#this tour has been an amazing experience and I'm so happy to have immersed myself in it the way i did here and in the dms with my people
kindahoping4forever · 11 months
Just wanted to post a quick note saying today is the 5th anniversary of when I finally went to my first 5SOS show. Every year I think about how wildly different my fandom experience would've been if I'd been able to attend previous tours, how everything aligned just right for me to finally go to MYT, how I almost talked myself out of attending the night before, how completely unrecognizable my life would be today if I hadn't gone. I probably wouldn't have a blog to post this to. You wouldn't know me, I wouldn't know you. I never would've met so many of my friends. I wouldn't have ever met my best friend, the best friend I've ever known. I never would've rediscovered my love for writing. I genuinely don't know how I would be spending my days and I wonder if they would still be filled with the kind of joy I have found here in this community.
It feels fitting that this reflective day coincides with the last show of this tour, a tour that has been powered by appreciation for the bond we share and celebration of the time we've all spent together. Keeping up with this tour has been impossibly fun (and sometimes just plain impossible) and I can't think of a better way to have spent the past three months. I'm happy to have experienced it - and the past 5 years - with this band and with all of you. Thank you to this band, to my friends, to anyone who's ever interacted with me here and most of all, to Past Me for buying those tickets all those years ago. I wouldn't have a place to call home without you. 💙
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maggie-004 · 1 year
(Un-) Lucky coincidence – drabble 1
Jenna Ortega x Fem reader
Summary: After waking up early, Y/N enjoys a peaceful morning walk in Madeira and shares her experiences with her cousin Emma via FaceTime. Later, she immerses herself in DJing, unaware that Toni and Jenna are watching her with amusement and admiration.
Warnings: none
Words: 2400
When I woke up the next morning, my phone displayed the early hour of 7:30 a.m. While I would have loved to luxuriate in bed a bit longer, the anticipation of the day ahead kept me from staying under the covers. I decided to embrace the morning and headed for a cool, refreshing shower before anyone else stirred. The water cascaded over me, waking me up fully and invigorating my senses. I took my time, allowing the water to wash away any remaining traces of sleepiness. After the shower, I wrapped myself in a soft, fluffy towel and made my way downstairs. It seemed that everyone was still asleep, so I decided to slip outside for a peaceful morning walk. Toni had shown me a beautiful, secluded path on my previous visit to the island, and I knew it would be the perfect place to start the day. The path was surrounded by lush greenery and led to a quiet spot by a small river. It was a serene oasis where time seemed to stand still. As I walked along the trail, I noticed a group of adorable stray kittens playing among the bushes. Their playful antics brought a smile to my face, and I couldn't resist sitting down to watch them for a while. As the morning sun cast a warm glow over the surroundings, I took a moment to reflect on the incredible journey that had led me here. The serenity of the place allowed me to clear my mind and think about how fortunate I was to be in this beautiful location with two amazing friends. With Madeira being an hour behind Austria's time, I remembered my cousin Emma back home. She was more like a sister to me, and we had grown up together, sharing countless memories and experiences. Feeling a pang of homesickness, I decided to FaceTime her to catch up and share the breathtaking scenery of the island.
