhands, 3 of them are absolute shitposts talking about steddyhands in homestuck quadrants or a blackhands divorce au where every possible combination of ed/stede/izzy/jack happens, and only one of them is a pro-steddyhands post that i reblogged and said in the tags that i don't ship it
meanwhile, my fandom crit tag, which is where i talk about racism in fandom and reblog other people's posts about racism in fandom, has 449 posts in it. so like, steddyhands is rarely on my blog—and when it is, more often than not it's bc im criticizing it.
also, i don't actually think steddyhands is inherently bad (altho i'll be the first to admit that a LOT of the content made for the ship is incredibly bad). i think steddyhands can actually be done in a way that doesn't prioritize izzy's feelings or excuse his racism and homophobia, and where izzy's character growth isn't ed's problem or burden in any way. so i don't personally feel like the very existence of steddyhands content on my blog puts me at the same level as like, ofmd discord mods who disregard people's complaints about racist content in the fandom because they value "let people have fun, fandom isn't for drama" more than they value making the space safe for fans of color.
the steddyhands on my blog is incredibly sparse, very easy to avoid if you just block the tag, and most importantly, it doesn't excuse izzy's bigotry. i feel like there are a LOT of ofmd fans who contribute way more to the problem than i did by reblogging fanart where ed izzy and stede are getting scared in a haunted house.
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beverlychills · 1 year
Introductory Post
PLEASE at least skim through the tags. Navigating this autism castle I've built may get difficult if you don't.
Also see below: Guide for takedown requests
Hi there, call me Taffy! (Any pronouns)
I'm a neurodivergent fella obsessed with Lethal League. I'm also obsessed with archiving things, and I have a dedicated personal server where I collect all the LLB fanart I can.
For a while I've been wanting to give other people easy access to all this old and new content, but I don't want to invite people to the server, and booru-making is closed right now, so this—an account made to reblog every LLB post I can find—is the next best option.
For now I run this account alone, and my archiving only encompasses things on tumblr, this may change later but I can't say for sure.
I plan to keep this archive going as long as possible.
Despite my wants to preserve everything Lethal League, there are some artists I refuse to archive due to personal convictions, or being personally asked not to archive their work.
The amount of these people is presently in the single digits, and probably won't impact the rest of the blog much.
If you want a particular post(s) taken down, or would like to be blacklisted, please DM me. Please note you may have to prove your identity to do this, in whatever way you can (so long as it does not compromise your safety or super-personal information).
If you have a Lethal League post to contribute that I haven't found yet, send me the link. Even things from deactivated accounts can still be preserved if someone else reblogged them. Or I guess if you have a screenshot.
If there's something down the list you don't wanna see, just filter the tag
Warnings: #suggestive Including but not limited to - Discussion of NSFW, off-camera lovemaking, skimpy clothing or poses... whatever you older internet denizens might call "sin." NSFW jokes are judged on a case-by-case basis Overly graphic stuff, minor x adult, or straight up p0rn if there's any left, will not be included in the archive for obvious reasons #thirstposting Any rare case of people getting a bit too excited over a given LLB character. If hypothetically seeing people talk about how much they want to bone their favorite dapper googly eyed fuck wouldn't be your jam, you might wanna filter out this tag. #nudity Tasteful nudity. Think the Statue of David. #blood For when insides become outsides, but it's not straight up gutspill. #feels Because some of us don't wanna deal with angst. #emeto Vom. #eyestrain Ouchie ow oof bright colors. ^ #aberration Chromatic aberration #gore #bugs #death #eye contact #dereality #drugs #weed #body horror #loud #flashing
Please note; Despite my headcanons, character interactions will be judged through the LLB story at face value. This means ships involving Switch will not be counted as minor x adult, because he is a robot, 5 is only how long he's been manufactured, and his mental age is not entirely clear (beyond him obviously not having the mind of a toddler). This also means things like Raptor x Switch will still be archived, since although some headcanon them to be found brothers, this is not canonically confirmed.
