#anyway hi hello i am very normal about this man i swear and also promise
ruvviks · 4 months
💝⚠️🌨️💙⚔️🌲⚡️ for nathan hehe <3
nathan asks!
💝 - How much effort do they put into appearances? Do they have a favorite article of clothing?
answered here!
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
answered here!
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
nathan doesn't really handle the concept of free time very well. he feels like he HAS to make himself useful at all times and once he's just sitting around it feels like he's doing something wrong. back at mobius he would end up picking up some paperwork or another work-related task he's been putting off for a while now, just to get that finished; nowadays, he would end up cleaning his apartment a little bit, or going out for a very long walk just to get himself out of the house for a while, or he would end up working on some programming for a personal project
💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat?
nathan's bedroom is surprisingly empty. he has a very small apartment to begin with, but most of the clutter can be found in the living room / kitchen space, and in his bedroom it would be limited to the old secondhand cupboards that are being held together by duct tape and stacks of books. he never really makes his bed, he needs to be able to just dive straight in at any point of the day; the curtains are always closed but also pretty thin, so they still let through a lot of light during the day. he still hasn't been able to paint the walls an appealing color so they're a kind of yellowed white and the paint is peeling a lot, leaving little bits of it on the floor all along the edges. wouldn't hurt to run a vacuum cleaner through the room every once in a while but he doesn't own one :/
⚔️ - How does this oc handle conflict?
answered here! but this can also be interpreted as combat situations so to elaborate more on that interpretation: in combat, nathan likes to either use stealth or keep his distance. he's very naturally stealthy and is a lot stronger than he looks, so he can very easily tackle an enemy to the ground and stab them when they're down. he likes using a sniper rifle and also has good aim with a regular handgun, and he likes to put a decent amount of distance between himself and his enemies as to not get crowded
🌲 - Do they have a favorite location to hang out in?
nathan just really likes staying at home in his apartment. it's a very very crappy place that desperately needs a whole list of repairs and just a deep clean in general, but it's been his home ever since he moved to krimson city at age 16 and he wouldn't have it any other way. he loves being home and the comfort it gives him :]
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
nathan's most irrational fear would be getting stuck in narrow places, not in the regular claustrophobia way but more in the "what if i get stuck in a ventilation shaft and it's very stuffy in there and i won't be able to breathe very well and nobody knows i'm stuck in there and then i die" way. he has this mostly with the idea of vents, or tunnels, underwater cave systems, mineshafts, etc etc despite the fact that he has to go into a vent maybe once during the events of tew2 and he never gets himself in another situation like that
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innytoes · 2 years
hello dear i am once again thinking about your caleb/ray/reggie abo au it is bonking around my brain can you please enlighten me with a little bit of their universe ty x
My friend the ABO AU is also always bonking around in my brain so... welcome to my sandbox here is my latest obsession.
Okay so... you know how the Hollywood Ghost Club would probably be BANGING in October? Like it's their best month. Their whole gimmick is Spoopy (yes we're going with 'everyone who works there pretends to be a ghost for the #Aesthetics, that's the theme, because Caleb is just Like That’). So October is like their biggest month, two shows a day instead of just one (except for October 31st because Caleb decided 'one really big show and a bitching after party I can skip out on because Reggie's so excited to hand out candy with us and I am Not Disappointing My Omega).
Anyway, after spoopy season Caleb probably gives the whole club two weeks paid leave because they work most holidays and fuck it, he's rich and he can do what he wants.
And to make up for not being home a lot, of course he promises Ray and Reggie a romantic getaway. Ray insists Reggie pick the location. Caleb lets him know that he can pick anything he wants, because Ray doesn't care as long as there's pretty scenery to photograph, and Caleb will do the booking so the accommodations are up to his standards.
Anyway, Reggie picks a nice cabin the the woods over some tropical location because they live in LA, he wants to experience A Season. Caleb arranges everything, Julie and Luke come to house/pet sit and swear on their respective instruments to call if the animals need anything and promise to send updates every day.
When they arrive at the cabin Reggie is super excited like: oh is this the lodge where we check in and get our keys? And Caleb is like: no pet, this is our cabin.
(Ray in the background sighing until Caleb tells him there’s a hot tub.)
The cabin is big, with a gorgeous fire place and a chefs kitchen and like 8 rooms each with their own on-suite and a sauna. It turns out its built on top of a cliff so the back deck overlooks like, the trees and Reggie is so stoked and it’s all very romantic and the fridge is fully stocked and it even has all his favourite snacks plus some cool local ones and he is just... feeling so fancy.
So they enjoy some romantic days and go on walks and makes s’mores in the fancy fireplace and maybe defile the hot tub just a little. (Yes Ray, Caleb will pay extra for cleaning it he already has cash ready for the tips.)
And then one morning Reggie and Ray wake up and Caleb is gone, but the smell of coffee lures them out of bed and when they have coffee they go out on the front deck and... enjoy the view.
Because the view is Caleb. In a red flannel. Chopping wood.
Just picture Ray and Reggie leaning on the railing of the front deck, sipping coffee and ogling Their Man.
They maybe skip breakfast and drag him back to bed and have a very late brunch instead.
And everything is great. Ray tells them the next morning he wants to take some sunrise pictures on a nearby mountain and is not the least bit offended when Caleb and Reggie are both like: getting up at 4.30 am to hike up a mountain in the dark, I think I will pass, love you though. (Reggie does pack him a breakfast and lunch box because He Cares and he is Concerned.)
The next morning they wake up at a NORMAL hour. And Caleb sits up and kind of... groans an unsexy groan. And again, Reggie is Concerned because help, what if there’s something wrong with Caleb, he cannot drive them to a hospital. And Caleb is all: no, kitten, it’s nothing.
And after some prodding confesses that ‘maybe I overdid it with the chopping wood yesterday’. Because he was 1000% soaking up the attention and the Lustful Gazes and not thinking about how freaking sore he was going to be the next day. Besides, they needed more firewood because Reggie loved the fireplace so damn much they used it every day.
And Reggie only laughs at him a little before suggesting they try out the infrared sauna because heat is good for muscles. And maybe he also offers to give Caleb a back rub. (And maybe the sauna, even though it is an infra red one, gets a liiittle steamy. And so does the shower after.)
But it is very much worth it to Caleb. Especially when after their shower, Reggie steals the red flannel he was wearing the day before and wears it around the cabin the rest of the day.
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staygoldwriting · 2 years
Hello there, hope you are feeling good today 💜
So, I did some thinking (surprising) and I decided that Steve is not book smart but people smart. Like, I am sure he is not even aware of how good he is at reading people (Vicky example) or sometimes he just doesn't have enough knowledge on things to read them properly (robin example) but I think that's why he is such a great Babysitter™ - teens are hard to get along with and he does that really well. Anyway I would like to request a fic with Steve where the reader listens to him talking about someone and how he thinks they feel or something like that and she calls him smart and Steve is just, shocked to say the least. Hope it's not too much have a great day or night! (Don't know your time)
Hi!! I am feeling well today, but very tired! I played in the rain for the first time in a while 💕 I hope you're well too, and that this fic makes you happy! As always, I had a blast writing it 🤗 Please show love and support, friends!! ❤️✨
Word count: ~1.5k
Warnings: fluff, meeting the parents trope, romantic Steve x reader
For @maltinonka 😘
🤔 Real Genius
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“Okay, so remember that my dad likes football but hates baseball. If my mom offers seconds, always say yes, but take small portions because she’ll keep offering throughout the night, and she thinks it’s rude if you take too much. And also, my brother may or may not be nice, he’s sort of picky like that, and he’s heard a lot about you from the kids at Hawkins High, so just-”
“Y/N,” Steve said, turning to you and holding your hands. “I promise you that everything is going to be just fine. Don’t forget that I am a multi-talented and charismatic being,” he boasted, making you groan.
“Steve, seriously!”
“I understand, baby, and I’ll take this seriously, I swear. But I don’t want you all nervous and stuff,” he said, wiggling your arms around, making you giggle. He kissed your forehead gently, then walked up to your parents’ front door. When Steve knocked, your younger brother, Patrick, opened the door.
“So, meet the parents night,” he said dryly, looking Steve up and down. 
“Hey, man, I’m Steve,” he said, nodding to your brother.
“Patrick. Come in. Don’t forget to take your shoes off.”
“Hello, brother,” you teased, giving him a small hug, which he returned. 
“Y/N, hi, sweetie!” your mom said as she walked into the living room. “And you must be Steve, hello!” she exclaimed, pulling Steve into a hug. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. L/N, you have a lovely home” he smiled, then winked at you. 
“Oh, you are too kind! Y/N, your father is out on the deck finishing up the grilling,” your mom said sweetly, gesturing to the door. You two walked out to see your dad singing loudly to his music as he flipped burgers.
“Hi, Dad,” you said, startling him.
“Oh! Hey there, pumpkin,” he smiled, then looked at Steve. “And who is this strapping young man?”
“I’m Steve Harrington, sir, your daughter’s boyfriend,” he said, offering his hand to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Harrington,” your dad grinned. “Do you grill?”
“I do every once in a while,” Steve smiled. 
“Good for you! I can’t convince ol’ Patrick to learn. He prefers to listen to music and draw. Not like my tunes though! He listens to that new heavy stuff.”
“I have a friend who listens to that music, he’s a good guy,” Steve encouraged. 
“It’s always given me the heebie jeebies,” your dad shuddered, making Steve chuckle. 
As you all settled on the deck to eat, you all had normal conversation. Steve was right-- everything was flowing pretty smoothly, and your anxiety soon melted away. You did, however, feel bad for Patrick; every single one of your dad’s comments might as well have been “I wish Steve were my son instead of Patrick!” Everything about Steve was what your dad envisioned as the “perfect guy.” Little did your dad know, Patrick was sinking.
“So, Patrick, your dad says you like metal music?” Steve asked suddenly, making Patrick look up in surprise.
“Uh, yeah? I’m guessing you don’t,” Patrick muttered.
“I don’t usually, but my friend Eddie does, and he plays some stuff for me. Like, actually though. He’s in a band. And he’s pretty good, I like the songs his band plays.”
“What do they play?” Patrick asked, his voice and posture perking up.
“Well, Eddie’s favorite is Black Sabbath, but they also play Scorpions, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Mötley Crüe, stuff like that.” 
“I like Iron Maiden,” Patrick said.
“I haven’t heard much of their stuff, but I guess my favorite would be ‘Run to the Hills’. What about you?”
“It’s um, ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’.”
“Woah, that’s a commitment! I’m sorry, but I had to cut Eddie off on that one,” Steve chuckled. “Have you ever drawn scenes from it?”
“Yeah, actually, I have,” Patrick smiled.
“I didn’t know that, honey,” your mom said quietly but happily.
“I’ve seen them,” you commented. “They’re really good. I’m sure Steve would love to see them, Patrick.”
“Would you?” Patrick asked excitedly.
“You bet I would!” Steve grinned. “I suck at drawing, so it’s nice to see some decent talent once in a while.”
“Hey, I draw you pictures all the time!” you argued, play-hitting Steve’s arm.
“I rest my case,” Steve smirked at Patrick, who was looking as giddy as ever. 
After dinner, Patrick showed Steve all his drawings, and Steve commented on every single one, asking questions and showing lots of interest. Some of the drawings were paired with songs, so you and Steve sat on Patrick’s bed as he played them, giving you both a slideshow with his drawings. Neither of the boy’s smiles faded, and by the end of the evening, Patrick had gained a new, not to mention incredibly unlikely, friend.
“Thank you for everything, Mr. and Mrs. L/N. The food was delicious and the company was wonderful. It’s been a pleasure meeting you both. You too, Patrick,” he said, mussing up Patrick’s hair. 
“It was our pleasure, Steve, you are welcome back anytime,” your mom said, giving you both hugs. “I’m very happy Y/N has chosen you to be her boyfriend.”
“I guess same here,” Patrick smirked. “But only if you take me to a Corroded Coffin gig!”
“It’s 18 and over kiddo, so you’ll have to wait for next month’s show,” you said.
“Dude, it’s gonna be your 18th birthday next month?” Steve exclaimed. “Oh, that’s our plan, you, me, Y/N, we’ll go to Eddie’s gig and then we’ll have pizza and cake after, it’ll be a blast! You’ll love Eddie, right, Y/N?”
“Oh yeah, absolutely,” you smiled. “Whatya think, Patrick?”
“Are you guys serious? That sounds like the best birthday ever!” Patrick said, giving you a tight hug. He hesitated as he looked at Steve.
“Bring it in,” Steve smirked as he patted Patrick’s back.
“Well, we’re off. I love you guys,” you said, and walked out with Steve.
“I can’t believe you,” you said, kissing Steve as you got in the car.
“I told you, I’m a genius with parents.”
“No, with Patrick! I couldn’t believe how well you two connected.”
“He’s a cool kid,” Steve smiled. “And I could tell by the way he acted at first that he thought I was still some no-good varsity guy, so I had to prove him wrong. And I could tell that he and your dad aren’t the best of friends, but it’s only because, if I may say so, your dad hasn’t taken the time to get to know him. Your dad doesn’t realize that being a guy involves stuff he doesn’t do, which I totally get, when I have kids, I’d love to have a mini me, but if they’re different like Patrick, they should know it's alright. Patrick is a great kid, and I don’t feel like he’s told that often. I mean, did you see how he lit up when I mentioned metal music? He’s not standoffish, he’s just a kid who’s dying to share his interests, but he doesn’t know enough people who are interested in them!”
“You, Steve Harrington, are so, so smart,” you said, kissing his cheek tenderly.
“What?” he chuckled. “I’m not smart at all. You’re the smart one, Miss College.”
“Steve, you met my brother for the first time today, and within two hours, you’ve got him hugging you and sharing his hobbies and passions with you. He shared more with you today than he’s shared with me in his life.”
“Well, sure, he’s an easy guy to read,” Steve shrugged.
“No, he’s not. Baby, you’re incredibly emotionally intelligent. I can’t remember the last time you didn’t understand how I felt or I had to tell you what I needed. You are amazing at reading people!”
“Well, gosh, thanks!” Steve smiled. “I’m really flattered, thank you for saying that,” he said, kissing your hand. 
“Of course, and I’m sorry I haven’t said it before,” you replied. “You’re the best.”
Steve tapped the wheel a bit and smiled to himself. At a stoplight, he turned to you suddenly with an incredulous smile. 
“You really think I’m smart?”
Steve smiled to himself and continued driving. He laughed to himself a couple times, clearly feeling very giddy. 
“You know, you should tell Keith you think I’m smart. I always tell him I deserve a promotion because I can just look at someone and know what movie they’d like. If he heard it from you, he’d believe you.”
“Next time I’m there, I’ll definitely tell him, but don’t waste all your time on dinguses like him,” you smirked.
“Yeah, I’m too smart for him,” Steve said triumphantly. “But you should also tell Henderson. Knock him down a level, let him know he’s not always the smarter one.”
“I will be sure to tell him,” you smiled, then leaned over to kiss Steve’s cheek. “I love you, my genius.”
“I love you too.”
Taglist: @alphashadows @tillkummer @mlle-ayka @fanficfanatic204 @gttrgrrl @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85 @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester @efvyqrs @simonsbluee @inkedaztec @dumplinshee @pastel-abyss-x @frozenhuntress67 @hawkins-hs @simpingoverfictionalppl @witheringawayagain @theshinyrock @hollandcomics @pinkgothiccprincess @persephone13 @katsukis1wife @murnsondock @fictionlandslanddreams @elizabeth-or-lily @tooobsessedsstuff @srapalestina @hawkinshottie86 @munsongalblogs @madformunsonsstuff @harrys-tittie @middle--fingering @urmomgov @maybankstarkey
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 316: We've Had One, Yes, But What About Second Explosion
Previously on BnHA: Deku was all “[powers up like whoa because it’s time to end the fight]”, and he saved Overhaul from getting not-shot, and then smashed up Nagant’s arm with the power of his new rechargeable super knees. Nagant was all “yoooo this kid is crazy strong whaaaat, it’s like he’s some kind of protagonist or something.” Deku was all “I AM A PROTAGONIST, ACTUALLY, DO YOU WANT TO JOIN FORCES AND FIGHT BAD GUYS WITH ME?” Nagant was all “ah shit why the hell no -- ” and then AFO was all “SURPRISE” and everyone was all “?!?!?!” and AFO was all “TIME TO EXPLODE NOW” and made Nagant explode because he’s an absolute fucking dick. And then Hawks showed up, because Horikoshi just wanted to stuff as many plot points as humanly possible into a single chapter I guess.
Today on BnHA: Hawks is all “good job giving motivational shounen redemption speeches Deku but I’ll take it from here” and screams very earnestly right in Nagant’s face until she finally wakes up. Nagant is all “oh hey it’s my successor, you seem surprisingly unfucked-up from your own HPSC tenure, how did you manage that?” Hawks is all “fandom is going to love hearing this one, but basically it’s because I’m very upbeat and also I had the world’s best role model Endeavor to look up to,” and I swear this man stirs the pot on purpose, but damn it I still love him so damn much. Overhaul is all “HELLO AGAIN, JUST A REMINDER THAT, THE BOSS!!” and Deku is all “MAYBE TAKE TWO SECONDS TO REFLECT ON HOW YOU TORTURED A LITTLE GIRL,” which, thank you, lol. Nagant is all “btw AFO’s hiding in a house in the woods”, and so Deku and the gang go to the house in the woods. Video recording!AFO is all “hi I’m AFO welcome to Jackass” and blows up the house. Sometimes I wonder if this manga is just a weird dream.
I am once again reading the Bean version because I think it was actually the best out of all three translations last week. and that is surprisingly including Viz’s. “faux” is not nearly as entertaining as “knockoff”, and also I have literally no idea why Caleb thought Deku was saying the Third’s lines lol
oh hey, Endeavor’s here too! not that you’d ever be able to tell from this first panel lmao
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glad you received All Might’s call, mysterious unidentified glowing smudge
oh snap he says he’s weaker in the rain. is that why AFO told Nagant to attack then?? except that as we discussed the other day, I believe that AFO fully intended for Nagant to lose the fight, so him giving her info that would give her an advantage doesn’t really fit in with that. maybe he wanted Deku to be separated from Endeavor and the rest for maximum angst, though
btw Deku’s eyes are unsurprisingly back to the new normal here
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alas, the angst continues. I say, pretending like I’m not totally eating it up each and every week and writing essay after essay about it lol
anyway so apparently Hawks can’t actually fly lmao. he was just yeeting himself with style
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for some reason this is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen omfg. wave to Hawks, kids! say “bye, Hawks!”
j/k of course Deku is catching them. -- except???
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wow so he was just running on fumes there at the end. well, good to know there is actually a limit to his shenanigans, particularly regarding this new “knockoff” 100% OFA. it will definitely not alleviate any of the discourse, but it’s good for my own peace of mind because it’s solid confirmation that he still needs his pals in order to win this thing
anyway, but on to the rest of this conversation, which is basically Deku deducing what we all deduced last week -- AFO implanted some sort of trap into Nagant when he gave her Air Walk. though I’d still like to get the actual details from AFO and/or Horikoshi, because this was particularly wild even by quirk standards lol
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she still has a face after all!! so it’s confirmed, Horikoshi has no idea what “blowing up” actually means. we might have guessed, based on what happened to Toga in the MVA arc, and also based on everything Katsuki does ever, but shhh
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this is actually kind of touching though because even though we all know (or most of us acknowledge at any rate) that Hawks is a pretty caring person, it’s rare to see him actually panic over someone’s welfare like this
oh shit Horikoshi is really doubling down on it
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I wonder how much Hawks knew about what really happened between Nagant and the HPSC. regardless, he probably sees her as a kindred spirit of sorts, and I’m more than happy for Deku to pass the redemption torch onto him now that he’s on the scene. like no offense Deku but they actually know each other and stuff lol
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apparently being freed from his HPSC shackles has finally given Hawks the space to embrace his own inner shounen protagonist. is there anything more shounen than trying to motivationally scream someone awake when they’re lying in your arms inches from death?? 100% guaranteed to work
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SO SHE IS ALIVE. THANK GOD. Horikoshi doesn’t want to meet with my emotional distress lawyer today after all
love how she’s all “just gonna stir up the weekly Hawks Discourse pot here by implying that he probably committed a lot of Atrocities just like I did, so now people can get all hopped up about that, even though there’s no evidence he’s ever killed anyone aside from that one horrible ‘damned-if-you-do...’ situation with Twice.” no one asked for your provocative speculation young lady!! trust me Nagant, our rabbles don’t need the rousing lol
but nice save there with the “so how are your eyes so untainted” well you see it’s because even when he was following the HPSC’s orders he always went to great lengths never to go against his own moral compass. which just to be clear was incredibly difficult, and led to a ton of pain and suffering on his part, because the life of a spy is basically just one impossible situation after another. but in spite of that he never stopped trying to do his best to help people. I don’t really know where this tangent came from or is leading to, lol, but anyway p.s.a. I love Hawks a lot and he’s a good kid dammit
oh shit??!?
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how is the League always able to swing all these fancy forest mansions. where do they find them. how many do they have
so Deku’s dropping them -- very roughly, not sure if he was reacting to finally getting AFO’s location, or if his energy really is giving out -- and now Nagant’s saying that AFO hired other villains as well. well of course he did. gotta keep chipping away at OFA’s ninth successor little by little
now Nagant is asking Hawks how he’s able to keep making “that” face. I assume she’s again talking about the fact that he somehow didn’t let the HPSC wear down his spirit
oh my god???
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thanks for stuffing this chapter to the brim with good nutritional Hawks Feels, Horikoshi. what a good. he just keeps on trudging forward undeterred no matter what bullshit comes his way. what a steadfast little guy. I WILL PROTECT YOU FROM DISCOURSE MY SWEET SUNSHINE
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anyway so you don’t really need me to tell you that Overhaul is immediately starting in with the “BUT THE BOSS WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE ME TO THE BOSS YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD TAKE ME TO THE BOSS” stuff again. but I will go ahead and tell you anyway. so yeah. he’s doing that
OMG YOU GUYS LOOK AT DEKU’S “of all the fucking assholes to just randomly drop in on my life once again why did it have to be you” FACE THOUGH, OMG
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fun fact, if you go back to chapters 124 through 160, there was an entire story arc where Overhaul imprisoned and tortured a little girl. yeah, I know!! suuuuuuuuper evil. anyways just an interesting little anecdote for you all that’s somewhat relevant to the current situation
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(ETA: so apparently there’s some discourse about this because some people are interpreting this as Deku saying “you should apologize to Eri”, which would obviously be a terrible idea even if Overhaul actually wanted to do that, because Eri shouldn’t ever have to see him again. however I just want to point out that there is a HUGE difference between saying “it would be nice if you could direct that feeling of regret/being sorry towards Eri as well”, vs saying “you should also apologize to her.” all Deku is doing is rightfully pointing out that Overhaul has hurt way more people than just his boss, and if he really is remorseful, then he should extend those feelings of remorse to Eri and the rest as well. it’s not a directive to take any specific action, and I’m 1000% sure no one at U.A. would let Overhaul within 100 miles of Eri ever again.
tl;dr “try feeling remorse sometime” =/= “do you want me to fly you over to U.A. right now to surprise the little girl you traumatized”, lol.)
