#this survival place in a greenhouse and one of the activities was crawling through a mineshaft. and it scarred me for life
ruvviks · 4 months
💝⚠️🌨️💙⚔️🌲⚡️ for nathan hehe <3
nathan asks!
💝 - How much effort do they put into appearances? Do they have a favorite article of clothing?
answered here!
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
answered here!
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
nathan doesn't really handle the concept of free time very well. he feels like he HAS to make himself useful at all times and once he's just sitting around it feels like he's doing something wrong. back at mobius he would end up picking up some paperwork or another work-related task he's been putting off for a while now, just to get that finished; nowadays, he would end up cleaning his apartment a little bit, or going out for a very long walk just to get himself out of the house for a while, or he would end up working on some programming for a personal project
💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat?
nathan's bedroom is surprisingly empty. he has a very small apartment to begin with, but most of the clutter can be found in the living room / kitchen space, and in his bedroom it would be limited to the old secondhand cupboards that are being held together by duct tape and stacks of books. he never really makes his bed, he needs to be able to just dive straight in at any point of the day; the curtains are always closed but also pretty thin, so they still let through a lot of light during the day. he still hasn't been able to paint the walls an appealing color so they're a kind of yellowed white and the paint is peeling a lot, leaving little bits of it on the floor all along the edges. wouldn't hurt to run a vacuum cleaner through the room every once in a while but he doesn't own one :/
⚔️ - How does this oc handle conflict?
answered here! but this can also be interpreted as combat situations so to elaborate more on that interpretation: in combat, nathan likes to either use stealth or keep his distance. he's very naturally stealthy and is a lot stronger than he looks, so he can very easily tackle an enemy to the ground and stab them when they're down. he likes using a sniper rifle and also has good aim with a regular handgun, and he likes to put a decent amount of distance between himself and his enemies as to not get crowded
🌲 - Do they have a favorite location to hang out in?
nathan just really likes staying at home in his apartment. it's a very very crappy place that desperately needs a whole list of repairs and just a deep clean in general, but it's been his home ever since he moved to krimson city at age 16 and he wouldn't have it any other way. he loves being home and the comfort it gives him :]
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
nathan's most irrational fear would be getting stuck in narrow places, not in the regular claustrophobia way but more in the "what if i get stuck in a ventilation shaft and it's very stuffy in there and i won't be able to breathe very well and nobody knows i'm stuck in there and then i die" way. he has this mostly with the idea of vents, or tunnels, underwater cave systems, mineshafts, etc etc despite the fact that he has to go into a vent maybe once during the events of tew2 and he never gets himself in another situation like that
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itarz4n · 6 years
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that’s JOHN “TARZAN” BRUCE II walking down the street, the 21 year old, who looks like booboo stewart. here in apple peak, they are a zookeeper. some say he act(s) like tarzan from tarzan, since he can be fearless, but also a little bit reserved. — !!! 
tarzan is like my top three favourite disney movies ofall time so like !! plot ideas at the bottom of the post!
parents were: alice and john bruce i.
the bruces were a wealthy family in apple peak, old money.
there was some scandal when john bruce the first didn’t continue the family business of steel manufacturing and, instead, pursued science (mainly environmental science and )
he met his wife, a documentary-maker, on safari
their big project together was being the first to film and document the unexplored rainforests of the congo, this was in 1996. and they kept it a secret from most people where they were going, so they could really conduct this by themselves and away from prying eyes.
tarzan was born 1997
they survived for one year, in a remote mountain on the congo, and could never escape for fear of being attacked by animals
they were eventually killed by sabor, the leopard, in their makeshift tree-house
the baby tarzan was found by an ape, named kala, and she became his mother
2013: tarzan was found by pygmy peoples when he was 16, but they left him alone in the jungle, only occasionally interacting with him. the next year, when american scientists (the porters !!) on expedition heard about the story, they actively tried to interact with him, and tarzan eventually began to open up, with the help of both groups.