Content type: #art Including but not limited to - Drawings, physical crafts, music, etc. #fanfic Fanfiction, whether linked offsite or posted directly to tumblr. #animation Encompasses gifs, animatics, animation memes, PMVs, the works. #modding Stuff like retexturing, 3D model editing, or even Mung Daal in Room 21 #gameplay #shitpost #textpost #cosplay
Characters: #raptor #switch #candyman #dice #jet #doombox #grid #nitro #latch #sonata #dust #ashes #toxic #dummy #mc inferno #safety league
Unlockables: #ballhead #strait jacket #zoot suit #l.2 full mecha #domino #dynamic #detective nitro #jumper cabler #safety weapon #chain engine #iron grip
DLC: #galileo #firefighter max pressure #volt (Neopolis Devastator) #ivory puppet killer #insectoid loneriding mechranger #stereo overdrive #shining gold winner #gigahertz visualizer x #nuclear nourishment #late stage illmatic #heavyduty r evolution #master of the mountain
Fandom culture: #headcanon #theory #review #ship #ship neg #oc x canon #oc #au #askblog #humanized #crossover #fusion
Archived posts will not be tagged as #ship unless the OP states so, or it is very explicitly intended to be ship art—flirting and kissing and stuff. Ships will be tagged as the involved characters' names in alphabetical order, in lieu of affectionate shipnames. This is to avoid creating extra things for you poor soul to memorize. Also, negative content about any given ship will have "neg" tacked onto the end. ❌ #candylatch ✅ #candyman x latch 🔘 #candyman x latch neg
For OCs, search their name, and for specific artists, search their blog url. ie: #cue #klayfruit Furthermore, fanon interpretations of LLB characters may be tagged like this: #henry #candyman
OC x canon shipnames will not be tagged, despite how few there are in retrospect, because I think doing that would drive me nuts.
If two OCs happen to have the same name, the name will be followed up with the creator's username depending on which OC is being referred to. This also applies if an OC name overlaps with a warning tag;
#ember sampleusername - #ember gridsbignaturals #bugs sampleusername
Other: #official Involving a Team Reptile account or one of its developers. Including but not limited to: Dev logs, headcanons from individual team members, outdated lore, threads involving them on other websites, etc. #tim #dion #yinyin #andy #kittomatic #sem
#merch Official merchandise designs and such #deactivated OP's blog is hacked or deactivated. If the URL was changed, the old URL may be tagged; for the sake of preserving the era it was posted, and so people can more easily find things if they know an old username but not the new one. #[year] Year something was posted. ie: #2015 #mod taffy
Posts with captions like "not tagging this" or things that seem personal will probably not be archived unless the OP says it's okay
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dreamautonomy · 3 years
Thank you, thank you for the tag @fanarain. I took my time with this. I swear, I got to find a tag game to share with my followers and those I follow. @dreamautonomy needs more love and activity. 😭
I will answer questions about @dreamautonomy (my main that’s not officially a main) and @defectiveconantoy (my more popular Tumblr).
1. Why did you choose your url? I came up with the name Dream Autonomy waaaaay back in 2008. At the time, I was inspired by Kazimierz Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration (TPD), where he explained that one must go through anxiety and psychological tension to achieve autonomy and true individuality. In my teens, I dreamt of independence and autonomy, to live on my own terms and break away from society’s rat race. I still do to this day.
For my DCMK stuff, I’ve considered the name Conanology, but someone on Twitter took it. I wanted something witty. Then, I stumbled upon that Reddit post with the counterfeit Conan and Ayumi action figures. They looked so ridiculous and badly made it’s almost a joke. The thread’s first comment: perfect as a funny username. Unfortunately, defectiveconan was already taken here, so I settled with defectiveconantoy (also nicknamed by me as DFCT - DeFective Conan Toy) instead.