[slings an arm around Deku’s shoulders] you’re a good kid. I like you. I don’t know if I tell you that enough, but it’s true
meanwhile here is Overhaul’s “spare... a thought... for Eri...???????” face sigh
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the struggle is real y’all
(ETA: and that’s... the last we ever saw of Overhaul, I guess? well all right then. I assume Deku will make good on his promise, so we know he’ll get that little bit of closure before going back to jail or whatever, and I confess I’m more than fine with leaving the rest of it open-ended, especially given his character’s history. I think this was pretty generous all things considered.)
lmao holy shit
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All Might what did you do to those tiki torch guys?? did you thrash them. did you give ‘em those hands. did you deliver their own asses to them complete with a sticker reminding them Amazon Prime Day is on June 21. we missed out goddammit
so Endeavor, who wasn’t the one he was asking, is telling him that they captured (well let’s be real, Deku captured, give the credit where it’s due) Nagant and Overhaul. and so I guess they’re going to take Nagant to the ER now
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fire is no one’s weakness
-- oh my GOD I scrolled down and audibly gasped
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[is politely but firmly approached and asked to remove my arm from Deku’s shoulder by the physical manifestation of all this Dekuangst] “we’re sorry, he’s not allowed to have visitors right now” oh shit, my bad. [goes to stand behind a police barricade]
lmao what. did you run out of room on the previous page
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what an exaggerated fade to black lmao
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I actually can’t see what he’s reacting to so maybe I’m just seriously jumping the gun here lol, but THE HELL WITH IT. the next panel appears to be a cut to Haibori Forest, so I’m just gonna go ahead and declare that Deku ran off on his own all wounded to go have more Dekuangst, just like I manifested. now go call Katsuki goddammit
[scrolls three more inches down] oh
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yeah so like I said, Deku is walking very slowly a few feet in front of Endeavor, who’s telling him to wait up. yep. we’ve all gotta be so careful to not just jump to conclusions. I know we’re excited but still
anyway, so! welcome back to Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods (ARE YOU GUYS DATING) and Edgeshot! have fun walking into this obvious trap lol
dammit Deku why are you so determined to tempt fate
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[monkey puppet meme faces]
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that’s such a weird way of clapping who claps like that
unlike certain other people who shan’t be named, AFO doesn’t feel the need to inexplicably take his shirt off when recording sinister villain monologues. I think we’re all pretty grateful for that
high fives to everyone who called it!! yep yep
anyway so this whole scene has major booby-trap vibes, which I’m enjoying immensely even though I don’t think anything is really going to come of it lol. probably just another long-winded AFO Speech. but wouldn’t it be funny if like the ceiling started lowering down to try and squish Deku afterwards lol
(ETA: well the explosion was still pretty funny too ngl.)
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[“Dekuangst is the trap” intensifies]
anyway so yeah. he’s just hitting up all of his usual villain talking points. we get it, you’re so smart and you see right through the thin veneers of society and people who don’t conform are left to fend for themselves and labeled as villains and history is written by the victors, and blah blah blah dude are you just jumping randomly from one soundbyte to another lol. literally what are you talking about. what does this have to do with you blowing up Nagant
-- holy shit??
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[”Dekuangst is the trap” intensifies MORE?????]
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r.i.p. to this particular forest mansion. don’t worry they have a ton of backups
remember last week when I said maybe AFO thinks explosions are gauche. well never mind. he fucking loves explosions
anyway so that’s the end of BnHA, everyone. hope you enjoyed. it was a good ride while it lasted. see you all, good luck in your travels
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wri0thesley · 4 years
*bursts through the door* Hello Nat, I am here to request some chubby/fat reader smut with Diavolo. Perhaps a more possessive and less reclusive Diavolo who spots reader and has to have them?? Headcanons or a scenario are fine, of course. Thanks!
[opening hours] - diavolo x chubby!reader (4k)
The rules for one special customer at your bakery get you into a situation that you’re not all that mad about, actually.
[NSFW, minors do not interact. Diavolo x Reader. AFAB reader, explicitly fat/chubby. No pronouns used, but Diavolo refers to reader with feminine pet names. Possessive/jealous sex. Power imbalance (he IS the Don of Passione). Brief references to reader’s lack of self-confidence/body-shaming in their past.]
The trouble had started with the bakery's unnofficial opening hours.
You had been told when you started working here that you opened ten minutes earlier than you were supposed to, but only for one specific customer. When you had expressed frustration at not knowing who this customer was and how to identify them, the owner and her son had looked at one another and then back at you.
"You'll know if you meet him," she'd said, eventually - and that was all.
Oh, you're paid for those extra ten minutes, of course - you're paid very well, honestly, for a job that you like working and that pays in all of the leftover sweet treats you'd like at the end of the day. The owner - Francesca - is polite and careful and clucks about you like a mother hen, which is nice considering how far away you feel from home. But after six months of working at the bakery and not coming across this mysterious customer once, you resign yourself to the fate that you're never going to see him.
Things, though, can change in an instant. Tiny little occurrences that feel like nothing at the time can shape your life more than you ever realise. For you, that occurrence had been the morning that the pink-haired man in a crisply pressed suit had walked into the bakery at seven fifty two in the moring and stood by the counter.
At first, he had not spoken. He had simply looked at you, bright green stare coloured with something that made your skin feel hot and prickly. He had rested his fingertips on the counter, tapping black lacquered nails against the glass.
You are used to being looked at. You have been looked at your whole life; generally not favourably. Hell, you have even been looked at behind the counter before, as people snickered behind their hands to their companions that 'no wonder this place sells out of the good stuff so fast, with someone like that working here--'. Your cheeks heat up under the man's intense stare, wondering if he's about to say something to you--
And then, he does say something.
"You're new."
His voice is low and smooth, like fine wine being poured in the dark, and against your will your heart begins to beat a little quicker. You nod. His painted lips curve in a smile that's all danger and elegance.
(It's normal, you tell yourself, to be very aware when someone near you is handsome. It's normal to have your breath taken away, to find yourself shaking a little, to feel warm and strange - and it's even more normal, you think, when you consider that something about this man makes him special.)
"You won't know my usual, then." He says, and you shake your head wordlessly, offering him an apologetic look that seems to amuse him just as much as your newness.
He directs you (cappuccino, cornetto) to his regular, his eyes not leaving you for a moment. It's strange, to be so watched - most customers can't wait to get out of the bakery with their gains tucked neatly under their arms. Very few of them look at you beyond a cursory bark of their order and a nod as they leave. This man, though . . . his eyes do not leave you for a moment.
You bag up the cornetto in one of the pale paper bags and are about to punch the numbers into your cash register, when the man leans over the counter and grabs ahold of your wrist, his grip strong and firm.
Your breath catches at the power with which he restrains you. His suit sleeve rolls up to reveal an intricate tattoo of black inked designs that starts at his wrist and (from what you can see) continues further and further up.
"That won't be necessary, carina." He says, his voice smooth. Your own voice wobbles a little as you reply;
He raises his eyebrows, clearly amused by whatever it is you're doing. You don't think it's that amusing that you're attempting to get him to pay for what he's bought, but alright then.
"You're cute," he tells you, without flinching. Those lips remain turned up at the corners in a smirk that makes you feel as though you don't know what the hell you're doing. The compliment wraps around you, heated and nervous - men, in your experience, do not often say such things to people who look like you - and certainly not so quickly after meeting you. "Ask Francesca why I don't pay, if you must. Have a good day - I'll see you tomorrow."
You don't realise you've been holding your breath until the door has closed behind him.
You also don't realise how much the promise of seeing him again sounds like a threat.
You find out, incidentally, why he doesn't pay - and the information makes your cheeks flame at how brazen you must have seemed, trying to insist he was going to pay. You tell Francesca exactly what happened and her face creases in concern. At first, you think she's going to tell you off - you wouldn't blame her for firing you, after finding out that you disrespected the Don of Passione like that.
It turns out what she's worried about is the staffing. You are not scheduled to do a morning shift tomorrow. She expresses fear, too, that he spoke to you and smiled at you and stared at you so intently.
"Normally he doesn't look at any of us," she frets. "That's not the kind of man you want the attention of, you know?"
You laugh off her concerns.
"It's probably nothing like that anyway," you tell her. "He was just amused I didn't realise who he was, I guess."
Her worried face does not ease.
(He's not pleased to not see you behind the counter the next morning, Francesca relates to you. He asks after you. He asks your name. He asks when you're next working. And though you know that it's dangerous territory, you cannot help but be flattered).
Diavolo - that's his name, one he gives you over a shared cornetto the fifth time he comes in for his regular order, and it's a name you're told not to repeat to anyone with a gaze so intense that you feel like a butterfly pinned to glass. 
Diavolo looks at you hungrily, like he wants to devour you whole. As if you are an item on the menu that he can purchase at his leisure, and he is merely waiting for the right moment.
You're light-headed and flattered and warm around him, a pulsating edge of danger beating below the surface that you ignore for the sake of enjoying someone being interested in you. Sometimes, the fear grips you as it has so many times before that he's flirting with you as a joke, or you're reading too much into things - and then, he leans across the counter to wipe cream from the corner of your mouth with a thumb or leans in so close to you that you can see the slightest sprinkling of freckles across his cheeks and your breath catches and all of your thoughts go entirely out of the window.
He drops compliments easily to you. He mentions the colour of your eyes, the fullness of your mouth, the way your hair falls - once, he mentions how you fill out the button-up shirt you're wearing with the top three buttons undone with approval clear in his voice and gaze and you go all over hot and nervous and unsure, something that seems to amuse and please him no end.
(It’s hot, in Naples. You were not intending to gather his interest. Still, the next morning you have four buttons undone.)
You think that it's harmess flirting. After all - Diavolo is the Don of Passione. You're nothing compared to him; he is a shrine. A statue in a beautiful garden, with worshipers at his feet. You are a fat bumblebee buzzing past the statue - sated, and comfortable, but inconsequential. You assume you're an amusement to him - just a little distraction in a morning, that's all.
You don't realise how wrong you are until you're on a closing shift one evening with Francesca's son. His name is Stefano, and he's perfectly nice to you, if a touch over-eager - desperate to please. He's a little younger than you, with an earnest face and a rushed way of speaking that means you sometimes have to ask him to calm down. Francesca hints, occasionally, that he has a crush on you - and you laugh it off, as you so often do when anyone expresses any kind of interest in you.
Only, tonight he is more nervous than usual. He messes up people's orders. He spills coffee and espresso and cappuccino left right and centre - his hands shake and he fumbles over the names of regular customers who he's known half of his life.
While you're closing up, you ask him, carefully and delicately, if something is wrong. You don't know what you're expecting, as you and he walk to the front door of the bakery together - but Stefano pauses, and touches your arm.
"I've just been balling up my courage, I guess," he says, twisting his lip to one side.
"For what?" You ask, trying to sound interested though one of your hands is digging deep in your coat pocket to try and find your keys. You swear that you left them there this morning. Your hand moves to your bag. Stefano takes a deep breath.
All at once, his words come out in a jumbled rush.
You blink at him.
"Um," you say, succintly. "To ask . . . me?"
He nods emphatically, moving closer to you. He's about the same height as you, so your noses come too close for comfort - the hand in your bag stays there, limply, as you try and process what he's saying.
"You don't have to answer right now," he says, his voice still pitching erratically. "But yeah, I think you're pretty and nice and I'd just-- I'd really like to take you on a date or something, i-if you think you'd like that? You don't have to! You don't have to answer right now, I just--"
He's babbling, and you're trying to keep the thread of the conversation, your mind working in overdrive - and then he moves his head forward and kisses you. It's a nervous little peck that lasts only a moment, before he steps back with his cheeks flushed red and pulls his coat closer to him.
"Okay, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow--" He says, and then he's stepping out of the door and letting it click shut behind him without even waiting to see how you respond to the kiss.
You're not sure of how to respond, honestly. You stand there, the breath knocked out of you, for a few moments. His lips had been dry and quick on your own, and you hadn't felt . . . to be honest, you hadn't felt anything.
No point dwelling on it. Your fingers scramble around the bottom of your bag for your keys, as you try and ignore that your heart isn't thumping the way that it does when Diavolo is near you. Stefano is a nice boy. He's your boss' son. He isn't, as far as you're aware, engaged in any shady business like you know Diavolo must be--
For God's sake. Your keys are not there. You resign yourself to making your way back to your apartment and trying to beg someone else in the building to let you in so that you can get the key you leave under the plant pot by your front door just in case of things like this as you step outside of the door, locking up the bakery behind you (thank God that key has remained where you thought it was)--
Only to step straight into the warm, solid chest of a man.
Fear seeps through all of your bones as you nervously look up to see what kind of person you have angered. You are already dredging up a thousand apologies when your eyes meet Diavolo's keen, green ones.
He doesn't look how he usually does when he sees you. Ordinarily, he's amused and elegant and pleased in a quiet, self-assured sort of way. Tonight, though . . . tonight, Diavolo's eyes burn hot and bright and angry. There's a ferocity in his face and the set of his mouth that makes you feel like he's captured your ability to breathe in a bottle only he has access to.
He speaks.
"Who does that boy think he is?" He asks you, voice low and cool like black velvet - and then, he leans down and kisses you hungrily, and this time you feel a hundred things.
You go with him, heady and intoxicated by the way his mouth had felt upon yours and the way his hand had gone around your waist, squeezing the generous curve of your hip as if he wanted to grip you by them and pin you against a wall right there and then, in the centre of the city. You think, judging by the way he had looked at you when the kiss had broken, he would have - if he had not had an image of mystery to maintain.
Instead, he says (his normally velvet voice hoarse);
"Come home with me."
It is not a question. It's a demand - and luckily for him, you are in no mood to decline. You sit beside him in the back of a car (a screen between you two and the driver), and Diavolo's hands are all over you even there.
"I can barely wait," he murmurs, hungrily, into the curve of your shoulder and neck as he lathes kisses over your throat, marking you with his dark lipstick. "Oh, bella, if you even knew how much I've wanted you--"
It's hard not to be dazzled by the knowledge that he wants you. A man like Diavolo - in his sharp suits and ties, surrounded by servile underlings, rings on his fingers that cost more than you make in a year - wants someone like you. It's hard not to be carried away by how hungrily he mouths at you and how beautiful you feel under that piercing green gaze, when you have not often felt beautiful in your life. Your body in the past has been a source of shame and sadness - under Diavolo's grazing palms and questing fingertips, though, you feel transformed.
You tumble out of the car and are pulled along with impatient hands by Diavolo, not letting you take any moments to enjoy how beautiful his home is. Sure, the pillars are marble and flowers drape from the windows in hues of crimson and purple, but there is a different purpose for the two of you now - you are barely aware of anything around you as you're tugged into the first bedroom Diavolo finds.
You're breathless again as you're tossed on the bed underneath him. Things are moving so quickly - but you have no complaints, as Diavolo immediately has you pinned beneath him, his muscular weight self-assured as he leans over your prone form to beg from you another hungry kiss. His teeth tug at your bottom lip, demanding entrance instead of asking; and you yield to him. His hands grasp your hips, holding you with fervent frustrations bubbling under the surface.
He breaks the kiss to say, every syllable of his words dripping with jealousy.
"You're mine. You know that, don't you?"
You hadn't known it before tonight - but with the way his hands are already going to your uniform, pulling open the buttons with little care (you hear one of them skitter onto the floor), it's no longer a question.
"I didn't," you breathe, and he snorts. His fingertips are cool as he slides them up the curved softness of your stomach, pausing just beneath your breast.
"You will," he vows. "After tonight, carina, you'll realise there's nobody else in the entire world for you but me."
Your body shivers under the promise of his words. You shiver harder as he slides your work shirt off of your shoulders, tugging it away, dropping it on the floor along with the button that you assume you will never see again. As his hands slide into the small of your back, cool where you are boiling warm - and you hear the snap of your bra being undone and suddenly you are bare before him in the room.
He looks down on you in satisfaction.
"There," he coos, his hands covering your breasts (they are not quite large enough to cover the round flesh, but they fill out his grip in a way that seems to please him). "You look much better without the ugly uniform. Something so lovely deserves beautiful things only to adorn them--"
A gasp is bitten back as his thumbs rub your nipples, coaxing the nubs to hardened points. You press your thighs together beneath him, your cheeks heating up at how your body responds to him in gooseflesh and slick.
"You should never have to wear clothes," Diavolo muses, as he gathers himself onto his knees and your work pants are the next to go. "It's a waste, to not have your body where I can see it."
Diavolo lavishes hungry, possessive attention on all of the parts of you that you have never gotten along with. He does it with his hands, massaging and petting and gripping - and then, he leans down and he uses his mouth and you're squirming beneath him, the heat gathering with the wetness between your thighs almost unbearable.
The curves of your hips are mapped out - the soft flesh of your thighs. The pillows of your upper arms, the roundness of your stomach, all of the places you have thought of as fleshy and unattractive seem like a siren's call to Diavolo. He kisses you, leaving marks of his lipstick everywhere - and occasionally, he pulls back and whispers things against your skin that have you hot and needy.
"Mine," he murmurs, as he sucks a blue-purple lovebite into your collarbone.
"Il mio tesoro," he whispers, as he kisses you on the mouth hard and his hands go to strip off his own suit jacket.
"You belong to me," he says, and suddenly he is shirtless and you are staring at the sculpted muscle of his chest and the intricate tattoos on his arms. You have no complaints - you look up at him above you, a big cat playing with his prey, and all you can do is swallow and nod.
"Good," he breathes, "you're going to be so good for me, hmm?" His hands alight on your thighs and you spread them without him asking, displaying the damp patch on your silken underwear and making his eyes darken and his nostrils flare. "For me, amore?"
You avert your gaze and do not answer - but that's enough of an assent for Diavolo. He laughs as his fingers curl into the garment, tugging them down your thighs (you shiver at the sensation of slick fabric clinging, just for a moment, against your sodden folds).
"I'm a lucky man," he says to you. "I've always been lucky, you know . . . but you may very well be my luckiest find."
Your thighs are urged further apart, until Diavolo can settle between them, his weight heavy and self-assured. What is between your thighs, too, is subject to Diavolo's piercing gaze - but he is not critical. He is merely . . . hungry. Intoxicated. You know that, arguably, Diavolo has all of the power here - and yet you cannot help but feel as though it is you who is really in control.
One of his fingers slides over your sex, gathering your slick on his fingers, winning the chase of your hips as he slides from clit to perineum and back again. You pant aloud, a soft whimpering noise falling from your lips against your will.
"Look at you," he murmurs, enthralled. "Look how you respond, all for me--"
Your fingers clench in the sheets beneath you as Diavolo presses one finger inside you, slowly, letting you adjust to the feel of him inside. You know that he is longing to fuck you with them vigorously - you can see it from the set of his shoulders and his mouth. He is practically buzzing with unrestrained tension. But he keeps his calm, pumping the lone finger in and out of you (you are wet enough that the sound echoes around the room, mixing with your laboured breathing). Occasionally, he buries his finger inside you almost to the hilt and you gasp at the cool sensation of one of his rings pressing against your entrance. He looks amused, his lips curved into a smirk - but he remains solid. He does nothing, in fact, until your hips buck up and you whimper;
"I can take another one, please--"
"Good," Diavolo purrs, his voice persuasive. "Of course you can, cara. Yes. You'll take all of me, won't you?" A second finger joins the first, scissoring you open with slow movements. "You're going to be so good for me. You're going to forget about any other person in the world when you're speared on my cock--"
Your body heats up in embarrassment and pleasure all over. The way his fingers rub inside your channel makes you squirm, your hips wriggling underneath him, your lungs barely able to contain your breath. A tight, hot ball of tension is making itself known low in your stomach, familiar and yet unfamiliar all at once.
His thumb brushes over your clit and your body jolts. Diavolo chuckles under his breath and pulls out his fingers, accompanied by a wet gush of your arousal that seems incredibly loud to your ears. You watch as Diavolo brings his fingers to his mouth and his tongue darts out to taste you.
Your lower body gives a throb as he drinks in your slick like fine wine, as he utters forth a low groan of pleasure. He looks at you with dark-lidded eyes.
"Amore," he murmurs, all soft, quiet words with a steel edge. He shifts, and something hot and silky and damp brushes across your thigh that you realise is his cock. That same body part is positioned with his thumb and forefinger, at the tight entrance to your sex. "Just relax . . . I'll have finished making you mine soon enough--"
His hips move. You're pushed open, his cock deep and thick - your hands come to cling to his shoulders instead of the bedsheets, your voice coming out in a broken little wail.
It is not that it hurts. Diavolo has prepared you, and you are slick and needy enough that there's only the briefest stretch of discomfort - but it is more that Diavolo's cock inside you feels so right. You feel so full and possessed and owned, and you never thought you would need and adore it as much as you do.
You feel like nothing more than a piece of Diavolo's property, a treasured jewel that he wants to lock away and keep for himself forever - and you love it. Your legs lock about his hips without him even urging you to, determined to have him sink inside you as deep as he can go - and Diavolo groans chest-deep at the feel of it.
His hips move, sliding his cock deep and then shallow, enjoying the feel of you tightly engulfing him.
"You're perfect," he growls, lowly. "Tight, hot, wet -- and most importantly, cara . . . you’re mine.” He sighs, pressing himself impossibly deeper inside you so that your toes curl. A pleased rumble in the back of his throat. “You feel so good." He pauses, before he says, demanding; "Tell me how I feel."
"B-big," you hiccup out in between breathless moans and soft, needy pants. "L-like you're filling me up--"
"Tell me, little coniglio . . . do you like being filled up by me? Belonging to me? Having me . . ." His fingers skitter over your breasts, leaving hot trails of fire behind him. The heat low inside you is just burning hotter and hotter, your head swimming with all of the new sensations. "Lay my claim on you?"