2014: when he was 17, they then took him back to apple peak, and he became the sole benefactor of the bruce fortune -- after the company and the family manor were being taken care of by the board of directors
just this young boy alone in a huge house, where everything was smooth and clean and modern ???
but at least the house was in the middle of the forest, so he spent most of his time outdoors. there’s a huge oak tree back there, planted by great-great grandfather bruce
and also the large glass greenhouse in the backyard. that’s his favourite place.
when it was explained to him, tarzan didn’t know what to do about the company. how could he? he didn’t care for machinery or cars. so the board continues to take care of he company, on the condition that he still shows up as the bruce heir.
and lowkey … he feels that he owes that much to his dead parents. he’ll deal with all the socialising bc he believes that’s the way to honour them
he doesn’t really like … a lot of people, especially since the first three years of his life in western civilization, he was a celebrity. he felt paraded around by the company that sponsored the expedition of the porters, and then his family’s company too. part of the deal to bring him back included interviews with oprah, ellen, and all the newspapers and magazines marvelled about The Ape Boy, The Hairless Wonder, and The Real-Life Tarzan.
he hasn’t read any book or watched any movie about tarzan and refuses to
they really screamed when they found out his name actually was legitimately Tarzan.
and he’s so confused because tarzan was just the name that he ??? he just knew that name, it was the sound the apes would make to call him, and it was the name he knew from his dreams
but yeah huge paparazzi problems
he was just quiet throughout the whole thing
2018: the celebrity hysteria dies down, but he’s still remembered and recognised as Real Tarzan.
deserves its own section
he has long black hair !!
insanely muscled body
height: 1.94m/6′3″
his hands have been shaped oddly, there’s more space around his knuckles from crawling on all fours all his life. he also has huge hands as a result. will put his hands in his pockets most of the time bc people tend to stare
pls watch this video for visual rep (its from the movie ‘legend of tarzan’!!)
such a quiet boy, just wants to be left alone with the people he loves (which is a very small number now). 
wants to know as much as possible about his family and what their plan for him was
happiest when he’s in the huge backyard of his family manor, or in the zoo. 
CALL HIM JOHN. he’ll answer to tarzan bc he’s nice but he’ll be super uncomfortable. not really the type to tell you that he doesn’t like to be called tarzan but he’ll say like “hi ... my name’s john, though ......”
really doesn’t want to be a public attraction anymore
he’s working through it :((
tarzan started introducing himself as john because he was sick of being stared at
was offered a position of zookeeper in the apple peak city zoo
his main area are the ‘exotic animals’ and african animals
he takes care of them and keeps the company
has outright refused to do shows or presentations with the animals. if someone catches him playing with the apes its because he wants to and not as some timed show
his nametag is “john” but everyone would recognise him as tarzan
the company is called: SILVERSTEEL. it’s been around since like colonial times, the bruces like to say they’re direct descendants of old scottish royalty. they have global connections and everything, it’s pretty huge.
no one could find the bruces for years because it was a secret expedition, and they never told anyone where they were going except “africa”
he doesn’t know whether to consider them memories or dreams
because his life here has been so similar to his ‘true’ life, he can’t tell the difference
but his mother is different sometimes, the language is different, his interactions with his ape family is different, and his dreams seem more vibrant and colourful, while his reality was rather dirty and harsh 
like he remembers the names of his ape family as kala, terk, and tantor the elephant -- but did he actually know these names, or are they from his dreams??? whO KNOWS 
he’s been having these dreams since he was brought to the civilized world
he hates that everyone acts like they know more about him than he does. which is sort of true but also ... makes him feel so insecure 
he climbs trees still. 
probably makes ppl swoon without knowing bc like he smiles and ???? chiselled jawline ?? handsome, strong eyes ??? BICEPS ??? lean body ??? soft boy who loves animals ? wow
the company has tried to make him go on dates before (usually to like any heiresses and heirs) and he’s been nice to all of them but nothing’s rly worked out. 
one time he spent more time with the fish in the tiny fish tank at a restaurant than his date
there was also one dinner date at the zoo. which was useless bc he just straight-up left to hang with the animals
the butler of the manor/his babysitter/his driver who’s basically alfred pennyworth: “master john what are you doing up there”
john in a tree with a monkey: “hanging”
just LOTS of people recognising him as “that jungle tarzan kid that was on oprah like two years ago, oprah actually came out of retirement”. he’ll hate it but like i want that so cvhbkshje
people from old apple peak families that would know the bruces and he’d be more open with them if they knew his family well. he just wants to know more about who he’s meant to be :((
he’ll try out any sport so please all the jocks welcome him
ppl who work in the zoo or go to the zoo a lot!!