2. Any side blogs? @relaxwithanime because there’s a lot of relaxing anime, and I want to showcase relaxing anime scenes. @sillydogpictures, which has no posts. I wanted to show pictures of dogs with intentionally or unintentionally silly faces. 🐶
3. How long have you been on tumblr? It’s complicated! I began lurking back in 2010 or 2011 but didn’t create an account until 2014 with the original dreamautonomy, now the defunct @olddreamautonomy. I never used it until mid or late 2020.
I made @defectiveconantoy back in October 2020 because I considered participating in the DCMK Secret Santa event. I eventually decided not to, as I was busy with school and coping with the pandemic. I didn’t need more deadlines then.
4. Do you have a queue tag? Nope! I should make one once I learn how.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? I planned to use @dreamautonomy as a creative blog for posting photography, graphic design, food and travel stuff, motivational stuff, and more. Never happened!
DFCT was made for Detective Conan and Magic Kaito fandom stuff, nothing else.
Stupid me made @defectiveconantoy a completely separate account, even after realizing minutes later that I could have made it a side blog. Oh well! I mostly use Tumblr for fandom stuff nowadays, so I deleted my old Dream account and made a new account as a side blog under @defectiveconantoy. Now, I no longer have to use different apps and browsers for both blogs. Life is good!
6 . Why did you choose your icon/pfp? For Dream, I chose Retsuko from Aggretsuko. That scene wonderfully represents the agony of one’s twenties: working miserable jobs, not being taken seriously, and wishing life was more fulfilling than the average adult life. There she is being “one of us” on a Sunday by lying in bed and scratching her butt. 😂
And for DFCT, how could I not post action Conan from The Fist of Blue Sapphire with the counterfeit action figure’s head replacing the original Conan’s head? 🤣
7. Why did you choose your header? For Dream, because Retsuko’s bouncing her little tail off. For DFCT, because Ran is precious in that scene, all soft and shy.
8. What's your post with the most notes? @defectiveconantoy’s set of GIFs from the Ferris Wheel scene in the Episode ONE special. And that’s my original post. I’ve reblogged even more popular stuff by others.
9. How many mutuals do you have? About a dozen.
10. How many followers do you have? @dreamautonomy: 9 (Most are p*rn bots I’ve reported for spam and blocked. Have no idea WTF I did to attract them.). @defectiveconantoy: 175!! 😁
11. How many people do you follow? 72!
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? I don’t know. I think I only post relevant memes.
Here am I typing this after spending years confusing shitposts with really funny, sometimes offensive memes. I’m still confused about the meaning of a shitpost. I’m not very trend or meme savvy.
13. How often do you use tumblr each day? About 10-20 times a day, usually through my phone app.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? Over ten years ago on websites that Tumblr, Twitter, etc. long replaced in popularity. Even then, I’ve usually been a lurker for most of my life and rarely engaged in arguments or debates. Whenever I did, I regret it to this day. I looked stupid (everyone did, actually). What a waste of time!
I wish I hadn’t forgotten about Detective Conan back in 2004. The DCMK Tumblr fandom is chill and AWESOME! I wonder what the fandom was like back in the 2000s.
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts? Ehh…it depends. If it’s something most or everyone agrees with, I might reblog it. I don’t know about you, but such posts often bring the rebel in me. If you say, “REBLOG IT,” I say, “Ehh! Nope.” 😋 Anyway, life is short. I’d rather stick to fandom and humor, things that unite people and make them smile.
16. Do you like tag games? Of course! That’s how I get to know everyone. I should initiate tag games and tag all of you.
17. Do you like ask games? YES! I should start ask games as well.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is [tumblr] famous? We interrupt this program to give mad props to that nicely formatted Tumblr logo-fied text. 👌
Aaaanyway, I won’t name names. Some are Tumblr famous for different reasons, and that’s what matters. We all contribute different things while being under the same main fandom, ships, arcs, and adaptations aside.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? No! Why ruin this nice little Tumblr space for drama? It’s not worth having a crush on people you’ve never met face-to-face imo. I’m not repeating my teenage mistakes.