Emma's face lit up with happiness as she greeted me, "Hey, Y/N! How are you?" Her voice was filled with genuine excitement, and I could tell she was eager to hear all about my adventures in Madeira. "Hi, Emma! I'm doing fantastic," I replied with equal enthusiasm, feeling grateful for this opportunity to catch up with her. "Madeira is beyond beautiful; it's like paradise on Earth. I've fallen in love with this place. The atmosphere is so laid-back and peaceful, and the locals are incredibly welcoming and friendly. I could easily imagine living here someday." Emma's eyes widened with curiosity, "Wow, that sounds incredible! I'm so happy you're having such an amazing time. And Toni, your best friend, lives there? That's fantastic! She must have shown you all the hidden gems and secret spots." "Absolutely! Toni has been the best tour guide," I said with a smile, recalling the wonderful experiences we shared. "She knows this island like the back of her hand, and she's given us all the addresses to the most breathtaking viewpoints. It's like having our personal local expert." At that moment, I remembered that Emma had watched the streaming session Toni and I did together, so I decided to mention it. "Oh, and guess what? Toni even invited Jenna and me to join her on one of her live stream. It was so much fun! Her chat was super friendly, and they loved getting to know us. I'm grateful for the chance to share this experience with her audience." Emma's eyes sparkled with excitement, "Oh, I saw that stream! You guys were amazing. You really have such great chemistry on camera. You and Toni just have this natural connection that shines through. And I must say, it's adorable to see you and Jenna together. You make such a lovely couple." I blushed, grateful for Emma's warm words of support. "Thank you, Emma. It means a lot to hear that. Jenna and I are really happy together, and being here in Madeira has been an incredible experience for both of us. We're growing even closer as we explore this beautiful island and share so many unforgettable moments." As our conversation continued, I shared more details about the picturesque places we had visited, the delicious local cuisine we had savored, and the charming little encounters with the adorable stray kittens that had captured my heart. Emma, in turn, updated me on the latest happenings back home, including exciting news about her career as a medical student. After a delightful chat with Emma, I felt even more grateful for this magical journey to Madeira. Not only was I basking in the natural beauty of the island and the warmth of its people, but I was also able to share these moments with someone who had been a constant source of love and support in my life. As I ended the call with Emma, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude.
I slowly made my way back to Toni's house, the warmth of the morning sun enveloping me like a comforting embrace. As I approached the house, lost in my thoughts, I must have caught Maria off guard as she opened the door. "Oh, sorry dear, you scared me for a second," Maria chuckled, her hand on her chest. "I'm not used to people being awake this early in this house." I smiled apologetically, realizing that I might have disrupted the usual morning routine. "My apologies, Maria. I hope I didn't cause too much of a stir. The beauty of Madeira's mornings lured me out for a walk." "No need to apologize, dear. It's lovely to see you making the most of your time here," Maria replied warmly. "Now, how about a coffee to start your day?" Her offer was impossible to resist. "Oh, I'd really love that. Thank you," I gratefully accepted, knowing that Maria's coffee-making skills were something to look forward to. As I settled into the cozy kitchen, the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Maria was a true master at her craft, and I couldn't wait to savor the first sip. "So, Maria," I began, curious about her story, "I hope it's okay to ask, but how did you end up working for Toni?" Maria's eyes gleamed with nostalgia as she thought back to how her journey with Toni had started. "Of course, dear, I don't mind sharing at all. Before I joined Toni here, I used to work at a hotel in another part of the island. But to be honest, I didn't really enjoy the experience there." Intrigued, I leaned forward, eager to hear more about what led her to this beautiful home and its welcoming atmosphere. "One day, while I was still working at the hotel, a group of Toni's friends came to stay there," Maria continued. "I overheard them talking about how Toni was looking for someone to help her with the household, and they mentioned that she wanted someone reliable and kind-hearted." It was fascinating how chance encounters and conversations could change the course of one's life. I couldn't help but smile, envisioning the serendipity of that moment. "I knew in my heart that I wanted a change, and working for Toni sounded like a dream come true," Maria said, her sincerity evident in every word. "So, without hesitation, I mustered up the courage and approached her friends. I gave them my phone number, hoping they would pass it along to Toni." Three years later, Maria was still a vital part of Toni's household, and the joy she found in her job was evident. Her story reminded me of the power of taking chances and following one's instincts. "I'm so glad it worked out for you," I said, genuinely happy for Maria. "You and Toni seem to have a wonderful connection, and it's heartwarming to see how much you enjoy being here." Maria beamed, and her eyes sparkled with affection. "Thank you, dear. Working for Toni has been a blessing in more ways than one. She's not just an employer; she's become like family to me. And meeting wonderful people like you and Jenna only adds to the joy of being here." And with that maria handed me my coffee and went to do other things that are required.