GOD GIVE ME A JANE, and the headlines were “ME TARZAN, YOU JANE” for AGES and he just hated it please. but honestly, jane is his life-line. pls he needs her.
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number06fan · 5 years
What Do Climate Change, Fruit Flies and Food Poisoning Have Common?
“It’s a cool place, and they say it gets colder.  You’re bundled up now wait ‘til you get older.  But the meteor men beg to differ, judging by the hole in the satellite picture.”  Perhaps Smash Mouth is on to something.  Don’t believe them?  Just ask Nelly, “It’s getting hot in here.  So take off all your…”  Whoa Nelly!  Hold up!  This is a family blog!
Let’s be serious here.  Whether your belief system lies on the spectrum of climate change or the cyclic nature of climate, most people cannot deny that the world we are currently living in is getting warmer.  While this affects so many aspects of our daily life, up to, well…  Life itself.  In the short term, we may see so many small changes.
One particular change is the insect population.
The Rise of the Flies
As the temperatures rise, many things are not going to be able to adapt to the change.  Insects are going to take a pretty large hit.  One recent analysis predicts that a whopping 40% of the world’s insect species could go the way of the dodo.  Extinct.
These insects include beautiful butterflies, moths, the ever-important bees (the potential hardships that result for this is a topic for a whole other blog), and even dung beetles.  But flies.  Those little flying insects may actually thrive in a warmer world.  “Under a warming scenario you’d have a larger fly population which is able to hang around for a longer period of time,” explains Amy Greer, epidemiologist and mathematical modeler at University of Guelph of Ontario.
You see, flies like the warmer weather.  That’s their jam!  They come out and are way more active when it is warm.  This increased fly activity is more than just a nuisance.  It could have major health implications, such as the spread of foodborne illness.  “With this increase in fly population and fly activity, this may lead to more transmission of Campylobacter,” says Greer’s student, Melanie Cousins, doctoral candidate at the University of Waterloo.
Campylobacter is a bacteria known to cause foodborne illness.  It too enjoys the warmer weather.  Many outside food-centric gathering related outbreaks usually involve this pathogen.  Think backyard bar-b-ques and picnics in Summertime.  This warmer weather helps Campylobacter bacteria to replicate quite efficiently.  Paired with flying insect activity, this is a recipe for disaster.  These flying bacteria carriers can cart this harmful bacteria all around, depositing it on clean and bacteria free food and surfaces, leaving a trail of Campylobacter in its wake.
Cousins estimates a modest 4 ⁰F rise is possible by the year 2080.  This 4 ⁰F hike could more than double the fly population.  Eek!
The Dirty Truth About Flies
Flies, rats, cockroaches, and other pests are a major vector for spreading bacteria in homes and restaurants.  Flies are one of the most common disease vectors.  For simplicity, we are lumping the common housefly and fruit flies into this fly category.
“Flies can spread diseases because they feed freely on human food and filthy matter alike,” says the World Health Organization (WHO).  “The fly picks up disease-causing organisms [like Campylobacter, E. coli, and Salmonella] while crawling and feeding.  Those [bacteria] that stick to the outside surfaces of the fly may survive for only a few hours, but those that are ingested with the food may survive in the fly’s crop or gut for several days.”  This means that a single fly can hop around from surface to surface depositing these harmful bacteria, littering your surfaces and foods with bad bacteria.  This is done by passive transfer of the bacteria attached to the surface of the insect, but also from the bacteria ingested by the fly because each time it lands to rest it regurgitates and excretes,
The common housefly does not discriminate.  They are known for aiding in transmission of at least 65 diseases to humans.  Things like anthrax, cholera, dysentery, leprosy, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhoid, and yaws.  I don’t really know what yaws is, but it doesn’t sound good.
Fly Management
So now we know that warming climates will likely cause a considerable increase in the fly population.  We also know that flies are a major mode of transmission of foodborne illnesses.  This correlates to an increase in temperature, which will lead to an increase in foodborne illness.  That is the case if we don’t do anything about it.  I don’t mean reduce carbon emissions or greenhouse gases.  While likely a great idea.  I’m talking about fly management.