20. Tags: anyone happy to participate! 😁
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revasnaslan · 4 years
B E I Q W Y (let's get salty)
aretia i swear to fuck
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
well back in the voltron fandom there was zarkon/kolivan, which a friend of mine shipped the hell out of and i didn’t really get it at first............ and then i fell hard into the ship and it hit me like a goddamn freight train and suddenly it was in all my wips. i still don’t know what happened.
i don’t believe i have one of these for spop. i don’t really ship a lot in spop admittedly so that’s probably why.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
most of my contributions to the spop fandom has been stupid shitposts that come from discord dms... but that’s about it. oh and angst. i have a feeling i could become known for angst if i actually updated my fics in a timely fashion.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
i mean i don’t interact with many fandoms too deeply because i get annoyed so fucking easily by the most inane bullshit. i usually just hunker down with like two other people and call it good and reblog stuff from those people. and this isn’t a whole thing about how i think my interpretation of the text is the only right one blah blah blah, i just usually have such unpopular opinions on both the text and the characters that it’s better for everybody if i stay in my corner and pump out fanfic that i actually know i’m going to enjoy and mostly interact with people through asks and the occasional dm.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
idk if i’d say abandoned tbh... i rarely totally abandon a fandom, i just move on to the one that’s holding my attention at the moment.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
reducing villains to abusive rapist exes with zero nuance l m a o can’t fucking stand it. especially because most of my favs get reduced to that in fanfic, like thanks fandom, i fucking hate it.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
there’s a couple?? 
i’ve never played final fantasy but @voxiferous loooooves final fantasy uh... fiiiifteen?? the one with that blonde boy she likes, i think he has a gun or some shit and he’s in love with a prince
i’ve only played like an hour into ocarina of time but @shadow-djinni loves zelda and i think because of them i’m a ganon stan without actually playing the games lmao
i’ve never seen good omens but i know a bunch of basic shit because you reblog so much of it aretia... i know there’s an angel and a demon and they’re in love?? also doomsday is coming?? something like that
Ask Meme
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echoedfates-archive · 4 years
↓ ━ have you had any bad experiences with roleplaying?
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I love this community but unfortunately, nothing’s perfect. I’ve rarely hard issues with mutuals thankfully, but since the question implies I should divulge, here’s three incidents. I’ll try and keep them as vague as possible, because I don’t want to start drama. Also, a read more because they got long... I don’t think any of the people involved are active anymore, but if I have been too specific or someone’s getting uncomfortable, let me know and I’ll edit this post.
1. Just how Camilla is generally treated at times. I work so hard to develop her into a multi-faceted muse and try to bring her more interesting traits to life, even the ugly ones, and then some of the anons I get... Yeah. It really doesn’t look like they pay attention to how I interpret her, but rather just how some parts of the fandom simplify her.
 I’ve had asks with CorrinxCamilla being referenced, such as Kana being her daughter, even though it is stated in my rules that I’m not doing that. And I have got an absolutely huge headcanon going into how I view their relationship and how important Corrin is to her as a sibling!!! 
There’s also the fact that I’ve found asks focusing on her sex appeal aspect when I’ve been inactive for weeks and like... That was someone’s first instinct on what to send. I’m not about to pretend that she’s a blushing virgin, but I mostly call on that part of her either when she’s actually interacting with a ship partner, or she doing it as a power play... And seeing the fandom reduce her to a walking sex doll makes me uncomfortable, so whilst the ask in question was mild, I did not feel great about it.
2. Never forget the time someone insisted on their muse being Chrom’s sex slave. Clearly the type of man who would have one.