With my coffee in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, I strolled into Toni's beautiful garden. It was a serene place, adorned with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, the perfect spot to enjoy a quiet morning moment. As I settled into a cozy chair, the soft sunlight filtering through the leaves, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. I took a contemplative sip of my coffee, savoring the rich flavor that Maria always managed to achieve. As I did so, I decided it was time to share some of my Madeira adventures with the world, or at least with my social media followers. After all, I had been thoroughly enjoying my time here, and it felt only right to let others be a part of it too. Unlocking my phone, I began scrolling through the pictures Jenna had taken. Her photography skills always managed to capture the essence of the moment, making even the simplest things look extraordinary. I selected a few snapshots of myself amid the stunning landscapes, the stray kittens that had melted my heart, and the charming little river that whispered stories of its own. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about Jenna, my ever-supportive partner. She had a way of making every experience more vibrant and meaningful. Her presence in the photos made it feel like she was right there beside me. As I continued browsing through the gallery, I found pictures that showcased my other great passion: DJing. Music was an integral part of my life, and I loved the thrill of curating beats that resonated with people's souls. There were snapshots of me behind the turntables, lost in the rhythm of the music, and shots of the chat spamming emotes and Toni dancing.
Feeling a surge of happiness and gratitude, I wrote a caption to accompany the photos: "Lost in the mesmerizing beauty of Madeira! 🌿🏞️ These past days have been a dream, filled with breathtaking scenery and adorable fur buddies. Grateful for the warm hospitality of my dear friend @RevedTV and the chance to explore this paradise. Here are some snapshots of what brings me the most joy—@Jennaortega’s photography talent, the love for DJing, and moments of serenity during my morning walks. Sharing the love and positive vibes with all of you! 🎶❤️ #Madeira #TravelDiaries #DJLife #NatureLovers."
As I hit the "post" button, I felt a sense of satisfaction. Sharing my experiences with the world allowed me to connect with others who appreciated similar passions. Of course speculations about me and Jenna dating or even me and Toni dating started in the Comments but, no matter what I’d post people know that Jenna’s in madeira as well right now so I couldn’t care less. I enjoyed my solitude a little longer, before boredom started to get me.
Feeling right at home in Toni's house, I was thrilled when she gave me the green light to use her DJing equipment. Excitement bubbled inside me as I savored the last sip of my coffee, and with the mug in hand, I made my way to the kitchen. The aroma of breakfast filled the air, courtesy of Maria's culinary skills, and my stomach rumbled in appreciation. But DJing beckoned me first; the kitchen could wait. With my mug now empty, I carried it upstairs to Toni's streaming room. As I entered the room, the familiar setup brought a smile to my face. Rows of neatly organized vinyl records, decks, and an impressive mixer awaited my touch. I knew exactly where to begin. Toni's playlist was a treasure trove of electronic dance music (EDM), tech house, and techno – genres I absolutely loved. I carefully donned the headphones, letting the world outside fade away, and the music enveloped me. The first track I selected had a mesmerizing beat that seemed to sync perfectly with the rhythm of my heart. My fingers danced effortlessly over the mixer's knobs and sliders, blending the tunes with an innate sense of harmony. As I lost myself in the music, the outside world ceased to exist. The early morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room, amplifying the enchantment of this moment. The melodies flowed through me, and I became a conduit for the soul-stirring sounds that filled the space. An hour felt like minutes as I immersed myself in the euphoric world of mixing tracks and creating seamless transitions. But as fate would have it, just when I thought I was alone in this musical haven, Toni stirred from her slumber. I didn't notice her presence at first, still captivated by the music, swaying to the rhythm. It was only when I turned slightly that I caught her smiling eyes watching me with amusement. Instead of snapping me out of my DJing reverie, she seemed to enjoy the moment, a silent witness to my creative expression. Toni's impish grin gave away her playful intentions, and without a word, she tiptoed away, surely to get Jenna. As the beat continued to pulse in my ears, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, and there was Jenna, wearing an equally amused smile. I finally realized that they had been quietly observing me, lost in my own world of music. A blush crept up my cheeks, but Jenna's soft laughter instantly eased any embarrassment. "You were in the zone, Y/N. That was incredible to watch," she said, her eyes sparkling with affection. Toni joined in, teasing me gently, "You were so absorbed in the music; we didn't have the heart to disturb you. But we couldn't miss the chance to witness this epic DJing session!" Grateful for their understanding, I couldn't help but laugh along with them. It was wonderful to share my passion with friends who appreciated and cherished these moments of creative freedom. They gestured for me to continue, and without missing a beat, I dived back into the music, this time with the joyful company of Toni and Jenna.
A/N: I really like this one, it’s a little drabble, just Y/N’s morning. Hope you still like it.
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