Fly management can be broken down into four basic methods.  Sanitation, exclusion, non-chemical measures, and chemical measures.  Each method has their own pros and cons, so choose your combination of fly management wisely.  I say combination, because covering several fronts is your best bet to reducing fly-mediated foodborne illness.
Sanitation –  It takes food to draw in and allow flies to breed to large numbers.  Keeping fly food limited will help reduce the fly population.  Do not allow key materials such as garbage, grass clippings, manure, or other decaying organic matter to accumulate.  Trash cans should be clean and tightly covered.  Unfortunately, flies can eat so many different things, keeping all food sources out is just not a possibility.  When washing garbage cans, use care to clean them where the rise water will not drain into the soil, as flies can breed in soil that is full of organic matter.
Exclusion – Keep flies away by providing barriers.  In your home, use window and door screens to prevent them from entering.  These screens should be tight-fitting and free of holes.  Flies are industrious little insects.  They can find their way into your home through openings in the wall around water or gas pipes, electrical conduits, and ventilation holes.  Caulk or plug openings in the walls and use a screen on ventilation holes to exclude flies from your home.
Non-Chemical Measures – Shoo fly!  Don’t bother me!  Mechanical devices such as the simple fly swatter are great for controlling the occasional fly.  Non-chemical devices such as sticky fly traps, baited fly traps, and ultraviolet light traps are great for larger flying insect problems.  Bug zappers are great!
Chemical Control – Chemical measures, such as insecticides are a great idea for situations where completely sealing up an area is not an option.  These insecticides are generally applied by licensed pest control operators.  The downside is that they are often broken down by sunlight, which will affect the products ability to kill flies over time.  You may get a few days or maybe even a week out of it.
Take That Fly Seriously
Now that you know how serious a fly problem can be, make sure that your home and your backyard bar-b-que are “no fly zones.”
By: Heather Van Tassell, Contributing Writer (Non-Lawyer)
The post What Do Climate Change, Fruit Flies and Food Poisoning Have Common? appeared first on The Lange Law Firm.
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kuniee · 8 years
Corner Covered Door | Cat Litter Box
New Post has been published on http://www.chiamamicitta.net/corner-covered-door-cat-litter-box.html
Corner Covered Door | Cat Litter Box
Cover the open door is your garage can seem daunting. And navigation on the range sizes and styles of garage doors can seem intimidating. However, the redevelopment of this part of the house can be very easy. All you need is some expertise. You already know what you and pre-cut garage door sizes are fairly standard. Usually measured height seven feet. For a single car garages, the standard width is eight to nine feet. Garage doors for two cars are often cut to 16 feet wide. Materials vary from plywood, aluminum and stainless steel fiber glass. Some panels are made of foam insulation and sealing materials. Know Your Garage garage door can come in uniform sizes, but they also come with gears and mechanical parts are in a certain amount of space in the garage. Here are the vital statistics must have: – The height and width of the opening Door – The length of the edge of the door opening in the corner. This is called the lateral space. It takes into account the vertical tracks, it normally takes three six feet of space. Siderooms measure on the inside left and right of the door. It is also preferable to maintain these bright areas of the bay before installation. – The length of the roof to the top of the opening. This is also known as free space and the garage door opener installed normally. The space required for the range of 12 to 14 inches tall. If in case you do not have this kind of space, some manufacturers of garage doors have headrooms weak solutions. – The length extending from the front inside the garage opposite the opening the back wall. Also known as the back and to estimate the space garage door will occupy when fully open. Take all measurements in inches and feet. The thickness of the door is more of a preference. Houses located in areas affected by cold weather and high winds to enjoy a increased isolation, and the test of time and the wind is thick. If your garage door is the standard size, make sure your model is chosen includes installation and / or replacement. single panel doors can be installed easily subcontractors, but more sophisticated systems installer Training professionals. Knowing when to Customize Obtaining custom work can be more expensive, but it is the most common choice when the size of the garage opening does not match the standard size pre-cut. In most cases, the garage opening is too wide or too high. Dimension Door Specialized will also require the corresponding door opening and other mechanical parts. The first step in placing a garage door is to get the right size. Know how much space is available to the door and garage door openers. After the perfect fit ensure that the door opens and closes properly. About the Author Henry Baldwin