3. I sometimes get paranoid about disclaimers and question if I need them. Quite often my headcanons involving other muses explicitly state “people who write the relevant muse are welcome to ignore this”, or yesterday I considered writing a disclaimer to Dorothea’s blatant Seteth thirst to specify that both she and I were (mostly) joking, as opposed to any intention for Dorothea to get access to those spicy dragon abs. I’d never force student x faculty/church on someone, but didn’t tag in the end bc I decided to trust that people would realise I wasn’t being serious.
It’s not directly because of the following incident, but there has been a problem with intentions being misunderstood on the dash. So I shipped my muse with Persona A. Also shipped said muse with Person B. Those two people actually shipped their muses with each other! We’re all friends! We’re all multiship!
We start messing around and the dash chaos was something along the lines of their muses bickering with each other over mine. Referencing the fact I ship with both of them. It was entirely IC, no drama between the actual muns and remember, we’re all friends with each other and are all in on the joke.
...One of them received anons telling them to stop policing my ships. An anon actually turned up to ‘defend’ me and specify that I’m a multi-shipper. They thought this was actual drama with our muses being used instead of speaking ooc, and clearly had no idea that we were all shitposting. I wasn’t on the receiving end of things, but when my friend got grief (and apologised to me in dms the next morning! When they had done nothing wrong! I was contributing to the dash chaos!) because of a misunderstanding, it kinda makes me think that I’m right to be paranoid and overexplain myself.
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Some character descriptions of the Stellar Grievances cast.
Stella Greenfield, our main protagonist, is a 20-year-old black woman. In her “civilian” form she’s got long black hair in a ponytail and wears a sweater, leather jacket, miniskirt, thigh highs, and sneakers. In her “Logged In” form, Mechaniisms, her hair is drastically shortened and gets more boyish, and her clothes are replaced with dress pants, combat boots, a really nice dress shirt, a vest, and a cravat, not including her equipment. Her eyes are purple and she’s average height. She was a strategy game nerd in the real world, and upon being thrust into the game world she suddenly essentially had a shit ton of in-universe (since the game world and real world rely on different laws of physics; notably, Newton’s laws are specifically stated to not necessarily be true in the game world) engineering knowledge dumped into her head, so strategy and technology are her two big hobbies. When not giving orders or dealing with a situation herself, she can usually be found tinkering, either on the team’s ship, the GSF Headstrong, or on her own equipment and drones. Also, she comes from an interracial family and has a white stepmom and stepbrother (her stepbrother, Tyler, actually got her into Stellar Grievances in the first place, and he’s part of the main cast for a brief period of time in the beginning). And she’s bi and has ADHD. Her Wrench is called the Gauntlet Wrench.
She’s also regularly joined by her sidekick of sorts, an AI she programmed named Eve. Eve is fully conscious (which is rare but not unheard of in the setting), and usually refers to Stella as her mother. She sometimes appears as a holographic human (and can range in size depending on where she’s projected from; if she’s being projected from Stella’s own equipment, she’s usually the size of a fairy or something, but larger hologram projectors in larger machines can make her practically any size, usually life sized), but her primary function is to operate Stella’s various combat drones, so she can also appear as them instead (and some of them can get pretty humanoid; eventually, Stella even develops a drone that just... looks like the holographic form Eve takes, so Eve can basically have a real body if she so chooses). Eve acts like your typical AI assistant character- generally unemotional and analytical, but she has emotions and whatnot, she just doesn’t really have the emotional maturity to match her logical reasoning and academic intelligence and thus comes off like a computer to those who don’t really know her.