You nod. You're babbling, your hips stuttering against his. Everything feels far away from you, now - earlier on that night feels like a fever dream. You can't remember how it felt to be anywhere but beneath Diavolo with his cock drilling deep inside you, making you feel needed and claimed and unmistakably his--
"Yes," you cry out, as his other hand moved lower, brushing your stomach, your mound - parting the lips of your sex so his fingers can rub firm circles on your clit.
There's that heat again, threefold - tumbling over and over itself until you feel fireworks set off behind your eyes and Diavolo's cock pumps harder inside you, your channel squeezing and constricting around him inside you. You're so busy coming, in fact, that you almost don't hear him murmur;
"Good. Because it's something you're going to have to get used to now you're mine."
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let-it-raines · 3 years
I Hope We Never See October (5/?)
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When his personal life and football career go up in flames, Killian Jones escapes England for America, finding seclusion in Martha’s Vineyard in order to hide from his demons. It’s a fresh start, or at the very least a paused moment in his life, and all he needs is a few months alone to allow his heart to heal. He doesn’t count on meeting Emma Swan.
Emma’s life depends on tourists who come to the island every summer. It’s how she makes her money working in restaurants and clubs across the vineyard, but every year, she cannot wait until autumn comes and her life returns to normal. She especially cannot wait for Killian Jones to leave.
Rating: Mature
ao3 : beginning | current
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Emma likes seafood.
She likes seafood, but she mostly eats like a ten-year-old boy. Apparently, there’s a little place near her house called Granny’s where she devours grilled cheese and onion rings like arteries aren’t a thing. It makes him laugh when she tells him because she eats how he’s always dreamed of eating. The only time he ever gets the chance is when he’s with his nieces and they convince him to get them food Elsa and Liam never let them get.
She also likes 80’s music, has been working at the Blue Dog for over half a decade, prefers her kickboxing classes to cycling ones, and her favorite color is blue.
That last one was a bit of a throwaway question, but he asked it anyway. Then, of course, he made sure to let her know that his eyes were blue. He got an eye roll and a ‘shut up’ for that before she started rolling her hips again. It was damn distracting, but he didn’t stop laughing at how frustrated she was that he wasted his one personal question a day on that.
One personal question a day.
It’s childish, but he thinks it works. It keeps the line between them defined. He knows what this is, has done it enough times before to not be blind to it. They’re both visitors in each other’s lives. They have expiration dates, and when there’s an expiration date, there’s no harm in spending time together.
There’s no commitment, so there’s no hurt.
He’s not an expert on Emma Swan, no matter how much she fascinates him, but he gets the feeling she’s avoiding relationships just as much as he is. There is a past hurt there, a damned painful one, and if anyone gets that, it’s him.
But he doesn’t ask about that in his one question a day. He asks for her favorite color and food and if she’d rather hike uphill for 10 miles or swim for 20.
For the record, she’d rather hike because she could sit down and eat along the way.
“Would you look at that?” Emma says as she runs her hands under the water of the sink at the bar. “You, sitting at this bar, again.”
He slices his salmon with his knife and grins. “I tried that Granny’s place, but the food had too much grease. Met a rather charming waitress, though.”
“Let me guess. Red streak in her hair, boobs on full display, argued with the owner the entire time?”
“How’d you know?”
“Because that’s Ruby, my best friend.”
“Is she now?” he asks, already knowing the answer.
“Is that your personal question of the day?”
“Nope,” he says, taking a bite of his food. “I’m saving that for a later time.”
“A later time,” Emma repeats, like she’s considering the words. She crosses her arms over her chest and leans back against the bar. “What makes you think you’re going to be seeing me at a later time? This isn’t enough for you?”
He looks around them and leans closer to her. “Too many clothes.”
Emma laughs, legitimately, and that feels surprisingly good. “I’m literally in a tank top and shorts. That’s about as dressed down as you can get.”
“I was talking about myself, actually. There are too many clothes on me, but it’s nice to know you think so highly of yourself.”
That gets him another laugh and a shake of her head, and he likes that too. He may have no real inclination to become overly attached to her, but he can at least admit to himself that he enjoys her company.
“Shut up.” Someone calls Emma’s name from across the restaurant, and she holds her arm up, putting up one finger. “I get off at The Oaks at eleven. I’ll drop by your place if I’m not too tired.”
“Why the hell are you working there so much?”
“I like the money. And, Jones, that counts as your personal question of the day. I’ll see you later...maybe.”
She grins and winks before walking away, and he swears she puts a little extra sway in her hips. Killian shakes his head as he feels his own smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“What a bloody woman,” he whispers to himself before spearing another piece of his salmon.
“Right there,” she moans. “Like, seriously, right there. Don’t fucking change anything.”
Kilian smiles against her, but he’s quick to return to what he was doing. Emma’s legs tighten over his shoulders, her hands yank at the sheets, and as much as he is throbbing right now, it’s bloody glorious to have her like this. The filter is gone, so too are the reservations, and he gets a bit of satisfaction knowing this is him doing this to her.
His only skills aren’t on the football pitch after all.
He is definitely a bastard for thinking that right now, but he’s never claimed to be otherwise.
“Fuck,” Emma huffs after she comes down from her high. Her legs shiver over his shoulder, thighs tightening so all the sounds fade for a moment, but then her legs fall and all sounds come back in screaming color. “What did I do to deserve that so early in the morning?”
“It’s ten, love.”
“Yeah, that’s early on my day off.”
Killian laughs and kisses the inside of Emma’s thigh before making his way up her body, planting a final one underneath her collarbone before he collapses on his side of the bed and pulls the sheets above his waist.
“It’s not early for the rest of the world.” He smiles, which she doesn’t appreciate, and she sinks further into the bed, yanking the covers over her. He can still see her flushed cheeks and the slightest content smile on her face. “You should try it sometime. See the sunrise, dodge early morning joggers, eat breakfast at a normal time.”
“Trust me, I’m usually up early enough to want to drive into the early morning joggers while I have a Pop Tart hanging out of my mouth. My summer schedule is just...it’s different than usual.”
He has questions about that. It’s something she’s alluded to before, but he doesn’t know if she’ll count that as his question of a day.
He’s thirty-five years old, and he doesn’t know if he can ask the woman he’s sleeping with more than one question about her life. He knows he’s fucked up a lot, but this seems to be the culmination of several screw ups in his own life.
He doesn’t have time to dwell on that. Well, no, he has all the time in the world, but lately, the boredom has dissipated, the loneliness too.
Lately, he’s got a damn good distraction, and he’s not about to fuck that up.
Emma flips over on her side, her hair a wild, curly mess. She used his pool last night and didn’t wash her hair after. It’s made it even crazier than usual. He thinks he likes it. Makes her seem less reserved.
His phone rings on his bedside table, and he leans over to pick it up.
“Hello, darling.” Emma’s brow raises, but he ignores her. “How are you?”
“Good,” Elsa says. “We’re all good. The girls are in the garden right now, running around and getting all their energy out. I haven’t heard from you in a few days.”
“I’ve been...busy.”
Emma’s hand finds his thigh, and his leg jumps before steadying. She is not about to do what he thinks she’s about to do. Bloody hell.
“Busy?” Elsa asks, as Emma’s hand walks a little closer to his groin. “Doing what? Have you made friends?”
“Why do you always ask me that like I’m a child?”
“Because you’re basically my baby brother.” Killian laughs and then hisses as Emma’s hand wraps around him. She smirks, obviously satisfied with herself, and he knows she’s doing it for the reaction above anything else.
He doesn’t mind.
Except this is a poor idea.
“I believe I’m actually older than you.”
He laughs again, and Emma’s hand starts working a little more. Fuck. He needs her to stop, and even though she’s doing delicious things to him, she is looking away, acting as bored as can be. And maybe she is, but then he sees one corner of her mouth tick up.
“Mum, is that Killian?” he hears Ally ask, echoed by a squeal from Sophia, who is obviously having the time of her life. There’s a bit of a shuffle, some muted voices, and then his niece’s voice comes through. “When are you coming home?”
“Hello, Ally,” he says, his voice going high when Emma moves her thumb. “How is one of my favorite nieces doing?”
Emma immediately stops and yanks her hand away, practically falling off the bed. She catches herself and kicks up, moving the comforter up and nearly pulling it off him.
“What the actual fuck?” she whispers hisses, slapping him.
He ignores her as Ally asks again when he’s coming home.
“At the end of September, sweetheart,” he promises. “I’ll come home, and then I am going to kiss you right on the cheek.”
“Ew,” she complains, and he can imagine her nose scrunching.
“I also might give you a present.”
“I like that better.”
“Good. I thought you would.” he watches Emma get up and pull a t-shirt out of a drawer. It’s an old Man. United shirt, and he pretends that doesn’t do a damn thing to him, especially since she was just working him up a minute ago. “Listen, Ally, darling, will you hand the phone to your mum? I - ”
“Sophia, that is my hat! Do not wear it!”
And then the line goes dead, and he wonders how long it’ll be before Elsa gets back to her phone and calls him back.
“You let me do that to you while you were on the phone with your niece?” Emma mumbles, pulling the shirt down then pulling her hair into a mess of a knot on the top of her head. He’s not sure if she’s annoyed or amused. “I hate you.”
“Technically, at first it was my sister-in-law,” he corrects, tapping his head.
“That doesn’t make it any better.” Emma gets back in the bed, pulling the comforter all the way up to her chin, and then she shuffles a little further into the bed before sitting up against the headboard and groaning into her hands. “I am mortified.”
“I did stop you when Ally took the phone,” he points out before pulling at the arm of her shirt. “Nice shirt.”
Killian stands from the bed and walks toward his bathroom, grabbing his briefs along the way. “It’s comfortable,” Emma says. “Is this the team you played for?”
Killian stops, the tile cool against his feet, and then keeps moving, leaving the door cracked as he gets half dressed and starts brushing his teeth. As good as it was a few minutes ago, the mood is gone.
Especially now.
How the hell does she know he used to play football? And how long has she known that? Is that why...no, that couldn’t be why, but he knows that’s why a lot of women have.
“A long time ago,” he says, spitting out toothpaste. “I was with Chelsea when I retired.”
“Is that another team?”
“Uh, yeah,” he laughs, continuing to brush his teeth but sticking his head out of his bathroom door. “You didn’t know that?”
Emma shrugs as she types on her phone. “I don’t know anything about soccer. I only know you played because Ruby internet stalked you a few weeks ago and showed me your Instagram. I literally thought you were just one of those adults who is really into his hobbies.”
Killian nearly lets out a sigh, but he stops himself and turns back around to the sink to spit again before rinsing his brush. He looks up at the mirror. His hair is disheveled, there are lines around his eyes and on his forehead, and his stubble is growing to the point where a beard is beginning to form. He’ll shave later.
So Emma doesn’t know anything about football then. Or him, for that matter. He’s not sure he entirely believes her, that she didn’t look up any more about him, and he doesn’t like that uncertainty. Usually, when he meets someone, they have the upper hand and know the surface layer of all the dirty details of his life.
They usually don’t care to find out the real stories. Not that most of them redeem him in any way.
“Not a hobby,” he says, taming his hair with his hands. “It was a damn good job.” He leaves the bathroom and leans against the doorframe. “You ever play?”
She laughs and puts her phone down. “No.”
“Not even as a kid? Come on. I hear every lass in America plays as a kid.”
“Is that your question of the day?”
Damn. “No.” Killian walks toward the bed and puts his hands on either side of Emma’s head on the headboard, leaning in close. He sees her chest rise, and he smirks. “My question is to ask you to stay in bed with me all day. What do you say, Swan?”
She sits up, and her lips lightly brush against his mouth when she talks. “You should have asked me about the soccer because I was already planning on staying here the entire day.”
“Really now?”
“If we can get crepes delivered from this place that’s, like, ten minutes from here.”
Killian kisses her, long and slow until there’s heat simmering low in his belly. “As you wish.”
Emma doesn’t come over every night. Nor does he go to her place. But it seems that way as July rolls by, full of hot days that seem to linger forever. Killian finds himself busy during the days. Emma usually has work early in the mornings, so if she’s staying over, she leaves before eight. He doesn’t know how she has time to breathe working at both the Tavern and The Oaks, but she makes it work. When she leaves, he gets up and uses the gym in the basement of the house, going through his tried and true routines before he laces up his trainers and either runs on the beach or on the sidewalks through his little area of the vineyard. He finds the sidewalks are better for his knees, so he tends to stick with that and leaves walking on the beach for his afternoon phone calls with Elsa and the girls or Ariel and Eric.
It’s a routine, one that changes during the day, but for the first time since he got here, he doesn’t hate every damn day. He doesn’t spend his time actively having to try not drink or thinking about Liam or football. He practically buys out a local bookstore and goes through the novels faster than he has in years. He visits different restaurants, museums, goes along with some tourist activities he finds online, and he explores any shop that strikes his fancy.
And while his routine changes, there is one constant: he eats a meal at the Blue Dog Tavern.
At first, he thought Emma would kick him out for it, but now, she often comes and sits with him for a few minutes or sends him a drink from her office. He always sits in Ashley’s section and lets her talk about her growing belly even if he knows little about pregnancy, and he spends at least an hour eating and watching all the people around him.
It’s a hell of a lot better than the twenty-four-hour diners with sticky floors and bad coffee.
Killian shoves his keys in his pocket and pushes open the door to the Blue Dog. Marina greets him, telling him to seat himself anywhere in Ashely’s section, so he goes to his favorite booth and settles down. He can’t see the television from it, so it’s the perfect spot to completely escape from the world with no risk of his past showing up right before his eyes.
He may be feeling better, may be able to have a drink or too at night without wanting to have five more, but he knows he’s possibly only one bad day from it all coming undone, the thread unraveling faster than he can wind it back up.
“Tea or coffee today, Killian?” Ashley asks, notepad in hand.
“Tea, I think, but not the blasted stuff you gave me last time.”
She laughs and writes down his drink order. “Do you know what you want to eat already or should I come back?”
He hands her the menu. “The daily special and a side salad.”
“Perfect. I’ll be back with that as soon as possible.”
“No need to rush,” he says, smiling. “Is - ”
“She’s filling out orders for next week, but I’ll let her know you’re here.”
Ashley winks before walking away, and Killian wonders what the hell everyone in this restaurant thinks of him and Emma. It must be peculiar, but if he’s picked up anything from Emma, it’s that she likely doesn’t share much about her personal life with her employees. She surely won’t tell him that he’s the man she’s sleeping with for the summer, but they might pick up on that on their own.
The food here is good, but it’s not every day good.
He’s finished his salad and half of his sandwich when she comes out from the back. Today, she’s already in the black dress she wears to The Oaks, and her hair is pushed back into a ponytail. She looks exhausted, and unfortunately, the reason has nothing to do with him.
“I only have a second to say hi,” she says, sliding into the booth and grabbing a roll from the basket, breaking off a piece and popping it into her mouth. “We are having an issue with our fish orders, and it’s an absolute nightmare.”
“That sounds like I won’t be ordering any fish this week.”
Emma takes another bite of her bread. “I wouldn’t if I were you. Do you want to come to my place tonight? I’m off at ten.”
“Sure.” He picks at the bread on his sandwich. “Though, the last time I was at your place, that damn crab pillow ended up in the bed, and I didn’t appreciate that.”
Her nose scrunches with her laugh. “I hate that thing too, but Ariel loves it.”
“You live in that house the entire year. Why don’t you redecorate it for your taste?”
Her shoulders tense, and she stops chewing before slowly starting again. He already knows this is going to be his personal question of the day. Sometimes she forgets about it and lets the conversation flow freely, but when he hits a nerve, she’s more on her guard.
He gets it. He can be the same way.
“Personal question,” she says, and he knows her better than he should. “And I’ve redone my bedroom and little bits in the kitchen and living room, but I don’t know. I guess I keep it how the Fishers have it because it’s their home. There are memories there, and I don’t want to take any of those away for when I do eventually get another place. It’s....it’s good to have a family home with memories.”
Killian arches his brow, but Emma looks away, picking at the roll again. He never really had a family home, not after his mum died and his dad became obsessed with using Killian’s football skills for his own fortune, but he likes that sentiment.
A family home with memories. Good ones. That would be the dream.
“What about you?” she asks, changing the subject before he can press further. “Aren’t you excited to get back to your place where all the stuff is yours? You’re living in a place that’s not your own, so I’m sure you’re ready to get back to your family.”
She doesn’t mean anything by it, but her words cut. He’s here because he lost the one person in his family who he was closest to, but he doesn’t want to talk about that, not now. This is supposed to be a good time. It isn’t supposed to be about dark histories.
“I’m enjoying my time here,” he answers honestly. “There’s this woman who is an absolute spitfire, and she’s been occupying most of my time. I’ve been, well, metaphorically tied up in bed too much to think of returning home.”
“Ha, ha,” she monotones with a roll of her eyes. “That’s not what I - ”
They both turn, and Emma’s friend Mary Margaret is standing there, bouncing back and forth on her toes. “Hi, Marg,” Emma says. “You’re early.”
“I know. I got finished tutoring early, so I thought I’d drop by. I didn’t know you’d have...other company.”
“Nice to see you again,” Killian says, nodding at Mary Margaret.
“Yeah, nice to see you.” Mary Margaret seems hesitant, like she didn’t meet him weeks ago at dinner, and he wonders just how much she knows about his arrangement with Emma. From what he’s learned, they seem close, but he also knows Ruby is Emma’s more...accepting friend. “How are you?”
“I’m good, love. Just badgering Emma at work. I’m surprised she hasn’t kicked me out yet.”
“Annoy me a little too much, and I will.” Her ankle hooks with his under the table, and Killian bites his lip to keep from smiling too much. “So, what’s up, Marg? Why’d you want to drop by? Have you heard of this thing called phones?”
Mary Margaret chuckles before sliding into the booth next to Emma. Emma’s ankle unhooks from his, and he tucks his feet under the booth. “So, you know how David wants to have that big barbecue for all of our friends and neighbors?”
“Yeah, you guys do it every year because you’re insane.”
“Anyway,” she says, playfully rolling her eyes, “we were wondering if we could get the Blue Dog to cater some of the sides. I know you guys don’t cater, but we could pay extra. Please.”
“You do know there are restaurants who do cater who could handle this?”
“Yes, but we love the food here. Killian gets it, right?”
“Uh, yes,” he mumbles, not sure what he’s supposed to say. From Emma’s death glare, he knows he’s chosen incorrectly. Bloody hell. “I love it.”
“Exactly,” Mary Margaret says. “We’ll pay extra. Promise. In tips so the staff can get it instead of the owners.”
Emma sighs and sinks into the booth, crossing her arms over her chest. “I need to know the order at least two weeks ahead of time, and it’s going to take me some time to figure out how much you guys need to pay.”
“Ahhhh, perfect!” Mary Margaret hugs Emma before sliding out of the booth. “You’re the best! I can’t wait to call David! Oh, and Killian, you should come too. It’s on August 14th. We’d love to have you there.”
Killian scratches his ear and nods, flashing her a tight smile. He doesn’t think Emma would welcome him at a party full of her friends, so he doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable no matter how nice it might be to be in a large group of people.
“He’ll be there,” Emma says, surprising him, and he feels her toe tap his shin. “If he can make it, of course. You know, he has a very busy social calendar.”
“I wonder why that is, darling.” He winks, making Emma smile, and he taps his toes into hers right back. “I’ve heard you keep pretty busy as well.”
Emma’s mouth gapes before closing, and her green eyes widen, lashes nearly hitting against her brows. “Ass.”
“Well, I know you like - ”
“Okay.” Mary Margaret claps her hands together. “I’ve got to go. Emma, I’ll send you the menu after I talk to David tonight. And Killian, we really would love to have you there.”
“I’ll see,” he says as he fights to keep from smiling too widely. “May I recommend the cheddar bites for the menu. They’ll kill you, but you’ll enjoy it.”
“I have never once seen you get the cheddar bites,” Emma scoffs.
He leans over the table, pressing his chin in his hand and smirking the way he knows she likes. She tells him he’s obnoxious when he does it, but sometimes he can see past that hard shell exterior. “I’m full of surprises, darling.”
“That you are, Jones. That you are.”
Tag list: @qualitycoffeethings @marrtinski @klynn-stormz @scarletslippers @elizabeethan @jrob64 @snowbellewells @therealstartraveller776 @thejollyroger-writer @galadriel26 @galaxyzxstark @idristardis @karenfrommisthaven @teamhook @spartanguard @searchingwardrobes @jamif @shireness-says @ultimiflos @onepunintendid @bluewildcatfanatic @superchocovian @killianswannn @carpedzem @captainkillianswanjones @mayquita @mariakov81 @jennjenn615 @onceuponaprincessworld @a-faekindagirl @scientificapricot @xellewoods @ultraluckycatnd @stahlop @kmomof4 @tiganasummertree @singersdd @tornadoamy @cluttermind @lfh1226-linda @andiirivera @itsfabianadocarmo @captain-emmajones @ilovemesomekillianjones @taylrsversion​ @dramioneswan​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @wefoundloveunderthelight
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exclipssesss · 4 years
Stronger than you.
Alastor x Overlord!Reader.
Requested by: @itz-kira
Summary: Alastor finds great interest at you for being a fellow overlord although he tries to convince you that you are no less underneath him.
Warnings: mentions of uncontrolled suicide (light), violence (light), soft alastor
Type: Headcanon, Oneshot.
Words: 1340
You were one of the most powerful overlords in all of the Pentagram, demons of all sorts feared you for both your powers and your wit.
That is, almost everyone.
Funnily enough, the other overlords in hell treats you like some kind of joke, even a certain Radio Demon.
The moment you stepped into the Hotel, the situation became tensed, i mean, how could it not? Now there's not only one but two overlords in the hotel.
Alastor felt this, and immediately went to you about it.
"Why, dear you're making them all feel as if we're all gonna have our second death, smile why don't you?"
You rolled your eyes and immediately look around, the other demons have their eyes on both you and Alastor.
Charlie of course immediately went to you with glee.
You laughed at her cheerfulness, very out of place for someone in hell.
The moment you told Charlie that you wanted to join her project of redeeming demons, Alastor's eyes immediately widen for a split second.
When Charlie and you stopped talking with Charlie skipping away with happiness, you can feel Alastor chuckling behind you.
"My, my, i didn't expect that. You certainly do amused me my dear."
He would honestly be really stingy with you at first.