is a garage door expert and a contributing author for Garage Door Superstore. For more tips and information about electric garage door, check out garage doors. Corner Covered DoorBatman Arkham Asylum GARDES IN BOTANICAL STAINED IN HOW NOT TO GET THERE?WHEN U Enter the door and JOKER TALK.THEN PRISONER SAYS USE YOUR CORNER COVER and hopes before U GO N HIDE IN THE MIDDLE TO GET TO THE GRILL ON THE LEFT SIDE., EACH TIME BEFORE I DO SOMETHING THE JOKER SAYS THE PRISONER OF DROP cages bird … HOW TO GET YOUR JUST BECAUSE YOU DO NOT GIVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO ANYTHING .. IST BATMAN IS AN ENIGMA OR CERTAIN GADGET should use … PLEASE HELP THANKS T THAT AGAIN .. The way of Poison Ivy’s Pass through the tunnel, with the attack to overcome the various obstacles in their path. A Once you’ve reached the eastern court to overcome the botanical gardens and go through the front door without electrical barriers or closed doors here. Once inside, the head the aisle and removal of two prisoners who seek to cause problems for you. One of the inmates are armed with an assault rifle to neutralize it before stopping at his companion. Activate detective mode to find the path that can go on and below the room where an electrified barrier blocks the door need to overcome, to equip the sequencer cryptographic in order to take the barrier down and move to the next room. The next room is guarded by six inmates armed to the teeth to be as stealthy as possible is of utmost importance for survival. Easy to take out the guard near the gate to enter the chamber without alerting his fellow henchmen and hurry to fight to the gargoyles high above the ground. On the other prisoners when they realize that one of them is that is hidden from view safely. As display looking for the waiting room of each group separately, so you can quietly out of the game. A diversionary tactic to use here is to wait for one of prisoners to walk underneath his perch gargoyle and the use of inverted stripping maneuver to incapacitate. Quickly deal more of a gargoyle and wait adjacent to one of his colleagues to investigate the internal reverse and throw a Batarang at the rope holding him to let him and called his cell mate. After all Inmates are taken out of action, towards the door on the second floor leading to the next runner. Go down the hall in the greenhouse generator room to find a group thugs harass an employee tied Arkham. None of them are equipped with firearms to run right into the fray and show what these years of training inmates get focused fighter. Search henchmen to make changes to one with metal pipes and knives go to you to change the tide of battle in the fight against these attacks. Once the room is cleaned free to the employee who was being held hostage that gives an idea of ​​what to do next. Use the crypto stream set to disable the control panel in the room, but the Joker is trap it with toxic gases, not to disable the three separate instances of cryptographic code in free time Joker’s deadly mix. Align the three codes of power panel and then leave the room and head back to the room with the source that slipped through before. From there, enter the door leading further into the botanical gardens to reach quarter partly flooded, where the Joker obstructs the way most evident in the next aisle. After leaving the Joker across the water to reach the ledge he was standing on. Place the grate on the left side of the debris is blocking the door and break. Crawl through the ventilation shaft and the use of explosive gel to break the weakened wall on the other side to watch the left cavernous chamber. Upon entering the abandoned camera throwing a Batarang on the cable of the suspension of the metal platform on top to down so you can use a little later. Surfaces in this room are too damaged to deal with in order once again, to reach the other side is going to be a matter of jumping and climbing. From the entrance of the room, go to the right of the platform at the outcrop jump and through its location. Since the head of the platform by the stairs to the metal platform and then climb the stairs on the other side of it. Continue around the room and jump to the nearby ledge to reach the gateway to the next area. Go up the different shelves in the narrow alley and get into the vent at the top to go out and find two thugs harassing another employee Joker in Arkham. Quickly remove and talk to the worker released to obtain new information about what is going on in the botanical gardens. Please be advised that some followers are holding two guards hostage aviary close to activate the detective to take the path that has been tracking right at the space you need to go. Rescue of saving ordinances of the stretcher-bearers the clutches of the Joker’s henchmen is not as simple as some of the challenges of the past that has been faced against, this time has to pass through the room without being detected not only but never to hit anyone. Being elusive is the key here. From the entrance of the room, sneak into the grid in the hole on the left side wall, break and crawl into the vent you just covered. Grapple to the ledge on the other side of the shaft, up the stairs and crawl through another vent to reach the main aviary once again. Back in the aviary, slip t Cat Litter Box
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