Then, Madison, our secondary protagonist. When she’s first introduced as Buttercup, she has back-length blonde hair and yellow eyes, and is wearing a fancy lolita dress; however, when Phyll dies and passes on his powers to her, her eyes turn green and she gets a green streak in her hair, and when she changes her name to Madison and joins the team, she cuts her hair a little shorter, starts wearing it in a side-ponytail, and switches to wearing jeans and a hoodie. In her “Logged In” state, Agent Yellow, she visibly matures, getting taller, curvier, and less babyfaced (since she was generally short, smol, and babyfaced in her civilian form), her voice gets deeper, her hair gets longer (and also pointier), and her clothes are replaced by beige power armor that... basically looks like Halo power armor but without the helmet. And she wears a beige cape. She also carries a green sniper rifle. Personality-wise, she’s very much the team Cinnamon Roll, though she also carries insecurities from her time with the other Awoken Agents (as she was the last one created, and shortly after her creation work fully began on the Specialist system, so she never really got to contribute much, especially since her only power was that she couldn’t stay dead); it doesn’t help that the Agent who was kindest to her, Phyll, is now dead, and the Agent who was least kind to her, Violet, had a crush on Phyll and blames his death on her (though Violet eventually gets over all this and becomes Madison’s love interest) and can often be found brooding. Her sniper rifle is called the Proto Rifle.
Lily Flowers is the team’s Medic, and the entire basis for her character back when I first envisioned her was that she toyed with general stereotypes for people who play “Healer” characters in media vs in real life. Specifically, back when she first started playing online games, she was what you’d expect from a “healer” character in anime- a moeblob who just wants to help the team, no matter what! But years and years of maining healer characters in online games has worn her down and she’s now more like someone who actually plays healer characters in real life- cynical, sarcastic, and untrusting. Her main coping method that stops her from becoming a total bitter pessimist? Being the team memelord and shitposter. She’s basically the Moca Aoba of the team, the Neptune of the team, the Yang Xiao Long of the team, you know, that character. The one who practically says “Eh? Ehhhh?” after everything they say to make sure everyone got the stupid pun they made. She’s got short messy pink hair and silver eyes, and they don’t change at all when she Logs In. What does change? Well, for one, her prosthetic, since she’s an amputee without a right arm. In her civilian state, her prosthetic is fairly normal; however, when she Logs In to become Yuyuriri, her existing prosthetic twists around to come out of her back, and a new prosthetic that’s bulkier and clumsier but has her MedTool built in is fixed in its place. That’s not the only thing that changes when she Logs In, but it’s the biggest difference; the other big difference is that she wears a big coat in her civilian form, but removes it when she Logs In. She appears to have a different outfit when she’s Logged In, but she’s actually wearing that outfit in her civilian form, too, just under her coat. Specifically, the outfit is made up of a blue turtleneck with no right arm (so it doesn’t get in the way of her second prosthetic), jean short shorts, tights, and boots. Lily’s also a lesbian, and in fact is Stella’s main love interest.
Kyousuke Tenjou, meanwhile, was originally created for two purposes. One, to be a sort of self-insert, and two, to parody/refine the character of Kirito from SAO; the former has mostly been abandoned (my idea was that he’d start out as a total Fedora Neckbeard type, but then slowly get better as he hung out with the rest of the team, and eventually even realize he was actually a transgirl, which is an exaggerated version of how I realized I was trans (I was never quite to the Broni Friendzoni level, but still), but I eventually dropped this aspect to focus more on the Kirito thing and also to keep the team more gender-balanced, though there are still hints of it). So, Kyousuke is this brooding longer swordsman dude who’s visually similar to and named similarly to Kirito, so the comparisons are obvious. But, see, Kirito is regularly rewarded by the series for being this jackass loner dude, even if it does make a token effort to have him grow out of it; the series claims that Kirito’s loner attitude makes him less happy, but more effective as a warrior. Stellar Grievances, meanwhile, makes it clear that Kyousuke’s loner attitude is a weakness and that he’s an arrogant dipshit for thinking he can play a teamwork-based game alone, and he’s mostly doing it in an attempt to look cool and badass when it really makes him look like an asshole and a dumbass. A big part of his character arc is about him unlearning all sorts of toxic masculinity, including some internalized aphobia (because he does start out as this jackass trying to get into every woman he sees’ pants, but it eventually becomes clear that he’s trying to compensate for the fact that he doesn’t actually find any of them attractive and he feels like not liking women makes him less of a man). Anyways, in his civilian form, his hair is short and messy, but longer and messier than Lily’s; his Logged In form, xX_Kyo_Xx (or Kyo for short), reins it back in to Lily levels. His eyes are blue and his hair is black, but when he Logs In his hair is dyed electric blue and he wears green colored contacts. The colored contacts are also functional, as he wears glasses in his civilian form but not his Logged In form. He’s generally wearing black jeans, black boots, and a black sweater in both forms. In his civilian form, he wears a brown jacket, but when he Logs In he trades that out for black gloves and a black cape.