But slowly and surely starting to warm up.
He'll back you up if someone dares to speak low at you.
You'd do the same if anyone dares to talk about him behind his back.
You just didn't know that his shadows are always watching, therefore he saw you almost killing someone into fucking oblivion just because they speak bad about him.
He really starting to like you now.
At first it's just mutual respect.
"Why, as someone who is also feared by many it's respectful to help those who isn't as powerful as i am! Which is why I'm helping you my dear."
"Sure Al,"
One day, some demon decided that it'll be haha fun time to bully Charlie about the Hotel.
As someone who works at the hotel, you were offended. So you decided to, teach him a lesson.
An extra pair of hands grabbed him by the arms and pulled him into a wall, another hand was on his throat, choaking him a little.
You were this close to killing him, and everyone in the room was basically terrified of you. This is your power after all, being able to manipulate body parts.
You can basically make someone commit suicide with their own hands without the victim being able to control them, so they were right to be scared.
You decided to let this bastard demon who threatened Charlie go, and he immediately apologized.
Someone else though, was about to do the same thing, you were just a tad bit faster to react than him.
"Well, that was certainly entertaining."
At that point he was more in awe than before, especially since you proved him that you are more than what you seem.
And my god are you such an interesting little darling to this man.
He didn't realize it at first that he's very fond of you.
That is until Charlie decided to do a staff meeting.
You were discussing about who's going to be the new manager.
Of course everyone pointed you since pretty much everyone now knows about your powers and therefore no one will dare to mess around.
But you thought differently.
"I don't know, i don't think i can handle being a manager. Plus, demons barely fear me compared to fearing Alastor there, i bet he does a one hell of an amazing job than i do."
Wowie does his heart did a leap there.
Congrats, this Radio Demon is now wrapped around your fingers.
He took the role of Manager with great honor and even asked you to be his assistant.
At first you refused because that's more work, but when you see his face,
How can you say no?
In the end, you basically became that feared badass duo in the Hotel. And boy does everyone knows not to mess with you two.
And even though it took some time, he actually confessed because "Fuck it, might as well have this feeling sorted than letting it be a mess."
You said yes because overtime you were fond of him as well.
Hope you're okay to be his darling for eternity because he ain't letting you go.
The confession:
Alastor paced around the hallway for five straight minutes, making sure that he was on terms with himself on what he's going to do.
At least, what he wanted to do.
For one of the most powerful overlords Hell has ever seen, he's sure as hell self conscious. Very self conscious. What if you say no? How is he going to react? Should he just end you? Himself? How did he got the feeling in the first place? It's not like you put a curse on him, did you? You did. He was almost certain of it. How else are you going to make him so attached to you?
These questions were raised in his head and not even in a second, more and more rose up with it. With a fix of his bowtie, he finally took a breath, not like he needed it, and walked out. Wearing his all time cheeky grin as always. Of course he was great at hiding his feelings, walking to you as if everything is normal, but he knew better, and you can sense it.
"Greetings, Strawberry man." You called out casually. Looking through your notes while trying to refill the booze in Husk's Bar. Alastor cringed a little at the nickname, and you chuckled in return, just like that he's head over heels for you again. "Hello my dear, i thought i told you not to call me that?"
You shrugged, and rubbed your hands together to get all the dusts away. "You did, but your reaction was always worth the act." You giggled, closing the boxes and putting em aside. "Anyways, need anything?" You asked, looking at him with slight concern.
"Indeed actually!" He chirped out, you can see a flash of panic trough his eyes, which is in itself was weird. "I need you-" he could've stopped there and already getting the point across. But we know this man is a gentleman, and that means actually trying to explain what's going on to the love of his life to be. "-to listen to me. For a moment."
"Oh sure, what's up? If this is about Angel pissing you off, i swear to Lucifer I'll immediately go." You teased him, although you weren't half joking either. Listening to Alastor ranting about Angel is not a rare thing. The opposite actually. Alastor laughed at this, and shook his head, a smile wider than before plastered on his face. "No darling. Although he is as infuriating as ever, thankfully that's not why I'm here."
He grabbed a hand of yours, and you were more concerned than ever. What's gotten into him? What happened? Although you didn't say anything about it, and instead just look up at him with confusion.
He continued to open his mouth, words flowing out and most came out better than the last. You can feel your cheeks heat up by every word, still confused on why he's saying this, till of course you met the end of his speech.
"In the end, sweetheart, my only drive and intention is only to make sure you are happy and satisfied alongside me. Believe me, i myself is also very much confused on what's going on but suffice to say i really did feel as if i've underappreciated you my dear, and i promised not to do that again. So with that out of the way, would it be okay for me to court you?"
You're a confused mess.
But of course you said yes because aha this is Alastor??? Hello???
Well, we know what happened next anyways ;)
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mightiestheroes · 4 years
Hey there! May I ask for an angsty piece of Geralt x Reader with prompts 4 and 7? Unrequited love and all that🥺 i’m ready to get hurt
Thank you for the request! I don’t write angst very often but I hope I met your expectations 💙
4. “Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture.”
7. “You can’t leave.”
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You promised yourself you would never fall in love ever again. You’ve been hurt so many times that you felt like your heart couldn’t take any more. So you’ve hidden behind your wit and sarcasm and tried so hard not to let anyone in. But of course it changed the moment you met Jaskier and Geralt. You felt the connection right away and you weren’t sure how it happened but you all agreed to travel together. You were great with a sword but also had some healing abilities so you were a good addition to their little team. At first you were happy that you bonded with them on a true friendship level and no other feelings were involved. You’ ve had so many amazing adventures together and it seemed like you were meant to meet and “work” together. 
But of course after one of the most dangerous fights when Geralt almost died your feelings changed. You were shocked and beyond terrified that you could lose him. You were worried for Jaskier too but you realised those two feelings were different. From that moment you were in constant battle with yourself, you didn’t want to feel that way especially when Geralt seemed to send you so many mixed signals. You still blush when you think about that one time when the night was extremely cold and you were shivering so hard, your teeth chattering. You obviously couldn’t fall asleep and next thing you know, Geralt is laying his bedroll next to you and without asking or hesitation wrapped himself around you to warm you up. It felt amazing and you fell asleep almost immediately. When you woke up in the morning he was gone. You tried not to get your hopes up but it happened anyway. You were so curious if it meant something for him but he was his stoic grumpy self as always, behaving like it was a completely normal thing to do and you should just go on with your lives. When you tried to chat with him he just grunted in response so you gave up. 
You weren’t sure Jaskier noticed your little crush and you decided it was better for him not to know. It was your secret hidden deep inside. You felt like every time you got over it, the Witcher did something to make you think about him again. Like that time when you fell off your horse and lost your consciousness. When you woke up, he was at your side, tending to your wounds and you could swear you saw worry in his eyes. 
“What happened?” You asked confused and he looked at you briefly.
“Something scared your horse and you fell down, hit your head pretty hard.” He replied softly and you felt him squeeze your hand. He cares. You thought feeling warm inside. 
“Oh Melitele, (Y/N)! You scared me! I’m so glad you are okay!” It was Jaskier coming rapidly to hug you and caress your other hand. 
“It’s okay, Jask. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” You smiled at him and he sighed smiling back. 
You recovered quite quickly and you hit the road again. One night you agreed to stay in an inn that held small festivities. Jaskier was asked to sing so he was delighted. You sat with Geralt drinking some ale and you were grateful for a moment alone with him. You didn’t have to talk much, you’ve learned his moods and expressions quite well to communicate. Your peaceful moment got disturbed by a man approaching your table. 
“Hello my lady, I am Radko. May I offer you some fine wine?” He asked nonchalantly and smiled at you. You had to admit he was handsome with a beautiful and charming smile. You felt Geralt shift beside you and you turned to  see him glaring  at the man. It boosted your confidence but you weren’t interested in strangers.
“That is very kind of you but I am all good here, thank you.” His smile faltered but he wasn’t persistent. He bowed his head and walked away. Geralt shifted again and seemed to relax but you tried not to read anything into that. You were about to ask him if he was okay when the door opened and he visibly froze. There was a beautiful woman with long black locks. His breath hitched and you were confused. The mysterious woman sat down in a corner and Geralt immediately stood up.
“I’ll be back later.” He said not even looking at you and went to sit beside her. They seemed to know each other and you had to admit you felt hurt. You were stupid to think he would care about you that much and maybe have some feelings. You saw the way he looked at her. In that moment Jaskier finished his singing and came to you to drink something and rest. He got a bit worried when you didn’t speak up or mock his performance.
“Everything okay, (Y/n)?” He asked and when you didn’t respond he followed your line of sight. “Oh…” Was all he said when he realised what was going on. 
“Why am I so stupid, Jask?” You asked suddenly angry with yourself.
“Hey, hey… You’re not stupid, okay? He is the one being stupid for not seeing what treasure he already has.” The bard put his hand on yours in support. You closed your eyes to block the view but it was already burned into your brain. You were so mad at yourself for letting it happen again. You promised yourself and you failed. 
“I can’t do this, Jaskier.” You said suddenly and the bards’ brows rose in confusion.
“What are you talking about?” He asked with a frown.
“I can’t deal with all of that again. I can’t do this to myself.” You explained hoping he’d understand. “I think this is it for me. I heard there is a healer in the next village and she needs help. I’m going to go stay with her.” You added casting your eyes downward trying to stop the tears. 
“Fuck… No, that’s not right…” Jaskier panicked, he cared about your friendship deeply and didn’t want to lose you. 
“But I have to, don’t make it harder, Jask. You know I love you but I have to take care of myself. This is for the best. And my door will always be open for you, remember that. Take care of him, will you?” You teared up but got up and kissed Jaskier on the cheek which was also wet. 
“Be careful, (Y/N). Don’t do anything stupid without me and I promise I’ll come visit you as much as I can…” He promised and squeezed your hand when you gathered your things and started to leave. You went past Geralt who was fully focused on his friend and got out of the inn heading for your horse. The Witcher sensed you and your tears and turned around to look for you but failed. He excused the woman and went to Jaskier. His stomach twisted when he noticed he was crying. 
“What’s going on? Where is (Y/N)?” he asked, trying to remain calm. 
“Fuck you, Geralt.” The bard mumbled and glared at the white haired man. Geralt was filled with confusion and decided to look for you on his own. He left the inn and was happy to find you by the horses.
“Oh, there you are. What did you do to Jaskier?” He asked, trying to be funny for once. But his humour vanished when you turned at him with tears and anger in your eyes. 
“What’s going on?” Geralt was beyond confused and worried.
“I’m leaving.” You stated simply and turned to your horse.
“What? Why? You can’t leave us.” His eyes were wide and pleading.
“Stop torturing me!” You said in a raised voice which surprised him.
“What are you talking about? I am not torturing you!” 
“Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture…” You said quietly and looked down. It took him a few seconds to connect the dots. 
“Oh, (Y/N)... I didn’t know… I….”
“Don’t. I don’t want your pity. Go back to that woman, I’ve seen the way you looked at her. And I’m not going to watch it and pretend I don’t care. It’s time for me to move on and take care of myself. Good luck, Geralt.” It took all your strength to say that and get on your horse. You looked at him one last time to see him speechless and maybe scared? But you didn’t want to think about it. You took a deep breath and rode off. You think you heard him shouting your name and cursing but you didn’t dare to check it.
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luciddreamingstuff · 3 years
The SMP After Lore Tavern (2-2)
Yes, I am aware we are out of normal forks, someone stole them all!---I know, more blankets for the cuddle pile by the fireplace ---More energy potions for the writers, artists, and theorists---How muck ink was spilled by the news reporters??? Agh! MY TABLE! . . . . Oh, hello there, I'll be with you in a moment! We are very busy tonight as you can see--YES, YES, I'LL GET RIGHT ON THE COCO SHORTAGE IN A MOMENT! Anyways, pull up a chair, have a seat, and get comfortable, would you like something to drink? maybe something to eat? As you can see, we are quite lively here tonight. Then again, with all the excitement I mentioned last night, it's no wonder. Anyways, take a minute to breathe and remember, watch your ears for spoilers, they are to be abound tonight.
(Thoughts on the stream as usual. Spoilers for the 11/28/2021 streams)
Is everybody okay out there? that was some painful shit. For the record I am not doing great either, I will be sending them the bill for my non-existent heart they have shattered. Alright, Techno's stream, what a fucking wild ride. From the tragedy that occurred with C!Ranboo (Rest in pieces, and C!Sam, it's on sight for you) to the random moment with Connor who I am still not sure about. (The Vibes are still being checked with him for the moment). Once again, well done everyone, and even bringing me back to another jailbreak moment from another time and another world, back in a certain season 2 of a certain realm of Mianite. Except the person they helped free is someone I wanted to hug, not throw off a cliff without hesitation. Anyways, now that the favor is repaid, we definitely got some interesting stuff that followed. Ngl, I did not see the team-up between C!Techno and C!Tubbo happening. Though I can't complain, I mean with the bad blood between them, could pose an interesting moment between the two. Also Eret supremacy for keeping Michael safe. Also, I may want to yeet C!Sam over a cliff for killing C!Ranboo, but lets get this out of the way: I understand why CC!Ranboo killed off his character and I respect his decision and can't wait to see what he has in store for us as Ghostboo. That doesn't mean I still can't be quite upset and yeah. Alright, let's talk about C!Tommy and C!Dream Understand this: I would also like to throw C!Dream over a cliff (I have a tier list that has such a category). Don't get me wrong, I love the character CC!Dream is making, such a fantastic villain, the kind that gets me all fired up and would love to see karma kick his ass, but would be sad to see their final defeat. A good villain for me is someone who I want to see them fall for all the evil they have done, but at the same time, sad to see them go because they gave me such a thrill. I got to see the chase scene and just the wicked shit C!Dream was saying to C!Tommy and heard his sick laughter as he chased the poor boy all the way to C!Philza. I was screaming (and coughing because I am getting over a cold--it's a cold, I swear) the whole time, telling C!Tommy to run, get away from the green homeless teletubbie. Just the shit he said to poor C!Tommy sent a thrilled chill up my spine. Suffice to say the moment of peace we get is not going to last with C!Dream on the hunt (dude is the biggest inniter I swear, probably has all the merch /j). And watching C!Tommy screaming back at C!Dream, man that was so great to watch. Anyways, Can't wait to see what angst is going to come from this. Btw, last thoughts on C!Philza, no longer want to yeet him over a cliff but the ice is so thin, how are you standing on it? Watching C!Tommy beg C!Philza to help him, to stay with him and keep him safe, shit hurt man. I am still pissed at what C!Philza did in the past (I will never truly forgive you for killing Friend on top of everything else). But I guess some part of me wanted to see C!Tommy and C!Philza just talk. And that moment that C!Philza promised to keep C!Tommy safe, pretty sure it was raining because there was no way I was crying, nope, not like that shit hurty. And even with C!Philza's reasons for blowing up L'Manburg, the fallout with that still leaves a slightly bitter taste in my mouth for the moment. But at the same time, I kinda see why, to a certain degree. But at least C!Philza sees the damage done and is willing to help. (Also I would like some more bedrockbros, please and thank you). But ngl, that moment where C!Tommy was cowering in the corner and from then on, C!Philza comforting C!Tommy when he was panicking, mah non-existent heart. Anyways, till we meet again in this old Tavern.
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happy-whumper · 3 years
This chapter literally cost me my last nerve and while I am still not happy with it, I have decided that I also cannot deal with it any longer so I'm posting it now anyways xD it is still not super whumpy, but I promise that'll change in the next chapter!!!!! CW: dehumanisation, swearing, some more auction whump; if i forgot anything please let me know!!
The first few minutes were rather uneventful, the bids weren’t too high yet, some people were still unsure how interested they actually were and wanted to just keep their options open. Nicolas went with that for a while, but he was sure he wanted to have them. So after the offer of 650.000$ for Rain, he spoke up. “1.4 Million for all three.”. The room fell silent and he could feel peoples gazes turning to him. He didn’t mind it, he was used to being the center of attention. The auctioneer seemed pleased with that. “1.4 Million, anyone bidding more?”. There was a moment of silence and just as Nicolas thought that was it, another person spoke up. “1.5 Million.”. It seemed to have come from a table not too far from his, but he didn’t bother to turn his head to see who the other bidder was. Whoever they were, he would beat them. Once he had his mind set to something, he could be quite determined. The auctioneer's eyes lit up and Nick noticed that the pets on the stage started to look uneasy. Which was somewhat reasonable, given that someone was offering over a million dollars to buy them. “1.7”, his voice was calm, knowing full well he could keep going like that for a while. There was a whispering discussion breaking out at the other bidders table, agitated voices seemingly discussing something. They seemed to have come to a conclusion, because another offer was put out. “1.9 Millions dollars.”. A murmur went through the crowd. That was a lot of money to pay for three pets. But Nicolas didn’t let that stop him. He simply smiled, raising his glass to his lips before saying, “2 Million.”. He took a sip, watching the reaction of the people. The auctioneer paused for a moment, giving the other bidder a chance to up their offer. “ 2 Million dollars for the three pets…”, when there still weren’t any further offers, he hit the hammer on the podest. “Sold to Mr. Bennet!”. Some people clapped, some confused, some impressed. Most a mix of both. The curtain closed again and Ethan patted him on the shoulder. “Not bad man!”. “What can I say, you were right. Those are some interesting candidates.”. “Sure are!”. He leaned to the side, looking over his shoulder, trying to catch a glance at the other table who had been bidding on the three pets as well. He frowned, leaning back and looking towards Nick. “I didn’t know your sister was back in the business?”. Now it was his turn to frown, “What?”. He turned his head and there was, standing at the table with some other people he didn’t recognise. She had dyed her hair light pink and was wearing a simple and yet elegant black dress to fit into the scene. “Excuse me for a moment.” Ethan nodded. “Of course, hey I’ll go make sure they get your pets ready, while you take care of that!”. “Thank you.”, he gave him a last, genuine smile, before turning around, making his way over to his sisters table. “Hello Clarissa. Didn’t expect to see you here.”
She hadn’t seen him coming so when he spoke, she flinched, spinning around. “Nick, hey...Yeah I uhm…”, she looked to her friends, but they looked just as confused as her. “I’m just here for research purposes.”. He smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m sure. Though i have to ask, since when does research include bidding almost 2 Million dollars on pets?”. Her hands started fidgeting and her eyes kept darting around the room, avoiding eye contact. “Yeah uh...Listen it was really nice to catch up and all, but we really need to go now.”. “That’s a real shame, we should really meet again sometime!”, his voice sounded honest and for most people around it would have sounded genuine. But his sister knew better than that. “Oh one more thing…”, he leaned forward, lowering his voice to not risk being overheard, “I know about your little...rescue group. I know that that’s why you’re really here. Trying to save those pets, it’s pathetic, really. I would have expected more from you.” Clarissa took a step back, straightening her back and finally looking him in the eyes now. “Just good that I have stopped caring about your opinion a long time ago.”
As soon as the curtains closed, the guards appeared again. “Damn, I can’t believe someone would pay this much money for some stupid pets”, the guard looked at them with a sceptical expression. “I can’t believe that you think anyone cares about what you have to say to that…”, the girl, Olivia, mumbled more to herself but still loud enough for Rain to hear her. Unfortunately, the guard had heard it too, stepping over to her and grabbing her by the hair, pulling her head back. That caused a pained hiss from her and she glared at the man. “What did you just say?”, his voice wasn’t particularly loud, but his anger was still coming through. She was clearly not impressed though, looking him directly in the eyes, “I said that no one cares about your opinion, dickhead.”. His face turned into an angry grimace. “Listen here you little-”, before he could finish his sentence, she interrupted him, a way too confident grin on her face, “What, you’re going to threaten me? Oh please, do tell me all the awful things you want to do, we both know that you won’t do it anyway. So please, save both of us the time.” He shot her a last angry glance, before letting go of her hair again. Rain let out a breath, he had been watching the whole situation anxiously, scared of what might happen. Talking like that to a guard in the Academy would have gotten him punished easily....
Just as it seemed that the guard was just going to let it be, taking a step back, he seemed to change his mind, kicking Olivia hard in the stomach. She leaned over, groaning in pain and making a pained grimace. “Fucking asshole!”. Her tone was still angry but her breathing was ragged and the slight shaking in her voice did not help either. The man seemed satisfied though, removing the cuffs around her ankles and pulling her up by her arm. The other two guards, who had only been watching so far, now did the same with the other two. They were more or less dragged out of the room, causing Rain to stumble and almost fall, which brought him a harsh pull on his already bruised arm, causing him to let out a small cry. “Can’t you be a bit more careful? Geez he’s already terrified, no need to be such a dick.”, Rain turned his head in surprise,this was the first time the other boy, who had been introduced as Theodor, had said anything. His voice was calm but had a slight annoyance to it. The guard just rolled his eyes and pushed the blue haired boy forward again. A few minutes later, they got to a new room, again it was completely different from the ones he had seen before. It was mostly empty, there were some beds standing against the wall, separated by curtains. Each of them got brought to one of the beds and immediately a cuff was closed around his ankle, securing him to the bed to make sure there was no escape. With that, the guards left, locking the door behind them. For a moment they just sat there in complete silence. And as they sat there, the reality of their situation came crashing down on Rain. Someone had just bought him, like he was nothing more than an object. A complete stranger just...owned him now. His breathing started to get faster again, his heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest and his body started shaking. What was he going to do with him? Where would he go? Why were they in this room? The room started to spin again, the tears in his eyes blurring his vision. Before he could stop it, a ragged sob escaped his lips and he could feel his face getting wet with hot tears. Once it started, he felt like he just couldn’t stop crying, helpless sobs and gasps the only sounds coming from him. He was scared, hurt and just wanted to go home. He wanted to be safe again, not at this strange place, no idea what was about to happen. Suddenly he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, causing him to flinch and rapidly turning his head. The hand had belonged to Theodor, who was looking at him with a worried expression. “Hey, look at me. You need to calm down, can you take a deep breath for me?”, Rain stared at him with big eyes before slowly nodding and doing as he was told. “Very good!”, he gave him a reassuring smile, that immediately made him feel a bit calmer, “Now just keep doing that okay? Nice deep breaths.” Rain nodded again and continued to focus on his breathing, eventually calming down enough to return to his normal breathing. Theodor took his hand away and for a moment he felt sad, the skin where his hand had been felt cold and sad now. His cheeks turned red and he looked at the floor, embarrassed about the outbreak. “Th-thank you…”. “No problem.”, his voice was warm and calm, something about it made Rain feel a bit saver. He was still absolutely terrified of course but...something about Theo made him feel like it would all be okay eventually. For the next few minutes none of them said anything, everyone lost in their own thoughts. Rain shivered slightly, although he wasn’t sure if it was from the low temperature in the room or something else. But before he could question that more, a man in a white coat entered the room. He was holding a clipboard and was wearing a pair of thick black glasses. His hair was dark brown, although there were streaks of grey visible. Immediately Rain's hands began to twitch again. “Well, hello there!”, he smiled at them, it was friendly and he immediately wanted to smile back. The other two looked at him with a mixture of suspicion and annoyance. “Now, I’m just here to
make sure you’re all healthy and ready to go, I promise it won’t hurt!”. Olivia just scoffed, rolling her eyes. The man just pretended as if he hadn’t seen that, still smiling. “So, who wants to start?”. No one answered. After about a minute of uncomfortable silence, he sighed and turned towards Theo. “Okay, then I’ll just start with you.” He called someone and one of the men from before stepped in. The man in the white coat nodded towards Theo, who was then led through a door in another room. Rain looked after them for a moment, worried what they were going to do. Olivia seemed to have noticed his worry and confusion, “Don’t worry, the Doctor’s probably just going to do some tests and sign some paper saying that everything is okay. It’s no big deal.” She groaned and put one leg, the one that wasn’t secured to the bed, up resting her chin on it. “How...How do you know all that?”, Rain tilted his head in curiosity. She smiled slightly, though it wasn’t a happy one. There was something bitter about it. “I’m not doing this for the first time. It’s always the same procedure, you get used to it. Well. If you get sent back as often as I do at least.”, she let out a short laugh, but again there was no humour in it. Rain nodded slowly, not fully understanding what she meant but he also didn’t want to bother her any more. So instead he just stared at the ground, trying to stay calm. About ten minutes later Theo and the guard returned to the room. He didn’t bother to close the cuffs around his hands again, instead he just went over to the girl who seemed already annoyed even though he hadn’t said anything. She sighed, letting her leg fall to the ground again. “I hate doctors…”. With that she was brought through the door, leaving the two boys alone in the room.
