#this turned out longer than i thought akjdjdf idk if anyones gonna read this but i tried making it a little more choharent than the word-
eddiescumfilledsock · 2 years
thinking happy scenarios about eddie to cope and pretend vol2 didn't happen with <3 also idk dnd stuff so like if anyone who reads this knows dnd or wants to add on please feel free!!! I love talking about him
-ok so like imagine if there was an online dnd game thing that you and eddie play where you randomly got asigned the same team with
-after awhile of playing and mainly talking to the team as a whole about the strategies and stuff you decide to dm him privately since he mentioned liking the same rock song too! you dont like all the same bands but you end up having quite a bit in common!
-eddie starts almost looking foward to his online campaigns more than the ones in real life because youre playing with him. hes eagerly awaiting for the school bell to ring so he can rush home and sit in that same shitty kitchen chair in front of his clunky computer to talk to the person whos quickly becoming his best friend
-the way you can ease his nerves or any anguish that comes from living in a place full of people that would rather him gone with just a few words makes it feel like maybe the world isn't such a hateful place to people like him
-after some more time you start taking about more personal things like where you live and school life, even sending some cool pictures from around town and your rooms and such but! surprise! you guys are in the same city! and youre obvi like !?!? because what are the odds! playing with people all over the usa and you just happen to live in the same little town as eachother
-so you guys agree to meet up at like an ice cream shop or something since you have gotten so close and like on the day of the meeting you tell him what clothes youll be wearing and something vuage like your hair color so he can find you easier and since hes never seen you he is just expecting an average looking person not the literal prettiest human hes ever laid eyes on because what ethereal as fuck being like that would play dnd right?,,,,right???
-so when he gets there there arent many people and definitely only one wearing what you described, youre turned away looking at the big menue so he casually taps on your shoulder to get your attention and is about to say the name you gave him only to be about knocked off his gd feet and is left Absolutly breathless, feeling like all the blood in his body is rushing to his face to give him the prettiest blush
-youre obviously not much better either becuase like have you seen that man???? his big baby cow brown eyes alone could make your heart explode from your chest in a flurry of hearts and butterflies, was this really the guy that youve been kicking fictional monster ass with?
-hes starting to regret not taking more time to tame his mess of hair or pick out something other to wear than the same old leather jacket that hasnt been washed in months, hell even just put on one more spray of cologne, did he remember to use deodorant? god he sure hopes so
-after a few seconds of you guys just staring at eachother you are able to gather yourself enough to mutter a quite hi with a shy little wave, and eddie thinks he found the person hes desined to marry because youre so kind,smart AND cute yet still listen to hard rock and play dnd? wowza, you really are a breath of freah air from the large majority of dicks hes forced to be around daily
-you guys start to try and make awkward small talk, not sure what unspoken boundaries that the other has and fear of potential embarresmnt but when you both ask for the same icecream flavor at the same time you cant help but laugh a little and eddie can instantly feel a lot of the tension leave his body at such a soothing sound, helping the easy conversations that youve had hundreds of online carrying over to the real world soon after
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