Travis Bhatia was created pretty much alongside the concept of the Scout class itself, but once I’d finished deciding what the Scout class even did, I decided to flesh out his story, and his character arc ended up being about felon’s rights. Because a big part of his backstory is that when he was 19, he committed a horrible crime. And this wasn’t a case of him being framed, or it being an accident; he did a terrible thing on purpose. And he agrees that it was terrible, and even that he deserved to go to jail for what he did. And he did go to jail for three years. But when he got out, that was when the bullshit started. America treats its convicted felons very badly, even once they’ve served their time. And while Travis agrees that he deserved every second of his jailtime, he feels like he was completely screwed over when he got out. He’d served his time, but he was still being punished. And he ended up having to freeload with a cousin of his, and got addicted to online video games like Stellar Grievances. Which is why getting stuck in another world was the best thing that ever happened to him- it let him get a new start on life without the baggage of his felony. Travis is also a first-generation American, as his parents were immigrants from Britain, and he’s also ethnically Indian (for clarification, if it wasn’t obvious, actual Indian, like from India). In his civilian form, he wears jeans and a logo t-shirt; in his Logged In form, Explorer21 (or just Explorer for short), his jeans turn back, he gets his hoverboots, he gets goggles, he gets gloves, the logo on his shirt disappears, and he gets covered in belts, but most importantly, he gets a really long leather coat with a popped collar that looks totally cool when he’s flying around. He’s generally pretty chill and down-to-earth. He’s also gay and very flirty. Originally he was gonna be covered in robes, kinda inspired by the music video for Superheroes by Daft Punk. Travis is also the second tallest of the team after James.
James Reynolds was actually not originally gonna be part of the main cast. I created James to be an antivillain who became friends with Kyousuke and helped Kyosuke realize he was a transgirl, since James was himself a transman. The team’s Marine was gonna be Stella’s brother Tyler. However, I found myself mixing up Travis and Tyler’s names a lot, and realizing that I just liked James better than Tyler, and wanting explicit trans representation back in the team after I decided to leave Kyousuke a guy after all, so I decided to replace Tyler with James. But I didn’t want the antivillain angle with James to go away completely, and Tyler’s presence in the beginning of the story was very important (in fact, Tyler’s presence in the beginning was significantly more important than his presence once things get going, which is part of why I nixed him), so I decided that Tyler would be the team’s initial Marine, but he’d have to leave the team fairly early on, and the team would be without a Marine for a while until James, introduced as an antivillain, would betray his villainous allies to join the protagonists. Anyways, James is the tallest member, with blue eyes and messy orange hair in a ponytail. His general appearance can basically be described as “Bishounen”. He’s generally wearing jeans, a blue t-shirt, and an unbuttoned brown button-up shirt. His Logged In state, Don1998 (or just Don for short), wears a fedora (NOT FOR THOSE REASONS), a dress shirt, dress pants, dress shoes, a green tie, and a blazer. James is generally pretty quiet and stoic, though he does often either chuckle or glare depending on his mood. He’s also bi, and a frequent (willing) target of Travis’s flirting, though his primary love interest is a woman.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that Travis and James’ hair colors change when they Log In. Travis’s hair is black, Explorer’s is green; James’ hair is orange, Don’s is red. Don’s also got slightly shorter hair than James, but James’ hair is already pretty short. Travis has spiky hair in either form.