After the brief conversation with his sister Nick didn’t quite know what to think. Her being at this event wasn’t necessarily something to be concerned but most definitely unusual. For the most part she preferred to say more behind the scenes and her appearance on this evening made him wonder if there was something special about this one. But that was something he could think about later, for now there were other things that needed his attention. Namely the three new pets he had just bought. He still wasn’t quite sure if getting three at once had been such a good idea but well...It was a challenge. And he loved a good challenge.
He made his way through the crowded room until he reached a discrete door at the back. It wasn’t locked, so he went right through, entering a hallway. Compared to the luxurious hall before, this one felt cold. Sad almost. The floor was made out of a light wood, the walls had a bland beige wallpaper on them. There were a few people walking around, but no one paid much attention to him since they were busy with the still ongoing auction. He didn’t mind that one bit. Since he already knew the place a bit, he had been here before, after all one of his oldest friends worked there. As if on command, Ethan rounded the corner, just finishing up a conversation. When he saw Nick he grinned. “Perfect timing, I was just about to go look for you anyways!”. He made a gesture, telling the other man to follow him. “So, they’re just in for the doctor checkup, you know the drill, but I figured I’d get you their files while you wait.”. Nicolas just nodded, his thoughts starting to drift off again. They passed a few windows and he saw that it had started to rain (haha...Rain...Why am i like this), in fact it seemed like there was a whole thunderstorm going on. The lightning caused sudden flashes of light and was shortly followed by the crashing thunder. He frowned, driving his car home in this weather was not going to be fun.
There was a loud crashing sound, causing Rain to flinch. His eyes darted towards the door, half expecting someone to storm in. When nothing happened he relaxed a bit more, perhaps it was just the weather. When they had brought him to the car earlier the sky had already been grey, thick dark clouds blocking out the sun. He had been nervous, it wasn’t like they never took trainees away from the academy but he had never been one of them before. The knowledge that a lot of those people never came back hadn’t done much to calm his nerves either. It had been about 3 years since he had gotten to the Academy and it still terrified him. No one ever explained anything, they only were told the bare minimum of information. Anything that hadn’t to do with the training wasn’t important.
Once again he felt like he was left in the dark, completely unaware of his faith.
All the time he had been in the room there had been steps in front of the door, passing and never stopping. Now he heard them again, but this time they didn’t leave. Instead he heard a click of a lock from the door and a moment later it swung open, revealing to men standing in the door. The first, the one that held the key to open the door, seemed vaguely familiar, Rain had seen him earlier. He had short blonde hair and his smile reminded him of a salesman, someone who was always trying to convince you to spend your money on something new you didn’t really need. His suit seemed expensive, but also as if the man hadn’t spent a lot of time picking it out. But he wasn’t the one Rain was paying attention to. Instead he fixated on the other man who had entered. He was taller, had dark hair and grey-blue eyes. Something about him immediately made him seem important, in an intimidating way. As if not watching out for him could have fatal consequences. Rain immediately felt his heart starting to beat faster again, unsure whether he wanted to look away from the man or not let him out of his sight to make sure nothing happened. From the corner of his eye he could see that the other two had gotten tense as well, all of them feeling the weighing presence of the stranger. Like a promise for dark times looming over them.
Taglist: @starnight-whump , @froggywhumpy , @whumpasaurus101, @as-a-matter-of-whump, @jordanstrophe, @myst-in-the-mirror, @jojothepanwithoutaplan (Let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
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chaolie · 3 years
Fundywastaken week, Day 6 - Coronation
Another thing I managed to write for @fundyfiles' fwt week! Do I know anything about actual coronations? Nope. Does this make sense in the context of the actual dsmp timeline? Probably not. But does it make up for it by bringing up the "Eret adopts Fundy" storyline and the vibes it has? Hopefully! This is also on my Ao3!
Characters: Fundy, Dream, Eret
Words: ~1.6k
After a day or two short of two weeks, Dream finally returned from one of his journeys, and the first place he headed to was Fundy’s house. Exploring was always a hobby of his, and his boyfriend was used to him being away for days at the time, but it usually took him about a week to get back. That’s why he couldn’t help but feel a bit worried while stepping into the New L’Manburg’s land. He hoped Fundy wasn’t upset, or scared for him, the last thing he wanted was for his boyfriend to lose sleep over his absence.
“Dream!” came a gasp from his side as he walked. He was still far from Fundy’s house, but it was the middle of the day, so it wasn’t too surprising that the fox hybrid was walking around the wooden paths of the small country rather than hiding inside.
“Fundy!” he smiled, turning to see his boyfriend running in his direction at a concerning speed.
“You’re back!” was all Fundy said before reaching Dream and trapping him in a tight hug. Well, that was a relief.
“It’s good to see you too,” the man laughed, hugging Fundy back. They stayed like that for a moment before the fox hybrid’s grip finally loosened.
“Oh, I missed you so much!” he exclaimed, stepping back to see Dream better but keeping a hand on the man’s arm. “Did something happen to you?”
“Huh? Oh, no, I’m okay, don’t worry!” he assured once he fully acknowledged the question. “I was going to return faster, but just as I was turning back, a huge storm started. I didn’t lose supplies or anything, but I had to wait it out,” he explained, and Fundy nodded slowly.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” he smiled. And just then Dream noticed that the smile, while sweet, was also a tired one. Oh no.
“Are you okay, though? You look tired,” he pointed out, and Fundy groaned in annoyance.
“I bet you’re tired under that mask, too,” he accused, and Dream couldn’t argue with that. “I just have this thing on my hands, and it’s… complicated,” he sighed. Immediately, Dream grew more concerned.
“What’s wrong? Maybe I can help?” he offered, and Fundy snickered quietly.
“Some support would be nice,” he shrugged. “I’ve been trying to sign those stupid adoption papers for like, what, a week? But everyone keeps making up new rules that don’t even make sense! And I know, I get it, it’s to make it safer for future cases, but… I don’t see any other adoptions happening around!” he complained, and Dream could do nothing but stare.
“...Uh, Fundy?” he finally urged himself to say. “I, uh, this is weird to ask, but… Who are you adopting, again?” he asked. Fundy looked at him, and a confused frown appeared on his face.
“I’m… the one getting adopted?” he answered slowly. After that, an even longer pause came,
“...Okay,” Dream nodded finally, doing his best to wrap his mind around the situation. “That’s new. So, uh… by who?” he asked finally.
“Eret,” Fundy answered quickly.
“Oh, that’s nice. They’re a good person,” Dream hummed, and Fundy nodded in agreement.
“Yeah. And I basically grew up with him anyway, so… it’s really nice,” he pointed out. The slight tension the ‘big reveal’ caused was basically gone already. “Now if only everyone could gather around to sign the adoption papers so it’s official,” Fundy groaned.
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy. And I’m sure you can organize a meeting soon. Maybe tomorrow? Or even today?” Dream suggested, and a smile reappeared on his boyfriend’s face.
“I wish,” he nodded. Just then, Dream realized something.
“Hey… Being Eret’s son… won’t that make you a prince?” he pointed out after a moment of thought. Fundy chuckled at that.
“I mean, technically? But she’s not sure if that’ll be official, we have to ask the guy behind all the rules about that and… Wait,” he paused, turning to look at Dream. “...Aren’t you the one making them?”
“...I suppose I am?” Dream answered, just remembering that yes, that is a thing he’s responsible for. “Hm. Do you want to go visit Eret and settle that now?” he offered. Fundy nodded briefly.
“Sure. And, uh, what’s the decision?” he asked, slowly starting to walk. Dream shrugged.
“Do you want to be the prince?” he asked. Fundy didn’t take long to answer.
“I mean, that’d be cool,” he muttered, and Dream hummed in understanding.
“Then you will be the prince,” he announced.
A few minutes later, they were already at the entrance to the castle. Fundy was the one to knock on the giant door and, when no answer came, carefully step inside. Dream followed close behind, but still left some space between himself and his boyfriend. After finding the throne room empty, Fundy headed straight for the door to the castle’s garden and pushed the door gently. There, he saw Eret.
“Oh, hello Fundy!” they greeted him with a smile, getting up from the little bench they were sitting on and approaching.
“Hi!” he smiled back. Before she could say anything else, Dream came into view.
“Dream. It’s good to see you,” Eret said, his expression dropping to a more serious one. “I wanted to speak to you about something,” he added, and Dream nodded.
“I think I know,” he answered, glancing in Fundy’s direction. Despite knowing how the conversation would end, the fox hybrid still looked a bit nervous.
“Good. So, if I were to have a child… how would my status as a king affect them?” Eret asked. While Dream could’ve made his answer sound more official, or come up with some rules to make sure his decision couldn’t be exploited… he figured this situation was stressful enough. For Fundy, and for everyone else.
“He will be considered a prince,” he answered, motioning to Fundy. “And I suppose we should start planning a coronation ceremony?” he added. Just as he assumed, giving that answer removed some tension from the situation.
“...Of course,” Eret nodded. The relief on his face was clearly visible. “Do you want to discuss the details now, or later?” he asked.
“Hmm…” Dream wondered for a moment. “I won’t lie, I think I should rest before we start that,” he decided finally. He was doing his best to push back the tiredness from his journey so he could see Fundy first, but now it was truly catching up to him.
“Alright then. See you later, I assume?” they said, and Dream nodded.
“Uh- I’ll be back later too, I’ll walk him home first,” Fundy decided, stepping closer to the masked man again.
“Sure. Have a good day,” Eret waved her hand before returning to the bench they found her on.
“Bye!” Fundy waved back before turning to leave, Dream following close behind again.
Just a few days later, everything was fully settled. All the smallest details for the coronation were planned, even the crown was prepared for the day it would finally be put on Fundy’s head. More importantly, though, the adoption papers were finally signed, and the fox hybrid was halfway into moving into the castle permanently. Dream and Eret were also starting to somewhat get along, mostly for Fundy’s sake, but it was surely an improvement nonetheless.
Just a day later, it was finally time. A few decorations appeared around the castle and the throne room, Fundy finally got some royal-like clothes, and the crown was shined for the last time before the ceremony. It wasn’t a big event in itself, there wasn’t an entire crowd of people that got to come to watch and no loud announcements. Still, there was no doubt that the coronation would be memorable.
Fundy slowly walked into the room where Eret and Dream both waited and carefully approached them. He was still getting used to the texture and shape of the new clothes, and the last thing he wanted was to fall, but he still couldn’t help but admire the room. The decorations were all colorful and pretty, the clothes the two other people wore were very fancy, and the second, smaller throne at Eret’s side was, while still a work in progress, quite admirable. Fundy walked up the wooden, carpeted stairs and finally stood in front of the other two. They both smiled at him.
“Step a bit closer,” Dream instructed, and Fundy did so with a nod. The masked man cleared his throat. “Fundy, I hereby crown you the prince of this kingdom and the successor to the crown. I trust that you will carry that title responsibly and with honor.”
“I will,” Fundy promised, and Dream nodded before turning to Eret.
“Will you do the honors?” he asked, and she nodded.
“With pleasure,” they answered, carefully picking up the crown and taking a step closer to place it on top of Fundy’s head. The moment he felt the weight of it, Fundy couldn’t help but smile.
“It’s fully official, then,” Dream hummed and held out his hand for Fundy to shake. “It’s an honor… hm. Your Highness,” he added, and the fox hybrid could hear the grin on his face.
“...I swear, if you start calling me that in normal situations-” he muttered quietly, and his little threat earned a couple of chuckles.
Did the coronation feel very formal and serious? Did it feel well planned? Of course not, it happened just four or so days after it was first mentioned! But it would go down as a big event in the history books. And at the moment, it felt… nice. Comfortable. And that’s all that should matter, isn’t it?
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firefly464 · 4 years
The Real World - Chapter 12
Alright chapter 12 lets goooo. Another slightly slower chapter, but I promise that its gonna be picking up real soon. Also Pami wrote the irl bit because shes the coolest and I love her :D
Made in collaboration with @i-have-this-now​ Thank you to @rivys​ for beta reading and editing!
Master Post
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Dream stared at his friend, confusion and worry filling his mind. The teenager had been staring into space for the past minute or so, not responding to either him or Tubbo. Dream hadn’t been too concerned, until he noticed that Tommy was crying.Tears were streaking down Tommy’s face, forging a path on his cheeks. His expression was filled with a mixture of hope and fear, his eyes glazed over, like he was listening to something that no one else could hear. 
“Tommy? Hellooo? You ok?” Dream asked, waving a hand in front of his face. No response. He glanced over at Tubbo, trying to see if he had any ideas. Instead, when Dream made eye contact with him, Tubbo flinched and sank back into his seat, as if trying to disappear. Right. Of course Tubbo was scared of him. Everyone was scared of him. 
“You know I’m not going to hurt you, right?” He asked, trying to lighten the mood.
The younger brunette stared at him in fear, unsure of how he was supposed to respond. If Dream had said those same words to him a month ago, he would have ran, no questions asked. Now though, he wasn’t sure. He didn’t know this man, had no idea what he was like. All he had to go off of was what Tommy had said. 
His eyes darted over towards his spaced out friend. “What did you do to him?” He asked, struggling to keep the tremor out of his voice. He had only stood up to Dream once, and it had resulted in him nearly losing his arm. Slowly, as to not draw attention to himself, he moved his hand to the hilt of his sword. If this went south, then he sure as hell needed to be ready to defend himself. 
“Nothing! I didn’t do anything, I promise” Dream dropped the bow and put his hands up in an attempt to show he meant no harm. He understood why Tubbo was so scared of him, but that didn’t change the fact that it stung. How could it not? Someone who he had thought of as a friend was now trembling before him in fear. 
“Look, I don’t know what you’re playing at, but if you hurt Tommy in any way I will not hesitate to run you through.” Tubbo’s voice shook with fear, despite his best attempts at keeping it steady. 
Seeing the young teenager like this, Dream couldn’t help but be filled with pity and sadness. He was only 16, still just a kid. He should have been worried about homework, or some other small problem. He shouldn’t be stressing over whether or not he was going to live through the day, or who was going to try and hurt him next. It just wasn’t right.
Dream nodded, his hands still raised.“I promise, Tubbo, I didn’t do anything, and I don’t plan on hurting either of you.”
“Tubbo…” A soft voice startled them both. Tommy was now staring at the fallen bow, the tears freely flowing. 
Tubbo’s attention was instantly drawn to his best friend, his eyes filled with overwhelming concern. “Hey man, you ok?” 
Tommy looked up at his friend. A pang of homesickness shot through him. Everything about the boy next to him felt… wrong. He knew that it was still Tubbo, but that didn’t change the fact that it didn’t seem right. He was too tense, too nervous. It was as if at any moment, he could be attacked. It was so different from the laid back attitude of his Tubbo. The one that got excited over the smallest things. The one who casually went around killing people in game for no real reason. Tommy couldn’t help but miss the energetic and fun loving Tubbo from his own world. Still, he was still his friend. 
Without hesitation, Tommy reached over to give his friend a hug. The tears continued to flow as the words of the message replayed in his mind. ‘I swear, we’re gonna figure something out and get you guys out of there. I promise.’ It wasn’t much to go off of, but goddammit what did he have to lose? 
Tubbo couldn’t help but flinch at the sudden hug. “Hey, is everything alright?” 
“Sorry, sorry” Tommy quickly said, backing up and giving his friend space. He frantically wiped the tears off his face and tried to compose himself. “Yeah, I’m good.” “What the hell was that? You just zoned out, are you sure you’re ok?” Dream asked. 
“I uh, I think I just got a message from Tubbo. Our Tubbo,” he made sure to clarify. “Apparently he’s been working with Wilbur and the other Tommy to try and bring us home…” 
Dream felt his jaw drop. “Wait, really?! You’re kidding!” 
“I swear to you that I am not joking. Trust me, I want to go home as much as you do.”
“How?! What did he say? What do we do?” 
“There’s- There’s a console. Apparently it's like the server console back home, but it's an actual physical computer here. According to Tubbo it has the ability to do some really weird shit.” 
“Like run regular commands?” 
“Yeah, pretty much. Damn, imagine what kinda fucked up shit you could do with that kinda thing…” 
“Uh huh, imagine what kind of fucked up shit this other Dream already did with that thing.” 
“Fuck, you’re right.” 
“So how exactly does this help us get home?” 
“Right, right. I guess that the other Dream figured out how to swap people’s souls across dimensions or something with it.”
Dream’s face lit up as he made the connection. “We could do it too! We could use the command to swap us back and put everything back to normal!” A rush of excitement filled him. Finally, finally they had some direction. They actually had a goal, something to work towards. They had hope. “Where is it? Where can we find it?” 
“See, that's the problem. Actually, there's two problems. One, we don’t know the command. Tubbo was thinking if we could make it to the console, we might be able to communicate with them and figure something out.”
“Wait, what? How would that even work?” 
Tommy shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’m honestly just hoping that Tubbo knows what he’s doing.”
“Riiight. So what's the other problem?” 
Tommy took a deep breath and tried to find something, anything else to look at. He didn’t want to look Dream or Tubbo in the eyes when he told them the truth. Eventually, his eyes rested on the white, porcelain mask that hung on the wall. The simple smile seemed to bore into his very soul, taunting him in a way. He looked away. “The computer is super far away. Apparently it takes a couple days to reach on foot.” 
“Ok? And?” 
“According to the other Tommy, the other Dream is going to delete the server in a little less than 48 hours, which would most likely result in every single one of us dying a very painful death.” 
Dream let out a low whistle. “Right. So you’re telling me that we have to go and find this super powerful computer that's really far away, try to come up with a plan, and figure out what the right command is within the next 48 hours, or the world will be deleted and we all die.” 
“Yeah pretty much.” 
“Right. Ok, no pressure.” he ran a hand through his hair, already trying to figure out what the best course of action was. “Where exactly is the console?” 
“He said it’s in this room made out of bedrock in the middle of a dark forest, almost directly east of us.”
Dream nodded. “Got it. Tommy, go let George know what's going on. See if he wants to join us. It’d probably be smart to have someone who actually knows what they’re doing with us. I’m going to get together some supplies.” 
“Got it. Tubbo, do you wanna come with us?” Tommy asked, startling the brunette. 
He had been deep in thought, trying to keep up with the conversation. He was confused, but he also didn’t want to ask any questions and risk angering Dream. He shook his head. “I’m good. You guys uh, you’ll need someone to cover for you, right? I can tell Wilbur what's going on…” He was lying, of course. He just didn’t want to spend any more time around Dream. Sure, Tommy trusted him, but that didn’t change the fact that just looking at the man brought back painful memories. 
“Ok, that's probably smart. Make sure he knows that the other Tommy is safe, ok? He’s going to be coming home soon.” 
A slight smile crossed Tubbo’s face. “Alright. I can do that. I’ll uh, I’ll see you guys later then.” He rushed out of the base, running towards L’manberg. 
Dream and Tommy were silent, neither of them mentioning the obvious. If all went according to plan, then they would never see this version of Tubbo again. 
“Florida?!” Tubbo cried, flabbergasted. “We’re going to Florida? That’s like a 9 hour flight!” All this SMP stuff was making his head spin. First, it was just Tommy and Dream’s disappearance, then it escalated to something much, much worse. His friends’ lives were at stake if they didn’t do anything. He honestly didn’t want to believe Tommy, but something told him that what he’s saying is true.
“Look, I’m used to taking on my problems in person. I can’t just sit in front of this thing- whatever weird gadget this is- and do nothing! We have to go there!” Tommy explained.
“Tommy, what will you tell everyone else? What will you tell your parents? You can’t just prance up to them and go ‘hello dearest parents! As it turns out, I’m not your son, but I’m him from another dimension! Y’know how he plays that video game? It’s that dimension! Anyways, I’m off to Florida to go do a murder! I’ll be home before dinner!’ How do you think that’s gonna go down?” Wilbur said.
“Will, I know what I’m doing! This psychopath is gonna try to kill my friends. I need to save them.” Tommy told them desperately. “If we reach him, we can get to his computer and I can go home!”
“We don’t even know where he lives, Tommy!” Wilbur retaliated. 
“Well, I might.” Tubbo said, nonchalantly.
Wilbur blinked. “You what? You’re not going to hack him, Tubbo-” 
“He isn’t our Dream, Will. This is probably the only chance we have to do this! Lives are at stake!”
“But there’s laws--” Wilbur sighed, pulling on his face in resignation. He still had trouble believing in this. Dimension travel? Souls? A few days ago he’d say they never existed. But, now… “Okay, fine. I can get us three to Florida. Earliest flight I can get us will be at about five-in-the-morning. We find Dream and we…” Wilbur trailed off.
“Kill him.” Tommy gritted out.
“NO!” Wilbur and Tubbo shouted.
“Tommy, we are not going to kill him. We need our Dream and Tommy to come back and send both of you back. If you kill him-” Wilbur explained.
“Okay, fine,” Tommy sighed, cutting off whatever it was Wilbur was about to say. “We won’t kill him. We just need to hold him long enough for him to tell us the command.”
“And what if he refuses to tell us?” 
“Then we make him tell us.” 
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p0gue420 · 4 years
!Too Young To Feel Numb! (Kie x Reader)
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ATTENTION!! There are a lot of trigger warnings in this one! Including: drinking, drugs, talks of feeling alone, depression.
Summary: Y/n started smoking weed at the age of 8, It’s all she’d known; She grew up around it so it was normal for her to start super young, she told herself that’s the farthest she’d go...only smoking weed..never any hard drugs. She thought she could learn from her parent's mistakes, guess not. 
pairing: Kie x female!reader, Rafe x Platonic! reader, JJ x Sister figure! reader
Warnings: Substance abuse, depression, suicidal thoughts, marijuana Underage drinking,(reader is 15),
A/N: Alot of grammar errors because i dont feel like checking it so sorry....not really,hehe
I use to think people were crazy for even thinking about doing anything harder than weed. Yeah...I was like 7 so it doesn’t count.”Yo you gonna babysit that shit or pass it, I mean...I have all day but  would love to do something besides wait for you to pass the blunt.” I rolled my eyes waiting for JJ to hand it to me.”Chill, what’s up your ass today?”
He finally passes it, after what felt like hours. I take a long hit before seeing he’s actually wanting me to answer his question.”Nothin. man, I’ve just got places to be.” I mumbled out hoping he wouldn’t start asking any further questions. He stares blankly awaiting me to pass it back, knowing I don’t share my feelings so he simply lays off. “Hey. You trynna go surfing today….whenever you’re done with your….things..?”
“Uhh, yeah text me and-” I’m cut off by the sound of my phone vibrating...Barry.
Meet in twenty? I got extra today
I look up from my phone stuttering my words, and fumbling.“Uhm, I gotta go do something, but I’ll text you later to surf, yeah?” I say nodding towards JJ as I began walking out.”Uhm yea sure, hey-” I was already out the door.”-be safe.” he muttered to himself left wondering why I left so fast. On the way to my bike, I ran into Kie and Pope laughing about something before Kie began to make her way over towards me.
“Hey, Y/n! Heading out so fast, are we?”Kie pouted her lip out mimicking a whimpering sound.” heh, yeah sorry bub. I gotta go handle some things and I’ll be back later.” I peck her lips in a swift movement as well as pull up the front of her crop top, covering her exposed cleavage.”Those are my love,keep them covered” I wink at her. She laughs and heads inside after blowing me a kiss,that I catch and pretend to place in my heart..Wow im so whipped.
My thoughts cut off by a loud vibrating noise.
You coming?
Read: 46 sec.ago
Omw now!
Read: just now
I hop on my bike heading over to Barry’s place knowing a shortcut I found a few days ago.
It only takes 10 minutes before i’m in front of his house walking up the steps of the porch.My clean oxygen is immediately replaced by the smell of cigarettes,weed,and...Is that burnt hair?I scrunch my face in disgust at the awful smells.”Aye look who it is!” Barry calls out after seeing my face, He’s standing beside..Rafe cameron.
Now...I’m not friends with Rafe but i also don’t exactly despise him.I babysat wheezie all summer last year,most the time he’d join..keep me company;I don’t think he knew i was with Kie but he’s not all bad.He’s helped me more times than I can count,only because i've done the same for him though.
“Yo waddup.I didn’t expect to see you here.” I share a short handshake with Barry and side hug Rafe,he seems unprepared for it so he stumbles a bit but eventually hugs back quickly.”uh yeah.just doing some..business” Rafe says avoiding eye contact,looking everywhere except my face.”anyway i'm gonna head out, i'll catch you guys later.” Rafe walks towards,im guessing his bike;I head inside following barry so i didn’t really catch what he drove in.
“So like I said I've got your usual ,and then I got a little extra something I thought you may like.”He continues on but I'm so wrapped up in the fact that I want to consume something soon,anything;I don’t know exactly what he's saying.”Sound good?” He asked “Uh what?sorry I zoned out a bit.”I shook my head pushing my long hair out of my eyes.”Look,Usually altogether this would be alot of money but considering I stole the pills,I'll spare you the oxy,wadda yuh say?”, “Yeah sure,80$?”
He nods his head holding his hand out as i hand him the money.He hands you a bag full of coke in a plastic baggy, along with the pills in its original container it was prescribed. “Ight,thanks man.Ill see you later next week!” I wave goodbye as I show myself out, shoving the ‘things’ I had bought into my bag and swinging it back on my back.
~Incoming call from:Bubbs<3
I instantly pick up not wanting to worry her.
I instantly hear the boys laughing and playing in the background,but wait for her to say something.”Hey baby, you heading back yet?” Kie questioned sounding bored of the childish boys we spend our time with.”Not yet,i promise im almost done,ask the boys if there's drinks at the chateau please.”She turns her head away from the boys asking what there is to drink besides sink water.
I hear a chorus of “We just stocked up”,”All good momma bird.” and other sayings coming from the overly hyper boys.”Did you hear that,or need me to repeat?” She hesitantly says, making sure I’m still listening ”Gotcha,I'm headed your way now,see you there” I say quickly hanging up without giving her time to respond.
I hop on my bike and drive towards…...the opposite of the chateau,instead deciding to go to the Camerons.I drive,stuck in thought of what ill do when i get there,not quite sure why i decided to come.I had been so lost in thought I didn’t realise I was suddenly at the Cameron residence. I park my bike and began walking up to the door,but before I can knock,Rafe walks up behind me.
“Y/n?” I swiftly turn around being scared for a minute before realizing who it was.”Oh!uhm. yeah...hey” I ‘smoothly’ say”what are you doing here?” he asks..The whole conversation was a blur and before I knew it I was walking up to his room to hang out.I sit on the bed laying back asking about what he wants to do.”I don't know,you came here,what'd you have in mind?” He asked curiously.”I'm not sure.” I snorted at my inability to maintain a conversation.
I dig into my bag as he starts up about how he broke his bed frame the other day, because he put too many boxes on the bed while getting rid of some old things. I finally found what I was looking for,the baggy of white powder.I lifted it up smiling widely.”Can I do this here or no?”I question,feeling my body begin to sweat at the thought of getting to snort the white powder.
“Uh,I mean.. yea sure,didn't know you did that kind of thing.. but I mean go ahead.” He rambles. He stares into space as I do a few lines, my eyes opening wide at the sensation of sudden adrenaline;I look over to see him trying not to stare.”Oh my bad,You want some?” I ask holding up the dollar folded into a cylinder shape , gesturing to the lines of coke spread on the dresser.
Hours go by,giggling,cracking jokes with rafe as well as doing oxy and maybe overdoing it with the coke seeing as the bag was almost gone.Rafe hasn't done much.I on the other hand was feeling VERY shaky and everything was just so hilarious..until it wasnt.My high started to get bad and overall scary.I must've did too much in such a limited amount of time.I look at my phone .
17 missed calls from Bubbs<3
8 missed calls from John B:)
9 missed calls from Popey boi
11 missed calls from JJ
Incoming call from Bubbs<3
“He-h-hello ,hi,hey.”
“DON'T ‘HI’ ME!” Kie instantly began screaming into the phone making me move my face away from it as Rafe looked at me with a worried expression on his face.
“Y/n,Where have you been! I’ve been so worried! I’ve-” I Blanked out again not in the mood to be yelled at.”Yeah,hey I nee-need,will-can youcomeandpickme up” I say jumbling all my words together. “Are you okay?Why are you talking like that?''She ask worried about my state of mind.
“Yeah am- I fine,Yes” I say yet again struggling to sound normal. I guess I was on speaker because JJ immediately began yelling into the phone asking about where I was.”Rafes house” Rafe sat silently waiting for them to break out into hysterics about me being with him.The phone went silent for a moment before the call ended.”So does that mean they not-....Vodka” was all i said before heading downstairs Rafe was sober enough to be able to notice what i was doing.I quickly went downstair searching through the freezer.
“Yessss.”I exclaimed before chugging the vodka.”Rafe continuously asking me to give him the bottle.I chugg at least half the pint bottle before having to give it up because Sarah comes down the stairs.”Y/n what're you doing here?” She asks excitedly until she saw me tripping over my own feet walking towards her,”Woah!” she caught me just before I hit the floor.
She turned to the door hearing someone pull up.Kie.”Rafe what did you do to her?” Sarah asked, holding me up scared of how out of it I was.”SHE BROUGHT COKE HERE,i did a bit with her, but she did A LOT. I legit did nothing this time I swear on everything!”He trailed back up the stairs not caring about the situation now that Sarah was there to take care of you. 
I began to sweat, tears running down my face. scared of what's happening to me.John b and Kie rush through the front doors asking where I am.”IN HERE GUYS!” Sarah screamed for them to hear her.My eyes rolling to the back of my head as I went in and out of consciousness.
“BABYYYY!!!” i exclaimed making grabby hands at Kie as i started crying harder
Sarah helped me stand up shakingly as I tried to walk to my girlfriend,She came running towards me with a concerned look on her face. She grabs my face pecking my lips,”Bub. I need you to listen to me, okay?” I nodd in awe of the gorgeous girl in front of me.”John B is gonna take you to the van,we need you to tell us everything you took to get in this state, okay?” I drowsily  nodded,growing tired.
Just as she said,the tall boy picked me up bridal style carrying me out to the twinkie.
I take notice to seating arrangement so i can close my eyes and know whos talking ,JJ being in the passenger seat,Pope watching From the bench behind the driver's seat.Kie stepped up into the van sitting on the floor of the vehicle waiting for John B to place me down beside her.As he did I sat up enough to lean my back against her chest.
JJ was surprisingly silent.Too silent.Pope looked so worried at my sweating body and dripping wet hair from  sweat,tears,and vodka mixture.”Okay,Y/n,What did you take?” my girlfriend sits grabbing my face turning me to face her, my legs straddling her thighs on the floor as I nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck,but she pushes my head up making me pout but not being able to maintain due to the dizziness. “I took a few oxy,uhm when I -then i did a few lines of coke,and…..i chugged half a pint of vodka..” i said tears filling my eyes trying to not look into anyone's eyes,
Silent JJ was no more .”Are you fucking kidding me.Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n.You’re not supposed to take oxy and drink alcohol together.much less do oxy or coke at all.ARE YOU DUMB!” JJ began turning around. A Quiet ‘im sorry’ came from my mouth.John B finally pulled into the chateau.
Kie carried me while my face stayed nuzzled in her neck still crying due to my,still,VERY high state.she sat me down on the couch out on the porch as everyone except her,went to get a few things.Pope came back with water and a wet rag to place on my head.JJ brought a blanket,John B came back empty handed because he only went inside to pee.
“Kie?” I whispered scared she was mad.”Yes baby?” 
“Are you mad at me?” I questioned hiding my face in her shoulder due to the amount of dizziness being insured. She leaned her head on mine with an unknown amount of emotions,not quite sure of how to fully answer. “No I- I just don’t know what you were thinking I just- Well I figured you wouldn’t ever do anything like this considering what we talked about-and -and what you went through with your parents..” 
“I know-I wanted to feel better tho..I just feel like i have no one-”
Shortly realising the guys were still in on the conversation as Pope cut in.
“Y/n, you have,and always will have us..” I lift my head from the girls shoulder  before slowly looking at Pope in his sad worried eyes.
“I guess, I like-I dont know guys what you want me to say..Im trying to be better for myself for everybody,but nothing was working and i ran into barry one day and we talked and he offered a way to help,of course i was hesitant but its really not that bad...Im actually fine!” I said standing up as John b followed me.
“y/n, you were just saying you need help,so what the fuck are we supposed to do ,one minute you need help and having to be ushered here so you dont die! And-and-the next thing you’re yelling at us about how your fine,you’re not fine and you know it!” I stopped as I watched the long haired boy fight back tears trying to explain how all of them feel.
“Fuck you guys honestly,Im not a child i know how i feel,this is all just bullshit!” I yelled at them all, I ran to the spare bedroom covered in sweat,tears,and vodka; I slowly sink into the bed as tears fall down my face crying myself to sleep,what i didn’t know was that my bestfriend’s and girlfriend were all huddled up outside the door awaiting me to fall asleep so that they could come in and cuddle me to make me feel better.Sometimes things get better, but i dont think this is one of those times atleast for now anyway..
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cupcakemolotov · 4 years
Wild Hunt
I think I promised @goldcaught a Klaroline Fae fic years ago. This one has been in the works for a while, let's not talk dates, but 2020 definitely slowed production down. I promise, the second half will not sit languishing in my WIP for too long! The biggest, most heartfelt thank you to Kiry, who has been both a cheerleader and a kick in the pants as needed to get this thing on track to being finished. Kiry doesn't sleep, but I can't complain too much, since they have kindly listened to me complain until the wee hours of the morning. (And also my girl @klarolinedrabbles who saw a super early version of this and was kind enough to be encouraging.)
Edit; And I failed to tag @kirythestitchwitch directly, but you know, today was a trip.
A couple of notes to avoid confusion:
Fae: A word used in this fic to generally reference a type of European mythological beings. Sean O'Connell: Cami O'Connell's Twin.
Synopsis: Killing Tyler Lockwood starts a chain of events that put Caroline exactly where she's always dreaded and longed to be: in the arms of Klaus Mikaelson.
Warnings: Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - FaeAlternate; Universe - Soulmates; Fae!Caroline; hybrid!Klaus; Minor Character Death; Blood and Gore; Mild Gore; Implied/Referenced; Torture; Psychological Torture; Canon-Typical Violence; Compulsion; Blood and Injury; Blood Drinking
Hand pressed tightly against her side, Caroline took several careful breaths, her lungs burning and her pulse a steady thump in her ears. Her senses were hyper alert, magic straining to catch the faintest hint of a disturbance. All around her, humans slept soft and cozy in their beds, and the night had gone quite. As the silence continued to hold, she allowed herself to relax, letting the cold of the concrete at her spine cool her flushed and fever warm skin. For the moment, she was safe.
Reaching up, she rubbed her breastbone, lips curling into a small, pleased smile at the burn. Her father was angry. If she survived the night, that alone would make the pain of her injury worth it. Thankfully, the knife wound felt like it had finally stopped seeping, and her glamour would hide the blood. It was the iron poison that was going to cause her complications. The black spider web crawling up the line of her ribcage hadn’t made it close to her heart, she was her mother’s daughter too, but it weakened her all the same.
It left her in a magical disadvantage.
Grimacing as her phone buzzed silently in her pocket, she pressed a little further into the concrete behind her and looked around. There was nothing to suggest her cousins had been able to track her, though that was just a matter of time. Thankfully, even suffering from iron, she had enough control of her magic to hide the glow from her phone, though she didn’t quite dare to risk more.
Not yet.
Pulling it free from her pocket, she winced at the number of missed calls and quickly scanned the texts that had accumulated.
Bonnie (12:45 AM): Hello???
Bonnie (12:46 AM): You’re not dead.
Bonnie (12:46): Are you ignoring me?
Bonnie (1:10 AM): I swear, I’ll put Enzo on a plane. With the time differences, he’ll be there before dawn.
Bonnie (1:10 AM): Then you’ll have to listen to him complain about airplane food while he tries to kill people.
Bonnie (1:11 AM): I might do it anyway. I could use the alone time.
Wincing, because Bonnie Bennett did not bluff, she hurriedly tapped out a response.
Caroline (1:11 AM): I’m alive.
Bonnie (1:11 AM): What happened?
Caroline (1:11 AM): It was a trap.
Bonnie (1:11 AM): How bad?
Caroline: (1:12 AM): I’ve mostly stopped bleeding and Tyler is dead.
Very dead. She’d made sure of it. There was a lot someone like her father would do with a dead body, so she’d made a point to separate his head from his body so he couldn’t be resurrected. Baba Yaga spells were rare and costly, but if anyone could get their hands on one, it would be her father. It was why she’d then dumped her stash of holy water on the body and then carefully dusted him in iron shavings, rendering his body and his blood unusable.
The little dots below her conversation on her messenger app popped up and died several times, and Caroline closed her eyes, letting her head fall back as she waited for Bonnie’s response. She’d know that coming to Chicago was a risk, for a number of reasons, but even at her most pessimistic she wasn’t sure she could have guessed just what she’d find here.
What could possibly have led Tyler to be so desperate that he would trust her father? Tyler, who was one of the few people who knew the truth of her origin, who had hugged her when she’d said goodbye and told her he would always care about her. Tyler, whose blood she now wore beneath her nails, who had stabbed her with an iron knife and who had died with hate in eyes.
Her phone buzzed and she glanced down.
Bonnie (1:13 AM): Klaus is in Chicago.
Caroline stared at her phone, surprise and a shot of adrenaline leaving her momentarily breathless. Klaus. Here. In Chicago. The city where Bill had set up his most recent plots, where Tyler had attempted to betray everything that had once made him a good man. Sliding her teeth along her lip, she very carefully typed her reply, her fingers shaking.
Caroline (1:14 AM): You said he was in London for the next month. What changed?
Bonnie (1:15AM): I don’t know.
Bonnie (1:16 AM): Do you need an exit?
Bonnie (1:16 AM): He owes me.
Caroline was shaking her head even before she started typing. Being anywhere near Klaus was a terrible idea, and Bonnie knew that. That her friend would never make the offer unless she thought it necessary left dread sitting low in her stomach.
Caroline (1:16 AM): What’s got you spooked?
Bonnie (1:17 AM): Someone is blocking my scrying spells.
Caroline (1:17 AM): Bill?
Bonnie (1:17 AM): If we’re lucky. We both know what it means if we’re not.
Caroline’s fingers tightened on her phone case, her pulse loud in her ears. Bonnie was right. Very, very few things blocked her from seeing what she wanted to see. Bill could do it thanks to the blood bind but it wasn’t easy, and he never managed it for long periods of time. Grams probably could have done it. But the list of powerful witches who remained alive in the United States after the purging of New Orleans was short.
There was only one reason Bill would use the blood connection between them to block out any outside magic from interfering tonight. She hadn’t just pissed her father off, she’d actively disrupted his plans, and thanks to Bonnie’s magical brilliance, he couldn’t track her easily. But there was another way to drag her to a Fairy Court, and she would have to move very quickly to avoid it.
Baring her teeth in a mimicry of a smile, she gave herself a moment to feel a sharp burst of satisfaction. She had a list on her phone of her father’s potential means of retaliation, and Wild Hunt was right there at the top as the worst possible outcome, but it also meant Tyler must have been far more integral to his plans than she’d guessed. Even knowing that her chances of survival had just taken a serious dip, it did little to dim her pleasure. If she was very, very lucky her father’s precious Queen would feel the need to take out his failure on him directly.
A girl could hope.If she survived the night, she was going to find a fancy bottle of wine and pick up a cupcake. Maybe two cupcakes. She deserved the mini-celebration.
Caroline (1:20AM): I spotted half a dozen of my cousins tonight. I don’t know who holds their allegiance but it probably won’t matter. If Bill is super pissed, he’ll call them all.
Bonnie (1:21 AM): Fuck.
Bonnie (1:21 AM): If it goes bad, don’t be an idiot. Use Klaus.
Caroline (1:21 AM): No.
Caroline (1:22 AM): Favor or not, I killed his hybrid. He doesn’t strike me as forgiving.
Bonnie (1:22 AM): He’s not.
Bonnie (1:23 AM): You don’t have to tell him.
Caroline (1:23 AM): Uh huh. I’ll call you when I’m safe. 🤦😘❤️🏃
Shoving her phone back into her pocket, Caroline exhaled slowly at the bite that was her warning that her magic was nearly tapped dry. Giving herself another half-a-dozen heart beats to celebrate her first major victory, she turned her mind to her problem at hand.
Bonnie had good reason to be worried. It had been almost thirty years since the Queens had summoned a wild hunt to drag one of the half-Fae home for punishment. Bill had made a point to tell her in great details the torture that had awaited her cousin, the way the Queen had plucked his body and his mind apart for his treachery.
Caroline doubted she had become enough of a problem that the Queens would send the hunt, which meant that Bill would be expending a great deal of power to collect her. Her lips twisted, finger tapping silently against the side of her phone. Fae magic was powerful, and so was her father, but it could be circumvented. She needed to concentrate on that, put together her plan.
Pissing her father off twice in one night would normally be her highest priority, but instead what she wanted to think about was the message Bonnie had given her.
 Klaus Mikaelson was in Chicago.
Anticipation was a tantalizing thrill in her veins. She’d hoped the truth of New Orleans would have helped her grow out of her strange obsession. Instead, it left her wanting to know more. It was a struggle, when all she had to do was text Bonnie and ask for a location. She could then finally indulge in the bone deep curiosity that had been part of her life for as long as she could remember. Maybe figure out the cause of her obsession with a monster she’d never met.
She might’ve, if only doing so tonight wouldn’t put everyone she cared about in danger.
Caroline slid her lip between her teeth, letting the small hurt ground her. If she thought her father hated her enough to call down a Wild Hunt now, exposing the Fae’s secrets to Klaus would make his rage burn even more bitterly. She’d honestly have done it years ago out of spite if such a move would only put her in the crosshairs of the courts, but it wouldn’t.
Bonnie and Enzo would also be marked.
The High Courts currently considered her rebellion to be a family matter, though one Bill was unable to control adequately. She could not risk a Queen deciding she was her enemy in truth, not yet. Not when she was so close to figuring out how to banish her father permanently to the otherside of the Veil.
She’d be thrilled to just killing him, but she long since accepted that might not be possible. Tyler had been right, when he’d called her a monster. When he’d called all of them monsters. He just hadn’t understood that for all of the terrible things in this world that there were worse fate’s hidden behind the veil in between the worlds, horrors lovingly encouraged in Underhill that could break a human mind merely with their existence.
Earth had pushed the Fae back with their iron and religion all those years ago, had sealed the veil with witch magic, and humanity considered themselves victorious. But the truth was all they had done was defer the fight for the territory the Fae claimed as theirs to own to a different day.