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Spotlight #12  - BigenderZadkiel/Umbrakinetix (Shank)
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Tell us a bit about yourself: I’m Caspian, or Shank in streams! I’m 18 years old, left-handed, and a Sagittarius. I’m hopefully starting university in the fall, and I’m torn between becoming a teacher or a doctor. When I was a kid, I went to a science & engineering camp, and every summer, without fail, someone would end up duct taped to the wall and/or barricaded behind several feet of paper cups and scrap metal. This is the reason I am who I am today. When did you get into the fandom and how did you stumble upon it?  Hmm… it was the spring of my sophomore year when I really started following SaM seriously, I think. I’d seen the original post on my dashboard before, of course- who hasn’t?- but I didn’t know there was more until someone I used to follow started posting about it! Even after that, I didn’t join the fandom For Realsies until early summer. I can still remember how I ended up in the stream for the first time. My beloved goldfish had been ill for some time, and I finally had to euthanize him that afternoon. I was heartbroken and looking for something to distract me on Tumblr, and Orange was streaming, and I just jumped in. The rest is history.When did you get into the fandom and how did you stumble upon it?
Who are your favorite characters/pairings? As for ships… Natan is almost a given, but I also like Graph, Raphriel, Ganthea, and I LOVE ZADKIEL AND MICHAEL SO MUCH END ME. Yup and Raguel are my precious sons, also, and Lucifer is… Lucifer. And I love him for it.
Favorite moment in the comic? WHEN LUCIFER CRIED OVER NAT’S BODY UWU but I also love every single interaction Lucifer and Michael have. All of them.
What is your biggest inspiration as far as your art goes? Usually, when I draw SaM art, it’s inspired by a potential shitpost that would be more elegantly expressed in an iconic form. On rare occasions, I’m inspired by music or a poem. When it comes to original art, though, I’m inspired by music and Serious Stuff just as much as I’m inspired by my own shitposting.
What would you say is your favorite piece that you’ve done so far? After the update where Michael threatens Gabe with the Tank came out, I drew the “I won’t hesitate” vine, but with everyone’s favorite dysfunctional archangel duo. It was garbage and my laptop gave up the ghost three times while I was working on it, but I thought it was funny. It’s still over on my old blog, @bigenderzadkiel.
What would you say is one of your favorite things to draw? Blood’n’tears :-) I love drawing battered, beat up, and discouraged characters so much. Also battered, beat up, and determined. I’m sure the human body can’t actually survive losing the amount of blood I like to splash around my drawings.
What do you think influences your art style? ...I hate to admit it, but anime. I try my best to branch out, but the stylized, overdramatic kind of art you see in anime and manga is just so fun to draw.
What are some of your hobbies you enjoy? Drawing and writing and reading, mostly. I also cosplay, and I’m an amateur vlogger.
Before joining SaM, what was a fandom you were part of and are there any fandoms you’re into outside of SaM? I’m not really big part of any fandoms beyond SaM. I was fairly active in the Homestuck fandom during the Golden Age, but beyond that I’ve mostly kept to myself. I’ve really gotten into Star Wars and Transformers this past year, though, so who knows? Maybe I’ll get more involved in those fandoms, too.
Is there anything else you’d like the fandom to know about you or anything you’d like to say to the fandom as a whole? *insert bee movie script here* But in all seriousness, sometimes all you can contribute to a fandom is bad jokes and conspiracy theories, and that’s ok. Not everybody can be a powerhouse writer, or an artist, or an cosplayer who defies all laws of physics. It’s the little things- the projects, the memes, the banter- that hold a fandom together. So keep posting jokes in the tag and the streams! I promise, you’re contributing something beautiful and unique and team-building- laughter*insert bee movie script here*
Please check out Shank’s blogs and show them some love!
http://bigenderzadkiel.tumblr.com/tagged/shank%20draws (old blog) http://umbrakinetix.tumblr.com/ (remade)
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