The Fae hadn’t forgotten humanity nor had they forgiven them for their defeat. Banished behind magic, the Fae watched and watched and hungered. They had waited for the time that they had truly passed into myth, until the world forgot how to defeat them with a dangerous patience. But the nature of the Fae was as capricious as it was violent, and not all agreed on waiting.
Some had altered their plans and plotted a different course of action.
The Great Experiment.
Caroline supposed she should be grateful for that impatience, it was the reason for her existence, but all she could muster just then was a familiar anger. For six hundred years, members of the High Courts had mingled their blood among humans, hoping to breed children with resistance to both iron and the religion, the tools that had locked them away from the world that had once been theirs. And their plan had produced some success, though not always how they had hoped.
She was one such success.
Elizabeth Forbes had never been comfortable with her half-Fae child, but she’d also refused to abandon her to a world filled with monsters. Instead, she’d taught her daughter the good and the bad of humanity, had shown her the world as it was and what it could be. Her father saw her as a tool, a means to an end. Her mother’s love had been gruff and uneasy, but she’d tried.
She would never, ever forget that.
Or forgive Bill for her death.
Caroline had defied her father and his magic, had pitted herself against his will as she vowed vengeance for killing the one thing she’d ever claimed as her own. Her mother.
Hunting Bill required care and a meticulous eye for detail, and a particular stubbornness she had in spades. His magic was more powerful than hers, but he had always underestimated his only child by Liz, brushed her off as not powerful or clever enough for his schemes. It’s been a deliberate decision of hers to hide what she was capable of, hoping that such a ploy would save her mother. Now, she used her magic against him with the same ruthlessness he had taught her as a child.
But she was just one half-breed among hundreds, and so she’d learned to be careful. She wasn’t even the most powerful of those born on this side of the veil and underhanded ambush tactics had always served her better than brute force. A disruption there, a few dozen murder’s here. Just enough to skew her father’s chessboard while she worked to uncover the truth of his plotting. The fewer of her cousins who were able to carry out the will of her father and his fellow full blooded Fae’s plots, the safer humanity was from a terrible strike.
But she couldn’t kill them all, though she’d certainly tried. Her family did not die easily, and magic lingered in places of terrible violence like fingerprints. Each kill was a risk that could lead to her death. Over the years, it’s become clear that if she wanted to destroy her fathers plots, she couldn’t do it alone. The tie that connected them, the thread that burned so clearly now in her chest with her father’s rage, meant that she’d never be truly safe from him. Blood ties were not easily broken.
But Caroline knew witches, so she’d returned home, to the place where the only people she trusted still lived. Tyler had already been gone by then, lost in his need for vengeance, but Bonnie had been there, lingering in the ashes of conquest almost as if she’d been waiting.
It was then that Caroline had learned that humanity's greatest monster had become its potential savior. That the true potential of Ester’s terrible offspring had finally been unlocked. Klaus Mikaelson had broken his curse.
Her fingers curled into her palms, the strange, bone-deep curiosity that ground her joints together every time she thought of his name a familiar sensation. Klaus had broken his strange Sun and Moon curse in the forest she knew so well, had cut a bloody path through everyone who tried to oppose him, and laid the foundations for the army of hybrids he was determined to build. His perfect army that feared neither sun nor death and were unnaturally loyal.
Hybrids that Bonnie had helped create.
Her best friend rarely spoke of the events that led to the creation of the hybrids, refusing to give Caroline even the smallest detail of how a hybrid was made. Even tucked away in her home in Maine twenty years later, hidden by both Fae and witch magic. Caroline might not have the hows involved, but she knew the whys.
It all circled back to Bill.
Liz hadn’t been the only causality of her father’s hunger for power, just the first in their small town. Murdering Sheila Bennett had been a mistake in that it had set Bonnie against Bill, but it fit the pattern Caroline was starting to see in her father’s plans. Liz had been human, but one whose family had been deeply entrenched in the supernatural for generations. Sheila Bennett had been powerful, but she’d been born of the witch line that had created the Otherside. Gram’s had made sure her death had cost Bill, but it hadn’t been enough to stop his plans as Tyler’s presence tonight had proven.
Sometimes, Caroline wondered why Bonnie didn’t hate her. Bill was a scourge that returned time and time again, because her blood allowed it. Maybe if she’d been stronger they’d have been able to protect their families. But what she couldn’t protect, she could avenge.
Bonnie had agreed to help. Had been working on her own plans for years. The first real foothold into Bill’s master plan had been with the Augustine Society. Bonnie had been watching them for months before Caroline’s return, humans who had relentlessly experimented on vampires. They’d staged a rescue for the vampire that had been imprisoned, and it had been Enzo who had known of Tyler.
Tyler who had been the first of Klaus’ successful hybrids, whose loyalty was a shaky thing despite whatever magic bound him to his maker. Her childhood sweetheart who yearned for freedom from the yolk he had chosen. It’d taken months to go through the society’s notes they’d managed to save, to dig into the texts they had been experimenting with.
They’d known so much but understood so little.
But one thing had become crystal clear.
Bill was trying to bring down the Veil. Not unexpected, as most of the Fae worked to destroy it. But Bill also worked to understand what had led to the banishment of the Fae, so he could break it better.
It had been humans, werewolves and witches who had originally created the veil, blocking the Fae Lords from returning in great numbers after their banishment, forcing them to squeeze through cracks when the veil between worlds was thin or use now defunct gates. When iron had slowly lost its grip on the world, they might have managed more but for Qetsiyah.
Bonnie’s ancestor had been clever. When she’d bound the otherside, trapping Amara in stone and Silas forever out of her reach, she’d sunk the power of those souls into the Veil between humanity and the Fae, creating a second anchor. An additional failsafe to guarantee that no Supernatural would be so foolish as to undo her work.
Witch. Vampire. Werewolf. Hybrid. When they died, they were shuffled into Qetsiyah’s chosen afterlife, and their souls protected humanity. Humans were spared that fate, but their very existence acted a detriment to the Fae, as it was humanity who embraced iron.
The fastest way to destroy the Veil would be to free Silas. For a while, she and Bonnie had worried that he would succeed. But no one knew where Qetsiyah had hidden Silas’ body, and for all of her father’s attempts to restart Silas’ little cult, he’d always failed. The last real surge in members had ended when they’d been slaughtered, setting her father back decades.
The only other way to destroy what Qetsiyah had put into place would be to destroy the Veil at the root. And while no one understood the magic that had cast out the Fae so many years ago, her father didn’t need to understand the magic of the Veil to break it. He just needed dominion over it. But that was no easy task. Humans and witches could be bribed or fooled. Werewolves hovered at the brink of extinction. But the children of Esther, the hybrids that now walked the earth, defied every master but one. And so her father gathered his pieces and worked to subjugate Klaus’ creations in secret.
Caroline had tried to save Tyler.
She’d tried to talk him out of the part that Bill needed him to play. He’d refused. And the betrayal had burned like acid in her gut.
It had been Tyler, who had helped her dig Elizabeth Forbes’ grave. Her friend who had given her his gloves when her palms started to bleed, had said nothing when her tears had made her clumsy. It had been Tyler who sat with her and Bonnie, listening as Grams told them of the dangers in the world after Caroline had announced she was leaving. But her friend had died long before Caroline had killed him.
She shivered in the wind.
She knew Klaus played his part in that. It was impossible not to. It had been because of Tyler that she’d ended up in New Orleans, after all. The whispers of the destruction of the city, of how entire witch lines had been lost to madness and death had not adequately captured the horror of it. She’d seen what Klaus had left behind: werewolf packs left in ruin, the survivors turned and bound to his will. Broken witches and terror ridden vampires.
But rarely death. Klaus was not so kind to let his true enemies escape him in such a way. Instead, his wake left behind living ghosts. At least in this, she had done her best by her old friend. Whatever had driven him, whatever horror he had witnessed that had turned him so fully against her, she hoped he could find peace from it now.
She wasn’t so sure she’d be so lucky. Klaus was a spector in her life that she didn’t know if she could escape. And tonight, she’d killed his first hybrid. She grimaced. Klaus would not take to that news kindly. Best if she was long gone when he learned of it.
She wondered if she could manage it. She already felt the pull in her chest, the need to see, to touch, burning through her. It has always been like this. When Grams had first mentioned his name all those years ago, she’d felt the smallest of pulls, a jolt of curiosity. A tug she couldn’t explain. And everytime she thought his name, every time she heard another whisper of the night terrors he created, the tug to search him out grew stronger.
She’d deliberately chosen to look for those horrors once, hoping the truth of his nature would terrify her into running away. Instead, the monster that she had cultivated since she was seventeen and covered in her mother’s blood had approved. The more she learned, the more she wanted to know.
It was why she’d helped Bonnie disappear. Whatever happened between her and Klaus, she was determined to protect her friends from the fall out of it. But she was not the only Fae who hunted for information about Klaus, and Bonnie Bennet had helped create his hybrids.
Her people would destroy Bonnie, if they learned that truth. That a witch from Qetsiyah’s line had once again worked great magic against them would light the fires of their impotent rage for a long, long time. As long as Klaus and his hybrids roamed the earth, it made their chances of winning a war that much harder.
Fae magic was powerful, but given forced limitations by the rules they had to follow. Klaus and his creations were bound by no such things. And they were swallowing the world.
It had been nearly five years since the first hint of a hybrid returning to the US since New Orleans had raced through the Supernatural community. Over the decades, the US communities had watched from a distance as Klaus had bent Europe to his will, his creations breaking across city after city like a wave, choking out any dissent in their paths.
London, Paris, Milan. They all fell at Klaus’ feet with little more than a whimper.
The first real sign of his return had been when he turned New Orleans into a witches' graveyard, and then his gaze had turned to Chicago. Her father was no fool, he had to have known that Klaus had made this city the seat of his power in the States. Bill was far too cunning to risk catching Klaus’ attention unless he had a plan, and not knowing the exact details of what that plan was worried her.
Though she could guess part of it.
A sharp whistle cut through the air, and Caroline’s gaze cut along the rigid angles and sharply jutting corners of the builders around her, but she maintained her hiding place. She had no intention of being flushed out of cover like a bird they intended to net but she needed to come up with a plan.
Glancing at her watch, she grimaced.
It was nearly two in the morning.
If her father had chosen to call a Wild Hunt, she had roughly sixty minutes until the witching hour of three A.M. struck, and the Hunt was let loose. The blood tie to her father might have eroded to the point that he could no longer use it to force her obedience, but they had never managed to break it entirely. Fae magic was tricky. Blood ties more so. Instead, Bonnie had done her best to cloud it, to thin the connection to a single, potent thread.
A Wild Hunt would cut through the witch magic hiding her and return her to her father. Caroline was certain the only reason Bill hadn’t tried to do such a thing before was because of the cost. Calling a Hunt took a great deal of personal power. She would only have one shot of slipping away, and the risk of being caught by her father’s soldiers was dangerously high.
 Klaus was in Chicago.
Her fingers clenched, and Caroline put her phone away. She wouldn’t risk Bonnie or Enzo by going to Klaus, not yet. Not with Tyler’s blood fresh on her hands. But that didn’t mean she still couldn’t use his presence in the city to her advantage. In a game of half-breeds, it always came down to who was the better gambler.
Supernatural cities always had seedy vampire nightclubs and supernatural friendly bars littered throughout. When Klaus had taken over Chicago, he had commandeered several for his own use. But there was one club in particular that she’d pinned down as potentially being part of his stomping grounds; the number of bodies that were secretly removed from the club gave credence to her theory, though she supposed it could just be a place that attracted excess stupidity.
If she was going to have a chance tonight, she needed to go into that club and stay just long enough to let the scent of mingling supernaturals hide her trail so she could slip away undetected and find a place she could hide from the magic seeking her. If she was lucky, Klaus’ potential presence would act as a deterrent.
It was a risk.
Not only because she needed to keep her own blood-lust in check, but because she had never before let herself venture close enough to Klaus to risk catching a single glimpse of him. She was magically exhausted and wounded, the slow crawl of thirst thick in her throat, and her bones ached with the insistent need that made no logical sense.
She would have to be so very careful. Still, for now, her glamour was holding. Setting her teeth, Caroline turned and headed to the heartbeat of the city. Tonight, she’d find a way to live and tomorrow she’d call Bonnie and they’d work out a plan for her to escape. And she’d have to do it without indulging in a curiosity that had no name but was a pulse in her blood.
The rest is here: A03
(I’ll add the link to FFN once I get it posted.)
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #10
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I will post a new fanfic here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read and save it on A03 here 
{peter stark and a no good very bad day}
Ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers & Peter Stark
Warnings: swearing, fluff otherwise :)
Wc: 3,984
Today, everything had gone wrong. He stayed up way past his bedtime the previous night and had gotten barely three hours of sleep by the time he arrived at school. He forgot his Spanish homework in the lab and that was the one grade he needed to pull from an A- to an A. He chugged a couple shots of espresso, and his usual store on the walk to school was closed. Meaning he had no redbull to sustain him through his classes.
Also, guess which class was straight bangout first, Spanish. So he hadn't done the homework and had no time to do it. Great. Fortunately, he made it through first period Spanish, only getting slightly scolded for not handing in the assignment. Then he had a break, and the kid desperately needed a pick me up coffee and muffin. He went to the closest cafe, one he’d come to love, only to find the whole football team there. Which would have been fine, if he wasn’t so goddamn awkward. He stood there for a solid five minutes before he asked the jock in his way to move so he could order.
Then, when the kid did get to ordering they ran out of fuckin chocolate muffins. What kinda cafe runs out of chocolate muffins at ten am? This one apparently. So coffee and blueberry muffin in hand, he headed back to the student lounge to get some work done.
The next portion of his day went as planned, a welcomed change of pace. Well Flash was a bitch, but what was new there. And his senses were through the roof. But other than that. That was all until the last period. To start, he got a text from his boyfriend, explaining that he’d no longer be arriving this Friday, but instead the following Saturday. Peter wanted to cry. He missed his boy. Leaving Harley on read, he tried to focus on chemistry, but he’d done the stuff they were going over about 100 times with Dr. Banner. He zoned out the entire class.
Finally, the bell rang and put him out of his misery. He quickly texted Ned asking if he was coming in the following day. He had been sick that day. He went to leave, but the class was stopped by the announcement of a test and more homework. For fuck sake.
He did get out, though. And he got straight in the car, barely pausing to say hello to Happy. Noticing the boy's unusual quiet, he didn’t press for more details about Peter’s day. Happy, though he’d never say it, enjoyed hearing about the kids day. He had come to really care for Peter, and his accomplishments made the older man happy. Ironic, he knew.
They had arrived at the tower in almost record time, and Peter was glad to have avoided extra time in the car. What he really craved was a couple hugs from his dads, a chat with his boyfriend, and to get through the stack of busy work that weighed him down.
Happy went round to the private entrance, wished the kid a good day, and headed off to some other errand. Peter exited, scanning his pass at security and being recognized and let through by Friday. So, he’d finally made it upstairs and there the sofa was, filled with a few avengers. Luckily his parents were among them. The two were sitting close to each other, as normal.
Peter simply put his head in his pops lap, and he laid his feet on his dad. Neither Steve nor Tony said anything, but they gave each other the look. Steve ran his hands through his son’s hair lovingly. “Pete?” Tony asked, “What happened kid?” “Nothin’” Peter replied, still buried in his Pop’s lap. “You sure about that?” Steve pressed. “Just a bad day,” Peter mumbled. “What happened паук?” Nat spoke up. She is very protective of Peter. “What didn’t happen?” he sighed dramatically. “Well you mope for as long as you like, Pete,” Tony joked. “Thanks dad,” he said, closing his eyes again in search of sleep. “Teenagers I tell you,” Clint said, rolling his eyes. “Fuck you Barton,” Peter mumbled before falling asleep properly. “He really is your child, Tones,” Clint laughed. “Hey Peter just said a bad language word,” Nat remarked. “God I hate all of you,” his Pops groaned. Then Peter fell into peaceful, safe sleep.
“Pete?” his Pops said, entering his room. He moved around, noticing he’d been moved from the sofa to his own room. He groaned. “Hello to you too.” “Yes, Hi, father, Captain America, Leader of the Avengers, Man of Strengt-” “Ok relax,” Cap rolled his eyes. Peter sat up, smirking. “Wanna tell me what actually happened today?” “J-just everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong.” “Did that start with you staying in the lab way past a normal sleeping time?” “Perhaps. How did you kn-” “You are aware that your dad designed that whole lab situation, right?” “Fair enough.” “Do we have to initiate Insomnia protocol again?” “God no, it was one night.” “Promise.” “Swear. Just an awful day. Spidey senses all acting up, being annoying, no chocolate muffins. Speaking of which, can I have the day off tomorrow? I have basically no classes.” (he wasn’t sure why, but all but one of his classes were cancelled.) Steve thought for a moment. He knew the kid had been through a lot always, and a day off never hurt anyone. Also, he was far too smart to be there anyway. “Yeah. Let me just double check with Dad, okay?” “Thanks.” “We’re eating dinner now so get cleaned up?” “Yep. Coming.”
The next day
Peter awoke at 10 with a smile on his face. He’d peacefully regained energy. He’d finished his school work the previous night, and he was happy to just relax for a day. He pulled on some SI sweatpants and a hoodie he’d stolen from Harley awhile back.
“Hey parentals,” he greeted, still holding his smile. “Morning,” his Pops said as he cooked breakfast. “Morning? Is it already?” I bet you can guess who that came from. “Tones,” Steve said, voice full of its normal concern. Peter just laughed, taking a stool at the bar. “What? I’m fine. I’m having fun.” “You promised you’d at least take a nap.” “Oops,” he smiled, heading back in the direction of the lab. “You’re a great role model to our son!” “You really are dad!” Peter added. “Love you both dearly.” Steve rolled his eyes and Peter chuckled. “Where’s the rest of the team?” Peter inquired. He’d come to realize that saying team was easier than naming all the residents of the tower. “Nat, Clint, Wanda, and Pietro are training. Thor and Loki went back to Asgard last night, and Bruce is in his lab.” “Oh, Loki didn’t tell me he was going back.” “Some emergency. Sorry kid.” “Yeah, i-it’s fine.” “He told me to assure you they’d be back soon.” “Good.” “Keaner getting here soon?” “Nah coming tomorrow now. Something about something, I don’t really know.” “Ok. Made grilled cheeses and tomato soups. It's almost done,” Steve offered. “Thanks,” Peter said. “What’s with Loki leaving that's got you so down?” “I just miss him a lot.” Steve knew that his Kid and loki had come to get on surprisingly well. They were as close as he and Nat. Not even Clint had managed to get that close.
Peter practically inhaled a couple of sandwiches. “I’m going to go work with Dad.” “Have fun!” “I will.” “Love you.” “Love you, too.” He sped down to the lab, where he could hear his Dad’s ACDC blasting as usual. “Heyo, what you working on?” “The suit nanotech. Wanna give your old man a hand?” “Always. Bring up the blueprints. What adjustments have you made so far? “Just the molecule distance and expansion weight. Trying to help stabilize the structure.” “What about the build construction stacking?” So they dove into work, Peter easily keeping up with the genius.
“Nicely done, getting too smart for me. What are you even doing in high school?” “Being bored and failing my humanities classes.” “You're not actually failing your classes are you? Grades are not everything bu-” “Relax father, I’m doing well in all my classes.” “I should probably know that. In fact I’ll actually show up to your next parent teacher conference.” “Please don’t,” Peter smiled. His father was generally very embarrassing. “Friday, make sure I’m at the kid’s next conference?” “Reminder set.” “Thanks, Fri.” “Anytime boss.” “God Fri please remind me to not show up for my next conference.” “Heyyyy,” Tony said, faking offence. “Dad, you can be very overbearing.” “I know, but-” “No.” “Fine, guess I’m not coming. Trying to be a good father and parenthood isn’t for me.” “I beg to differ,” Steve said, coming in to check on us, “realise you're no match for Peter’s intelligence yet?” “No fucking way. I’m a genius. Many PHDs. Kid hasn’t even finished high school, plus he has an A- in Spanish,” Tony laughed. “How did you-,” Peter rolled his eyes. “Friday just sent them to me.” “You’re awful.” “Hey watch it, MIT is still your dream school?” “I fucking hate you so much,” Peter really did loved this kind of banter with his father. “Maybe I do agree that parenthood isn’t for you, love.” “Capsical, you are a traitor. You’re supposed to always be on my side.” Steve kissed Tony’s cheek and ruffled Peter’s hair before saying, “Pepper needs you. Something about important business.” “Really important?” “She says if you don’t come she’ll lock you out of the company.” “That important then. Fri, tell Pepper that I’m coming.” “She has been notified, sir.” “Thank you. Bye then, Peter don’t fuck anything up.” “The same to you Mr. Stark.” Tony left the lab with a chuckle. “You two will be the death of me.” “Almost certainly.” “You staying in here?” “Nah, I have some projects in my lab waiting for me.” “You know your dad was joking about the grades right? Because grades really don’t mean anything, and they don’t define you. Nor does your intelligence. You are so much more than all that. And all these suits and mechanicy genius things-” “Pops. I’m fine. I know,” he smiled at his dad. “I just read in this parenting book that something smart or gifted kids can feel like th-” “Pops, you and dad are the best parents a kid could ask for. Stop worrying too much or you’ll turn grey like dad.” Captain America just smiled at his kid because he was the best. “Right. Good. Have fun.” “Will do.”
He messed with the design for the 100th millionth time but he couldn't get the vibrainim to synthesize with the web fluid. “Fri, get me another cup of coffee, please.” “For fuck sake, why isn’t this working,” he said to himself. He began to mess with the 3d hologram again. He typed in Mock 32 for the design and started trying again. “Pepper Potts is requesting access to the lab.” “Access granted,” he said to Fri. “Hey Pete, how’s it going?” “Badly, but it's fine. IS THAT COFFEE?” “White mocha latte, triple shot espresso,” She said, placing it down on the desk. “Ok..back up. What do you need?” “What, I can’t just bring my favorite stark a coffee?” “Aren’t you busy?” he asked skeptically. “Yes. Incredibly. So it is a peace offering. I allowed a tour access to this lab to look around, and see what a higher ups lab looks like in action. Fri will hide all of the classified things, and I thought you’d be at school. Tony just told me you weren’t so, here we are.” “He actually showed up to your meeting?” “Yes, and it wasn’t my meeting. He just needed to be there, and I didn't.” “I take your peace offering. It’s fine, I don’t care. So long as they don’t touch my shit.” “Good. Greet them, let them look around. Smile your cute smile. They’ll be up in five.” “FIVE MINUTES?” “Yep. Sorry, Hun, got to run. Thanks.” “You owe me one!”
As promised, the class showed up in five minutes. He was fine with the concept of a class showing up, he was not, however, good with his class showing up. “Is that Penis Parker?” He heard Flash. “Holy hell that is Park?” “IS THAT PETER?” “Did Peter break in?” “How is Peter here?” He couldn’t exactly kick them out. So, embracing his inner Tony Stark charm and Steve Rogers kindness, he opened the lab door, stepping into the corridor.
“EVERYONE PLEASE BACK UP AND BE QUIET!” The tour guild, Aliah, yelled. They were a kind person who Peter knew a bit. The classes quieted down.
“Hello, Aliah.” “Hi Peter,” they greeted, “Sorry, I hadn’t realized you’d be in today. I’ll just take them to our next stop.” “No, no it's fine. If it’s alright, I’ll give them a little tour sorta thing. I don’t mind, plus I kinda promised Pepper.” “That’d be really cool. Thanks.” “Yeah. Call ‘em over.” “Yeah. We’re just waiting on their teacher, he’s in the restroom.” “Course.”
Mr. Harrington showed up, questioning Aliah about the next stop. Then, he saw Peter. “Mr. Parker!” he exclaimed angrily, “How dare you show up here without a permission slip and claiming to be sick. What is this? We will be speaking with the principal and your parents about this! I am so sorry Aliah. Peter shot Aliah the “I got this” look. “Hi Mr. Harrington, I was unwell this morning, but I felt better so I came into work. Yes, I do have an internship here,” he said, loud enough for the class to hear. “The next stop on your tour,” they said, “is to Peter’s lab. He’s been so kind to give us a run-down.” Peter simply point at the door which read “Lab #55: Peter Parker.” “Right, uh, um, sorry Mr. Parker, please let us continue.” Peter smiled through his nerves. “Right, hello there class! I will be giving you a tour of my lab. I do some pretty important work, so I’m going to ask Friday to activate the ‘Guest Protocol’ to hide the classified stuff. It’s also very dangerous, so please do not touch anything.” There were nods from the class. “Right, Fri complete guest protocol and allow tour of Aliah to enter.” “Yes miniboss.” He re-entered his lab. “So, most of the time I work here,” he said, pointing to the biggest holograph table, “I work on designs, changes, and any mockups that need to happen. I then make them a reality. I can also run simulations on any formulas to see if they would be successful.” “Fri, please pull up the WFV project I was just working on for Spiderman.” “Right away mini-boss.” “So as you can see I’m trying to get the vibranium intertwine itself with Spiderman’s web fluid. This would allow the webs to be almost 47 times stronger, and also would allow them to conduct electricity, which has many uses. Anyone have any questions?” Ava raised her hand and Peter nodded at her, “Hey, so how did you learn all this? Like, it seems really complicated and you're in my chem class, so.” “I’ve worked a lot with both Mr. Stark and Bruce Banner, who’ve taught me most of what I know throughout the years. I also took a few online courses to solidify some subject matters I didn’t quite understand,” Peter, satisfied with his answer, asked if anyone else had inquired. “How did you get an internship here?” “Mr. Stark found me on the internet and took a liking to my projects. He met me and decided I’d fit right in here,” Peter explained simply. It was a lie of course, but it functioned as their cover story. “Anyone else? No. Cool, so moving onto some other sections in the lab. Over in that corner are the testing rooms. I have some more equipment scattered around for certain projects or just overall help on making things. Feel free to look around for 5-7 minutes and ask any questions you may have.” Some kid, Peter wasn’t sure of their name, raised his hand. “Why do you have cars in here? Are they yours?” “Some of the cars are mine, courtesy of Mr. Stark, who claims no lab is complete without some collection of cars. I can’t even drive them, to your point, but I guess I will when I’m eighteen. Some of the cars are Mr. Harley Keener’s, who I occasionally share my lab with. He doesn't do Avengers related projects, but he does love to tinker here and there. ‘Specially on the cars. See that red one, yeah he bought it for 5k and fixed it up. It’s actually an electric car, he just likes the old timers look. Guess that’s on him and da-Mr. Stark.”
No one seemed to have any other question, so he allowed them to look around. MJ nor Ned seemed to be in this class. He guessed they were in another group that wasn’t coming up here, or they went to a different location.
The tour went smoothly, and Flash seemed too shocked to say anything. “Peter! Peter!” Bucky came in yelling. Peter ran over to him. “Please keep it down uncle Buck.” “Oh shit your class is here!” “Yes now please don’t embarrass me.” “Won’t do! Just wanted to ask where Loki went.” “Asgard official business,” I said with a frown. “Really? He didn’t say a thing!” “I know.” “That little shit.” Peter laughed alongside Bucky. “Did you need anything else?” “Yeah, my arm's a little fucked up. Need a hand.” “Happy to give it a look. Dad in a meeting?” “To all our shock, yes.” “Ha. Give me a sec to get my class outta here.” Bucky nodded. “Right everyone, thanks for visiting. Please head towards the exit. The lovely Aliah will take you to your next location. They are awesome!” A murmur of “thanks Peter” and “is that the winter soldier” spread through the room. “See ya round,” Aliah said to him personally, “And thanks for this.” “Anytime. Bye!” They smiled a warm smile before leading the class out.
“What’s not working so well?” Peter asked. “Just some tightness in the finger motion. “Alright, okay. Fri, get me an update of the schematics, please.” “Yes, sir.” They appeared on the holographic table Peter was working at. “Right, can I please get a current scan of Uncle Bucky’s arm?” “Yes. Shall I place them next to the schematics?” “Yep. And highlight all differences.” “Yes miniboss.” “You gotta stop with that Fri.” “Name unable to be changed under the authority of Tony Stank, Badass Boss, God of Mischief, and Fiance.” “Glad the whole team is against me living a good life,” Peter remarked with an eye roll. “You drama queen.” “Thanks,” Peter smiled. “You know what’s wrong yet?” Peter opened up the schematics, looking at the highlighted section of the 3d arm model. He didn’t speak for a moment. “So I reckon, you fucked up the wiring and section T4’s minigears. None of the important tech is messed up, it’ll be fine. Maybe a half an hour fix. Max.” “Good, good. Thanks kid,” Bucky said with an appreciative smile. He nodded, disconnecting the arm carefully. He placed it onto his table next to the holographic model. He gave a skeptical look. “Something bad?” “No, no, I was just thinking. Thinking, hmn.” “Care to share with the class?” Buck said with a sense of humor lingering in his voice. “Well, you’re not on mission all that often, and this is quite a bulky arm. Ever think about getting one that’s your skin colour, lighter weight, more, I don’t know, arm like. Less hydra murdery vibes. Help get rid of that, that time.” “I have…” “So can I make it?” Peter said excitedly. “You mean it?” “Of course Uncle Buck! No clue why dad hasn’t offered before!” “Guess he never thought of it. Maybe thought I liked the scary metal thing,” he suggested weakly. “Well that’s stupid,” Peter said casually. Bucky never understood how the kid could be so compassionate so easily. “Thanks. Really.” “No worries. I’ve been looking for a new project to throw myself into. It'll be fun. And as much as I hate to admit it, I need to work on my smaller scale mechanical work.” All Bucky could do was smile his beaming smile. “Bucky!” the voice of the Black Widow shouted. “Hey Nat,” Buck replied. “Wanna train?” she asked. “As much as I want to,” he said, pointing towards the area his arm would have been. “Oh, what happened this time?” “Nothing to major, some gears and wires,” Peter filled it, “Give me twenty minutes I’ll be done.” He’d already opened the arm and gotten to the section where the wires were screwed up. “DAN-E get me the soldering kit, please,” he asked the robot, “Oh and some new T6YU wires. Red and purple.” The robot gave a vaguely human nod. “Right, I'll be waiting. Test the adjustments out on me?” She suggested. “Alright,” Buck said. “Oh and I’m in charge of ordering food. What do you want?” “Burgers?” “You boring, bland little boy,” Nat scolded. “Thai?” Buck requested. They looked over to Peter, “Sure, yeah.” Nat headed out, greeting Tony with a “Hey Stank” on the stairs out of his lab. “Yours is so much smarter than mine, why is yours so much smarter than mine,” Tony fake (real) whined. “I’m the superior mechanic, father, deal with it.” DAN-E, almosting proving his point, dropped the materials on his desk, and he continued to work. “I’m donating DUM-E,” Tony glared at him, “What happened to the arm Buck?” “Stiff fingers isall.” “Oh, ok. Pete, need a hand?” “Nah, I’m good. Not much to do. Some wires got fucked up, just replacing them now. Going to look at the minigears in the palm too, just to make sure the oil regulation and gear’s aren't broken. I think one of the gears is, but it's one of them that's easy to replace,” Peter replied, not looking up from his work. “Right, sounds good. Your pops and I are going out for the night. Be back around 12 let’s say.” “Cool. Can I borrow some vibranium from your lab?” “Sure thing kiddo. Call us if you need anything. Fri, give Peter access to vault B3 in my lab.” “Thanks,” Peter smiled. “Anytime. Good luck with ya know.” “Shouldn’t he ask you what you're going to do with a substance that costs 10,000$ a gram?” “Something about trusting me.” “Parents trust their kids with going out later or or doing their homework not fucking multimillions of dollars.” “Uncle Bucky, my parents are Iron Man and Captain America. There was never a shot at normal.” “Fair enough.”
Peter finished up the adjustment on the arm by changing a gear. “Thanks a lot kid.” “Of course. I’m going to work on your new arm now.” “Alrighty, I’ll get out of your way.” “Oh could you ask Auntie Nat what time she’s ordering dinner for? So I know when to head up, just get Fri to tell me.” “Will do.” “Thanks.”
So Peter was left to making some blueprints and drinking many red bulls. The red bull mini-fridge was actually a gift from Shuri, and his fathers had many words with him about it. He managed to convince them that he should keep it, god knows how. Well, he used the whole Princess of Wakanda and making peace and Stark Industries relationship with Wakandan products and companies as well as international relations and blah blah. It worked, who cares.
After a few hours he was called up for dinner, and he sat there and enjoyed the absolute chaos of his family.
Save/comment on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/33320938
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doyoufancyathought · 3 years
Through The Utility Closet Part 2: An Unexpected Visitor
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Y/N looked up from where she had landed on the floor. There was a table of open mouthed individuals, and one very confused presenter, looking down on her. Whoops, this is something she'd have to text her best friend about when she got home.
"I'm so sorry," Y/N stood up and dusted off her apron. "I had no idea there was a second door in the closet, and I couldn't find the light switch, and-"
And she was cut off. "Where did you come from?" The presenter asked.
Y/N motioned to the closet she had just spilled out of. "The storage room?"
"That's a coat closet. And we don't even keep coats in it. How long have you been hiding in there?"
"I'm so sorry," Y/N started to back up, not liking the route her evening had taken. "I swear I wasn't hiding, I was just in the room to put a box on the shelf, I was only in there for a minute, I swear."
He looked confused, as did the people seated around the table. "We've been here for 20 minutes, and there's no way you snuck past us carrying a box."
"Oh, there must be a different door that I came through, then. I'm so sorry, I'll be going now."
"Wait a minute," the man walked over and blocked her from getting back into the closet. "This is my coat closet, and I want to investigate where you came from. Rogers, come here please."
A hulking blonde man stood up from the opposite side of the table and started walking towards our heroine. He said a quiet "Hi, 'scuse me." and maneuvered past her and joined the other man in the room.
"Tony, there's no other door, just the one right here." The blond man said.
I suppose it's important to establish that it's not normal to have secondary doors to coat closets unless you live in a haunted Victorian home full of ghosts that have already plotted 63 different ways to kill you by Tuesday.
"I know, Steve!"
"Then where did she come from?"
"I don't know! She certainly didn't sneak in since we've been here!"
The two men in the closet bickered back and forth for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Y/N turned to the room full of strangers who were observing both her and the argument in the closet in equal amounts. She caught the eye of a massive brunet, and gave him the classic smile given to those you wish to scootch past in the grocery store. He looked away, and a man who I could have sworn had just had a red complexion rose from his chair to stand beside Y/N.
"I do apologize for our manners. My name is Vision, what's yours?"
"I'm Y/N."
"Lovely name. And where are you from, Y/N?"
This gave her pause. She assumed that she was from the same place as they were, the town they were all in at this very moment.
"I'm from here?"
"And where exactly do you think here is?"
"What, you think this door teleported me? I'm in (hometown) of course, same as you!" Y/N chuckled as she looked around the room. She caught the rest of the group exchanging looks, and sighed. "Right?"
Vision gently patted her shoulder. "I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this, dear, but you're not in (hometown) anymore. You're in New York."
Y/N looked between Vision and the others. "What? That's crazy! I'm not - there's no way. You guys are crazy." Y/N looked over her shoulder to see the two men in the closet peering out at the rest of the room. "Did you find the other door? I really should get back to work, and I'm sure you all should get back to your meeting."
They shook their heads and moved out of the closet, although it was a battle between who entered the doorway first.
"I'll find it, and I'll be on my way." Y/N charged back into the closet, and crossed the foot and a half wide floor with one step. Surely she'd be better at finding a mysteriously elusive door than two men, right? She ran her fingers over the walls, looking for a hinge or a handle or even a bump to indicate an opening of any kind. She'd even pull an Alice in Wonderland and crawl on her hands and knees through a hole in the wall if she must.
Still, no luck. The wall was as smooth as a baby's bottom, which were usually quite smooth. So, Y/N returned to the boardroom with her arms crossed.
"Alright, this joke is very funny, but I'm really ready to go back to work now!"
"We're not pulling a prank here, I promise, we're just as surprised as you are."
"Seriously? Who paid you to do this? I don't know anyone who could pay you to pull this off. Who did it?"
"Seriously, lady, there's no joke here. We're not pranking you."
"Then," Y/N paused and licked her lips. "Hey, man, where did you say we are?"
Vision told her that she was in New York now. It was too much. Between the heat and the stress and the exhaustion, Y/N's brain couldn't take it any longer. Steve barely had time to leap back over the table and catch her in his arms before she crumbled to the floor.
When Y/N woke up, she was still in the boardroom, laid out on the floor, surrounded by good looking strangers. Weirdly, her life was looking better than it usually did.
"What happened?"
"You fainted, dear." A man with a goatee spoke up. "Don't worry, you weren't out for very long. I'm a doctor, by the way. Doctor Stephen Strange."
"That's, well," Y/N searched for a better word to describe her situation. "Strange." The man frowned down at her. "Not you, I'm sorry, just, I don't faint, I'm not really the damsel in distress type. Where am I?"
"This again?!?!" Y/N recognized the man from before, Tony. "You're in New York! Where did you come from?"
"I came from work, in (hometown). I don't just wear this apron around for fun, you know!" Y/N gestured to her apron, which conveniently had the company logo on it. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "So, I'm in New York. And I came out of your coat closet. And before that, I was at my job in (hometown), just going about my day. How did I get here?"
"Well," the man called Vision came back into the room. "I'm not quite sure, but if I had to guess, which I don't do often, you've just come through an inter-dimensional portal."
"A what now?"
"An inter-dimensional portal. You've travelled through space, clearly, possibly time as well, and I would guess you've also travelled across different planes of reality since you seem to have no comprehension of who we are. Thus, you've crossed into a different dimension that the one you usually reside in."
"That totally makes sense."
"Oh, really?" The blond giant from earlier asked.
"No, absolutely not. That did not make sense at all, Vision. I thought portals only existed in sci-fi, like Star Trek or stuff like that!" Y/N was, indeed, very confused.
"I think the science might be a little beyond your understanding, dear." Vision said. "But it appears to me that your storage cupboard was a doorway to this universe, to this reality. Sometimes these things just pop up, you know."
Y/N looked at Vision. "No, I don't know that these things just pop up! Pretty sure I would have heard about it on the news." Everyone sat for a moment, pondering their next steps. "So does anyone have any ideas on how to get me back to my world?" Y/N looked around hopefully.
The group of people around her all looked at each other, and Tony, Vision, and Dr. Strange looked thoughtful.
"I think that between the three of us we can probably figure out how to get you home." Dr. Strange finally said.
"And how long will that take? Like a couple of hours maybe?" Y/N asked from the floor.
"Uh, no." Tony stood up and started clearing off a whiteboard. "Inter-dimensional portals cannot be figured out in just a few hours, strange lady. It'll take a few days, at best. You got somewhere to stay?"
"Tony, she's not going to have anywhere to stay, she's not from here." Steve explained.
"She can stay with us!" a dark man with a buzz cut offered. "I've got a spare room in the basement still, she can stay there until we figure out how to get her home. I'm Sam, by the way."
"Hi Sam, I'm Y/N. You don't have to take me in, I can just stay in a shelter if there's one nearby."
"Hang on, I'm calling Fury." Tony dialled a phone, and pointed at me while it was ringing. "You're not staying in a shelter."
"No, it's fine, I'm sure it won't be too bad."
"They're terrible, you're not staying at a shelter, you're coming with me." Sam said.
"And why would I stay with you? I don't know who you are, why should I trust you more than some homeless shelter?" Y/N was standing now, and crossed her arms.
"We're the Avengers! You can trust us."
"I don't think you understand how little that means to me. Who are you?"
"The Avengers."
"And what is the Avengers? Sounds like either a league of superheroes or a terrible pop group."
"We're superheroes."
"Oh shit really?" Y/N blushed. "You're superheroes, for real?"
The group around the table nodded.
"So who's got the laser eyes?"
The group looked mildly confused, because none of them had laser eyes, but fortunately they didn't have a chance to answer, because Fury answered the phone, and Tony set it to speaker.
"What can I help you with, Stark?"
"Well, see, here's the situation. We're just sitting here, having our meeting, and the closet door pops open and this girl comes flying out onto the floor."
"Okay, so you have a spy, you know what to do with that."
"I'm not done yet. We thought she was a spy, but we've come to the conclusion that she actually just came through an inter-dimensional portal."
"So you have an alien in your conference room?"
"She's not an alien, Mr. Fury." Vision interjected. "I've scanned her, and she seems to be perfectly human."
Y/N frowned. She didn't like the thought of being scanned without consent. And how could Vision tell that she was human anyways? And did this guy think she was an alien? Were aliens common in this world?
The man on the other end of the phone sighed. "Is she there?"
"Yeah, she's been here the whole time. You're on speaker." Tony responded.
"I'd like to speak to her."
"Talk away, she's right here."
"Hello, what's your name?"
"I'm Y/n." she said, moving closer to the phone.
"Hi, well welcome to Earth. I'm Nick Fury, director of SHIELD. Welcome to Earth."
"Thanks, but I'm already from Earth, I don't really need a welcome."
"Ok, we'll brush past that for now. Have they explained the inter-dimension portals to you yet?"
"They tried, but if I'm being honest that's a little bit out of my league."
"Fair enough. You're in good hands there; we have the best scientists in the world at those labs. As you might imagine, it's not really an exact science, these portals, so it might take our team a while to figure out how to get you home."
"So are you guys like the men in black? Do you have that movie here?"
"Yeah, we have that movie here. I'm guessing that your world is very very similar to ours, so we're going to be taking you down to one of our labs and running a few tests so we can better determine where you're from. In the mean time, I'll let the Avengers take care of you, they don't have any other pressing matters at this time, and just in case you're a violent alien, they're best equipped to deal with you going rogue."
"Uh, well, I guess that sounds good. I promise I'm not an alien though."
"We'll see about that." Fury hung up and I looked around the room.
"I should make introductions, pardon my manners." Vision stood up from his seat (he kinda seemed to float, but maybe he was just hella graceful).
"This is Steven Rogers, you might hear him referred to as Captain America." The blond man who had earlier joined Tony in a closet gave a quick wave and a smile. He seemed very friendly.
"This is James Barnes, he's very quiet, so don't take offence if he doesn't say much to you. He means no harm." Vision pointed to the brunet I had locked eyes with earlier, and he gave a small smile, but didn't wave.
"This is Sam Wilson, as you know. He, Steve, and James all live together in Sam's house, and I suppose you'll be joining them. I'd offer you our couch, but my wife Wanda and I," here he pointed to a lovely brunette woman seated beside him. "are in the middle of renovations, and I'm sure a spare bedroom would be more comfortable for you than a dusty couch."
Y/N nodded. She was going to have a bit of trouble keeping track of everyone's names.
"This is Bruce Banner, this is Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, and of course, I am Vision." They all waved as their names were said.
"Wait, what's your last name?"
"I don't have one, dear. I'm a computer."
"Oh?" Y/N was shocked, understandably so.
"We don't have that in my world."
"Yes, it's uncommon here as well. Are you ready to go do some tests?"
"Um, I guess so. Nice to meet you all."
Vision and Y/N walked out of the meeting room and started down the hallway.
Tony decided to pick up from where they left off. "So as I was saying,"
"Tony!" Steve yelled at him. "What are you doing?"
"Getting back to the meeting we were having?"
"We just had a girl pop through a portal in our closet, and you want to go back to the meeting?"
"Um, yeah. Vision's got her."
"Aren't you curious?"
"Not really."
"The first time something pops out of a portal and doesn't try to kill us, and you're not interested?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Dude, you're crazy. I'm going down to the lab to watch the tests." Scott jumped up from his seat and started making his way to the door.
"Yeah, me too." Steve and Sam stood up, and Bucky followed suit.
Soon enough, the whole team was exiting the conference room and following the path that Y/N and Vision had taken down to the labs. Tony eventually decided to follow them, because he didn't want to be alone.
They got down to the labs, and found Vision waiting in the hallway.
"They sent her to get changed," Vision explained as the team assembled. "If she's staying here for a while, we're going to have to get her some more clothes. I'm sure she doesn't want to stay in her work clothes the entire time."
"Yeah, I'll get Pepper to make arrangements." Tony said.
After a few minutes, Y/N stepped out of a room just off the hallway. She was wearing grey shorts and a black tank top, and nothing on her feet. She frowned as her bare feet hit the cold tile floor.
"Ugh, so cold. Alright, let's figure out where I'm from."
A nurse came and got her, and led her into another room just off the hallway. There was an observation window, and the team gathered around to watch the tests. They watched her as she jumped up on the table, and smiled at the nurse as she began to hook up wires and prep for a blood draw. Soon they would figure out just who this unexpected visitor was.
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